Publications - States of Guernsey

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2024", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 21 January 2025", "Year": "2025", "Heading": "New Quarterly Inflation Bulletin - December 2024", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 18 December 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Better Life Indicators Report - 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 17 December 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Household Income Report - 2022", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 17 December 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Indicators of Poverty Report - 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 03 December 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "States Strategic Housing Indicator: 2024 Monitoring Report", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 22 November 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Quarterly Guernsey Travel and Visitor Accommodation Bulletin - Q3 2024", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 18 November 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q2 2024", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 18 November 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q1 2024", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 05 November 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Quarterly Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q3 2024", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 29 October 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Quarterly Population (December 2023), Employment and Earnings (June 2024) Bulletin", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 22 October 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Quarterly Inflation Bulletin - September 2024", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 24 September 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Annual Gross Value Added (GVA) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Bulletin - 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 21 August 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "Review of Governance Arrangements for Capital Programmes and Projects", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 13 August 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Quarterly Guernsey Travel and Visitor Accommodation Bulletin - Q2 2024", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 06 August 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Quarterly Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q2 2024", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 30 July 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Quarterly Population (September 2023), Employment and Earnings (March 2024) Bulletin", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 23 July 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Quarterly Inflation Bulletin - June 2024", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 22 May 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "Decision Notice - Guernsey Electricity application to increase tariffs", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 13 May 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "Reducing the Cost of Public Services: Survey Response Summary ", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 07 May 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Quarterly Guernsey Travel and Visitor Accommodation Bulletin - Q1 2024", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 07 May 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Quarterly Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q1 2024", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 30 April 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Quarterly Population (June 2023), Employment and Earnings (December 2023) Bulletin", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 23 April 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Quarterly Inflation Bulletin - March 2024", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 04 April 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q4 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 14 March 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Greenhouse Gas Bulletin - 2022", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 14 March 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Annual Residential Property Stock Bulletin - 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 20 February 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Annual Guernsey Travel and Visitor Accommodation Report - 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 08 February 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Quarterly Guernsey Travel and Visitor Accommodation Bulletin - Q4 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 06 February 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Quarterly Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q4 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 30 January 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Annual eCensus Report: Population (March 2023), Employment and Earnings (September 2023) Bulletin", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 23 January 2024", "Year": "2024", "Heading": "New Quarterly Inflation Bulletin - December 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 11 December 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "New Annual Gross Value Added (GVA) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Bulletin - 2022", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 28 November 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q3 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 21 November 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "New Guernsey Travel and Visitor Accommodation Bulletin - Q3 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 07 November 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "New Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q3 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 31 October 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "New Quarterly Population (December 2022), Employment and Earnings (June 2023) Bulletin", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 24 October 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "New Quarterly Inflation Bulletin - September 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 13 October 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q2 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 13 October 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q1 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 11 September 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "New Guernsey Travel and Visitor Accommodation Bulletin - Q2 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 11 August 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "Cost reduction public survey - initial insights", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 01 August 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "New Quarterly Population (September 2022), Employment and Earnings (March 2023) Bulletin", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 25 July 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "New Quarterly Inflation Bulletin - June 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 21 June 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "Independent review into IT outages", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 31 May 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "New Guernsey Travel and Visitor Accommodation Transitional Bulletin - Q1 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 25 May 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "New Annual Residential Property Stock Bulletin - 2022", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 11 May 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "New Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q1 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 02 May 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "New Quarterly Population (June 2022), Employment and Earnings (December 2022) Bulletin", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 25 April 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "New Quarterly Inflation Bulletin - March 2023", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 07 February 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "New Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q4 2022", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 03 February 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q4 2022", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 03 February 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q3 2022", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 03 February 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "New eCensus Report: Population (March 2022), Employment and Earnings (September 2022) Bulletin", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 24 January 2023", "Year": "2023", "Heading": "New Inflation Bulletin - December 2022", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 07 December 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New Better Life Indicators Report - 2021", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 10 November 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New Gross Value Added (GVA) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Bulletin - 2021", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 09 November 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q3 2022", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 27 October 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New Population (December 2021), Employment and Earnings (June 2022) Bulletin", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 25 October 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New Inflation Bulletin - September 2022", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 10 October 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Annual Monitoring Report 2021", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 10 October 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q2 2022", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Saturday 01 October 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New Facts and Figures Booklet - 2022", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 10 August 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q2 2022", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 28 July 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New Population (September 2021), Employment and Earnings (March 2022) Bulletin", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 26 July 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New Inflation (RPI and RPIX) Bulletin - June 2022", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 26 May 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q1 2022", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 11 May 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q1 2022", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 29 April 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New Population (June 2021), Employment and Earnings (December 2021) Bulletin", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 22 April 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New Inflation (RPI and RPIX) Bulletin - March 2022", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 31 March 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New Greenhouse Gas Bulletin - 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 17 March 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New Annual Residential Property Stock Bulletin - 2021", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 11 February 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q4 2021", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 27 January 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New eCensus Report: Population (March 2021), Employment and Earnings (September 2021) Bulletin", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 26 January 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q4 2021", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 26 January 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q3 2021", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 21 January 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New Inflation (RPI and RPIX) Bulletin - December 2021", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 10 January 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "The 2021 Guernsey Economic and Financial Stability Overview", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 10 January 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New Better Life Indicators Report - 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 10 January 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New Household Income (2019 and 2020) Report", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 10 January 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "New Indicators of Poverty Report - 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 10 January 2022", "Year": "2022", "Heading": "Report of Findings from 2021 Community Survey", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 19 November 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Annual Monitoring Report 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 15 November 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "New Gross Value Added (GVA) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Bulletin - 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 15 November 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q2 2021", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 15 November 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q1 2021", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 12 November 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "New Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q3 2021", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 04 November 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "New Population (December 2020), Employment and Earnings (June 2021) Bulletin", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 22 October 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "New Inflation (RPI and RPIX) Bulletin - September 2021", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 23 September 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "New Facts and Figures Booklet - 2021", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 13 August 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "New Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q2 2021", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 30 July 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "New Population (Q3 2020), Employment and Earnings (Q1 2021) Bulletin", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 16 July 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "New Inflation (RPI and RPIX) Bulletin - Q2 2021", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 08 July 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "Updated Financial Services Policy Framework", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 14 May 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "New Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q1 2021", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 30 April 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "New Population (Q2 2020), Employment and Earnings (Q4 2020) Bulletin", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 23 April 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "New Inflation (RPI and RPIX) Bulletin - Q1 2021", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 06 April 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "Guernsey and Alderney SEND Review", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 29 March 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q4 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 29 March 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q3 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 17 March 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "New Annual Residential Property Stock Bulletin - 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 26 February 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "New Greenhouse Gas Bulletin - 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 12 February 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "New Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q4 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 28 January 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "Annual Electronic Census Report 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 22 January 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "New Inflation (RPI and RPIX) Bulletin - Q4 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 15 January 2021", "Year": "2021", "Heading": "Fifth (Final) Report of Findings from 2020 Community Survey", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 18 December 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "New Better Life Indicators Report - 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 18 December 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "Fourth Report of Findings from 2020 Community Survey", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 11 December 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "The Guernsey Economic and Financial Stability Overview", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 04 December 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "New Household Income (2018) and Household Expenditure (2018-2019) Reports", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 04 December 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "Third Report of Findings from 2020 Community Survey", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 04 December 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "New Indicators of Poverty Report - 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 27 November 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "New Gross Value Added (GVA) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Bulletin - 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 13 November 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "New Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q3 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 29 October 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "Second Report of Findings from 2020 Community Survey and Population (Q4 2019), Employment and Earnings (Q2 2020) Bulletin", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 23 October 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "New Inflation (RPI and RPIX) Bulletin - Q3 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 20 October 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "States&#39; Trading Supervisory Board - Group Annual Report 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 16 October 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "Unemployment Bulletin - September 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 23 September 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "New Facts and Figures Booklet - 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 16 September 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "Unemployment Bulletin - August 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 15 September 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q2 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 15 September 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q1 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 09 September 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "Capital Flows: Analysis of Guernsey&#39;s Investment Funds Sector", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 20 August 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "Preliminary Findings from 2020 Community Survey", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 14 August 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "New Population (Q3 2019), Employment and Earnings (Q1 2020) Bulletin", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 07 August 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "New Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q2 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 31 July 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "Committee for Education, Sport &amp; Culture Governance Review", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 23 July 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "4th Community Monitoring Tool Report", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 23 July 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "Unemployment Bulletin - June 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 17 July 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "New Inflation (RPI and RPIX) Bulletin - Q2 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 24 June 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "Unemployment Bulletin - May 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 22 June 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "3rd Community Monitoring Tool Report", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 10 June 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "Revive and Thrive - Guernsey&#39;s Recovery Strategy for Guernsey Together", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 05 June 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "2nd Community Monitoring Tool Report", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 22 May 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "1st Community Monitoring Report - lockdown and phases one and two of exit from lockdown", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 15 May 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "New Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q1 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 30 April 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "New Population (Q2 2019), Employment and Earnings (Q4 2019) Bulletin", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 24 April 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "New Inflation (RPI and RPIX) Bulletin - Q1 2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 01 April 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q4 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 01 April 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q3 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 19 March 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "New Greenhouse Gas Bulletin - 2018", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 17 March 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "New Annual Residential Property Stock Bulletin - 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 02 March 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "The Future Guernsey Dairy Project", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 11 February 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Annual Monitoring Report 2018", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 30 January 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "Annual Electronic Census Report 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 17 January 2020", "Year": "2020", "Heading": "New Inflation (RPI and RPIX) Bulletin - Q4 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 20 December 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "New Better Life Indicators Report - 2018", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 12 December 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "Results of Guernsey and Alderney Wellbeing Survey - 2018", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 03 December 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "Policy &amp; Resources Governance Review", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 03 December 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "States&#39; Trading Supervisory Board - Group Annual Report 2018", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 22 November 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "New Household Income Report - 2017", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 22 November 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "New Indicators of Poverty Report - 2018", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 08 November 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "New Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q3 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 31 October 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "New Inflation Forecast Bulletin - Q4 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 18 October 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "New Inflation (RPI and RPIX) Bulletin - Q3 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 02 October 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "Statement of Intent on Energy Policy", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 30 September 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q2 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 30 September 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q1 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 30 September 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "New Facts and Figures Booklet - 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 27 August 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "States Works&#39; 2018 Annual Report ", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 15 August 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "New Gross Value Added (GVA) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Bulletin - 2018", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 09 August 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "New Residential Property Prices Bulletin - Q2 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 31 July 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "New Inflation (RPI and RPIX) Forecast Bulletin - Q3 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 25 July 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "New Population (Q3 2018), Employment and Earnings (Q1 2019) Bulletin", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 19 July 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "New Inflation (RPI and RPIX) Bulletin - Q2 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 11 July 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "Guernsey Child Measurement Programme 2019", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 24 June 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "Committee for Home Affairs - Governance Review", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 19 June 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "Beneficial Ownership - 2019 Action Plan", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 17 June 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "Development &amp; Planning Authority - 2019 Action Plan", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 23 May 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "Island development - Main Centres Survey 2018 and Local Centres Survey 2018", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 23 May 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "Chief Executive&#39;s Public Service Update ", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 16 May 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "Committee for Health &amp; Social Care - Governance Review", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 10 May 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "New Supplementary Residential Property Bulletin - 2018", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 02 May 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "Guernsey Recycling Fire - Report 2018", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 02 April 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "Tourism Product and Customer Experience Strategic Review - Full Report", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Sunday 31 March 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "New Annual Residential Property Stock Bulletin - 2018", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 08 March 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "Guernsey Air Links Strategy", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 26 February 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "Tourism Product and Customer Experience Strategic Review Summary", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Saturday 23 February 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "New Greenhouse Gas Bulletin - 2017", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 30 January 2019", "Year": "2019", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q4 2018", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 13 December 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "Financial Services Policy Framework", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 15 November 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "Island Development Plan: Employment Land Study 2017 Update Report", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 12 November 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q3 2018", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 02 November 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "Inspection of Bailiwick Law Enforcement", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 02 October 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "Disability and Inclusion Strategy Highlight Report", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 28 September 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "Speed Limits - Decision Notice", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 19 September 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "Island Development Plan: Main and Local Centre reports for 2017 ", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 10 September 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "Marriage Law Consultation Report ", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 30 August 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Annual Monitoring Report 2017", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 15 August 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q2 2018", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 15 August 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q1 2018", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 24 July 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "Guernsey Airport Business Plan 2018-2022", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 09 July 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "States Works Business Plan 2018-2020", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 20 June 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "Long-term population projection", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 19 June 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "The Future of Telecoms Strategy", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 11 June 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "Review of Air Transport Licensing ", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 18 May 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "Economic Strategy", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 01 May 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "Chief Executives Annual Report ", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Tuesday 01 May 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "P&amp;R Plan 2018 Update Summary", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 19 March 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q4 2017", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 19 March 2018", "Year": "2018", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q3 2017", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 13 October 2017", "Year": "2017", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q2 2017", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Friday 13 October 2017", "Year": "2017", "Heading": "Island Development Plan - Quarterly Monitoring Report Q1 2017", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 01 June 2017", "Year": "2017", "Heading": "The Changing Times ", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Saturday 01 April 2017", "Year": "2017", "Heading": "Digital Sector Strategic Framework", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 01 February 2017", "Year": "2017", "Heading": "Education, Sport and Culture Public Update - February 2017", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Thursday 01 September 2016", "Year": "2016", "Heading": "Education, Sport and Culture Public Update - September 2016", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "Updated: June 2017", "Date": "Tuesday 02 August 2016", "Year": "2016", "Heading": "Changing Times Magazine", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 01 June 2016", "Year": "2016", "Heading": "Health and Social Care - Public Update - June 2016", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Saturday 01 August 2015", "Year": "2015", "Heading": "Safeguarding Guernsey&#39;s Wildlife - A Biodiversity Strategy for Guernsey", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Monday 18 May 2015", "Year": "2015", "Heading": "Guernsey Tourism Strategic Plan 2015 - 2025", "Link" : ""}, { "Class" : "", "Date": "Wednesday 11 December 2013", "Year": "2013", "Heading": "Retail Strategy", "Link" : ""},]}</div> <ul> <li v-for="item in paginate" v-bind:year="item.Year"> <a v-bind:href="item.Link"> <h3>{{item.Heading}}</h3> <span class="date">{{item.Date}}</span> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i> </a> </li> </ul> <ul id="paging"> <li id="firstPage"><a href="#" onclick="return false;" @click="setPage(0)">First</a></li> <li v-for="pageNumber in totalPages" v-if="Math.abs(pageNumber - currentPage) < 3 || pageNumber == totalPages - 1 || pageNumber == 0"> <a href="#" onclick="return false;" 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