CERN Computer Security Information

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In addition, the Security Team permanently monitors the CERN networks and computers for vulnerabilities, attacks and intrusions.</p> <p>This page lists the different protection and detection measures applied in the CERN environment. These all comply with our <a href="/home/en/privacy_statement.shtml">Privacy Statement</a>.</p> <h4>Audits & Reviews</h4> <p>Understanding the security risks and weaknesses of an application, device, system or service is crucial for ensuring and validating that necessary security controls are integrated into their design and implementation. Therefore, the Security Team offers risk assessments, code reviews and security audit on demand.</p> <h4>Host-Based Intrusion Detection</h4> <p>Host-based intrusion detection monitor the activity on a particular device and try to detect deviations from a "normal" usage pattern. The Security Team, in collaboration with the CERN/IT computer centre groups, has deployed a series of means to automatically detect such anomalies.</p> <h4>Traffic Control & Monitoring</h4> <p>Network-based intrusion detection is complementary to host-based detection. Together with the CERN/IT networking group, the Security Team monitors the traffic flow, pattern and contents into and out of CERN networks.</p> <h4>Vulnerabilty Scans</h4> <p>"Vulnerability scanning" aims at the early detection of weaknesses in applications, configurations, and Web sites. The Security Team is permanently running a series of vulnerability scanners. If you need a one-off scan, please contact <a href=""></a>.</p> </div> <!-- main ends --> <!-- SIDEBAR --> <!-- sidebar menu starts --> <div id="sidebar"> <ul class="sidemenu"> <li><a href="/home/en/privacy_statement.shtml">Privacy Statement</a></li> </ul> <h3>Computer Security Incident Response</h3> <ul class="sidemenu"> <li><a href="/services/en/emergency.shtml">Emergencies</a> <li><a href="/services/en/sems.shtml">Self-mitigation portal</a></li> </ul> <h3>Consulting, Pentesting & Reviews</h3> <ul class="sidemenu"> <li><a href="/services/en/reviews.shtml">...on request</a> <li><a href="/services/en/whitehats.shtml">CERN WhiteHat Challenge</a> </ul> <h3>Host-Based Intrusion Detection</h3> <ul class="sidemenu"> <li><a href="/services/en/csl.shtml">Central security logging</a></li> <li><a href="/services/en/password_dumps.shtml">Password Dump Notifications</a></li> <li><a href="/services/en/receipts.shtml">Remote Login Notifications</a></li> </ul> <h3>Traffic Control & Monitoring</h3> <ul class="sidemenu"> <li><a href="/services/en/dns.shtml">DNS analysis</a></li> <li><a href="/services/en/ids.shtml">Network-based intrusion detection</a></li> <li><a href="/services/en/firewall.shtml">The CERN outer perimeter firewall</a></li> <li><a href="/services/en/dnim.shtml">Statistical traffic analysis</a></li> <li><a href="/services/en/spam.shtml">SPAM filtering</a></li> </ul> <h3>Vulnerability Scans</h3> <ul class="sidemenu"> <li><a href="/services/en/device_scans.shtml">Device scans</a></li> <li><a href="/services/en/network_scans.shtml">Network scans</a></li> <li><a href="/services/en/passwords.shtml">Password cracking</a></li> <li><a href="/services/en/web_scans.shtml">Web application scans</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- sidebar menu ends --> <!-- content-wrap ends--> </div> <!-- footer starts --> <div id="footer-wrap"> <div id="footer-bottom"> &copy; Copyright 2024<strong> <a href="">CERN Computer Security Office</a></strong> <table> <tr> <td id="footer-info-left"> e-mail: <a href=""></a><br/> Please use the following PGP key to encrypt your messages:<br/> ID: 0x954CE234B4C6ED84<br/> <a href="">429D 6046 0EBE 8006 B04C DF02 954C E234 B4C6 ED84</a> </td> <td id="footer-info-right"> Phone: +41 22 767 0500<br/> Please listen to the recorded instructions. </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <!-- footer ends--> </div> <!-- wrap ends here --> <!--img height=30px src="/home/en/CERNfooter_800.png"--> </body> </html>

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