CAiRS - Postdoctoral Fellow / Research Associate (CAiRS-R9-R10/P3.1)
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(CAiRS-R9-R10/P3.1)</p> <div class="breadcrumbLink ml-auto text-right"> <a href="" class=""> 首頁</a> </div> </div> </div> <section class="mainWrapper"> <div class="cmsContent"> <p><strong>CENTRE FOR ADVANCES IN RELIABILITY AND SAFETY LIMITED</strong></p> <p>Centre for Advances in Reliability and Safety Limited (CAiRS), initiated by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, is established in 2020 with its operation located in the Hong Kong Science Park, New Territories, Hong Kong. The mission of CAiRS is to bridge academic and industrial counterparts to introduce and implement artificial intelligence methods and prognostic techniques to advance reliability and safety. The goal of the Centre is to improve reliability and safety of critical components and devices, products, systems and sub-systems designed, commissioned and/or manufactured by Hong Kong companies and enterprises. More information about the company can be found at <a href=""></a>.<br /><br /></p> <div class="z1s6m00 _1hbhsw66e"> <h4 class="z1s6m00 _1hbhsw64y y44q7i0 y44q7il _1d0g9qk4 y44q7iv y44q7i21">Job Highlights</h4> </div> <div class="z1s6m00 _1hbhsw66e"> <div class="z1s6m00 _1hbhsw65a"> <div class="z1s6m00 _1hbhsw64y y44q7i0 y44q7i1 y44q7i21 _1d0g9qk4 y44q7ia"> <div class="z1s6m00 _1hbhsw65a _1hbhsw6fe _1hbhsw64 of5ilj2" aria-hidden="true"> <ul> <li class="z1s6m00 _1hbhsw65u _1mx61b40 _1mx61b42">Safety and reliability</li> <li class="z1s6m00 _1hbhsw65u _1mx61b40 _1mx61b42">Electrochemical energy storage devices and systems</li> <li class="z1s6m00 _1hbhsw65u _1mx61b40 _1mx61b42">Estimations of their failure in advance</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <h4 class="z1s6m00 _1hbhsw64y y44q7i0 y44q7il _1d0g9qk4 y44q7iv y44q7i21"><br />Job Description</h4> </div> <strong>Postdoctoral Fellow</strong> (<span>Ref. No.: CAiRS-R9/P3.1 - Development of canaries for catastrophic failure prevention</span>)<br /><strong>[Appointment period will end on 30 June 2025]<br /><br /></strong><strong></strong><br /><strong>Research Associate </strong>(<span>Ref. No.: CAiRS- R10/P3.1 - Development of canaries for catastrophic failure prevention</span>)<br /><strong>[Appointment period will end on 30 June 2025]</strong><br /> <p></p> <p><strong><br />Duties</strong></p> <p><span>The appointees will report to the Project Leader and the Centre Director or his delegate (currently Programme Manager) and perform research and related work in exploring novel strategies for improving the safety and reliability of electrochemical energy storage devices and systems. Particular focus will be on monitoring the state-of-health and estimations of their failure in advance.</span></p> <p></p> <p>The <strong>Postdoctoral</strong><strong> Fellow</strong> appointee will be required to:</p> <ol> <li><span>conduct studies of related literature and applied research;</span></li> <li><span>supervise junior researchers to conduct studies of related literature and applied research;</span></li> <li><span>report research progress and results regularly to project team;</span></li> <li><span>write and publish articles in high-tier peer-reviewed journals; and</span></li> <li><span>perform any other duties as assigned by the Centre Director or his delegates.</span></li> </ol> <br /> <p>The <strong>Research Associate </strong>appointee will be required to:</p> <ol> <li><span>conduct studies of related literature and applied research;</span></li> <li><span>report research progress and results regularly to project team;</span></li> <li><span>support writing and publish articles in high-tier peer-reviewed journals; and</span></li> <li><span>perform any other duties as assigned by the Centre Director or his delegates.</span></li> </ol> <br /> <p><strong>Qualifications</strong></p> <p><span>Applicants for the post of <strong>Postdoctoral Fellow</strong> should have a doctoral degree in Physical Sciences, Engineering, or an equivalent qualification in a related field. They should also have a strong analytical skill with interests in big data and artificial intelligence.</span></p> <p><span>Applicants for the post of <strong>Research Associate </strong>should have a master’s degree in Physical Sciences, Engineering, or a related field. Knowledge in a programming language (e.g. C, Python, etc.) will be an advantage.</span></p> <p><span>For both posts, applicants should also have:</span></p> <ol> <li><span>research experience in battery/electrochemistry related experiments;</span></li> <li><span>knowledge of product reliability methods and principles;</span></li> <li><span>good interpersonal and communication skills; and</span></li> <li><span>good command of written and spoken English.</span></li> </ol> <p>Fresh graduates are also welcome.<br /><br />Preference will be given to those with research experience in lithium-ion battery development.<br /><br /></p> <p><span><strong>Salary:</strong></span></p> <ul> <li><span>The maximum monthly salary allowance is HK$23,000 for research talents with a master degree and HK$35,000 for those with a doctoral degree.</span></li> <li><span>An additional monthly living allowance of HK$10,000 will be provided to research talents with a doctoral degree.</span></li> </ul> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>What you enjoy at CAiRS:</strong><strong> </strong></p> <p>We offer highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience, in addition to the following benefits:</p> <ul> <li>5-day work</li> <li>Flexible working hours (for researchers)</li> <li><span>Staff's entitlement to paid annual leave will increase progressively according to the Centre’s guideline</span></li> <li>Medical & dental insurance</li> <li>Excellent and friendly office environment (newly renovated and next to sea shore)</li> <li>Work-life balance</li> <li>Free drinks and snacks in office</li> </ul> <p></p> <p><strong>What you enjoy at Science Park:</strong><strong> </strong></p> <ul> <li><span>Shuttle bus to Science Park from various locations in HK</span></li> <li><span>Recreational facilities in Science Park, e.g. gym and swimming pool</span></li> <li><span>Can apply for studio apartment in<span> </span><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" referrerpolicy="origin">InnoCell</a><span> </span>(a smart living and co-creation space designed for I&T talents in Science Park) subject to availability and eligibility</span></li> </ul> <p><strong><br /></strong><strong>Application Guidelines</strong></p> <ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"> <li>Please return the completed application form, together with a detailed curriculum vitae, to the CAiRS by email to <a href=""></a> </li> <li>Application form can be downloaded from <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.</li> <li>The CAiRS reserves the right to fill or not to fill the position. The personal data in relation to your application will be used by CAiRS to assess your suitability for assuming the position you are applying for, and to determine the remuneration and benefits package, if applicable.</li> <li>Please read the “<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment</a>” before completing the application form.</li> <li>The CAiRS is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and inclusivity. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to gender, ethnicity, nationality, family status or physical or mental disabilities.</li> <li>Applicants who are not invited to an interview within two months of the closing date should consider their applications unsuccessful.</li> </ol> </div> </section> <!-- end #section --> <!-- footer --> <footer> <div class="mainWrapper"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class=" d-flex align-items-end"> <a href="" class="footerLogo logoImg mr-2"><img src="" class="img-fluid"></a> <p class="m-0">Centre for Advances in<br /> Reliability and Safety</p> </div> <div class="footerMenu"> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-facebook"></i> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-youtube"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-2 mb-4 pl-4"> <p class="blod fontUppercase">資訊</p> <a href="/tc/about" class="d-block">關於我們</a> <a href="/tc/why_cairs" class="d-block" title="Why CAiRS">為什麼成立 CAiRS</a> <a href="/tc/how_work" class="d-block" title="How CAiRS works">CAiRS 如何運作</a> <a href="/tc/cairs_equipments" class="d-block" title="CAiRS Equipment">CAiRS的設備</a> </div> <div class="col-lg-2 mobileBorderTop mb-4 pl-4"> <p class="blod fontUppercase">資源中心</p> <a href="/tc/news" class="d-block ">活動與新聞</a> <a href="/tc/media" class="d-block">媒體中心</a> <a href="/tc/publication" class="d-block">出版刊物</a> </div> <div class="col-lg-2 mobileBorderTop mb-4 pl-4"> <p class="blod fontUppercase">聯絡我們</p> <a href="/tccontact" class="d-block">聯絡我們</a> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <div class="ci text-center blueDeepBgColor whiteFont">© Centre for Advances in Reliability and Safety.</div> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="scrollToTop" title="To Top"><i class="fas fa-chevron-up"></i></a> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!-- custom JS --> <script> $(window).scroll(function() { if ($(this).scrollTop() >= 50) { // If page is scrolled more than 50px $(".scrollToTop").fadeIn(200); // Fade in the arrow } else { $(".scrollToTop").fadeOut(200); // Else fade out the arrow } }); $(".scrollToTop").click(function() { $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 800); return false; }); </script> </body> </html>