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383,4.383,0,0,0,2.3.6,2.0536,2.0536,0,0,0,2.3-2.1c0-3.3-6.5-2.1-6.5-7,0-2,1.9-3.5,4.6-3.5a10.361,10.361,0,0,1,3.9.7,2.4828,2.4828,0,0,1,.1.9,7.3157,7.3157,0,0,1-.3,2.2,4.0582,4.0582,0,0,1-1.9-.4Zm4.7.3a2.6945,2.6945,0,0,1,.5-1.5,8.718,8.718,0,0,1,2.5-.4,5.9019,5.9019,0,0,1,1.4.2V49a14.3452,14.3452,0,0,1,2.2.4,2.4828,2.4828,0,0,1,.1.9v.5H267a4.2342,4.2342,0,0,1,.4-1.2,7.7556,7.7556,0,0,1,1.8-.5V39.3h-2.1Zm4.9-6.5a1.3993,1.3993,0,0,1-1.5,1.6,1.472,1.472,0,0,1-1.6-1.6,1.4987,1.4987,0,0,1,1.6-1.5A1.4727,1.4727,0,0,1,272,32.6ZM279.7,49a10.0843,10.0843,0,0,1,2,.4,5.2829,5.2829,0,0,1,.1,1.3h-6.7a4.2342,4.2342,0,0,1,.4-1.2,7.7556,7.7556,0,0,1,1.8-.5V39.2h-2a2.6945,2.6945,0,0,1,.5-1.5,7.8759,7.8759,0,0,1,2.3-.4,5.0666,5.0666,0,0,1,1.3.2v2h.3a5.1519,5.1519,0,0,1,4.5-2.4c2.2,0,4.1.7,4.1,5,0,2.3-.1,4.6-.2,6.9a12.4032,12.4032,0,0,1,2.2.4,2.4828,2.4828,0,0,1,.1.9v.5h-6.6a4.2342,4.2342,0,0,1,.4-1.2,7.4939,7.4939,0,0,1,1.6-.5V42.6c0-2.1-.7-3.5-2.6-3.5a4.9757,4.9757,0,0,0-3.5,1.8Zm13.8-4.6c.1,3,1.9,4.8,4.5,4.8a12.9027,12.9027,0,0,0,3.9-.8,2.4049,2.4049,0,0,1-.4,1.6,9.1918,9.1918,0,0,1-4.4,1.1c-4,0-6.2-3-6.2-6.8,0-4.1,2.5-7.3,6.4-7.3,3.3,0,4.7,2.4,4.7,5.9a7.5687,7.5687,0,0,1-.1,1.5Zm6.1-1.6c.2-1.9-.4-4.2-2.7-4.2-2,0-3.2,1.7-3.4,4.2Zm11.5-4a3.8079,3.8079,0,0,0-1.6-.3c-1.4,0-2.3.7-2.3,1.7,0,3.1,6.4,2.2,6.4,7,0,2.9-2.4,4-5,4a8.2068,8.2068,0,0,1-4.2-1.1,5.2829,5.2829,0,0,1-.1-1.3,6.0135,6.0135,0,0,1,.3-2,13.5523,13.5523,0,0,1,2,.2v1.9a4.383,4.383,0,0,0,2.3.6,2.0536,2.0536,0,0,0,2.3-2.1c0-3.3-6.5-2.1-6.5-7,0-2,1.9-3.5,4.6-3.5a10.361,10.361,0,0,1,3.9.7,2.4828,2.4828,0,0,1,.1.9,7.3157,7.3157,0,0,1-.3,2.2,4.0582,4.0582,0,0,1-1.9-.4Zm11.5,0a3.8079,3.8079,0,0,0-1.6-.3c-1.4,0-2.3.7-2.3,1.7,0,3.1,6.4,2.2,6.4,7,0,2.9-2.4,4-5,4a8.2068,8.2068,0,0,1-4.2-1.1,5.2829,5.2829,0,0,1-.1-1.3,6.0135,6.0135,0,0,1,.3-2,13.5523,13.5523,0,0,1,2,.2v1.9a4.383,4.383,0,0,0,2.3.6,2.0536,2.0536,0,0,0,2.3-2.1c0-3.3-6.5-2.1-6.5-7,0-2,1.9-3.5,4.6-3.5a10.361,10.361,0,0,1,3.9.7,2.4828,2.4828,0,0,1,.1.9,7.3157,7.3157,0,0,1-.3,2.2,4.0582,4.0582,0,0,1-1.9-.4Zm10.6,10.3c.1-.7.4-1.8.5-2.4l2.3-9,2.9-.3,2.2,9.4a18.4573,18.4573,0,0,1,.4,2.3h.2a20.481,20.481,0,0,1,.5-2.4l1.3-4.9a24.13,24.13,0,0,1,.8-2.5,7.4912,7.4912,0,0,1-1.6-.4,5.9019,5.9019,0,0,1-.2-1.4h5a4.0126,4.0126,0,0,1-.3,1.5c-.3.1-.9.2-1.2.3l-3.3,11.4L340,51l-2.1-8.9a23.4221,23.4221,0,0,1-.5-3h-.3a28.3728,28.3728,0,0,1-.6,3.1l-2.2,8.5-2.8.3-3.2-11.6a4.5659,4.5659,0,0,1-1.4-.5c-.1-.4-.2-1-.3-1.4h6a5.9019,5.9019,0,0,1-.2,1.4,9.4663,9.4663,0,0,1-1.9.3,17.03,17.03,0,0,1,.9,2.4l1.2,5.1c.1.6.3,1.6.4,2.3Zm27.4-5.2c0,4.6-2.5,7.2-6.3,7.2-4,0-6.3-2.5-6.3-7.2,0-4.2,2.7-6.8,6.3-6.8C358.1,37.1,360.6,39.5,360.6,43.9Zm-6.2,5.6c2.5,0,3.8-2.2,3.8-5.6,0-3-1.5-5.2-3.8-5.2-2.5,0-3.8,2.1-3.8,5.2C350.6,47.3,352,49.5,354.4,49.5Zm11.8-.5a10.0843,10.0843,0,0,1,2,.4,5.2829,5.2829,0,0,1,.1,1.3h-6.6a4.2342,4.2342,0,0,1,.4-1.2,7.7556,7.7556,0,0,1,1.8-.5V39.2h-2a2.6945,2.6945,0,0,1,.5-1.5,7.8759,7.8759,0,0,1,2.3-.4,5.0666,5.0666,0,0,1,1.3.2v2h.3a4.9552,4.9552,0,0,1,4.4-2.4c1.7,0,3.2.5,3.7,2.5h.1a4.9931,4.9931,0,0,1,4.5-2.5c2.2,0,4.1.7,4.1,5,0,2.4-.1,4.7-.2,6.9a12.4032,12.4032,0,0,1,2.2.4,2.4828,2.4828,0,0,1,.1.9v.5h-6.6a4.2342,4.2342,0,0,1,.4-1.2,7.4939,7.4939,0,0,1,1.6-.5V42.6c0-2.1-.6-3.5-2.5-3.5a4.7474,4.7474,0,0,0-3.4,1.8v8.2a10.0843,10.0843,0,0,1,2,.4,5.2829,5.2829,0,0,1,.1,1.3h-6.7a4.2342,4.2342,0,0,1,.4-1.2,7.4939,7.4939,0,0,1,1.6-.5V42.6c0-2.1-.6-3.5-2.5-3.5a4.7474,4.7474,0,0,0-3.4,1.8Zm22.1-4.6c.1,3,1.9,4.8,4.5,4.8a12.9027,12.9027,0,0,0,3.9-.8,2.4049,2.4049,0,0,1-.4,1.6,9.1918,9.1918,0,0,1-4.4,1.1c-4,0-6.2-3-6.2-6.8,0-4.1,2.5-7.3,6.4-7.3,3.3,0,4.7,2.4,4.7,5.9a7.5687,7.5687,0,0,1-.1,1.5Zm6.1-1.6c.2-1.9-.4-4.2-2.7-4.2-2,0-3.2,1.7-3.4,4.2Zm8.7,6.2a10.0843,10.0843,0,0,1,2,.4,5.2829,5.2829,0,0,1,.1,1.3h-6.6a4.2342,4.2342,0,0,1,.4-1.2,7.7556,7.7556,0,0,1,1.8-.5V39.2h-2a2.6945,2.6945,0,0,1,.5-1.5,7.8759,7.8759,0,0,1,2.3-.4,5.0666,5.0666,0,0,1,1.3.2v2h.3a5.1519,5.1519,0,0,1,4.5-2.4c2.2,0,4.1.7,4.1,5,0,2.3-.1,4.6-.2,6.9a12.4032,12.4032,0,0,1,2.2.4,2.4828,2.4828,0,0,1,.1.9v.5h-6.6a4.2342,4.2342,0,0,1,.4-1.2,7.4939,7.4939,0,0,1,1.6-.5V42.6c0-2.1-.7-3.5-2.6-3.5a4.9757,4.9757,0,0,0-3.5,1.8Zm11.2-16.1a5.076,5.076,0,0,1,.9-1.8,4.102,4.102,0,0,1,1.1-.1,5.4123,5.4123,0,0,1,1.9.3,21.5248,21.5248,0,0,1-2.6,6.5,3.1616,3.1616,0,0,1-1.3-.7,33.1081,33.1081,0,0,0,1.1-3.9Zm10.9,5.9a3.8079,3.8079,0,0,0-1.6-.3c-1.4,0-2.3.7-2.3,1.7,0,3.1,6.4,2.2,6.4,7,0,2.9-2.4,4-5,4a8.2068,8.2068,0,0,1-4.2-1.1,5.2829,5.2829,0,0,1-.1-1.3,6.0135,6.0135,0,0,1,.3-2,13.5523,13.5523,0,0,1,2,.2v1.9a4.383,4.383,0,0,0,2.3.6,2.0536,2.0536,0,0,0,2.3-2.1c0-3.3-6.5-2.1-6.5-7,0-2,1.9-3.5,4.6-3.5a10.361,10.361,0,0,1,3.9.7,2.4828,2.4828,0,0,1,.1.9,7.3157,7.3157,0,0,1-.3,2.2,4.0582,4.0582,0,0,1-1.9-.4ZM233.6,82.1a8.3309,8.3309,0,0,1,.4-1.5,13.804,13.804,0,0,1,2-.3,13.901,13.901,0,0,1-1.1-2.1l-.9-2.4h-7.3l-.9,2.5a8.1081,8.1081,0,0,1-1,2.1,17.8522,17.8522,0,0,1,2.3.2,7.7191,7.7191,0,0,1,.2,1.5h-6.6a6.579,6.579,0,0,1,.4-1.5c.4-.1,1-.2,1.5-.3l7.1-17.8h1.8l6.9,17.8a9.8524,9.8524,0,0,1,1.7.2,7.58,7.58,0,0,1,.3,1.6Zm-3.3-16.5a19.5283,19.5283,0,0,1-.8,2.7l-2.2,6h6.1l-2.3-6a25.044,25.044,0,0,1-.7-2.6Zm18.1,4.7a3.8079,3.8079,0,0,0-1.6-.3c-1.4,0-2.3.7-2.3,1.7,0,3.1,6.4,2.2,6.4,7,0,2.9-2.4,4-5,4a8.2068,8.2068,0,0,1-4.2-1.1,5.2829,5.2829,0,0,1-.1-1.3,6.0135,6.0135,0,0,1,.3-2,13.5523,13.5523,0,0,1,2,.2v1.9a4.383,4.383,0,0,0,2.3.6,2.0536,2.0536,0,0,0,2.3-2.1c0-3.3-6.5-2.1-6.5-7,0-2,1.9-3.5,4.6-3.5a10.361,10.361,0,0,1,3.9.7,2.4828,2.4828,0,0,1,.1.9,7.3157,7.3157,0,0,1-.3,2.2,4.0582,4.0582,0,0,1-1.9-.4Zm11.6,0a3.8079,3.8079,0,0,0-1.6-.3c-1.4,0-2.3.7-2.3,1.7,0,3.1,6.4,2.2,6.4,7,0,2.9-2.4,4-5,4a8.2068,8.2068,0,0,1-4.2-1.1,5.2829,5.2829,0,0,1-.1-1.3,6.0135,6.0135,0,0,1,.3-2,13.5523,13.5523,0,0,1,2,.2v1.9a4.383,4.383,0,0,0,2.3.6,2.0536,2.0536,0,0,0,2.3-2.1c0-3.3-6.5-2.1-6.5-7,0-2,1.9-3.5,4.6-3.5a10.361,10.361,0,0,1,3.9.7,2.4828,2.4828,0,0,1,.1.9,7.3157,7.3157,0,0,1-.3,2.2,4.0582,4.0582,0,0,1-1.9-.4Zm16.9,5.1c0,4.6-2.5,7.2-6.3,7.2-4,0-6.3-2.5-6.3-7.2,0-4.2,2.7-6.8,6.3-6.8C274.3,68.5,276.9,71,276.9,75.4Zm-6.3,5.5c2.5,0,3.8-2.2,3.8-5.6,0-3-1.5-5.2-3.8-5.2-2.5,0-3.8,2.1-3.8,5.2C266.8,78.7,268.2,80.9,270.6,80.9Zm16.5-10.4a3.4288,3.4288,0,0,0-1.6-.4c-2.4,0-4.1,1.6-4.1,5.2,0,3.7,1.8,5.4,4.3,5.4a9.8275,9.8275,0,0,0,3.4-.7,3.1665,3.1665,0,0,1-.4,1.6,9.5092,9.5092,0,0,1-4.1,1c-3.6,0-5.9-2.9-5.9-6.7,0-4.3,2.7-7.3,6.8-7.3a6.6436,6.6436,0,0,1,3.6,1c0,.,1a6.7225,6.7225,0,0,1-.4,2.4,3.2868,3.2868,0,0,1-1.7-.4Zm4.2,0a2.6945,2.6945,0,0,1,.5-1.5,8.718,8.718,0,0,1,2.5-.4,5.9019,5.9019,0,0,1,1.4.2V80.4a14.3452,14.3452,0,0,1,2.2.4,2.4828,2.4828,0,0,1,.1.9v.5h-6.8a4.2342,4.2342,0,0,1,.4-1.2,7.7556,7.7556,0,0,1,1.8-.5V70.7h-2.1Zm4.8-6.4a1.3993,1.3993,0,0,1-1.5,1.6,1.472,1.472,0,0,1-1.6-1.6,1.4987,1.4987,0,0,1,1.6-1.5A1.368,1.368,0,0,1,296.1,64.1Zm10.7,16.4a4.1475,4.1475,0,0,1-3.9,2.1,3.615,3.615,0,0,1-3.9-3.7c0-2.8,2.4-4.3,5.1-4.3a7.0818,7.0818,0,0,1,2.6.5V73.6c0-2-.9-3.1-2.6-3.1a8.021,8.021,0,0,0-4,1.4,2.4828,2.4828,0,0,1-.1-.9,2.9041,2.9041,0,0,1,.3-1.4,11.5053,11.5053,0,0,1,4.5-1c3,0,4.3,1.5,4.3,5.3v5.4c0,.6.1,1.2.4,1.4a14.8134,14.8134,0,0,0,1.9-.3v.3a2.3754,2.3754,0,0,1-.3,1.2,6.6256,6.6256,0,0,1-3,.8,2.7847,2.7847,0,0,1-1.2-2.1h-.1Zm0-4.2a12.2523,12.2523,0,0,0-1.9-.2c-2.2,0-3.4,1-3.4,2.4a2.2346,2.2346,0,0,0,2.5,2.2,3.3684,3.3684,0,0,0,2.8-1.4ZM314,65.6a5.33,5.33,0,0,1,1.9-.4V69h4a8.083,8.083,0,0,1,.1,1.6h-4.1v7.6c0,1.8.2,2.6,1.8,2.6a8.2389,8.2389,0,0,0,2.6-.4v.4a2.0158,2.0158,0,0,1-.3,1.1,8.29,8.29,0,0,1-3.4.7c-2.1,0-3.2-1.2-3.2-4,0-1.6,0-5.2.1-8h-1.9a5.7682,5.7682,0,0,1,.3-1.4,7.4939,7.4939,0,0,1,1.6-.5Zm7.5,4.9A2.6945,2.6945,0,0,1,322,69a8.718,8.718,0,0,1,2.5-.4,5.9019,5.9019,0,0,1,1.4.2V80.4a14.3452,14.3452,0,0,1,2.2.4,2.4828,2.4828,0,0,1,.1.9v.5h-6.8a4.2342,4.2342,0,0,1,.4-1.2,7.7556,7.7556,0,0,1,1.8-.5V70.7h-2.1Zm4.9-6.4a1.3993,1.3993,0,0,1-1.5,1.6,1.472,1.472,0,0,1-1.6-1.6,1.4987,1.4987,0,0,1,1.6-1.5A1.4152,1.4152,0,0,1,326.4,64.1Zm15.1,11.3c0,4.6-2.5,7.2-6.3,7.2-4,0-6.3-2.5-6.3-7.2,0-4.2,2.7-6.8,6.3-6.8C339,68.5,341.5,71,341.5,75.4Zm-6.3,5.5c2.5,0,3.8-2.2,3.8-5.6,0-3-1.5-5.2-3.8-5.2-2.5,0-3.8,2.1-3.8,5.2C331.4,78.7,332.9,80.9,335.2,80.9Zm11.8-.5a10.0843,10.0843,0,0,1,2,.4,5.2829,5.2829,0,0,1,.1,1.3h-6.6a4.2342,4.2342,0,0,1,.4-1.2,7.7556,7.7556,0,0,1,1.8-.5V70.6h-2a2.6945,2.6945,0,0,1,.5-1.5,7.8759,7.8759,0,0,1,2.3-.4,5.0666,5.0666,0,0,1,1.3.2v2h.3a5.1519,5.1519,0,0,1,4.5-2.4c2.2,0,4.1.7,4.1,5,0,2.3-.1,4.6-.2,6.9a12.4032,12.4032,0,0,1,2.2.4,2.4828,2.4828,0,0,1,.1.9v.5h-6.7a4.2342,4.2342,0,0,1,.4-1.2,7.4939,7.4939,0,0,1,1.6-.5V74c0-2.1-.7-3.5-2.6-3.5a4.9757,4.9757,0,0,0-3.5,1.8Z" 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This dynamic 45-minute discussion will be followed by an interactive Q&A session.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="menu-item menu-item--expanded menu-item--collapsed"> <a href="/news" data-simple-mega-menu="7" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/7">News & Insights</a> <button class="mega-menu-expand"><span class="sr-only">Expand</span><span class="fas fa-chevron-down"></span></button> <div class="simple-mega-menu mega-menu-wrapper megamenu-large"> <div class="field field--name-field-menu-column field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden items"> <div class="item"> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--megamenu-column paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div><h3><a href="">News & Insights</a></h3> </div> <div class="text-long"><p>See the latest insights, inspiration, and top news stories from across our global community.</p> </div> <div> <ul class="menu"> <li class="menu__item"> <a href="/news/media-center" class="menu__link" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/794">Press and Media Center</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field-section-item container"> <div class="card card--promo light"> <div class="card__image"> <img src="/sites/default/files/2024-08/ACE%20Award%202024%20social_616.5X364.5_honorees_v3_all_three.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="card__subheading"> </h3> <h2 class="card__heading"> <a class="card__heading__link" href="" > <p><a href=""><strong>Takeda, Roche and Genentech Recognized by the HBA for Advancing Women in the Workplace Initiatives</strong></a></p> </a> </h2> <div class="card__body"> <p>Takeda, Roche Genentech, a member of the Roche Group, and UCB will be recognized for game-changing initiatives to further the advancement and impact of women in the healthcare and life science industries.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field-section-item container"> <div class="card card--promo light"> <div class="card__image"> <img src="/sites/default/files/2024-08/2025_HBA_WOTY%20move%20west_616.5X364.5_v3.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="card__subheading"> </h3> <h2 class="card__heading"> <p> </p><p><a href=""><strong>Expanding HBA’s Horizons and the Woman of the Year Award Celebration</strong></a></p> </h2> <div class="card__body"> <p>As our United Force for Change continues to grow globally, we have recognized it’s time to expand and broaden the reach of our annual Woman of the Year gala. Mark your calendars for 2025!</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="menu-item menu-item--expanded menu-item--collapsed"> <a href="/membership" data-simple-mega-menu="6" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/3362">Membership</a> <button class="mega-menu-expand"><span class="sr-only">Expand</span><span class="fas fa-chevron-down"></span></button> <div class="simple-mega-menu mega-menu-wrapper megamenu-large"> <div class="field field--name-field-menu-column field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden items"> <div class="item"> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--megamenu-column paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div><h3><a href="">Membership</a></h3> </div> <div class="text-long"><p>Whether you’re looking to empower the women in your organization or join a diverse group of women and men driving our mission forward, only the HBA can provide industry-defining exposure, community, and opportunity.</p> </div> <div> <ul class="menu"> <li class="menu__item"> <a 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<img src="/sites/default/files/2023-06/AffinityGroups.png" alt="" /> </div> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="card__subheading"> </h3> <h2 class="card__heading"> <a class="card__heading__link" href="/membership/affinity-groups" > <p>Affinity Groups ></p> </a> </h2> <div class="card__body"> <p>Members can find their fit through affinity groups to meet like-minded changemakers, influencers, future leaders, and allies that are advancing HBA's mission.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </nav> <div id="block-searchblockheader" class="block block--search-block-header"> <div class="title"> <span></span> </div> <form class="search-form-header" data-drupal-selector="search-form-header" action="/who-we-are/hba-central-staff" method="post" id="search-form-header" accept-charset="UTF-8"> <div class="search-box"><div class="js-form-item form-item js-form-type-textfield form-item-type-textfield form-item-search js-form-item-search"> <label for="edit-search" 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<div><p>The HBA Central Staff Team assists the CEO in efficiently implementing the board’s strategic objectives. The team is dedicated to providing the best member and partner experience while delivering on HBA’s value proposition.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container pt-1"> <h5 class="h5 pb-1 pl-1"> <nav role='navigation' aria-labelledby='system-breadcrumb'> <h2 class="visually-hidden" id='system-breadcrumb'>Breadcrumb</h2> <ol class="breadcrumb"> <li class="breadcrumb__item"> <a class="breadcrumb__link" href="/">Home</a> <i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i> </li> <li class="breadcrumb__item"> <a class="breadcrumb__link" href="/who-we-are">Who We Are</a> <i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i> </li> <li class="breadcrumb__item"> HBA Central Staff </li> </ol> </nav> </h5> </div> <div class="field-section-item"> <div class="paragraph--container width-sm g-0 hba-white dark pb-2 pt-2 mb-0 mt-0"> <div class="field-section-item container"> <div class="paragraph--type--heading"> <h2 class="h2 text-center c--default paragraph--type--heading"> A Message From HBA CEO Mary Stutts </h2> </div> </div> <div class="field-section-item container"> <div class="media-video"> <div><div> <div class="field field--name-field-media-oembed-video field--type-string field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="visually-hidden label">Remote video URL</div> <div class="field--item"><iframe src="" frameborder="0" allowtransparency width="200" height="113" class="media-oembed-content" loading="eager" title="Meet HBA CEO Mary Stutts"></iframe> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field-section-item"> <div class="paragraph--container width-md g-0 hba-white dark pb-2 pt-2 mb-0 mt-0 border-bottom"> <div class="field-section-item container"> <div class="two-column row flex-row-reverse "> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="field field--name-field-left-column-content field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden items"> <div class="item"> <div class="paragraph--type--heading"> <h2 class="h2 c--primary paragraph--type--heading"> A Culture of Success </h2> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--paragraph paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div class="text-long"> <div><p>Achieving our vision demands full commitment to our core values from every team member. We strive to exemplify our values in everything we do.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="button__wrapper text-start"> <a class="btn btn--primary" aria-label="Our HBA Culture" href="/who-we-are/hba-central-staff/hba-culture" > <span> Our HBA Culture </span> <svg class="svg-inline--fa fa-arrow-right fa-w-14" data-fa-pseudo-element-pending-before="arrow-right" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="arrow-right" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 448 512" data-fa-i2svg=""><path fill="currentColor" d="M190.5 66.9l22.2-22.2c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0L441 239c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9L246.6 467.3c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0l-22.2-22.2c-9.5-9.5-9.3-25 .4-34.3L311.4 296H24c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24v-32c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h287.4L190.9 101.2c-9.8-9.3-10-24.8-.4-34.3z"></path></svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="field field--name-field-right-column-content field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden items"> <div class="item"> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--image paragraph--view-mode--default d-flex justify-content-start fullsize"> <div class="image"> <img src="/sites/default/files/2023-06/0H5A1052.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field-section-item"> <div class="paragraph--container g-0 hba-white dark pb-1 pt-2 mb-0 mt-0"> <div class="field-section-item container"> <div class="paragraph--type--heading"> <h2 class="h2 text-center c--primary paragraph--type--heading"> Staff Directory </h2> </div> </div> <div class="field-section-item container"> <div class="paragraph--type--heading"> <h4 class="h4 c--default paragraph--type--heading"> EXECUTIVE TEAM </h4> </div> </div> <div class="field-section-item container"> <div class="people-list"> <div class="field field-people row field-people-items"> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Mary Stutts","url":null,"title":"Chief Executive Officer","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2024-07\/Headshot%20-%20Mary%20Stutts%20%28Yellow%20Dress%29%20Website.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Mary Stutts is the Chief Executive Officer of the Healthcare Businesswomen\u2019s Association (HBA) where she leads the global mission to accelerate the advancement and impact of women in the business of healthcare and health equity.<\/p><p>Mary brings to the HBA 30 years of experience leading the strategic integration of corporate branding, marketing, health equity, inclusion, and digital innovation for biopharma, healthcare, and media companies. Her expertise and cross functional acumen have provided global leadership to organizations and Fortune 500 companies including Genentech, Bayer, Bristol Myers Squibb, Sumitovant, UnitedHealth Group, Kaiser Permanente, Stanford Health Care, and Comcast NBCUniversal.<\/p><p>Previously, Stutts was the Global Chief Inclusion and Health Equity Officer at Real Chemistry where she drove inclusion and equitable care for clients by integrating customized digital analytics and data intelligence to increase market penetration and clinical trial diversity.<\/p><p>Among her many accomplishments, as the former Chief Inclusion and Health Equity Officer at Stanford Health Care, Stutts worked directly with the board to curate the Inclusive Leadership Workshop which was designed to develop executives capable of leading, growing, and transforming organizations while addressing racial and social injustice and inequity amongst all stakeholders. Additionally, Stutts led Genentech\u2019s $5 million Diversity in Clinical Trials initiative to increase the representation of people of color and women; enhanced a culture of workplace inclusion and health equity during Bristol Myers Squibb\u2019s business model transformation; and oversaw fulfillment of the FCC\u2019s digital equity conditions in Comcast\u2019s California Region required for the acquisition of NBCUniversal. &nbsp;<\/p><p>Stutts is a recognized advocate of women in leadership and has been at the forefront of board readiness programs to increase the representation of women and people of color on public and private corporate boards.<\/p><p>As an accomplished author, Mary\u2019s new book, <em>Recurring Themes of Exclusion in the Workplace<\/em>, provides an in-depth analysis of ongoing exclusionary practices in the workplace and details the path needed to achieve true \u201cinclusive diversity.\u201d Her book <em>The Missing Mentor:&nbsp; Women Advising Women on Power, Progress and Priorities<\/em> has been dubbed a surrogate mentor for women focused on career advancement.<\/p><p>Stutts earned a Master of Health Administration degree at the University of Southern California and is a graduate of the Executive Program on Strategy and Organization at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business.<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2024-07/Headshot%20-%20Mary%20Stutts%20%28Yellow%20Dress%29%20Website.jpg?itok=0eOXRcG2" width="360" height="360" alt="Mary Stutts Headshot" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Mary Stutts</a></div> <div class="people-title">Chief Executive Officer</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Mary Stutts is the Chief Executive Officer of the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA) where she leads the global mission to accelerate the advancement and impact of women in the business of healthcare and health equity.</p> <p>Mary brings to the HBA 30 years of experience leading the strategic integration of corporate branding, marketing, health equity, inclusion, and digital innovation for biopharma, healthcare, and media companies. Her expertise and cross functional acumen have provided global leadership to organizations and Fortune 500 companies including Genentech, Bayer, Bristol Myers Squibb, Sumitovant, UnitedHealth Group, Kaiser Permanente, Stanford Health Care, and Comcast NBCUniversal.</p> <p>Previously, Stutts was the Global Chief Inclusion and Health Equity Officer at Real Chemistry where she drove inclusion and equitable care for clients by integrating customized digital analytics and data intelligence to increase market penetration and clinical trial diversity.</p> <p>Among her many accomplishments, as the former Chief Inclusion and Health Equity Officer at Stanford Health Care, Stutts worked directly with the board to curate the Inclusive Leadership Workshop which was designed to develop executives capable of leading, growing, and transforming organizations while addressing racial and social injustice and inequity amongst all stakeholders. Additionally, Stutts led Genentech’s $5 million Diversity in Clinical Trials initiative to increase the representation of people of color and women; enhanced a culture of workplace inclusion and health equity during Bristol Myers Squibb’s business model transformation; and oversaw fulfillment of the FCC’s digital equity conditions in Comcast’s California Region required for the acquisition of NBCUniversal. </p> <p>Stutts is a recognized advocate of women in leadership and has been at the forefront of board readiness programs to increase the representation of women and people of color on public and private corporate boards.</p> <p>As an accomplished author, Mary’s new book, <em>Recurring Themes of Exclusion in the Workplace</em>, provides an in-depth analysis of ongoing exclusionary practices in the workplace and details the path needed to achieve true “inclusive diversity.” Her book <em>The Missing Mentor: Women Advising Women on Power, Progress and Priorities</em> has been dubbed a surrogate mentor for women focused on career advancement.</p> <p>Stutts earned a Master of Health Administration degree at the University of Southern California and is a graduate of the Executive Program on Strategy and Organization at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Amy Crolius","url":null,"title":"Chief Operating Officer","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-04\/Amy%20Crolius.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Amy has spent her career forging alliances and seeking joint solutions in cutting edge industries as they work to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. Most recently, Amy was vice president of member services for the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) where she succeeded in building participation and membership in virtually every sector and level of the unmanned community. She helped businesses grow by leveraging assets of the organization through education, advocacy and events.&nbsp;Prior to AUVSI, she spent seven years in member development and services for the World Airline Entertainment Association which represents over 90% of commercial airlines around the world.&nbsp;<\/p><p>In her free time, Amy is a world traveler, having visited over sixty countries, enjoys many outdoor activities including camping and hiking, and plays competitive soccer.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-04/Amy%20Crolius.jpg?itok=0lEiA0u3" width="360" height="360" alt="Amy Crolius" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Amy Crolius</a></div> <div class="people-title">Chief Operating Officer</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Amy has spent her career forging alliances and seeking joint solutions in cutting edge industries as they work to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. Most recently, Amy was vice president of member services for the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) where she succeeded in building participation and membership in virtually every sector and level of the unmanned community. She helped businesses grow by leveraging assets of the organization through education, advocacy and events. Prior to AUVSI, she spent seven years in member development and services for the World Airline Entertainment Association which represents over 90% of commercial airlines around the world. </p> <p>In her free time, Amy is a world traveler, having visited over sixty countries, enjoys many outdoor activities including camping and hiking, and plays competitive soccer. <br /> </p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Nikki M. Jones","url":null,"title":"Chief People and DEI Officer","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-04\/20220522_162343%20%283%29.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Nikki M. Jones is a people and culture executive leader with over 29&nbsp;years of professional business experience with the last 14 spent in the not-for-profit sector. She currently serves as the Chief People and DE&amp;I Officer at the Healthcare Businesswomen\u2019s Association (HBA) where she develops and drives the people and culture strategy for the professional staff and oversees the implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion principles for the association.&nbsp;<\/p><p>Nikki joined the HBA in 2009 and has since held executive leadership roles&nbsp;spanning finance, marketing, communications, technology, and most recently. people operations. Prior to her not-for-profit experience at HBA, Nikki held finance management roles at Johnson &amp; Johnson supporting the consumer care business and the former healthcare business of Prudential in the accounting and finance area. She is a graduate of Elizabeth City State University (HBCU) with a degree in accounting and is a member of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) where she earned the Certified HR Professional designation (SHRM-CP) and is currently pursuing the Certified Diversity Executive (CDE) designation through The Institute for Diversity Certification.<\/p><p>Outside of her professional work with HBA, Nikki partners in life with her husband of over 23&nbsp;years and enjoys watching her two college students and one high schooler&nbsp;mature and chart their own paths through life. She loves dancing, singing, and living out her calling and passion to inspire others to make a positive impact by serving in various volunteer leadership roles in her church\u2019s women\u2019s ministry and the greater community. She is also an active 30+ year member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, and Chair of the Board of Directors for the YWCA Princeton in Princeton, NJ.<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-04/20220522_162343%20%283%29.jpg?itok=auk2q6K8" width="360" height="360" alt="Nikki M. Jones" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Nikki M. Jones</a></div> <div class="people-title">Chief People and DEI Officer</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Nikki M. Jones is a people and culture executive leader with over 29 years of professional business experience with the last 14 spent in the not-for-profit sector. She currently serves as the Chief People and DE&I Officer at the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA) where she develops and drives the people and culture strategy for the professional staff and oversees the implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion principles for the association. </p> <p>Nikki joined the HBA in 2009 and has since held executive leadership roles spanning finance, marketing, communications, technology, and most recently. people operations. Prior to her not-for-profit experience at HBA, Nikki held finance management roles at Johnson & Johnson supporting the consumer care business and the former healthcare business of Prudential in the accounting and finance area. She is a graduate of Elizabeth City State University (HBCU) with a degree in accounting and is a member of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) where she earned the Certified HR Professional designation (SHRM-CP) and is currently pursuing the Certified Diversity Executive (CDE) designation through The Institute for Diversity Certification.</p> <p>Outside of her professional work with HBA, Nikki partners in life with her husband of over 23 years and enjoys watching her two college students and one high schooler mature and chart their own paths through life. She loves dancing, singing, and living out her calling and passion to inspire others to make a positive impact by serving in various volunteer leadership roles in her church’s women’s ministry and the greater community. She is also an active 30+ year member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, and Chair of the Board of Directors for the YWCA Princeton in Princeton, NJ.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Varduhi Kyureghyan","url":null,"title":"Chief Financial Officer","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2024-07\/image%20%281%29.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":null,"email":null,"company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2024-07/image%20%281%29.jpg?itok=1stiLuKK" width="360" height="360" alt="Varduhi Kyureghyan Headshot" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Varduhi Kyureghyan</a></div> <div class="people-title">Chief Financial Officer</div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Yesenia Hernandez-Brito, CAP, PACE","url":null,"title":"Director, Executive Office & Global Board Affairs\u00a0","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2024-08\/IMG_2144_0.jpeg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Yesenia Hernandez-Brito joined the HBA in January 2021 and serves as&nbsp;the Director, Executive Office &amp; Global Board Affairs. In this position, Yesenia leverages her status as a Master Certified EA Pro to provide high-level support to the executive leadership team, while managing&nbsp;global board meetings and&nbsp;events. She also leverages&nbsp;strong relationships with a broad variety of senior level customers and member leaders.&nbsp;<\/p><p>As the principal liaison to the Global Board of Directors and the Global Advisory Board, Yesenia ensures that all board activities are meticulously organized, her oversight of governance, policy, and procedure documentation further highlights her comprehensive understanding of association governance and best practices.<\/p><p>Yesenia plays a vital role in administering HBA\u2019s prestigious awards, ACE and the Woman of the Year (WOTY) awards. She excels in VIP management, ensuring that awardees, chairs emeritae, and founders receive exceptional support throughout their involvement.<\/p><p>Yesenia has&nbsp;over&nbsp;25&nbsp;years' experience&nbsp;in board&nbsp;management&nbsp;and c-suite executive support. Before joining the HBA, she served as&nbsp;Director of&nbsp;Board&nbsp;Relations and&nbsp;Programs at a New York City nonprofit association, where she was the staff lead for the board, executive management, councils, and committees. She earned her bachelor\u2019s degree in business administration from Baruch College and holds&nbsp;various&nbsp;certifications, including the&nbsp;Professional Administrative Certification of Excellence (PACE) from the American Society of Administrative Professionals (ASAP), DEI in the Workplace&nbsp;and Inclusive and Ethical Leadership from&nbsp;the&nbsp;USF Muma College of Business,&nbsp;Executive Presence Certificate from&nbsp;UNF Coggin College of Business,&nbsp;and&nbsp;a certificate&nbsp;in Association Management&nbsp;from the&nbsp;American Society of Association Professionals (ASAE).&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<\/p><p>In August 2023,&nbsp;Yesenia was&nbsp;recognized as&nbsp;the&nbsp;Above the Call Award Winner at the Washington, D.C. Admin Awards. The Admin Awards is the Administrative Profession\u2019s highest honor and nationally known as the \u201cAcademy Awards for Admins.\u201d&nbsp;It is the first and only public recognition program of its kind that specifically focuses on recognizing the achievements, dedication,&nbsp;and importance of Administrative Professionals.&nbsp;She also serves on the American Society of Administrative Professionals Advisory Board, the&nbsp;Admin Awards&nbsp;Advisory Board, and the EA Pros Board.&nbsp;<\/p><p>Yesenia currently&nbsp;resides&nbsp;in New Jersey with her husband&nbsp;and&nbsp;is a&nbsp;proud mom of&nbsp;three sons.&nbsp;She enjoys traveling,&nbsp;reading,&nbsp;and spending quality time with her extended family.&nbsp;<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2024-08/IMG_2144_0.jpeg?itok=tLXyJMXZ" width="360" height="360" alt="Yesenia Hernandez-Brito headshot" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Yesenia Hernandez-Brito, CAP, PACE</a></div> <div class="people-title">Director, Executive Office & Global Board Affairs </div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Yesenia Hernandez-Brito joined the HBA in January 2021 and serves as the Director, Executive Office & Global Board Affairs. In this position, Yesenia leverages her status as a Master Certified EA Pro to provide high-level support to the executive leadership team, while managing global board meetings and events. She also leverages strong relationships with a broad variety of senior level customers and member leaders. </p> <p>As the principal liaison to the Global Board of Directors and the Global Advisory Board, Yesenia ensures that all board activities are meticulously organized, her oversight of governance, policy, and procedure documentation further highlights her comprehensive understanding of association governance and best practices.</p> <p>Yesenia plays a vital role in administering HBA’s prestigious awards, ACE and the Woman of the Year (WOTY) awards. She excels in VIP management, ensuring that awardees, chairs emeritae, and founders receive exceptional support throughout their involvement.</p> <p>Yesenia has over 25 years' experience in board management and c-suite executive support. Before joining the HBA, she served as Director of Board Relations and Programs at a New York City nonprofit association, where she was the staff lead for the board, executive management, councils, and committees. She earned her bachelor’s degree in business administration from Baruch College and holds various certifications, including the Professional Administrative Certification of Excellence (PACE) from the American Society of Administrative Professionals (ASAP), DEI in the Workplace and Inclusive and Ethical Leadership from the USF Muma College of Business, Executive Presence Certificate from UNF Coggin College of Business, and a certificate in Association Management from the American Society of Association Professionals (ASAE). </p> <p>In August 2023, Yesenia was recognized as the Above the Call Award Winner at the Washington, D.C. Admin Awards. The Admin Awards is the Administrative Profession’s highest honor and nationally known as the “Academy Awards for Admins.” It is the first and only public recognition program of its kind that specifically focuses on recognizing the achievements, dedication, and importance of Administrative Professionals. She also serves on the American Society of Administrative Professionals Advisory Board, the Admin Awards Advisory Board, and the EA Pros Board. </p> <p>Yesenia currently resides in New Jersey with her husband and is a proud mom of three sons. She enjoys traveling, reading, and spending quality time with her extended family. </p> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div class="field-section-item"> <div class="paragraph--container g-0 hba-white dark pb-0 pt-0 mb-0 mt-0 border-bottom"> <div class="field-section-item container"> <div class="paragraph--type--heading"> <h4 class="h4 c--default paragraph--type--heading"> STAFF TEAM </h4> </div> </div> <div class="field-section-item container"> <div class="people-list"> <div class="field field-people row field-people-items"> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Patrick Bartosch, Ph.D.","url":null,"title":"Senior Director of Global Growth","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2024-07\/PatrickBartoschHeadshot-1.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Patrick Bartosch, Ph.D., is the HBA\u2019s Senior Director of Global Growth. He joined us from Waypoints Communications, a strategy consulting firm that supports clients across the healthcare industry navigate risk and achieve growth for novel products or service lines.<\/p><p>Before Waypoints Communications, Patrick oversaw communications for Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute in San Diego, Calif., and Orlando, Fla. He has also worked for renowned communications and corporate consultancy firms in Europe, North America, and the Middle East, with a focus on large pharmaceutical companies, healthcare providers, and payors, as well as regulatory bodies.<\/p><p>Patrick received an M.A. degree in Political Science from Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich in Germany and a Ph.D. in Health Sciences from the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, where he was part of a team that studied the circulation and expression of moral capital in and between different types of healthcare systems. Patrick is based in Innsbruck, Austria.<\/p>","email":null,"company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2024-07/PatrickBartoschHeadshot-1.jpg?itok=Nn903JW8" width="360" height="360" alt="PatrickBartoschHeadshot-1" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Patrick Bartosch, Ph.D.</a></div> <div class="people-title">Senior Director of Global Growth</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Patrick Bartosch, Ph.D., is the HBA’s Senior Director of Global Growth. He joined us from Waypoints Communications, a strategy consulting firm that supports clients across the healthcare industry navigate risk and achieve growth for novel products or service lines.</p> <p>Before Waypoints Communications, Patrick oversaw communications for Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute in San Diego, Calif., and Orlando, Fla. He has also worked for renowned communications and corporate consultancy firms in Europe, North America, and the Middle East, with a focus on large pharmaceutical companies, healthcare providers, and payors, as well as regulatory bodies.</p> <p>Patrick received an M.A. degree in Political Science from Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich in Germany and a Ph.D. in Health Sciences from the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, where he was part of a team that studied the circulation and expression of moral capital in and between different types of healthcare systems. Patrick is based in Innsbruck, Austria.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Kayla Brennan","url":null,"title":"Senior Manager, Global Conferences and Events","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-04\/Headshot-KB_250250BW.png","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Kayla Brennan joined the HBA in 2022 as the Manager, Central Education, Meetings, and Events. In her role, she combines her skills in process development and creativity with her passion for advancing women to assist in the development and implementation of educational content strategy and central event design and logistics.<\/p><p>Prior to working at the HBA, Kayla managed the educational offerings and supported the volunteer experience at a non-profit association in the higher education space. Kayla holds BS degrees in Psychology and Sociology from Clemson University and still resides in South Carolina. Outside of work, Kayla is an avid reader and loves spending time with her book club, playing volleyball in a local adult recreation league, traveling to see friends and family, and spoiling her dog Cooper.<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-04/Headshot-KB_250250BW.png?itok=F-qCj5D2" width="360" height="360" alt="Kayla Brennan" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Kayla Brennan</a></div> <div class="people-title">Senior Manager, Global Conferences and Events</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Kayla Brennan joined the HBA in 2022 as the Manager, Central Education, Meetings, and Events. In her role, she combines her skills in process development and creativity with her passion for advancing women to assist in the development and implementation of educational content strategy and central event design and logistics.</p> <p>Prior to working at the HBA, Kayla managed the educational offerings and supported the volunteer experience at a non-profit association in the higher education space. Kayla holds BS degrees in Psychology and Sociology from Clemson University and still resides in South Carolina. Outside of work, Kayla is an avid reader and loves spending time with her book club, playing volleyball in a local adult recreation league, traveling to see friends and family, and spoiling her dog Cooper.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Barbara Bull","url":null,"title":"Senior Director, Member and Volunteer Experience","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-04\/Barbara%20Bull.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Barbara Bull, senior director of member &amp; volunteer experience, joined the HBA as a part-time contract employee in 2007 and then joined the HBA staff full time in 2009. She began her HBA career as an event database specialist working directly with the chapters on their signature and special events.&nbsp;She has also served as a chapter operations manager before taking on her current role as director, chapter care.&nbsp; Barbara\u2019s team oversees all aspects of chapter operations, ensuring compliance with HBA standards and processes, and providing access to resources needed to execute their roles and responsibilities. Barbara has been a contributor to the HBA\u2019s new operating model and responsible for development of the HBA expansion into new geographies, including determining the timeline for implementation and selecting key leaders<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-04/Barbara%20Bull.jpg?itok=O-1mEdIk" width="360" height="360" alt="Barbara Bull" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Barbara Bull</a></div> <div class="people-title">Senior Director, Member and Volunteer Experience</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Barbara Bull, senior director of member & volunteer experience, joined the HBA as a part-time contract employee in 2007 and then joined the HBA staff full time in 2009. She began her HBA career as an event database specialist working directly with the chapters on their signature and special events. She has also served as a chapter operations manager before taking on her current role as director, chapter care. Barbara’s team oversees all aspects of chapter operations, ensuring compliance with HBA standards and processes, and providing access to resources needed to execute their roles and responsibilities. Barbara has been a contributor to the HBA’s new operating model and responsible for development of the HBA expansion into new geographies, including determining the timeline for implementation and selecting key leaders</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Rachael Callahan","url":null,"title":"Director, Global Conferences and Events","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-04\/RCallahan_BW250.png","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Rachael Callahan joined the HBA in 2023 and holds the position of Director, Central Meetings and Events. She is actively involved in progressing the MICE industry (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions) through her service on professional committees and as a mentor to hospitality students. In her role at the HBA, she blends her career passion for designing innovative and engaging event experiences with her personal passion of advancing women in business.<\/p><p>Prior to working at the HBA, Rachael acquired more than a decade of event experience through progressively more complex convention and meeting planning roles at medical associations and third-party meeting planning companies. She holds both the CMP (Certified Meeting Professional) and DES (Digital Event Strategist) credentials. Rachael was named a 40 under 40 Event Professional and Smart Women in Meetings Industry Leader. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Illinois State University.<br>&nbsp;<br>Rachael resides in the Chicago suburbs with her husband and son. When she isn't spending time with them or other friends and family, she likes to travel, read, cook, and bake.<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-04/RCallahan_BW250.png?itok=SXk6Xakr" width="360" height="360" alt="Rachael Callahan" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Rachael Callahan</a></div> <div class="people-title">Director, Global Conferences and Events</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Rachael Callahan joined the HBA in 2023 and holds the position of Director, Central Meetings and Events. She is actively involved in progressing the MICE industry (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions) through her service on professional committees and as a mentor to hospitality students. In her role at the HBA, she blends her career passion for designing innovative and engaging event experiences with her personal passion of advancing women in business.</p> <p>Prior to working at the HBA, Rachael acquired more than a decade of event experience through progressively more complex convention and meeting planning roles at medical associations and third-party meeting planning companies. She holds both the CMP (Certified Meeting Professional) and DES (Digital Event Strategist) credentials. Rachael was named a 40 under 40 Event Professional and Smart Women in Meetings Industry Leader. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Illinois State University.<br /> <br />Rachael resides in the Chicago suburbs with her husband and son. When she isn't spending time with them or other friends and family, she likes to travel, read, cook, and bake.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Amanda Cortinas","url":null,"title":"Account Manager, Corporate Partner Engagement","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-04\/BW%20250.png","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Amanda joined the HBA in 2022 as a member of the Corporate Account Engagement and Relations team. She comes to us as an ally for the advancement of women within the healthcare industry.<\/p><p>Amanda was born and raised in Texas and graduated from The University of North Texas. She has a background in social work, clinical research, and pharma. She is most passionate about women\u2019s rights, animal rights, mental health, and DV survivor support.<\/p><p>Outside of work, Amanda enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and pets. She also enjoys traveling, antiquing, Broadway shows, and hiking to get the most picturesque views. Amanda looks forward to creating meaningful partnerships that evoke success for all.<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-04/BW%20250.png?itok=N1h1oCdU" width="360" height="360" alt="Amanda Cortinas" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Amanda Cortinas</a></div> <div class="people-title">Account Manager, Corporate Partner Engagement</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Amanda joined the HBA in 2022 as a member of the Corporate Account Engagement and Relations team. She comes to us as an ally for the advancement of women within the healthcare industry.</p> <p>Amanda was born and raised in Texas and graduated from The University of North Texas. She has a background in social work, clinical research, and pharma. She is most passionate about women’s rights, animal rights, mental health, and DV survivor support.</p> <p>Outside of work, Amanda enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and pets. She also enjoys traveling, antiquing, Broadway shows, and hiking to get the most picturesque views. Amanda looks forward to creating meaningful partnerships that evoke success for all.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Telesia Davis, Ph.D.","url":null,"title":"Vice President, Global Education, Conferences, and Events","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-04\/TelesiaD%20250x250.png","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Telesia enjoys designing high-impact educational experiences.&nbsp;She activated this passion in her roles as director of multicultural affairs at the University of South Carolina Aiken and as dean for campus life at Presbyterian College. She later transitioned to the association space at the National Association for Campus Activities, serving as director of education and research.&nbsp;She joined the HBA team in early 2021 and works to establish the educational content strategy for the association and to develop global learning initiatives.<\/p><p>Her own life-changing educational experiences ignited and cultivated her enthusiasm for education.&nbsp;She earned a Bachelor\u2019s degree in English from Paine College, a Master\u2019s degrees in student personnel services and higher education business administration and a Ph.D. in educational leadership and policies from the University of South Carolina.<\/p><p>Telesia resides in Columbia, SC and finds joy in reading, traveling and spending time with her husband and son.&nbsp;She is also an avid women\u2019s basketball fan, never missing an opportunity to cheer on her Gamecocks at UofSC and any WNBA team with former Gamecocks.<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-04/TelesiaD%20250x250.png?itok=hqmOwJxY" width="360" height="360" alt="Telesia Davis, PhD" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Telesia Davis, Ph.D.</a></div> <div class="people-title">Vice President, Global Education, Conferences, and Events</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Telesia enjoys designing high-impact educational experiences. She activated this passion in her roles as director of multicultural affairs at the University of South Carolina Aiken and as dean for campus life at Presbyterian College. She later transitioned to the association space at the National Association for Campus Activities, serving as director of education and research. She joined the HBA team in early 2021 and works to establish the educational content strategy for the association and to develop global learning initiatives.</p> <p>Her own life-changing educational experiences ignited and cultivated her enthusiasm for education. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in English from Paine College, a Master’s degrees in student personnel services and higher education business administration and a Ph.D. in educational leadership and policies from the University of South Carolina.</p> <p>Telesia resides in Columbia, SC and finds joy in reading, traveling and spending time with her husband and son. She is also an avid women’s basketball fan, never missing an opportunity to cheer on her Gamecocks at UofSC and any WNBA team with former Gamecocks.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Bridget Fairbanks","url":null,"title":"Manager, Customer Experience","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-04\/Bridget%20Fairbanks.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Bridget Fairbanks joined the HBA family in 2015 and holds the position of customer experience manager. In this role, Bridget works a great deal in aiding in technical support questions, cancellations and refunds and general customer service questions. She also serves as support to her colleagues on the HBA staff.<\/p><p>Bridget is new to nonprofit associations but has worked for over nine years in the healthcare industry serving in many roles from secretary, scheduling manager and administrative assistant. In her free time, Bridget enjoys spending time with her husband and two children.<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-04/Bridget%20Fairbanks.jpg?itok=jjGZBj20" width="360" height="360" alt="Bridget Fairbanks" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Bridget Fairbanks</a></div> <div class="people-title">Manager, Customer Experience</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Bridget Fairbanks joined the HBA family in 2015 and holds the position of customer experience manager. In this role, Bridget works a great deal in aiding in technical support questions, cancellations and refunds and general customer service questions. She also serves as support to her colleagues on the HBA staff.</p> <p>Bridget is new to nonprofit associations but has worked for over nine years in the healthcare industry serving in many roles from secretary, scheduling manager and administrative assistant. In her free time, Bridget enjoys spending time with her husband and two children.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Leena Gademsky","url":null,"title":"Senior Director, Information Technology","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-04\/Leena%20Gademsky.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Leena Gademsky joined the HBA as a director of IT in 2011. She is responsible for developing and implementing HBA\u2019s virtual technology and support strategy.&nbsp; Her main duties include managing the organization\u2019s technology-related vendors, the HBA website, the membership and event database, hardware and software, e-communications, and other technology-related activities.<\/p><p>Leena has a master\u2019s degree in computer science from New Jersey Institute of Technology and a bachelor\u2019s degree in electrical engineering from India. She began her career at Electronic Data Systems and has held progressively more responsible positions within the consulting industry. She has 20+ years of experience in information technology.<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-04/Leena%20Gademsky.jpg?itok=qq-QI0vC" width="360" height="360" alt="Leena Gademsky" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Leena Gademsky</a></div> <div class="people-title">Senior Director, Information Technology</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Leena Gademsky joined the HBA as a director of IT in 2011. She is responsible for developing and implementing HBA’s virtual technology and support strategy. Her main duties include managing the organization’s technology-related vendors, the HBA website, the membership and event database, hardware and software, e-communications, and other technology-related activities.</p> <p>Leena has a master’s degree in computer science from New Jersey Institute of Technology and a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from India. She began her career at Electronic Data Systems and has held progressively more responsible positions within the consulting industry. She has 20+ years of experience in information technology.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Katie Hartmann","url":null,"title":"Associate Director, Stakeholder Operations","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2024-04\/Square%20Headshot.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Katie Cammer joined the HBA in October of 2013 and currently holds the position of manager of chapter care. Katie serves as the main point of contact for all chapter and affiliate board members, to include the oversight of onboarding executive committee members, ensuring compliance with HBA standards and processes, and providing access to resources needed to execute their roles and responsibilities. She aids in the development of the HBA expansion into new geographies, including determining the timeline for implementation and selecting key leaders in HBA affiliates, as well as serving as an HBA staff person on the HBA Europe expansion.&nbsp;<\/p><p>Before joining the HBA, Katie previously served in a program development\/office management role at a national nonprofit association. She held several roles in the government contracting\/telecommunications field prior to joining the association world in 2012. She attended Christopher Newport University where she worked towards a bachelor\u2019s of science in business administration. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two children, as well as volunteering at her daughter\u2019s elementary school.&nbsp;<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2024-04/Square%20Headshot.jpg?itok=zFgl3jWp" width="360" height="360" alt="katie" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Katie Hartmann</a></div> <div class="people-title">Associate Director, Stakeholder Operations</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Katie Cammer joined the HBA in October of 2013 and currently holds the position of manager of chapter care. Katie serves as the main point of contact for all chapter and affiliate board members, to include the oversight of onboarding executive committee members, ensuring compliance with HBA standards and processes, and providing access to resources needed to execute their roles and responsibilities. She aids in the development of the HBA expansion into new geographies, including determining the timeline for implementation and selecting key leaders in HBA affiliates, as well as serving as an HBA staff person on the HBA Europe expansion. </p> <p>Before joining the HBA, Katie previously served in a program development/office management role at a national nonprofit association. She held several roles in the government contracting/telecommunications field prior to joining the association world in 2012. She attended Christopher Newport University where she worked towards a bachelor’s of science in business administration. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two children, as well as volunteering at her daughter’s elementary school. </p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Serene B. Hollingsworth ","url":null,"title":"Director, Corporate Accounts Corporate Partner Engagement","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-04\/Serene%20bw%20250x250.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Serene B. Hollingsworth joined the HBA in 2020 as director, corporate accounts where she looks to create powerful alliances with our corporate partners to advance gender parity in healthcare executive roles. She is responsible for managing the corporate relations team and key HBA corporate partner accounts. Serene provides strategic guidance with a focus on building deep relationships and being the voice of our HBA corporate partners.<\/p><p>Serene brings to the HBA over 15 years of experience building trusted relationships and sustaining strategic winning partnerships with key stakeholders in U.S. health systems, media, publishing and advertising verticals. She has partnered with global accounts managing relationships with McDonalds, Proctor &amp; Gamble, Ford, AT&amp;T and others.<\/p><p>Outside of work, Serene is mother to four young adult daughters, grandmother to Naomi, Ezra, and Liam; and mom to a Black Lab she calls, Egypt. She is also a college sports fan. \u201cGo Buckeyes\u201d and March Madness fanatic! Serene is an avid reader of online content and books. She is often found reading several books at once. Many have a play list. Serene has a read list. Current read list: \u201cThe Day Howdy Doody Died My Stolen Memoir\u201d; \u201cBint\u201d The Complete Trilogy; \u201cAnonymous Is Woman: A Global Chronicle of Gender\u201d; \u201cConscious Business\u201d; and \u201cWashington Black\u201d. Serene looks forward to stretching, building, and doing great work with the HBA.<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-04/Serene%20bw%20250x250.jpg?itok=6PemZuOd" width="360" height="360" alt="Serene B. Hollingsworth " /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Serene B. Hollingsworth </a></div> <div class="people-title">Director, Corporate Accounts Corporate Partner Engagement</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Serene B. Hollingsworth joined the HBA in 2020 as director, corporate accounts where she looks to create powerful alliances with our corporate partners to advance gender parity in healthcare executive roles. She is responsible for managing the corporate relations team and key HBA corporate partner accounts. Serene provides strategic guidance with a focus on building deep relationships and being the voice of our HBA corporate partners.</p> <p>Serene brings to the HBA over 15 years of experience building trusted relationships and sustaining strategic winning partnerships with key stakeholders in U.S. health systems, media, publishing and advertising verticals. She has partnered with global accounts managing relationships with McDonalds, Proctor & Gamble, Ford, AT&T and others.</p> <p>Outside of work, Serene is mother to four young adult daughters, grandmother to Naomi, Ezra, and Liam; and mom to a Black Lab she calls, Egypt. She is also a college sports fan. “Go Buckeyes” and March Madness fanatic! Serene is an avid reader of online content and books. She is often found reading several books at once. Many have a play list. Serene has a read list. Current read list: “The Day Howdy Doody Died My Stolen Memoir”; “Bint” The Complete Trilogy; “Anonymous Is Woman: A Global Chronicle of Gender”; “Conscious Business”; and “Washington Black”. Serene looks forward to stretching, building, and doing great work with the HBA.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Petrina Hurtado","url":null,"title":"Associate Director, Member Strategy and Analytics","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-04\/Petrina%20Hurtado.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Petrina Hurtado joined the HBA in 2014 and currently holds the position of associate director of membership. Petrina is responsible for member onboarding and retention initiatives, administering membership promotions and customer service, as well as supporting chapter\/affiliate volunteers in the areas of membership, volunteer care, and market research.<\/p><p>Petrina earned her master\u2019s degree in social work from the University at Buffalo where she received the Therese Eusanio Memorial Award for work toward social change in the area of women\u2019s health. She has held diverse roles in both direct services and administration of nonprofits including the Erie County Coalition Against Family Violence, Haven House domestic violence shelter, the Adirondack Medical Center, and Hillside Family of Agencies.<br>&nbsp;<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-04/Petrina%20Hurtado.jpg?itok=ZedRGZvX" width="360" height="360" alt="Petrina Hurtado" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Petrina Hurtado</a></div> <div class="people-title">Associate Director, Member Strategy and Analytics</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Petrina Hurtado joined the HBA in 2014 and currently holds the position of associate director of membership. Petrina is responsible for member onboarding and retention initiatives, administering membership promotions and customer service, as well as supporting chapter/affiliate volunteers in the areas of membership, volunteer care, and market research.</p> <p>Petrina earned her master’s degree in social work from the University at Buffalo where she received the Therese Eusanio Memorial Award for work toward social change in the area of women’s health. She has held diverse roles in both direct services and administration of nonprofits including the Erie County Coalition Against Family Violence, Haven House domestic violence shelter, the Adirondack Medical Center, and Hillside Family of Agencies.<br /> </p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Laura Kaflik","url":null,"title":"Director, Marketing","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2024-07\/LK%20-%20Web%201_0.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":null,"email":null,"company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2024-07/LK%20-%20Web%201_0.jpg?itok=HHTdyIwM" width="360" height="360" alt="Laura Kaflik Headshot" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Laura Kaflik</a></div> <div class="people-title">Director, Marketing</div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Sanjuana \"SJ\" Martinez","url":null,"title":"Senior Manager, Global Education and Events","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2024-07\/SJ%20Headshot.png","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Sanjuana \"SJ\" joined the HBA in May 2024 as Senior Manager, Global Education and Events, where she will contribute her expertise to managing the HBA Academy after its launch later this year; coordinating and hosting Career Conversations; coordinating aspects of the HOPE program, including mentor\/scholar and coach\/scholar pairings and strategy session development; supporting the Global Education Advisory Committee; contributing to global education strategy; and supporting other education initiatives as they evolve.<\/p><p>SJ holds a Bachelor of Business Management from the University of Houston - Downtown and a Master of Science in Educational Human Resource Development with a focus in Adult Education from Texas A&amp;M University. SJ has more than a decade of experience in various industries such as Health &amp; Wellness, Oil &amp; Gas, and Higher Education and holds a diverse skillset through her experiences as a Learning &amp; Development specialist, Relationship Manager, and Career Counselor.&nbsp; She is a first-generation graduate and career professional dedicated to mentoring and supporting individuals through their professional journeys with a humanist approach in order to enact change within individuals.&nbsp;<\/p><p>Outside of work, SJ enjoys reading various categories of books (her favorite smell is that of a stocked bookstore) and spending time outdoors. She is bilingual in Spanish, offering translation assistance to members of her community. She continues to mentor first generation students from underrepresented groups through her close proximity to a large public university and alumni associations. SJ resides in Texas with her son and goldendoodle.<\/p><p><br>&nbsp;<\/p>","email":null,"company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2024-07/SJ%20Headshot.png?itok=qmoDl8U4" width="360" height="360" alt="SJ Martinez Headshot" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Sanjuana "SJ" Martinez</a></div> <div class="people-title">Senior Manager, Global Education and Events</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Sanjuana "SJ" joined the HBA in May 2024 as Senior Manager, Global Education and Events, where she will contribute her expertise to managing the HBA Academy after its launch later this year; coordinating and hosting Career Conversations; coordinating aspects of the HOPE program, including mentor/scholar and coach/scholar pairings and strategy session development; supporting the Global Education Advisory Committee; contributing to global education strategy; and supporting other education initiatives as they evolve.</p> <p>SJ holds a Bachelor of Business Management from the University of Houston - Downtown and a Master of Science in Educational Human Resource Development with a focus in Adult Education from Texas A&M University. SJ has more than a decade of experience in various industries such as Health & Wellness, Oil & Gas, and Higher Education and holds a diverse skillset through her experiences as a Learning & Development specialist, Relationship Manager, and Career Counselor. She is a first-generation graduate and career professional dedicated to mentoring and supporting individuals through their professional journeys with a humanist approach in order to enact change within individuals. </p> <p>Outside of work, SJ enjoys reading various categories of books (her favorite smell is that of a stocked bookstore) and spending time outdoors. She is bilingual in Spanish, offering translation assistance to members of her community. She continues to mentor first generation students from underrepresented groups through her close proximity to a large public university and alumni associations. SJ resides in Texas with her son and goldendoodle.</p> <p> </p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Michelle Morse, PMP","url":null,"title":"Senior Manager, Member Programs","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-04\/michelle%20morse-bw-250x250.png","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Michelle Morse joined the HBA in February 2021. She supports the HBA\u2019s regional and chapter leaders in the development and implementation of the HBA\u2019s volunteer-led events, including event programming and educational seminars. She&nbsp;prides herself in keeping programs on schedule and within scope and budget, while working toward high efficiencies and flawless execution. The part of her job that she enjoys most is relationship building with volunteer member leaders, partners and other key stakeholders.&nbsp;Michelle also manages other member value offerings such as the HBA mentoring&nbsp;program and affinity groups. This is a passion project for her, as she credits much of her own career growth and professional accomplishments to the guidance she has received from her many mentors and communities. She is excited to join the HBA\u2019s member experience team and to have a positive impact on HBA\u2019s mission of achieving gender parity within the field of healthcare (and ideally one day in all aspects of society). As the daughter of an immigrant, she also has a strong interest in diversifying voices in leadership roles to include individuals from various distinct and unique backgrounds.<\/p><p>Michelle holds a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification from the Project Management Institute and a BA from American University with a focus in psychology and literature. She has over ten years\u2019 experience working in association management first with a military nonprofit organization and, most recently, with a medical association dedicated to improving women\u2019s health. In her free time, Michelle volunteers with her local animal rescue, curls up with a good book, and travels with friends and family.<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-04/michelle%20morse-bw-250x250.png?itok=q628zjwd" width="360" height="360" alt="Michelle Morse, PMP" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Michelle Morse, PMP</a></div> <div class="people-title">Senior Manager, Member Programs</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Michelle Morse joined the HBA in February 2021. She supports the HBA’s regional and chapter leaders in the development and implementation of the HBA’s volunteer-led events, including event programming and educational seminars. She prides herself in keeping programs on schedule and within scope and budget, while working toward high efficiencies and flawless execution. The part of her job that she enjoys most is relationship building with volunteer member leaders, partners and other key stakeholders. Michelle also manages other member value offerings such as the HBA mentoring program and affinity groups. This is a passion project for her, as she credits much of her own career growth and professional accomplishments to the guidance she has received from her many mentors and communities. She is excited to join the HBA’s member experience team and to have a positive impact on HBA’s mission of achieving gender parity within the field of healthcare (and ideally one day in all aspects of society). As the daughter of an immigrant, she also has a strong interest in diversifying voices in leadership roles to include individuals from various distinct and unique backgrounds.</p> <p>Michelle holds a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification from the Project Management Institute and a BA from American University with a focus in psychology and literature. She has over ten years’ experience working in association management first with a military nonprofit organization and, most recently, with a medical association dedicated to improving women’s health. In her free time, Michelle volunteers with her local animal rescue, curls up with a good book, and travels with friends and family.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Karina Nelson","url":null,"title":"Manager, Member Events and Programs","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2024-08\/IMG_0763.jpeg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Karina Nelson has worked in the nonprofit sector for several years, bringing a wealth of experience in volunteer management, event planning, and stakeholder engagement. She holds a BA in Human Communication and an MA in Interdisciplinary Studies with a concentration in Social Justice and Advocacy.<\/p><p>Her dedication to serving others has given her a deep appreciation for her role in connecting volunteers to their missions. Karina's passion for nonprofits began in her teenage years, inspired by her Deaf mother, who led the charge and created spaces where there were none. This attitude of determination and advocacy became a cornerstone of Karina's career.<\/p><p>Karina has held various roles throughout her career, ranging from managing volunteer teams to advocating for vulnerable populations. Currently at HBA she is the Manager, Member Events and Programs. Prior to that she was the Volunteer Manager at the Council for Economic Education - Invest in Girls, she managed 2,000 volunteers and developed a top tier volunteer program that boosted engagement from individual volunteers to corporate partners. Prior to that, at the Foundation for Foster Children, she advocated for changes benefiting children and young adults in Central Florida. At The Faine House, she reinvigorated volunteer engagement and performance through the development and implementation of comprehensive policies and guidelines.<\/p><p>As of 2024, she continues to inspire, encourage, and lead individuals to engage with missions they care about.<\/p>","email":null,"company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2024-08/IMG_0763.jpeg?itok=ZsRaz7yA" width="360" height="360" alt="Karina Nelson headshot" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Karina Nelson</a></div> <div class="people-title">Manager, Member Events and Programs</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Karina Nelson has worked in the nonprofit sector for several years, bringing a wealth of experience in volunteer management, event planning, and stakeholder engagement. She holds a BA in Human Communication and an MA in Interdisciplinary Studies with a concentration in Social Justice and Advocacy.</p> <p>Her dedication to serving others has given her a deep appreciation for her role in connecting volunteers to their missions. Karina's passion for nonprofits began in her teenage years, inspired by her Deaf mother, who led the charge and created spaces where there were none. This attitude of determination and advocacy became a cornerstone of Karina's career.</p> <p>Karina has held various roles throughout her career, ranging from managing volunteer teams to advocating for vulnerable populations. Currently at HBA she is the Manager, Member Events and Programs. Prior to that she was the Volunteer Manager at the Council for Economic Education - Invest in Girls, she managed 2,000 volunteers and developed a top tier volunteer program that boosted engagement from individual volunteers to corporate partners. Prior to that, at the Foundation for Foster Children, she advocated for changes benefiting children and young adults in Central Florida. At The Faine House, she reinvigorated volunteer engagement and performance through the development and implementation of comprehensive policies and guidelines.</p> <p>As of 2024, she continues to inspire, encourage, and lead individuals to engage with missions they care about.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Lauren Peck","url":null,"title":"Director, Stakeholder Engagement","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-04\/Lauren%20peck.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Lauren Peck joined HBA in December of 2013 and is currently director of stakeholder engagement. As a member of the Member Experience department, she helps oversee the HBA\u2019s stakeholder-facing volunteer functions (corporate relations, membership, and volunteer experience), working closely with cross-functional staff, to create the optimal experience for all. In her role, Lauren is invested in designing and implementing the ideal organizational structures across HBA for maximum efficiency and volunteer satisfaction, and is a resource for volunteer leaders at all levels, across all functions. Lauren works globally across the organization: advising\/supporting the global council and affinity groups; helping drive HBA\u2019s global growth strategy\/locations and Community engagement; overseeing the HBA\u2019s global Ambassador Program and committee, and supervising HBA\u2019s European office and European Leadership Summit team.<\/p><p>Over her time with HBA, Lauren has held a number of evolving roles. Most recently, she was senior manager of corporate development, focusing primarily on HBA\u2019s corporate customers. Prior to that role, she was manager of chapter development and assisted in the design of the organization\u2019s new operating model before supporting and managing the transition into the new model with multiple regions. When Lauren first joined HBA, it was as manager of meetings and events administration, where she managed and supported the former Metro chapter (now the NY\/NJ\/CT Region), their board and volunteers.<\/p><p>Before joining HBA, Lauren worked in event coordination and office management for a private entertainment company and graduated from Rutgers University with a focus in art history and Italian. Lauren currently resides in New Jersey, USA and volunteers for Big Brothers Big Sisters and YWCA Princeton. In her free time, Lauren is a self-proclaimed bookworm, loves traveling,&nbsp;baking (but not cooking), and spending time with her friends, family, husband and dog.<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-04/Lauren%20peck.jpg?itok=jRBB5oMp" width="360" height="360" alt="Lauren Peck" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Lauren Peck</a></div> <div class="people-title">Director, Stakeholder Engagement</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Lauren Peck joined HBA in December of 2013 and is currently director of stakeholder engagement. As a member of the Member Experience department, she helps oversee the HBA’s stakeholder-facing volunteer functions (corporate relations, membership, and volunteer experience), working closely with cross-functional staff, to create the optimal experience for all. In her role, Lauren is invested in designing and implementing the ideal organizational structures across HBA for maximum efficiency and volunteer satisfaction, and is a resource for volunteer leaders at all levels, across all functions. Lauren works globally across the organization: advising/supporting the global council and affinity groups; helping drive HBA’s global growth strategy/locations and Community engagement; overseeing the HBA’s global Ambassador Program and committee, and supervising HBA’s European office and European Leadership Summit team.</p> <p>Over her time with HBA, Lauren has held a number of evolving roles. Most recently, she was senior manager of corporate development, focusing primarily on HBA’s corporate customers. Prior to that role, she was manager of chapter development and assisted in the design of the organization’s new operating model before supporting and managing the transition into the new model with multiple regions. When Lauren first joined HBA, it was as manager of meetings and events administration, where she managed and supported the former Metro chapter (now the NY/NJ/CT Region), their board and volunteers.</p> <p>Before joining HBA, Lauren worked in event coordination and office management for a private entertainment company and graduated from Rutgers University with a focus in art history and Italian. Lauren currently resides in New Jersey, USA and volunteers for Big Brothers Big Sisters and YWCA Princeton. In her free time, Lauren is a self-proclaimed bookworm, loves traveling, baking (but not cooking), and spending time with her friends, family, husband and dog.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Jeanne Piceno ","url":null,"title":"Data Coordinator","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-04\/Jeanne%20Piceno.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Jeanne Piceno joined the HBA in November 2017 as corporate accounts coordinator. In 2023, she transitioned to the role of data coordinator, where she continues to support the Account Management team with corporate partner and sponsor benefit programs and now also works closely with Petrina Hurtado, Associate Director, Member Strategy and Analytics, to ensure that HBA staff and stakeholders have the data and information they need to best support our members, Corporate Partners, and volunteers.<\/p><p>Prior experience includes roles in communications and professional development at several associations, as well as administrative support and office manager positions with both large and small companies.<\/p><p>Jeanne received a BA in communication studies, with a focus on public relations and a minor in marketing.<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-04/Jeanne%20Piceno.jpg?itok=snOAcyH6" width="360" height="360" alt="Jeanne Piceno " /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Jeanne Piceno </a></div> <div class="people-title">Data Coordinator</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Jeanne Piceno joined the HBA in November 2017 as corporate accounts coordinator. In 2023, she transitioned to the role of data coordinator, where she continues to support the Account Management team with corporate partner and sponsor benefit programs and now also works closely with Petrina Hurtado, Associate Director, Member Strategy and Analytics, to ensure that HBA staff and stakeholders have the data and information they need to best support our members, Corporate Partners, and volunteers.</p> <p>Prior experience includes roles in communications and professional development at several associations, as well as administrative support and office manager positions with both large and small companies.</p> <p>Jeanne received a BA in communication studies, with a focus on public relations and a minor in marketing.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Malissa Quarterman","url":null,"title":"Director, Finance","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-04\/Malissa%20Quaterman.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Malissa Quarterman joined the HBA in October 2017 as the senior manager, finance. The responsibilities of this role include, general ledger maintenance and chapter financial statements and analysis.<\/p><p>Malissa has held various accounting positions in state government, for-profit and non-profit organizations. She earned her bachelor of science in accounting at Valdosta State University in Valdosta, GA and master of business administration in business management from Strayer University.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-04/Malissa%20Quaterman.jpg?itok=7N5ILw5c" width="360" height="360" alt="Malissa Quarterman" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Malissa Quarterman</a></div> <div class="people-title">Director, Finance</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Malissa Quarterman joined the HBA in October 2017 as the senior manager, finance. The responsibilities of this role include, general ledger maintenance and chapter financial statements and analysis.</p> <p>Malissa has held various accounting positions in state government, for-profit and non-profit organizations. She earned her bachelor of science in accounting at Valdosta State University in Valdosta, GA and master of business administration in business management from Strayer University. </p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Nicole Randall","url":"https:\/\/\/in\/nicolerandall\/","title":"Global Head of External Affairs","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-10\/Nicole_BW250.png","imageAlt":null,"body":null,"email":null,"company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-10/Nicole_BW250.png?itok=jnlaRVvC" width="360" height="360" alt="Nicole Randall HBA" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Nicole Randall</a></div> <div class="people-title">Global Head of External Affairs</div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Lauren Rhodes","url":null,"title":"Membership Coordinator","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-07\/IMG_2769%20-%20Copy.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Lauren Rhodes is Healthcare Businesswomen\u2019s Association\u2019s new Membership Coordinator where she will focus on supporting members and Corporate Partners.&nbsp;Prior to joining the HBA, she coordinated executive recruiting searches specializing in gender equity and has experience in account management. She is excited to continue pushing for an inclusive environment with gender equity in every workplace.<br>&nbsp;<br>Lauren graduated from Middle Tennessee State University with a Bachelor\u2019s degree in Agribusiness.&nbsp;She and her partner live just outside of Nashville and spend their time with their animals (horse, dog, and two cats), going to concerts, and gardening.<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-07/IMG_2769%20-%20Copy.jpg?itok=NWswRDCJ" width="360" height="360" alt="Lauren Rhodes Headshot" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Lauren Rhodes</a></div> <div class="people-title">Membership Coordinator</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Lauren Rhodes is Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association’s new Membership Coordinator where she will focus on supporting members and Corporate Partners. Prior to joining the HBA, she coordinated executive recruiting searches specializing in gender equity and has experience in account management. She is excited to continue pushing for an inclusive environment with gender equity in every workplace.<br /> <br />Lauren graduated from Middle Tennessee State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Agribusiness. She and her partner live just outside of Nashville and spend their time with their animals (horse, dog, and two cats), going to concerts, and gardening.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Rob Smith","url":null,"title":"Senior Account Manager, Corporate Partner Engagement","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-04\/Rob%20Headshot%20B%26W.png","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Rob Smith joined the HBA in 2022 as Corporate Partner Engagement, Senior Account Manager. His goals are to create a fusion of harmony with our Corporate Partners to advance gender equity in healthcare executive roles. Rob is responsible for managing many of the HBA's most key accounts. He delivers on the voice of customer and representing the needs of our partners.<\/p><p>Rob started his career in healthcare as combat medic for the USAF and took his clinical experience to SaaS EHR software consulting industry and eventually managed services account management\/vendor services for large health systems on the global level, to include the VA and DoD.<\/p><p>Rob earned his Bachelor's of Science - Global Business from Arizona State University. He's passionate about improving the overall patient experience along with advancing and supporting those who provide patient care!<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-04/Rob%20Headshot%20B%26W.png?itok=j9VvJk__" width="360" height="360" alt="Rob Smith" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Rob Smith</a></div> <div class="people-title">Senior Account Manager, Corporate Partner Engagement</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Rob Smith joined the HBA in 2022 as Corporate Partner Engagement, Senior Account Manager. His goals are to create a fusion of harmony with our Corporate Partners to advance gender equity in healthcare executive roles. Rob is responsible for managing many of the HBA's most key accounts. He delivers on the voice of customer and representing the needs of our partners.</p> <p>Rob started his career in healthcare as combat medic for the USAF and took his clinical experience to SaaS EHR software consulting industry and eventually managed services account management/vendor services for large health systems on the global level, to include the VA and DoD.</p> <p>Rob earned his Bachelor's of Science - Global Business from Arizona State University. He's passionate about improving the overall patient experience along with advancing and supporting those who provide patient care!</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"LaToya Tapscott, CAE","url":null,"title":"Senior Director, Global Head of the Gender Equity Think Tank (GETT)","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2024-07\/image%20%284%29.png","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>LaToya Tapscott is the Senior Director, Global Head of the Gender Equity Think Tank (GETT) and she will focus on strategic planning, governance, and the development of products and partnerships to drive the Think Tank's growth and influence. As an experienced non-profit membership association professional, she brings 15+ years of experience in driving stakeholder engagement and fostering vibrant communities across diverse sectors.&nbsp;<br><br>Previously, she served as the Senior Director of Digital Health Communities at the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) where she engaged healthcare technology executives and successfully oversaw strategic partnerships. Prior to that she played a pivotal role at the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) in developing and executing impactful programs for committee members, volunteer&nbsp;leaders, and corporate sponsors. LaToya's journey in the association industry began at the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), where she gained valuable insights into association management through&nbsp;various roles.<\/p><p><br>LaToya is committed to giving back to her professional community through volunteer service. She currently serves on committees with organizations such as Association Women Technology Champions (AWTC), Black Association Executives (BAE), and ASAE's Healthcare Community Advisory Committee (HCAC).<br><br>LaToya resides in Maryland with her family and she holds a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from the University of MD Global Campus and is a Certified Association Executive (CAE).<\/p>","email":null,"company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2024-07/image%20%284%29.png?itok=-QhlswhC" width="360" height="360" alt="LaToya Tapscott headshot" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">LaToya Tapscott, CAE</a></div> <div class="people-title">Senior Director, Global Head of the Gender Equity Think Tank (GETT)</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>LaToya Tapscott is the Senior Director, Global Head of the Gender Equity Think Tank (GETT) and she will focus on strategic planning, governance, and the development of products and partnerships to drive the Think Tank's growth and influence. As an experienced non-profit membership association professional, she brings 15+ years of experience in driving stakeholder engagement and fostering vibrant communities across diverse sectors. </p> <p>Previously, she served as the Senior Director of Digital Health Communities at the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) where she engaged healthcare technology executives and successfully oversaw strategic partnerships. Prior to that she played a pivotal role at the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) in developing and executing impactful programs for committee members, volunteer leaders, and corporate sponsors. LaToya's journey in the association industry began at the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), where she gained valuable insights into association management through various roles.</p> <p>LaToya is committed to giving back to her professional community through volunteer service. She currently serves on committees with organizations such as Association Women Technology Champions (AWTC), Black Association Executives (BAE), and ASAE's Healthcare Community Advisory Committee (HCAC).</p> <p>LaToya resides in Maryland with her family and she holds a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from the University of MD Global Campus and is a Certified Association Executive (CAE).</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Gabrielle Todd","url":null,"title":"Account Manager, Corporate Partner Engagement","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-04\/Gabrielle%20Todd%20250x250.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Gabrielle is passionate about the advancement of all women into executive leadership in every business vertical and a champion for social justice.&nbsp;<\/p><p>Gabrielle is Healthcare Businesswomen\u2019s Association\u2019s (HBA) newest Corporate Partner Engagement Associate Manager. Gabrielle has a business administration, accounting, and banking background.&nbsp;Looking forward to learning more about the HBA and using this position to create the most positive, inclusive, and successful environment for ALL for generations to come!<br>&nbsp;<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-04/Gabrielle%20Todd%20250x250.jpg?itok=FRjtp3O3" width="360" height="360" alt="Gabrielle Todd" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Gabrielle Todd</a></div> <div class="people-title">Account Manager, Corporate Partner Engagement</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Gabrielle is passionate about the advancement of all women into executive leadership in every business vertical and a champion for social justice. </p> <p>Gabrielle is Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association’s (HBA) newest Corporate Partner Engagement Associate Manager. Gabrielle has a business administration, accounting, and banking background. Looking forward to learning more about the HBA and using this position to create the most positive, inclusive, and successful environment for ALL for generations to come!<br /> </p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Danielle Trama","url":null,"title":"Director, Global Business Development & Sales","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2024-11\/image0111.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Danielle Trama is the Director of Global Business Development &amp; Sales at the Healthcare Businesswomen\u2019s Association. With over 13 years of experience in sales and customer support across both for-profit and non-profit sectors, Danielle brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her role.<\/p><p>Danielle joined HBA as an Associate Manager, Sales, where she quickly demonstrated her ability to drive results and build strong relationships. Her exceptional performance led to her promotion to Director, Business Development &amp; Sales. In this role, she oversees strategic initiatives to expand HBA\u2019s market presence and supports the organization\u2019s mission to advance women\u2019s leadership roles in the healthcare industry.<\/p><p>Throughout her career, Danielle has held various sales and management positions, including Senior Account Executive at Dispensary of Hope, where for 7 years she worked closely with pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors. She also served as Branch Manager for a staffing agency, where she honed her skills in sales, client relations, and team leadership. Her diverse experience has equipped her with a deep understanding of market dynamics and customer needs.<\/p><p>Danielle is passionate about making a difference in people\u2019s lives and supporting them through challenging times. At HBA, she is committed to advancing women\u2019s leadership roles and helping businesses enhance their gender parity initiatives.<\/p><p>Danielle holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Middle Tennessee State University. She resides in Colorado Springs, CO, with her husband, two dogs, and two cats. In her spare time, she enjoys hosting family and friends, engaging in DIY projects, and hiking.<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2024-11/image0111.jpg?itok=arkWfWJX" width="360" height="360" alt="Danielle Trama - 2024 Headshot" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Danielle Trama</a></div> <div class="people-title">Director, Global Business Development & Sales</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Danielle Trama is the Director of Global Business Development & Sales at the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association. With over 13 years of experience in sales and customer support across both for-profit and non-profit sectors, Danielle brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her role.</p> <p>Danielle joined HBA as an Associate Manager, Sales, where she quickly demonstrated her ability to drive results and build strong relationships. Her exceptional performance led to her promotion to Director, Business Development & Sales. In this role, she oversees strategic initiatives to expand HBA’s market presence and supports the organization’s mission to advance women’s leadership roles in the healthcare industry.</p> <p>Throughout her career, Danielle has held various sales and management positions, including Senior Account Executive at Dispensary of Hope, where for 7 years she worked closely with pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors. She also served as Branch Manager for a staffing agency, where she honed her skills in sales, client relations, and team leadership. Her diverse experience has equipped her with a deep understanding of market dynamics and customer needs.</p> <p>Danielle is passionate about making a difference in people’s lives and supporting them through challenging times. At HBA, she is committed to advancing women’s leadership roles and helping businesses enhance their gender parity initiatives.</p> <p>Danielle holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Middle Tennessee State University. She resides in Colorado Springs, CO, with her husband, two dogs, and two cats. In her spare time, she enjoys hosting family and friends, engaging in DIY projects, and hiking.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Anna Treudt, MPH","url":null,"title":"Senior Manager, Corporate Programs","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2024-07\/Anna_Treudt_001_Color%20Web.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Anna joined the HBA in 2024 as Senior Manager, Corporate Programs. She looks to scale the Global Ambassador Program and design meaningful program offerings to its corporate partners as GAP continues to expand.<\/p><p>Anna earned a Master of Public Health degree from Northwestern University with an emphasis on public health program evaluation and equitable resource development. Her career background includes launching national standards-based QI programs for healthcare regulators assessing hospitals\/healthcare organizations. She has partnered with key health executive innovators across the industry and is focused on driving health equity competencies and building sustainable infrastructure in her work.<\/p><p>Anna lives in Chicago, IL and loves traveling, dogs, and training for the Chicago marathon.<\/p>","email":null,"company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2024-07/Anna_Treudt_001_Color%20Web.jpg?itok=04JDMMnq" width="360" height="360" alt="Anna Treudt Headshot" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Anna Treudt, MPH</a></div> <div class="people-title">Senior Manager, Corporate Programs</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Anna joined the HBA in 2024 as Senior Manager, Corporate Programs. She looks to scale the Global Ambassador Program and design meaningful program offerings to its corporate partners as GAP continues to expand.</p> <p>Anna earned a Master of Public Health degree from Northwestern University with an emphasis on public health program evaluation and equitable resource development. Her career background includes launching national standards-based QI programs for healthcare regulators assessing hospitals/healthcare organizations. She has partnered with key health executive innovators across the industry and is focused on driving health equity competencies and building sustainable infrastructure in her work.</p> <p>Anna lives in Chicago, IL and loves traveling, dogs, and training for the Chicago marathon.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Lanesha Whitefield","url":null,"title":"Senior Account Manager, Corporate Partner Engagement","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-04\/LaneshaBW2.png","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Lanesha Whitefield is from Nashville, Tennessee. She is a proud graduate of Middle Tennessee State University. There, she was an active member of Alpha Kappa Psi, Inc. Professional Business Fraternity. After graduating from undergrad with a BA&nbsp;in Business Administration with a focus in Marketing, she relocated to Chicago, IL where she attended Keller Graduate School of Management and received a Master\u2019s in Non-Profit Organization Management. For the last 15 years, she has been an active member in her community, served as a Personal Banker, Fraud Investigator, and a Corporate Account Manager in the Chicago-land area. She is passionate about creating opportunities for youth to thrive in their chosen field and regularly enjoys watching football and track &amp; field. &nbsp;<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-04/LaneshaBW2.png?itok=xszt08dE" width="360" height="360" alt="Lanesha Whitefield" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Lanesha Whitefield</a></div> <div class="people-title">Senior Account Manager, Corporate Partner Engagement</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Lanesha Whitefield is from Nashville, Tennessee. She is a proud graduate of Middle Tennessee State University. There, she was an active member of Alpha Kappa Psi, Inc. Professional Business Fraternity. After graduating from undergrad with a BA in Business Administration with a focus in Marketing, she relocated to Chicago, IL where she attended Keller Graduate School of Management and received a Master’s in Non-Profit Organization Management. For the last 15 years, she has been an active member in her community, served as a Personal Banker, Fraud Investigator, and a Corporate Account Manager in the Chicago-land area. She is passionate about creating opportunities for youth to thrive in their chosen field and regularly enjoys watching football and track & field. </p> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="field-people-item col-md-6 col-lg-4 field-people-item__horizontal"> <div class="people-teaser" data-popup-content="{"name":"Nancy White","url":null,"title":"Senior Director, Communications","image":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2023-06\/NJGW%20portrait%202020.jpg","imageAlt":null,"body":"<p>Nancy White joined the HBA team in early 2017 and serves as Senior Director of Communications. In this role, Nancy leads the association\u2019s overall communications strategy with oversight on thought leadership,&nbsp; signature and awards event brand messaging, media and ally outreach, and social media. She also helps develop and publish HBA brand content, working with HBA\u2019s global leadership and network of volunteers and partners.&nbsp;<\/p><p>With more than 30+ years experience, Nancy brings significant public relations and marketing expertise to the HBA. She has worked in similar roles with other globally recognized associations including the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the American Automobile Association (AAA) and SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management). A native of Michigan, Nancy earned her bachelor\u2019s of arts in English from Wayne State University.<\/p>","email":"","company":null}"> <div class="people-teaser__inner"> <div class="image image__rounded"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/person/public/2023-06/NJGW%20portrait%202020.jpg?itok=1mQ4jCCN" width="360" height="360" alt="Nancy White HBA" /> </div> </div> <div class="people-info"> <div class="people-read-more"><a class="people-read-more__link">Nancy White</a></div> <div class="people-title">Senior Director, Communications</div> </div> </div> <div class="sr-only"> <div class="text-long"><p>Nancy White joined the HBA team in early 2017 and serves as Senior Director of Communications. In this role, Nancy leads the association’s overall communications strategy with oversight on thought leadership, signature and awards event brand messaging, media and ally outreach, and social media. She also helps develop and publish HBA brand content, working with HBA’s global leadership and network of volunteers and partners. </p> <p>With more than 30+ years experience, Nancy brings significant public relations and marketing expertise to the HBA. She has worked in similar roles with other globally recognized associations including the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the American Automobile Association (AAA) and SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management). A native of Michigan, Nancy earned her bachelor’s of arts in English from Wayne State University.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div class="field-section-item"> <div class="paragraph--container width-md g-0 hba-white dark pb-2 pt-2 mb-0 mt-0 angled-bottom"> <div class="field-section-item container"> <div class="two-column row no-margin"> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="field field--name-field-left-column-content field--type-entity-reference-revisions field--label-hidden items"> <div class="item"> <div class="paragraph--type--heading"> <h2 class="h2 c--primary paragraph--type--heading"> Interested in Joining the HBA Central Staff Team? </h2> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--paragraph paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div class="text-long"> <div><p>If you share our passion for gender parity and health equity, we’d love to have you on board!</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div 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