Free AI exit ticket generator | Slidesgo
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'max-height: ' + $refs.section0.scrollHeight + 'px; opacity: 1' : ''" > <div x-ref="section0"> Generative AI is a tool that helps us perform basic tasks and boosts our creativity. It's essential not to use content from others without their permission and to refrain from generating content that may undermine the rights of others or be harmful, offensive, or potentially dangerous. Additionally, it's important to indicate when sharing content that it has been fully or partially generated using artificial intelligence. If you have any doubts, we recommend that you take a look at the terms and conditions of our products developed with AI. <a href=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cursor-pointer border-b border-gray-25 py-9" x-data="{ section: 'ai.faqs.why-do-i-get-different-results-with-the-same-prompt' }" @click="open = section" > <h4 class="leading-relaxed text-lg sm:text-xl text-gray-900 font-semibold flex items-center justify-between" > <span> Why do I get different results with the same prompt? </span> <svg class="shrink-0 transition duration-200 size-6 block ml-1 text-gray-700 fill-current" x-bind:class="{'rotate-270': open === section,'rotate-90': open !== section}"> <use xlink:href="#icon-landing-edu-caret-drop"/> </svg> </h4> <div class="transition-all duration-200 overflow-hidden max-h-0 leading-normal text-base text-gray-700 mt-4 prose opacity-0" x-bind:style="open === section ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.section1.scrollHeight + 'px; opacity: 1' : ''" > <div x-ref="section1"> Every time we ask the AI a query, it responds with slight variations to generate answers adapted to what we have asked. It generates a completely new answer when it processes the different elements we provide it with through the instructions and configurations we propose. If the instructions do not change, the results will be quite similar; if the instructions change slightly in some aspect, the results will change, adapting to the new value we have included. </div> </div> </div> <div class="cursor-pointer border-b border-gray-25 py-9" x-data="{ section: '' }" @click="open = section" > <h4 class="leading-relaxed text-lg sm:text-xl text-gray-900 font-semibold flex items-center justify-between" > <span> How do we moderate the results to ensure that AI is safe? </span> <svg class="shrink-0 transition duration-200 size-6 block ml-1 text-gray-700 fill-current" x-bind:class="{'rotate-270': open === section,'rotate-90': open !== section}"> <use xlink:href="#icon-landing-edu-caret-drop"/> </svg> </h4> <div class="transition-all duration-200 overflow-hidden max-h-0 leading-normal text-base text-gray-700 mt-4 prose opacity-0" x-bind:style="open === section ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.section2.scrollHeight + 'px; opacity: 1' : ''" > <div x-ref="section2"> Our AI solutions are built on LLMs from top-tier providers. The NSFW filters applied by these providers are also applied to our content to maintain the safety and quality of the results. </div> </div> </div> <div class="cursor-pointer border-b border-gray-25 py-9" x-data="{ section: 'ai.faqs.what-do-we-do-with-the-instructions-and-results' }" @click="open = section" > <h4 class="leading-relaxed text-lg sm:text-xl text-gray-900 font-semibold flex items-center justify-between" > <span> What do we do with the instructions and results? </span> <svg class="shrink-0 transition duration-200 size-6 block ml-1 text-gray-700 fill-current" x-bind:class="{'rotate-270': open === section,'rotate-90': open !== section}"> <use xlink:href="#icon-landing-edu-caret-drop"/> </svg> </h4> <div class="transition-all duration-200 overflow-hidden max-h-0 leading-normal text-base text-gray-700 mt-4 prose opacity-0" x-bind:style="open === section ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.section3.scrollHeight + 'px; opacity: 1' : ''" > <div x-ref="section3"> Slidesgo only stores AI results and responses for internal research and service improvement purposes. We do not use them to train AI models. </div> </div> </div> <div class="cursor-pointer border-b border-gray-25 py-9" x-data="{ section: '' }" @click="open = section" > <h4 class="leading-relaxed text-lg sm:text-xl text-gray-900 font-semibold flex items-center justify-between" > <span> Do I have to mention or license Slidesgo when I use results from Slidesgo's AI tools? </span> <svg class="shrink-0 transition duration-200 size-6 block ml-1 text-gray-700 fill-current" x-bind:class="{'rotate-270': open === section,'rotate-90': open !== section}"> <use xlink:href="#icon-landing-edu-caret-drop"/> </svg> </h4> <div class="transition-all duration-200 overflow-hidden max-h-0 leading-normal text-base text-gray-700 mt-4 prose opacity-0" x-bind:style="open === section ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.section4.scrollHeight + 'px; opacity: 1' : ''" > <div x-ref="section4"> You do not need to license Slidesgo to use AI-generated content, but we recommend reviewing the terms and conditions of use if you have any questions. <a href=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cursor-pointer border-b border-gray-25 py-9" x-data="{ section: '' }" @click="open = section" > <h4 class="leading-relaxed text-lg sm:text-xl text-gray-900 font-semibold flex items-center justify-between" > <span> How can I improve my prompts? </span> <svg class="shrink-0 transition duration-200 size-6 block ml-1 text-gray-700 fill-current" x-bind:class="{'rotate-270': open === section,'rotate-90': open !== section}"> <use xlink:href="#icon-landing-edu-caret-drop"/> </svg> </h4> <div class="transition-all duration-200 overflow-hidden max-h-0 leading-normal text-base text-gray-700 mt-4 prose opacity-0" x-bind:style="open === section ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.section5.scrollHeight + 'px; opacity: 1' : ''" > <div x-ref="section5"> To write a good prompt, be specific, clear, and concise. Use keywords and phrases that accurately describe the content you want to create, give context, and provide the details necessary for the AI to identify the most important elements you want to highlight. If you are still a bit lost, we recommend watching this <a href="">tutorial</a> from Wepik. </div> </div> </div> <p class="leading-relaxed text-base text-gray-800 mt-9"> If you need further information, <a class='text-blue-500 inline-block' href=''>please contact us</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="hidden"> <svg id="icon-landing-edu-caret-drop" xmlns="" viewBox="-49 141 512 512"><defs/><path d="M226.6 397l-92.3 92.3a25 25 0 0035.4 35.4l110-110a25 25 0 000-35.4l-110-110a25 25 0 00-35.4 35.4l92.3 92.3z"/></svg> </div> </div> </main> <div class="hidden"> <svg id="spinner-animated" viewBox="0 0 32 32" xmlns=""> <defs></defs> <circle opacity="0.3" cx="16" cy="16" r="14" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="3" fill="none"></circle> <path d="M 5.044 7.241 C 3.131 9.676 2 12.698 2 15.974 C 2 19.25 3.131 22.27 5.044 24.708" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" fill="none" style=""></path> <animateTransform attributeType="xml" attributeName="transform" type="rotate" from="0 0 0" to="360 0 0" dur="0.7s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> </svg> </div> <script> function aiExitTicket() { return { inputTopic: '', inputTopicError: '', selectGrade: '', selectGradeError: '', selectEvaluationType: '', selectEvaluationTypeError: '', language: '', languageError: '', uuid: null, finished: null, status: null, pollingControl: null, rateLimitReached: false, resultLanguage: '', delays: [ 5000, // minimal measured time is around 3s 5000, 5000, // 15s mark 5000, 5000, 5000, 5000, 5000, // 40s mark 10000, 10000,// 1 min 10000, 10000, 10000, 10000, 10000, 10000, // 2 min ], init() { this.$nextTick(() => { let forwarded = 0; if (forwarded) { this.inputTopic = ""; this.selectGrade = ""; this.selectEvaluationType = ""; this.language = ""; this.$dispatch('start-spinner'); this.sendExitTicketData(); } }); }, sendExitTicketData() { fetch('', { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ topic: this.inputTopic, grade: this.selectGrade, evaluation_type: this.selectEvaluationType, language: this.language }), headers: { "X-CSRF-Token": "5HtYihe1z6hXWAkswSMZe7s4WdmfSzyjCSIbikyV", "Content-Type": "application/json" }, }).then(response => { response.json() .then(response => { if (response.rate_limit_error) { this.rateLimitReached = true; this.$refs.rateLimitMessage.innerText = response.rate_limit_error; this.$dispatch('no-spinner'); return; } if (response.errors) { this.inputTopicError = response.errors?.topic ? response.errors.topic[0] : ''; this.selectGradeError = response.errors?.grade ? response.errors.grade[0] : ''; this.selectEvaluationTypeError = response.errors?.evaluation_type ? response.errors.evaluation_type[0] : ''; this.languageError = response.errors?.language ? response.errors.language[0] : ''; this.$dispatch('no-spinner'); return; } if (response.login) { window.location = response.login; return; } this.uuid = response.uuid; this.resultLanguage = response.resultLanguage; this.pollBackendForJobCompletion(); }) }) }, pollServer(iteration, delay) { if (iteration >= this.delays.length) { this.setError() clearTimeout(this.pollingControl); return; } iteration++; // Schedule the next iteration let batchRoute = ''; batchRoute = batchRoute.replace('anUuid', this.uuid); fetch(`${batchRoute}?time=1739800096`) .then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Network response was not ok ' + response.statusText); } return response.json(); }) .then(data => { if (data.finished === true) { this.finished = data.finished; this.status = data.status; if (this.status === false) { this.setError(); return; } this.$refs.uuidForm.submit(); } else { this.pollingControl = setTimeout(() => this.pollServer(iteration, this.delays[iteration]), this.delays[iteration]); } }) .catch(error => { this.setError(); }); }, pollBackendForJobCompletion() { // Start the first iteration this.pollingControl = setTimeout(() => this.pollServer(0, this.delays[0]), this.delays[0]); }, setError() { this.finished = true; this.status = false; this.$dispatch('no-spinner'); } } } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function onetapCallback(googleUser) { return fetch(``, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-type': 'application/json'}, body: JSON.stringify({ credential: googleUser.credential }), }).then(async response => { const data = await response.json() if (data.success === false || ! { window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('onetaperror', { detail: data?.message ?? 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