The German U-boats of WWII (Kriegsmarine) and WWI (Kaiserliche Marine) -
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Also includes 14 foreign submarines and all the U-boats laid down but not commissioned.</p> </td> <td> <h3><a href="/fates/today.htm">U-boats Today</a></h3> <p>Are any U-boats left today and where are they? 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Covers both combat areas and special missions.</p> <h3><a href="/ops/successful_boats.htm">Most successful U-boats</a></h3> <p>A simple page on the most successful boats and the commander that ensured that their boat performed.</p> <h3><a href="/ops/convoys/">Convoy Battles</a></h3> <p>Huge new section covering all the convoys hit by U-boats in the war plus detailed information on the <a href="/ops/convoys/routes.php">convoy routes</a> used. 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