Innovations - ZF
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How do we make mobility more sustainable, safer and more convenient? Innovation at ZF has perfected turning innovation into a reality. The examples on the following page demonstrate how we do this. </h3> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-media-content-wrapper"> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with image + gallery--> <!--begin Text with image + gallery--> <div class="zfctm-text-media zfctm-text-media-full-width zfctm-full-width-media" id="tm_video_897035" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfctm-text-media-heading-wrapper"> <div class="zfctm-text-copy zfcui-prometo-light"> <p>Why are innovations so important for ZF? Where does the company find them and how do you recognize the right ones from among the many ideas? Dr. Joscha Märkle-Huß, Head of Innovation Factory, provides a brief overview in the following video:</p> </div> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-media-content-wrapper"> <!--begin Video--> <!-- begin video_part --> <div class="zfcfsv-full-size-video zfcfsv-video-normal" > <div class="zfcfsv-video-wrapper null zfcfsv-crop- "> <span class="zfcfsv-image-copyright"></span> <data-video data-id="auto" class="zfcfsv-landing-video video-js" width="100%" data-video-id="0_9bz0z09z" data-account="665003325001" data-player="179hai48L" data-embed="default" controls="" > </data-video> </div> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay zfcui-color-white"> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay-content "> <span class="zfcfsv-video-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-movie"></span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end video part --> <!--end Video--> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with image + gallery--><!-- begin section_wrapper --> </div> </div> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-grey " id="wrapper_grey_897029"> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content zfc-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!-- end section_wrapper --> <!--begin Text with image + gallery--> <div class="zfctm-text-media zfctm-text-media-invert" id="tm_innovationfuture1_897030" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfctm-text-media-heading-wrapper"> <div class="zfctm-headline"> <h2 class="zfctm-headline-text zfcui-prometo-medium">Innovations Pave the Way for the Future</h2> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-copy zfcui-prometo-light"> <p>ZF makes new mobility possible: cleaner and safer, more comfortable and available to all. Innovation leaps are what we really need. We integrate innovations from internal and external sources and from many technology fields. By bringing them together, we can to sustainably change the world of mobility.</p> </div> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-media-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfcci-image-container" > <div class="zfcci-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2"> <span class="zfcci-image-copyright"></span> <img alt="Innovation" data-src="" > </div> <div class="zfcci-image-caption zfc-width-100"> <span></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with image + gallery--> <!--begin Text with image + gallery--> <div class="zfctm-text-media zfctm-text-media-text-only" id="tm_innovation_future_2_897031" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfctm-text-media-heading-wrapper"> <div class="zfctm-text-copy zfcui-prometo-light"> <p>ZF proves that agility and disruption are not only for small, networked and unconventional start-ups. ZF shows how large enterprises can focus on innovation: by creating space for ideas and innovations in our culture and corporate structures; by systematically pursuing technological developments far away from our core competencies; and by drawing on an ecosystem of collaborations and partnerships.</p> </div> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-media-content-wrapper"> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with image + gallery--><!-- begin section_wrapper --> </div> </div> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-white " id="wrapper_white_897033"> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content zfc-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!-- end section_wrapper --><!-- begin image_map --> <div class="zfcpfst-product-finder-stage zfcpfst-stage-1 zfcui-modal-parent zfcpfst-slider-popup" id="image_map__897032" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfcpfst-intro"> <div class="zfcpfst-intro-centered"> <h2 class="zfcpfst-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Many Ways, Many Speeds</h2> <div class="zfcpfst-copy"><p>Innovation today has many origins: the classic product evolution process, central R&D and the divisional development. In addition, we have ideas from our own employees and external start-ups as well as research and science centers. In a global Group like ZF, we coordinate innovation at all levels in different ways and at different speeds.</p><p><strong>Click (+) to learn more</strong></p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="zfcpfst-image-container"> <div class="zfcpfst-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2" > <img class="" src="" alt="" /> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" style="top: 54%; right: 63%; position:absolute;" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-button-hotspot" data-modal-uuid='897032Globale_Chapters0_897032_' data-index='0' role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span class="zfui-button-label-wrapper" > </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-plus" ></span> </span> </div> </div> <!-- end button part --> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" style="top: 16%; right: 51%; position:absolute;" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-button-hotspot" data-modal-uuid='897032Divisions1_897032_' data-index='1' role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span class="zfui-button-label-wrapper" > </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-plus" ></span> </span> </div> </div> <!-- end button part --> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" style="top: 23%; right: 86%; position:absolute;" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-button-hotspot" data-modal-uuid='897032Start-ups2_897032_' data-index='2' role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span class="zfui-button-label-wrapper" > </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-plus" ></span> </span> </div> </div> <!-- end button part --> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" style="top: 22.4%; right: 23%; position:absolute;" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-button-hotspot" data-modal-uuid='897032Supplier_Innovations_3_897032_' data-index='3' role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span class="zfui-button-label-wrapper" > </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-plus" ></span> </span> </div> </div> <!-- end button part --> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" style="top: 83%; right: 78%; position:absolute;" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-button-hotspot" data-modal-uuid='897032Universities4_897032_' data-index='4' role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span class="zfui-button-label-wrapper" > </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-plus" ></span> </span> </div> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> <div class="zfcpfst-mobile-button-wrapper"> <div class="zfcpfst-mobile-button-item"> <div class="zfc-wrapper-content"> <!--begin accordion--> <!--begin Accordion Part--> <div class="zfcacc-accordion " id=""> <div class="row"> <!--begin Accordion Cell--> <!--begin Accordion Cell Part--> <div class="zfcacc-item" id="_0" data-filter="filter-element-0"> <!--begin divider_part--> <div class="zfc-separator " > <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-no-title zfc-dotted-line-grey-small zfcui-color-inherit"></span> </div> <!--end divider_part--> <div class="zfcacc-title-content-wrapper"> <span class="zfcacc-accordion-section-title zfcui-prometo-medium" data-key="897032Globale_Chapters0_897032_"> Globale Chapters </span> <span class="zfcacc-accordion-section-title-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-down"></span> </div> <div class="zfcacc-accordion-section-content"> <div class="zfcacc-accordion-content-component"> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-small" id=""> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!--begin Text with image + gallery--> <div class="zfctm-text-media zfctm-text-media-invert" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfctm-text-media-heading-wrapper"> <div class="zfctm-headline"> <h2 class="zfctm-headline-text zfcui-prometo-medium">Global Chapters / Innovation Hubs</h2> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-copy zfcui-prometo-light"> <p>We combine regional innovation chapters and hubs within the R&D organization. This creates a powerful network with access to important future competencies. </p> </div> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-media-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfcci-image-container" > <div class="zfcci-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2"> <span class="zfcci-image-copyright"></span> <img alt="" data-src="" > </div> <div class="zfcci-image-caption zfc-width-100"> <span></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with image + gallery--> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Accordion Cell Part--> <!--end Accordion Cell--> </div> </div> <!--end Accordion Part--> <!--end accordion--> </div> </div> <div class="zfcpfst-mobile-button-item"> <div class="zfc-wrapper-content"> <!--begin accordion--> <!--begin Accordion Part--> <div class="zfcacc-accordion " id=""> <div class="row"> <!--begin Accordion Cell--> <!--begin Accordion Cell Part--> <div class="zfcacc-item" id="_0" data-filter="filter-element-0"> <!--begin divider_part--> <div class="zfc-separator " > <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-no-title zfc-dotted-line-grey-small zfcui-color-inherit"></span> </div> <!--end divider_part--> <div class="zfcacc-title-content-wrapper"> <span class="zfcacc-accordion-section-title zfcui-prometo-medium" data-key="897032Divisions1_897032_"> Divisions </span> <span class="zfcacc-accordion-section-title-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-down"></span> </div> <div class="zfcacc-accordion-section-content"> <div class="zfcacc-accordion-content-component"> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-small" id=""> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!--begin Text with image + gallery--> <div class="zfctm-text-media zfctm-text-media-invert" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfctm-text-media-heading-wrapper"> <div class="zfctm-headline"> <h2 class="zfctm-headline-text zfcui-prometo-medium">ZF Divisions</h2> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-copy zfcui-prometo-light"> <p>As technology leaders, ZF divisions drive innovation in their product fields – regardless of whether that involves autonomous commercial vehicles, the software-defined vehicle, the electrification of passenger cars or networked industrial technology. </p><p><a href='' target='_self' class='zfui-color-cyan' >Further Information</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-media-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfcci-image-container" > <div class="zfcci-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2"> <span class="zfcci-image-copyright"></span> <img alt="" data-src="" > </div> <div class="zfcci-image-caption zfc-width-100"> <span></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with image + gallery--> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Accordion Cell Part--> <!--end Accordion Cell--> </div> </div> <!--end Accordion Part--> <!--end accordion--> </div> </div> <div class="zfcpfst-mobile-button-item"> <div class="zfc-wrapper-content"> <!--begin accordion--> <!--begin Accordion Part--> <div class="zfcacc-accordion " id=""> <div class="row"> <!--begin Accordion Cell--> <!--begin Accordion Cell Part--> <div class="zfcacc-item" id="_0" data-filter="filter-element-0"> <!--begin divider_part--> <div class="zfc-separator " > <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-no-title zfc-dotted-line-grey-small zfcui-color-inherit"></span> </div> <!--end divider_part--> <div class="zfcacc-title-content-wrapper"> <span class="zfcacc-accordion-section-title zfcui-prometo-medium" data-key="897032Start-ups2_897032_"> Start-ups </span> <span class="zfcacc-accordion-section-title-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-down"></span> </div> <div class="zfcacc-accordion-section-content"> <div class="zfcacc-accordion-content-component"> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-small" id=""> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!--begin Text with image + gallery--> <div class="zfctm-text-media zfctm-text-media-invert" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfctm-text-media-heading-wrapper"> <div class="zfctm-headline"> <h2 class="zfctm-headline-text zfcui-prometo-medium">Start-ups</h2> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-copy zfcui-prometo-light"> <p>Cooperation with start-ups is a key component of our innovation strategy.</p> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-copy zfcui-prometo-light zfctm-show-more-copy-text"> <p>We generate strategic & financial value by combining ZF's extensive know-how, capabilities & resources with cutting-edge technology & business model innovations from the startup ecosystem. Our main objective is to initiate collaboration and establish successful long-term partnerships between world-class startups and ZF so we can build the next generation of mobility together.</p> </div> <div class="zfctm-show-more-link-wrapper"> <span class="zfc-show-more-link-tag zfctm-show-more-link-tag"> <span class="zfc-show-more-link-text">Show more</span> <span class="zfc-show-more-link-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-d"></span> </span> </div> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-media-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfcci-image-container" > <div class="zfcci-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2"> <span class="zfcci-image-copyright"></span> <img alt="ZF Start-Ups" data-src="" > </div> <div class="zfcci-image-caption zfc-width-100"> <span></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with image + gallery--> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Accordion Cell Part--> <!--end Accordion Cell--> </div> </div> <!--end Accordion Part--> <!--end accordion--> </div> </div> <div class="zfcpfst-mobile-button-item"> <div class="zfc-wrapper-content"> <!--begin accordion--> <!--begin Accordion Part--> <div class="zfcacc-accordion " id=""> <div class="row"> <!--begin Accordion Cell--> <!--begin Accordion Cell Part--> <div class="zfcacc-item" id="_0" data-filter="filter-element-0"> <!--begin divider_part--> <div class="zfc-separator " > <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-no-title zfc-dotted-line-grey-small zfcui-color-inherit"></span> </div> <!--end divider_part--> <div class="zfcacc-title-content-wrapper"> <span class="zfcacc-accordion-section-title zfcui-prometo-medium" data-key="897032Supplier_Innovations_3_897032_"> Supplier Innovations </span> <span class="zfcacc-accordion-section-title-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-down"></span> </div> <div class="zfcacc-accordion-section-content"> <div class="zfcacc-accordion-content-component"> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-small" id=""> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!--begin Text with image + gallery--> <div class="zfctm-text-media zfctm-text-media-invert" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfctm-text-media-heading-wrapper"> <div class="zfctm-headline"> <h2 class="zfctm-headline-text zfcui-prometo-medium">Supplier Innovations</h2> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-copy zfcui-prometo-light"> <p>Our partners and suppliers are among the world's technological leaders in their field. Their innovations ensure our competitiveness and are increasingly gaining importance, particularly in view of shorter economic cycles. </p> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-copy zfcui-prometo-light zfctm-show-more-copy-text"> <p>Together, they help manage future growth and secure technical progress. Through the Supplier Innovations process, we aim to involve our suppliers in our product evolution process, join forces and thus shape the future together. </p><p><a href='' target='_blank' class='zfui-color-cyan' >Further Information</a> | <a href="znvygb:fhccyvrevaabingvbaf@ms.pbz" rel="nofollow" class="mail-to zfui-color-cyan">Pbagnpg</a> </p> </div> <div class="zfctm-show-more-link-wrapper"> <span class="zfc-show-more-link-tag zfctm-show-more-link-tag"> <span class="zfc-show-more-link-text">Show more</span> <span class="zfc-show-more-link-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-d"></span> </span> </div> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-media-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfcci-image-container" > <div class="zfcci-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2"> <span class="zfcci-image-copyright"></span> <img alt="" data-src="" > </div> <div class="zfcci-image-caption zfc-width-100"> <span></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with image + gallery--> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Accordion Cell Part--> <!--end Accordion Cell--> </div> </div> <!--end Accordion Part--> <!--end accordion--> </div> </div> <div class="zfcpfst-mobile-button-item"> <div class="zfc-wrapper-content"> <!--begin accordion--> <!--begin Accordion Part--> <div class="zfcacc-accordion " id=""> <div class="row"> <!--begin Accordion Cell--> <!--begin Accordion Cell Part--> <div class="zfcacc-item" id="_0" data-filter="filter-element-0"> <!--begin divider_part--> <div class="zfc-separator " > <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-no-title zfc-dotted-line-grey-small zfcui-color-inherit"></span> </div> <!--end divider_part--> <div class="zfcacc-title-content-wrapper"> <span class="zfcacc-accordion-section-title zfcui-prometo-medium" data-key="897032Universities4_897032_"> Universities </span> <span class="zfcacc-accordion-section-title-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-down"></span> </div> <div class="zfcacc-accordion-section-content"> <div class="zfcacc-accordion-content-component"> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-small" id=""> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!--begin Text with image + gallery--> <div class="zfctm-text-media zfctm-text-media-invert" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfctm-text-media-heading-wrapper"> <div class="zfctm-headline"> <h2 class="zfctm-headline-text zfcui-prometo-medium">Universities</h2> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-copy zfcui-prometo-light"> <p>To drive Next Generation Mobility the technology topics forward, we work closely with universities and colleges. We collaborate on a wide variety of frontline themes and maintain close relationships with international research institutions.</p><p><a href="znvygb:havirefvgvrf@ms.pbz" rel="nofollow" class="mail-to zfui-color-cyan">Pbagnpg</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-media-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfcci-image-container" > <div class="zfcci-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2"> <span class="zfcci-image-copyright"></span> <img alt="" data-src="" > </div> <div class="zfcci-image-caption zfc-width-100"> <span></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with image + gallery--> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Accordion Cell Part--> <!--end Accordion Cell--> </div> </div> <!--end Accordion Part--> <!--end accordion--> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end image_map --><!-- begin section_wrapper --> </div> </div> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-gradient-extension " id="wrapper_grey_1_921462"> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content zfc-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!-- end section_wrapper --><!--begin Gallery--> <!--begin gallery_part--> <div class="zfcgac-gallery-alternative-component zfcgac-gallery-teaser " id="gallery_897036" > <div class="zfcgac-show-page zfc-show-page-container"> <div class="zfgac-headline-wrapper"> <h4 class="zfgac-headline-text zfcui-prometo-medium">Step by Step to the Business Case</h4> </div> <div class="zfcgac-gallery-item-wrapper zfc-gallery-item-wrapper zfcgac-gallery-teaser-item" data-slide-count="" data-lightbox-disabled> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item" data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor"> <img data-src="" alt="Ideation" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Ideation</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>What does the market need? The search for innovative approaches begins with detailed knowledge of current problems from a customer perspective. </p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item" data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor"> <img data-src="" alt="Elaboration" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Elaboration</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>What might a solution look like? What expertise does ZF have? What external partnerships or technologies also form part of this solution?</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item" data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor"> <img data-src="" alt="Incubation" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Incubation</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>What if the solution is realized? At this point, the industrial context and market opportunities come into focus to validate the idea.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item" data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor"> <img data-src="" alt="Handover" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Handover</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>The solution is fleshed out, details added, prototypes built and tested if necessary. </p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item" data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor"> <img data-src="" alt="Acceleration" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Acceleration</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>The goal is the start of volume production. Everything that is required for a successful market launch now takes place.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper"> <div class="zfc-wrapper-content"> <div class="zfcgac-dot-navigation"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfgac-lightbox-overlay"></div> </div> <!--end gallery_part--> <!--end Gallery--><!-- begin section_wrapper --> </div> </div> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-white " id="wrapper_white_1_921463"> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content zfc-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!-- end section_wrapper --> <!--begin Text with image + gallery--> <div class="zfctm-text-media" id="tm_erfolge_897038" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfctm-text-media-heading-wrapper"> <div class="zfctm-headline"> <h2 class="zfctm-headline-text zfcui-prometo-medium">Successes That Make Us Stronger</h2> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-copy zfcui-prometo-light"> <p>In addition to our comprehensive understanding of innovation, our methodology for finding new approaches and our broad network of partners, we also have other decisive qualities that make ZF the true Innovation Factory: the will to get things done, knowledge of the markets and customer requirements, and decades of business experience. Some of our highlight projects illustrate this. Check them out here:</p> </div> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-media-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfcci-image-container" > <div class="zfcci-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2"> <span class="zfcci-image-copyright"></span> <img alt="" data-src="" > </div> <div class="zfcci-image-caption zfc-width-100"> <span></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with image + gallery--><!--begin Divider--> <!--begin divider_part--> <h3 class="zfc-separator " id="divider_innovations_934322"> <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit">Innovations @ ZF</span> </h3> <!--end divider_part--> <!--end Divider--><!--begin Tile Teaser--> <div class="zfctt-teasers " id="tt_examples_1032460" > <div class="row zfctt-item-wrapper"> <!--begin Single Tile Teaser--> <!--begin Single Teaser Part--> <div class="zfctt-item zfctt-teaser zfctt-teaser-m" > <a href="" target="_self" class="zfctt-item-block"> <div class="zfctt-image-wrapper"> <img class="zfctt-image" data-image-name="" data-image-1-1="" data-image-2-1="" data-image-3-2="" data-image-16-9="" alt="Sebastian Grimm is a FutureStarter" title="Sebastian Grimm is a FutureStarter" /> <img class="zfctt-mobile-image" data-src="" alt="Sebastian Grimm is a FutureStarter" title="Sebastian Grimm is a FutureStarter" /> <div class="zfctt-social-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfctt-content-social"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading-container"> <span class="zfcui-icon zfctt-icon-social"></span> <h3 class="zfcui-color-grey-dark"></h3> <h3 class="zfcui-color-cyan"> Mission Innovation: the Boss in the Ideas Lab </h3> <span class="zfctt-btn-go zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r zfcui-bg-cyan"></span> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-text-social zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-color-grey-dark"> <div><div>Sebastian Grimm's role as FutureStarter is reflected in his job as Head of Innovation Lab, where he deals with the future on a daily basis. His mission: to discover and develop new things.</div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-content-bg"></div> <div class="zfctt-content"> <h3 class="zfctt-headline zfcui-prometo-medium" data-text-limit="60"> Mission Innovation: the Boss in the Ideas Lab </h3> <div class="zfctt-text zfcui-prometo-light" data-text-limit="400"> Sebastian Grimm's role as FutureStarter is reflected in his job as Head of Innovation Lab, where he deals with the future on a daily basis. His mission: to discover and develop new things. </div> </div> </a> </div> <!--end Single Teaser Part--> <!--end Single Tile Teaser--> <!--begin Single Tile Teaser--> <!--begin Single Teaser Part--> <div class="zfctt-item zfctt-teaser zfctt-teaser-m" > <a href="" target="_blank" class="zfctt-item-block"> <div class="zfctt-image-wrapper"> <img class="zfctt-image" data-image-name="" data-image-1-1="" data-image-2-1="" data-image-3-2="" data-image-16-9="" alt="ZF Rescue Connect" title="ZF Rescue Connect" /> <img class="zfctt-mobile-image" data-src="" alt="ZF Rescue Connect" title="ZF Rescue Connect" /> <div class="zfctt-social-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfctt-content-social"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading-container"> <span class="zfcui-icon zfctt-icon-social"></span> <h3 class="zfcui-color-grey-dark"></h3> <h3 class="zfcui-color-cyan"> ZF Rescue Connect </h3> <span class="zfctt-btn-go zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r zfcui-bg-cyan"></span> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-text-social zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-color-grey-dark"> <div><div>ZF Rescue Connect networks and digitizes all emergency and rescue services in Europe with the latest connectivity solutions.</div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-content-bg"></div> <div class="zfctt-content"> <h3 class="zfctt-headline zfcui-prometo-medium" data-text-limit="60"> ZF Rescue Connect </h3> <div class="zfctt-text zfcui-prometo-light" data-text-limit="400"> ZF Rescue Connect networks and digitizes all emergency and rescue services in Europe with the latest connectivity solutions. </div> </div> </a> </div> <!--end Single Teaser Part--> <!--end Single Tile Teaser--> <!--begin Single Tile Teaser--> <!--begin Single Teaser Part--> <div class="zfctt-item zfctt-teaser zfctt-teaser-m" > <a href="" target="_self" class="zfctt-item-block"> <div class="zfctt-image-wrapper"> <img class="zfctt-image" data-image-name="" data-image-1-1="" data-image-2-1="" data-image-3-2="" data-image-16-9="" alt="Automated Valet Parking" title="Automated Valet Parking" /> <img class="zfctt-mobile-image" data-src="" alt="Automated Valet Parking" title="Automated Valet Parking" /> <div class="zfctt-social-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfctt-content-social"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading-container"> <span class="zfcui-icon zfctt-icon-social"></span> <h3 class="zfcui-color-grey-dark"></h3> <h3 class="zfcui-color-cyan"> Automated Valet Parking </h3> <span class="zfctt-btn-go zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r zfcui-bg-cyan"></span> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-text-social zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-color-grey-dark"> <div><div>ZF's cost-efficient "Automated Valet Parking" solution is one of the first systems worldwide to function independently of a pre-mapped and instrumented parking garage infrastructure.</div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-content-bg"></div> <div class="zfctt-content"> <h3 class="zfctt-headline zfcui-prometo-medium" data-text-limit="60"> Automated Valet Parking </h3> <div class="zfctt-text zfcui-prometo-light" data-text-limit="400"> ZF's cost-efficient "Automated Valet Parking" solution is one of the first systems worldwide to function independently of a pre-mapped and instrumented parking garage infrastructure. </div> </div> </a> </div> <!--end Single Teaser Part--> <!--end Single Tile Teaser--> <!--begin Single Tile Teaser--> <!--begin Single Teaser Part--> <div class="zfctt-item zfctt-teaser zfctt-teaser-m" > <a href="" target="_self" class="zfctt-item-block"> <div class="zfctt-image-wrapper"> <img class="zfctt-image" data-image-name="" data-image-1-1="" data-image-2-1="" data-image-3-2="" data-image-16-9="" alt="Green Packaging – Profitable Climate Protection at ZF" title="Green Packaging – Profitable Climate Protection at ZF" /> <img class="zfctt-mobile-image" data-src="" alt="Green Packaging – Profitable Climate Protection at ZF" title="Green Packaging – Profitable Climate Protection at ZF" /> <div class="zfctt-social-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfctt-content-social"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading-container"> <span class="zfcui-icon zfctt-icon-social"></span> <h3 class="zfcui-color-grey-dark"></h3> <h3 class="zfcui-color-cyan"> Green Packaging – Profitable Climate Protection </h3> <span class="zfctt-btn-go zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r zfcui-bg-cyan"></span> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-text-social zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-color-grey-dark"> <div><div>With a pilot project on environmentally friendly transport packaging, ZF is taking another step toward making its own production more sustainable. A new packaging material with a high proportion of reed grass helps to preserve the peatlands that are vital for the climate, to reduce the use of plastic and to cut costs.</div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-content-bg"></div> <div class="zfctt-content"> <h3 class="zfctt-headline zfcui-prometo-medium" data-text-limit="60"> Green Packaging – Profitable Climate Protection </h3> <div class="zfctt-text zfcui-prometo-light" data-text-limit="400"> With a pilot project on environmentally friendly transport packaging, ZF is taking another step toward making its own production more sustainable. A new packaging material with a high proportion of reed grass helps to preserve the peatlands that are vital for the climate, to reduce the use of plastic and to cut costs. </div> </div> </a> </div> <!--end Single Teaser Part--> <!--end Single Tile Teaser--> </div> </div> <!--end Tile Teaser--><!-- begin section_wrapper --> </div> </div> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-grey zfcsw-wrapper-small " id="wrapper_grey_2_921464"> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content zfc-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!-- end section_wrapper --> <!--begin Text with image + gallery--> <div class="zfctm-text-media zfctm-text-media-full-width zfctm-text-media-text-only" id="tm_contact_942376" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfctm-text-media-heading-wrapper"> <div class="zfctm-headline"> <h2 class="zfctm-headline-text zfcui-prometo-medium">Feel Free to Contact Us</h2> </div> <h3 class="zfctm-subline-text zfcui-prometo-medium "> Become part of the ZF ecosystem and join us on the path towards „Next Generation Mobility“. Let’s bring innovations onto the road together. Contact us here to find out more:</h3> <div class="zfctm-text-copy zfcui-prometo-light"> <ul><li><a href="znvygb:havirefvgvrf@ms.pbz" rel="nofollow" class="mail-to zfui-color-cyan">Sbe Havirefvgvrf</a> </li><li><a href="znvygb:fhccyvrevaabingvbaf@ms.pbz" rel="nofollow" class="mail-to zfui-color-cyan">Sbe Fhccyvre</a> </li></ul> </div> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-media-content-wrapper"> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with image + gallery--> </div> </div> <!-- googleoff: snippet --> </main> </div> </body> </html>