3DNews: Планшеты

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Более того, он еще и звонит... ]]></description> <pubDate>Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="16896" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="419078" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="106188" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="148322" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="39994" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="571371" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="119921" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="285427" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="86791" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="441008" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="121248" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="293949" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="78764" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="137210" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="36498" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="11492" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7182" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7337" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7034" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="9954" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7758" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1980173" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="203427" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2519686" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="257848" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1988728" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="209425" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2168542" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="81295" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3220318" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="103607" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="55445" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="489897" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="475234" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="516352" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="159263" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="106556" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="151206" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="194235" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="126049" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="23166" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="229601" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="85258" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="86556" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="63526" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="42067" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="27825" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="34714" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="23003" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="84703" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="22916" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="119880" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="404509" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="53459" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="476206" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="249465" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="129720" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="184726" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="240368" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Девять-десять: выбираем большой планшет</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Портал 3DNews проанализировал российский рынок планшетов с диагональю дисплея 9-10 дюймов и выделил 15 лучших вариантов для учебы, работы и развлечений. Диапазон стоимости — от 6 000 до 30 000 рублей ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 04 Jun 2014 00:01:06 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="10356" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="642452" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="175769" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1031402" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="126955" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="663455" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="144773" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="713590" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="156768" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="603844" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="111341" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1070395" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="165820" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3455063" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="108047" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="239342" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="119752" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="155838" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="115813" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2252679" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="107350" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="269476" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="93237" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="401026" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="142429" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="509794" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="121393" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1093628" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="132874" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="226073" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="122999" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="415377" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="114005" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="658384" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="193442" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3486436" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="105179" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="343372" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="81517" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="291138" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="120387" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="172763" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="175225" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="94096" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="91307" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="759710" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="143946" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="257004" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="111751" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="365925" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="94938" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="70771" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="71077" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="349907" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="124084" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="624430" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="146654" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="842589" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="135346" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="313608" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="134434" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="968295" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="131878" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор планшета Qumo Vega 781: культурный гаджет</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Новый планшет от Qumo — Vega 781 — это недорогая «таблетка», объединяющая в себе достойную техническую начинку и невысокую стоимость владения. Планшет работает на четырёхъядерный платформе, у него есть встроенный 3G-модем, а просят за него всего семь с половиной тысяч рублей. Что гаджет за эти деньги может предложить покупателям? ]]></description> <pubDate>Fri, 25 Apr 2014 00:00:02 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="12194" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="332394" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="97294" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="269797" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="73303" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="432535" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="108370" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="268201" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="92425" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="971883" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="212014" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="317261" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="99890" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="6287" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5799" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6791" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="764671" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="91371" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="780131" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="88641" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="920531" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="102276" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1050202" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="121643" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="256066" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="51274" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="216268" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="237111" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="162334" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="63405" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="68205" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="29370" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="28222" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="192660" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="84275" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="64580" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="161020" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="19286" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="20921" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="9918" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet: правильный японский планшет</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />С планшетами линейки Xperia Tablet японские инженеры Sony, вероятно, решили поступать так же, как со смартфонами, — обновлять при каждом удобном случае. На первый взгляд, отличий у Z2 от предшественника немного: «железо» подросло да степень влагозащищенности корпуса повысилась. Так ли это на самом деле? Сейчас узнаем ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 23 Apr 2014 00:00:05 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="14067" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="233765" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="74566" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="170867" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="45539" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="392649" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="85146" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="251858" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="89473" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="518292" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="128876" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="119003" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="33739" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="137200" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="38175" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="9193" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7196" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10571" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10061" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7249" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10718" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16029" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="375852" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="75408" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="22707" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="48551" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="17319" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="43677" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="156181" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="87000" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="835117" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="602733" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="544003" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="416647" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="385574" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="866328" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1829315" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="127293" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="121570" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="169828" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="626048" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1375132" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="755809" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="175716" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="63743" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="104781" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="20074" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="120021" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="119513" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="38173" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="42647" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="35442" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="77796" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="126561" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16676" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16229" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="23960" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="31494" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25029" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="21224" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="12802" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="15152" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="24802" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="37327" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="78769" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14336" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="262077" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="812192" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="285864" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="65871" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="24989" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="33051" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="56880" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="48352" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="24795" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="46137" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5271333" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="245854" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3802278" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="210585" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="112595" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="96168" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор планшета WEXLER.TAB 10q: по тысяче за дюйм</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />На первый взгляд новый планшет от WEXLER кажется довольно скучным гаджетом, единственное достоинство которого — сравнительно невысокая цена. Впрочем, судить об устройстве по списку характеристик — занятие, как известно, неблагодарное, поэтому мы решили ознакомиться с устройством в нашей тестовой лаборатории, и были удивлены… ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 10 Apr 2014 00:00:24 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="12435" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="913217" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="171782" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="270130" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="53093" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1014198" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="165833" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1285126" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="231564" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1786221" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="270390" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="283899" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="56437" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="987578" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="173607" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="6334" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5864" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6570" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="2618874" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="227802" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1455025" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="155827" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1360687" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="151581" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2301454" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="217426" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="12269" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="277972" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="20389" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="15732" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="106479" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="29662" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="21758" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="38665" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="279689" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="196919" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="65021" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="75607" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="68632" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="398493" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="143788" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="107896" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="17600" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="64582" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="44800" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18000" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="21506" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="21769" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="79419" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="37957" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="28668" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Экспресс-тест смартфона Supra M621G: нужно ли платить больше?</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Шестидюймовые смартфоны стали настолько популярными, что их ринулись выпускать буквально все: от всемирно известных компаний до производителей второго, а также третьего и четвертого эшелонов. Причем малоизвестные вендоры иногда представляют очень необычные и интересные решения. Например, с очень приятной ценой — Supra предлагает «смартшет» M621G, который стоит всего-навсего пять тысяч рублей ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 03 Apr 2014 00:00:28 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="10769" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1261081" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="209580" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="947372" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="243189" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="537058" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="112357" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="849702" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="166005" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1163849" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="215761" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1295061" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="232168" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="889849" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="187718" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5280" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5071" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5685" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="367096" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="151137" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="131300" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="54836" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="140097" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="221107" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="190548" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="66970" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="69388" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="27169" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="404056" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="85109" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="63216" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="73190" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="43274" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="122223" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="69847" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="62247" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="32038" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="36588" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14471" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="115671" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="41139" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="30755" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор Dell Venue 8 Pro, компактного планшета с Windows и новым «Атомом»</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Microsoft долгое время пыталась делать планшеты похожими на ноутбуки. И получалось странно — и не планшет, и не ноутбук. Теперь же концепция, кажется, меняется: наконец-то начинают появляться Windows-планшеты, похожие именно на планшеты ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 02 Apr 2014 00:01:16 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="15563" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="776468" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="149160" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1636081" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="260007" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1887271" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="332542" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1495093" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="249975" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1898254" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="329927" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1316422" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="234441" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="613375" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="114909" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="544191" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="103762" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="306282" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="136287" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1307709" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="110274" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1086605" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="78472" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4304" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4390" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4195" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="2671" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="2594" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="20868" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="21588" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4088" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4591" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4791" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4474" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4968" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="3945" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4581" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="398093" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="79108" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="13888" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="24215" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="13652" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="23955" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="13188" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="20798" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="13073" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="20821" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="2468777" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="122583" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="836603" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="66840" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Экспресс-тест планшета 3Q Glaze RC7804F: для кармана и кошелька</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Среди бюджетных планшетов нечасто встречаются гаджеты с необычными дизайнерскими решениями — недорогие «таблетки» вообще очень похожи друг на друга. Новое устройство компании 3Q выделяется из серой массы. Толщина корпуса планшета — всего 6,4 мм, а официальная цена — шесть тысяч рублей. Чем ещё удивляет новинка? ]]></description> <pubDate>Sat, 29 Mar 2014 00:00:33 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="11437" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="484809" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="128795" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1020105" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="168848" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="401177" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="110926" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="276462" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="84822" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="166885" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="45085" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="135944" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="38966" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="772771" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="150501" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="728067" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="56065" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="355305" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="41577" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5389" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5115" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5441" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="2237249" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="192266" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2177832" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="193817" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2510230" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="219470" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16627" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="104813" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="280894" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="153760" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="223423" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="34329" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="251921" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="55033" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="58765" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="46361" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="109650" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="19710" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="217048" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="15716" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="17272" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14029" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="88867" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="378525" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Экспресс-тест планшета Supra M145G: дважды 3G</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Новый десятидюймовый планшет Supra может похвастаться неплохой IPS-матрицей, четырёхъядерным процессором и поддержкой аж двух SIM-карт, что не типично для планшетов – особенно больших. При этом стоимость устройства, как мы любим, невысокая — около девяти тысяч рублей. Выдержано ли в Supra M145G сочетание цены и качества? Попробуем выяснить ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 27 Mar 2014 00:00:45 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="14115" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="922234" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="161201" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="622578" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="122188" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1015553" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="165579" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1043314" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="178495" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="950372" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="174374" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="632859" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="122683" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5176" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4751" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5405" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="376118" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="155524" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="51734" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="199594" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="270456" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="192150" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="60286" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="64443" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="31549" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="639753" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="137552" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="102066" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="23148" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="151505" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="62881" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="45045" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16646" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18149" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="9486" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="106153" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="35627" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="26960" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Экспресс-тест планшета Supra M847G: свой среди чужих</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />На первый взгляд, Supra M847G — очередной бюджетный планшет со стандартными характеристиками: восьмидюймовый экран с невысоким разрешением плюс четырёхъядерный процессор MediaTek. Однако не стоит торопиться с выводами. Устройство интереснее, чем кажется поначалу, а стоит при этом совсем немного ]]></description> <pubDate>Sat, 15 Mar 2014 00:00:18 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="15304" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="49541" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="212265" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="574539" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="573335" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="57743" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="56998" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="23136" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="951827" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="214505" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="160449" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="764689" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1018198" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="937738" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="26784" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="191974" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="165056" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="163763" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="186105" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16793" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="17141" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7446" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="321922" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="237933" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="112668" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="100373" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="191954" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="258860" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="232920" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="371274" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="258479" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6121" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5839" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6306" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1634095" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2186875" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1375888" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="376312" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1299315" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="221882" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1120634" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="207707" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1038869" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="207174" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="953430" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="196614" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="543789" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="105477" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1025061" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="179209" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>MWC 2014: первый взгляд на компактный планшет Huawei MediaPad X1 7.0</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Один из наиболее интересных планшетов, показанных на MWC 2014, — творение инженеров Huawei. Невероятно легкий, очень тонкий, с ярким экраном и массой других особенностей. Вместе с ним Huawei продемонстрировала свое видение носимого электронного устройства — также очень необычное ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 05 Mar 2014 00:01:37 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="12877" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="703643" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="179145" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="589294" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="143829" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="540157" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="139364" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="572094" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="139464" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="608622" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="146091" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="261460" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="66663" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="270535" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="69782" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="643537" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="154598" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="748278" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="180841" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="698275" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="168750" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="732676" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="172241" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="978464" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="224920" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="703261" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="169199" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="731126" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="178029" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="677195" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="163794" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="687729" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="169500" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="680097" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="169186" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="680646" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="166898" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="667222" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="162400" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Экспресс-обзор Explay Scream 3G: какой твой любимый планшет?</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Новый планшет компании Explay назван крайне необычно — Scream, что в дословном переводе значит «крик». Интригует, не правда ли? Scream 3G — гаджет недорогой, со вполне стандартными техническими характеристиками. Посмотрим, удастся ли ему заставить нас кричать от восторга… или нет? ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 26 Feb 2014 00:00:53 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="8529" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="500321" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="117782" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="704162" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="142894" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="410137" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="88239" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="355733" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="101245" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="257168" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="82579" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="525875" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="139499" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="112358" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="29120" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="469140" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="108576" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="53423" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="242174" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="58902" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="67385" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="38326" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="726009" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="26265" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="22866" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="270008" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="172031" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="157515" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="81661" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="386774" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="138292" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="103227" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="24417" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16409" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18783" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="11832" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7806" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5930" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="64014" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="40616" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="30745" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18040" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="36795" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="27846" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6502" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5996" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6664" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="375628" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="155528" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="219698" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="77013" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="230593" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>MWC 2014: Lenovo Yoga Tablet 10 HD+. Предварительный обзор</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Первый Yoga Tablet 10 был планшетом крайне интересным и, к сожалению, столь же неоднозначным. В новой версии Lenovo хорошенько поработала над ошибками, а заодно добавила несколько новых интересных фишек<iframe frameborder="0" height="405" src="" width="720" allowfullscreen=""> ]]></description> <pubDate>Mon, 24 Feb 2014 07:00:32 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="14541" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="810564" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="154047" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="791024" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="146353" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="777007" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="144664" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="800861" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="154799" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1011171" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="217097" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1070543" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="206185" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="997877" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="194638" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="973583" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="186378" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="853057" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="167589" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="768104" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="135921" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="853679" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="171057" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="757974" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="147755" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="760045" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="141867" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="756636" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="145326" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор планшета/ноутбука ASUS Transformer Book Trio TX201LA: Android и дважды Windows</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Ноутбуки, способные превращаться в планшет, — трансформеры — уже давно не редкость. Все они работают либо на Windows, либо на Android. Однако обе ОС не лишены недостатков, поэтому правильный вариант решения задачи — это сделать так, чтобы в режиме ноутбука вы имели дело с Windows и всем ее богатейшим программным наследием, а в режиме планшета могли работать в легкой и быстрой Android. Именно эту возможность и дает ASUS Transformer Book Trio ]]></description> <pubDate>Sat, 08 Feb 2014 00:00:13 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="15420" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="452395" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="90377" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="577951" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="141297" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="404605" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="100874" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="439340" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="108275" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="352633" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="89588" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1168006" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="185448" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1397623" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="212970" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="921597" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="161575" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="863474" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="174579" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="78511" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13128" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="120989" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="20161" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="118095" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="20002" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="217886" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="34001" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="216489" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="34073" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5907" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5623" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16028" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="15510" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="21155" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18389" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="20376" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="21489" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="22168" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1185579" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="69549" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1812331" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="85822" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор планшета Toshiba AT10LE-A Excite Pro: настоящий «японец»</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Планшеты Toshiba, прямо скажем, не частые гости в нашей тестовой лаборатории. Однако Excite Pro сразу нас заинтересовал необычным выбором компонентов. Устройство укомплектовано дисплеем сверхвысокого разрешения и новейшим процессором NVIDIA Tegra 4. Возможно, это и есть «настоящее японское качество?» ]]></description> <pubDate>Fri, 07 Feb 2014 00:00:30 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="14298" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="927895" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="133775" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1197743" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="162251" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1061372" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="171186" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="428520" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="93642" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="380992" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="85277" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="128702" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="35698" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="715426" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="119572" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="240988" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="9474" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="9827" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10265" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="3187174" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="211193" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2993219" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="191625" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4390519" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="250306" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2838112" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="175224" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4984640" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="101589" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4998844" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="102814" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="224521" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="599590" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="105274" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="609737" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="123605" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="134516" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="116976" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5257552" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4961632" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="719303" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="627075" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4471803" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="815334" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="99904" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="21508" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="39554" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="19160" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="162214" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="49689" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="12893" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="15348" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14949" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="149058" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="146390" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="62228" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="44627" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="266550" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="49069" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8541" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="87326" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1782135" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="375373" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="369882" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="24603" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="17406" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="90675" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="89062" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="21096" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="15819" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="15618" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10027" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор планшета Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 LTE: дальше едем на «Метро»</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Диагонали дисплеев смартфонов растут год от года, а вот планшеты двигались в основном в обратном направлении — на уменьшение. Но в Samsung считают, что пора закладывать новый тренд. И предлагают нашему вниманию 12-дюймовый планшет на Android. Разумеется, «полный фарш» — ведь это Note! А чтобы было еще веселее, корейцы серьезно переработали интерфейс операционной системы, превратив «робота» в подобие Windows 8 ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 05 Feb 2014 00:02:03 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="14744" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="980100" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="149507" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="721605" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="145742" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="837981" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="148716" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="466988" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="95375" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="664626" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="133542" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="792592" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="147488" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="980618" type="image/jpeg" 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Его ключевая особенность — наличие встроенного 3G-модема, которого не хватает большинству недорогих планшетов. В остальном характеристики планшета стандартные: четырёхъядерный процессор и IPS-дисплей. Решающий фактор — невысокая цена ]]></description> <pubDate>Tue, 04 Feb 2014 00:00:25 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="14217" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="822893" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="131222" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="630388" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="122815" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="410036" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="101382" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="408894" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="114482" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="504792" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="112179" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="136341" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="35969" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="513089" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="109293" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="87436" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4910" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5003" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5508" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="376461" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="72715" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="48549" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="218000" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="55398" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="56876" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="562564" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="207158" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="49603" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25090" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="188147" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25070" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="26028" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="168649" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="68240" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="371416" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="88669" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Экспресс-тест планшета Digma Plane 10.1 3G: почти без переплат</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Так-так, что у нас тут? Десятидюймовый планшет на двухъядерной платформе Intel Atom со встроенным 3G-модемом и IPS-экраном с разрешением 1280x800 пикселей. При этом стоит он не то чтобы много — около десяти тысяч рублей ]]></description> <pubDate>Mon, 03 Feb 2014 00:00:05 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="13032" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="644651" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="132679" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1345055" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="174269" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="379007" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="92957" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="758031" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="150996" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="166308" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="40289" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1092898" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="156670" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1126904" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="156574" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="610039" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="141124" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="10141" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="9894" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10598" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1703092" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="86271" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1415816" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="73699" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="253557" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="130945" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="229816" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="109303" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="47086" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="248269" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="356822" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="241675" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="50423" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="57648" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="65105" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="240610" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="173754" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="38659" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="23212" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="20393" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="171670" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="69591" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="56656" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="51901" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="43345" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="30263" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="90217" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="451243" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6663" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7920" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10238" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор планшета iconBIT NETTAB THOR iZ: Боги предпочитают Intel</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Новая таблетка из линейки NETTAB THOR от iconBIT преподнесла сразу несколько сюрпризов. Во-первых, устройство стало чуть меньше своих предков — диагональ экрана высокого разрешения сократилась с 10,1 дюйма до нестандартных 8,9. Во-вторых, планшет переехал на SoC производства Intel. Напомним, речь идёт о бюджетном устройстве. Интересно? Не то слово! ]]></description> <pubDate>Sat, 25 Jan 2014 00:00:19 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="14805" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="485832" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="404062" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="85134" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="99972" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="83235" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="129100" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="19373" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25284" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="93908" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="937569" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4958" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5122" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5578" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="376278" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="132368" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="141911" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="80296" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="404289" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="96837" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="695507" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="161843" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="399331" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="88824" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="114961" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="15114" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="552643" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="17569" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор планшета Lenovo Yoga Tablet 10: с ног на голову</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Планшетные компьютеры похожи друг на друга как братья-близнецы. Все вариации в их дизайне, как правило, ограничиваются цветом и текстурой задней панели, а также радиусом закругления углов. Yoga Tablet — это просто невероятный праздник разнообразия: единственный планшет, который совершенно не похож на все остальные. Но что даже более приятно — он получился не только оригинальным, но и действительно удобным ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 22 Jan 2014 00:01:45 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="6782" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="638573" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="142588" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="310990" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="74311" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="437031" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="109092" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="396511" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="102873" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="918494" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="209302" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="513753" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="107889" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1371963" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="198341" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1228231" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="180193" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="965434" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="131316" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="205453" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="77308" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="150866" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="28375" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3559" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="3552" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="3612" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="3312" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="3245" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="3226" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="3274" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="3410" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4229" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="3475" type="image/png" /> 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type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1054286" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1628230" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2532532" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="43842" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="117403" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Экспресс-тест ZIFRO ZT-7800: бюджетный класс, говорите?..</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Дебютное устройство нового бренда ZIFRO — планшет ZT-7800 — обладает вполне стандартным набором технических характеристики: 7,85-дюймовый IPS-экран и четырехъядерный процессор на Cortex-A7. Казалось бы, ничего особенного. Ан нет! Не стоит спешить с выводами: у устройства своя, фирменная оболочка, которая отлично оптимизирована под «железо» ]]></description> <pubDate>Sat, 28 Dec 2013 00:00:33 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="10909" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="974034" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="141054" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="744812" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="166044" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="559878" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="100104" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="406467" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="109021" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="712986" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="156229" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="451930" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="107095" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="125918" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="35457" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="351936" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="86886" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5393" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5161" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5798" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="658077" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="145192" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="88554" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="209811" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="48183" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="209043" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1113419" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1126951" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="979833" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="910325" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="375949" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="59360" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="65870" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1052939" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1035447" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="27334" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="53578" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25796" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="188930" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="204822" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="198466" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="167533" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="156305" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="89122" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="29409" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="33128" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="209825" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="214477" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="88480" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="373582" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="68385" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="71371" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Семь-восемь: выбираем компактный планшет</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Собрались приобрести планшет с диагональю экрана 7-8 дюймов, но заблудились в многочисленных моделях, представленных на рынке? Не беда: мы поможем вам выбрать то, что подойдет именно вам! И не важно, сколько денег вы готовы выделить на покупку: мы отобрали 15 самых интересных моделей ценой от символических 3 490 до внушительных 37 000 рублей ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 25 Dec 2013 00:00:26 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="15625" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5802907" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="146204" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="6523467" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="140867" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="602786" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="167482" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="995615" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="114579" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="207319" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="125441" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="244606" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="129818" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1174500" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="148369" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="291600" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="130277" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="632514" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="180544" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="264208" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="94970" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5070825" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="330782" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="280686" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="102680" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1322112" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="74681" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="170898" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="109847" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="151528" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="116841" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1217567" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="204334" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="750138" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="169379" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="538446" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="169041" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1180876" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="169451" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="393156" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="108825" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1231562" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="128060" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="413955" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="130627" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="391276" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="128777" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="442325" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="148796" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="915990" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="61866" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="568846" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="32256" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1722609" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="137416" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1719835" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="110285" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="345564" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="93231" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Экспресс-тест 3Q Meta RC7802F: доступный нашпигованный планшет</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Новый планшет 3Q может похвастаться наличием четырехъядерного процессора и вполне качественного IPS-экрана с разрешением 1024x768 точек. Казалось бы, стандартные для современного устройства характеристики. Сюрприз состоит в другом: стоит новинка около пяти тысяч рублей — и это, пожалуй, её основной козырь ]]></description> <pubDate>Mon, 23 Dec 2013 00:01:35 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="9823" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="240062" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="49379" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="208153" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="51216" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="56841" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="111227" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25899" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="185654" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="132006" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="24022" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="27485" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="55172" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="238731" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5336" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5634" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5963" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="376461" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="730146" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="119267" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="738226" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="152119" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="334765" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="80378" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="328655" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="92728" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="892544" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="168900" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="670440" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="164022" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="108381" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="32466" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор планшета Dell Venue 8: гроза бюджетного сегмента с Intel Atom на борту</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Обычно недорогой планшет — это неказистый глянцевый корпус, не лучший дисплей, слабенькие процессор и видеоядро, а соответственно — и скромная производительность. Dell Venue 8 совсем другой — смотрится он дороже, чем стоит, оборудован качественным дисплеем, да и начинка не такая бюджетная, как того ожидаешь, глядя на ценник ]]></description> <pubDate>Sat, 07 Dec 2013 00:00:22 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="7701" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="405809" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="104987" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="278184" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="64165" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="438626" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="105574" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="251549" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="59405" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="219700" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4656" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7916" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="137836" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="3687" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5774" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="74297" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="80736" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="30348" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="35291" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5582" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7808" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7875" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8466" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="48216" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="22702" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="85695" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="15810" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="78731" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="15752" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="48973" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="26004" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор планшета 3Q q-pad RC9727F: симбиоз Retina &amp; Android</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />В ассортименте компании 3Q есть нестандартные, нишевые планшеты. Однако новый q-pad RC9727F —устройство до последнего винтика массовое. Планшет основан на выигрышном сочетании экрана высокого разрешения, четырехъядерного процессора, встроенного 3G-модема и низкой цены — за него просят менее десяти тысяч рублей ]]></description> <pubDate>Fri, 06 Dec 2013 00:00:45 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="15795" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="942751" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="151210" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="565634" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="129428" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="723183" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="129425" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="393949" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="90345" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="932714" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="180595" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1028790" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="211167" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="595983" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="131353" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="167723" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="39413" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="590354" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="105323" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4801" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5533" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5667" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1126552" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="203518" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="497359" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="192248" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="99467" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="89041" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="71026" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="862459" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="111462" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="128854" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="201326" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16162" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="180912" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="13928" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16668" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="71876" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="975308" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="374043" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="72043" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="43019" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="951464" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="178175" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Экспресс-тест 3Q q-pad RC0718C: планшет для самых-самых экономных</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Компания 3Q представила свою версию «народного» планшета. Технические характеристики новинки вполне стандартные — семидюймовый IPS-экран с разрешением 1024x600 точек и двухъядерный процессор, а вот цена — весьма необычная. Дело в том, что официальная стоимость новинки — менее четырех тысяч рублей ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 28 Nov 2013 00:00:20 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="9810" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1134034" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="163037" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1884682" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="238474" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="483860" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="122331" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1519724" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="236860" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="367945" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="95242" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1182077" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="196675" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="477112" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="118115" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="467728" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="100895" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4934" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5610" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5900" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="375675" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="73537" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="36641" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="194988" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="46315" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="57158" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="63718" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="23104" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="149059" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="27045" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="32674" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="44852" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="124496" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="269830" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>ASUS/Google Nexus 7 (2013): превосходное — враг лучшего</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Первый Nexus 7, появившийся на свете больше года назад, в целом получился удачным, но в деталях — далеко не везде. А дьявол, как известно, кроется именно в них. То ли дело обновление, выпущенное в этом году: оно должно быть гораздо быстрее, лучше и изящнее предшественника. Так ли это? Сейчас проверим<iframe frameborder="0" height="360" src="" width="640" allowfullscreen=""> ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2013 00:01:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="13381" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="7912" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8265" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5252" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6509" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7006" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5850" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7794" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5885" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="3064074" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="89762" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1967061" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="60005" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4291964" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="105564" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2306538" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="77395" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2153318" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="75171" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2343346" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="78174" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3261799" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="90833" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2007708" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="61353" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5172" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="15923" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4948" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="372705" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="72085" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="21674" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="65283" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18627" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="61406" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="31744" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="220708" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="93208" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="587832" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="112779" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="303722" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="78255" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="563284" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="117262" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="567198" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="105804" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="379988" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="85812" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="402112" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="96797" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="111562" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="350667" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="2376370" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="174912" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="141869" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="143146" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="2334000" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="163969" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="314820" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="414620" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="26810" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="119834" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="179321" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="33691" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="30885" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="31228" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="79155" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="32002" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="44924" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="40389" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="115100" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="693313" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="190251" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="227891" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="311534" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="258804" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор iPad Mini with Retina Display: планшет, выросший вглубь</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Для тех, кто очень спешит: iPad Mini with Retina Display – это такой iPad Mini, у которого разрешение экрана в четыре раза выше, а железо взято от iPad Air. Ну а тем, кого интересуют подробности, предлагаем прочитать обзор ]]></description> <pubDate>Mon, 18 Nov 2013 07:57:11 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="8177" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="10080" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10515" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="9213" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="9848" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7205" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7071" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8998" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8950" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8282" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8266" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8380" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8686" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="387327" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="189053" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="372875" 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Правильно: получится iPad Air ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 06 Nov 2013 03:50:47 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="14140" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="545654" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="151055" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="425977" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="707849" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="186603" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="437588" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="647753" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="680898" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="652669" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="512708" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="566256" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1003723" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="120317" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="30370" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="107022" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="169232" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="51028" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="113005" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="176821" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="137584" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="133959" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="127010" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="114991" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="126860" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="160990" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="28075" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4625" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4996" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4492" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5309" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5095" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6455" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6576" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5040" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4616" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4909" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1995868" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="78485" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1748072" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="72522" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2074412" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="79674" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1852595" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="80245" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1624459" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="74613" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2557915" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="96133" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2153281" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="88567" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2061098" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="75850" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="536793" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="447677" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="21779" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6651" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="24941" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6718" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="24892" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6247" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="19838" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6293" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="20759" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="398543" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="163259" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5040" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4625" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4996" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4492" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5309" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5095" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4616" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4909" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6455" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6576" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Экспресс-тест планшета 3Q TS0807B — КПК 2.0</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Компания 3Q, запуская в производство новый планшет TS0807B, очевидно, решила не участвовать в гонке ядер и гигагерцев. Вместо этого разработчики придумали оснастить устройство некоторыми необычными штуковинами, такими как сканер отпечатков пальцев и стилус для рукописного ввода ]]></description> <pubDate>Sat, 02 Nov 2013 00:01:13 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="11010" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="622566" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="130803" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="332107" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="82655" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="467005" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="90519" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="369804" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="90028" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="501469" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="122571" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1287943" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="196073" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="8104" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8797" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6840" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7906" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="2676019" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="228232" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2415940" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="204732" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2865035" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="222255" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2463252" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="187662" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="376231" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="73823" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="114215" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="56605" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="246439" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="982774" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="621862" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="625196" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="629991" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="167416" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="33266" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18095" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="173858" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="89288" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="90898" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="91511" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="42619" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="290665" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="52817" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="27427" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="105630" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="93601" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="103492" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="86629" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="8104" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8797" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6840" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="11130" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="12007" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="9497" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Планшет Explay sQuad 7.82 3G: «яблочное» deja vu</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Очередную вариацию на тему «андроидного» iPad mini представляет компания Explay. Её новый планшет —sQuad 7.82 3G — не только внешне похож на «яблочный» гаджет, но и точнее конкурентов копирует его технические характеристики. Отличительные особенности устройства — встроенный модуль 3G, четырехъядерный процессор и, разумеется, «вкусная» цена ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 25 Sep 2013 00:00:26 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="13077" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="410252" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="98045" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="974584" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="151364" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="790553" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="132297" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="457808" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="94692" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="741912" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="156077" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="534003" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="118033" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="773749" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="139138" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13099" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14125" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="11601" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="376008" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="73591" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="37079" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="191034" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="52127" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="53743" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="71730" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="113598" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="521964" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="435331" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="22960" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="95435" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="24399" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25588" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="35745" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="49668" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="112097" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="93791" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="274777" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Экспресс-тест Wexler Tab 10iS: большой планшет по цене маленького</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Новый флагманский планшет от отечественной комапании Wexler может похвастаться неплохим дисплеем, сравнительно мощной начинкой и поддержкой 3G. Однако главные его достоинства — это крайне незаурядная внешность и невысокая цена. Шутка ли — десятидюймовый планшет предлагается по цене семидюймового! ]]></description> <pubDate>Tue, 24 Sep 2013 00:00:37 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="15028" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="950806" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="134482" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="769540" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="125119" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="464576" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="97520" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="905281" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="161505" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="514332" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="114073" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="347729" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="77167" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="14428" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14929" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="12618" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="2395484" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="184227" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="253837" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="127548" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="55370" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="308108" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="49166" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="63628" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="23136" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="155750" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10298" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="12273" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="46619" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="181391" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="715651" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="119148" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор ASUS MEMO Pad HD 7: бюджетный планшет от создателей Nexus 7</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Новый планшетный компьютер ASUS может похвастаться неплохим семидюймовым IPS-дисплеем, четырехъядерным процессором, наличием GPS, последней версией Android и богатым набором фирменного программного обеспечения. Однако главное его достоинство — цена: даже на старте продаж MEMO Pad HD 7 стоит менее семи тысяч рублей ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 18 Sep 2013 00:01:38 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="14393" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="428565" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="104311" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4173365" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="57882" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="327171" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="91547" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="880966" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="151088" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="459657" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="100646" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="509134" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="99641" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13801" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" 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length="39439" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="151938" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="47263" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="292743" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="65595" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="503887" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="102679" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Acer Iconia A1: недорого и по-доброму</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Новый гаджет компании Acer — планшет Iconia A1 — это предложение экономному покупателю, который хочет иметь современную «таблетку» без каких-либо серьезных ограничений в области применения — и, разумеется, за недорого. Устройство оборудовано четырехъядерным процессором, восьмидюймовым IPS-экраном и стандартным набором коммуникаций. В чем подвох? ]]></description> <pubDate>Fri, 13 Sep 2013 00:00:11 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="16110" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="903833" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="165816" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="271780" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="82748" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="164616" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="71930" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="623417" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="117085" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1018893" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="192306" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="436188" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="112646" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="259931" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="80376" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13424" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14029" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16689" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="2357552" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="219476" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3585217" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="236612" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="799153" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="84849" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="6988" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18437" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6468" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="375473" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="73748" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25423" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="70687" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="17816" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="61319" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="91242" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="45131" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="162383" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="617848" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="73750" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="612452" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="96440" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="48552" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="157815" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="114432" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="66073" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="102518" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="32146" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="29740" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="134186" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="89991" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Планшет iconBIT NetTAB SKAT RX: Android-мини</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Формально данный обзор не связан с купертинской «яблочной» компанией, однако неминуемые сравнения и параллели с её продукцией красной нитью пройдут сквозь весь материал, поскольку вендор iconBIT представил планшет, уж очень напоминающий по своей форме iPad mini. Что ж, вопрос в том, насколько ощутима разница в содержании?.. Попробуем разобраться ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 05 Sep 2013 00:02:44 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="10458" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="600434" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="123870" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="119604" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="42011" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1342123" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="196560" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="312061" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="87581" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="862060" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="174734" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1283028" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="147422" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="286560" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="93527" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13808" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16767" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="13807" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7484" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6936" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="381770" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1913734" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="45276" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="31682" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="215622" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="93556" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="370811" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="163188" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="51047" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="111727" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="77539" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="375200" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="896768" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="89799" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор ASUS MEMO Pad FHD 10: игра в одни ворота</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Линейка планшетов средней ценовой категории MEMO Pad от ASUS пополнилась десятидюймовым устройством, отличительными чертами которого являются процессор Intel Atom, IPS-дисплей с разрешением Full HD и два гигабайта оперативной памяти. Иными словами, полный боекомплект за относительно небольшие деньги. И все это не от каких-нибудь безымянных китайцев, а от создателя хитового Nexus 7! ]]></description> <pubDate>Mon, 02 Sep 2013 00:02:21 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="10380" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="621763" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="115532" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1071828" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="197453" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="302744" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="83695" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="733904" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="151858" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="324744" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="71203" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1076674" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="166845" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13872" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="17350" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14427" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7983" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1837117" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="197848" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3407950" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="234861" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1411084" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="72682" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2836430" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="186307" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1007393" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="121755" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="460945" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="467749" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="230931" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1022018" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1108458" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="752044" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1208512" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="470491" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1096189" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1465972" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1467215" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="509881" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="520230" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1183242" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1155014" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="58032" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="35249" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="105195" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="97295" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="82179" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="67306" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="65519" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="27825" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="55988" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="48687" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="43322" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="63096" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="61567" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="61483" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="79125" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="19483" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="93751" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="34843" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="305371" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1233563" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="703079" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="7268" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18236" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6834" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="376238" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="73964" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="23943" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="68292" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18235" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="61854" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="48579" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="59959" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1177286" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="47028" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="64796" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор планшета iconBIT SPACE QUAD HD: два гига, четыре ядра, ретина</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Retina… как много в этом слове! Экраны с разрешением Full HD и выше стали стандартом для самых дорогих мобильных устройств. К счастью, встретить подобные дисплеи можно и в более доступных гаджетах. Например — в обновленной версии планшета NetTAB SPACE от iconBIT, которому действительно есть, чем удивить ]]></description> <pubDate>Mon, 29 Jul 2013 00:00:08 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="13151" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="924950" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="181942" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="597827" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="105670" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="634521" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="147733" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="345849" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="92638" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="331537" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="98736" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="833339" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="135078" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="801635" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="150041" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="14407" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14426" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="15168" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="2915708" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="222564" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="475624" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="78265" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2691946" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="217923" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2552817" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="192873" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="7493" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7493" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="377232" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="153222" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7000" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7000" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="224935" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="148605" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="119191" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="136457" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="582228" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="279056" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="247863" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="145795" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="183831" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="114456" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="3002677" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="173718" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="2750645" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="165828" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="2766185" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="191555" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="2324435" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="169992" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="51400" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="37231" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор Huawei MediaPad 7 Lite II: вовсе не такой уж и «лайт»</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Первая версия младшего планшета из семейства MediaPad, вышедшая на рынок в третьем квартале 2012 года, была действительно интересным предложением — в ней и экран хороший, и потроха годные, и корпус металлический, и, главное, всё это предлагалось за вполне разумные деньги. Вторая версия — это неспешная эволюция устройства. Ключевое изменение — глобальное повышение мощности ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 25 Jul 2013 00:00:27 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="19607" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1733521" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="225662" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2161917" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="251939" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1856403" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="223186" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2975790" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="275056" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1145405" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="81007" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13693" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14165" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="13705" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="9893" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="23999" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="67571" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18021" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="62553" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7179" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="17524" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6745" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="375750" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="73519" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="105682" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="39568" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="201447" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="647477" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="64718" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="537148" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="659940" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="38976" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="17074" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="151124" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="121561" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="55673" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="203612" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="128684" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="50258" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="22567" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="149301" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="53910" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="222675" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="114134" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="536833" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="136529" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="473985" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="98952" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="879556" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="132583" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="332582" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="82357" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="638517" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="122050" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1404625" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="224612" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1782031" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="250624" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1509804" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="222038" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2539522" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="273393" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="786899" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="80648" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор планшета iconBIT THOR QUAD FHD: вызов принят!</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Наиболее удачный мультимедийный планшет от iconBIT стал еще более интересным и навороченным. NetTAB THOR QUAD FHD, как несложно догадаться из названия, оснащен экраном высокого разрешения и четырехъядерным процессором. Столь мощные внутренности при стоимости около одиннадцати тысяч рублей делают устройство одним из самых «вкусных» предложений на рынке ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 18 Jul 2013 00:01:45 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="18000" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="817537" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="174749" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="361176" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="80449" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="663473" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="142005" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="311290" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="89147" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="262855" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="83375" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="416148" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="97485" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13864" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14067" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14359" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10202" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="769018" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="81697" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2345534" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="183859" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4263025" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="264122" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2803114" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="207904" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="376748" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="73601" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7276" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6792" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="300029" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="64980" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="879670" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="172852" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1364914" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="151158" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="2803185" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="349636" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="337785" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="48528" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="187618" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="63284" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="281176" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="102194" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18614" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="509443" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="43284" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="216272" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="19766" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="49722" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="26286" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="33632" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="71181" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="24464" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="34263" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>iconBIT NetTAB MATRIX 3G DUO: еще один из рода «Матриксов»</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />В линейке планшетов MATRIX целых десять устройств. Различия, правда, между ними минимальные: в одном четырехъядерный процессор, в другом — HD-экран, в третьем — встроенный 3G-модем. «Фишка» нашего сегодняшнего гостя – поддержка аж двух SIM-карт. Зачем это нужно планшетному компьютеру? Попробуем разобраться ]]></description> <pubDate>Fri, 21 Jun 2013 12:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="13153" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="764127" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="412901" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="632475" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="797678" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1406130" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="979499" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1271802" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="98244" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="169808" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="478942" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="921659" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14478" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="875969" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="858488" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="9308" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="11481" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="531808" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="50870" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="41579" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="60042" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="48887" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="29217" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="147200" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="98731" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="142584" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="148610" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="211904" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="196748" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="239259" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="30176" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="140036" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="356806" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="204646" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="498750" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="221344" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="215706" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="156396" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="19464" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="15797" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="32421" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18611" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10422" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="59902" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="17611" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="150776" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8228" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="49559" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Acer Iconia W510: 10-дюймовый «атомный» планшет на Windows</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Планшеты под управлением операционной системы Windows в основном делают 11-дюймовыми — так удобнее для работы. Однако крупные размеры и достаточно серьезная масса этих устройств могут отпугнуть покупателя, привыкшего к более компактным устройствам на iOS или Android. Так что встречаются и модели поминиатюрнее — 10-дюймовые. Об одной из них мы сегодня и поговорим ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 13 Jun 2013 00:02:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="8018" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="122474" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5212" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="179421" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6804" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="191124" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="7355" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="142259" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="7443" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1253582" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="144332" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="6795" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="157700" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4102" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="211590" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="6859" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="175568" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3694" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6228" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18577" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="26016" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14964" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="17166" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="200539" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="857749" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="922262" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="756236" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="674211" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="718308" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="51491" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="830730" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21965" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="127051" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="6533" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6227" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="366802" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="33837" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8390" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1291419" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="889196" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="604095" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5957" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="174473" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="933423" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="105701" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="122034" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="170924" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="178425" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="749004" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1122126" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="7059" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="11198" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="817280" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="158795" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18456" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="36713" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="20441" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="58767" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="29386" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="26509" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="30276" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31304" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="47798" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="137338" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="146400" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="172432" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18415" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="144358" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="14766" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="205666" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Планшет Fujitsu Stylistic M702: непотопляемый бизнес</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Десятидюймовый защищённый планшет с огромным разрешением дисплея и мощным аккумулятором, датчиком чтения отпечатков пальцев, а также множеством предустановленных полезных программ интеграции в корпоративную среду — вроде бы прекрасное корпоративное решение. Первый недостаток очевиден: цена. Но нет ли еще каких-то минусов? Попробуем разобраться ]]></description> <pubDate>Mon, 10 Jun 2013 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="10726" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="478873" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="441951" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="140206" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="164924" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1932758" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="11581" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="26351" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1017942" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="951567" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="168226" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="107572" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="565999" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="619633" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="338847" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1095003" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="535751" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16234" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="3748" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="74009" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="180639" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="186884" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="81822" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3335415" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="47146" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4738927" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18280" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2262410" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16854" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="962809" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13628" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3472739" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13907" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="956895" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="956063" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3891299" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3891299" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="837993" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18005" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1088184" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="17853" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="723001" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="214094" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="99065" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="93438" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="68399" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="41351" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="39172" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="41941" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="323195" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="23600" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="116938" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="108662" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="19901" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="11036" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="100161" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="102396" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="112725" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="133269" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="80632" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="189959" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="23307" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="23949" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="110904" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="35930" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="32733" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="12577" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="300189" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="43800" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="126862" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор Sony Xperia Tablet Z: The Real Slim Shady</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />В нашу тестовую лабораторию приехал, пожалуй, самый ожидаемый планшет текущего года. По правде говоря, в Японии его показали еще в конце 2012-го, потом еще раз показали на февральской MWC, однако серийные образцы начали добираться до прилавков магазинов по всему миру совсем недавно. Что ж, тем интереснее посмотреть, стоило ли ждать так долго и оправдаются ли надежды, возложенные на Xperia Tablet Z ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 06 Jun 2013 00:02:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="11570" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="270880" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="42911" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2037554" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="410197" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="488517" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="38075" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="249576" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="306034" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="584500" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="223476" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="156175" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1144184" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1074999" type="image/jpeg" /> 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length="81980" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="110781" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="72573" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="52968" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="200548" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="182531" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="82156" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="30081" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="157873" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="37902" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="204669" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="71444" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="60959" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="95773" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="53634" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="133115" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25863" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="89393" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="46843" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="129294" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="31277" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25593" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Fujitsu Stylistic Q702: корпоративный планшет-трансформер с процессором Core i5</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Все крупные игроки рынка ноутбуков уже давно выпустили свои планшеты-трансформеры со съемной клавиатурой, а некоторые из них — не единожды. Fujitsu долго сохраняла приверженность классическому варианту трансформации — с поворотным экраном, но в конце концов все же представила и более современную версию. Посмотрим, что же у японцев получилось ]]></description> <pubDate>Mon, 03 Jun 2013 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="10239" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="11115" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="13111" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="197917" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="863721" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="99614" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="263338" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="164315" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="101918" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="96720" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="140509" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="138592" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="238576" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="692499" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="766218" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1215349" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1196975" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="881840" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2803" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="188823" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="889252" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="7166" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8030" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="98166" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="89844" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="71848" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10345" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="140760" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="323028" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="155549" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1214198" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="719882" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="588562" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4830" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16214" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8036" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8036" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="294379" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="148907" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="949402" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="28747" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="115006" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="113096" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16765" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="42590" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="257973" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="23123" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="95534" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="19176" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="80172" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="149757" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="85874" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="99620" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="172650" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="195193" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="120158" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="26095" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="101264" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="118652" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1083698" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21055" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="901065" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="29854" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="41565" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="39347" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="39245" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="47776" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="24945" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="201264" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="127854" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="42282" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="39040" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18161" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="139232" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="125154" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="57514" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="37003" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>HP Envy X2 11: «атомный» планшет по-американски</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Новые программные и аппаратные решения от Microsoft и Intel дали толчок развитию сегмента мобильных ПК, который привёл к появлению массы разнообразных форм-факторов. Уже привычные ультрабуки потихоньку превращаются в слайдеры, того или иного вида «перевертыши» и прочие гибриды. Сегодня у нас на повестке дня HP ENVY X2 11 — планшет и классический ноутбук в одном флаконе ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 29 May 2013 00:01:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="11417" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="131668" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="877106" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="86748" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="256902" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="114208" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="105615" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="136597" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="242012" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1429239" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="122348" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1118867" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="6968" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8298" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="131452" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="104108" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="12037" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1292066" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="112944" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="182346" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="78864" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1826580" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1182249" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1312899" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="7770" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="178301" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="89173" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21196" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="130727" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="14952" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="252599" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="72337" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="66057" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="144383" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="217387" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18974" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="145710" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21340" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="31420" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="57742" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="57774" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="178197" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="28613" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13695" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="247395" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="142734" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="166015" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="27305" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="15041" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="133789" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="10768" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="188519" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="23832" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1135196" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="61285" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1465395" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор Acer Iconia Tab B1-A71: война за покупателя</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Про новый планшет компании Acer в Сети ходило множество слухов еще за несколько месяцев до его официального анонса. Многие источники сообщали, что новинка будет стоить €99, то есть отдаваться практически даром. На деле же устройство предлагается по $149, что тоже, в общем-то, совсем немного для планшета. Об экономии на всем, на чем можно и на чем нельзя, читайте в этом обзоре ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 22 May 2013 00:01:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="10309" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="511628" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="409672" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="209854" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="572551" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="85283" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="30503" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="488258" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="12743" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="70103" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="11352" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="180128" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="12593" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="108508" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="127025" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="96311" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="53396" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="55671" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="123853" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="25877" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="11662" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="116303" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="138473" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="42927" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="52166" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="22578" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="37609" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="21408" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="77481" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="9418" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="55333" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="58353" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Планшет iconBIT NT-0704M MATRIX ULTRA: нужно больше мощности</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Четырехъядерные процессоры добрались до бюджетных планшетов. Новинка iconBIT оснащена именно таким, ультрамощным чипом, что недвусмысленно отражено в названии гаджета, стоимость которого не достигает и шести тысяч рублей. При этом планшет располагает двумя гигабайтами ОЗУ и неплохим семидюймовым IPS-экраном. Дальше — больше… ]]></description> <pubDate>Mon, 22 Apr 2013 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="13338" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="884475" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="424423" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="536582" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="338212" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1398016" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="686918" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="693697" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="101480" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="31425" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="49980" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18155" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="177499" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="145180" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="76032" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="57428" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="117420" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="925428" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="482061" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="217845" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10817" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="11425" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="181860" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="55354" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="42747" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="13204" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="13319" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="179105" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="110073" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="115669" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="97531" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="176452" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="144979" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="144123" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="8042" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="56890" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="33993" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="19779" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Планшет по имени Sirius. Обзор нового флагмана компании Inch</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Apple считает, что 10-дюймовые планшеты не могут стоить менее $500, но есть немало компаний, готовых с этим поспорить. Среди них — Inch, выпустившая 10-дюймовый планшет Sirius с IPS-матрицей, оцениваемый всего в $230 ]]></description> <pubDate>Tue, 09 Apr 2013 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="13146" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="542828" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="342400" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="387145" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1379027" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="268401" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="785659" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="114876" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="87955" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="47840" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="46467" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="261693" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="174631" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="115429" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1161417" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="278339" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10592" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="203083" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="11647" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1077414" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="241517" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="174512" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="120972" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="9057" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="10741" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16017" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="42445" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="19239" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="14726" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="17928" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="10294" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="127434" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="97037" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="102739" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="188256" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="83231" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="152132" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="140386" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="70948" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6474" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="90500" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="47805" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Panasonic TOUGHPAD FZ-A1: планшет для экстремальных условий</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Когда к нам приезжает новый планшет, мы первым делом смотрим, что у него за «железо», сколько пикселей, ядер, памяти… Но в этот раз такие характеристики уходят на задний план. В нашу тестовую лабораторию попала защищенная новинка от Panasonic с корпусом из магниевого сплава, которую можно ронять с высоты 120 см и выделывать с ней еще много всяких интересных штук ]]></description> <pubDate>Mon, 08 Apr 2013 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="14244" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="652813" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="361096" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="659201" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1208834" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="633214" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="143591" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="615285" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1077077" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="87904" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="46538" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="41265" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="22076" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="307081" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="163470" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="116524" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="140153" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="40904" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14380" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="101952" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="58388" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14798" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="158966" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="81220" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10984" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="88753" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="102386" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="138533" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="217232" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="148436" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="82579" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="141717" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="189704" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="9667" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="165395" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="40001" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="74557" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="39361" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Планшет iconBIT SPACE III: теперь «ретиновый»</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Могут ли технические характеристики планшета на ОС Android быть максимально приближены к характеристикам одного из последних флагманов «яблочной» компании, а его цена при этом составлять всего лишь половину от стоимости ближайшего конкурента? Звучит интригующе, не правда ли? «Может», — гордо отвечает отечественный вендор iconBIT и представляет свой новый Retina-планшет ]]></description> <pubDate>Tue, 26 Mar 2013 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="10347" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="747708" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="364851" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="353544" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="336733" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1056058" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="308407" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="680793" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="12354" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="166256" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="65341" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="179204" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25442" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="66839" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="17857" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="51082" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8614" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="125750" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1337734" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="186646" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="213325" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="31274" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14223" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14577" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="212529" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="42485" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4368" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="29413" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="12170" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="156210" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="156210" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="153842" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="96730" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="91932" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="91243" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="174131" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="83884" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="144296" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="59159" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="59159" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="10717" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="113172" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="35962" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>ASUS MeMO Pad Smart 10″ ME301T: именито и сердито</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />В основных технических характеристиках MeMO Pad Smart нет ничего выдающегося: среднее разрешение десятидюймового экрана, основанного на обычной IPS-матрице, и процессор Tegra 3. Всё это мы уже видели. Единственное отличие новинки от похожих конкурентов за те же деньги — этот планшет сделан не кем-нибудь, а ASUS ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 20 Mar 2013 00:02:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="12248" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="678957" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="33368" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="996468" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="55915" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1105191" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="44382" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="314275" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="974192" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="354842" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1834913" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="73191" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="567667" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="259298" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="29884" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="14658" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="602409" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="50135" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="370559" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="52654" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="379795" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="37872" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="275514" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="117716" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="656876" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="690617" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31127" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="513764" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21856" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="30629" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="263038" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="36664" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="25742" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="314038" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="50373" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="324801" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="30707" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="329621" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="30265" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="595609" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="63999" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="26360" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="306815" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="25179" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21364" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="119053" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="130408" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="91159" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="136621" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="94348" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="235051" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="115381" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="61573" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="86673" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="102366" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="80141" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="12808" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="614302" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="56089" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="206537" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="27273" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор планшета iconBIT NetTAB PARUS QUAD: ваши карты будут биты</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Вот и дождались — мощное «железо» для портативных гаджетов стоит совсем недорого. Теперь можно приобрести производительный планшет за небольшие деньги, если не заморачиваться с компанией-производителем. Мы говорим про NetTAB PARUS QUAD от отечественного вендора iconBIT — неброский снаружи, но буквально ураганный внутри ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 14 Mar 2013 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="14499" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="421949" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="349527" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="439969" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="379597" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1161028" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="735173" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="117859" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="32135" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="266234" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="191471" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="118083" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="13219" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16965" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="13230" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="107028" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="98340" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="117856" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="89195" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="174603" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="146893" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="12329" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="78147" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="43500" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор планшета Ritmix RMD-755: три в одном и мешок подарков сверху</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Наш сегодняшний гость создан по уже неоднократно выверенным и перепроверенным канонам для бюджетных планшетов: качественный семидюймовый IPS-экран, встроенные модули 3G и GPS, разумно подобранный процессор. Однако есть у него пара отличий, которые позволяют ему выгодно отличаться от конкурентов. Подробнее читайте в нашем обзоре ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 07 Mar 2013 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="12779" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="805547" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="943691" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="442526" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="293736" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="447640" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="287655" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="279234" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="955129" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="109573" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="58257" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="47598" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="17002" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="37044" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="12956" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="180709" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="147534" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="140022" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="22149" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="149772" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="22804" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="42455" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6946" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="91908" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="93623" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="113516" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="69860" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="55309" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="88200" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="146935" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="183608" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="115687" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="56737" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="34396" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>MWC 2013: Первый взгляд на планшет Sony Xperia Tablet Z</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Планшеты на Android штампуют бесконечное количество компаний бесконечными тиражами, но это не спасает от того, что почти все они откровенно унылые. Sony Xperia Tablet Z обещает положить этому конец: легкий, тонкий, быстрый, красивый, с хорошим дисплеем... На MWC 2013 мы познакомились с ним поближе и теперь делимся первыми впечатлениями ]]></description> <pubDate>Tue, 26 Feb 2013 07:31:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="16034" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="55458" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31209" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="67050" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="30524" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="229955" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="31588" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="28995" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13228" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="22067" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31310" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="52203" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="61396" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3292" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="213918" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="126461" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3073" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="244431" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="134047" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="383252" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="142044" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="143110" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="42569" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="96963" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="109595" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="201431" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="223812" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор планшета WEXLER.TAB 7t: наш ответ Nexus 7</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Семь дюймов, IPS-экран с разрешением 1280x800 пикселей, система на чипе Tegra 3, один гигабайт оперативной памяти… характеристики напоминают нашумевший планшет от тандема ASUS и Google, не правда ли? Тем не менее перед нами совершенно другое устройство, отечественного разлива — компании WEXLER, предлагающееся по весьма привлекательной цене ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 20 Feb 2013 00:01:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="11000" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="512931" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="611899" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="612142" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="323744" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="453562" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="308753" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="341335" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="432073" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="182597" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="122173" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="40051" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="63558" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="44602" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16255" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="301783" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="143756" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="71791" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="62306" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="23052" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="12502" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1185412" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="215612" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="116152" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="312360" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="125128" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1375997" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="240525" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="13788" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1099063" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="459209" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="217325" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="251658" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="49709" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10806" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="93323" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="30240" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="11236" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="63634" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="66999" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="141521" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="89275" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="134308" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="81408" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="104441" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="98259" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="7966" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="97675" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="38522" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор планшета 3Q q-pad RC9724C: два долгоиграющих ядра</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Какие факторы следует учитывать при покупке планшета? Вероятно, нужно посмотреть, что у него за экран. И обратить внимание на техническую начинку. И чтобы батарея подольше держала. Для большинства эти критерии являются решающими. Что ж, новинка по этим трем пунктам, да и по многим другим, выглядит очень пристойно. Посмотрим, какой она окажется на практике ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 14 Feb 2013 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="8387" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="554149" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="448339" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="451976" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="129954" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="121812" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="95143" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="83015" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="459710" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="787283" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="194773" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="65241" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="52260" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="49222" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25712" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="293277" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="222763" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="123772" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="43830" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="452121" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="170698" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="81809" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="29012" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="130805" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="113586" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="96672" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13677" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="14701" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="11335" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="10383" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="96307" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="143616" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="117874" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="95193" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="58763" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="329912" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="69445" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="133969" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="324585" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="68907" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="133784" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Acer Iconia W700: самый доступный Windows-планшет на Core i5</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Windows-планшеты можно разделить на три категории: ARM-модели с особой операционкой Windows RT, устройства на Atom и планшеты, основанные на более серьезных процессорах. С первыми двумя категориями мы уже успели познакомиться, настало время рассмотреть третью. Сделаем это на примере Acer Iconia W700 — флагманского планшета с IPS-дисплеем и процессором Intel Core i5 ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 13 Feb 2013 00:01:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="9898" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1248" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="3204" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="9220" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4256" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="3513" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4636" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="754392" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5492" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="78410" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="38781" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="751064" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="101895" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="765751" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3314" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="162114" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="689909" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="127742" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="582393" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="113404" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="25410" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="12720" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="597" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16362" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="27519" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="97525" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="714" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="91877" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="29994" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="84114" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="364494" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="367080" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="75606" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2926" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="463539" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="613601" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="822734" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="88106" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="20965" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="112512" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="47916" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="38993" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="88860" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="84047" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="15214" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="149754" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="32168" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="19408" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="106697" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="48369" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="84611" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="558470" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="547710" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="803118" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="104853" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="649436" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="135702" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="497269" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="109947" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="478601" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="132740" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="312657" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="479013" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="6030" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="28605" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10643" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="34850" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3170" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="40656" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="89470" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25311" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1169" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="28792" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1779523" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="517907" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="391110" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4687" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="98448" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="108907" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="99849" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Explay Surfer 8.31 3G: оптимальное решение в средней ценовой категории</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Миновали новогодние праздники, сразу после которых компания Explay представила свой свеженький планшет, располагающий восьмидюймовым IPS-экраном и двухъядерным процессором. Станет ли первый гаджет года для вендора успешным? Что ж, пожалуй, у него есть на это все шансы ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 13 Feb 2013 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="13139" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="476983" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="302805" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="252336" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="172446" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1206710" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="469384" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="625942" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="204112" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="66165" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="107889" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="48484" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="42436" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="21787" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="237859" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="99511" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="125911" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="44286" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="669620" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="211231" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="87321" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="32363" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="153574" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="114697" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="86052" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="86995" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="211631" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="141109" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="168615" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="127696" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="111847" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="39156" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="343336" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="211105" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="337610" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="207980" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>ASUS VivoTab RT TF600T: «таблетка» на Windows RT</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Планшет на Windows RT — зверь пока еще диковинный: это вроде как и не ноутбук с полноценной Windows, и не планшет на Android или iOS с их полностью адаптированным под управление с помощью пальцев интерфейсом. ASUS уже навострилась делать отличные Android-планшеты, посмотрим, что получается, если ОС от Google заменить системой от Microsoft ]]></description> <pubDate>Fri, 18 Jan 2013 00:02:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="13983" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="603561" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="518537" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="412312" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="549581" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="759017" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="854920" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5480" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6928" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="9947" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="146965" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="7138" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="126351" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="6869" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="879949" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="365799" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="366623" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6463" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="632213" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="815358" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="535622" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="292776" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="128148" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="909556" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="73278" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18801" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="9461" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1328676" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="703323" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="274209" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="41475" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="747777" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="93619" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="74146" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="13884" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="23619" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="72521" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="15091" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25495" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="102674" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="99911" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="86847" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="97198" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="146932" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="140385" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="149982" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="143234" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="143685" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="115062" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="153796" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="194571" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Детский планшет Imaginarium SuperPaquito: о защите детей от информации</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Как вы думаете, чем отличается детский планшет от обычного? Ярким корпусом? Неимоверным количеством предустановленных игр? Нет, это слишком банально. Новинка интересна тем, что в ней предустановлена безопасная среда, реализованная с помощью специальной надстройки для Android — magicOS ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 17 Jan 2013 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="14267" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="57058" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="124494" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21738" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="235294" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="33924" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18972" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="116284" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="33173" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="151590" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="34093" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="96550" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="20726" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="46282" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5806" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="93488" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="12732" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="35125" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5639" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="35199" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5154" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="49535" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="9912" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="309927" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="71815" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="48670" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25469" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="430750" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="115971" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="655375" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="143423" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="82827" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="26405" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="670577" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="451952" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="186929" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="261789" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="57413" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="34533" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="116510" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="365006" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="132267" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="297214" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="92920" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="577488" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="108292" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>ASUS VivoTab TF810C: Windows-планшет и ноутбук в одной компактной упаковке</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Когда-то хорошим временем автономной работы для ноутбука можно было считать 4 часа. Сейчас норма для мобильного компьютера — 6-8 часов. Но бывает, оказывается, сильно больше. ASUS VivoTab TF810C с док-станцией способен прожить от батарейки целые сутки. И это несмотря на то, что он оснащен очень ярким 11-дюймовым IPS-дисплеем ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 16 Jan 2013 00:01:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="17188" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="412312" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="549581" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="759017" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="854920" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="97198" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="9434" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="86847" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="15465" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="146932" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="29033" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="140385" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="55306" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="15175" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="19397" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="106106" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="102897" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="19391" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="155392" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="102966" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1303970" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="96878" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="7025" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="128773" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="6712" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="973417" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="366692" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="365794" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="13548" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6416" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="19055" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="43068" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="33248" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="72118" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18007" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="39327" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16890" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="35393" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="79398" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="204869" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="580472" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="765147" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="645049" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="946151" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="6227" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="30726" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="27634" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="86609" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8840" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1021318" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="10666" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="658698" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="784536" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13894" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8808" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="24395" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="138177" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="147711" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="122449" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="170984" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="165485" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Another brick in the wall: обзор планшета Lenovo IdeaTab S2110a</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />На рынке 10-дюймовых планшетов последнее время затишье, которое разбавил разве что Nexus 10. Все модели более-менее похожие: IPS-дисплей, приличный процессор, долгая и счастливая жизнь от батареи, немного страшноватый ценник. Посмотрим, сможет ли изменить ситуацию Lenovo, не так давно представившая планшет Lenovo IdeaTab S2110a<iframe frameborder="0" height="360" src="" width="640"> ]]></description> <pubDate>Tue, 18 Dec 2012 00:01:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="16519" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="311693" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1043104" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="188391" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="383671" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="330075" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="144934" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="160965" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="396478" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="150907" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="537333" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="145877" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="707359" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="753461" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="102909" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="20964" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="53191" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="20529" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="37480" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="15183" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="648633" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="105943" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="137190" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="35993" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="144342" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="35695" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="103903" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="26864" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="608030" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="138020" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1123153" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="222249" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="177659" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="40321" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1338796" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="224128" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="201020" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="34018" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1498286" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="244746" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="208413" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="32521" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="85909" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18730" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="134195" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1343941" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="259894" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="31506" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8733" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="87329" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="108237" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="93818" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="39782" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="20104" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="107523" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="23276" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="123350" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="169520" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="109669" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="24706" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Обзор планшета Explay Surfer 7.02: мал, да удал</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Так, что у нас в новом планшете? Два ядра, IPS-матрица, добротная графика, гигабайт оперативки, металлический корпус. Опять, небось, цену заломят несусветную... Однако за Explay Surfer 7.02 просят всего 5 000 рублей. Вам тоже интересно, где и что в нем не так? Давайте выяснять ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 05 Dec 2012 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="10766" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="612326" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="522509" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="392730" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="125209" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="132843" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="86857" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="84911" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="354658" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="70971" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="22921" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="39904" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="27674" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="199881" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="77425" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="76831" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="24158" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="69496" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="22409" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="108432" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="36881" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="55612" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="17118" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="59783" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16518" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="547914" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="169484" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="156628" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="45888" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="688336" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="231069" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="482873" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="177621" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="358461" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="130655" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="78278" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="29664" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="136524" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="133945" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="111176" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16277" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18738" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="11237" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="10687" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="92415" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="779403" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="242576" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="710199" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="244720" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="115426" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="80695" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="24774" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="652329" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="194297" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Планшеты iconBIT THOR и SPACE II: хорошее сочетание хороших параметров</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />К бюджетным планшетам большинство относится с определенной долей скепсиса, чаще всего, кстати, заслуженного. Еще недавно мы хвалили устройства iconBIT за то, что они приятно выделяются на общем фоне — качеством экранов, мощностью железа, безглючностью и при этом разумной ценой. Посмотрим, изменилось ли с тех пор что-нибудь, на примере планшетов THOR и SPACE II ]]></description> <pubDate>Fri, 16 Nov 2012 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="11591" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="429556" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="148185" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="150000" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="655240" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="37601" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="182692" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="142759" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="410770" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="371955" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="332451" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="433174" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="381394" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="511359" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="401393" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="417868" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="428555" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="175397" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="133148" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="122016" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="157249" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="104939" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="21028" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="87037" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="27450" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="39604" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="15589" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="52750" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25731" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="352729" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="96478" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="296980" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="119065" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="231231" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="40087" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="123726" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="43540" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="281243" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="205836" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="116930" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="116290" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="48897" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="17559" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="39065" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="23434" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="17720" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="50206" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="44812" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="41496" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="43433" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="47644" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="126766" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="50235" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="55022" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="116365" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="46729" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="38375" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31385" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="20983" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="111345" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="23975" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Explay Informer 703: планка ниже</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Как вы думаете, какой параметр в любом гаджете (будь то планшет, телефон, ноутбук или что-нибудь еще) желательно не повышать, а, наоборот, понижать? Правильно, цену. Explay играет именно на этом: новый планшет под названием Informer 703 на старте продаж стоит чуть больше трех тысяч рублей. Чем пришлось пожертвовать, чтобы настолько снизить стоимость устройства? Читайте в нашем обзоре ]]></description> <pubDate>Tue, 06 Nov 2012 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="12941" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="474422" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="517391" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="470205" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="385658" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="138356" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="232841" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="131663" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="208952" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="638557" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="58904" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="34181" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="136940" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="157128" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="85318" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="372513" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="251787" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="55436" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="58206" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="55468" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="119612" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="111669" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16670" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="27341" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16941" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="24892" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="132527" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="41208" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="64035" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="132546" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="45906" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="41494" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="77347" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="63647" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="49123" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="99620" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="91062" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="341245" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="76625" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Apple iPad mini: первый взгляд</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Apple iPad mini – одно из самых противоречивых устройств, выпущенных «яблочной» компанией за последнее время. Потому-то этот планшет и привлекает наше внимание. На деле он оказался еще интереснее, чем мы предполагали ]]></description> <pubDate>Sat, 03 Nov 2012 11:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="7816" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="6560" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="126748" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="25800" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="28657" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3272" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4159" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16743" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4933" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="858516" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3520" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="352427" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="147748" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="209732" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="3915" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="79519" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="22002" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="14082" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="78194" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16925" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="101914" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="10656" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="19757" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13616" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="23230" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4220" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4393" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6641" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="85464" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="23757" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="17115" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="71679" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="20119" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="100197" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="9574" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16195" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="12468" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="19115" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="87450" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="182232" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16832" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="40318" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="19660" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="131136" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="82576" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="37701" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="12841" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="15849" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="140738" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="29808" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="32798" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="78090" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="114315" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13147" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="15601" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="25484" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4857" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5585" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="15019" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2812" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3076" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="22594" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3855" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4618" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="125914" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="35749" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>ASUS/Google Nexus 7: таблетка от завышенных ожиданий</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />За те несколько месяцев, которые прошли между первым публичным появлением Nexus 7 и его официальным российским анонсом, вокруг устройства успел образоваться основательный культ. Мы недолюбливаем фанатизм во всех его проявлениях, поэтому для разнообразия попробуем покритиковать планшет ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 18 Oct 2012 00:02:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="10646" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="698255" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="163579" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="97963" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="35036" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="980628" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4301" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="702671" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4312" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="2784" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="138645" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="170430" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="3964" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1041498" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1147388" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1064510" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3860" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="544836" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2639" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="859062" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="633562" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2686" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="958476" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="990485" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="912718" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2879" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="604514" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1337001" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="505989" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="106156" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="38645" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1326951" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="195952" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="311337" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="60008" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="567401" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="174138" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="197933" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="158094" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="145827" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="152893" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="126699" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="93934" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="74329" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="196673" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="133072" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="167556" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="171218" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="171415" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="118108" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="146405" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="121206" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="180549" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>WEXLER.TAB 7i: «три джи» недорого</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Что делать, когда не хочется тратить на планшет целое состояние, но и желания терять в функциональности тоже нет? Правильно! Нужно перестать украдкой смотреть в сторону «айпэдов» и обратить внимание на скромные устройства менее известных компаний — таких как WEXLER. Зачастую их гаджеты попросту теряются под натиском мощных брендов. А зря. Например, наш испытуемый обладает впечатляющим набором коммуникаций и хорошим экраном. Заинтересовались? Так-то! Читайте подробнее в нашем обзоре ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 17 Oct 2012 00:01:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="14628" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="69097" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="243849" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="93484" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="45781" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="164386" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="144408" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="60635" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25190" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="61761" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="20979" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="509758" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="188257" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="306714" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="103129" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="663879" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="213207" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="137449" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="40541" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="606325" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="100901" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="374739" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="536535" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="401133" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="125204" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="111186" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="183891" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="177017" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="497714" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="299995" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="333477" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="224543" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="97675" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="138412" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="107706" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="33190" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="29155" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="22813" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21839" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="125802" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="78988" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Уверенный в себе малыш. Обзор планшета iconBIT NetTAB MATRIX II</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Рецепт удачного семидюймового планшета прост, как пробка: хороший экран, достаточно мощный, но не слишком прожорливый процессор, голый Android, "вкусный" ценник. Жаль, не так много компаний этому рецепту следуют. Тем более радостно, что iconBIT, однажды сделав вполне приличный планшет MATRIX, не стала изобретать велосипед и выпустила вторую версию. Исправленную и дополненную ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 26 Sep 2012 12:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="10959" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="72621" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="44821" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="53117" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="43979" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="434395" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="267404" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="69679" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="40867" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="78712" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="52972" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="357072" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="239310" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="160858" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="93755" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="595238" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="579992" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="316729" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="681070" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="707062" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="425473" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="329636" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="327339" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="206046" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="138854" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="237641" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="148576" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="134309" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="69297" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="130163" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="98303" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="149495" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="67721" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="115779" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="80230" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="97503" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="24204" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16463" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="23959" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16732" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Prestigio MultiPad 9.7 Pro: «айпады» на Android задешево</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Десятидюймовый планшет с IPS-матрицей как во втором iPad, LED-подсветкой, гигабайтом оперативной памяти и Android 4.0 ICS по цене менее девяти тысяч рублей — нас определенно должны где-то обманывать. Вот только где? ]]></description> <pubDate>Fri, 17 Aug 2012 00:01:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="10775" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="204590" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="183958" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="63882" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="35042" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="81922" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25281" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="48824" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25783" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="32765" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="17468" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="827629" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="645582" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="569302" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="145636" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="47678" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="15739" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="312430" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="37833" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="238266" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="30484" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="362592" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="41436" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="237565" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="26966" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="225886" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="25741" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="127146" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21239" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="76357" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13117" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="67654" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="10463" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="52518" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="9693" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="64531" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="11233" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="115667" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1: король планшетов на Android</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Давайте возьмем мощный четырехъядерный процессор, добавим к нему 2 гигабайта оперативной памяти, приправим сочным и контрастным дисплеем, подсластим полным набором коммуникаций и получим… нет, не ноутбук, а планшет! Новинка от Samsung обладает не только всеми перечисленными достоинствами, но и многими другими<iframe frameborder="0" height="360" src="" width="640"> ]]></description> <pubDate>Mon, 06 Aug 2012 16:20:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="12046" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2711666" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="97448" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2188694" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="73732" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1765946" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="63599" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1794762" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="71179" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2322306" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="101427" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="273603" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="117633" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="131915" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="24540" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="353009" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="369010" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="36127" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="833237" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="132532" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1000468" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="151771" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="365382" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="101333" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="140071" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="22787" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="871963" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="166236" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="90771" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="22902" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="99512" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="103356" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="22917" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="121189" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="32105" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="627494" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="118434" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="136335" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="36520" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="121556" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="24148" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="106966" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="22509" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="849679" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="89941" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="878565" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="89581" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="121399" type="image/gif" /> <enclosure url="" length="149589" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="23367" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="128984" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21032" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="74139" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="11444" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="78451" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="11822" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="48460" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="7687" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="49495" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="8099" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="185467" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="22775" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="166657" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18925" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="138637" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="22947" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="242916" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="58925" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="231035" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="41978" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Acer IconiaTab A701: Full HD всегда с собой</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Пока остальные компании чего-то ждут, Acer просто берет и делает. И получается очень неплохо. На этот раз тайваньский гигант радует общественность планшетом c экраном Full HD-разрешения (на деле чуть больше) и процессором Tegra 3. Чем придется пожертвовать пользователям ради дисплея высокого разрешения?<iframe frameborder="0" height="360" src="" width="640"> ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 02 Aug 2012 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="9737" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="145258" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="226132" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="20952" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="36363" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="196972" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2958320" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="26784" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="470452" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="337554" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="116681" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="32967" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18808" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="232103" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="197115" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="58323" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="41770" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="78695" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="159785" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14406" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="37614" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="211252" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="231059" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25138" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="38218" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="43137" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2843472" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8313" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="203308" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="41051" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="362171" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7640" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="55432" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="56263" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="159280" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10810" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18796" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="76124" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="328106" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="14574" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="30086" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="134827" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1266066" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="72183" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1826713" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="124460" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="737305" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31246" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Fujitsu Stylistic M532 — Tegra 3 в корпоративной оболочке</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Не так часто удается протестировать планшет, предназначенный для корпоративных нужд, так что за Fujitsu Stylistic M532 мы взялись с удвоенным энтузиазмом. Тонкий, легкий, на базе Tegra 3, с IPS-матрицей и Android 4 — он обещает ни в чем не уступать современным планшетным компьютерам для обычных потребителей. Более того, для дома он подходит ничуть не хуже ]]></description> <pubDate>Tue, 31 Jul 2012 00:01:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="13001" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="68277" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="43613" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="230006" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="26198" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="246381" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="70715" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="92990" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="10995" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="183050" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16207" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="387142" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="33667" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="63093" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="85281" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="27276" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="87352" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="28001" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="81728" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="26811" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="214794" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18153" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="738193" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="285235" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="144109" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="17741" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="135236" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="17247" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="80319" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="10044" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Google Nexus 7: он пришел убивать</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />3DNews не вел репортажей с Google I/O, но и у нас сыскались знакомые, поучаствовавшие в главном Android-шабаше 2012 года. Благодаря им нам удалось опробовать несколько новых устройств, выпущенных под брендом Google. Первым делом спешим поделиться впечатлениями от планшета Nexus 7 ]]></description> <pubDate>Tue, 10 Jul 2012 00:01:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="8863" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="77620" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="157659" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="27955" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="370674" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="101295" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="130794" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="31660" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="40202" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1056215" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="81906" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="83648" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="116533" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="367008" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="33023" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="82778" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="57697" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="15019" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="65099" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="57697" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="12534" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="51061" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="139966" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10980" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="121874" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="466128" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="21720" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="54875" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="35249" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="15306" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="38681" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="68897" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="11786" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="26128" 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type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="134732" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="414730" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="210826" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="561710" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="279768" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="82854" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="351946" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="484723" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1019539" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="214918" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1021446" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="404426" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="914690" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="190820" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="528579" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="153223" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Планшеты Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 и 10.1: братья-революционеры</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Новое поколение Samsung Galaxy Tab получилось необычным: в планшетах стоят процессоры, произведенные не Samsung, чего раньше не встречалось, зато дисплеи теперь очень даже самсунговские, фирменные — PLS. Но интересны оба новых Galaxy Tab в первую очередь рекордно низкой для планшетов Samsung ценой ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 31 May 2012 00:01:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="12568" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="42134" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="125303" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="95199" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="268535" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="36134" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="201924" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="27955" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="340551" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="43816" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="177017" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="29584" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="263795" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31465" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="224462" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="33535" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="42357" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4254" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="32201" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="6590" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="43520" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4236" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="39675" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="7898" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="49322" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5500" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="43308" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="8187" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="48584" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5418" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="112308" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21498" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="186735" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31192" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="201160" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="15425" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="28591" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5756" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="67974" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="212976" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="57045" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="78157" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="71912" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="26565" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1050616" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="154853" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="148091" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="19078" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="760666" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="145691" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="111826" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="36310" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="87083" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25013" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="127046" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="112220" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="31468" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="29929" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="116677" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Экспресс-тест бюджетного планшета Explay Informer 702</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Семидюймовый бюджетный планшет с IPS-матрицей, емкостным экраном с неплохим разрешением, 1 ГГц-процессором во вполне приличном корпусе. Миф или реальность? Давайте попытаемся разобраться вместе ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 16 May 2012 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="14963" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31769" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31058" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="52385" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="360595" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="73764" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="484612" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="82038" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="353467" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="32732" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="165154" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="24288" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="97700" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16671" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="66242" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="17781" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="71320" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="23560" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="78326" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31327" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="229533" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="27489" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="204930" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="47720" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="267720" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="39640" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="119220" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Планшет IconBIT NetTAB MATRIX: реальный конкурент</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />В отличие от большинства недорогих планшетов, IconBIT NetTAB MATRIX аккуратно выглядит и не слишком тормозит. К услугам пользователя IPS-матрица и гигабайт ОЗУ. Более того, на планшет установлена чистая и ничем не испорченная Google Android 4.0, а стоит все это счастье меньше 7 000 рублей ]]></description> <pubDate>Sat, 12 May 2012 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="15780" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="182153" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="48577" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="201582" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="32309" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="121888" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="39949" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="135744" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="25060" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="121616" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="22721" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="120793" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21825" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="227584" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="38654" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="149352" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31330" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="249925" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="34267" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="157557" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16926" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="73375" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="12759" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="231871" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="11162" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="115297" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16666" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="76390" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18273" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="92157" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21333" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="105647" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="22922" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Экспресс-тест бюджетного планшета Inch U7s</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Некоторые компании делают ставку на вычислительную мощь своих планшетов, другие — на стиль, третьи — на невысокую стоимость устройств. Компания Inch попадает в третью категорию. Её планшеты и не блещут сверхспособностями, зато продаются по вполне человеческим ценам. Недавно Inch представила новый бюджетный планшет — U7s. Предлагаем вам экспресс-тест новинки ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 19 Apr 2012 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="11783" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="282144" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="52727" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="51503" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="330403" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="54530" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="52246" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="204617" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="38042" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="87069" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="153674" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="22272" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="106227" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="125647" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="22487" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="86927" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13448" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="115233" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="20245" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="127931" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="22280" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="202152" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="35367" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Планшет Explay Informer 701: скромный, но сильный</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Благодаря достаточно производительной аппаратной начинке, новый планшетный компьютер Explay Informer 701 порадует своего пользователя гладкой работой с любыми видеофайлами, а его ёмкостный дисплей позволит с комфортом просматривать интернет-страницы или читать электронные книги. Мы постарались выяснить, есть ли у новинки какие-либо существенные недостатки ]]></description> <pubDate>Tue, 17 Apr 2012 00:01:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="12961" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="142058" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="37321" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="99014" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="23784" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="216078" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="54749" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="183425" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="42446" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="147479" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="23647" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="150138" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="25255" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="153914" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31967" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="232954" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="29084" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="120771" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="23269" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="173709" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="30339" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="103441" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="27057" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="91397" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="23276" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="119189" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="28739" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="71895" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18398" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="126646" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="29093" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="100813" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="24480" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Новый iPad: знакомство поближе</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />На этот раз третью версию эппловского планшета нам удалось получить на значительно более долгий срок – почти неделю. Добавим же к нашему предыдущему материалу несколько существенных деталей: померяем параметры дисплея, время работы от батареи, скорость передачи данных и просто поделимся дополнительными впечатлениями<iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="" width="560"> ]]></description> <pubDate>Sat, 24 Mar 2012 16:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="9366" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="72551" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="735796" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="142870" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="25963" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="126318" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="23636" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="109067" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="20099" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="96367" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="15394" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="148778" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21770" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="183001" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31105" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="9568" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="34055" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="282268" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="152084" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21429" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="199315" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="27197" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="8425" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="92361" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="14690" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="616384" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21653" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="141427" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="28107" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="245844" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="36872" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="11308" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="76762" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="33865" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="10021" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="348308" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="200797" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="397364" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="215836" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Samsung 700T1A Slate PC: таблетка для Windows</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Windows 8 обещает быть достаточно удобной системой для работы с сенсорным экраном. И если большинство производителей планшетов и ноутбуков решили подождать официального анонса системы, то в Samsung тянуть не стали. Собственно, именно на Samsung 700T1A Slate PC Microsoft и демонстрировала в свое время Windows 8 разработчикам и прессе ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 21 Mar 2012 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="11746" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="8915" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="82227" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="231878" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31982" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16082" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="91619" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="12788" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4406" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="37068" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5303" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="5152" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="213986" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="14464" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" 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length="22828" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="74570" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="96073" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="64334" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="325740" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31845" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="59728" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="180899" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="17017" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="19991" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5415" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="476439" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="48964" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="40569" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Новый iPad: первое знакомство</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Официальные представители Apple, как всегда, не торопятся поставить свежий продукт в Россию, ну и пусть — за них это по традиции сделали другие люди, благодаря которым нам и удалось сравнительно рано свести близкое знакомство с новичком<iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="" width="560"> ]]></description> <pubDate>Sun, 18 Mar 2012 22:30:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="10659" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="208067" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="37593" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="62683" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="55898" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="40748" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="10611" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="6033" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18641" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="613900" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="68110" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="425787" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" 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type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="5945" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="554529" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="89850" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>MWC-2012: Премьеры ASUS – PadFone и Transformer Pad</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Мы недавно совсем «захвалили» ASUS Transformer Prime. А в ASUS не растерялись – и выпустили обновление линейки. И какое: помимо двух новых трансформер-плашетов, тайваньцы наконец-то показали живой и работающий PadFone. Интересно же! ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 29 Feb 2012 10:20:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="10026" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="108484" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1058845" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="523137" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="152044" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="30561" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1061890" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="930434" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="163380" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="150356" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1046210" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="19781" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="157448" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="130004" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1393862" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="994887" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="215477" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="890253" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="856680" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31570" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="136279" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="158984" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1379020" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="25395" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="249955" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="137954" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="668233" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="111519" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1352097" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="171372" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="978832" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="158605" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="853218" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="142250" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1197480" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="214904" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1293661" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="207881" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1515710" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="218284" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1276083" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="39925" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="200908" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1442938" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="41606" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="210645" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="35171" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="221385" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="632592" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="100991" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1254808" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="218946" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="781660" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="135027" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="911558" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="158836" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="939078" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="172243" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1419081" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="235011" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="852998" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="155032" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1177247" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="191645" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="571366" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="87575" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="488556" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="85681" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="450293" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="79593" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1183200" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="955217" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Планшет ASUS Eee Pad Transformer Prime: Tegra 3, Android 4 и Super IPS</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Маркетинговые парни без лишней скромности назвали новое поколение ASUS Eee Pad Transformer лучшим, отличным, превосходным — именно так переводится слово Prime, добавленное к наименованию предыдущей модели. Что же, проверим. А заодно поговорим и о маркетинге ]]></description> <pubDate>Tue, 28 Feb 2012 00:01:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="16360" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="832011" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="553304" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="67173" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="60963" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="42424" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="87065" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1381860" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="36002" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="442250" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="159376" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="554551" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="60352" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="39269" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="633573" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="825229" 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src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Есть такие люди, которым подавай идеальное. Не важно, сколько оно будет стоить, — главное, чтобы оно удовлетворяло всем мыслимым требованиям, которые вообще можно предъявить. Посмотрим, подойдет ли этому типу людей многообещающий планшет Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 — тонкий, легкий, долгоживучий и плотно фаршированный ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 15 Feb 2012 00:02:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="16062" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="139317" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="39803" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="89084" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="27321" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="20992" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="754421" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="757346" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="35567" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="32488" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="96134" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="27547" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="93997" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="28838" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="647609" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="43687" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="85318" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="28497" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="809517" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="68039" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="722801" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="68331" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="42809" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="521592" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="38042" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="602166" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="78257" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="37075" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="116342" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="35263" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="74429" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="26180" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="10361" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10501" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="10604" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="9731" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="380094" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="82411" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="200938" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="32220" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Защищенный планшетный компьютер Panasonic Toughbook CF-D1: броня крепка и все такое</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Toughbook CF-D1 — это не такой планшет, про который написано бессмертное «делаю рисёрч, нажимаю лайк, нажимаю твит». Совсем не такой. Он создан для иных условий и совсем-совсем других задач. С теми планшетами, к которым мы за последние пару лет привыкли, его роднит только название ]]></description> <pubDate>Tue, 14 Feb 2012 00:01:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="13946" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3575" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="7593" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8599" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8521" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="188673" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="173237" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="45853" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="212496" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="52878" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="60334" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="305340" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="52514" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="73431" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="263251" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="56443" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="54397" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16202" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="13269" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16602" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="131083" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="87892" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="35906" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="211731" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="17361" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="48160" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="128765" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="33574" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13666" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="19545" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="85917" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="33772" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="33962" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16676" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="22076" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31306" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="17372" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="89383" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="32293" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21837" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18340" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="40205" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="104178" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="93672" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="30817" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="154291" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="22655" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="45818" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="175935" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="45142" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="49637" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="6140" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="3573" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16168" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="40693" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6147" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="2996" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16491" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6188" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="6899" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16540" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="31218" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="179654" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="49917" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="167805" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="4642" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="179758" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="199045" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="50302" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="47765" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="48064" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="10637" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Inch U7i — недорогой Android-планшет с 3G</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Inch U7i относится к категории не очень дорогих планшетов с оптимальным набором возможностей. Конечно, не всё в нём идеально, но предложение для покупателя и впрямь интересное. Давайте познакомимся с ним подробнее ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 24 Nov 2011 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="8057" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="23985" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18941" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18408" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="29154" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="27959" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="24092" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="20588" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="12835" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="61284" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="17006" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="36229" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="12995" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="25867" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="48892" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16376" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="28729" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="9788" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="165044" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="25991" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="170235" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="22160" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="65182" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="20997" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="76437" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="23589" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="39941" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13227" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="20287" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="30171" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16130" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="26869" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="103709" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31391" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="43123" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18724" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18642" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="15600" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31221" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="119846" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="39410" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="53102" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="31317" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="27125" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="9089" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="27441" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="18366" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21138" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="17720" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="127187" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="43708" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Планшет Acer ICONIA TAB A100: Мини-Мы</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Планшетом с 10-дюймовым экраном удобно пользоваться, но устройство получается довольно крупным и тяжелым, что устраивает не всех. Производители это прекрасно понимают и не прекращают эксперименты с более компактными форматами. В Iconia Tab A100 экран уменьшен до 7 дюймов. Что же выиграет и в чем проиграет потенциальный владелец этого устройства? ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 12 Oct 2011 00:02:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="15453" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2860" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4427" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="4237" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="145352" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="42288" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="15768" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="146585" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="42859" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="15357" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="150405" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="41413" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="221897" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="44859" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="150796" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="43039" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="190950" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="41149" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="26764" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="7722" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="180261" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="39302" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="24766" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="7101" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="42999" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="13127" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="40730" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="11614" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="91236" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="22034" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="3899" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Таблетка от скуки: предварительный обзор планшета Sony Tablet S</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Почти все Android-планшеты ужасно однообразны. Все можно обвинить в копировании у Apple, все построены на совершенно одинаковом Honeycomb. У Sony получилось сделать планшет, необычный хотя бы внешне, а потому интересный. Речь идет о Sony Tablet S, который теперь официально продается в России ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 22 Sep 2011 00:05:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="14828" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="206246" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="86345" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="349872" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="112996" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="226874" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="96423" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="265426" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="116306" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="296313" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="128875" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="265567" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="113496" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="270869" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="111797" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="293769" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="112610" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="198427" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="84071" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="185466" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="81182" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="194910" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="99322" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="227001" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="103585" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="365033" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="146337" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Планшет ASUS Eee Pad Slider SL101: скользящий узел</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Компания ASUS выступила на рынке планшетов наиболее оригинально из всех производителей. Вместо того чтобы выдать пяток-другой стандартных прямоугольников с дисплеем, в ASUS все планшеты сделали не такими, как у остальных. Совсем не такими — более функциональными и интересными ]]></description> <pubDate>Fri, 09 Sep 2011 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="13967" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="8693" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="9487" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="8813" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1089480" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="85624" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1049771" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="68058" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="656484" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="30971" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="492501" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="30682" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="214153" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="59311" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="459500" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="103125" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="784881" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="159625" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="804620" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="201095" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="630853" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="152752" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="653254" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="156922" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="756417" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="972275" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="199481" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="610305" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="118183" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="244917" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="12119" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="50455" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="119296" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="29848" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="441726" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="146674" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="104909" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="130146" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="33472" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="178173" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="44078" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="151159" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="37844" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="594833" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="131029" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="260238" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="54071" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="54659" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="38185" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="10222" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="42653" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="16537" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>IFA 2011: предварительный обзор 200-долларового планшета Lenovo IdeaPad Tablet A1</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Стенд Lenovo на IFA 2011 был маленьким, шумным и людным. В глубине стенда, за колонной, почти без освещения, лежал планшет. Люди ходили мимо и не замечали его, но мы-то знали, что это тот самый IdeaPad A1, за который Lenovo просит всего 200 долларов… ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 08 Sep 2011 00:03:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="13682" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="515701" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="227415" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="230994" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="83080" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="284930" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="128513" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="417628" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="184148" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="637729" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="254802" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="282566" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="100252" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="379477" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="160628" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="179434" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="77297" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="167178" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="72623" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="497257" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="216237" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="528705" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="210119" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Первый в мире: предварительный обзор планшета Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />На выставке IFA 2011 наш специальный корреспондент почти все время провел возле стенда с планшетом Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7. Его было оттуда буквально не оторвать. В этой статье он расскажет о том, что же так притягивало его в новинке Samsung, а также о ее таинственном исчезновении со стенда ]]></description> <pubDate>Mon, 05 Sep 2011 00:03:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="11888" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="268537" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="127013" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="606302" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="214349" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="330891" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="119231" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="231289" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="103676" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="350640" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="139608" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="309158" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="131048" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="184752" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="97100" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="363765" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="136360" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="147513" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="77786" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="145889" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="75058" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 P7500 — запрещенные препараты</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Полгода назад боссы Samsung, уже успевшие похвастаться новым Galaxy Tab 10.1, жутко перепугались, увидев изделие конкурента, — настолько, что повелели все переделать. Результат грубого хирургического вмешательства попал к нам в руки — и оказался на удивление неплох ]]></description> <pubDate>Tue, 23 Aug 2011 00:01:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="16697" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="862449" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="96427" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="106254" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="19486" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1215273" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="67870" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="111855" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="21434" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="472307" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="72475" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1188095" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="61067" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="503886" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="115794" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="58563" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="15020" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="91742" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21548" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="60106" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="16195" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="864346" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="203274" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="314947" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="69098" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="295914" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="63204" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="690120" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="147156" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="615080" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="141157" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="557004" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="126871" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="680920" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="67952" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="705289" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="66192" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1052607" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="39284" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1063314" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="69980" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="146300" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="39710" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>ASUS Eee Pad Transformer TF101: боевой человекоподобный робот, версия 3.0</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Продолжаем знакомство с планшетными компьютерами, работающими под управлением операционной системы Android 3.0 Honeycomb. Сегодня у нас на повестке дня модель от ASUS, которая предлагает дополнительный уровень функциональности. Съемная клавиатура, удвоенная емкость аккумулятора и несколько других, менее значительных, но тоже полезных добавок. Интересно? Еще бы! ]]></description> <pubDate>Tue, 07 Jun 2011 00:01:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="13634" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="962697" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="902990" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1145906" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="72698" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="102316" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="181900" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="256382" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21541" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="150839" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="12208" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="65544" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="12173" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="294712" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="13915" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="967447" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure 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<enclosure url="" length="106147" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="42943" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="32772" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="2066893" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="27450" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="50349" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="323228" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="1302923" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="32343" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="70524" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1043049" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="12389" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="242150" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="9100" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="42653" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="321380" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Acer Iconia Tab A500: обзор первого планшета с Android 3.0, официально продаваемого в России</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Планшеты на Android 3.0 Honeycomb только начинают появляться в России, и сегодня у нас в руках первая ласточка — 10-дюймовый планшет Acer Iconia Tab A500. Он также обещает стать и одним из самых доступных. Обо всех достоинствах и недостатках Acer ICONIA Tab A500 читайте в этом обзоре ]]></description> <pubDate>Wed, 18 May 2011 00:02:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="11207" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="35828" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="180025" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="18293" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="27941" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1628753" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="173705" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="81884" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="25136" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="714574" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="257288" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="27860" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="19326" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="130898" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="155419" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="21103" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="744948" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="171266" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="755986" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="155582" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1315027" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="65217" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1172246" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="81859" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="998687" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="217467" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="696967" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="140075" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1696314" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="91332" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1775521" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="87894" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="233715" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="58442" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1335614" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="88471" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1702571" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="104474" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="680974" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="131544" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1481031" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="64609" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="277838" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="35846" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="932250" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="56362" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="1064471" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="63549" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="93140" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="22106" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="129405" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="157538" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="82620" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="19968" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="154092" type="image/png" /> <enclosure url="" length="17543" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="153290" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Archos 101 Internet Tablet: планшет французского покроя</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Планшетных компьютеров за последние месяцы анонсировано множество. Вот только до российского рынка они все никак не доберутся. В отечественных магазинах пока представлены в основном всякие занятные изделия китайских мастеров. Одно из немногих исключений - Archos 101 Internet Tablet. Посмотрим, как французы справились с созданием планшетника ]]></description> <pubDate>Fri, 01 Apr 2011 00:00:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="14884" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="542452" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="110826" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="867938" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="214233" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="53745" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="224756" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="93942" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="26471" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="742380" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="176227" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="597904" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="138682" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="140530" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="34232" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="497634" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="114824" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="867276" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="198240" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="687498" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="138886" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="364721" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="78860" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="584757" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="122322" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="689856" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="138407" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Apple iPad 2: планшет в интерьере</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Хотя официальные продажи iPad 2 еще не начались, в Россию уже поступают первые экземпляры нового планшетника, и один из них побывал в редакции 3DNews. Давайте разберемся — получилось ли у Apple превзойти саму себя, и пора ли старому iPad на свалку истории? ]]></description> <pubDate>Thu, 17 Mar 2011 00:00:00 +0300</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="12057" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="121282" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="75097" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="155727" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="122833" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="132674" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="157566" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="412762" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="33524" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="21455" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="193095" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="102312" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="136862" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="105705" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="28057" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="120517" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="156279" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Планшетный ПК Motorola XOOM: несостоявшееся убийство iPad</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Все вроде бы хорошо в планшетнике Motorola: и ладный корпус, и отличный экран с высоким разрешением, и новейшая ОС Android 3.0 Honeycomb, а купить все равно хочется iPad. Известный писатель Алекс Экслер рассказывает о причинах этого парадокса ]]></description> <pubDate>Tue, 15 Mar 2011 00:00:00 +0300</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="11889" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="77068" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="90395" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="130074" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="128731" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="101330" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="100188" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="89303" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="59590" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="124813" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="95350" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="75978" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="39324" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="79899" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="150638" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="107188" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="54625" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="125917" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="63405" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> <item> <title>Odeon TPC-10: планшетный компьютер с Intel Atom внутри</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />После выхода iPad и нескольких его «убийц» мы стали привыкать, что в планшетных компьютерах используются процессоры с архитектурой ARM. Однако Intel Atom готов заменить их уже сегодня, и доказательство тому – герой сегодняшней статьи, изнутри ничем не отличающийся от обычного нетбука ]]></description> <pubDate>Tue, 07 Dec 2010 00:00:00 +0300</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="8485" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="67153" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="88135" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="114290" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="89701" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="27986" type="image/gif" /> <enclosure url="" length="49729" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="111499" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="41810" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="37191" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="191643" type="image/png" /> </item> <item> <title>Huawei SmaKit S7: обзор на будущее</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description><![CDATA[ <img align="left" hspace="10" src="" border="0" height="85" width="120" />Пока одни недоумевают по поводу успеха iPad, другие выводят на рынок собственные планшетные компьютеры. У нас побывал прототип планшетника Huawei на Android OS 2.1, оставив очень противоречивые впечатления ]]></description> <pubDate>Tue, 21 Sep 2010 00:02:00 +0400</pubDate> <category domain="">Планшеты</category> <enclosure url="" length="8064" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="35024" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="45038" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="50871" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="40821" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="32198" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="12179" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="34650" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="54808" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="53183" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="36394" type="image/jpeg" /> <enclosure url="" length="55454" type="image/jpeg" /> </item> </channel> </rss>