SIGEP China - Sensing , the Dolce of the Future

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13.94c5.78 3.27 12.32 4.91 19.63 4.91 9.38 0 17.18-2.39 23.39-7.18a32.9 32.9 0 0 0 12.16-18.56H473.6a22.07 22.07 0 0 1-8.74 12.66c-4.41 3.13-9.84 4.69-16.28 4.69-4.93 0-9.48-1.07-13.66-3.2a25.13 25.13 0 0 1-10.1-9.46c-2.56-4.17-3.98-9.2-4.27-15.08h64.43m-13.3-22.89c2.42 4.08 3.58 9.01 3.48 14.79h-54.61c.57-8.63 3.46-15.31 8.67-20.05s11.52-7.11 18.91-7.11c4.93 0 9.48 1.04 13.65 3.13a23.4 23.4 0 0 1 9.9 9.24m89.2-12.59c-5.88-5.74-13.46-8.6-22.76-8.6a32.7 32.7 0 0 0-15.79 3.77 25.41 25.41 0 0 0-10.67 10.88v-13.22h-9.96v77.65h9.96v-42.38c0-9.19 2.23-16.16 6.69-20.91 4.46-4.74 10.43-7.11 17.92-7.11 7.3 0 13.06 2.23 17.28 6.69s6.33 10.9 6.33 19.34v44.37h9.81v-45.51c.01-10.91-2.94-19.23-8.81-24.97m29.27 10.52c-3.23 6.02-4.84 13.06-4.84 21.12s1.61 15.1 4.84 21.12a34.42 34.42 0 0 0 13.37 13.94c5.69 3.27 12.18 4.9 19.48 4.9 9.48 0 17.35-2.42 23.61-7.25a32.58 32.58 0 0 0 12.09-19.2h-10.67c-1.33 5.69-4.2 10.12-8.6 13.3-4.41 3.18-9.88 4.76-16.43 4.76a28 28 0 0 1-14.08-3.55c-4.17-2.37-7.47-5.92-9.89-10.67-2.42-4.74-3.62-10.52-3.62-17.35s1.21-12.59 3.62-17.28a25 25 0 0 1 9.89-10.6A27.98 27.98 0 0 1 623 584.8c6.54 0 12.02 1.59 16.43 4.76 4.41 3.18 7.27 7.56 8.6 13.15h10.67c-1.8-8.15-5.81-14.6-12.02-19.34s-14.1-7.11-23.68-7.11c-7.3 0-13.8 1.64-19.48 4.91a34.42 34.42 0 0 0-13.37 13.94m154.51 24.96c.19-1.8.29-4.41.29-7.82 0-6.64-1.49-12.68-4.48-18.14a33.4 33.4 0 0 0-12.8-13.01c-5.55-3.22-12.02-4.84-19.41-4.84-7.4 0-13.99 1.61-19.77 4.84a33.58 33.58 0 0 0-13.51 13.94c-3.22 6.07-4.84 13.13-4.84 21.19s1.64 15.1 4.91 21.12a34.66 34.66 0 0 0 13.58 13.94c5.78 3.27 12.32 4.91 19.63 4.91 9.38 0 17.18-2.39 23.39-7.18a32.9 32.9 0 0 0 12.16-18.56h-10.52a22.07 22.07 0 0 1-8.74 12.66c-4.41 3.13-9.84 4.69-16.28 4.69-4.93 0-9.48-1.07-13.66-3.2a25.13 25.13 0 0 1-10.1-9.46c-2.56-4.17-3.98-9.2-4.27-15.08h64.42m-13.29-22.89c2.42 4.08 3.58 9.01 3.48 14.79h-54.61c.57-8.63 3.46-15.31 8.68-20.05 5.21-4.74 11.52-7.11 18.91-7.11 4.93 0 9.48 1.04 13.65 3.13a23.49 23.49 0 0 1 9.89 9.24M48.74 693.15a6.99 6.99 0 0 0 5.12 2.13c1.99 0 3.7-.71 5.12-2.13a7.16 7.16 0 0 0 2.13-5.26 6.9 6.9 0 0 0-2.13-5.19 7.12 7.12 0 0 0-5.12-2.06c-1.99 0-3.7.69-5.12 2.06a6.92 6.92 0 0 0-2.13 5.19c0 2.08.71 3.83 2.13 5.26m10.1 16.78h-9.95v77.65h9.95v-77.65zm79.64 7.18c-5.88-5.74-13.46-8.6-22.76-8.6a32.7 32.7 0 0 0-15.79 3.77 25.41 25.41 0 0 0-10.67 10.88v-13.23H79.3v77.65h9.96V745.2c0-9.19 2.23-16.16 6.69-20.91 4.46-4.74 10.43-7.11 17.92-7.11 7.3 0 13.06 2.23 17.28 6.69 4.22 4.46 6.33 10.9 6.33 19.34v44.37h9.81v-45.51c.01-10.9-2.93-19.23-8.81-24.96m69.82-28.94v99.41h9.95v-45.79h36.98v-8.25h-36.98v-37.12h43.81v-8.25H208.3zm77.44 95.64c5.83 3.27 12.4 4.9 19.7 4.9 7.3 0 13.94-1.63 19.91-4.9a35.4 35.4 0 0 0 14.08-14.01c3.41-6.07 5.12-13.08 5.12-21.05 0-8.06-1.69-15.1-5.05-21.12a35.27 35.27 0 0 0-13.94-13.94 40.39 40.39 0 0 0-19.84-4.91c-7.3 0-13.89 1.64-19.77 4.91a35.85 35.85 0 0 0-13.94 13.94c-3.41 6.02-5.12 13.06-5.12 21.12s1.68 15.1 5.05 21.12a35.51 35.51 0 0 0 13.8 13.94m33.92-7.26a29.8 29.8 0 0 1-14.22 3.48c-5.12 0-9.84-1.16-14.15-3.48a25.73 25.73 0 0 1-10.38-10.52c-2.61-4.69-3.91-10.45-3.91-17.28 0-6.83 1.3-12.59 3.91-17.28 2.6-4.69 6.09-8.2 10.45-10.52a29.81 29.81 0 0 1 14.22-3.49 29.7 29.7 0 0 1 14.22 3.49 26.1 26.1 0 0 1 10.52 10.52c2.65 4.69 3.98 10.45 3.98 17.28 0 6.83-1.35 12.59-4.05 17.28a26.57 26.57 0 0 1-10.59 10.52m55.72 7.26c5.83 3.27 12.4 4.9 19.7 4.9 7.3 0 13.94-1.63 19.91-4.9a35.4 35.4 0 0 0 14.08-14.01c3.41-6.07 5.12-13.08 5.12-21.05 0-8.06-1.69-15.1-5.05-21.12a35.27 35.27 0 0 0-13.94-13.94 40.39 40.39 0 0 0-19.84-4.91c-7.3 0-13.89 1.64-19.77 4.91a35.85 35.85 0 0 0-13.94 13.94c-3.41 6.02-5.12 13.06-5.12 21.12s1.68 15.1 5.05 21.12a35.51 35.51 0 0 0 13.8 13.94m33.91-7.26a29.8 29.8 0 0 1-14.22 3.48c-5.12 0-9.84-1.16-14.15-3.48a25.73 25.73 0 0 1-10.38-10.52c-2.61-4.69-3.91-10.45-3.91-17.28 0-6.83 1.3-12.59 3.91-17.28 2.6-4.69 6.09-8.2 10.45-10.52a29.81 29.81 0 0 1 14.22-3.49 29.7 29.7 0 0 1 14.22 3.49 26.1 26.1 0 0 1 10.52 10.52c2.65 4.69 3.98 10.45 3.98 17.28 0 6.83-1.35 12.59-4.05 17.28a26.5 26.5 0 0 1-10.59 10.52m41.72-48.92c-3.23 6.02-4.84 13.01-4.84 20.98 0 7.96 1.59 14.98 4.76 21.05a34.53 34.53 0 0 0 13.23 14.08c5.64 3.32 12.02 4.98 19.13 4.98 7.3 0 13.65-1.73 19.05-5.19 5.4-3.46 9.29-7.9 11.66-13.3v17.35h9.96V682.34H514v44.37c-2.56-5.31-6.59-9.62-12.09-12.94a35.07 35.07 0 0 0-18.49-4.98c-7.11 0-13.49 1.64-19.13 4.91a34.58 34.58 0 0 0-13.28 13.93m59.16 4.62c2.56 4.74 3.84 10.24 3.84 16.5s-1.28 11.76-3.84 16.5a27.39 27.39 0 0 1-10.45 10.95 28.52 28.52 0 0 1-14.58 3.84 29 29 0 0 1-14.79-3.77 26.45 26.45 0 0 1-10.31-10.95c-2.51-4.79-3.77-10.36-3.77-16.71 0-6.45 1.25-12.02 3.77-16.71a26.26 26.26 0 0 1 10.31-10.74 29.47 29.47 0 0 1 14.79-3.7c5.31 0 10.17 1.28 14.58 3.84a27.45 27.45 0 0 1 10.45 10.95m39.46 50.28c5.64 4.12 12.92 6.18 21.83 6.18 5.31 0 10-.95 14.08-2.85a23.25 23.25 0 0 0 9.53-7.75 19.1 19.1 0 0 0 3.41-11.16c-.1-4.55-1.33-8.2-3.7-10.95a23.14 23.14 0 0 0-8.53-6.26 105.9 105.9 0 0 0-13.37-4.41 123.3 123.3 0 0 1-11.09-3.63 19.11 19.11 0 0 1-6.9-4.55c-1.85-1.94-2.77-4.43-2.77-7.47 0-3.51 1.57-6.45 4.69-8.82 3.13-2.37 7.2-3.55 12.23-3.55 5.69 0 10.17 1.4 13.44 4.2 3.27 2.8 5.05 6.47 5.33 11.02h9.96c-.38-7.4-3.13-13.2-8.25-17.42-5.12-4.22-11.85-6.33-20.2-6.33a34.1 34.1 0 0 0-14.22 2.84c-4.17 1.9-7.39 4.46-9.67 7.68a17.88 17.88 0 0 0-3.41 10.53c0 5.02 1.26 9.03 3.77 12.01a23.94 23.94 0 0 0 9.18 6.76 105.8 105.8 0 0 0 14.08 4.55c4.46 1.14 7.99 2.2 10.6 3.2 2.6 1 4.76 2.35 6.47 4.05a8.85 8.85 0 0 1 2.56 6.54c0 3.79-1.54 6.97-4.62 9.53-3.09 2.56-7.32 3.84-12.73 3.84-6.16 0-11.07-1.35-14.72-4.05a14.7 14.7 0 0 1-6.19-10.6h-10.24c.66 7.13 3.81 12.74 9.45 16.87m135.26-29.94c.19-1.8.29-4.41.29-7.82 0-6.64-1.49-12.68-4.48-18.14a33.4 33.4 0 0 0-12.8-13.01c-5.55-3.22-12.02-4.84-19.41-4.84-7.4 0-13.99 1.61-19.77 4.84a33.58 33.58 0 0 0-13.51 13.94c-3.23 6.07-4.84 13.13-4.84 21.19s1.64 15.1 4.91 21.12a34.6 34.6 0 0 0 13.58 13.94c5.78 3.27 12.32 4.91 19.63 4.91 9.38 0 17.18-2.39 23.39-7.18a32.9 32.9 0 0 0 12.16-18.56h-10.52a22.07 22.07 0 0 1-8.74 12.66c-4.41 3.13-9.84 4.69-16.28 4.69-4.93 0-9.48-1.07-13.66-3.2a25.07 25.07 0 0 1-10.1-9.46c-2.56-4.17-3.98-9.2-4.27-15.08h64.42m-13.3-22.9c2.42 4.08 3.58 9.01 3.48 14.79h-54.61c.57-8.63 3.46-15.31 8.67-20.05s11.52-7.11 18.91-7.11c4.93 0 9.48 1.04 13.65 3.13s7.48 5.17 9.9 9.24m50.02-17.2a24.31 24.31 0 0 0-10.03 11.24v-13.79h-9.95v77.65h9.95V744.2c0-9.1 2.18-15.6 6.54-19.48 4.36-3.88 10.15-5.83 17.35-5.83h2.7V708.5c-6.53 0-12.06 1.33-16.56 3.99m32.64-2.56h-10.67l31.15 77.65h11.23l31.15-77.65h-10.52l-26.17 67.98-26.17-67.98zm74.56-16.78a6.99 6.99 0 0 0 5.12 2.13c1.99 0 3.7-.71 5.12-2.13a7.16 7.16 0 0 0 2.13-5.26 6.9 6.9 0 0 0-2.13-5.19 7.12 7.12 0 0 0-5.12-2.06c-1.99 0-3.7.69-5.12 2.06a6.92 6.92 0 0 0-2.13 5.19c0 2.08.71 3.83 2.13 5.26m10.1 16.78h-9.95v77.65h9.95v-77.65zm20.79 17.7c-3.23 6.02-4.84 13.06-4.84 21.12s1.61 15.1 4.84 21.12a34.42 34.42 0 0 0 13.37 13.94c5.69 3.27 12.18 4.9 19.48 4.9 9.48 0 17.35-2.42 23.61-7.25a32.55 32.55 0 0 0 12.09-19.2h-10.67c-1.33 5.69-4.19 10.12-8.6 13.3-4.41 3.18-9.88 4.76-16.43 4.76a28 28 0 0 1-14.08-3.55c-4.17-2.37-7.47-5.92-9.89-10.67-2.42-4.74-3.62-10.52-3.62-17.35 0-6.83 1.21-12.59 3.62-17.28a25 25 0 0 1 9.89-10.6 27.98 27.98 0 0 1 14.08-3.55c6.54 0 12.02 1.59 16.43 4.76 4.41 3.18 7.27 7.56 8.6 13.15h10.67c-1.8-8.15-5.81-14.6-12.02-19.34s-14.1-7.11-23.68-7.11c-7.3 0-13.8 1.64-19.48 4.91a34.49 34.49 0 0 0-13.37 13.94m154.51 24.96c.19-1.8.29-4.41.29-7.82 0-6.64-1.49-12.68-4.48-18.14a33.4 33.4 0 0 0-12.8-13.01c-5.55-3.22-12.02-4.84-19.41-4.84-7.4 0-13.99 1.61-19.77 4.84a33.58 33.58 0 0 0-13.51 13.94c-3.22 6.07-4.84 13.13-4.84 21.19s1.64 15.1 4.91 21.12a34.66 34.66 0 0 0 13.58 13.94c5.78 3.27 12.32 4.91 19.63 4.91 9.38 0 17.18-2.39 23.39-7.18a32.9 32.9 0 0 0 12.16-18.56h-10.52a22.07 22.07 0 0 1-8.74 12.66c-4.41 3.13-9.84 4.69-16.28 4.69-4.93 0-9.48-1.07-13.66-3.2a25.07 25.07 0 0 1-10.1-9.46c-2.56-4.17-3.98-9.2-4.27-15.08h64.42m-13.29-22.9c2.42 4.08 3.58 9.01 3.48 14.79h-54.61c.57-8.63 3.46-15.31 8.68-20.05 5.21-4.74 11.52-7.11 18.91-7.11 4.93 0 9.48 1.04 13.65 3.13s7.47 5.17 9.89 9.24" style="fill:#981c33"/><path d="M693.35 164.24s.22 8.14-1.57 26.46c-8.86 90.44-73.49 150.35-161.16 150.35-95.47 0-170.26-74.39-170.26-169.36C360.36 75.42 435.83 0 532.17 0c50.21 0 90.39 19.49 115.26 35.84l15.37 10.11-8.15 25.12-20.55-15.06c-23.03-15.14-58.16-31.84-101.88-31.84-81.97 0-147.55 64.46-147.55 147.55 0 82.71 65.58 145.22 145.99 145.22 76.9 0 129.59-52.03 137.01-128.52H491.9v-24.17h201.45zm-71.79-71.76 20.71 16.75 8.35-25.72c-1.73-1.45-6.63-5.29-20.42-15.46-22.64-16.69-58.55-32.61-98.76-32.61-75.33 0-134.67 60.57-134.67 135.51 0 76.1 59.33 134.74 134.67 134.74 70.26 0 113.2-46.6 123.34-106.39H491.9v24.11h130.64c-14.14 36.21-45.28 56.62-90.36 56.62-59.72 0-107.73-44.65-107.73-109.89 0-62.51 47.62-109.11 106.17-109.11 32.39 0 68.3 14.36 90.94 31.45M313.49 6.63h-24.18v327.85h26.55V6.63h-2.37zm-35.89 0h-26.54v327.85h26.54V6.63zm625.39 59.09V41.64H770.81v117.27h118.63v-24.07h-92.08V65.72h105.63zM759.1 310.34V30.77h143.89V17.49h.01V6.63H734.83v327.85h168.96v-24.14H759.1zm11.71-10.87h132.98V275.4H797.35v-81.54h92.08v-24.07H770.8v129.68zM86.65 196.9c40.25 24.97 47.88 38.46 47.88 54.62 0 12.25-10.68 29.5-34.42 29.5-17.7 0-31.32-3.95-56.05-16.25l-25.81-12.84-6.98 22.36 21.83 12.28c26.8 13.33 44.14 18.82 67 18.82 36.61 0 58.93-27.61 58.93-53.88 0-30.62-19.61-50.6-59.42-75.3-46.12-28.62-62.97-54.97-62.97-83.2 0-36.47 29.95-68.61 80.01-68.61 17.19 0 35.72 4.12 48.28 9.27a406.94 406.94 0 0 1 23.71 10.71l7.5-23.21-.03.01-6.62-3.29C165.67 6.04 141.17.03 116.66.03 57.07.03 12.14 40.01 12.14 93.02c.01 39.33 23.68 72.33 74.51 103.88M0 310.44l22.46 11.83c27.2 13.72 51.63 18.82 76.47 18.82 67.41 0 99.13-46.82 99.13-90.34 0-46.82-29.46-75.3-77.16-105.1-34.29-21.56-45.23-37.33-45.23-53.01 0-17.65 11.83-32.54 39.81-32.54 16.95 0 33.11 4.7 52.42 14.51l9.52 4.52L185 55.68a308 308 0 0 0-23.58-11.06 118.45 118.45 0 0 0-45.15-8.85c-41.78 0-67.79 26.66-67.79 57.25 0 23.92 14.09 47.13 57.84 74.18 46.9 29.01 64.54 51.89 64.54 84.32 0 32.15-25.09 64.86-71.14 64.86-23.25 0-42.57-4.31-70.16-18.43l-22.13-11.3L0 310.44zm1033.11-268.8c53.48 0 99.93 34.17 99.93 88.92 0 60.57-55.04 91.25-104.61 91.25H985.1V41.64h48.01m55.39 134.16c10.64-10.59 17.6-25.22 17.6-44.46 0-15.51-4.55-28.24-12.05-38.23a62.64 62.64 0 0 0-5.82-6.68 64.9 64.9 0 0 0-13.29-10.02c-12.39-7.13-27.24-10.68-42.23-10.68h-21.08v132.41h16.78c21.11-.02 44.54-6.86 60.09-22.34m-55-169.17h-84.38v327.85h24.27V30.77h60.11c62.84 0 112.02 39.22 112.02 99.01 0 68.73-60.11 102.9-119.05 102.9H985.1v101.8h25.75v-77.91h20.18c57.37 0 138.77-36.63 138.77-126.78 0-71.37-57.32-123.16-136.3-123.16M7.44 467.61h685.9v-24.08H7.44m-.02-10.87h685.91v-13.28h.03v-10.86H7.42m743.05 56.49a32.5 32.5 0 0 0 16.15 4.09c5.76 0 10.98-1.31 15.65-3.94a28.1 28.1 0 0 0 10.92-10.92l-9.28-6.52c-4.25 6.86-9.98 10.28-17.2 10.28-3.7 0-7.02-.85-9.96-2.54a18.07 18.07 0 0 1-6.92-7.06 20.95 20.95 0 0 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use-primary-color--content-title section-media--right section-media--large cms-section-10bn9a" > <div class="intro grid-wrapper"> <div class="gw-inner"> <div class="inner"> <div class="block-overlay-picture"> <div class="block-overlay-picture__img"> <img alt="" src=""/> </div> <div class="block-overlay-picture__overlay"> <div class="ckediter-block"><h3>For 46 years, SIGEP&#39;s journey never stops</h3> <p>SIGEP China is a reference point for innovation across the industry and offers a complete overview of all new market developments: raw materials and ingredients, machinery and equipment, packaging and services. By connecting five different industries (artisanal ice cream, baking, pastry, chocolate, coffee), SIGEP China offers a 360-degree view of the world of dessert and coffee, combining the presentation of new technologies, trends and formats with business and networking opportunities in the Greater Bay Area, one of the fastest growing and most prominent economic regions in China.</p> </div> <div class="link-list-with-a"> <a href="" class="fast-link" target="_blank"> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>SIGEP China Online</span> </a> <a target="_blank" class="fast-link " href=""> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>2024 Post Show Report</span> </a> <a target="_blank" class="fast-link " href=""> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>2025 Brochure</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- block:text_full --> <section id="block67b6d21d57639300824354" class="cms-block section-module section-padding-top-loose section-padding-bottom-loose white section-center cms-section-b1cm6g" > <div class="intro grid-wrapper"> <div class="gw-inner"> <h2 class="section-title">Exhibitor Profile</h2> <div class="ckediter-block"><p><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="SIGEP25_sectors_icons_00(2)" data-como-imageid="3801" src="" style="show w-100per" title="SIGEP25_sectors_icons_00(2)" /></a></p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- block:Countdown --> <section id="block67b6d21d592a7300873049" class="cms-block section-module section-padding-top-loose section-padding-bottom-default primary section-module--bgimg cms-section-a86l6b" > <div class="countdown grid-wrapper"> <div class="gw-inner"> <h2 class="section-title">SIGEP China 2025 </h2> <div class="ckediter-block"><p>24-26 April 2025<br /> Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Centre (Futian)</p> </div> <div class="countdown-items opacity0"> <div class="countdown-item day_show"> <time>00</time> <span>D</span> </div> <div class="dot"> <span>:</span> </div> <div class="countdown-item hour_show"> <time>00</time> 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section-module section-padding-top-default section-padding-bottom-default invertedback cms-section-783l60" > <div class="teaserbox grid-wrapper"> <div class="gw-inner"> <h2 class="section-title">On-site Activities</h2> <div class="teaserbox-block"> <div class="teaserbox-row"> <div class="teaser col1"> <div class="teaser-innner"> <div class="teaser-graphic"> <div class="teaser-graphic-image"> <img alt="" src="" alt="Pastry" title="Pastry"> </div> <div class="teaser-graphic-info"> <div class="top"> <h3 class="teaser-graphic-title">Gelato China Cup</h3> <div class="ckediter-block"><p style="text-align: justify;"><br /> The 2nd Gelato China Cup is coming up in 2025. Following the success of the inaugural event in 2023, the 2025 competition will bring together more top Gelato Artisans to present a feast of Gelato art and technology. This exciting event is not only a great recognition of the competitors&#39; abilities, but also an important force for the continuous progress of the ice cream industry!</p> </div> </div> <div class="bottom"> <div class="link-list-with-a"> <a href="" class="fast-link" target="_blank"> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>LEARN MORE</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="teaser col1"> <div class="teaser-innner"> <div class="teaser-graphic"> <div class="teaser-graphic-image"> <img alt="" src="" alt="西点" title="西点"> </div> <div class="teaser-graphic-info"> <div class="top"> <h3 class="teaser-graphic-title">Juniores Pastry World Cup (China Selection)</h3> <div class="ckediter-block"><p style="text-align: justify;">For the first time in China, the 2025 Juniores Pastry World Cup&nbsp;(China Selection) will be staged in China, a unique event for young pastry chefs under the age of 26. This unique event for young pastry chefs under the age of 26 aims to provide a platform for the next generation of pastry chefs to showcase their skills and creativity to help them start a successful career.&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> <div class="bottom"> <div class="link-list-with-a"> <a href="" class="fast-link" target="_self"> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>LEARN MORE</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="teaser col1"> <div class="teaser-innner"> <div class="teaser-graphic"> <div class="teaser-graphic-image"> <img alt="" src="" alt="6d498cf1635deca8db51a8b47cc1bce" title="6d498cf1635deca8db51a8b47cc1bce"> </div> <div class="teaser-graphic-info"> <div class="top"> <h3 class="teaser-graphic-title">CTI Coffee Latte Art Competition</h3> <div class="ckediter-block"><p style="text-align: justify;"><br /> CTI Coffee Latte Art Competition has been held for ten years, creating a competitive platform for domestic baristas who love latte art with fun, efficiency and professionalism, helping barista realize professional value, mining industry talents, and exploring the coffee world together in the constantly upgrading competition.</p> </div> </div> <div class="bottom"> <div class="link-list-with-a"> <a href="" class="fast-link" target="_self"> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>LEARN MORE</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(function () { //视频 $('#block67b6d21db427e898814818 .teaser-single-media, .teaser-graphic').find('video').on('click', function () { if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('play')) { $(this)[0].play(); $(this).parent().addClass('play'); } else { $(this)[0].pause(); $(this).parent().removeClass('play'); } }); $('#block67b6d21db427e898814818 .is_ios.is_moblie .teaser-single-media, .teaser-graphic').find('video').on('touchend', function () { if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('play')) { $(this)[0].play(); $(this).parent().addClass('play'); } else { $(this)[0].pause(); $(this).parent().removeClass('play'); } }); }) </script> </section> <!-- block:teaser_box --> <section id="block67b6d21db83bc117879230" class="cms-block section-module section-padding-top-default section-padding-bottom-default invertedback cms-section-078k3" > <div class="teaserbox grid-wrapper"> <div class="gw-inner"> <h2 class="section-title">Press Release</h2> <div class="teaserbox-block"> <div class="teaserbox-row"> <div class="teaser col1"> <div class="teaser-innner"> <div class="teaser-graphic"> <div class="teaser-graphic-image"> <img alt="" src="" alt="图片1" title="图片1"> </div> <div class="teaser-graphic-info"> <div class="top"> <span class="teaser-graphic-label">News | 2024.08.07</span> <h3 class="teaser-graphic-title">Anuga Select China 2024 and SIGEP China 2024 unveil the spectacle today in Shenzhen, China</h3> <div class="ckediter-block"><p>Banking on Europe&rsquo;s leading event in the dessert, bakery, and coffee industry&mdash;&mdash;SIGEP The Dolce World Expo, SIGEP China 2024 is jointly organised by IEG China Co., Ltd. and Koelnmesse (Beijing) Co., Ltd., and it is the foremost international exhibition for gelato, bakery, pastry, chocolate, and coffee, strategically located in Southern China.</p> </div> </div> <div class="bottom"> <div class="link-list-with-a"> <a href="" class="fast-link" target="_blank"> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>Read more</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="teaser col1"> <div class="teaser-innner"> <div class="teaser-graphic"> <div class="teaser-graphic-image"> <img alt="" src="" alt="97a8002fe644923de36ed9c8f6644e6" title="97a8002fe644923de36ed9c8f6644e6"> </div> <div class="teaser-graphic-info"> <div class="top"> <span class="teaser-graphic-label">News | 2023.10.17</span> <h3 class="teaser-graphic-title">SIGEP Online | A more convenient and intuitive digital exhibition hall to enhance your business connection!</h3> <div class="ckediter-block"><p>Through the &quot;SIGEP Online&quot; system, we strive to create a professional and efficient one-stop exhibition service and information platform for everyone.</p> </div> </div> <div class="bottom"> <div class="link-list-with-a"> <a href="" class="fast-link" target="_blank"> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>Read more</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="teaser col1"> <div class="teaser-innner"> <div class="teaser-graphic"> <div class="teaser-graphic-image"> <img alt="" src="" alt="图片1" title="图片1"> </div> <div class="teaser-graphic-info"> <div class="top"> <span class="teaser-graphic-label">News | 2024.08.07</span> <h3 class="teaser-graphic-title">SIGEP China 2024 successfully concluded in Shenzhen, creating an exclusive dessert and coffee feast for Southern China and the Greater Bay Area</h3> <div class="ckediter-block"><p>Originating from SIGEP - The Dolce World Expo in Rimini, Italy, SIGEP China 2024, co-organised by IEG China and Koelnmesse (Beijing) Co., Ltd., was successfully held from 24-26 April at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center (Futian).</p> </div> </div> <div class="bottom"> <div class="link-list-with-a"> <a href="" class="fast-link" target="_blank"> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>Read more</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(function () { //视频 $('#block67b6d21db83bc117879230 .teaser-single-media, .teaser-graphic').find('video').on('click', function () { if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('play')) { $(this)[0].play(); 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SIGEP CHINA 2025 two international competitions are waiting for you to challenge!</h3> <div class="ckediter-block"><p>The two upcoming international sweet events will be held at SIGEP China 2025. This is not only an important platform to showcase cutting-edge technology and innovative ideas in the dessert field, but also a key opportunity to lead the industry&#39;s latest trends and development trends, aiming to provide participants with a feast of ideas and inspirations, and to showcase the outstanding achievements of the global dessert and ice cream industry.</p> </div> </div> <div class="bottom"> <div class="link-list-with-a"> <a href="" class="fast-link" target="_blank"> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>Read more</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="teaser col1"> <div class="teaser-innner"> <div class="teaser-graphic"> <div class="teaser-graphic-image"> <img alt="" src="" alt="20240726164809bb9fde95" title="20240726164809bb9fde95"> </div> <div class="teaser-graphic-info"> <div class="top"> <span class="teaser-graphic-label">News | 2024.06.20</span> <h3 class="teaser-graphic-title">【Booth Sales Kick-Off】SIGEP China invites you to continue your sweet journey!</h3> <div class="ckediter-block"><p>SIGEP China 2025 booth sales have officially started.<br /> Whether you are an industry leader, a start-up brand, or a shop<br /> We invite you to join SIGEP China 2025 in Shenzhen!</p> </div> </div> <div class="bottom"> <div class="link-list-with-a"> <a href="" class="fast-link" target="_blank"> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>Read more</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="teaser col1"> <div class="teaser-innner"> <div class="teaser-graphic"> <div class="teaser-graphic-image"> <img alt="" src="" alt="" title=""> </div> <div class="teaser-graphic-info"> <div class="top"> <span class="teaser-graphic-label">News | 2024.04.27</span> <h3 class="teaser-graphic-title">SIGEP China 2024 successfully concluded!</h3> <div class="ckediter-block"><p>On 24-26 April 2024, we met again in Shenzhen! We witnessed a sweet event together, SIGEP China 2024 ended perfectly!</p> </div> </div> <div class="bottom"> <div class="link-list-with-a"> <a href="" class="fast-link" target="_blank"> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>Read more</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(function () { //视频 $('#block67b6d21dbbfc2491579783 .teaser-single-media, .teaser-graphic').find('video').on('click', function () { if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('play')) { $(this)[0].play(); $(this).parent().addClass('play'); } else { $(this)[0].pause(); $(this).parent().removeClass('play'); } }); $('#block67b6d21dbbfc2491579783 .is_ios.is_moblie .teaser-single-media, .teaser-graphic').find('video').on('touchend', function () { if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('play')) { $(this)[0].play(); $(this).parent().addClass('play'); } else { $(this)[0].pause(); $(this).parent().removeClass('play'); } }); }) </script> </section> <!-- block:Photos wall --> <section 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class="cms-block section-module section-padding-top-default section-padding-bottom-default white cms-section-d17k2" > <div class="quote grid-wrapper"> <div class="gw-inner"> <h2 class="section-title">Organizer Speech</h2> <div class="quote-swiper swiper"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="quote-item"> <div class="quote-item-header"> <div class="ckediter-block"><p>We are very pleased about the new<br /> strategic partnership with IEG. Our<br /> strong connection with Italy is one of the<br /> most important assets for our trade fairs in<br /> the field of food and food technology<br /> worldwide. Together with IEG, we can build<br /> on this and ensure further synergies and<br /> the opening up of new markets within<br /> our worldwide Anuga network</p> </div> </div> <div class="quote-item-body"> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img src="" alt="Gerald Böse" title="President and Chief Executive Officer of Koelnmesse GmbH"> </div> <div class="testimonial-info"> <h4 class="testimonial-name">Gerald Böse</h4> <p class="testimonial-title">President and Chief Executive Officer of Koelnmesse GmbH</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="quote-item"> <div class="quote-item-header"> <div class="ckediter-block"><p>Sigep is the Italian ambassador<br /> of dolce foodservice in the world.<br /> We are delighted that one of our<br /> leading events has been projected onto a<br /> global scale through the partnership with<br /> Koelnmesse. The driving effect of a leading<br /> food event like Anuga will give our ability<br /> to anticipate trends in the foodservice<br /> sector even greater impetus.</p> </div> </div> <div class="quote-item-body"> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img src="" alt="Corrado Peraboni" title="CEO of Italian Exhibition Group"> </div> <div class="testimonial-info"> <h4 class="testimonial-name">Corrado Peraboni</h4> <p class="testimonial-title">CEO of Italian Exhibition Group</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(function () { if ($('#block67b6d21dd0f88140654766 .quote-swiper .swiper-slide').length <= 1) $('.quote-swiper').addClass('no-button'); $('#block67b6d21dd0f88140654766 .quote-swiper').swiper({ slidesPerView: 1, loop : $('#block67b6d21dd0f88140654766 .quote-swiper .swiper-slide').length > 1 ? true : false, autoplay: $('#block67b6d21dd0f88140654766 .quote-swiper .swiper-slide').length > 1 ? {delay: 5000,} : false, pagination: { el: '.swiper-pagination1', type :'fraction' }, navigation: { nextEl: '.swiper-button-next1', prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev1', outside: false, }, }) }) </script> </section> </article> <script> function getuuid() { var s = []; var hexDigits = "0123456789abcdef"; for (var i = 0; i < 36; i++) { s[i] = hexDigits.substr(Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x10), 1); } s[14] = "4"; // bits 12-15 of the time_hi_and_version field to 0010 s[19] = hexDigits.substr((s[19] & 0x3) | 0x8, 1); // bits 6-7 of the clock_seq_hi_and_reserved to 01 s[8] = s[13] = s[18] = s[23] = "-"; var uuid = s.join("") return uuid } $.fn.swiper = function (opt) { if ("swiper")) return; const $swiperSlide = this.find(".swiper-slide"); const { pagination, navigation } = opt; if ($swiperSlide.length > 1) { var uuid = getuuid(); this[0].innerHTML += ` ${pagination ? `<div class="${pagination.el.substring(1, this.lenght)} swiper-pagination swiper-pagination-${uuid}"></div>` : ''} ${navigation ? ` <div class="${navigation.nextEl.substring(1, this.lenght)} swiper-button-next swiper-next-${uuid}"></div> <div class="${navigation.prevEl.substring(1, this.lenght)} swiper-button-prev swiper-prev-${uuid}"></div>` : ''} `; } if (navigation) { opt.navigation.nextEl = '.swiper-next-' + uuid opt.navigation.prevEl = '.swiper-prev-' + uuid } if (pagination) { opt.pagination.el = '.swiper-pagination-' + uuid }"swiper", new Swiper(this[0], opt)); if (navigation && navigation.outside) { this.after(this.find(navigation.nextEl)) this.after(this.find(navigation.prevEl)) } }; // 后台用 var vw = $(window).innerWidth(); var device = { mobile: vw < 768, pad_v: vw >= 768 && vw < 1024, pad_h: vw > 768 && vw <= 1366, desktop: vw >= 1024, } </script> <script> var iframe = document.getElementById("phpernote"); if (iframe) { if (iframe.attachEvent){ iframe.attachEvent("onload", function(){ dyniframesize('phpernote') }) } else { iframe.onload = function(){ dyniframesize('phpernote') } } } window.dyniframesize = function (down) { var Sys = {}; var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var s; (s = ua.match(/msie ([\d.]+)/)) ? = s[1] : (s = ua.match(/firefox\/([\d.]+)/)) ? 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