LKML: Paul Jackson: Re: Industry db benchmark result on recent 2.6 kernels
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Unfortunately ... and it is an O(cpus^2) operation.<br /><br />Yes - a cool patch.<br /><br />If we had an arch-specific bit of code, that for any two cpus, could<br />give a 'pseudo-distance' between them, where the only real requirements<br />were that (1) if two pairs of cpus had the same pseudo-distance, then<br />that meant they had the same size, layout, kind and speed of bus amd<br />cache hardware between them (*), and (2) it was cheap - hardly more than<br />a few lines of code and a subroutine call to obtain, then Ingo's code<br />could be:<br /><br /> for each cpu c1:<br /> for each cpu c2:<br /> psdist = pseudo_distance(c1, c2)<br /> if I've seen psdist before, use the latency computed for that psdist<br /> else compute a real latency number and remember it for that psdist<br /><br />A generic form of pseudo_distance, which would work for all normal<br />sized systems, would be:<br /><br />int pseudo_distance(int c1, int c2)<br />{<br /> static int x;<br /> return x++;<br />}<br /><br />Then us poor slobs with big honkin numa iron could code up a real<br />pseudo_distance() routine, to avoid the actual pain of doing real work<br />for cpus^2 iterations for large cpu counts.<br /><br />Our big boxes have regular geometries with much symmetry, so would<br />provide significant opportunity to exploit equal pseudo-distances.<br /><br />And I would imagine that costs of K * NCPU * NCPU are tolerable in this<br />estimation routine. for sufficiently small K, and existing values of<br />NCPU.<br /><br />(*) That is, if pseudo_distance(c1, c2) == pseudo_distance(d1, d2), then<br /> this meant that however c1 and c2 were connected to each other in the<br /> system (intervening buses and caches and such), cpus d1 and d2 were<br /> connected the same way, so could be presumed to have the same latency,<br /> close enough.<br /><br />-- <br /> I won't rest till it's the best ...<br /> Programmer, Linux Scalability<br /> Paul Jackson <> 1.650.933.1373, 1.925.600.0401<br />-<br />To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in<br />the body of a message to<br />More majordomo info at <a href=""></a><br />Please read the FAQ at <a href=""></a><br /><br /></pre></td><td width="32" rowspan="2" class="c" valign="top"><img src="/images/icornerr.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="\" /></td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="bottom"> 聽 </td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="bottom">聽</td><td class="c" valign="bottom" style="padding-bottom: 0px"><img src="/images/bcornerl.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="\" /></td><td class="c">聽</td><td class="c" valign="bottom" style="padding-bottom: 0px"><img src="/images/bcornerr.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="/" /></td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="top" colspan="2"> 聽 </td><td class="lm">Last update: 2005-04-06 13:31 聽聽 [from the cache]<br />漏2003-2020 <a href=""><span itemprop="editor">Jasper Spaans</span></a>|hosted at <a href="">Digital Ocean</a> and my Meterkast|<a href="">Read the blog</a></td><td>聽</td></tr></table><script language="javascript" src="/js/styleswitcher.js" type="text/javascript"></script></body></html>