Energy spectra of neutrons penetrating concrete and steel shielding blocks from 24 GeV/c protons incident on thick copper target - CERN Document Server

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To measure the neutron spectra, an NE213 scintillator was positioned on the top roof of the shielding structure as the neutron detector. The light output distributions of the detector were converted into the neutron energy spectra using the unfolding method with a calculated response matrix after removing the γ -ray and charged particle events by pulse-shape discrimination and veto counter signals, respectively. The neutron spectra were in agreement with the results obtained using the Monte Carlo simulation code, PHITS, within a factor of 1.4 except for the case of steel 80 cm. The attenuation profiles for concrete and steel were consistent with previous foil activation results within the respective uncertainties. Lee, Eunji; Shigyo, Nobuhiro; Kajimoto, Tsuyoshi; Sanami, Toshiya; Nakao, Noriaki; Froeschl, Robert; Iliopoulou, Elpida; Infantino, Angelo; Roesler, Stefan; Brugger, Markus" /> <meta name="keywords" content="Accelerator shielding, High energy neutron, Spectrum, Unfolding, Shielding calculation" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!-- WebNews CSS library --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" /> <!-- WebNews JS library --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <meta property="fb:app_id" content="137353533001720"/> <script type="text/x-mathjax-config"> MathJax.Hub.Config({ tex2jax: {inlineMath: [['$','$']], processEscapes: true}, showProcessingMessages: false, messageStyle: "none" }); </script> <script src="/MathJax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS_CHTML" type="text/javascript"> </script> <!-- GoogleScholar --> <meta content="Elsevier : Energy spectra of neutrons penetrating concrete and steel shielding blocks from 24 GeV/c protons incident on thick copper target" name="citation_title" /> <meta content="Lee, Eunji" name="citation_author" /> <meta content="Brugger, Markus" name="citation_author" /> <meta content="Shigyo, Nobuhiro" name="citation_author" /> <meta content="Sanami, Toshiya" name="citation_author" /> <meta content="Iliopoulou, Elpida" name="citation_author" /> <meta content="Roesler, Stefan" name="citation_author" /> <meta content="Kajimoto, Tsuyoshi" name="citation_author" /> <meta content="Froeschl, Robert" name="citation_author" /> <meta content="Nakao, Noriaki" name="citation_author" /> <meta content="Infantino, Angelo" name="citation_author" /> <meta content="10.1016/j.nima.2021.165189" name="citation_doi" /> <meta content="Nucl. 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To measure the neutron spectra, an NE213 scintillator was positioned on the top roof of the shielding structure as the neutron detector. The light output distributions of the detector were converted into the neutron energy spectra using the unfolding method with a calculated response matrix after removing the γ -ray and charged particle events by pulse-shape discrimination and veto counter signals, respectively. The neutron spectra were in agreement with the results obtained using the Monte Carlo simulation code, PHITS, within a factor of 1.4 except for the case of steel 80 cm. The attenuation profiles for concrete and steel were consistent with previous foil activation results within the respective uncertainties." property="og:description" /> <!-- Twitter Card --> <meta content="summary" name="twitter:card" /> <style></style> </head> <body class="CERN32Document32Server search" lang="no"> <!-- toolbar starts --> <div id="cern-toolbar"> <h1><a href="" title="CERN">CERN <span>Accelerating science</span></a></h1> <ul> <li class="cern-accountlinks"><a class="cern-account" href=";referer=https%3A//" title="Sign in to your CERN account">Sign in</a></li> <li><a class="cern-directory" href="" title="Search CERN resources and browse the directory">Directory</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- toolbar ends --> <!-- Nav header starts--> <div role="banner" class="clearfix" id="header"> <div class="header-inner inner"> <hgroup class="clearfix"> <h2 id="site-name"> <a rel="home" title="Home" href="/"><span>CERN Document Server</span></a> </h2> <h3 id="site-slogan">Access articles, reports and multimedia content in HEP</h3> </hgroup><!-- /#name-and-slogan --> <div role="navigation" id="main-navigation" class="cdsmenu"> <h2 class="element-invisible">Main menu</h2><ul class="links inline clearfix"> <li class="menu-386 first active-trail"><a class="active-trail" href="">Søk</a></li> <li class="menu-444 "><a class="" title="" href="">Send inn</a></li> <li class="menu-426 "><a class="" href="">Hjelp</a></li> <li class="leaf hassubcdsmenu"> <a hreflang="en" class="header" href="">Brukerinnstillinger</a> <ul class="subsubcdsmenu"><li><a href="">Your alerts</a></li><li><a href="">Your baskets</a></li><li><a href="">Your comments</a></li><li><a href="">Your searches</a></li></ul></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Nav header ends--> <table class="navtrailbox"> <tr> <td class="navtrailboxbody"> <a href="/?ln=no" class="navtrail">Hovedsiden</a> &gt; Energy spectra of neutrons penetrating concrete and steel shielding blocks from 24 GeV/c protons incident on thick copper target </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="pagebody"><div class="pagebodystripemiddle"> <div class="detailedrecordbox"> <div class="detailedrecordtabs"> <div> <ul class="detailedrecordtabs"><li class="on first"><a href="/record/2757360/?ln=no">Informasjon </a></li><li class="disabled"><a>Files </a></li></ul> <div id="tabsSpacer" style="clear:both;height:0px">&nbsp;</div></div> </div> <div class="detailedrecordboxcontent"> <div class="top-left-folded"></div> <div class="top-right-folded"></div> <div class="inside"> <!--<div style="height:0.1em;">&nbsp;</div> <p class="notopgap">&nbsp;</p>--> <abbr class="unapi-id" title="2757360"></abbr> <style type="text/css"> <!-- ul.detailedrecordtabs li.on a{background-color:#4D94CC;color:#fff !important;border-bottom:1px solid #4D94CC!important;} div.detailedrecordboxcontent {padding-top:0px !important;} --> </style> <table class="formatRecordTableFullWidth" > <tr> <td class="formatRecordHeader" style="background-image: url('');" colspan="2"> <!--YTD: record may have more than one 690C.a tag--> <a style="color:#fff;text-decoration:none" href="">Published Articles</a> </td> </tr> <script type="text/javascript"> $( document ).ready(function() { $('.showAuthor').on('click', function() { var author = '<p>' + $(this).data('name') + '</p>'; 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<a href=";p=Sanami%2C%20Toshiya&amp;ln=no">Sanami, Toshiya</a> (KEK, Tsukuba ; Sokendai, Tsukuba) ; <a href=";p=Nakao%2C%20Noriaki&amp;ln=no">Nakao, Noriaki</a> (Shimizu, Tokyo) ; <a href=";p=Froeschl%2C%20Robert&amp;ln=no">Froeschl, Robert</a> (CERN) ; <a href=";p=Iliopoulou%2C%20Elpida&amp;ln=no">Iliopoulou, Elpida</a> (CERN) ; <a href=";p=Infantino%2C%20Angelo&amp;ln=no">Infantino, Angelo</a> (CERN) ; <a href=";p=Roesler%2C%20Stefan&amp;ln=no">Roesler, Stefan</a> (CERN) ; <a href=";p=Brugger%2C%20Markus&amp;ln=no">Brugger, Markus</a> (CERN)</td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Publication </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">2021</td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Number of pages </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">13</td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> In: </td><td style="padding-left:5px;"><a href=""><i>Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A</i> 998 (2021) 165189</a> </a></td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> DOI </td><td style="padding-left:5px;"><a href="" title="DOI" target="_blank">10.1016/j.nima.2021.165189</a> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Subject category </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">Detectors and Experimental Techniques</td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Accelerator/Facility, Experiment </td><td style="padding-left:5px;"><a href=";f=693__a">CERN CHARM</a><br/><a href=";f=693__a">CERN PS</a></td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Abstract </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">In this study, experimental measurements were performed on the spectra of neutrons which penetrate concrete and steel of various thicknesses values when a proton beam of 24 GeV/c was incident on a copper target at the CHARM facility in the East Hall of the CERN Proton Synchrotron (PS) The thicknesses of concrete and steel ranged up to 360 cm and 80 cm, respectively. To measure the neutron spectra, an NE213 scintillator was positioned on the top roof of the shielding structure as the neutron detector. The light output distributions of the detector were converted into the neutron energy spectra using the unfolding method with a calculated response matrix after removing the γ -ray and charged particle events by pulse-shape discrimination and veto counter signals, respectively. The neutron spectra were in agreement with the results obtained using the Monte Carlo simulation code, PHITS, within a factor of 1.4 except for the case of steel 80 cm. The attenuation profiles for concrete and steel were consistent with previous foil activation results within the respective uncertainties.</td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Copyright/License </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">&copy; 2021-2025 Elsevier B.V.</td></tr> </table> <br/>Corresponding record in: <a href="">Inspire</a> <small> </small> <br/> <br/><br/><div align="right"><div style="padding-bottom:2px;padding-top:30px;"><span class="moreinfo" style="margin-right:10px;"> <a href="" class="moreinfo">Back to search</a> </span></div></div> <div class="bottom-left-folded"><div class="recordlastmodifiedbox" style="position:relative;margin-left:1px">&nbsp;Element opprettet 2021-03-19, sist endret 2021-03-19</div></div> <div class="bottom-right-folded" style="text-align:right;padding-bottom:2px;"> <span class="moreinfo" style="margin-right:10px;"><a href="/search?ln=no&amp;p=recid%3A2757360&amp;rm=wrd" class="moreinfo">Lignende elementer</a></span></div> </div> </div> </div> <br/> <br /> <div class="detailedrecordminipanel"> <div class="top-left"></div><div class="top-right"></div> <div class="inside"> <div id="detailedrecordminipanelfile" style="width:33%;float:left;text-align:center;margin-top:0"> <br/> </div> <div id="detailedrecordminipanelreview" style="width:30%;float:left;text-align:center"> </div> <div id="detailedrecordminipanelactions" style="width:36%;float:right;text-align:right;"> <ul class="detailedrecordactions"> <li><a href="/yourbaskets/add?ln=no&amp;recid=2757360">Legg i egen kurv</a></li> <li>Eksporter som <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2757360/export/hx?ln=no">BibTeX</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2757360/export/hm?ln=no">MARC</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2757360/export/xm?ln=no">MARCXML</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2757360/export/xd?ln=no">DC</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2757360/export/xe?ln=no">EndNote</a>, <!-- <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2757360/export/xe8x?ln=no">EndNote (8-X)</a>,--> <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2757360/export/xn?ln=no">NLM</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2757360/export/xw?ln=no">RefWorks</a> </li> </ul> <div style='padding-left: 13px;'> <!-- JQuery Bookmark Button BEGIN --> <div id="bookmark"></div> <div id="bookmark_sciencewise"></div> <style type="text/css"> #bookmark_sciencewise, #bookmark {float: left;} #bookmark_sciencewise li {padding: 2px; width: 25px;} #bookmark_sciencewise ul, #bookmark ul {list-style-image: none;} </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.bookmark.min.js"></script> <style type="text/css">@import "/css/jquery.bookmark.css";</style> <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ $.bookmark.addSite('sciencewise', '', '', 'en', 'bookmark', ''); $('#bookmark_sciencewise').bookmark({sites: ['sciencewise']}); $('#bookmark').bookmark({ sites: ['facebook', 'twitter', 'linkedin', 'google_plusone'], icons: '/img/bookmarks.png', url: '', addEmail: true, title: "Energy spectra of neutrons penetrating concrete and steel shielding blocks from 24 GeV/c protons incident on thick copper target", description: "In this study, experimental measurements were performed on the spectra of neutrons which penetrate concrete and steel of various thicknesses values when a proton beam of 24 GeV/c was incident on a copper target at the CHARM facility in the East Hall of the CERN Proton Synchrotron (PS) The thicknesses of concrete and steel ranged up to 360\u00a0cm and 80\u00a0cm, respectively. To measure the neutron spectra, an NE213 scintillator was positioned on the top roof of the shielding structure as the neutron detector. The light output distributions of the detector were converted into the neutron energy spectra using the unfolding method with a calculated response matrix after removing the \u03b3 -ray and charged particle events by pulse-shape discrimination and veto counter signals, respectively. The neutron spectra were in agreement with the results obtained using the Monte Carlo simulation code, PHITS, within a factor of 1.4 except for the case of steel 80 cm. 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