Institut Valenci脿 de Finances - IVF
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} } var control_digit = (10 - (even_sum + odd_sum).toString().substr(-1) )%10; var control_letter = 'JABCDEFGHI'.substr( control_digit, 1 ); // Control must be a digit if ( letter.match( /[ABEH]/ ) ) { return control == control_digit; // Control must be a letter } else if ( letter.match( /[KPQS]/ ) ) { return control == control_letter; // Can be either } else { return control == control_digit || control == control_letter; } }; return ValidateSpanishID; })(); if(ValidateSpanishID($(this).val()) == false && $(this).val() != '') { $('#msgModal-titulo').html('<h3 class="Titular_modal">'+'DNI / NIF Incorrecto'+'</h3>'); $('#msgModal-ms1').html('Por favor introduzca un DNI/NIF valido.'); $('#msgModal').modal('show'); $(this).val(''); } }); $(".nif_unico").focusout(function() { ValidateSpanishID = (function() { 'use strict'; var DNI_REGEX = /^(\d{8})([A-Z])$/; var CIF_REGEX = /^([ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSUVW])(\d{7})([0-9A-J])$/; var NIE_REGEX = /^[XYZ]\d{7,8}[A-Z]$/; var ValidateSpanishID = function( str ) { // Ensure upcase and remove whitespace str = str.toUpperCase().replace(/\s/, ''); var valid = false; var type = spainIdType( str ); switch (type) { case 'dni': valid = validDNI( str ); break; case 'nie': valid = validNIE( str ); break; case 'cif': valid = validCIF( str ); break; } return valid; }; var spainIdType = function( str ) { if ( str.match( DNI_REGEX ) ) { return 'dni'; } if ( str.match( CIF_REGEX ) ) { return 'cif'; } if ( str.match( NIE_REGEX ) ) { return 'nie'; } }; var validDNI = function( dni ) { var dni_letters = "TRWAGMYFPDXBNJZSQVHLCKE"; var letter = dni_letters.charAt( parseInt( dni, 10 ) % 23 ); return letter == dni.charAt(8); }; var validNIE = function( nie ) { // Change the initial letter for the corresponding number and validate as DNI var nie_prefix = nie.charAt( 0 ); switch (nie_prefix) { case 'X': nie_prefix = 0; break; case 'Y': nie_prefix = 1; break; case 'Z': nie_prefix = 2; break; } return validDNI( nie_prefix + nie.substr(1) ); }; var validCIF = function( cif ) { var match = cif.match( CIF_REGEX ); var letter = match[1], number = match[2], control = match[3]; var even_sum = 0; var odd_sum = 0; var n; for ( var i = 0; i < number.length; i++) { n = parseInt( number[i], 10 ); // Odd positions (Even index equals to odd position. i=0 equals first position) if ( i % 2 === 0 ) { // Odd positions are multiplied first. n *= 2; // If the multiplication is bigger than 10 we need to adjust odd_sum += n < 10 ? n : n - 9; // Even positions // Just sum them } else { even_sum += n; } } var control_digit = (10 - (even_sum + odd_sum).toString().substr(-1) )%10; var control_letter = 'JABCDEFGHI'.substr( control_digit, 1 ); // Control must be a digit if ( letter.match( /[ABEH]/ ) ) { return control == control_digit; // Control must be a letter } else if ( letter.match( /[KPQS]/ ) ) { return control == control_letter; // Can be either } else { return control == control_digit || control == control_letter; } }; return ValidateSpanishID; })(); if(ValidateSpanishID($(this).val()) == false && $(this).val() != '') { $('#msgModal-titulo').html( '<h3 class="Titular_modal">DNI/NIF/CIF Erroneo</h3>'); $('#msgModal-ms1').html('Por favor introduzca un DNI/NIF valido.'); $('#msgModal-ms2').html(''); $('#msgModal').modal('show'); $(this).val(''); }else { $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="_token"]').attr('content') } }) var nif = $(this).val(); $.ajax({ url : '/validar_dni', data : { dni : nif , _token: "OZbXnN6PZBwtqMmBth27cqdcFNinxrKCwZGvWJ8w"}, type : 'GET', dataType : 'json', success : function(data) { if(data==false) { $('#msgModal-titulo').html('<h3 class="Titular_modal"> DNI/NIF/CIF Duplicado </h3>'); $('#msgModal-ms1').html('Este DNI/NIF/CIF ya ha sido registrado.'); $('#msgModal-ms2').html('Usted puede acceder al area privada con su documento de identidad como usuario con su contrase帽a para realiar una nueva solicitud.'); $('#msgModal').modal('show'); } }, error : function(xhr, status) { $('#msgModal-titulo').html('<h3 class="Titular_modal"> Disculpe, se produjo un problema. </h3>'); $('#msgModal-ms1').html(''); $('#msgModal-ms2').html(''); $('#msgModal').modal('show'); 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