Migroot - your relocation buddy

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We&#x27;ll guide you every step of the way as you navigate immigration and settle into your first year in a new country" property="og:description"/><meta content="Migroot - your relocation buddy" property="twitter:title"/><meta content="Turn your stress into an exciting adventure with the first immigration tracker. We&#x27;ll guide you every step of the way as you navigate immigration and settle into your first year in a new country" property="twitter:description"/><meta property="og:type" content="website"/><meta content="summary_large_image" name="twitter:card"/><meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" name="viewport"/><meta content="nC3TR_UR73fv5Mz3NBmIDqxnyarbTaiqt3nIbXFgc0I" name="google-site-verification"/><meta content="Webflow" name="generator"/><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/><style>@media (min-width:992px) {html.w-mod-js:not(.w-mod-ix) [data-w-id="30810483-554e-a57f-4176-624b80d49e7f"] {-webkit-transform:translate3d(0, 0, 0) scale3d(0, 0, 1) rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0) skew(0, 0);-moz-transform:translate3d(0, 0, 0) scale3d(0, 0, 1) rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0) skew(0, 0);-ms-transform:translate3d(0, 0, 0) scale3d(0, 0, 1) rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0) skew(0, 0);transform:translate3d(0, 0, 0) scale3d(0, 0, 1) rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0) skew(0, 0);}html.w-mod-js:not(.w-mod-ix) [data-w-id="f55c1853-17d0-5eb3-1c3f-e6ff9c81005f"] {-webkit-transform:translate3d(0, 0, 0) scale3d(0, 0, 1) rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0) skew(0, 0);-moz-transform:translate3d(0, 0, 0) scale3d(0, 0, 1) rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0) skew(0, 0);-ms-transform:translate3d(0, 0, 0) scale3d(0, 0, 1) rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0) skew(0, 0);transform:translate3d(0, 0, 0) scale3d(0, 0, 1) rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0) skew(0, 0);}html.w-mod-js:not(.w-mod-ix) [data-w-id="074d486a-08f3-d4c1-7aba-093166d31fe5"] {-webkit-transform:translate3d(0, -120px, 0) scale3d(1, 1, 1) rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0) skew(0, 0);-moz-transform:translate3d(0, -120px, 0) scale3d(1, 1, 1) rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0) skew(0, 0);-ms-transform:translate3d(0, -120px, 0) scale3d(1, 1, 1) rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0) skew(0, 0);transform:translate3d(0, -120px, 0) scale3d(1, 1, 1) rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0) skew(0, 0);}}</style><link href="" rel="preconnect"/><link href="" rel="preconnect" crossorigin="anonymous"/><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">WebFont.load({ google: { families: ["Montserrat:100,100italic,200,200italic,300,300italic,400,400italic,500,500italic,600,600italic,700,700italic,800,800italic,900,900italic","Nunito Sans:regular,500,600,700"] }});</script><script type="text/javascript">!function(o,c){var n=c.documentElement,t=" w-mod-";n.className+=t+"js",("ontouchstart"in o||o.DocumentTouch&&c instanceof DocumentTouch)&&(n.className+=t+"touch")}(window,document);</script><link href="" rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon"/><link href="" rel="apple-touch-icon"/><link href="" rel="canonical"/><!-- COOKIES --> <script src=""></script> <!-- END COOKIES --> <script> !function () {var reb2b = window.reb2b = window.reb2b || []; 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Meet your personal game master for relocation. We turn bureaucratic mazes into fun quests, guiding you through your move and first year abroad. Level up your expat life, minus the paperwork boss fights</p><div class="ln-hero-action"><div id="w-node-_81fe5e64-8287-f316-1aac-19c668112d85-01d66095" class="b-img-timeline ln-animated-420"></div><div data-w-id="30810483-554e-a57f-4176-624b80d49e7f" class="ln-quote ln-quote_1"><div class="b-hero__quote-title">95%</div><div class="b-hero__quote-text">Digital nomads say they will continue to be a digital nomad</div></div><div id="w-node-_69f57d92-1542-b2d6-61ae-a5b8bfb0e0f1-01d66095" class="ln-buttons-group"><div class="b-buttons-column"><a data-plan-family-uid="yWoE7xQD" data-o-auth="1" data-o-anonymous="1" data-mode="popup" data-skip-plan-options="false" data-widget-mode="register" href="#" class="b-button b-w-full w-button">Explore features</a><div class="b-producthunt w-embed"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Migroot - Your&#0032;visa&#0032;paperwork&#0032;glow&#0045;up&#0058;&#0032;from&#0032;nightmare&#0032;to&#0032;a&#0032;game | Product Hunt" style="width: 250px; height: 54px;" width="250" height="54" /></a></div></div><img src="" loading="lazy" data-w-id="074d486a-08f3-d4c1-7aba-093166d31fe5" sizes="(max-width: 669px) 100vw, (max-width: 991px) 669px, 19vw" alt="" srcset=" 500w, 669w" class="b-w-full"/></div><div id="w-node-f55c1853-17d0-5eb3-1c3f-e6ff9c81005f-01d66095" data-w-id="f55c1853-17d0-5eb3-1c3f-e6ff9c81005f" class="ln-quote ln-quote_2"><div class="b-hero__quote-title">Slomads</div><div class="b-hero__quote-text">Nomads who change locations at a slower pace and visit fewer places</div></div><div id="w-node-ad5af504-0005-7af5-fde0-c75c367f77e0-01d66095" class="b-img-docs ln-animated-420"></div></div></div><div id="ln-about" class="ln-about"><div class="ln-container"><h2 class="b-heading-1 b-text-center ln-about__heading">We&#x27;ve been there, done that, and now we&#x27;re your co-op partners</h2><div class="ln-about__grid"><div id="w-node-_6bb5bfa2-1218-92e2-b4ad-16a5f09c28a3-01d66095" data-w-id="6bb5bfa2-1218-92e2-b4ad-16a5f09c28a3" class="ln-about__card-lg ln-about__card-lg_tracker"><div class="ln-about__card-content"><p class="ln-about__card-title">Game on, bureaucracy off</p><p class="ln-about__card-intro">We&#x27;ve designed an interface so user-friendly, you&#x27;ll forget you&#x27;re dealing with paperwork. Navigate your immigration journey like a pro gamer, not a stressed-out paper pusher. All-in-one solution, no extra apps or messenger file hoarding required.</p><a data-plan-family-uid="yWoE7xQD" data-o-auth="1" data-o-anonymous="1" data-mode="popup" data-skip-plan-options="false" data-widget-mode="register" href="#" class="b-button b-button_inverse w-button">Try tracker demo</a></div><div class="ln-about__card-lg-image"><div class="ln-about__gems"></div></div></div><div id="w-node-bc4e8457-0240-e8ac-2021-1b63ff0efe16-01d66095" data-w-id="bc4e8457-0240-e8ac-2021-1b63ff0efe16" class="ln-about__card-md ln-about__card-md_consultation"><div class="ln-about__card-md-image"><img src="" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 991px) 300px, 138.3125px" srcset=" 500w, 708w" alt="Country flags" class="ln-about__flags"/></div><div class="ln-about__card-content"><p class="ln-about__card-title">Nomads helping nomads</p><p class="ln-about__card-intro">Founded by families who&#x27;ve globe-trotted with kids in tow (and even expanded their clans abroad). We&#x27;ve been in your shoes, now we&#x27;re here to tie your laces.</p><a href="" target="_blank" class="b-button b-button_inverse w-button">Free consultation</a></div></div><div id="w-node-_65deed47-b21c-bada-2fde-38e07998b926-01d66095" data-w-id="65deed47-b21c-bada-2fde-38e07998b926" class="ln-about__card-md ln-about__card-md_buddy"><div class="ln-about__card-md-image"><img src="" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 991px) 360px, (max-width: 1439px) 12vw, 129.34375px" srcset=" 500w, 760w" alt="Migrate with migroot" class="ln-about__persons"/></div><div class="ln-about__card-content"><p class="ln-about__card-title">Your dream team</p><p class="ln-about__card-intro">We&#x27;re talking years of immigration experience wrapped in a friendly package. No superiority complex here, just your personal cheer squad (with optional psychologist support for those &#x27;I can&#x27;t adult today&#x27; moments).</p><a href="" target="_blank" class="b-button b-button_inverse w-button">Meet your buddy</a></div></div><div id="w-node-_1b989d53-76a0-01f1-f135-6fbd5debee9f-01d66095" data-w-id="1b989d53-76a0-01f1-f135-6fbd5debee9f" class="ln-about__card-lg ln-about__card-lg_data"><div class="ln-about__card-content"><p class="ln-about__card-title">Data-driven, human-centered</p><p class="ln-about__card-intro ln-about__card-intro_last">We&#x27;re tech geeks with hearts.  Let data empower people, not replace them. Pure AI can&#x27;t understand the struggle of finding the best coffee shop in your new &#x27;hood. That&#x27;s why we&#x27;re by your side for a full year, helping you transform a foreign land into your new home base.</p></div><div class="ln-about__card-lg-image"><div class="ln-about__tips"></div></div></div></div></div></div><div id="ln-problems" class="ln-problems"><div class="ln-container"><h3 class="b-heading-1 b-text-center ln-problems__heading">How do we solve immigrants&#x27; problems?</h3><div class="sc-stack"><div class="sc-stack__wrapper"><div data-w-id="f27c03dc-76f4-85c3-5afe-4d26bb39ff04" class="ln-problem ln-problem_1st"><div class="ln-problem__question"><div class="ln-problem__message"><div class="ln-problem__title">“Oops, I Missed a Deadline! 🤦”</div><div class="ln-problem__content"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12 1.75C9.97275 1.75 7.99101 2.35115 6.30541 3.47744C4.61981 4.60372 3.30604 6.20455 2.53024 8.07749C1.75444 9.95044 1.55146 12.0114 1.94696 13.9997C2.34245 15.988 3.31867 17.8144 4.75216 19.2478C6.18565 20.6813 8.01202 21.6576 10.0003 22.053C11.9886 22.4485 14.0496 22.2456 15.9225 21.4698C17.7955 20.694 19.3963 19.3802 20.5226 17.6946C21.6489 16.009 22.25 14.0273 22.25 12C22.2474 9.28234 21.1666 6.67675 19.2449 4.75508C17.3232 2.83341 14.7177 1.75265 12 1.75ZM16.67 15.25C16.7637 15.343 16.8381 15.4536 16.8889 15.5754C16.9397 15.6973 16.9658 15.828 16.9658 15.96C16.9658 16.092 16.9397 16.2227 16.8889 16.3446C16.8381 16.4664 16.7637 16.577 16.67 16.67C16.577 16.7637 16.4664 16.8381 16.3446 16.8889C16.2227 16.9397 16.092 16.9658 15.96 16.9658C15.828 16.9658 15.6973 16.9397 15.5754 16.8889C15.4536 16.8381 15.343 16.7637 15.25 16.67L12 13.42L8.75 16.67C8.5617 16.857 8.30683 16.9615 8.04147 16.9606C7.77611 16.9596 7.52198 16.8533 7.335 16.665C7.14803 16.4767 7.04351 16.2218 7.04445 15.9565C7.04539 15.6911 7.1517 15.437 7.34 15.25L10.59 12L7.34 8.75C7.23532 8.66035 7.1503 8.55003 7.09028 8.42597C7.03026 8.30191 6.99653 8.16677 6.99121 8.02905C6.98589 7.89133 7.00909 7.754 7.05937 7.62568C7.10964 7.49735 7.1859 7.3808 7.28335 7.28335C7.38081 7.18589 7.49736 7.10964 7.62568 7.05936C7.75401 7.00909 7.89134 6.98588 8.02906 6.9912C8.16678 6.99652 8.30191 7.03025 8.42597 7.09027C8.55004 7.1503 8.66036 7.23532 8.75 7.34L12 10.59L15.25 7.34C15.3426 7.24676 15.4526 7.17267 15.5738 7.12196C15.6951 7.07125 15.8251 7.04491 15.9565 7.04444C16.0879 7.04398 16.2181 7.0694 16.3396 7.11925C16.4612 7.16911 16.5718 7.24242 16.665 7.335C16.7582 7.42758 16.8323 7.53762 16.883 7.65884C16.9338 7.78005 16.9601 7.91007 16.9606 8.04146C16.961 8.17286 16.9356 8.30306 16.8858 8.42463C16.8359 8.5462 16.7626 8.65676 16.67 8.75L13.42 12L16.67 15.25Z" fill="#E08B9D"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-problem__text">Nightmare: Digital wanderers often forget, lose, or fail to order crucial documents on time.</div></div></div></div><div class="ln-problem__answer"><div class="ln-problem__message"><div class="ln-problem__text">🪄 Magic: We&#x27;re your personal quest log! Our tracker automatically highlights what&#x27;s important, giving you plenty of time to level up before any deadlines hit.</div></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="ln-problem__migroot"/></div></div><div data-w-id="a95a7add-5c6b-abd6-1bc6-042fea67ac0e" class="ln-problem ln-problem_2d"><div class="ln-problem__question"><div class="ln-problem__message"><div class="ln-problem__title">“Wrong docs = game over 🤬”</div><div class="ln-problem__content"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12 1.75C9.97275 1.75 7.99101 2.35115 6.30541 3.47744C4.61981 4.60372 3.30604 6.20455 2.53024 8.07749C1.75444 9.95044 1.55146 12.0114 1.94696 13.9997C2.34245 15.988 3.31867 17.8144 4.75216 19.2478C6.18565 20.6813 8.01202 21.6576 10.0003 22.053C11.9886 22.4485 14.0496 22.2456 15.9225 21.4698C17.7955 20.694 19.3963 19.3802 20.5226 17.6946C21.6489 16.009 22.25 14.0273 22.25 12C22.2474 9.28234 21.1666 6.67675 19.2449 4.75508C17.3232 2.83341 14.7177 1.75265 12 1.75ZM16.67 15.25C16.7637 15.343 16.8381 15.4536 16.8889 15.5754C16.9397 15.6973 16.9658 15.828 16.9658 15.96C16.9658 16.092 16.9397 16.2227 16.8889 16.3446C16.8381 16.4664 16.7637 16.577 16.67 16.67C16.577 16.7637 16.4664 16.8381 16.3446 16.8889C16.2227 16.9397 16.092 16.9658 15.96 16.9658C15.828 16.9658 15.6973 16.9397 15.5754 16.8889C15.4536 16.8381 15.343 16.7637 15.25 16.67L12 13.42L8.75 16.67C8.5617 16.857 8.30683 16.9615 8.04147 16.9606C7.77611 16.9596 7.52198 16.8533 7.335 16.665C7.14803 16.4767 7.04351 16.2218 7.04445 15.9565C7.04539 15.6911 7.1517 15.437 7.34 15.25L10.59 12L7.34 8.75C7.23532 8.66035 7.1503 8.55003 7.09028 8.42597C7.03026 8.30191 6.99653 8.16677 6.99121 8.02905C6.98589 7.89133 7.00909 7.754 7.05937 7.62568C7.10964 7.49735 7.1859 7.3808 7.28335 7.28335C7.38081 7.18589 7.49736 7.10964 7.62568 7.05936C7.75401 7.00909 7.89134 6.98588 8.02906 6.9912C8.16678 6.99652 8.30191 7.03025 8.42597 7.09027C8.55004 7.1503 8.66036 7.23532 8.75 7.34L12 10.59L15.25 7.34C15.3426 7.24676 15.4526 7.17267 15.5738 7.12196C15.6951 7.07125 15.8251 7.04491 15.9565 7.04444C16.0879 7.04398 16.2181 7.0694 16.3396 7.11925C16.4612 7.16911 16.5718 7.24242 16.665 7.335C16.7582 7.42758 16.8323 7.53762 16.883 7.65884C16.9338 7.78005 16.9601 7.91007 16.9606 8.04146C16.961 8.17286 16.9356 8.30306 16.8858 8.42463C16.8359 8.5462 16.7626 8.65676 16.67 8.75L13.42 12L16.67 15.25Z" fill="#E08B9D"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-problem__text">Nightmare: After hours of chat research, you discover the rules have changed. Residence permit denied, back to square one...</div></div></div></div><div class="ln-problem__answer"><div class="ln-problem__message"><div class="ln-problem__text">🪄 Magic: We&#x27;re your living, breathing strategy guide. We&#x27;re plugged into all the pro communities and keep direct lines with officials. Your docs will always be on point.</div></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="ln-problem__migroot"/></div></div><div class="ln-problem ln-problem_3d"><div class="ln-problem__question"><div class="ln-problem__message"><div class="ln-problem__title">“Drowning in Foreign Language Paperwork 😱&quot;”</div><div class="ln-problem__content"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12 1.75C9.97275 1.75 7.99101 2.35115 6.30541 3.47744C4.61981 4.60372 3.30604 6.20455 2.53024 8.07749C1.75444 9.95044 1.55146 12.0114 1.94696 13.9997C2.34245 15.988 3.31867 17.8144 4.75216 19.2478C6.18565 20.6813 8.01202 21.6576 10.0003 22.053C11.9886 22.4485 14.0496 22.2456 15.9225 21.4698C17.7955 20.694 19.3963 19.3802 20.5226 17.6946C21.6489 16.009 22.25 14.0273 22.25 12C22.2474 9.28234 21.1666 6.67675 19.2449 4.75508C17.3232 2.83341 14.7177 1.75265 12 1.75ZM16.67 15.25C16.7637 15.343 16.8381 15.4536 16.8889 15.5754C16.9397 15.6973 16.9658 15.828 16.9658 15.96C16.9658 16.092 16.9397 16.2227 16.8889 16.3446C16.8381 16.4664 16.7637 16.577 16.67 16.67C16.577 16.7637 16.4664 16.8381 16.3446 16.8889C16.2227 16.9397 16.092 16.9658 15.96 16.9658C15.828 16.9658 15.6973 16.9397 15.5754 16.8889C15.4536 16.8381 15.343 16.7637 15.25 16.67L12 13.42L8.75 16.67C8.5617 16.857 8.30683 16.9615 8.04147 16.9606C7.77611 16.9596 7.52198 16.8533 7.335 16.665C7.14803 16.4767 7.04351 16.2218 7.04445 15.9565C7.04539 15.6911 7.1517 15.437 7.34 15.25L10.59 12L7.34 8.75C7.23532 8.66035 7.1503 8.55003 7.09028 8.42597C7.03026 8.30191 6.99653 8.16677 6.99121 8.02905C6.98589 7.89133 7.00909 7.754 7.05937 7.62568C7.10964 7.49735 7.1859 7.3808 7.28335 7.28335C7.38081 7.18589 7.49736 7.10964 7.62568 7.05936C7.75401 7.00909 7.89134 6.98588 8.02906 6.9912C8.16678 6.99652 8.30191 7.03025 8.42597 7.09027C8.55004 7.1503 8.66036 7.23532 8.75 7.34L12 10.59L15.25 7.34C15.3426 7.24676 15.4526 7.17267 15.5738 7.12196C15.6951 7.07125 15.8251 7.04491 15.9565 7.04444C16.0879 7.04398 16.2181 7.0694 16.3396 7.11925C16.4612 7.16911 16.5718 7.24242 16.665 7.335C16.7582 7.42758 16.8323 7.53762 16.883 7.65884C16.9338 7.78005 16.9601 7.91007 16.9606 8.04146C16.961 8.17286 16.9356 8.30306 16.8858 8.42463C16.8359 8.5462 16.7626 8.65676 16.67 8.75L13.42 12L16.67 15.25Z" fill="#E08B9D"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-problem__text">Nightmare: Precious exploration time wasted on filling out endless forms</div></div></div></div><div class="ln-problem__answer"><div class="ln-problem__message"><div class="ln-problem__text">🪄 Magic: Paperwork becomes a mini-game! We auto-fill forms on all plans. Premium users get the VIP treatment - we&#x27;ll manually fill them if needed</div></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="ln-problem__migroot"/></div></div></div><a href="#ln-prices" class="b-cta-button b-cta-button_problem">Move with us</a></div></div></div><div id="ln-country" class="ln-country"><div class="ln-container"><h3 class="b-heading-1 b-text-center ln-country__heading">Bali: <span class="b-text-green">new location</span> unlocked</h3><p class="ln-country____description">Planning your move is easier (and way more fun) with our smart tracker and local guides who know exactly what you need for your tropical adventure in Indonesia.</p><div class="ln-country__wrapper"><div class="ln-country__tabs"><div class="ln-country__tab"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Indonesia" class="ln-country__tab-flag"/><div class="ln-country__tab-title">Indonesia</div></div><div class="ln-country__tabs-blocked"><div class="ln-country__tab-overlay">Unlock more locations</div><div class="ln-country__tab"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Brazil" class="ln-country__tab-flag"/><div class="ln-country__tab-title">Brazil</div></div><div class="ln-country__tab"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Portugal" class="ln-country__tab-flag"/><div class="ln-country__tab-title">Portugal</div></div><div class="ln-country__tab"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Spain" class="ln-country__tab-flag"/><div class="ln-country__tab-title">Spain</div></div></div></div><div class="ln-country__grid"><div id="w-node-_8b690674-3092-aea5-e647-3503991031bb-01d66095" class="ln-country__image-wrapper"><img src="" loading="lazy" id="w-node-b653a06f-d0ba-de67-5b70-bef8d2d5bff4-01d66095" sizes="(max-width: 991px) 100vw, (max-width: 1439px) 24vw, 286px" alt="" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1172w" class="ln-country__image"/><div class="ln-country__quote">“Please, wake me up in Bali”</div></div><div id="w-node-_51a5e612-1169-8327-7e6d-e79a54e3e70e-01d66095" class="ln-country__content"><div class="ln-country__title">Nomad haven</div><div class="ln-country__text">High-speed internet meets breathtaking beaches. Upgrade your office view</div></div><div id="w-node-_54e42530-3094-e858-555f-840fe381b818-01d66095" class="ln-country__content"><div class="ln-country__title">Work-life balance</div><div class="ln-country__text">From yoga retreats to surfing spots, find your zen between zoom calls</div></div><div id="w-node-b0a3f012-5c0f-0402-e064-4082575a8a25-01d66095" class="ln-country__content"><div class="ln-country__title">Startup spirit</div><div class="ln-country__text">Network with global remote workers and local startups</div></div></div></div></div></div><div id="ln-product" class="ln-product"><div class="ln-container"><div data-current="Tab 1" data-easing="ease" data-duration-in="300" data-duration-out="100" class="ln-product__tab-container w-tabs"><div class="tb-menu w-tab-menu"><a data-w-tab="Tab 1" class="tb-menu__link w-inline-block w-tab-link w--current"><div class="b-text-semibold">Product</div></a><a data-w-tab="Tab 2" class="tb-menu__link w-inline-block w-tab-link"><div class="b-text-semibold">Features</div></a></div><div class="tb-content w-tab-content"><div data-w-tab="Tab 1" class="tb-pane w-tab-pane w--tab-active"><div class="b-heading-1 tb-pane__title">Tracker capability</div><div class="tb-pane__description">Unlock early access to our beta version and secure 3 years of full access post-launch. It&#x27;s like pre-ordering the hottest game, but for your life adventure</div><div data-current="Tab 1" data-easing="ease" data-duration-in="300" data-duration-out="100" class="tb-wrapper-inner w-tabs"><div class="tb-menu-grid w-tab-menu"><a data-w-tab="Tab 1" class="tb-menu-block w-inline-block w-tab-link w--current"><div class="tb-menu-block__title">Documents’ workflow</div><div class="ln-list"><div class="ln-list__item"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.1663 1.33301H5.83301C4.64008 1.33477 3.49651 1.80944 2.65297 2.65297C1.80944 3.49651 1.33477 4.64007 1.33301 5.83301V10.1863C1.33477 11.3793 1.80944 12.5228 2.65297 13.3664C3.49651 14.2099 4.64008 14.6846 5.83301 14.6863H10.1663C10.7573 14.6863 11.3425 14.5699 11.8884 14.3438C12.4344 14.1177 12.9305 13.7862 13.3483 13.3683C13.7662 12.9505 14.0977 12.4544 14.3238 11.9084C14.5499 11.3625 14.6663 10.7773 14.6663 10.1863V5.85301C14.669 5.26038 14.5545 4.67307 14.3296 4.12479C14.1046 3.57651 13.7735 3.07807 13.3554 2.65809C12.9373 2.23811 12.4403 1.90485 11.893 1.67745C11.3458 1.45006 10.759 1.333 10.1663 1.33301ZM11.933 8.39301C11.8515 8.49894 11.74 8.57791 11.613 8.61967L10.493 8.99301C10.1422 9.1137 9.82322 9.31195 9.55968 9.57301C9.29721 9.83422 9.10069 10.1541 8.98634 10.5063L8.59967 11.6197C8.55903 11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#f27272"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text">Progress bars and tags for each mission</div></div><div class="ln-list__item"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.1663 1.33301H5.83301C4.64008 1.33477 3.49651 1.80944 2.65297 2.65297C1.80944 3.49651 1.33477 4.64007 1.33301 5.83301V10.1863C1.33477 11.3793 1.80944 12.5228 2.65297 13.3664C3.49651 14.2099 4.64008 14.6846 5.83301 14.6863H10.1663C10.7573 14.6863 11.3425 14.5699 11.8884 14.3438C12.4344 14.1177 12.9305 13.7862 13.3483 13.3683C13.7662 12.9505 14.0977 12.4544 14.3238 11.9084C14.5499 11.3625 14.6663 10.7773 14.6663 10.1863V5.85301C14.669 5.26038 14.5545 4.67307 14.3296 4.12479C14.1046 3.57651 13.7735 3.07807 13.3554 2.65809C12.9373 2.23811 12.4403 1.90485 11.893 1.67745C11.3458 1.45006 10.759 1.333 10.1663 1.33301ZM11.933 8.39301C11.8515 8.49894 11.74 8.57791 11.613 8.61967L10.493 8.99301C10.1422 9.1137 9.82322 9.31195 9.55968 9.57301C9.29721 9.83422 9.10069 10.1541 8.98634 10.5063L8.59967 11.6197C8.55903 11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#f27272"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text">Your buddy comments</div></div><div class="ln-list__item"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.1663 1.33301H5.83301C4.64008 1.33477 3.49651 1.80944 2.65297 2.65297C1.80944 3.49651 1.33477 4.64007 1.33301 5.83301V10.1863C1.33477 11.3793 1.80944 12.5228 2.65297 13.3664C3.49651 14.2099 4.64008 14.6846 5.83301 14.6863H10.1663C10.7573 14.6863 11.3425 14.5699 11.8884 14.3438C12.4344 14.1177 12.9305 13.7862 13.3483 13.3683C13.7662 12.9505 14.0977 12.4544 14.3238 11.9084C14.5499 11.3625 14.6663 10.7773 14.6663 10.1863V5.85301C14.669 5.26038 14.5545 4.67307 14.3296 4.12479C14.1046 3.57651 13.7735 3.07807 13.3554 2.65809C12.9373 2.23811 12.4403 1.90485 11.893 1.67745C11.3458 1.45006 10.759 1.333 10.1663 1.33301ZM11.933 8.39301C11.8515 8.49894 11.74 8.57791 11.613 8.61967L10.493 8.99301C10.1422 9.1137 9.82322 9.31195 9.55968 9.57301C9.29721 9.83422 9.10069 10.1541 8.98634 10.5063L8.59967 11.6197C8.55903 11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#f27272"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text">Smart sorting magic: by status, nomads, or realm (country)</div></div></div></a><a data-w-tab="Tab 2" class="tb-menu-block w-inline-block w-tab-link"><div class="tb-menu-block__title">Guiding through process</div><div class="ln-list"><div class="ln-list__item"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.1663 1.33301H5.83301C4.64008 1.33477 3.49651 1.80944 2.65297 2.65297C1.80944 3.49651 1.33477 4.64007 1.33301 5.83301V10.1863C1.33477 11.3793 1.80944 12.5228 2.65297 13.3664C3.49651 14.2099 4.64008 14.6846 5.83301 14.6863H10.1663C10.7573 14.6863 11.3425 14.5699 11.8884 14.3438C12.4344 14.1177 12.9305 13.7862 13.3483 13.3683C13.7662 12.9505 14.0977 12.4544 14.3238 11.9084C14.5499 11.3625 14.6663 10.7773 14.6663 10.1863V5.85301C14.669 5.26038 14.5545 4.67307 14.3296 4.12479C14.1046 3.57651 13.7735 3.07807 13.3554 2.65809C12.9373 2.23811 12.4403 1.90485 11.893 1.67745C11.3458 1.45006 10.759 1.333 10.1663 1.33301ZM11.933 8.39301C11.8515 8.49894 11.74 8.57791 11.613 8.61967L10.493 8.99301C10.1422 9.1137 9.82322 9.31195 9.55968 9.57301C9.29721 9.83422 9.10069 10.1541 8.98634 10.5063L8.59967 11.6197C8.55903 11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#f27272"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text">Expert navigation through your relocation quest</div></div><div class="ln-list__item"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.1663 1.33301H5.83301C4.64008 1.33477 3.49651 1.80944 2.65297 2.65297C1.80944 3.49651 1.33477 4.64007 1.33301 5.83301V10.1863C1.33477 11.3793 1.80944 12.5228 2.65297 13.3664C3.49651 14.2099 4.64008 14.6846 5.83301 14.6863H10.1663C10.7573 14.6863 11.3425 14.5699 11.8884 14.3438C12.4344 14.1177 12.9305 13.7862 13.3483 13.3683C13.7662 12.9505 14.0977 12.4544 14.3238 11.9084C14.5499 11.3625 14.6663 10.7773 14.6663 10.1863V5.85301C14.669 5.26038 14.5545 4.67307 14.3296 4.12479C14.1046 3.57651 13.7735 3.07807 13.3554 2.65809C12.9373 2.23811 12.4403 1.90485 11.893 1.67745C11.3458 1.45006 10.759 1.333 10.1663 1.33301ZM11.933 8.39301C11.8515 8.49894 11.74 8.57791 11.613 8.61967L10.493 8.99301C10.1422 9.1137 9.82322 9.31195 9.55968 9.57301C9.29721 9.83422 9.10069 10.1541 8.98634 10.5063L8.59967 11.6197C8.55903 11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#f27272"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text">Post-landing survival guide</div></div><div class="ln-list__item"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.1663 1.33301H5.83301C4.64008 1.33477 3.49651 1.80944 2.65297 2.65297C1.80944 3.49651 1.33477 4.64007 1.33301 5.83301V10.1863C1.33477 11.3793 1.80944 12.5228 2.65297 13.3664C3.49651 14.2099 4.64008 14.6846 5.83301 14.6863H10.1663C10.7573 14.6863 11.3425 14.5699 11.8884 14.3438C12.4344 14.1177 12.9305 13.7862 13.3483 13.3683C13.7662 12.9505 14.0977 12.4544 14.3238 11.9084C14.5499 11.3625 14.6663 10.7773 14.6663 10.1863V5.85301C14.669 5.26038 14.5545 4.67307 14.3296 4.12479C14.1046 3.57651 13.7735 3.07807 13.3554 2.65809C12.9373 2.23811 12.4403 1.90485 11.893 1.67745C11.3458 1.45006 10.759 1.333 10.1663 1.33301ZM11.933 8.39301C11.8515 8.49894 11.74 8.57791 11.613 8.61967L10.493 8.99301C10.1422 9.1137 9.82322 9.31195 9.55968 9.57301C9.29721 9.83422 9.10069 10.1541 8.98634 10.5063L8.59967 11.6197C8.55903 11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#f27272"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text">Pro tips to boost your nomad skills</div></div></div></a><a data-w-tab="Tab 3" class="tb-menu-block w-inline-block w-tab-link"><div class="tb-menu-block__title">Hub with your process, weekly tasks, etc</div><div class="ln-list"><div class="ln-list__item"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.1663 1.33301H5.83301C4.64008 1.33477 3.49651 1.80944 2.65297 2.65297C1.80944 3.49651 1.33477 4.64007 1.33301 5.83301V10.1863C1.33477 11.3793 1.80944 12.5228 2.65297 13.3664C3.49651 14.2099 4.64008 14.6846 5.83301 14.6863H10.1663C10.7573 14.6863 11.3425 14.5699 11.8884 14.3438C12.4344 14.1177 12.9305 13.7862 13.3483 13.3683C13.7662 12.9505 14.0977 12.4544 14.3238 11.9084C14.5499 11.3625 14.6663 10.7773 14.6663 10.1863V5.85301C14.669 5.26038 14.5545 4.67307 14.3296 4.12479C14.1046 3.57651 13.7735 3.07807 13.3554 2.65809C12.9373 2.23811 12.4403 1.90485 11.893 1.67745C11.3458 1.45006 10.759 1.333 10.1663 1.33301ZM11.933 8.39301C11.8515 8.49894 11.74 8.57791 11.613 8.61967L10.493 8.99301C10.1422 9.1137 9.82322 9.31195 9.55968 9.57301C9.29721 9.83422 9.10069 10.1541 8.98634 10.5063L8.59967 11.6197C8.55903 11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#f27272"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text">Relocation progress and timeline</div></div><div class="ln-list__item"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.1663 1.33301H5.83301C4.64008 1.33477 3.49651 1.80944 2.65297 2.65297C1.80944 3.49651 1.33477 4.64007 1.33301 5.83301V10.1863C1.33477 11.3793 1.80944 12.5228 2.65297 13.3664C3.49651 14.2099 4.64008 14.6846 5.83301 14.6863H10.1663C10.7573 14.6863 11.3425 14.5699 11.8884 14.3438C12.4344 14.1177 12.9305 13.7862 13.3483 13.3683C13.7662 12.9505 14.0977 12.4544 14.3238 11.9084C14.5499 11.3625 14.6663 10.7773 14.6663 10.1863V5.85301C14.669 5.26038 14.5545 4.67307 14.3296 4.12479C14.1046 3.57651 13.7735 3.07807 13.3554 2.65809C12.9373 2.23811 12.4403 1.90485 11.893 1.67745C11.3458 1.45006 10.759 1.333 10.1663 1.33301ZM11.933 8.39301C11.8515 8.49894 11.74 8.57791 11.613 8.61967L10.493 8.99301C10.1422 9.1137 9.82322 9.31195 9.55968 9.57301C9.29721 9.83422 9.10069 10.1541 8.98634 10.5063L8.59967 11.6197C8.55903 11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#f27272"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text">Weekly tasks</div></div><div class="ln-list__item"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.1663 1.33301H5.83301C4.64008 1.33477 3.49651 1.80944 2.65297 2.65297C1.80944 3.49651 1.33477 4.64007 1.33301 5.83301V10.1863C1.33477 11.3793 1.80944 12.5228 2.65297 13.3664C3.49651 14.2099 4.64008 14.6846 5.83301 14.6863H10.1663C10.7573 14.6863 11.3425 14.5699 11.8884 14.3438C12.4344 14.1177 12.9305 13.7862 13.3483 13.3683C13.7662 12.9505 14.0977 12.4544 14.3238 11.9084C14.5499 11.3625 14.6663 10.7773 14.6663 10.1863V5.85301C14.669 5.26038 14.5545 4.67307 14.3296 4.12479C14.1046 3.57651 13.7735 3.07807 13.3554 2.65809C12.9373 2.23811 12.4403 1.90485 11.893 1.67745C11.3458 1.45006 10.759 1.333 10.1663 1.33301ZM11.933 8.39301C11.8515 8.49894 11.74 8.57791 11.613 8.61967L10.493 8.99301C10.1422 9.1137 9.82322 9.31195 9.55968 9.57301C9.29721 9.83422 9.10069 10.1541 8.98634 10.5063L8.59967 11.6197C8.55903 11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#f27272"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text">Opportunity to download ready docs</div></div><div class="ln-list__item"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.1663 1.33301H5.83301C4.64008 1.33477 3.49651 1.80944 2.65297 2.65297C1.80944 3.49651 1.33477 4.64007 1.33301 5.83301V10.1863C1.33477 11.3793 1.80944 12.5228 2.65297 13.3664C3.49651 14.2099 4.64008 14.6846 5.83301 14.6863H10.1663C10.7573 14.6863 11.3425 14.5699 11.8884 14.3438C12.4344 14.1177 12.9305 13.7862 13.3483 13.3683C13.7662 12.9505 14.0977 12.4544 14.3238 11.9084C14.5499 11.3625 14.6663 10.7773 14.6663 10.1863V5.85301C14.669 5.26038 14.5545 4.67307 14.3296 4.12479C14.1046 3.57651 13.7735 3.07807 13.3554 2.65809C12.9373 2.23811 12.4403 1.90485 11.893 1.67745C11.3458 1.45006 10.759 1.333 10.1663 1.33301ZM11.933 8.39301C11.8515 8.49894 11.74 8.57791 11.613 8.61967L10.493 8.99301C10.1422 9.1137 9.82322 9.31195 9.55968 9.57301C9.29721 9.83422 9.10069 10.1541 8.98634 10.5063L8.59967 11.6197C8.55903 11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 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14.2099 4.64008 14.6846 5.83301 14.6863H10.1663C10.7573 14.6863 11.3425 14.5699 11.8884 14.3438C12.4344 14.1177 12.9305 13.7862 13.3483 13.3683C13.7662 12.9505 14.0977 12.4544 14.3238 11.9084C14.5499 11.3625 14.6663 10.7773 14.6663 10.1863V5.85301C14.669 5.26038 14.5545 4.67307 14.3296 4.12479C14.1046 3.57651 13.7735 3.07807 13.3554 2.65809C12.9373 2.23811 12.4403 1.90485 11.893 1.67745C11.3458 1.45006 10.759 1.333 10.1663 1.33301ZM11.933 8.39301C11.8515 8.49894 11.74 8.57791 11.613 8.61967L10.493 8.99301C10.1422 9.1137 9.82322 9.31195 9.55968 9.57301C9.29721 9.83422 9.10069 10.1541 8.98634 10.5063L8.59967 11.6197C8.55903 11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#f27272"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text">Book now for the price of a Starbucks coffee and earn <strong>legendary early adopter status</strong></div></div><div class="ln-list__item"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" 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7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#f27272"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text">Reserve your exclusive access 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11.6197C8.55903 11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#f27272"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text">Demo account for <strong>Indonesia and online chat</strong> with our buddy</div></div><div class="ln-list__item"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.1663 1.33301H5.83301C4.64008 1.33477 3.49651 1.80944 2.65297 2.65297C1.80944 3.49651 1.33477 4.64007 1.33301 5.83301V10.1863C1.33477 11.3793 1.80944 12.5228 2.65297 13.3664C3.49651 14.2099 4.64008 14.6846 5.83301 14.6863H10.1663C10.7573 14.6863 11.3425 14.5699 11.8884 14.3438C12.4344 14.1177 12.9305 13.7862 13.3483 13.3683C13.7662 12.9505 14.0977 12.4544 14.3238 11.9084C14.5499 11.3625 14.6663 10.7773 14.6663 10.1863V5.85301C14.669 5.26038 14.5545 4.67307 14.3296 4.12479C14.1046 3.57651 13.7735 3.07807 13.3554 2.65809C12.9373 2.23811 12.4403 1.90485 11.893 1.67745C11.3458 1.45006 10.759 1.333 10.1663 1.33301ZM11.933 8.39301C11.8515 8.49894 11.74 8.57791 11.613 8.61967L10.493 8.99301C10.1422 9.1137 9.82322 9.31195 9.55968 9.57301C9.29721 9.83422 9.10069 10.1541 8.98634 10.5063L8.59967 11.6197C8.55903 11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#f27272"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text">Lock in a <strong>major discount up to 50%</strong> when the product goes live!</div></div></div></div><div class="ln-price"><div class="ln-price__header"><div class="ln-price__title">All inclusive</div><div class="ln-price__description">For those who want the full VIP treatment asap - Migroot ready here to help</div></div><div class="ln-price__amount">Custom price</div><div class="ln-price__buttons"><a intercom="open" href="#" class="b-button b-button_inverse b-w-full w-button">Get a quote</a></div><div class="ln-list"><div class="ln-list__item"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path 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11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#979694"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text"><strong>Unlimited access</strong> to 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11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#979694"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text">Demo-account: guide with extra help inside the country (criminal records, how to get insurance, etc.)</div></div><div class="ln-list__item"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.1663 1.33301H5.83301C4.64008 1.33477 3.49651 1.80944 2.65297 2.65297C1.80944 3.49651 1.33477 4.64007 1.33301 5.83301V10.1863C1.33477 11.3793 1.80944 12.5228 2.65297 13.3664C3.49651 14.2099 4.64008 14.6846 5.83301 14.6863H10.1663C10.7573 14.6863 11.3425 14.5699 11.8884 14.3438C12.4344 14.1177 12.9305 13.7862 13.3483 13.3683C13.7662 12.9505 14.0977 12.4544 14.3238 11.9084C14.5499 11.3625 14.6663 10.7773 14.6663 10.1863V5.85301C14.669 5.26038 14.5545 4.67307 14.3296 4.12479C14.1046 3.57651 13.7735 3.07807 13.3554 2.65809C12.9373 2.23811 12.4403 1.90485 11.893 1.67745C11.3458 1.45006 10.759 1.333 10.1663 1.33301ZM11.933 8.39301C11.8515 8.49894 11.74 8.57791 11.613 8.61967L10.493 8.99301C10.1422 9.1137 9.82322 9.31195 9.55968 9.57301C9.29721 9.83422 9.10069 10.1541 8.98634 10.5063L8.59967 11.6197C8.55903 11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#979694"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text">All <strong>documents review</strong></div></div><div class="ln-list__item"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.1663 1.33301H5.83301C4.64008 1.33477 3.49651 1.80944 2.65297 2.65297C1.80944 3.49651 1.33477 4.64007 1.33301 5.83301V10.1863C1.33477 11.3793 1.80944 12.5228 2.65297 13.3664C3.49651 14.2099 4.64008 14.6846 5.83301 14.6863H10.1663C10.7573 14.6863 11.3425 14.5699 11.8884 14.3438C12.4344 14.1177 12.9305 13.7862 13.3483 13.3683C13.7662 12.9505 14.0977 12.4544 14.3238 11.9084C14.5499 11.3625 14.6663 10.7773 14.6663 10.1863V5.85301C14.669 5.26038 14.5545 4.67307 14.3296 4.12479C14.1046 3.57651 13.7735 3.07807 13.3554 2.65809C12.9373 2.23811 12.4403 1.90485 11.893 1.67745C11.3458 1.45006 10.759 1.333 10.1663 1.33301ZM11.933 8.39301C11.8515 8.49894 11.74 8.57791 11.613 8.61967L10.493 8.99301C10.1422 9.1137 9.82322 9.31195 9.55968 9.57301C9.29721 9.83422 9.10069 10.1541 8.98634 10.5063L8.59967 11.6197C8.55903 11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#979694"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text">Legal, psychological, or pet relocation services</div></div><div class="ln-list__item"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.1663 1.33301H5.83301C4.64008 1.33477 3.49651 1.80944 2.65297 2.65297C1.80944 3.49651 1.33477 4.64007 1.33301 5.83301V10.1863C1.33477 11.3793 1.80944 12.5228 2.65297 13.3664C3.49651 14.2099 4.64008 14.6846 5.83301 14.6863H10.1663C10.7573 14.6863 11.3425 14.5699 11.8884 14.3438C12.4344 14.1177 12.9305 13.7862 13.3483 13.3683C13.7662 12.9505 14.0977 12.4544 14.3238 11.9084C14.5499 11.3625 14.6663 10.7773 14.6663 10.1863V5.85301C14.669 5.26038 14.5545 4.67307 14.3296 4.12479C14.1046 3.57651 13.7735 3.07807 13.3554 2.65809C12.9373 2.23811 12.4403 1.90485 11.893 1.67745C11.3458 1.45006 10.759 1.333 10.1663 1.33301ZM11.933 8.39301C11.8515 8.49894 11.74 8.57791 11.613 8.61967L10.493 8.99301C10.1422 9.1137 9.82322 9.31195 9.55968 9.57301C9.29721 9.83422 9.10069 10.1541 8.98634 10.5063L8.59967 11.6197C8.55903 11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#979694"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text">Tax advisor consultation</div></div><div class="ln-list__item"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.1663 1.33301H5.83301C4.64008 1.33477 3.49651 1.80944 2.65297 2.65297C1.80944 3.49651 1.33477 4.64007 1.33301 5.83301V10.1863C1.33477 11.3793 1.80944 12.5228 2.65297 13.3664C3.49651 14.2099 4.64008 14.6846 5.83301 14.6863H10.1663C10.7573 14.6863 11.3425 14.5699 11.8884 14.3438C12.4344 14.1177 12.9305 13.7862 13.3483 13.3683C13.7662 12.9505 14.0977 12.4544 14.3238 11.9084C14.5499 11.3625 14.6663 10.7773 14.6663 10.1863V5.85301C14.669 5.26038 14.5545 4.67307 14.3296 4.12479C14.1046 3.57651 13.7735 3.07807 13.3554 2.65809C12.9373 2.23811 12.4403 1.90485 11.893 1.67745C11.3458 1.45006 10.759 1.333 10.1663 1.33301ZM11.933 8.39301C11.8515 8.49894 11.74 8.57791 11.613 8.61967L10.493 8.99301C10.1422 9.1137 9.82322 9.31195 9.55968 9.57301C9.29721 9.83422 9.10069 10.1541 8.98634 10.5063L8.59967 11.6197C8.55903 11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#979694"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text"><strong>Premium support</strong> to shield you from bureaucratic dragons</div></div><div class="ln-list__item"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.1663 1.33301H5.83301C4.64008 1.33477 3.49651 1.80944 2.65297 2.65297C1.80944 3.49651 1.33477 4.64007 1.33301 5.83301V10.1863C1.33477 11.3793 1.80944 12.5228 2.65297 13.3664C3.49651 14.2099 4.64008 14.6846 5.83301 14.6863H10.1663C10.7573 14.6863 11.3425 14.5699 11.8884 14.3438C12.4344 14.1177 12.9305 13.7862 13.3483 13.3683C13.7662 12.9505 14.0977 12.4544 14.3238 11.9084C14.5499 11.3625 14.6663 10.7773 14.6663 10.1863V5.85301C14.669 5.26038 14.5545 4.67307 14.3296 4.12479C14.1046 3.57651 13.7735 3.07807 13.3554 2.65809C12.9373 2.23811 12.4403 1.90485 11.893 1.67745C11.3458 1.45006 10.759 1.333 10.1663 1.33301ZM11.933 8.39301C11.8515 8.49894 11.74 8.57791 11.613 8.61967L10.493 8.99301C10.1422 9.1137 9.82322 9.31195 9.55968 9.57301C9.29721 9.83422 9.10069 10.1541 8.98634 10.5063L8.59967 11.6197C8.55903 11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#979694"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text">Case expenses (translations, etc.)</div></div><div class="ln-list__item"><div class="b-embed w-embed"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.1663 1.33301H5.83301C4.64008 1.33477 3.49651 1.80944 2.65297 2.65297C1.80944 3.49651 1.33477 4.64007 1.33301 5.83301V10.1863C1.33477 11.3793 1.80944 12.5228 2.65297 13.3664C3.49651 14.2099 4.64008 14.6846 5.83301 14.6863H10.1663C10.7573 14.6863 11.3425 14.5699 11.8884 14.3438C12.4344 14.1177 12.9305 13.7862 13.3483 13.3683C13.7662 12.9505 14.0977 12.4544 14.3238 11.9084C14.5499 11.3625 14.6663 10.7773 14.6663 10.1863V5.85301C14.669 5.26038 14.5545 4.67307 14.3296 4.12479C14.1046 3.57651 13.7735 3.07807 13.3554 2.65809C12.9373 2.23811 12.4403 1.90485 11.893 1.67745C11.3458 1.45006 10.759 1.333 10.1663 1.33301ZM11.933 8.39301C11.8515 8.49894 11.74 8.57791 11.613 8.61967L10.493 8.99301C10.1422 9.1137 9.82322 9.31195 9.55968 9.57301C9.29721 9.83422 9.10069 10.1541 8.98634 10.5063L8.59967 11.6197C8.55903 11.7472 8.4769 11.8575 8.36634 11.933C8.25674 12.0095 8.12667 12.0513 7.99301 12.053C7.85935 12.0513 7.72927 12.0095 7.61967 11.933C7.50901 11.8547 7.42704 11.7423 7.38634 11.613L7.01301 10.4863C6.89529 10.1359 6.698 9.81749 6.43659 9.55609C6.17519 9.29468 5.85678 9.09739 5.50634 8.97967L4.37967 8.61301C4.2534 8.56647 4.14417 8.4828 4.06634 8.37301C3.98624 8.26502 3.943 8.13413 3.943 7.99967C3.943 7.86522 3.98624 7.73433 4.06634 7.62634C4.14361 7.51897 4.25352 7.43946 4.37967 7.39967L5.49967 7.02634C5.85448 6.90678 6.17639 6.70587 6.43967 6.43967C6.70567 6.18434 6.90634 5.86834 7.02634 5.51967L7.39967 4.41301C7.43781 4.2877 7.51201 4.1764 7.61301 4.09301C7.72105 4.01174 7.85126 3.96523 7.98634 3.95967C8.11861 3.9574 8.24857 3.99453 8.35967 4.06634C8.47301 4.13901 8.55967 4.24634 8.60634 4.37301L8.98634 5.51301C9.09921 5.86937 9.29846 6.19229 9.56634 6.45301C9.82967 6.71967 10.151 6.92034 10.5063 7.03967L11.6197 7.42634C11.7475 7.46991 11.8591 7.55128 11.9397 7.65967C12.0097 7.76967 12.049 7.89634 12.053 8.02634C12.05 8.15772 12.0083 8.28528 11.933 8.39301Z" fill="#979694"/> </svg></div><div class="ln-list__item-text">Housing search — one week of calls</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div id="ln-founders" class="ln-founders"><div class="ln-container"><h3 class="b-heading-1 b-text-center ln-founders__heading">Meet the migroots: <br/>team that knows migration<br/>inside out</h3><div class="ln-founders__grid"><div id="w-node-_4de57524-2a69-f6a5-ed6f-799fa1ee34ed-01d66095" class="ln-founders__content-wrapper"><div class="ln-founders__content"><div class="ln-founders__title">Kate P.</div><div class="ln-founders__text">Hey, I&#x27;m Kate, and right now, we&#x27;re a family of five nomads. Yep, that&#x27;s right, three kids in tow! Trust me, I know how important it is to get everyone involved when you&#x27;re gearing up for a big move. That&#x27;s why we came up with this game-like tracker. I&#x27;ve lived in Spain, Portugal, Poland, Bali, and now we&#x27;ve landed in Brazil. The world is so big, and it&#x27;s absolutely awesome!</div></div><div class="ln-founders__map-wrapper"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Kate&#x27;s relocation map" class="ln-founders__map"/></div></div><div class="ln-founders__image-wrapper ln-founders__image-kate"><img src="" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_847fef13-ed5b-2610-a80f-b1dbe7ba652c-01d66095" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 991px) 33vw, (max-width: 1439px) 50vw, 596px" alt="" srcset=" 500w, 586w" class="ln-founders__image"/></div><div id="w-node-_13bd6c6d-5681-3529-592c-676fb1c6a8d0-01d66095" class="ln-founders__image-wrapper"><img src="" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_13bd6c6d-5681-3529-592c-676fb1c6a8d1-01d66095" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 991px) 33vw, (max-width: 1439px) 50vw, 596px" alt="" srcset=" 500w, 586w" class="ln-founders__image"/></div><div id="w-node-_9c0b5fff-d39a-fd91-e80c-702b1262395a-01d66095" class="ln-founders__content-wrapper"><div class="ln-founders__content"><div class="ln-founders__title">Maryna D.</div><div class="ln-founders__text">With a love for adventure and new experiences, I’ve lived and traveled across India, Indonesia, and Georgia. Now, I&#x27;ve settled in Spain with my husband and newborn daughter, and using my journey to help others navigate their own paths to a new life abroad.</div></div><div class="ln-founders__map-wrapper"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Maryna&#x27;s relocation map" class="ln-founders__map"/></div></div></div></div></div><div id="ln-faq" class="ln-faq"><div class="ln-container"><div class="ln-faq__grid"><h3 id="w-node-_3742d747-8fd4-2130-218f-b4bb28c8de80-01d66095" class="b-heading-1">FAQ</h3><div id="w-node-_714888ff-032c-74df-7f92-7aab99d776bb-01d66095" class="ln-faq__list"><div data-hover="false" data-delay="0" class="b-faq w-dropdown"><div class="b-faq__trigger w-dropdown-toggle"><div class="w-icon-dropdown-toggle"></div><div class="b-faq__title">I&#x27;m not very tech-savvy. Is Migroot easy to use?</div></div><nav class="b-faq__content w-dropdown-list"><p>Oh, absolutely! We&#x27;ve tested our platform on 8-year-olds who&#x27;ve just learned to read. If they can navigate it, you&#x27;ll be a Migroot master in no time! It&#x27;s easier than ordering a coconut on the beach.</p></nav></div><div data-hover="false" data-delay="0" class="b-faq w-dropdown"><div class="b-faq__trigger w-dropdown-toggle"><div class="w-icon-dropdown-toggle"></div><div class="b-faq__title">Can Migroot help me with visa applications?</div></div><nav class="b-faq__content w-dropdown-list"><p>You bet! We&#x27;re like your personal visa application sidekick. We&#x27;ll help you gather and organize all your documents before you submit your application. Think of us as your bureaucracy-busting buddies!</p></nav></div><div data-hover="false" data-delay="0" class="b-faq w-dropdown"><div class="b-faq__trigger w-dropdown-toggle"><div class="w-icon-dropdown-toggle"></div><div class="b-faq__title">How much does Migroot cost? Are there different plans available?</div></div><nav class="b-faq__content w-dropdown-list"><p>Indeed we do! Our main quest helps you DIY like a pro, but for those seeking the ultimate power-up, we&#x27;ve got a special cheat code - a plan where we do almost everything for you. It&#x27;s like having a relocation genie in your pocket!</p></nav></div><div data-hover="false" data-delay="0" class="b-faq w-dropdown"><div class="b-faq__trigger w-dropdown-toggle"><div class="w-icon-dropdown-toggle"></div><div class="b-faq__title">Is Migroot only for Bali, or can I use it for other destinations too?</div></div><nav class="b-faq__content w-dropdown-list"><p>We kicked off with Bali because, let&#x27;s face it, we&#x27;re head over heels for this island paradise! But fear not, intrepid nomad - we&#x27;re expanding our map. Got a dream destination in mind? Drop it in our chat, and we&#x27;ll give you a heads up when we add it to our adventure list!</p></nav></div><div data-hover="false" data-delay="0" class="b-faq w-dropdown"><div class="b-faq__trigger w-dropdown-toggle"><div class="w-icon-dropdown-toggle"></div><div class="b-faq__title">Can I use Migroot if I&#x27;m moving with my family?</div></div><nav class="b-faq__content w-dropdown-list"><p>Absolutely! As nomad families ourselves, we created Migroot with clan adventures in mind. Our fun tasks are designed to get the whole family involved in the prep work. It&#x27;s like turning your move into a multiplayer game - no one gets left behind in this family quest!</p></nav></div></div></div></div></div><div class="ac-component"><div class="b-footer"><div class="b-footer__row"><a data-plan-family-uid="yWoE7xQD" data-o-auth="1" data-o-anonymous="1" data-mode="popup" data-skip-plan-options="false" data-widget-mode="register" href="#" class="b-footer__link">Sign up</a><a data-widget-mode="login" data-o-auth="1" data-o-anonymous="1" data-mode="popup" href="#" class="b-footer__link">Login</a><div class="b-footer__sep">|</div><a href="" class="b-footer__link">ProductHunt</a><a href="" class="b-footer__link">Facebook</a><a href="" target="_blank" class="b-footer__link">Instagram</a><div class="b-footer__sep">|</div><a href="/privacy-policy" class="b-footer__link">Privacy policy</a><a href="/cookie-policy" class="b-footer__link">Cookie policy</a><div class="b-footer__sep">|</div><a data-mode="popup" data-o-support="1" href="#" class="b-footer__link">Support</a></div></div><div id="flowappz-cookie-consent" class="flowappz-cookie-consent"><h5 class="cookie-heading">Cookies</h5><p class="cookie-description">We use cookies to improve user experience. 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