USGS TNM 2.0 Viewer

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(function() { dojo.addOnLoad(function(){ dijit.form._FormValueWidget.prototype._layoutHackIE7 = function(){ }; /* * Fixes issue where SelectionManager won't display in IE7 */ dojo.require("dijit.layout.BorderContainer"); dijit.layout.BorderContainer.prototype._layoutChildren = function(/*String?*/changedRegion, /*Number?*/ changedRegionSize){ // summary: // This is the main routine for setting size/position of each child. // description: // With no arguments, measures the height of top/bottom panes, the width // of left/right panes, and then sizes all panes accordingly. // // With changedRegion specified (as "left", "top", "bottom", or "right"), // it changes that region's width/height to changedRegionSize and // then resizes other regions that were affected. // changedRegion: // The region should be changed because splitter was dragged. // "left", "right", "top", or "bottom". // changedRegionSize: // The new width/height (in pixels) to make changedRegion if(!this._borderBox || !this._borderBox.h){ // We are currently hidden, or we haven't been sized by our parent yet. // Abort. Someone will resize us later. return; } var sidebarLayout = ( == "sidebar"); var topHeight = 0, bottomHeight = 0, leftWidth = 0, rightWidth = 0; var topStyle = {}, leftStyle = {}, rightStyle = {}, bottomStyle = {}, centerStyle = (this._center && || {}; var changedSide = /left|right/.test(changedRegion); var layoutSides = !changedRegion || (!changedSide && !sidebarLayout); var layoutTopBottom = !changedRegion || (changedSide && sidebarLayout); // Ask browser for width/height of side panes. // Would be nice to cache this but height can change according to width // (because words wrap around). I don't think width will ever change though // (except when the user drags a splitter). if(this._top){ topStyle = (changedRegion == "top" || layoutTopBottom) &&; topHeight = changedRegion == "top" ? changedRegionSize : dojo._getMarginSize(this._top).h; } if(this._left){ leftStyle = (changedRegion == "left" || layoutSides) &&; leftWidth = changedRegion == "left" ? changedRegionSize : dojo._getMarginSize(this._left).w; } if(this._right){ rightStyle = (changedRegion == "right" || layoutSides) &&; rightWidth = changedRegion == "right" ? changedRegionSize : dojo._getMarginSize(this._right).w; } if(this._bottom){ bottomStyle = (changedRegion == "bottom" || layoutTopBottom) &&; bottomHeight = changedRegion == "bottom" ? changedRegionSize : dojo._getMarginSize(this._bottom).h; } var splitters = this._splitters; var topSplitter =, bottomSplitter = splitters.bottom, leftSplitter = splitters.left, rightSplitter = splitters.right; var splitterThickness = this._splitterThickness; var topSplitterThickness = || 0, leftSplitterThickness = splitterThickness.left || 0, rightSplitterThickness = splitterThickness.right || 0, bottomSplitterThickness = splitterThickness.bottom || 0; // Check for race condition where CSS hasn't finished loading, so // the splitter width == the viewport width (#4) if(leftSplitterThickness > 50 || rightSplitterThickness > 50){ setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){ // Results are invalid. Clear them out. this._splitterThickness = {}; for(var region in this._splitters){ this._computeSplitterThickness(region); } this._layoutChildren(); }), 50); return false; } var pe =; var splitterBounds = { left: (sidebarLayout ? leftWidth + leftSplitterThickness: 0) + pe.l + "px", right: (sidebarLayout ? rightWidth + rightSplitterThickness: 0) + pe.r + "px" }; if(topSplitter){ dojo.mixin(, splitterBounds); = topHeight + pe.t + "px"; } if(bottomSplitter){ dojo.mixin(, splitterBounds); = bottomHeight + pe.b + "px"; } splitterBounds = { top: (sidebarLayout ? 0 : topHeight + topSplitterThickness) + pe.t + "px", bottom: (sidebarLayout ? 0 : bottomHeight + bottomSplitterThickness) + pe.b + "px" }; if(leftSplitter){ dojo.mixin(, splitterBounds); = leftWidth + pe.l + "px"; } if(rightSplitter){ dojo.mixin(, splitterBounds); = rightWidth + pe.r + "px"; } dojo.mixin(centerStyle, { top: pe.t + topHeight + topSplitterThickness + "px", left: pe.l + leftWidth + leftSplitterThickness + "px", right: pe.r + rightWidth + rightSplitterThickness + "px", bottom: pe.b + bottomHeight + bottomSplitterThickness + "px" }); var bounds = { top: sidebarLayout ? pe.t + "px" :, bottom: sidebarLayout ? pe.b + "px" : centerStyle.bottom }; dojo.mixin(leftStyle, bounds); dojo.mixin(rightStyle, bounds); leftStyle.left = pe.l + "px"; rightStyle.right = pe.r + "px"; = pe.t + "px"; bottomStyle.bottom = pe.b + "px"; if(sidebarLayout){ topStyle.left = bottomStyle.left = leftWidth + leftSplitterThickness + pe.l + "px"; topStyle.right = bottomStyle.right = rightWidth + rightSplitterThickness + pe.r + "px"; }else{ topStyle.left = bottomStyle.left = pe.l + "px"; topStyle.right = bottomStyle.right = pe.r + "px"; } // More calculations about sizes of panes var containerHeight = this._borderBox.h - pe.t - pe.b, middleHeight = containerHeight - ( topHeight + topSplitterThickness + bottomHeight + bottomSplitterThickness), sidebarHeight = sidebarLayout ? containerHeight : middleHeight; var containerWidth = this._borderBox.w - pe.l - pe.r, middleWidth = containerWidth - (leftWidth + leftSplitterThickness + rightWidth + rightSplitterThickness), sidebarWidth = sidebarLayout ? middleWidth : containerWidth; // Ensure sidebar width/height is >= 0 sidebarWidth = (sidebarWidth > 0) ? sidebarWidth : 0; sidebarHeight = (sidebarHeight > 0) ? sidebarHeight : 0; // New margin-box size of each pane var dim = { top: { w: sidebarWidth, h: topHeight }, bottom: { w: sidebarWidth, h: bottomHeight }, left: { w: leftWidth, h: sidebarHeight }, right: { w: rightWidth, h: sidebarHeight }, center: { h: middleHeight, w: middleWidth } }; if(changedRegion){ // Respond to splitter drag event by changing changedRegion's width or height var child = this["_" + changedRegion + "Widget"], mb = {}; mb[ /top|bottom/.test(changedRegion) ? "h" : "w"] = changedRegionSize; child.resize ? child.resize(mb, dim[child.region]) : dojo.marginBox(child.domNode, mb); } // Nodes in IE<8 don't respond to t/l/b/r, and TEXTAREA doesn't respond in any browser var janky = dojo.isIE < 8 || (dojo.isIE && dojo.isQuirks) || dojo.some(this.getChildren(), function(child){ return child.domNode.tagName == "TEXTAREA" || child.domNode.tagName == "INPUT"; }); if(janky){ // Set the size of the children the old fashioned way, by setting // CSS width and height var resizeWidget = function(widget, changes, result){ if(widget){ (widget.resize ? widget.resize(changes, result) : dojo.marginBox(widget.domNode, changes)); } }; if(leftSplitter){ = sidebarHeight; } if(rightSplitter){ = sidebarHeight; } resizeWidget(this._leftWidget, {h: sidebarHeight}, dim.left); resizeWidget(this._rightWidget, {h: sidebarHeight}, dim.right); if(topSplitter){ = sidebarWidth; } if(bottomSplitter){ = sidebarWidth; } resizeWidget(this._topWidget, {w: sidebarWidth},; resizeWidget(this._bottomWidget, {w: sidebarWidth}, dim.bottom); resizeWidget(this._centerWidget,; }else{ // Calculate which panes need a notification that their size has been changed // (we've already set on those other panes). var notifySides = !changedRegion || (/top|bottom/.test(changedRegion) && != "sidebar"), notifyTopBottom = !changedRegion || (/left|right/.test(changedRegion) && == "sidebar"), notifyList = { center: true, left: notifySides, right: notifySides, top: notifyTopBottom, bottom: notifyTopBottom }; // Send notification to those panes that have changed size dojo.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){ if(child.resize && notifyList[child.region]){ child.resize(null, dim[child.region]); } }, this); } }; dojo._getMarginSize = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*Object*/computedStyle){ // summary: // returns an object that encodes the width and height of // the node's margin box node = dojo.byId(node); var me = dojo._getMarginExtents(node, computedStyle || dojo.getComputedStyle(node)); var size = node.getBoundingClientRect(); return { w: (size.right - size.left) + me.w, h: (size.bottom - + me.h }; }; /* * End Fix */ }); }()); /********************************* * End Patches to dojo and jsapi * *********************************/ var revisions = (jsapix.revisions = {"default":0,"rasterdemo":0,"nhd":0,"contoursdemo":0,"crbdemo":0}); var configUrl = (jsapix.configUrl = "./config/"); var isOperator = false; = "proxy.jsp"; var site = ( = new jsapix.SiteManager()); dojo.addOnWindowUnload(site.shutdown); site.init(); usgs.init(); }); }); }); function downloadClick(){ //select the tool in the toolbar dijit.byId("toptoolbar").toolbarContainer.selectChild(dijit.byId("AdvancedToolbarPane")); map.activateTool("Extract"); } /*function hidestuff(boxid){ document.getElementById(boxid).style.visibility="hidden"; document.getElementById(boxid).style.display="none"; } document.getElementById('maintenanceBanner').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('maintenanceBanner').style.visibility = 'visible';*/ </script> </body> </html> <!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 15:56:52 Mar 29, 2012 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 20:40:41 Nov 23, 2024. 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