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eSign solutions and empower businesses to get documents signed, collect payments, and keep workflows moving. Our solution will flex to unique needs and comes in two plan options: simple eSigning and payment collection tools for individuals with Foxit eSign Essentials, or empower team efforts with template sharing, custom branding, and user management tools with Foxit eSign Business.</p><div class="w-full flex flex-col justify-center items-center gap-5 pt-10"><div class="w-full max-w-[1062px] flex flex-col gap-y-10 px-5 lg:px-0"><div class="relative w-full border-[3px] border-dashed transition-all border-[#FF5F00] bg-[#FFFFFF] rounded-3xl flex flex-col justify-center items-center gap-5 py-8"><div class="absolute text-center text-sm md:text-base lg:text-lg xxl:text-xl h-10 bg-main-white -top-3 md:-top-5 md:leading-10 px-1 md:px-4 text-gray-500 font-500">Send and Sign Simple Agreements <span class="text-orange-550 font-600 italic">For Free!*</span></div><input type="file" class="hidden" id="fileInput"/><div class="w-full flex flex-col justify-center items-center gap-2 my-5 px-5"><div class="w-full md:w-fit h-fit"><button class="w-full md:w-fit transition lg:text-lg md:text-base text-sm whitespace-nowrap leading-md font-600 rounded-sm lg:rounded-base text-center py-[0.6875rem] md:py-[1rem] lg:p-base px-md flex flex-row justify-center items-center text-main-white bg-orange-550 disabled:bg-orange-320 hover:bg-orange-700 active:bg-orange-750 md:min-w-[258px] gap-x-2"><svg width="27" height="27" viewBox="0 0 27 27" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M3.375 20.25H2.53125H3.375ZM3.375 6.75H4.21875H3.375ZM7.875 2.25V1.40625V2.25ZM19.125 2.25V1.40625V2.25ZM23.625 6.75H22.7812H23.625ZM23.625 13.886H24.4688H23.625ZM12.761 24.75V23.9062V24.75ZM7.875 24.75V25.5938V24.75ZM22.307 17.068L21.7104 16.4714V16.4714L22.307 17.068ZM15.943 23.432L16.5396 24.0286L15.943 23.432ZM14.625 20.25H13.7813H14.625ZM19.125 15.75V14.9062V15.75ZM9.52838 9.52838C9.19887 9.85788 9.19887 10.3921 9.52838 10.7216C9.85788 11.0511 10.3921 11.0511 10.7216 10.7216L9.52838 9.52838ZM11.909 8.34099L12.5056 8.93761H12.5056L11.909 8.34099ZM15.091 8.34099L14.4944 8.93761V8.93761L15.091 8.34099ZM16.2784 10.7216C16.6079 11.0511 17.1421 11.0511 17.4716 10.7216C17.8011 10.3921 17.8011 9.85788 17.4716 9.52838L16.2784 10.7216ZM14.3438 7.875C14.3438 7.40901 13.966 7.03125 13.5 7.03125C13.034 7.03125 12.6563 7.40901 12.6563 7.875H14.3438ZM12.6563 13.5C12.6563 13.966 13.034 14.3438 13.5 14.3438C13.966 14.3438 14.3438 13.966 14.3438 13.5H12.6563ZM4.21875 20.25L4.21875 6.75H2.53125L2.53125 20.25H4.21875ZM7.875 3.09375L19.125 3.09375V1.40625L7.875 1.40625V3.09375ZM22.7812 6.75V13.886H24.4688V6.75H22.7812ZM12.761 23.9062H7.875V25.5938H12.761V23.9062ZM21.7104 16.4714L15.3464 22.8354L16.5396 24.0286L22.9036 17.6646L21.7104 16.4714ZM12.761 25.5938C14.1783 25.5938 15.5375 25.0308 16.5396 24.0286L15.3464 22.8354C14.6607 23.521 13.7307 23.9062 12.761 23.9062V25.5938ZM22.7812 13.886C22.7812 14.8557 22.396 15.7857 21.7104 16.4714L22.9036 17.6646C23.9057 16.6625 24.4688 15.3033 24.4688 13.886H22.7812ZM4.21875 6.75C4.21875 4.73071 5.85571 3.09375 7.875 3.09375V1.40625C4.92373 1.40625 2.53125 3.79873 2.53125 6.75H4.21875ZM2.53125 20.25C2.53125 23.2013 4.92373 25.5938 7.875 25.5938L7.875 23.9062C5.85571 23.9062 4.21875 22.2693 4.21875 20.25H2.53125ZM19.125 3.09375C21.1443 3.09375 22.7812 4.73071 22.7812 6.75H24.4688C24.4688 3.79873 22.0763 1.40625 19.125 1.40625V3.09375ZM15.4688 24.75V20.25H13.7813V24.75H15.4688ZM19.125 16.5938L23.625 16.5938V14.9063L19.125 14.9062V16.5938ZM15.4688 20.25C15.4688 18.2307 17.1057 16.5938 19.125 16.5938V14.9062C16.1737 14.9062 13.7813 17.2987 13.7813 20.25H15.4688ZM10.7216 10.7216L12.5056 8.93761L11.3124 7.74437L9.52838 9.52838L10.7216 10.7216ZM14.4944 8.93761L16.2784 10.7216L17.4716 9.52838L15.6876 7.74437L14.4944 8.93761ZM12.6563 7.875V13.5H14.3438V7.875H12.6563ZM12.5056 8.93761C13.0548 8.38844 13.9452 8.38844 14.4944 8.93761L15.6876 7.74437C14.4794 6.53618 12.5206 6.53619 11.3124 7.74437L12.5056 8.93761Z" fill="white"></path></svg>Upload</button><input id="fileInput" type="file" style="display:none" accept=".doc,.docx,.pdf,.xlsx,.xls,.ppt,.pptx,.csv,.txt,.rtf,.png,.jpg,.jpeg,.ps"/></div><div class="w-full text-center text-base md:text-lg text-gray-600 px-10 md:px-0">or drop file(s) here</div></div><div class="w-full text-center text-xs text-gray-600 px-14">*No Foxit account required to sign an agreement or request a signature with this free tool. Signatures collected using this free tool are not legally binding or compliant with eSigning standards. If you need legally binding or compliant eSignature Software, <button class="text-orange-550 font-600 cursor-pointer">Try Foxit eSign Trial</button></div></div></div></div></div><img loading="lazy" src="" class="absolute right-0 top-0 z-[-1] hidden h-full w-auto lg:block opacity-50" alt=""/></section><div id="fixedAdPanel" class="w-full fixed bottom-0 left-0 z-50"><div class="css-0" style="opacity:0"><div class="w-[100vw] overflow-hidden !py-xsm bg-dark-900 px-md md:px-xl md:py-sm md:h-[4.5rem]"><div class="flex w-full flex-col items-center justify-between md:mx-auto md:flex-row xl:max-w-7xl gap-y-2 md:gap-y-0"><div class="flex gap-xmd"><svg width="34" height="34" viewBox="0 0 34 34" fill="none" xmlns="" class="size-[45px] min-w-[45px] min-h-[45px]"><rect x="0.410156" y="0.666626" width="33.1852" height="33.1852" rx="5.53086" fill="#FF5F00"></rect><path d="M16.393 22.9949C16.1414 23.0638 15.9021 23.13 15.6719 23.193L17.004 25.5537H23.4723L20.881 20.9611C19.7922 21.6434 18.3781 22.3157 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7.23994 2.75 8.74577V15.2245C2.75 16.7303 3.60336 18.0949 4.92749 18.7065L9.51083 20.8234C10.4589 21.2613 11.5411 21.2613 12.4892 20.8234L17.0725 18.7065C18.3966 18.0949 19.25 16.7303 19.25 15.2245V8.74577C19.25 7.23994 18.3966 5.87534 17.0725 5.26377Z" stroke="#FF5F00" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path><path d="M11 11.0685V21.1518" stroke="#FF5F00" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg></div><div class="flex flex-col gap-y-sm md:relative md:gap-y-xxl"><div class="flex justify-between gap-xl"><div class="flex w-full justify-between md:gap-x-md lg:gap-x-[4.375rem]"><div class="w-full lg:w-full lg:max-w-[32rem]"><div><button class="flex items-center justify-center gap-sm text-base transition flex h-[3rem] w-full items-center md:h-min cursor-default"><h2 class="flex w-full items-center justify-between text-md text-left !justify-between text-start text-xl font-700 leading-md text-grey-800 md:!justify-start 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w-full items-center justify-between text-md text-left !text-sm font-600 leading-md text-grey-800 md:text-sm md:font-700 lg:!text-lg text-orange-550 faqSectionTitle undefined">Legally binding eSignatures<span class="flex gap-sm"><svg width="28" height="28" viewBox="0 0 28 28" fill="none" stroke="#757575" xmlns="" class="stroke-grey-50 transition -rotate-180 undefined undefined !stroke-grey-600 size-[1.5rem] md:size-[1.75rem] hidden min-w-[2.5rem]"><path d="M8.16667 11.6667L14 16.3334L19.8333 11.6667" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg></span></h3></button><div class="pt-md md:pt-sm lg:pt-md transition-height overflow-visible !block"><div class="flex flex-col gap-y-4"><p class="text-sm leading-2xl text-dark-500 lg:text-md">Agreements signed with Foxit eSign are legally binding, providing the peace of mind needed to work effectively.</p><div class="flex pt-md md:hidden"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Legally binding eSignatures" width="680" height="680" class="object-contain"/></div></div></div></div><div><button class="flex items-center justify-center gap-sm text-base transition flex h-[3rem] w-full items-center border-b border-grey-320"><h3 class="flex w-full items-center justify-between text-md text-left !text-sm font-600 leading-md text-grey-800 md:text-sm md:font-700 lg:!text-lg text-grey-800 faqSectionTitle false">Comprehensive Document Tracking<span class="flex gap-sm"><svg width="28" height="28" viewBox="0 0 28 28" fill="none" stroke="#757575" xmlns="" class="stroke-grey-50 transition false undefined !stroke-grey-600 size-[1.5rem] md:size-[1.75rem] block min-w-[2.5rem]"><path d="M8.16667 11.6667L14 16.3334L19.8333 11.6667" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg></span></h3></button><div class="pt-md md:pt-sm lg:pt-md transition-height !hidden"><div class="flex flex-col gap-y-4"><p class="text-sm leading-2xl text-dark-500 lg:text-md">Keeping up with agreements, quotes, and offers does not need to be a chore. We like to keep it simple. See all outstanding and completed agreements on one sortable screen.</p><div class="flex pt-md md:hidden"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Comprehensive Document Tracking" width="680" height="680" class="object-contain"/></div></div></div></div><div><button class="flex items-center justify-center gap-sm text-base transition flex h-[3rem] w-full items-center border-b border-grey-320"><h3 class="flex w-full items-center justify-between text-md text-left !text-sm font-600 leading-md text-grey-800 md:text-sm md:font-700 lg:!text-lg text-grey-800 faqSectionTitle false">Reusable PDF Templates<span class="flex gap-sm"><svg width="28" height="28" viewBox="0 0 28 28" fill="none" stroke="#757575" xmlns="" class="stroke-grey-50 transition false undefined !stroke-grey-600 size-[1.5rem] md:size-[1.75rem] block min-w-[2.5rem]"><path d="M8.16667 11.6667L14 16.3334L19.8333 11.6667" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg></span></h3></button><div class="pt-md md:pt-sm lg:pt-md transition-height !hidden"><div class="flex flex-col gap-y-4"><p class="text-sm leading-2xl text-dark-500 lg:text-md">Build it once, reuse it as often as needed. Easily maintain multiple templates for your signing needs.</p><div class="flex pt-md md:hidden"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Reusable PDF Templates" width="680" height="680" class="object-contain"/></div></div></div></div><div><button class="flex items-center justify-center gap-sm text-base transition flex h-[3rem] w-full items-center border-b border-grey-320"><h3 class="flex w-full items-center justify-between text-md text-left !text-sm font-600 leading-md text-grey-800 md:text-sm md:font-700 lg:!text-lg text-grey-800 faqSectionTitle false">Advanced Security<span class="flex gap-sm"><svg width="28" height="28" viewBox="0 0 28 28" fill="none" stroke="#757575" xmlns="" class="stroke-grey-50 transition false undefined !stroke-grey-600 size-[1.5rem] md:size-[1.75rem] block min-w-[2.5rem]"><path d="M8.16667 11.6667L14 16.3334L19.8333 11.6667" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg></span></h3></button><div class="pt-md md:pt-sm lg:pt-md transition-height !hidden"><div class="flex flex-col gap-y-4"><p class="text-sm leading-2xl text-dark-500 lg:text-md">We have you covered. Foxit eSign is SOC 2 Type 2 compliant, with robust encryption, data localization, and more.</p><div class="flex pt-md md:hidden"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Advanced Security" width="680" height="680" class="object-contain"/></div></div></div></div><div><button class="flex items-center justify-center gap-sm text-base transition flex h-[3rem] w-full items-center border-b border-grey-320"><h3 class="flex w-full items-center justify-between text-md text-left !text-sm font-600 leading-md text-grey-800 md:text-sm md:font-700 lg:!text-lg text-grey-800 faqSectionTitle false">Foxit Pay<span class="flex gap-sm"><svg width="28" height="28" viewBox="0 0 28 28" fill="none" stroke="#757575" xmlns="" class="stroke-grey-50 transition false undefined !stroke-grey-600 size-[1.5rem] md:size-[1.75rem] block min-w-[2.5rem]"><path d="M8.16667 11.6667L14 16.3334L19.8333 11.6667" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg></span></h3></button><div class="pt-md md:pt-sm lg:pt-md transition-height !hidden"><div class="flex flex-col gap-y-4"><p class="text-sm leading-2xl text-dark-500 lg:text-md">Simplified payment collection built right into your agreements and quotes.</p><a class="w-fit transition lg:text-lg md:text-base text-sm whitespace-nowrap leading-md font-600 rounded-sm lg:rounded-base text-center py-[0.6875rem] md:py-[1rem] lg:py-base px-md lg:px-base flex flex-row justify-center items-center flex-row-reverse text-orange-550 disabled:text-orange-320 hover:text-orange-700 active:text-orange-750 md:!text-base lg:!text-base flex items-center gap-sm !p-0 [&>svg]:fill-orange-550 [&>svg]:disabled:fill-blue-320 [&>svg]:hover:fill-orange-700 [&>svg]:active:fill-orange-750 justify-center" href=""><svg width="14" height="10" viewBox="0 0 14 10" fill="#FF5F00" xmlns="" class="false undefined"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.9861 4.51354C13.2546 4.78202 13.2546 5.21732 12.9861 5.48581L9.31947 9.15248C9.05098 9.42096 8.61568 9.42096 8.3472 9.15248C8.07871 8.88399 8.07871 8.44869 8.3472 8.1802L10.8402 5.68717L1.5 5.68717C1.12031 5.68717 0.812501 5.37937 0.812501 4.99967C0.812501 4.61998 1.12031 4.31217 1.5 4.31217L10.8402 4.31217L8.3472 1.81914C8.07871 1.55066 8.07871 1.11536 8.3472 0.846872C8.61568 0.578386 9.05098 0.578386 9.31947 0.846872L12.9861 4.51354Z"></path></svg>Explore More</a><div class="flex pt-md md:hidden"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Foxit Pay" width="680" height="680" class="object-contain"/></div></div></div></div><div><button class="flex items-center justify-center gap-sm text-base transition flex h-[3rem] w-full items-center border-b border-grey-320"><h3 class="flex w-full items-center justify-between text-md text-left !text-sm font-600 leading-md text-grey-800 md:text-sm md:font-700 lg:!text-lg text-grey-800 faqSectionTitle false">On-Demand Notary<span class="flex gap-sm"><svg width="28" height="28" viewBox="0 0 28 28" fill="none" stroke="#757575" xmlns="" class="stroke-grey-50 transition 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class="text-center text-xs font-600 uppercase leading-md tracking-base text-orange-550 lg:text-base undefined">Innovation meets value</p><svg width="22" height="23" viewBox="0 0 22 23" fill="none" xmlns="" class="size-5 lg:size-[1.375rem] undefined"><path d="M18.3333 7.40176L11 11.0684L3.66666 7.40176" stroke="#FF5F00" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path><path d="M17.0725 5.26377L12.4892 3.14686C11.5411 2.70898 10.4589 2.70898 9.51082 3.14687L4.92749 5.26377C3.60336 5.87534 2.75 7.23994 2.75 8.74577V15.2245C2.75 16.7303 3.60336 18.0949 4.92749 18.7065L9.51083 20.8234C10.4589 21.2613 11.5411 21.2613 12.4892 20.8234L17.0725 18.7065C18.3966 18.0949 19.25 16.7303 19.25 15.2245V8.74577C19.25 7.23994 18.3966 5.87534 17.0725 5.26377Z" stroke="#FF5F00" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path><path d="M11 11.0685V21.1518" stroke="#FF5F00" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg></div><h2 class="text-xl font-800 leading-md text-dark-500 md:text-center lg:text-2.5xl xxl:text-3xl undefined">Package Options</h2></div><div class="undefined no-scrollbar flex flex-row overflow-x-auto lg:overflow-hidden pt-md md:pt-xl lg:pt-xxl"><div class="relative flex w-full shrink-0 items-end justify-start text-orange-550"><button class="w-auto min-w-[5.125rem] shrink-0 px-lg py-xsm text-sm text-grey-600 lg:min-w-[12.5rem] lg:text-md my-xsm !w-fit border-r border-grey-400 !py-0 px-sm last:border-0 md:px-xxl text-orange-550">eSign Plans</button><button class="w-auto min-w-[5.125rem] shrink-0 px-lg py-xsm text-sm text-grey-600 lg:min-w-[12.5rem] lg:text-md my-xsm !w-fit border-r border-grey-400 !py-0 px-sm last:border-0 md:px-xxl false">Modules</button><button class="w-auto min-w-[5.125rem] shrink-0 px-lg py-xsm text-sm text-grey-600 lg:min-w-[12.5rem] lg:text-md my-xsm !w-fit border-r border-grey-400 !py-0 px-sm last:border-0 md:px-xxl false">Implementation</button></div></div></div><div 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13.7434V13.7434C10.837 14.7136 9.71355 15.163 8.74342 14.7472L7 14" stroke="#FF5F00" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path><path d="M2.33541 16.8292C1.96493 16.6439 1.51442 16.7941 1.32918 17.1646C1.14394 17.5351 1.29411 17.9856 1.66459 18.1708L2.33541 16.8292ZM11.3354 13.8292L10.6646 13.4938L9.99377 14.8354L10.6646 15.1708L11.3354 13.8292ZM13.7331 15.8666L13.3977 16.5374L13.7331 15.8666ZM16.4164 17.25H18V15.75H16.4164V17.25ZM18 19.75H9.88854V21.25H18V19.75ZM6.64625 18.9846L2.33541 16.8292L1.66459 18.1708L5.97542 20.3262L6.64625 18.9846ZM14.0685 15.1957L11.3354 13.8292L10.6646 15.1708L13.3977 16.5374L14.0685 15.1957ZM9.88854 19.75C8.76302 19.75 7.65295 19.4879 6.64625 18.9846L5.97542 20.3262C7.19041 20.9337 8.53015 21.25 9.88854 21.25V19.75ZM19.25 18.5C19.25 19.1904 18.6904 19.75 18 19.75V21.25C19.5188 21.25 20.75 20.0188 20.75 18.5H19.25ZM18 17.25C18.6904 17.25 19.25 17.8096 19.25 18.5H20.75C20.75 16.9812 19.5188 15.75 18 15.75V17.25ZM16.4164 15.75C15.6014 15.75 14.7975 15.5602 14.0685 15.1957L13.3977 16.5374C14.335 17.006 15.3685 17.25 16.4164 17.25V15.75Z" fill="#FF5F00"></path><circle cx="18" cy="8.5" r="4" stroke="#525252" stroke-width="1.5"></circle></svg><span class="text-sm leading-2xl text-dark-500 lg:text-md lg:leading-lg">Collect payments</span></li><li class="flex gap-x-sm"><svg width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns="" class="size-[1.375rem] min-w-[1.375rem] lg:size-[1.5rem] lg:min-w-[1.5rem]"><path d="M2 7.5C2 5.29086 3.79086 3.5 6 3.5H18C20.2091 3.5 22 5.29086 22 7.5V17.5C22 19.7091 20.2091 21.5 18 21.5H6C3.79086 21.5 2 19.7091 2 17.5V7.5Z" stroke="#FF5F00" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path><path d="M6 8.5L9.7812 11.0208C11.1248 11.9165 12.8752 11.9165 14.2188 11.0208L18 8.5" stroke="#525252" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><span class="text-sm leading-2xl text-dark-500 lg:text-md lg:leading-lg">250 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style="outline:none;width:9.090909090909092%"><div><div class="relative h-full"><div class=" flex cursor-pointer flex-col items-center"><span class="mb-md text-xs font-600 uppercase tracking-base text-orange-550 lg:mb-lg lg:text-md">Foxit eSign Testimonials</span><span class="text-lg text-dark-500 font-700 md:text-xl lg:text-2.5xl xxl:text-3xl mb-xxl md:mb-xxxl max-w-[800px] text-center leading-[1.3]">“A phenomenon in the world of digital signatures in PDFs.”</span><img loading="lazy" height="76" width="76" src="" alt="Elias S." class="mb-sm h-[3rem] w-auto md:mb-md md:h-[4.75rem] lg:mb-lg"/><span class="mb-xs text-sm font-600 text-dark-500 lg:text-lg">Elias S.</span><span class="text-sm text-dark-500 lg:text-base">Estudante de mestrado - Mental Health Care</span><div class="mt-md flex items-center gap-sm text-xs text-grey-600 lg:mt-[1.25rem] lg:text-base"><span>Reviews Sourced by:</span><svg width="32" height="33" viewBox="0 0 32 33" fill="none" xmlns=""><g 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style="outline:none;width:9.090909090909092%"><div><div class="relative h-full"><div class=" flex cursor-pointer flex-col items-center"><span class="mb-md text-xs font-600 uppercase tracking-base text-orange-550 lg:mb-lg lg:text-md">Foxit eSign Testimonials</span><span class="text-lg text-dark-500 font-700 md:text-xl lg:text-2.5xl xxl:text-3xl mb-xxl md:mb-xxxl max-w-[800px] text-center leading-[1.3]">“It is perfect for those who require more than the capacity to sign simple documents. Furthermore, Foxit eSign provides excellent customer service.”</span><img loading="lazy" height="76" width="76" src="" alt="Grace D." class="mb-sm h-[3rem] w-auto md:mb-md md:h-[4.75rem] lg:mb-lg"/><span class="mb-xs text-sm font-600 text-dark-500 lg:text-lg">Grace D.</span><span class="text-sm text-dark-500 lg:text-base">Campus Recruiter - Financial Services</span><div class="mt-md flex items-center gap-sm text-xs text-grey-600 lg:mt-[1.25rem] lg:text-base"><span>Reviews Sourced by:</span><svg width="32" height="33" viewBox="0 0 32 33" fill="none" xmlns=""><g clip-path="url(#clip0_6167_65562)"><path d="M16 32.1138C24.8366 32.1138 32 24.9503 32 16.1138C32 7.27721 24.8366 0.11377 16 0.11377C7.16344 0.11377 0 7.27721 0 16.1138C0 24.9503 7.16344 32.1138 16 32.1138Z" fill="#FF492C"></path><path d="M22.9341 12.3803H20.2141C20.2674 11.9537 20.5341 11.687 21.0674 11.4203L21.5474 11.1537C22.4541 10.727 22.9341 10.1937 22.9341 9.34033C22.9404 9.09636 22.8908 8.85419 22.7891 8.63233C22.6874 8.41047 22.5363 8.21482 22.3474 8.06033C21.9017 7.776 21.3827 7.62773 20.8541 7.63367C20.4242 7.63102 20.0012 7.74137 19.6274 7.95367C19.2779 8.18731 18.9861 8.49734 18.7741 8.86033L19.5741 9.66033C19.6862 9.39746 19.8715 9.1723 20.1078 9.01158C20.3442 8.85087 20.6217 8.76135 20.9074 8.75367C21.4407 8.75367 21.7074 9.02033 21.7074 9.34033C21.7074 9.66033 21.5474 9.927 21.0141 10.1937L20.6941 10.3537C20.0931 10.6176 19.5764 11.042 19.2007 11.5803C18.9045 12.0992 18.7569 12.6897 18.7741 13.287V13.5003H22.9341V12.3803Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M22.5612 14.8335H18.0278L15.7878 18.7269H20.3212L22.5612 22.6202L24.8012 18.7269L22.5612 14.8335Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M16.1598 21.3401C14.7736 21.3401 13.4442 20.7894 12.464 19.8092C11.4838 18.829 10.9331 17.4996 10.9331 16.1134C10.9331 14.7272 11.4838 13.3978 12.464 12.4176C13.4442 11.4374 14.7736 10.8867 16.1598 10.8867L17.9731 7.15342C17.3748 7.04492 16.7679 6.99136 16.1598 6.99342C13.741 6.99342 11.4213 7.95427 9.71098 9.6646C8.00065 11.3749 7.03979 13.6946 7.03979 16.1134C7.03979 18.5322 8.00065 20.8519 9.71098 22.5622C11.4213 24.2726 13.741 25.2334 16.1598 25.2334C18.0896 25.2419 19.9736 24.645 21.5465 23.5268L19.5731 20.0601C18.6283 20.8868 17.4152 21.3417 16.1598 21.3401Z" fill="white"></path></g><defs><clipPath id="clip0_6167_65562"><rect width="32" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.11377)"></rect></clipPath></defs></svg></div></div></div></div></div><div data-index="3" class="slick-slide" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true" style="outline:none;width:9.090909090909092%"><div><div class="relative h-full"><div class=" flex cursor-pointer flex-col items-center"><span class="mb-md text-xs font-600 uppercase tracking-base text-orange-550 lg:mb-lg lg:text-md">Foxit eSign Testimonials</span><span class="text-lg text-dark-500 font-700 md:text-xl lg:text-2.5xl xxl:text-3xl mb-xxl md:mb-xxxl max-w-[800px] text-center leading-[1.3]">“My default tool for editing and signing PDF. The drag and drop makes it easy to add elements to any part of a document with ease.”</span><img loading="lazy" height="76" width="76" src="" alt="Runor A." class="mb-sm h-[3rem] w-auto md:mb-md md:h-[4.75rem] lg:mb-lg"/><span class="mb-xs text-sm font-600 text-dark-500 lg:text-lg">Runor A.</span><span class="text-sm text-dark-500 lg:text-base">Associate</span><div class="mt-md flex items-center gap-sm text-xs text-grey-600 lg:mt-[1.25rem] lg:text-base"><span>Reviews Sourced by:</span><svg width="32" height="33" viewBox="0 0 32 33" fill="none" xmlns=""><g clip-path="url(#clip0_6167_65562)"><path d="M16 32.1138C24.8366 32.1138 32 24.9503 32 16.1138C32 7.27721 24.8366 0.11377 16 0.11377C7.16344 0.11377 0 7.27721 0 16.1138C0 24.9503 7.16344 32.1138 16 32.1138Z" fill="#FF492C"></path><path d="M22.9341 12.3803H20.2141C20.2674 11.9537 20.5341 11.687 21.0674 11.4203L21.5474 11.1537C22.4541 10.727 22.9341 10.1937 22.9341 9.34033C22.9404 9.09636 22.8908 8.85419 22.7891 8.63233C22.6874 8.41047 22.5363 8.21482 22.3474 8.06033C21.9017 7.776 21.3827 7.62773 20.8541 7.63367C20.4242 7.63102 20.0012 7.74137 19.6274 7.95367C19.2779 8.18731 18.9861 8.49734 18.7741 8.86033L19.5741 9.66033C19.6862 9.39746 19.8715 9.1723 20.1078 9.01158C20.3442 8.85087 20.6217 8.76135 20.9074 8.75367C21.4407 8.75367 21.7074 9.02033 21.7074 9.34033C21.7074 9.66033 21.5474 9.927 21.0141 10.1937L20.6941 10.3537C20.0931 10.6176 19.5764 11.042 19.2007 11.5803C18.9045 12.0992 18.7569 12.6897 18.7741 13.287V13.5003H22.9341V12.3803Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M22.5612 14.8335H18.0278L15.7878 18.7269H20.3212L22.5612 22.6202L24.8012 18.7269L22.5612 14.8335Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M16.1598 21.3401C14.7736 21.3401 13.4442 20.7894 12.464 19.8092C11.4838 18.829 10.9331 17.4996 10.9331 16.1134C10.9331 14.7272 11.4838 13.3978 12.464 12.4176C13.4442 11.4374 14.7736 10.8867 16.1598 10.8867L17.9731 7.15342C17.3748 7.04492 16.7679 6.99136 16.1598 6.99342C13.741 6.99342 11.4213 7.95427 9.71098 9.6646C8.00065 11.3749 7.03979 13.6946 7.03979 16.1134C7.03979 18.5322 8.00065 20.8519 9.71098 22.5622C11.4213 24.2726 13.741 25.2334 16.1598 25.2334C18.0896 25.2419 19.9736 24.645 21.5465 23.5268L19.5731 20.0601C18.6283 20.8868 17.4152 21.3417 16.1598 21.3401Z" fill="white"></path></g><defs><clipPath id="clip0_6167_65562"><rect width="32" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.11377)"></rect></clipPath></defs></svg></div></div></div></div></div><div data-index="4" class="slick-slide" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true" style="outline:none;width:9.090909090909092%"><div><div class="relative h-full"><div class=" flex cursor-pointer flex-col items-center"><span class="mb-md text-xs font-600 uppercase tracking-base text-orange-550 lg:mb-lg lg:text-md">Foxit eSign Testimonials</span><span class="text-lg text-dark-500 font-700 md:text-xl lg:text-2.5xl xxl:text-3xl mb-xxl md:mb-xxxl max-w-[800px] text-center leading-[1.3]">“Excellent eSignature Platform with Form Features.”</span><img loading="lazy" height="76" width="76" src="" alt="Cody M." class="mb-sm h-[3rem] w-auto md:mb-md md:h-[4.75rem] lg:mb-lg"/><span class="mb-xs text-sm font-600 text-dark-500 lg:text-lg">Cody M.</span><span class="text-sm text-dark-500 lg:text-base">Chief Operating Officer - Construction</span><div class="mt-md flex items-center gap-sm text-xs text-grey-600 lg:mt-[1.25rem] lg:text-base"><span>Reviews Sourced by:</span><svg width="32" height="33" viewBox="0 0 32 33" fill="none" xmlns=""><g clip-path="url(#clip0_6167_65562)"><path d="M16 32.1138C24.8366 32.1138 32 24.9503 32 16.1138C32 7.27721 24.8366 0.11377 16 0.11377C7.16344 0.11377 0 7.27721 0 16.1138C0 24.9503 7.16344 32.1138 16 32.1138Z" fill="#FF492C"></path><path d="M22.9341 12.3803H20.2141C20.2674 11.9537 20.5341 11.687 21.0674 11.4203L21.5474 11.1537C22.4541 10.727 22.9341 10.1937 22.9341 9.34033C22.9404 9.09636 22.8908 8.85419 22.7891 8.63233C22.6874 8.41047 22.5363 8.21482 22.3474 8.06033C21.9017 7.776 21.3827 7.62773 20.8541 7.63367C20.4242 7.63102 20.0012 7.74137 19.6274 7.95367C19.2779 8.18731 18.9861 8.49734 18.7741 8.86033L19.5741 9.66033C19.6862 9.39746 19.8715 9.1723 20.1078 9.01158C20.3442 8.85087 20.6217 8.76135 20.9074 8.75367C21.4407 8.75367 21.7074 9.02033 21.7074 9.34033C21.7074 9.66033 21.5474 9.927 21.0141 10.1937L20.6941 10.3537C20.0931 10.6176 19.5764 11.042 19.2007 11.5803C18.9045 12.0992 18.7569 12.6897 18.7741 13.287V13.5003H22.9341V12.3803Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M22.5612 14.8335H18.0278L15.7878 18.7269H20.3212L22.5612 22.6202L24.8012 18.7269L22.5612 14.8335Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M16.1598 21.3401C14.7736 21.3401 13.4442 20.7894 12.464 19.8092C11.4838 18.829 10.9331 17.4996 10.9331 16.1134C10.9331 14.7272 11.4838 13.3978 12.464 12.4176C13.4442 11.4374 14.7736 10.8867 16.1598 10.8867L17.9731 7.15342C17.3748 7.04492 16.7679 6.99136 16.1598 6.99342C13.741 6.99342 11.4213 7.95427 9.71098 9.6646C8.00065 11.3749 7.03979 13.6946 7.03979 16.1134C7.03979 18.5322 8.00065 20.8519 9.71098 22.5622C11.4213 24.2726 13.741 25.2334 16.1598 25.2334C18.0896 25.2419 19.9736 24.645 21.5465 23.5268L19.5731 20.0601C18.6283 20.8868 17.4152 21.3417 16.1598 21.3401Z" fill="white"></path></g><defs><clipPath id="clip0_6167_65562"><rect width="32" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.11377)"></rect></clipPath></defs></svg></div></div></div></div></div><div data-index="5" tabindex="-1" class="slick-slide slick-cloned" aria-hidden="true" style="width:9.090909090909092%"><div><div class="relative h-full"><div class=" flex cursor-pointer flex-col items-center"><span class="mb-md text-xs font-600 uppercase tracking-base text-orange-550 lg:mb-lg lg:text-md"><h2>Foxit eSign Testimonials</h2></span><span class="text-lg text-dark-500 font-700 md:text-xl lg:text-2.5xl xxl:text-3xl mb-xxl md:mb-xxxl max-w-[800px] text-center leading-[1.3]">“Foxit eSign is Afforable and Flexible - One of the Best eSign Solutions.”</span><img loading="lazy" height="76" width="76" src="" alt="Ted T." class="mb-sm h-[3rem] w-auto md:mb-md md:h-[4.75rem] lg:mb-lg"/><span class="mb-xs text-sm font-600 text-dark-500 lg:text-lg">Ted T.</span><span class="text-sm text-dark-500 lg:text-base">Government Administration</span><div class="mt-md flex items-center gap-sm text-xs text-grey-600 lg:mt-[1.25rem] lg:text-base"><span>Reviews Sourced by:</span><svg width="32" height="33" viewBox="0 0 32 33" fill="none" xmlns=""><g clip-path="url(#clip0_6167_65562)"><path d="M16 32.1138C24.8366 32.1138 32 24.9503 32 16.1138C32 7.27721 24.8366 0.11377 16 0.11377C7.16344 0.11377 0 7.27721 0 16.1138C0 24.9503 7.16344 32.1138 16 32.1138Z" fill="#FF492C"></path><path d="M22.9341 12.3803H20.2141C20.2674 11.9537 20.5341 11.687 21.0674 11.4203L21.5474 11.1537C22.4541 10.727 22.9341 10.1937 22.9341 9.34033C22.9404 9.09636 22.8908 8.85419 22.7891 8.63233C22.6874 8.41047 22.5363 8.21482 22.3474 8.06033C21.9017 7.776 21.3827 7.62773 20.8541 7.63367C20.4242 7.63102 20.0012 7.74137 19.6274 7.95367C19.2779 8.18731 18.9861 8.49734 18.7741 8.86033L19.5741 9.66033C19.6862 9.39746 19.8715 9.1723 20.1078 9.01158C20.3442 8.85087 20.6217 8.76135 20.9074 8.75367C21.4407 8.75367 21.7074 9.02033 21.7074 9.34033C21.7074 9.66033 21.5474 9.927 21.0141 10.1937L20.6941 10.3537C20.0931 10.6176 19.5764 11.042 19.2007 11.5803C18.9045 12.0992 18.7569 12.6897 18.7741 13.287V13.5003H22.9341V12.3803Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M22.5612 14.8335H18.0278L15.7878 18.7269H20.3212L22.5612 22.6202L24.8012 18.7269L22.5612 14.8335Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M16.1598 21.3401C14.7736 21.3401 13.4442 20.7894 12.464 19.8092C11.4838 18.829 10.9331 17.4996 10.9331 16.1134C10.9331 14.7272 11.4838 13.3978 12.464 12.4176C13.4442 11.4374 14.7736 10.8867 16.1598 10.8867L17.9731 7.15342C17.3748 7.04492 16.7679 6.99136 16.1598 6.99342C13.741 6.99342 11.4213 7.95427 9.71098 9.6646C8.00065 11.3749 7.03979 13.6946 7.03979 16.1134C7.03979 18.5322 8.00065 20.8519 9.71098 22.5622C11.4213 24.2726 13.741 25.2334 16.1598 25.2334C18.0896 25.2419 19.9736 24.645 21.5465 23.5268L19.5731 20.0601C18.6283 20.8868 17.4152 21.3417 16.1598 21.3401Z" fill="white"></path></g><defs><clipPath id="clip0_6167_65562"><rect width="32" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.11377)"></rect></clipPath></defs></svg></div></div></div></div></div><div data-index="6" tabindex="-1" class="slick-slide slick-cloned" aria-hidden="true" style="width:9.090909090909092%"><div><div class="relative h-full"><div class=" flex cursor-pointer flex-col items-center"><span class="mb-md text-xs font-600 uppercase tracking-base text-orange-550 lg:mb-lg lg:text-md">Foxit eSign Testimonials</span><span class="text-lg text-dark-500 font-700 md:text-xl lg:text-2.5xl xxl:text-3xl mb-xxl md:mb-xxxl max-w-[800px] text-center leading-[1.3]">“A phenomenon in the world of digital signatures in PDFs.”</span><img loading="lazy" height="76" width="76" src="" alt="Elias S." class="mb-sm h-[3rem] w-auto md:mb-md md:h-[4.75rem] lg:mb-lg"/><span class="mb-xs text-sm font-600 text-dark-500 lg:text-lg">Elias S.</span><span class="text-sm text-dark-500 lg:text-base">Estudante de mestrado - 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Furthermore, Foxit eSign provides excellent customer service.”</span><img loading="lazy" height="76" width="76" src="" alt="Grace D." class="mb-sm h-[3rem] w-auto md:mb-md md:h-[4.75rem] lg:mb-lg"/><span class="mb-xs text-sm font-600 text-dark-500 lg:text-lg">Grace D.</span><span class="text-sm text-dark-500 lg:text-base">Campus Recruiter - Financial Services</span><div class="mt-md flex items-center gap-sm text-xs text-grey-600 lg:mt-[1.25rem] lg:text-base"><span>Reviews Sourced by:</span><svg width="32" height="33" viewBox="0 0 32 33" fill="none" xmlns=""><g clip-path="url(#clip0_6167_65562)"><path d="M16 32.1138C24.8366 32.1138 32 24.9503 32 16.1138C32 7.27721 24.8366 0.11377 16 0.11377C7.16344 0.11377 0 7.27721 0 16.1138C0 24.9503 7.16344 32.1138 16 32.1138Z" fill="#FF492C"></path><path d="M22.9341 12.3803H20.2141C20.2674 11.9537 20.5341 11.687 21.0674 11.4203L21.5474 11.1537C22.4541 10.727 22.9341 10.1937 22.9341 9.34033C22.9404 9.09636 22.8908 8.85419 22.7891 8.63233C22.6874 8.41047 22.5363 8.21482 22.3474 8.06033C21.9017 7.776 21.3827 7.62773 20.8541 7.63367C20.4242 7.63102 20.0012 7.74137 19.6274 7.95367C19.2779 8.18731 18.9861 8.49734 18.7741 8.86033L19.5741 9.66033C19.6862 9.39746 19.8715 9.1723 20.1078 9.01158C20.3442 8.85087 20.6217 8.76135 20.9074 8.75367C21.4407 8.75367 21.7074 9.02033 21.7074 9.34033C21.7074 9.66033 21.5474 9.927 21.0141 10.1937L20.6941 10.3537C20.0931 10.6176 19.5764 11.042 19.2007 11.5803C18.9045 12.0992 18.7569 12.6897 18.7741 13.287V13.5003H22.9341V12.3803Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M22.5612 14.8335H18.0278L15.7878 18.7269H20.3212L22.5612 22.6202L24.8012 18.7269L22.5612 14.8335Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M16.1598 21.3401C14.7736 21.3401 13.4442 20.7894 12.464 19.8092C11.4838 18.829 10.9331 17.4996 10.9331 16.1134C10.9331 14.7272 11.4838 13.3978 12.464 12.4176C13.4442 11.4374 14.7736 10.8867 16.1598 10.8867L17.9731 7.15342C17.3748 7.04492 16.7679 6.99136 16.1598 6.99342C13.741 6.99342 11.4213 7.95427 9.71098 9.6646C8.00065 11.3749 7.03979 13.6946 7.03979 16.1134C7.03979 18.5322 8.00065 20.8519 9.71098 22.5622C11.4213 24.2726 13.741 25.2334 16.1598 25.2334C18.0896 25.2419 19.9736 24.645 21.5465 23.5268L19.5731 20.0601C18.6283 20.8868 17.4152 21.3417 16.1598 21.3401Z" fill="white"></path></g><defs><clipPath id="clip0_6167_65562"><rect width="32" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.11377)"></rect></clipPath></defs></svg></div></div></div></div></div><div data-index="8" tabindex="-1" class="slick-slide slick-cloned" aria-hidden="true" style="width:9.090909090909092%"><div><div class="relative h-full"><div class=" flex cursor-pointer flex-col items-center"><span class="mb-md text-xs font-600 uppercase tracking-base text-orange-550 lg:mb-lg lg:text-md">Foxit eSign Testimonials</span><span class="text-lg text-dark-500 font-700 md:text-xl lg:text-2.5xl xxl:text-3xl mb-xxl md:mb-xxxl max-w-[800px] text-center leading-[1.3]">“My default tool for editing and signing PDF. 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Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.\":\"16 languages including Arabic, Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.\",\"20 GB of Cloud Storage\":\"20 GB of Cloud Storage\",\"250 envelopes annually\":\"250 envelopes annually\",\"4 Reasons Smart Businesses Choose Foxit\":\"4 Reasons Smart Businesses Choose Foxit\",\"50 templates annually\":\"50 templates annually\",\"80+ Smart Commands\":\"80+ Smart Commands\",\"A familiar and user-friendly interface and ribbon-style toolbar make adoption painless.\":\"A familiar and user-friendly interface and ribbon-style toolbar make adoption painless.\",\"ADA Compliance\":\"ADA Compliance\",\"AI Assistant\":\"AI Assistant\",\"Professional PDF Editing Capabilities\":\"Professional PDF Editing Capabilities\",\"Access to 20GB of cloud storage\":\"Access to 20GB of cloud storage\",\"AI-Assistant + AI Smart Redact\":\"AI-Assistant + AI Smart Redact\",\"Advanced document management with legally binding eSignature\":\"Advanced document management with legally binding eSignature\",\"Access to 150GB of cloud storage\":\"Access to 150GB of cloud storage\",\"AI Assistant features (summarize, proofread, translate)\":\"AI Assistant features (summarize, proofread, translate)\",\"AI Assistant for summarizing, rewriting, and extracting key data from your document\":\"AI Assistant for summarizing, rewriting, and extracting key data from your document\",\"AI Chat\":\"AI Chat\",\"AI Features\":\"AI Features\",\"AI based document redaction\":\"AI based document redaction\",\"AI built for all day use\":\"AI built for all day use\",\"AI powered smart redact to automatically remove sensitive information\":\"AI powered smart redact to automatically remove sensitive information\",\"AI-Based Redaction\":\"AI-Based Redaction\",\"AI-driven revisions ensure quality and consistency.\":\"AI-driven revisions ensure quality and consistency.\",\"AI-enabled\":\"AI-enabled\",\"AI-enabled + 80 smart commands\":\"AI-enabled + 80 smart commands\",\"AI-powered Smart Redact\":\"AI-powered Smart Redact\",\"AI-powered document analysis and generation tools\":\"AI-powered document analysis and generation tools\",\"ALL FEATURES\":\"ALL FEATURES\",\"API\":\"API\",\"API access for custom integrations\":\"API access for custom integrations\",\"APIs\":\"APIs\",\"About Foxit\":\"About Foxit\",\"About Our Editing Products\":\"About Our Editing Products\",\"About Our Features\":\"About Our Features\",\"Accept eSignatures and deliver documents seamlessly, directly through WordPress forms.\":\"Accept eSignatures and deliver documents seamlessly, directly through WordPress forms.\",\"Access and maintain a reusable template library\":\"Access and maintain a reusable template library\",\"Access and share your Reusable Templates, fillable documents, forms, and more with your team.\":\"Access and share your Reusable Templates, fillable documents, forms, and more with your team.\",\"Access to additional resources\":\"Access to additional resources\",\"Access, edit, and store files in your Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive accounts\":\"Access, edit, and store files in your Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive accounts\",\"Accessibility\":\"Accessibility\",\"Accessibility full check and check report\":\"Accessibility full check and check report\",\"Account Delegation\":\"Account Delegation\",\"Accounting Calculator to quickly record calculations in a existing PDF file\":\"Accounting Calculator to quickly record calculations in a existing PDF file\",\"Achieve budget predictability.\":\"Achieve budget predictability.\",\"Achieve content goals faster\":\"Achieve content goals faster\",\"Acquisitions\":\"Acquisitions\",\"Acrobat Pro\":\"Acrobat Pro\",\"Actions and Custom Commands\":\"Actions and Custom Commands\",\"Add Bates numbering to legal documents\":\"Add Bates numbering to legal documents\",\"Add a U3D or PRC 3D object\":\"Add a U3D or PRC 3D object\",\"Add an additional layer of envelope security with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). With 2FA signers will be prompted to verify their identity before gaining access to the envelope. Verification can be done by email, SMS, Voice, and more.\":\"Add an additional layer of envelope security with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). With 2FA signers will be prompted to verify their identity before gaining access to the envelope. Verification can be done by email, SMS, Voice, and more.\",\"Add and delete text, edit text (font, alignment, bullets and numbering, etc.)\":\"Add and delete text, edit text (font, alignment, bullets and numbering, etc.)\",\"Add audio, video, and interactive objects to PDFs\":\"Add audio, video, and interactive objects to PDFs\",\"Add bookmarks, headers, numbering, and watermarks\":\"Add bookmarks, headers, numbering, and watermarks\",\"Add comments to PDFs with a full suite of commenting tools including text editing, highlighter, and sticky notes\":\"Add comments to PDFs with a full suite of commenting tools including text editing, highlighter, and sticky notes\",\"Add customized signable forms directly to apps and websites. Accepting bulk document signatures, agreements, and sign ups has never been easier.\":\"Add customized signable forms directly to apps and websites. Accepting bulk document signatures, agreements, and sign ups has never been easier.\",\"Add graphic and image objects\":\"Add graphic and image objects\",\"Add or edit text and images on your tablet and mobile phone\":\"Add or edit text and images on your tablet and mobile phone\",\"Add security and password-protect PDF files\":\"Add security and password-protect PDF files\",\"Add the modules you need and skip what you don’t. Choose from Security \u0026 Compliance, Integration Ecosystem, Advanced Workflows, Salesforce, and API.\":\"Add the modules you need and skip what you don’t. Choose from Security \u0026 Compliance, Integration Ecosystem, Advanced Workflows, Salesforce, and API.\",\"Add to Cart\":\"Add to Cart\",\"Add trusted time stamps to digital signatures or documents\":\"Add trusted time stamps to digital signatures or documents\",\"Add, edit and delete Cross Reference Links\":\"Add, edit and delete Cross Reference Links\",\"Add, edit, delete and manage digital signatures to PDF files\":\"Add, edit, delete and manage digital signatures to PDF files\",\"Add, edit, delete and manage document hyperlinks and bookmarks, custom actions for bookmarks and hyperlinks, such as opening a file, playing a sound, going to a web page, etc.\":\"Add, edit, delete and manage document hyperlinks and bookmarks, custom actions for bookmarks and hyperlinks, such as opening a file, playing a sound, going to a web page, etc.\",\"Add, edit, delete and manage headers and footers, backgrounds, and watermarks on a single PDF file or in batch\":\"Add, edit, delete and manage headers and footers, backgrounds, and watermarks on a single PDF file or in batch\",\"Add, edit, delete and manage image, drawing and multimedia annotations\":\"Add, edit, delete and manage image, drawing and multimedia annotations\",\"Add, edit, delete and manage password/certification secure encryption and permission controls to PDF files\":\"Add, edit, delete and manage password/certification secure encryption and permission controls to PDF files\",\"Add, edit, delete and manage security policies\":\"Add, edit, delete and manage security policies\",\"Add, manage, view and navigate document comments with familiar comment/markup tools (notes, text boxes, callouts, highlight, underline, strikeout, squiggly, typewriter, Stamps, etc. ) and drawing tools (comment tools including lines, rectangles, pencil, oval, polygon, cloud, arrow)\":\"Add, manage, view and navigate document comments with familiar comment/markup tools (notes, text boxes, callouts, highlight, underline, strikeout, squiggly, typewriter, Stamps, etc. ) and drawing tools (comment tools including lines, rectangles, pencil, oval, polygon, cloud, arrow)\",\"Add-Ons\":\"Add-Ons\",\"Additional Compliance \u0026 Security (HIPAA, Authentication)\":\"Additional Compliance \u0026 Security (HIPAA, Authentication)\",\"Admin Console\":\"Admin Console\",\"Centralized license management\":\"Centralized license management\",\"Admin console lets IT managers quickly assign and remove licenses and monitor usage.\":\"Admin console lets IT managers quickly assign and remove licenses and monitor usage.\",\"Admin enhancements\":\"Admin enhancements\",\"Administration\":\"Administration\",\"Adobe\":\"Adobe\",\"Adobe Acrobat\":\"Adobe \u003chighlighted\u003eAcrobat\u003c/highlighted\u003e\",\"Adobe Acrobat Pro\":\"Adobe Acrobat Pro\",\"Adobe Acrobat costs up to three times more than Foxit. With so many similar functions and uses at a much lower price, it's easy to see why Foxit PDF Editor is the best Adobe Acrobat alternative. Foxit scales to meet your current and future needs since its robust PDF capabilities can be deployed to more users on the same budget. Foxit enterprise licenses provide discounts that increase with team size, so the more you grow, the more you save. On average, Foxit is 15-30% cheaper than Adobe and does not force buyers into a full creative suite.\":\"Avoid another Acrobat price increase. Switching to Foxit PDF Editor+ saves businesses 44% in annual subscription costs, vs Acrobat Pro for Teams. This equates to $12,000+ in savings per year for a team of 100 users. All Foxit plans are simple and straightforward. Conversely, Adobe Acrobat has five plans, spanning individuals, teams and enterprises. Make the savvy choice. Get a quote today to see how much you can save when you switch to Foxit.\",\"Foxit PDF Editor delivers superior value, with enterprise-grade functionality for a fraction of the cost of Adobe Acrobat.\":\"Foxit PDF Editor delivers superior value, with enterprise-grade functionality for a fraction of the cost of Adobe Acrobat.\",\"Advanced Editing\":\"Advanced Editing\",\"Advanced Forms Fields\":\"Advanced Forms Fields\",\"Advanced Security\":\"Advanced Security\",\"Advanced Workflows\":\"Advanced Workflows\",\"Advanced document management with eSignature and smart redact\":\"Advanced document management with eSignature and smart redact\",\"Advanced editing: Add shading object, edit graphic/shading/image objects, clipping effect, convert text to path, etc\":\"Advanced editing: Add shading object, edit graphic/shading/image objects, clipping effect, convert text to path, etc\",\"Advanced form fields\":\"Advanced form fields\",\"Agreements signed with Foxit eSign are legally binding, providing the peace of mind needed to work effectively.\":\"Agreements signed with Foxit eSign are legally binding, providing the peace of mind needed to work effectively.\",\"All Foxit eSign and Foxit eSign Pro features\":\"All Foxit eSign and Foxit eSign Pro features\",\"All Foxit eSign features\":\"All Foxit eSign features\",\"All of Foxit's software is delivered electronically through download links in an email, so there will be no physical items shipped to your address. If you do not receive this email, please contact Foxit at your earliest convenience.\":\"All of Foxit's software is delivered electronically through download links in an email, so there will be no physical items shipped to your address. If you do not receive this email, please contact Foxit at your earliest convenience.\",\"All prices subject to applicable local taxes\":\"All prices subject to applicable local taxes\",\"All rights reserved.\":\"All rights reserved.\",\"Cultivate productivity with intelligent PDF and eSign tools\":\"Cultivate productivity with intelligent PDF and eSign tools\",\"All-in-one Mobile App\":\"All-in-one Mobile App\",\"Allows the Windows indexing service and other Windows search technologies to index PDF filest\":\"Allows the Windows indexing service and other Windows search technologies to index PDF filest\",\"Allows users to create new tabs or customize current tabs in a ribbon based toolbar\":\"Allows users to create new tabs or customize current tabs in a ribbon based toolbar\",\"Amount\":\"Amount\",\"Android mobile application\":\"Android mobile application\",\"Annotate PDF\":\"Annotate PDF\",\"Annual, billed monthly\":\"Annual, billed monthly\",\"Annual, prepaid\":\"Annual, prepaid\",\"App and website integration\":\"App and website integration\",\"Append created PDF to an existing file\":\"Append created PDF to an existing file\",\"Apple mobile application\":\"Apple mobile application\",\"Application Personalization\":\"Application Personalization\",\"Applications Available\":\"Applications Available\",\"Applies to perpetual and subscription licensing.\":\"Applies to perpetual and subscription licensing.\",\"Apr 01, 2024\":\"Apr 01, 2024\",\"Apr 10, 2024\":\"Apr 10, 2024\",\"Apr 18, 2023\":\"Apr 18, 2023\",\"Apr 24, 2024\":\"Apr 24, 2024\",\"Apr 25, 2024\":\"Apr 25, 2024\",\"Are product updates included in my subscription?\":\"Are product updates included in my subscription?\",\"Area highlight\":\"Area highlight\",\"Ask questions and get quick, in-depth answers, empowering you to make more informed decisions about your documents. Use Foxit's conversational AI Assistant to extract data and transform your PDF information.\":\"Ask questions and get quick, in-depth answers, empowering you to make more informed decisions about your documents. Use Foxit's conversational AI Assistant to extract data and transform your PDF information.\",\"Assign the order in which a document is to be signed using Workflow Rules. The document will automatically move to the next person or group when it is their turn to sign.\":\"Assign the order in which a document is to be signed using Workflow Rules. The document will automatically move to the next person or group when it is their turn to sign.\",\"Attach a file as a comment\":\"Attach a file as a comment\",\"Audit Trails and Certificates\":\"Audit Trails and Certificates\",\"Audit Trails and Certificates are generated after a document is completed. Data includes location, IP, recipient, date, consent, security level, name, a summary of Envelope History, and more.\":\"Audit Trails and Certificates are generated after a document is completed. Data includes location, IP, recipient, date, consent, security level, name, a summary of Envelope History, and more.\",\"Auditing Features\":\"Auditing Features\",\"Authentication\":\"Authentication\",\"Auto-completion support\":\"Auto-completion support\",\"Automate and customize workflows quickly, easily, and codelessly using Zapier to integrate with over 5,000 popular applications.\":\"Automate and customize workflows quickly, easily, and codelessly using Zapier to integrate with over 5,000 popular applications.\",\"Automate document sending with Salesforce Flows. Automatically send an NDA when a lead is changed to an opportunity.\":\"Automate document sending with Salesforce Flows. Automatically send an NDA when a lead is changed to an opportunity.\",\"Automate repetitive manual tasks.\":\"Automate repetitive manual tasks.\",\"Spotlight content issues (with AI chat).\":\"Spotlight content issues (with AI chat).\",\"Automate repetitive manual tasks, spotlight document issues, and simplify complex PDF workflows.\":\"Automate repetitive manual tasks, spotlight document issues, and simplify complex PDF workflows.\",\"Automated document processing\":\"Automated document processing\",\"Automatic Field Mapping\":\"Automatic Field Mapping\",\"Automatic Sync and Write-back\":\"Automatic Sync and Write-back\",\"Automatic translations\":\"Automatic translations\",\"Automatically create bookmarks from text (style/pattern)\":\"Automatically create bookmarks from text (style/pattern)\",\"Automatically map Salesforce fields to your template with a naming convention.\":\"Automatically map Salesforce fields to your template with a naming convention.\",\"Automatically merge Salesforce data to your template with text tags for faster and cleaner template creation.\":\"Automatically merge Salesforce data to your template with text tags for faster and cleaner template creation.\",\"Automatically optimize PDFs to reduce file size and customize settings\":\"Automatically optimize PDFs to reduce file size and customize settings\",\"Automatically translate into more than 30 languages.\":\"Automatically translate into more than 30 languages.\",\"Automatically update fields in Salesforce with mapped field data from completed documents. For example, when the signer types their phone number into the document it will update the contact phone number field in Salesforce.\":\"Automatically update fields in Salesforce with mapped field data from completed documents. For example, when the signer types their phone number into the document it will update the contact phone number field in Salesforce.\",\"Autotag document and tag report\":\"Autotag document and tag report\",\"Available for Foxit Business Customers\":\"Available for Foxit Business Customers\",\"Available in 16 languages\":\"Available in 16 languages\",\"16 Languages\":\"16 Languages\",\"Awards and Reviews\":\"Awards and Reviews\",\"BLOG POST\":\"BLOG POST\",\"BUSINESSES\":\"BUSINESSES\",\"Back\":\"Back\",\"Banking Solutions\":\"Banking Solutions\",\"Bates Numbering\":\"Bates Numbering\",\"Be more productive on the latest touch-enabled devices including Wacom Tablets and Surface Pro\":\"Be more productive on the latest touch-enabled devices including Wacom Tablets and Surface Pro\",\"Become a Channel Partner\":\"Become a Channel Partner\",\"Blog\":\"Blog\",\"Blogs\":\"Blogs\",\"Break away from cookie-cutter eSign solutions and empower businesses to get documents signed, payment collection tools, and keep workflows moving. Our solution will flex to unique needs and comes in two plan options: simple eSigning and payment collection tools for individuals with Foxit eSign Essentials, or empower team efforts with template sharing, custom branding, and user management tools with Foxit eSign Business.\":\"Break away from cookie-cutter eSign solutions and empower businesses to get documents signed, payment collection tools, and keep workflows moving. Our solution will flex to unique needs and comes in two plan options: simple eSigning and payment collection tools for individuals with Foxit eSign Essentials, or empower team efforts with template sharing, custom branding, and user management tools with Foxit eSign Business.\",\"Browser image\":\"Browser image\",\"Build it once, reuse it as often as needed. Easily maintain multiple templates for your signing needs.\":\"Build it once, reuse it as often as needed. Easily maintain multiple templates for your signing needs.\",\"Built to integrate with Microsoft365 and Google ecosystems so workflows don’t slow down.\":\"Built to integrate with Microsoft365 and Google ecosystems so workflows don’t slow down.\",\"Bulk Sending\":\"Bulk Sending\",\"Bulk Signing\":\"Bulk Signing\",\"Bulk sending\":\"Bulk sending\",\"Bulk signing\":\"Bulk signing\",\"Businesses\":\"Businesses\",\"Buy Now\":\"Buy Now\",\"Buy now\":\"Buy now\",\"By proceeding with this request you agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. We will use your email address to respond to your request. When you receive that email you will have the ability to choose how you would like us to manage your personal data.\":\"By proceeding with this request you agree to the terms of our \u003cprivacyLink\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/privacyLink\u003e and \u003ctermsLink\u003eTerms of Service\u003c/termsLink\u003e. We will use your email address to respond to your request. When you receive that email you will have the ability to choose how you would like us to manage your personal data.\",\"CFO\":\"CFO\",\"COMPLETE FEATURES TABLE\":\"COMPLETE FEATURES TABLE\",\"Call\":\"Call\",\"Can I compress an edited PDF to decrease file size without sacrificing quality?\":\"Can I compress an edited PDF to decrease file size without sacrificing quality?\",\"Can I convert an edited PDF to Word or other formats?\":\"Can I convert an edited PDF to Word or other formats?\",\"Can I merge edited PDF files?\":\"Can I merge edited PDF files?\",\"Can I purchase additional a la carte features like AI Assistant?\":\"Can I purchase additional a la carte features like AI Assistant?\",\"Careers\":\"Careers\",\"Cart\":\"Cart\",\"Case Studies\":\"Case Studies\",\"Centrally purchase, deploy, and manage multiple Foxit PDF Editor Suite and Foxit eSign licenses.\":\"Centrally purchase, deploy, and manage multiple Foxit PDF Editor Suite and Foxit eSign licenses.\",\"Certify document and set permitted actions after certifying\":\"Certify document and set permitted actions after certifying\",\"Change the way you document\":\"Change the way you document\",\"Chat about document (analyse the document)\":\"Chat about document (analyse the document)\",\"Chat about the document\":\"Chat about the document\",\"Chat naturally, gain insight\":\"Chat naturally, gain insight\",\"Chat with AI\":\"Chat with AI\",\"Check document signing status in a Foxit eSign workflow\":\"Check document signing status in a Foxit eSign workflow\",\"Chief Operating Officer - Construction\":\"Chief Operating Officer - Construction\",\"Choose comments and export to Word\":\"Choose comments and export to Word\",\"Christopher P\":\"Christopher P\",\"Classify and protect with labels in Microsoft® Azure Information Protection (AIP)\":\"Classify and protect with labels in Microsoft® Azure Information Protection (AIP)\",\"Click here\":\"Click here\",\"Close more deals faster and sign documents from anywhere.\":\"Close more deals faster and sign documents from anywhere.\",\"Cloud Applications\":\"Cloud Applications\",\"Collaborate and Share PDF\":\"Collaborate and Share PDF\",\"Collect Signatures and Data\":\"Collect Signatures and Data\",\"Collect group feedback in one PDF file online with no reviewer login required\":\"Collect group feedback in one PDF file online with no reviewer login required\",\"Collect group feedback in one PDF file online\":\"Collect group feedback in one PDF file online\",\"Collect legally binding e-signatures from others and track responses in real time\":\"Collect legally binding e-signatures from others and track responses in real time\",\"Collect payments\":\"Collect payments\",\"Combine form data (in pdf, ppdf, fdf, xfdf and xml format) to a CSV file\":\"Combine form data (in pdf, ppdf, fdf, xfdf and xml format) to a CSV file\",\"Combine multiple documents and file types into one PDF file\":\"Combine multiple documents and file types into one PDF file\",\"Comment and measurement on 3D objects\":\"Comment and measurement on 3D objects\",\"Company Email\":\"Company Email\",\"Company Resources\":\"Company Resources\",\"Compare Foxit\":\"Compare Foxit\",\"Volume Licensing\":\"Volume Licensing\",\"Compare two versions of a PDF to review all differences\":\"Compare two versions of a PDF to review all differences\",\"Complete Order\":\"Complete Order\",\"Complete PDF Solutions\":\"Complete PDF Solutions\",\"Completed documents are automatically returned to the Salesforce account, opportunity, contact, or other object where it was originally sent from. The document is saved as a PDF with a legally binding signature certificate and complete audit trail.\":\"Completed documents are automatically returned to the Salesforce account, opportunity, contact, or other object where it was originally sent from. The document is saved as a PDF with a legally binding signature certificate and complete audit trail.\",\"Compliance\":\"Compliance\",\"Compliance and Awards\":\"Compliance and Awards\",\"Compliance officers rejoice. Access simplified compliance in one module that puts you in control. Quickly set compliance options across organizations and set user specific compliance options.\":\"Compliance officers rejoice. Access simplified compliance in one module that puts you in control. Quickly set compliance options across organizations and set user specific compliance options.\",\"Compliant\":\"Compliant\",\"Comply with legal usage obligations.\":\"Comply with legal usage obligations.\",\"Comprehensive Document Tracking\":\"Comprehensive Document Tracking\",\"Compress PDF\":\"Compress PDF\",\"Connect teammates together to increase flexibility and results. Integrate with leading Content Management Systems, utilize popular cloud storage services, and initiate shared reviews to provide and manage feedback. Users can easily jump in and collaborate in real time. No more of the typical back and forth.\":\"Connect teammates together to increase flexibility and results. Integrate with leading Content Management Systems, utilize popular cloud storage services, and initiate shared reviews to provide and manage feedback. Users can easily jump in and collaborate in real time. No more of the typical back and forth.\",\"Contact Sales\":\"Contact Sales\",\"Contact Us\":\"Contact Us\",\"Contact us\":\"Contact us\",\"Contact us for quotes and details on our volume discounts.\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eContact us\u003c/highlighted\u003e for quotes and details on our volume discounts.\",\"Continue to Billing\":\"Continue to Billing\",\"Contract Lifecycle Management\":\"Contract Lifecycle Management\",\"Convert DWG-files into 3D PDF\":\"Convert DWG-files into 3D PDF\",\"Convert PDF\":\"Convert PDF\",\"Convert PDF file to industry-standard PDF A/E/X\":\"Convert PDF file to industry-standard PDF A/E/X\",\"Convert PDF to RTF/TXT files, accessible text, and XML 1.0\":\"Convert PDF to RTF/TXT files, accessible text, and XML 1.0\",\"Convert PDF to XPS\":\"Convert PDF to XPS\",\"Convert PDFs and export to Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint\":\"Convert PDFs and export to Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint\",\"Convert PDFs into any file type, extract content and tables, and create PDFs from spreadsheets and pitch decks.\":\"Convert PDFs into any file type, extract content and tables, and create PDFs from spreadsheets and pitch decks.\",\"Convert PDFs to JPG, TIFF, or PNG image formats\":\"Convert PDFs to JPG, TIFF, or PNG image formats\",\"Convert and validate PDFs for compliance with ISO standards like PDF/A and PDF/X\":\"Convert and validate PDFs for compliance with ISO standards like PDF/A and PDF/X\",\"Convert documents and images to PDF files\":\"Convert documents and images to PDF files\",\"Convert scanned/image-based PDFs to searchable or editable documents\":\"Convert scanned/image-based PDFs to searchable or editable documents\",\"Convert to any file type\":\"Convert to any file type\",\"Convert web pages to interactive PDFs, complete with links\":\"Convert web pages to interactive PDFs, complete with links\",\"Core Features\":\"Core Features\",\"Create AI-powered content summaries.\":\"Create AI-powered content summaries.\",\"Create PDF\":\"Create PDF\",\"Create PDF blank portfolio, or portfolio from webpage, scanner, folders, clipboard, etc.\":\"Create PDF blank portfolio, or portfolio from webpage, scanner, folders, clipboard, etc.\",\"Create PDF from multiple files with different file types, scanner, blank page\":\"Create PDF from multiple files with different file types, scanner, blank page\",\"Create PDF from templates\":\"Create PDF from templates\",\"Create PDF, PDF/A, PDF/X, and PDF/E from virtually any file format or web pages. Create PDF Portfolios to easily share multiple files together and use Form Field Recognition to quickly create interactive PDF Forms to collect data. Render PRC 3D PDF and create 3D PDF from .DWG files.\":\"Create PDF, PDF/A, PDF/X, and PDF/E from virtually any file format or web pages. Create PDF Portfolios to easily share multiple files together and use Form Field Recognition to quickly create interactive PDF Forms to collect data. Render PRC 3D PDF and create 3D PDF from .DWG files.\",\"Create PDFs\":\"Create PDFs\",\"Create PDFs from Microsoft® Project and Visio\":\"Create PDFs from Microsoft® Project and Visio\",\"Create PDFs from any application that prints\":\"Create PDFs from any application that prints\",\"Create a more immersive end user experience with White label branding, multi-branding, and customizing the application UI and emails. Send emails from your domain, use multiple logos for signature request, and more.\":\"Create a more immersive end user experience with White label branding, multi-branding, and customizing the application UI and emails. Send emails from your domain, use multiple logos for signature request, and more.\",\"Create a password-protected PDF\":\"Create a password-protected PDF\",\"Create an Account\":\"Create an Account\",\"Create and Export PDF\":\"Create and Export PDF\",\"Create and export PDFs on your mobile device\":\"Create and export PDFs on your mobile device\",\"Create and search a full-text index\":\"Create and search a full-text index\",\"Create and validate PDFs to meet accessibility standards for people with disabilities\":\"Create and validate PDFs to meet accessibility standards for people with disabilities\",\"Create better documents with intuitive editing and content suggestions.\":\"Create better documents with intuitive editing and content suggestions.\",\"Create documents, merge, rotate, reorder, delete, and split PDFs\":\"Create documents, merge, rotate, reorder, delete, and split PDFs\",\"Create eSignature workflows\":\"Create eSignature workflows\",\"Create forms with a large variety of standard and advanced form fields. Add variables, dynamic form fields, attachment fields, secure fields, custom fields, and more. Send for signature and track document status.\":\"Create forms with a large variety of standard and advanced form fields. Add variables, dynamic form fields, attachment fields, secure fields, custom fields, and more. Send for signature and track document status.\",\"Create industry standard PDF files from virtually all PC applications and the clipboard\":\"Create industry standard PDF files from virtually all PC applications and the clipboard\",\"Create named positions\":\"Create named positions\",\"Create tagged PDF when creating from Microsoft® Word, Excel, PowerPoint\":\"Create tagged PDF when creating from Microsoft® Word, Excel, PowerPoint\",\"Create technical PDFs in Microsoft Project, Visio, or Autodesk AutoCAD\":\"Create technical PDFs in Microsoft Project, Visio, or Autodesk AutoCAD\",\"Create, Fill, and Sign\":\"Create, Fill, and Sign\",\"Create, edit, and convert PDFs on your mobile device\":\"Create, edit, and convert PDFs on your mobile device\",\"Create, edit, and share PDFs\":\"Create, edit, and share PDFs\",\"Create, protect, and send PDFs in popular Microsoft 365 apps for Windows\":\"Create, protect, and send PDFs in popular Microsoft 365 apps for Windows\",\"Create PDF docs and forms\":\"Create PDF docs and forms\",\"Credit Card\":\"Credit Card\",\"Cross-Device Support\":\"Cross-Device Support\",\"Custom Branded Documents\":\"Custom Branded Documents\",\"Custom Branding\":\"Custom Branding\",\"Custom branding\":\"Custom branding\",\"Customer Support\":\"Customer Support\",\"Customize Skin styles\":\"Customize Skin styles\",\"Customize a profile that specifies the text strings you want to search and redact\":\"Customize a profile that specifies the text strings you want to search and redact\",\"Customize and send out documents directly from the Foxit PDF Editor. This add on gives you full access to Foxit eSign’s suite of features directly inside of the Foxit PDF Editor.\":\"Customize and send out documents directly from the Foxit PDF Editor. This add on gives you full access to Foxit eSign’s suite of features directly inside of the Foxit PDF Editor.\",\"Customize the logo of digital signature\":\"Customize the logo of digital signature\",\"DATASHEET\":\"DATASHEET\",\"Data Sheets\":\"Data Sheets\",\"Dedicated success team\":\"Dedicated success team\",\"Define a navigational path for articles in PDF that span multiple columns and/or across several pages\":\"Define a navigational path for articles in PDF that span multiple columns and/or across several pages\",\"Define and Clarify\":\"Define and Clarify\",\"Define and clarify the text\":\"Define and clarify the text\",\"Deployment Options\":\"Deployment Options\",\"Desktop\":\"Desktop\",\"Desktop + web\":\"Desktop + web\",\"Desktop + web + mobile\":\"Desktop + web + mobile\",\"Developer Portal (SDK)\":\"Developer Portal (SDK)\",\"Digital Marketer\":\"Digital Marketer\",\"Digital Signatures\":\"Digital Signatures\",\"Digitally sign Acro forms and XFA forms\":\"Digitally sign Acro forms and XFA forms\",\"Director of I.T.\":\"Director of I.T.\",\"Discount\":\"Discount\",\"Discover everything Foxit AI can do\":\"Discover everything \u003chighlighted\u003eFoxit AI\u003c/highlighted\u003e can do\",\"Discover the future of PDFs\":\"Discover the future of PDFs\",\"Discover the future of PDFs with Foxit AI.\":\"Discover the future of PDFs with Foxit AI.\",\"Display PRC type of 3D documents\":\"Display PRC type of 3D documents\",\"Harness robust, user-friendly tools to create and convert PDFs, edit text and images, and manipulate layouts into professional, eye-catching designs.\":\"Harness robust, user-friendly tools to create and convert PDFs, edit text and images, and manipulate layouts into professional, eye-catching designs.\",\"Do you need to manage licenses?\":\"Do you need to manage licenses?\",\"Do you offer any discounts for educators and students?\":\"Do you offer any discounts for educators and students?\",\"Document Generation\":\"Document Generation\",\"Document Generation \u0026 Esign\":\"Document Generation \u0026 Esign\",\"Document Generation \u0026 eSign\":\"Document Generation \u0026 eSign\",\"Document Generation Widget\":\"Document Generation Widget\",\"Document Storage\":\"Document Storage\",\"Document Tracking\":\"Document Tracking\",\"Document Transformation\":\"Document Transformation\",\"Document Write-back\":\"Document Write-back\",\"Document conversion\":\"Document conversion\",\"Don't get left behind with AI\":\"Don't get left behind with AI\",\"Don’t let limits hold your business back. Take advantage of unlimited signing so that you never miss a deal.\":\"Don’t let limits hold your business back. Take advantage of unlimited signing so that you never miss a deal.\",\"Download Feature Comparison Guide\":\"Download Feature Comparison Guide\",\"Download Free\":\"Download Free\",\"Download Our Editor Today\":\"Download Our Editor Today\",\"Download Report\":\"Download Report\",\"Download Trial\":\"Download Trial\",\"Download the Latest Report\":\"Download the Latest Report\",\"Download the Report\":\"Download the Report\",\"Dropbox\":\"Dropbox\",\"Dynamic Table Generation\":\"Dynamic Table Generation\",\"Dynamic Tables\":\"Dynamic Tables\",\"Dynamically build templates using Document Generation features or upload your own. Ask about our White Glove template service.\":\"Dynamically build templates using Document Generation features or upload your own. Ask about our White Glove template service.\",\"ENTERPRICE\":\"ENTERPRICE\",\"EVERYTHING FOR YOUR PDF NEEDS\":\"EVERYTHING FOR YOUR PDF NEEDS\",\"Each of our products start with a free, full-featured trial so you can completely explore the product and determine its fit. Our PDF Reader is the only completely free product we offer. View more information on PDF Reader here.\":\"Each of our products start with a free, full-featured trial so you can completely explore the product and determine its fit. Our PDF Reader is the only completely free product we offer. View more information on PDF Reader \u003chighlighted\u003ehere\u003c/highlighted\u003e.\",\"Each of our products starts with a free, full-featured trial so you can completely explore the product and determine its fit. Our PDF Reader is the only completely free product we offer. View more information on PDF Reader\":\"Each of our products starts with a free, full-featured trial so you can completely explore the product and determine its fit. Our PDF Reader is the only completely free product we offer. View more information on \u003chighlighted\u003ePDF Reader\u003c/highlighted\u003e.\",\"Easily collect handwritten signatures from a separate device such as a signature pad, an uploaded image of a signature, or by collecting a signature from another touch-enabled device.\":\"Easily collect handwritten signatures from a separate device such as a signature pad, an uploaded image of a signature, or by collecting a signature from another touch-enabled device.\",\"Easily create, fill, sign, and send forms\":\"Easily create, fill, sign, and send forms\",\"Easily integrate Foxit eSign with the app\":\"Easily integrate Foxit eSign with the app\",\"Easily integrates into Microsoft Office 365 and Google ecosystems\":\"Easily integrates into Microsoft Office 365 and Google ecosystems\",\"Easily manage your teams access across our platform, templates, authentication types, compliances, and more.\":\"Easily manage your teams access across our platform, templates, authentication types, compliances, and more.\",\"Easily share PDF content by exporting PDF to Word, PowerPoint, Excel, RTF, HTML, text, and image formats. Export the whole document or just a selected area. Anyone who needs the PDF can always receive it in their preferred format.\":\"Easily share PDF content by exporting \u003chighlighted\u003ePDF to Word\u003c/highlighted\u003e, \u003chighlightedPP\u003ePowerPoint\u003c/highlightedPP\u003e, \u003chighlightedExcel\u003eExcel\u003c/highlightedExcel\u003e, RTF, HTML, text, and image formats. Export the whole document or just a selected area. Anyone who needs the PDF can always receive it in their preferred format.\",\"Easy Recipient eSigning\":\"Easy Recipient eSigning\",\"Easy integrations\":\"Easy integrations\",\"Easy to Purchase\":\"Easy to Purchase\",\"Easy to use\":\"Easy to use\",\"Edit PDF\":\"Edit PDF\",\"Edit PDFs\":\"Edit PDFs\",\"Edit PDF like a pro\":\"Edit PDF like a pro\",\"Edit portfolios\":\"Edit portfolios\",\"Edit static XFA form\":\"Edit static XFA form\",\"Edit text and images in a PDF\":\"Edit text and images in a PDF\",\"Edit text and images, reorder, and delete pages in a PDF\":\"Edit text and images, reorder, and delete pages in a PDF\",\"Education Solutions\":\"Education Solutions\",\"Egnyte\":\"Egnyte\",\"Electronic signatures\":\"Electronic signatures\",\"Enable IT to build standardized installation images.\":\"Enable IT to build standardized installation images.\",\"Enable PDF document accessibility for people with disabilities who use assistive technology to have access to information. Check accessibility of PDF files to verify if the document complies with Section 508 technology standards. Ensure everyone who receives your PDF content is able to see the information they need.\":\"Enable PDF document accessibility for people with disabilities who use assistive technology to have access to information. Check accessibility of PDF files to verify if the document complies with Section 508 technology standards. Ensure everyone who receives your PDF content is able to see the information they need.\",\"Enable accessibility\":\"Enable accessibility\",\"End User License Agreement\":\"End User License Agreement\",\"English\":\"English\",\"Enhance PDF forms by adding interactivity with JavaScript\":\"Enhance PDF forms by adding interactivity with JavaScript\",\"Enhance Writing\":\"Enhance Writing\",\"Enhance document security\":\"Enhance document security\",\"Enhance writing of the text\":\"Enhance writing of the text\",\"Enhance/rewrite the text\":\"Enhance/rewrite the text\",\"Enhanced Branding\":\"Enhanced Branding\",\"Ensure consistent messaging using interactive AI.\":\"Ensure consistent messaging using interactive AI.\",\"Ensure document accuracy with one-click translations of more than 30 languages.\":\"Ensure document accuracy with one-click translations of more than 30 languages.\",\"Enterprise Authentication\":\"Enterprise Authentication\",\"Enterprise Automation\":\"Enterprise Automation\",\"Enterprise Only\":\"Enterprise Only\",\"Enterprise Support\":\"Enterprise Support\",\"Enterprise users have access to their admin console from which they can easily assign, deactivate, and generally manage all their licenses and monitor usage.\":\"Enterprise users have access to their admin console from which they can easily assign, deactivate, and generally manage all their licenses and monitor usage.\",\"Enterprise-grade security\":\"Enterprise-grade security\",\"Enterprises\":\"Enterprises\",\"Estudante de mestrado - Mental Health Care\":\"Estudante de mestrado - Mental Health Care\",\"Evernote Integration\":\"Evernote Integration\",\"Everything you need in Adobe Acrobat at a fraction of the cost. Choose between One-Time Perpetual Licenses, Yearly Subscription, and Monthly Subscription. By choosing Foxit PDF Editor, you get a cost-effective, full-featured PDF editing solution that is the leading PDF technology alternative to Adobe Acrobat.\":\"Everything you need in Adobe Acrobat at a fraction of the cost. Choose between One-Time Perpetual Licenses, Yearly Subscription, and Monthly Subscription. By choosing Foxit PDF Editor, you get a cost-effective, full-featured PDF editing solution that is the leading PDF technology alternative to Adobe Acrobat.\",\"Excel to PDF\":\"Excel to PDF\",\"Experience intuitive AI integration that increases productivity and document quality.\":\"Experience intuitive AI integration that increases productivity and document quality.\",\"Explore a question-and-answer article designed to help refine your digital document solution needs and better select the best PDF editor.\":\"Explore a question-and-answer article designed to help refine your digital document solution needs and better select the best PDF editor.\",\"Explore critical strategies for navigating economic uncertainty\":\"Explore critical strategies for navigating economic uncertainty\",\"Explore how easily Foxit PDF editor integrates with Microsoft 365.\":\"Explore how easily Foxit PDF editor integrates with Microsoft 365.\",\"Explore more reasons why Foxit is the #1 PDF Alternative\":\"Explore more reasons why Foxit is the #1 PDF Alternative\",\"Export Information\":\"Export Information\",\"Export and import bookmarks\":\"Export and import bookmarks\",\"Export highlighted text\":\"Export highlighted text\",\"Export to popular file formats\":\"Export to popular file formats\",\"Extra Discounts Available to Foxit eSign Enterprise Accounts\":\"Extra Discounts Available to Foxit eSign Enterprise Accounts\",\"Extract important document details fast.\":\"Extract important document details fast.\",\"Digital document workflows simplified with AI\":\"Digital document workflows simplified with AI\",\"Extract insights from meeting notes, reports, and company documents. Generate summaries with key points from long or complicated documents instantly.\":\"Extract insights from meeting notes, reports, and company documents. Generate summaries with key points from long or complicated documents instantly.\",\"Extract key data points\":\"Extract key data points\",\"FAQ\":\"FAQ\",\"Fast-track deal closures with seamless e-signature generation, templates, signature tracking, and bulk automation. Send, sign, done.\":\"Fast-track deal closures with seamless e-signature generation, templates, signature tracking, and bulk automation. Send, sign, done.\",\"Faster, Smarter, Better PDFs\":\"Faster, \u003chighlighted\u003eSmarter, Better PDFs\u003c/highlighted\u003e\",\"Feature Comparison\":\"Feature Comparison\",\"Features\":\"Features\",\"Features Comparison\":\"Features Comparison\",\"Features at a Glance\":\"Features at a Glance\",\"Feb 28, 2024\":\"Feb 28, 2024\",\"Feb 5, 2024\":\"Feb 5, 2024\",\"Fill and design PDF Forms\":\"Fill and design PDF Forms\",\"Fill in and save forms, including XFA form\":\"Fill in and save forms, including XFA form\",\"Fill, sign, and send forms faster using data from your autofill collection on your computer or mobile device\":\"Fill, sign, and send forms faster using data from your autofill collection on your computer or mobile device\",\"Find OCR suspects and mark them as Not Text or edit the recognition results in batch\":\"Find OCR suspects and mark them as Not Text or edit the recognition results in batch\",\"Fine-tune PDFs with precision and extract important details quickly from any sized document.\":\"Fine-tune PDFs with precision and extract important details quickly from any sized document.\",\"Fix failed parts after accessibility check\":\"Fix failed parts after accessibility check\",\"Fix spelling \u0026 grammar of the text\":\"Fix spelling \u0026 grammar of the text\",\"Fix spelling and grammar of the text\":\"Fix spelling and grammar of the text\",\"For 1 user\":\"For 1 user\",\"For 2-9 users\":\"For 2-9 users\",\"For Enterprise Solutions, API and Salesforce© Integrations.\":\"For Enterprise Solutions, API and Salesforce© Integrations.\",\"For Growing Companies.\":\"For Growing Companies.\",\"For Individuals or occaslonal use.\":\"For Individuals or occaslonal use.\",\"For customers who need to manage various user licenses, you have the option to add the Admin Console to your purchase. With Admin Console, you can easily assign, deactivate, and generally manage all user licenses and monitor usage. \":\"For customers who need to manage various user licenses, you have the option to add the Admin Console to your purchase. With Admin Console, you can easily assign, deactivate, and generally manage all user licenses and monitor usage. \",\"For unlimited users\":\"For unlimited users\",\"Form field recognition and form designer assistant (text fields, buttons, drop-down lists, check boxes, radio buttons, barcode, date, image and digital signature fields)\":\"Form field recognition and form designer assistant (text fields, buttons, drop-down lists, check boxes, radio buttons, barcode, date, image and digital signature fields)\",\"Forrester details the impact of AI on document solutions.\":\"Forrester details the impact of AI on document solutions.\",\"Forrester explores how businesses are languishing with outdated, single-use apps for their digital documents. Learn how your business can beat the curve and save money by investing in all-in-one PDF platforms and AI integrations.\":\"Forrester explores how businesses are languishing with outdated, single-use apps for their digital documents. Learn how your business can beat the curve and save money by investing in all-in-one PDF platforms and AI integrations.\",\"Forum\":\"Forum\",\"Fox image\":\"Fox image\",\"Foxit AI\":\"Foxit AI\",\"Foxit AI Chatbot (Support Center)\":\"Foxit AI Chatbot (Support Center)\",\"Foxit AI is powered by ChatGPT, and designed to boost productivity and efficiency across digital document work flows. See what features you'll use all day.\":\"Foxit AI is powered by ChatGPT, and designed to boost productivity and efficiency across digital document work flows. See what features you'll use all day.\",\"Foxit Compliance\":\"Foxit Compliance\",\"Foxit Esign\":\"Foxit Esign\",\"Foxit PDF Editor\":\"Foxit PDF Editor\",\"Foxit PDF Editor + AI\":\"Foxit PDF Editor + AI\",\"Foxit PDF Editor Comparison\":\"Foxit PDF Editor Comparison\",\"Security Bulletins and Service Updates\":\"Security Bulletins and Service Updates\",\"Foxit PDF Editor and Acrobat Comparison\":\"Foxit PDF Editor and Acrobat Comparison\",\"Foxit PDF Editor in action\":\"Foxit PDF Editor in action\",\"Foxit PDF Editor is rated #1 in customer satisfaction, according to G2 reviews.\":\"Foxit PDF Editor is rated #1 in customer satisfaction, according to G2 reviews.\",\"Foxit PDF Editor makes migrating from Adobe a cinch. Foxit helps you with enterprise-wide deployment and customization tools. Foxit PDF Editor offers a clear, user-friendly Ribbon-style toolbar—similar to the Microsoft Office user interface. This enables an intuitive user experience and quick adoption with a short learning-curve. It integrates seamlessly into your systems.\":\"Foxit PDF Editor makes migrating from Adobe a cinch. Foxit helps you with enterprise-wide deployment and customization tools. Foxit PDF Editor offers a clear, user-friendly Ribbon-style toolbar—similar to the Microsoft Office user interface. This enables an intuitive user experience and quick adoption with a short learning-curve. It integrates seamlessly into your systems.\",\"Foxit PDF Editor+\":\"Foxit PDF Editor+\",\"Foxit PDF Editor+ is better reviewed across all user categories according to the G2 crowd when compared to Adobe Acrobat. Users frequently celebrate that Foxit does not regularly raise prices when considering it as an Adobe Acrobat alternative. Users also praise how Foxit is easier to set up, easier to use, and often voted a better partner to do business with – all of which contribute to Foxit users generally being more satisfied than with Adobe Acrobat.\":\"Foxit PDF Editor+ is better reviewed across all user categories according to the G2 crowd when compared to Adobe Acrobat. Users frequently celebrate that Foxit does not regularly raise prices when considering it as an Adobe Acrobat alternative. Users also praise how Foxit is easier to set up, easier to use, and often voted a better partner to do business with – all of which contribute to Foxit users generally being more satisfied than with Adobe Acrobat.\",\"Foxit PDF Editor, Microsoft Outlook, Teams, SharePoint, Google Workspace, Zapier, and More!\":\"Foxit PDF Editor, Microsoft Outlook, Teams, SharePoint, Google Workspace, Zapier, and More!\",\"Foxit PDF SDK\":\"Foxit PDF SDK\",\"Foxit PDF and Microsoft\":\"Foxit PDF and Microsoft\",\"Foxit PDF Reader\":\"Foxit PDF Reader\",\"Foxit Software Incorporated.\":\"{{year}} © Foxit Software Incorporated.\",\"Foxit Software's eSign is recognized as a leader in the 2023 IDC MarketScape for worldwide eSignature software. Unleash the potential of digital transformation in your organization by downloading our detailed report today.\":\"Foxit Software's eSign is recognized as a leader in the 2023 IDC MarketScape for worldwide eSignature software. Unleash the potential of digital transformation in your organization by downloading our detailed report today.\",\"Foxit Works with industry leading analyst firms\":\"Foxit Works with industry leading analyst firms\",\"Foxit all-in-one digital document solution delivers unmatched flexibility and collaboration, helping businesses achieve better efficiency and productivity.\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eFoxit\u003c/highlighted\u003e all-in-one digital document solution delivers unmatched flexibility and collaboration, helping businesses achieve better efficiency and productivity.\",\"Foxit eSign\":\"Foxit eSign\",\"Foxit eSign API\":\"Foxit eSign API\",\"Foxit eSign Account users can delegate alternative user access to their outstanding tasks and follow-ups during special circumstances, such as vacations and during emergencies.\":\"Foxit eSign Account users can delegate alternative user access to their outstanding tasks and follow-ups during special circumstances, such as vacations and during emergencies.\",\"Foxit eSign Business\":\"Foxit eSign Business\",\"Foxit eSign Essentials\":\"Foxit eSign Essentials\",\"Foxit eSign Modules\":\"Foxit eSign Modules\",\"Foxit eSign Product Overview\":\"Foxit eSign Product Overview\",\"Foxit eSign Salesforce App\":\"Foxit eSign Salesforce App\",\"Foxit eSign Testimonials\":\"Foxit eSign Testimonials\",\"Foxit eSign Webinar Short\":\"Foxit eSign Webinar Short\",\"Foxit eSign allows users to collaborate on agreements and documents live through Microsoft Teams, enabling faster, more accurate, and more fluid completion of important paperwork in multiple locations at once.\":\"Foxit eSign allows users to collaborate on agreements and documents live through Microsoft Teams, enabling faster, more accurate, and more fluid completion of important paperwork in multiple locations at once.\",\"Foxit eSign for Salesforce App\":\"Foxit eSign for Salesforce App\",\"Foxit eSign is SOC 2 Type 2 compliant, with robust encryption, data localization, and more.\":\"Foxit eSign is SOC 2 Type 2 compliant, with robust encryption, data localization, and more.\",\"Foxit eSign maintains the unique identity of each signer and can produce a unique identification as well as a digital signature and provides the necessary digital certificates that protect the signature certificate validity.\":\"Foxit eSign maintains the unique identity of each signer and can produce a unique identification as well as a digital signature and provides the necessary digital certificates that protect the signature certificate validity.\",\"Foxit for Salesforce\":\"Foxit for Salesforce\",\"Foxit for Salesforce Overview\":\"Foxit for Salesforce Overview\",\"Foxit for Salesforce Webinar Short\":\"Foxit for Salesforce Webinar Short\",\"Foxit for Salesforce.\":\"Foxit for \u003chighlighted\u003eSalesforce.\u003c/highlighted\u003e\",\"Foxit image\":\"Foxit image\",\"Foxit is a powerful all-in-one document solution built for businesses of any size. It offers enhanced native integrations with Google Workspace, Evernote, and WordPress, among many others. Its PDF editor delivers premium tools in a quickly adopted interface. Users can access files from desktop, mobile, and the cloud, achieving new levels of efficiency.\":\"Foxit is a powerful all-in-one document solution built for businesses of any size. It offers enhanced native integrations with Google Workspace, Evernote, and WordPress, among many others. Its PDF editor delivers premium tools in a quickly adopted interface. Users can access files from desktop, mobile, and the cloud, achieving new levels of efficiency.\",\"Foxit is committed to complying with industry-accepted best practices, standards, and regulations.\":\"Foxit is committed to complying with industry-accepted best practices, standards, and regulations.\",\"Foxit is purpose-built to help businesses succeed on desktop, mobile, and in the cloud. It has a familiar interface and powerful tools for creating, collaborating, and signing documents. Foxit seamlessly integrates into your existing tech stack and is quickly adopted by new users. Foxit further enhances team productivity with its AI Assistant, which, among other functions, excels at summarizing, rewriting, and translating long, complex documents in seconds.\":\"Foxit is purpose-built to help businesses succeed on desktop, mobile, and in the cloud. It has a familiar interface and powerful tools for creating, collaborating, and signing documents. Foxit seamlessly integrates into your existing tech stack and is quickly adopted by new users. Foxit further enhances team productivity with its AI Assistant, which, among other functions, excels at summarizing, rewriting, and translating long, complex documents in seconds.\",\"Foxit is the #1 PDF alternative to Adobe for a good reason. Its PDF editor delivers premium, future-proof tools wrapped in a familiar, quickly adopted interface. Integrated eSignature decreases lag in workflows and provides signature tracking for efficient project management. Foxit offers the same functionality as Adobe Acrobat for less money and more flexibility.\":\"Foxit is the #1 PDF alternative to Adobe for a good reason. Its PDF editor delivers premium, future-proof tools wrapped in a familiar, quickly adopted interface. Integrated eSignature decreases lag in workflows and provides signature tracking for efficient project management. Foxit offers the same functionality as Adobe Acrobat for less money and more flexibility.\",\"Foxit's flexible licensing options are scalable to fit any business and will transform its digital documents at an affordable cost.\":\"Foxit's flexible licensing options are scalable to fit any business and will transform its digital documents at an affordable cost.\",\"Foxit proudly adheres to all industry-standard security protocols. Our team of tech security experts ensures Foxit PDF Cloud and every Foxit product is up to date on all present security threats at all times, so that you can rest easy knowing your data is in safe hands. Read more about our security compliance.\":\"Foxit proudly adheres to all industry-standard security protocols. Our team of tech security experts ensures Foxit PDF Cloud and every Foxit product is up to date on all present security threats at all times, so that you can rest easy knowing your data is in safe hands. Read more about our security compliance.\",\"Foxit proudly adheres to all industry-standard security protocols. PDF Editor Suite includes automatic updates to ensure securities are kept current. Read more about our security compliance here.\":\"Foxit proudly adheres to all industry-standard security protocols. PDF Editor Suite includes automatic updates to ensure securities are kept current. Read more about our security compliance \u003chighlighted\u003ehere\u003c/highlighted\u003e.\",\"Foxit's AI Assistant\":\"Foxit's AI Assistant\",\"Foxit's award-winning document generation and eSign solutions on the world's most popular and powerful CRM. Foxit for Salesforce empowers organizations to create and automate end-to-end document workflows within the Salesforce Ecosystem.\":\"Foxit's award-winning document generation and eSign solutions on the world's most popular and powerful CRM. Foxit for Salesforce empowers organizations to create and automate end-to-end document workflows within the Salesforce Ecosystem.\",\"Foxit’s all-in-one PDF editor platform is built to support users across industries and teams of any size in solving all their digital document needs.\":\"Foxit’s all-in-one PDF editor platform is built to support users across industries and teams of any size in solving all their digital document needs.\",\"Foxit’s features are made to the all-day needs of businesses. From tools that make creating and collaborating a breeze to features that reduce repetitive manual tasks, Foxits PDF editor is a powerful all-in-one solution. Foxit is continuously developing new tools and features for optimizing user workflows. Foxit was the first to fully integrate AI across its solution which showcases a dedication to delivering advanced and cutting-edge features to all users at no additional cost.\":\"Foxit’s features are made to the all-day needs of businesses. From tools that make creating and collaborating a breeze to features that reduce repetitive manual tasks, Foxit’s PDF editor is a powerful all-in-one solution. Foxit is continuously developing new tools and features for optimizing user workflows. Foxit was the first to fully integrate AI across its solution which showcases a dedication to delivering advanced and cutting-edge features to all users at no additional cost.\",\"G2 is the world's leading business software review platform, leveraging more than 100,000 user reviews to drive better purchasing decisions.\":\"G2 is the world's leading business software review platform, leveraging more than 100,000 user reviews to drive better purchasing decisions.\",\"Generate\":\"Generate\",\"Generate documents automatically based on triggers completed with Salesforce Flows. Generate a quote form for approval when a lead is changed to opportunity.\":\"Generate documents automatically based on triggers completed with Salesforce Flows. Generate a quote form for approval when a lead is changed to opportunity.\",\"Generate documents on demand or with Salesforce Flows.\":\"Generate documents on demand or with Salesforce Flows.\",\"Generate dynamic tables with correct formatting and row count with data grouping options and calculations.\":\"Generate dynamic tables with correct formatting and row count with data grouping options and calculations.\",\"Generate from Anywhere\":\"Generate from Anywhere\",\"Generate more content variety with instant rewrites.\":\"Generate more content variety with instant rewrites.\",\"Generate quotes, invoices, agreements, and more directly in Salesforce. Upload or create a template and map the template fields to fields in Salesforce. Send for signature, track, and more without leaving Salesforce.\":\"Generate quotes, invoices, agreements, and more directly in Salesforce. Upload or create a template and map the template fields to fields in Salesforce. Send for signature, track, and more without leaving Salesforce.\",\"Get More Done with Foxit\":\"Get \u003chighlighted\u003eMore Done\u003c/highlighted\u003e with Foxit\",\"Get More with PDF Editor+\":\"Get More with PDF Editor+\",\"Get Started\":\"Get Started\",\"Get a Quote\":\"Get a Quote\",\"Get a quote\":\"Get a quote\",\"Get definitions, explanations, and rewording suggestions to make documents more engaging while retaining the original meaning.\":\"Get definitions, explanations, and rewording suggestions to make documents more engaging while retaining the original meaning.\",\"Get more done\":\"Get more done\",\"Get more with our tools\":\"Get more with our tools\",\"Get real-time status and activity notifications for documents sent for viewing, comments, or signature\":\"Get real-time status and activity notifications for documents sent for viewing, comments, or signature\",\"Global Compliance\":\"Global Compliance\",\"Go to Home page\":\"Go to Home page\",\"Google Drive\":\"Google Drive\",\"Google Workspace\":\"Google Workspace\",\"Google and Zapier integrations\":\"Google and Zapier integrations\",\"Government Administration\":\"Government Administration\",\"Government Solutions\":\"Government Solutions\",\"Great Support\":\"Great Support\",\"HIPAA\":\"HIPAA\",\"HIPAA Compliance\":\"HIPAA Compliance\",\"HIPAA, 21 CFR Type 11, FINRA, CCPA, FERPA, eIDAS, and GDPR included.\":\"HIPAA, 21 CFR Type 11, FINRA, CCPA, FERPA, eIDAS, and GDPR included.\",\"Healthcare Solutions\":\"Healthcare Solutions\",\"Hide\":\"Hide\",\"How smart are your PDFs?\":\"How smart are your PDFs?\",\"How to Choose a PDF Editor\":\"How to Choose a PDF Editor\",\"I only need a PDF reader and eSign. Can I purchase them as a package? \":\"I only need a PDF reader and eSign. Can I purchase them as a package? \",\"IT ADMINISTRATORS\":\"IT ADMINISTRATORS\",\"IT administrators\":\"IT administrators\",\"Identify and redact sensitive PII information with AI-enabled batch smart redact capabilities\":\"Identify and redact sensitive PII information with AI-enabled batch smart redact capabilities\",\"Implementation\":\"Implementation\",\"Implementation Support\":\"Implementation Support\",\"Import as Layer/Merge Layers/Flatten Layers/Edit Layer Properties\":\"Import as Layer/Merge Layers/Flatten Layers/Edit Layer Properties\",\"Import/Export comments data and summarize comments\":\"Import/Export comments data and summarize comments\",\"Import/Export form data, reset form fields\":\"Import/Export form data, reset form fields\",\"Imprint\":\"Imprint\",\"Improve document collaboration between team members and clients. Send, sign, and request signatures, track document status, backup completed documents, and more all within SharePoint.\":\"Improve document collaboration between team members and clients. Send, sign, and request signatures, track document status, backup completed documents, and more all within SharePoint.\",\"In our latest trend report, learn how businesses are balancing tech investments and cost-cutting measures to stay competitive and thrive. Download now to secure your company's future in these challenging times.\":\"In our latest trend report, learn how businesses are balancing tech investments and cost-cutting measures to stay competitive and thrive. Download now to secure your company's future in these challenging times.\",\"In the News\":\"In the News\",\"In-Person Signing\":\"In-Person Signing\",\"In-person signing\":\"In-person signing\",\"Include divisions, subsidiaries, and peers worldwide.\":\"Include divisions, subsidiaries, and peers worldwide.\",\"Includes mobile app\":\"Includes mobile app\",\"Independently manage and assign user licenses, manage users, user access, view reports, and more.\":\"Independently manage and assign user licenses, manage users, user access, view reports, and more.\",\"Info card image 1\":\"Info card image 1\",\"Infographics\":\"Infographics\",\"Initiate a Shared Review to include Foxit PDF Editor and Foxit PDF Reader users through email, a network folder, or a SharePoint workspace\":\"Initiate a Shared Review to include Foxit PDF Editor and Foxit PDF Reader users through email, a network folder, or a SharePoint workspace\",\"Initiate signature request for a Foxit eSign workflow\":\"Initiate signature request for a Foxit eSign workflow\",\"highlighted Innovation Beyond eSignatures\":\"Innovation \u003cbr/\u003e\u003chighlighted\u003eBeyond eSignatures\u003c/highlighted\u003e\",\"Innovation meets value\":\"Innovation meets value\",\"Insert pages of the current PDF into other files\":\"Insert pages of the current PDF into other files\",\"Insert, delete, and organize pages in a PDF\":\"Insert, delete, and organize pages in a PDF\",\"Instantly scan and turn captured images into searchable and editable PDF documents.\":\"Instantly scan and turn captured images into searchable and editable PDF documents.\",\"Insurance Solutions\":\"Insurance Solutions\",\"Integrate eSign Capabilities into Your App or Website\":\"Integrate eSign Capabilities into Your App or Website\",\"Integrate with Salesforce, Google Drive, SharePoint, Teams, Google Workspace, WordPress, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, Zapier, and more for a smooth signing process across your favorite apps.\":\"Integrate with Salesforce, Google Drive, SharePoint, Teams, Google Workspace, WordPress, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, Zapier, and more for a smooth signing process across your favorite apps.\",\"Integrated eSign\":\"Integrated eSign\",\"Integrates with ECM systems and cloud services, including Epona DMSforLegal, ndOffice, iManage, Alfresco, ShareFile, Enterprise Connect, Worldox, eDOCS DM, Documentum, Egnyte\":\"Integrates with ECM systems and cloud services, including Epona DMSforLegal, ndOffice, iManage, Alfresco, ShareFile, Enterprise Connect, Worldox, eDOCS DM, Documentum, Egnyte\",\"Integrates with ECM systems and cloud services, including SharePoint, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, and Dropbox\":\"Integrates with ECM systems and cloud services, including SharePoint, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, and Dropbox\",\"Integration Ecosystem\":\"Integration Ecosystem\",\"Integrations - MS Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive\":\"Integrations - MS Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive\",\"Integration with Salesforce\":\"Integration with Salesforce\",\"Integrations\":\"Integrations\",\"lntegrations (MS Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive)\":\"lntegrations (MS Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive)\",\"Intelligently detect the area to be filled in flat form\":\"Intelligently detect the area to be filled in flat form\",\"Interact with PDFs\":\"Interact with PDFs\",\"Interested in volume licensing?\":\"Interested in volume licensing?\",\"Invalid phone number\":\"Invalid phone number\",\"Is the Foxit cloud secure? \":\"Is the Foxit cloud secure? \",\"Foxit proudly adheres to all industry-standard security protocols. PDF Editor+ includes automatic updates to ensure securities are kept current. Read more about our security compliance.\":\"Foxit proudly adheres to all industry-standard security protocols. PDF Editor+ includes automatic updates to ensure securities are kept current. Read more about our \u003chighlighted\u003esecurity compliance\u003c/highlighted\u003e.\",\"Is there a non-subscription version for any of Foxit’s products? \":\"Is there a non-subscription version for any of Foxit’s products? \",\"Is there an easy way for enterprise clients to manage their licenses? \":\"Is there an easy way for enterprise clients to manage their licenses? \",\"JPG to PDF\":\"JPG to PDF\",\"Jan 18, 2023\":\"Jan 18, 2023\",\"Jan 21, 2024\":\"Jan 21, 2024\",\"Jan 29, 2024\":\"Jan 29, 2024\",\"Jan 30, 2024\":\"Jan 30, 2024\",\"Jan 31, 2024\":\"Jan 31, 2024\",\"JavaScript support\":\"JavaScript support\",\"Join Charles, Jason, and Jorge as they discuss and demo the Foxit for Salesforce solution.\":\"Join Charles, Jason, and Jorge as they discuss and demo the Foxit for Salesforce solution.\",\"Keep track of installations throughout the month/quarter.\":\"Keep track of installations throughout the month/quarter.\",\"Keeping up with agreements, quotes, and offers does not need to be a chore. We like to keep it simple. See all outstanding and completed agreements on one sortable screen.\":\"Keeping up with agreements, quotes, and offers does not need to be a chore. We like to keep it simple. See all outstanding and completed agreements on one sortable screen.\",\"Key Features\":\"Key Features\",\"Know the current status of all documents. Set up alerts, emails, and reminders to improve document turnaround.\":\"Know the current status of all documents. Set up alerts, emails, and reminders to improve document turnaround.\",\"Language\":\"Language\",\"Language/Platform\":\"Language/Platform\",\"Learn More\":\"Learn More\",\"Learn how Foxit's eSignature solution transforms workflows\":\"Learn how Foxit's eSignature solution transforms workflows\",\"Learn more\":\"Learn more\",\"Legal Solutions\":\"Legal Solutions\",\"Legally Binding\":\"Legally Binding\",\"Legally Binding eSign\":\"Legally Binding eSign\",\"Legally Binding eSignatures\":\"Legally Binding eSignatures\",\"Legally binding cloud-based eSignature solution\":\"Legally binding cloud-based eSignature solution\",\"Legally binding eSign application\":\"Legally binding eSign application\",\"Legally binding eSign capabilities integrated into the powerful and robust Foxit PDF Editor enable you to seamlessly create, eSign, and collaborate on documents within and outside the organization from within the same application.\":\"Legally binding eSign capabilities integrated into the powerful and robust Foxit PDF Editor enable you to seamlessly create, eSign, and collaborate on documents within and outside the organization from within the same application.\",\"Legally binding eSignature\":\"Legally binding eSignature\",\"Legally binding eSignatures\":\"Legally binding eSignatures\",\"Leverage our API technology with SDKs for C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and PHP, allowing for an easier integration journey for your whole team.\":\"Leverage our API technology with SDKs for C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and PHP, allowing for an easier integration journey for your whole team.\",\"License Quantity\":\"License Quantity\",\"Line Weights and Toggle Ruler to help viewing PDF\":\"Line Weights and Toggle Ruler to help viewing PDF\",\"Link and join text\":\"Link and join text\",\"List of Channel Partners\":\"List of Channel Partners\",\"List of Technology Partners\":\"List of Technology Partners\",\"Live Customer Support\":\"Live Customer Support\",\"Live support for all other customers during regular business hours and 24/7 support through the ticketing system ensure Foxit eSign users are never on their own or without solutions when they need them.\":\"Live support for all other customers during regular business hours and 24/7 support through the ticketing system ensure Foxit eSign users are never on their own or without solutions when they need them.\",\"Log in\":\"Log in\",\"Looking for more than 30 licenses?\":\"Looking for more than 30 licenses?\",\"Looking for perpetual licenses?\":\"Looking for perpetual licenses?\",\"Lower Your Cost Per License\":\"Lower Your Cost Per License\",\"MS Teams\":\"MS Teams\",\"MS Teams, Google Workspace, OneDrive\":\"MS Teams, Google Workspace, OneDrive\",\"Mac desktop application\":\"Mac desktop application\",\"Maintain audit trails and certificates\":\"Maintain audit trails and certificates\",\"Maintain brand fluency by easily adding logos, brand colors, messaging, consent instructions, confirmation text, and more.\":\"Maintain brand fluency by easily adding logos, brand colors, messaging, consent instructions, confirmation text, and more.\",\"Maintain industry and HIPAA compliance\":\"Maintain industry and HIPAA compliance\",\"Make the most of your PDFs\":\"Make the most of your PDFs\",\"Manage Roles and Permissions, and Scale Licenses\":\"Manage Roles and Permissions, and Scale Licenses\",\"Manage Users and Teams\":\"Manage Users and Teams\",\"Manage pages in a document (insert, delete, extract, move, swap, interleaving, duplicate, replace, split, rotate, resize and crop pages)\":\"Manage pages in a document (insert, delete, extract, move, swap, interleaving, duplicate, replace, split, rotate, resize and crop pages)\",\"Manage signed documents, workflows, and reports\":\"Manage signed documents, workflows, and reports\",\"Manage users and teams\":\"Manage users and teams\",\"Manage users, monitor activity, control access, and more with just a few simple clicks.\":\"Manage users, monitor activity, control access, and more with just a few simple clicks.\",\"Management benefits\":\"Management benefits\",\"Manufacturing Solutions\":\"Manufacturing Solutions\",\"Mar 25, 2024\":\"Mar 25, 2024\",\"Mar 27, 2024\":\"Mar 27, 2024\",\"Mar 28, 2024\":\"Mar 28, 2024\",\"Mark PDFs with stamps, such as “approved” or “draft”\":\"Mark PDFs with stamps, such as “approved” or “draft”\",\"Mark partial words for redactions after search\":\"Mark partial words for redactions after search\",\"Maximize departmental efficiency\":\"Maximize departmental efficiency\",\"May 02, 2024\":\"May 02, 2024\",\"Measure the distance, area, and perimeter of objects in PDFs\":\"Measure the distance, area, and perimeter of objects in PDFs\",\"Measuring tool for distance, perimeter and area measuring\":\"Measuring tool for distance, perimeter and area measuring\",\"Merge PDF\":\"Merge PDF\",\"Merge multiple files into a single PDF document\":\"Merge multiple files into a single PDF document\",\"Merge/Split PDF\":\"Merge/Split PDF\",\"Microsoft SharePoint\":\"Microsoft SharePoint\",\"Microsoft SharePoint integration\":\"Microsoft SharePoint integration\",\"Microsoft Teams\":\"Microsoft Teams\",\"Microsoft Teams integrations\":\"Microsoft Teams integrations\",\"Microsoft® Windows Information Protection (WIP) Support\":\"Microsoft® Windows Information Protection (WIP) Support\",\"Mobile App\":\"Mobile App\",\"Mobile App Signing\":\"Mobile App Signing\",\"Modules\":\"Modules\",\"Most popular\":\"Most popular\",\"Move and resize paragraphs\":\"Move and resize paragraphs\",\"Move, delete, or resize the 3D canvas\":\"Move, delete, or resize the 3D canvas\",\"Move, resize, rotate, flip, cut/copy and paste, and delete graphic and image objects\":\"Move, resize, rotate, flip, cut/copy and paste, and delete graphic and image objects\",\"Multi-Document Envelopes\":\"Multi-Document Envelopes\",\"Multi-Language Support\":\"Multi-Language Support\",\"Multi-language Translation System\":\"Multi-language Translation System\",\"Multi-tab viewing PDF documents\":\"Multi-tab viewing PDF documents\",\"Multiple Languages\":\"Multiple Languages\",\"My company is interested in subscribing to Foxit in volume; where do I start?\":\"My company is interested in subscribing to Foxit in volume; where do I start?\",\"Native integration with Microsoft, Google, and more\":\"Native integration with Microsoft, Google, and more\",\"Never miss a beat with full access to the included mobile app. Utilize full-featured PDF editing tools to create, edit, fill, and sign from anywhere. Track the activity of sent documents in real time and collaborate on the go.\":\"Never miss a beat with full access to the included mobile app. Utilize full-featured PDF editing tools to create, edit, fill, and sign from anywhere. Track the activity of sent documents in real time and collaborate on the go.\",\"New Features\":\"New Features\",\"New and trending from Foxit\":\"New and trending from Foxit\",\"Newsletter\":\"Newsletter\",\"Nitro\":\"Nitro\",\"Nitro vs Foxit Comparison\":\"Nitro vs Foxit Comparison\",\"No\":\"No\",\"No learning curve\":\"No learning curve\",\"No, unfortunately, we do not offer a la carte features. However, most of our features are included in our PDF Editor.\":\"No, unfortunately, we do not offer a la carte features. However, most of our features are included in our PDF Editor.\",\"No, we do not offer custom plans. You can schedule a call with one of our customer specialists to review your document needs, and they can help you choose the best package option for you. {schedule a call button} \":\"No, we do not offer custom plans. You can schedule a call with one of our customer specialists to review your document needs, and they can help you choose the best package option for you. {schedule a call button} \",\"No, we do not offer customer plans. You can schedule a call with one of our customer specialists to review your document needs and they can help choose the best package option for you. Schedule a call\":\"No, we do not offer customer plans. You can schedule a call with one of our customer specialists to review your document needs and they can help choose the best package option for you. \u003chighlighted\u003eSchedule a call\u003c/highlighted\u003e\",\"Note: We have calculated your tax and added it to your order. If you believe you should be exempted from tax, please contact us at 1-866-680-3668 for offline order purchase.\":\"Note: We have calculated your tax and added it to your order. If you believe you should be exempted from tax, please contact us at 1-866-680-3668 for offline order purchase.\",\"Note: You might need to pay tax in addition to your order amount. We will calculate your tax once we get your billing information.\":\"Note: You might need to pay tax in addition to your order amount. We will calculate your tax once we get your billing information.\",\"Nov 15, 2023\":\"Nov 15, 2023\",\"Number of Employees\":\"Number of Employees\",\"OCR\":\"OCR\",\"OCR parts of the scanned page\":\"OCR parts of the scanned page\",\"OPERATIONS\":\"OPERATIONS\",\"Oct 18, 2023\":\"Oct 18, 2023\",\"Office Administrator - Education Management\":\"Office Administrator - Education Management\",\"Offline Mode\":\"Offline Mode\",\"One app to create, edit, fill and sign documents\":\"One app to create, edit, fill and sign documents\",\"One platform for all your digital document needs.\":\"One platform for all your digital document needs.\",\"One-click PDF creation from IE, Edge, Chrome, and Firefox\":\"One-click PDF creation from IE, Edge, Chrome, and Firefox\",\"One-click rewrites\":\"One-click rewrites\",\"One-step PDF creation from Microsoft® Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook\":\"One-step PDF creation from Microsoft® Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook\",\"OneDrive\":\"OneDrive\",\"Online PDF\":\"Online PDF\",\"Operating benefits\":\"Operating benefits\",\"Operations\":\"Operations\",\"Optional Features\":\"Optional Features\",\"Order completed\":\"Order completed\",\"Order details\":\"Order details\",\"Organize and manage a library of stamps\":\"Organize and manage a library of stamps\",\"Organize and manipulate PDF pages to support your workflows. Merge and split documents; drag and drop pages within a file or from one document to another; and add stamps, watermarks, headers, footers, and more. PDF organization features ensure all your content is where it needs to be and is easy to access.\":\"Organize and manipulate PDF pages to support your workflows. Merge and split documents; drag and drop pages within a file or from one document to another; and add stamps, watermarks, headers, footers, and more. PDF organization features ensure all your content is where it needs to be and is easy to access.\",\"Organize the simple way\":\"Organize the simple way\",\"Our Customers\":\"Our Customers\",\"Our Partners\":\"Our Partners\",\"Our development team is working around the clock to enhance and expand the Foxit eSign. Updates are regularly completed and feedback from our customers help us turn great into greater. If you would like to know more about the latest and greatest from our development team, click the link below to see what we have been working on.\":\"Our development team is working around the clock to enhance and expand the Foxit eSign. Updates are regularly completed and feedback from our customers help us turn great into greater. If you would like to know more about the latest and greatest from our development team, click the link below to see what we have been working on.\",\"Our development team is working around the clock to enhance and expand the Foxit for Salesforce integration. Updates are regularly completed and feedback from our customers help us turn great into greater. If you would like to know more about the latest and greatest from our development team, click the link below to see what we have been working on.\":\"Our development team is working around the clock to enhance and expand the Foxit for Salesforce integration. Updates are regularly completed and feedback from our customers help us turn great into greater. If you would like to know more about the latest and greatest from our development team, click the link below to see what we have been working on.\",\"Our full-featured apps on iOS and Android allow users to create documents for eSigning from anywhere and on practically any device. Scan documents to turn them into signable forms, send for signature, track, and more.\":\"Our full-featured apps on iOS and Android allow users to create documents for eSigning from anywhere and on practically any device. Scan documents to turn them into signable forms, send for signature, track, and more.\",\"Our optional Document Generation Widget is available through Salesforce Experience Builder and can be placed in the task pane for easy access.\":\"Our optional Document Generation Widget is available through Salesforce Experience Builder and can be placed in the task pane for easy access.\",\"Our optional Send for eSign Widget is available through Salesforce Experience Builder and can be placed in the task pane for easy access.\":\"Our optional Send for eSign Widget is available through Salesforce Experience Builder and can be placed in the task pane for easy access.\",\"Overview\":\"Overview\",\"PDF Compressor\":\"PDF Compressor\",\"PDF Converter\":\"PDF Converter\",\"PDF Creator\":\"PDF Creator\",\"PDF Editor\":\"PDF Editor\",\"PDF Editor Cloud\":\"PDF Editor Cloud\",\"PDF Editor is our award-winning editing tool that allows users to create, edit, and share PDFs from their desktops. PDF Editor + is a feature-rich smart platform that includes PDF Editor, as well as our AI Assistant and eSignature tools, to solve all of your digital document solutions in one place.\":\"PDF Editor is our award-winning editing tool that allows users to create, edit, and share PDFs from their desktops. PDF Editor + is a feature-rich smart platform that includes PDF Editor, as well as our AI Assistant and eSignature tools, to solve all of your digital document solutions in one place.\",\"PDF Editor is our award-winning editing tool that allows users to create, edit, and share PDFs from their desktops. PDF Editor+ is a feature-rich smart platform that bundles everything in PDF Editor plus our AI Assistant and eSignature tools into one package for solving all of your digital document solutions in one place\":\"PDF Editor is our award-winning editing tool that allows users to create, edit, and share PDFs from their desktops. PDF Editor+ is a feature-rich smart platform that bundles everything in PDF Editor plus our AI Assistant and eSignature tools into one package for solving all of your digital document solutions in one place\",\"PDF Reader\":\"PDF Reader\",\"PDF Software\":\"PDF Software\",\"PDF Software \u0026 Tools Tailored to Your Business\":\"PDF Software \u0026 Tools Tailored to Your Business\",\"PDF Solutions\":\"PDF Solutions\",\"PDF to JPG\":\"PDF to JPG\",\"PDF accessibility\":\"PDF accessibility\",\"PDF optimizer\":\"PDF optimizer\",\"PDF to Excel\":\"PDF to Excel\",\"PDF to PPT\":\"PDF to PPT\",\"PDF to Word\":\"PDF to Word\",\"PDF/A, E, and X file validation\":\"PDF/A, E, and X file validation\",\"PDFFiller is a cloud-based PDF document editor with features that support creating, editing, and signing digital documents.\":\"PDFFiller is a cloud-based PDF document editor with features that support creating, editing, and signing digital documents.\",\"PDS\":\"PDS\",\"POWER USERS\":\"POWER USERS\",\"PPT to PDF\":\"PPT to PDF\",\"PRO\":\"PRO\",\"Package Options\":\"Package Options\",\"Page template\":\"Page template\",\"Paperless office\":\"Paperless office\",\"Paragraph editing with automatic reflow and reformat\":\"Paragraph editing with automatic reflow and reformat\",\"Partners\":\"Partners\",\"PayPal\":\"PayPal\",\"Payment Information\":\"Payment Information\",\"Payment successful!\":\"Payment successful!\",\"Pdffiller vs Foxit Comparison\":\"Pdffiller vs Foxit Comparison\",\"Permanently remove content from documents using redaction\":\"Permanently remove content from documents using redaction\",\"Persona Features\":\"Persona Features\",\"Phone Number\":\"Phone Number\",\"Place digital signature on multiple files in batch\":\"Place digital signature on multiple files in batch\",\"Place ink signature on multiple pages in the same position\":\"Place ink signature on multiple pages in the same position\",\"Plan\":\"Plan\",\"Plans and Pricing\":\"Plans and Pricing\",\"Please type your message here...\":\"Please type your message here...\",\"Popular Features\":\"Popular Features\",\"Power up your business processes with advanced functionality that will take your document workflows to the next level.\":\"Power up your business processes with advanced functionality that will take your document workflows to the next level.\",\"Power users\":\"Power users\",\"Powerful OCR turns any document into an editable and searchable PDF. Quickly scan receipts, notes, and other text and convert them into PDFs for faster and better collaboration. Merge PDFs together and rotate PDF content to keep documents efficiently organized and ready to use.\":\"Powerful OCR turns any document into an editable and searchable PDF. Quickly scan receipts, notes, and other text and convert them into PDFs for faster and better collaboration. Merge PDFs together and rotate PDF content to keep documents efficiently organized and ready to use.\",\"Powerful editing tools\":\"Powerful editing tools\",\"Powerful features comparable to Adobe Acrobat and with easy change management. Ready to scale with your business as it grows while still offering dramatic savings.\":\"Powerful features comparable to Adobe Acrobat and with easy change management. Ready to scale with your business as it grows while still offering dramatic savings.\",\"Preferences Search\":\"Preferences Search\",\"Preflight and prepare files for high-end print production\":\"Preflight and prepare files for high-end print production\",\"Prepare PDFs consistently with guided actions\":\"Prepare PDFs consistently with guided actions\",\"Prepare documents, contracts, forms, templates, and more\":\"Prepare documents, contracts, forms, templates, and more\",\"Press Release\":\"Press Release\",\"Prevent others from copying or editing information in PDFs\":\"Prevent others from copying or editing information in PDFs\",\"Price\":\"Price\",\"Price Comparison\":\"Price Comparison\",\"Price comparison\":\"Price comparison\",\"Ease of Use\":\"Ease of Use\",\"License Management\":\"License Management\",\"Switching to Foxit\":\"Switching to Foxit\",\"Additional Resources\":\"Additional Resources\",\"Pricing\":\"Pricing\",\"Print PDF documents and forms\":\"Print PDF documents and forms\",\"Print pages from selected bookmark(s)\":\"Print pages from selected bookmark(s)\",\"Print with comments for efficient review\":\"Print with comments for efficient review\",\"Privacy Policy\":\"Privacy Policy\",\"Product\":\"Product\",\"Product Data Sheet\":\"Product Data Sheet\",\"Product updates\":\"Product updates\",\"Products\":\"Products\",\"Protect PDF\":\"Protect PDF\",\"Protect and Sign PDF\":\"Protect and Sign PDF\",\"Protect files properly\":\"Protect files properly\",\"Protect the information in your confidential documents. Permanently redact and remove text and images, secure documents with password encryption or with Microsoft AIP, sanitize documents, and digitally sign PDFs. PDF Protection makes it easy to organize access permissions, so users can find everything they need.\":\"Protect the information in your confidential documents. Permanently redact and remove text and images, secure documents with password encryption or with Microsoft AIP, sanitize documents, and digitally sign PDFs. PDF Protection makes it easy to organize access permissions, so users can find everything they need.\",\"Purpose Built Integrations\":\"Purpose Built Integrations\",\"Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES)\":\"Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES)\",\"Qualified Electronic Signatures, or QES, are equivalent to a handwritten signature in terms of legal effect under eIDAS standards. In-app registration in ZealiD verifies the recipient's personal digital signature and identity.\":\"Qualified Electronic Signatures, or QES, are equivalent to a handwritten signature in terms of legal effect under eIDAS standards. In-app registration in ZealiD verifies the recipient's personal digital signature and identity.\",\"Qualified eSignatures (QES)\":\"Qualified eSignatures (QES)\",\"Questions? Let’s chat.\":\"Questions? \u003chighlighted\u003eLet’s chat.\u003c/highlighted\u003e\",\"Quick PDF Sign using your handwritten signature or an image of your signatures\":\"Quick PDF Sign using your handwritten signature or an image of your signatures\",\"Quickly and easily update your own PDF documents. Works like a word processor-reflow text across paragraphs, columns, and pages; change document layout, modify text size, font, or line spacing, and add multimedia. Just click where you need to make changes and use our intuitive features to make whatever edits you need.\":\"Quickly and easily update your own PDF documents. Works like a word processor-reflow text across paragraphs, columns, and pages; change document layout, modify text size, font, or line spacing, and add multimedia. Just click where you need to make changes and use our intuitive \u003chighlighted\u003efeatures to make whatever edits you need\u003c/highlighted\u003e.\",\"Quickly pull key points from meeting notes, reports, and internal documents.\":\"Quickly pull key points from meeting notes, reports, and internal documents.\",\"Quickly review a large quantity of documents, then sign all of the reviewed documents at once with just a few clicks.\":\"Quickly review a large quantity of documents, then sign all of the reviewed documents at once with just a few clicks.\",\"RECOMMENDED\":\"RECOMMENDED\",\"REPORT\":\"REPORT\",\"Read Post\":\"Read Post\",\"Read how CIOs are deploying AI across their teams to increase productivity and employee satisfaction.\":\"Read how CIOs are deploying AI across their teams to increase productivity and employee satisfaction.\",\"Read out loud\":\"Read out loud\",\"Real-time collaboration with live annotations.\":\"Real-time collaboration with live annotations.\",\"Rearrange pages based on the order of the bookmarks\":\"Rearrange pages based on the order of the bookmarks\",\"Recognize and remove web links\":\"Recognize and remove web links\",\"Recognize text in scans, and then preview and correct suspect errors with a side-by-side view\":\"Recognize text in scans, and then preview and correct suspect errors with a side-by-side view\",\"Redact to permanently remove sensitive information in PDFs\":\"Redact to permanently remove sensitive information in PDFs\",\"Redefining your PDF experience with speed and innovation.\":\"Redefining your PDF experience with speed and innovation.\",\"Reduce repetitive manual work and quickly rewrite documents with increased precision and professionalism.\":\"Reduce repetitive manual work and quickly rewrite documents with increased precision and professionalism.\",\"Reduce total cost of ownership with volume licenses for Foxit PDF Editor Suite and Foxit eSign subscription.\":\"Reduce total cost of ownership with volume licenses for Foxit PDF Editor Suite and Foxit eSign subscription.\",\"Reflow editing\":\"Reflow editing\",\"Reflow view\":\"Reflow view\",\"Refund Policy\":\"Refund Policy\",\"Register a Partner Deal\":\"Register a Partner Deal\",\"Related links\":\"Related links\",\"Removes undesired information from your document before publishing, like metadata, comments, hidden data from previous saves, hidden layers, overlapping objects, and more\":\"Removes undesired information from your document before publishing, like metadata, comments, hidden data from previous saves, hidden layers, overlapping objects, and more\",\"Reorder, delete, or rotate PDF pages on your iOS or Android tablet\":\"Reorder, delete, or rotate PDF pages on your iOS or Android tablet\",\"Requesting eSignatures\":\"Requesting eSignatures\",\"Resources\":\"Resources\",\"Resources for Partners\":\"Resources for Partners\",\"Responsible Disclosure Policy\":\"Responsible Disclosure Policy\",\"Rest easy knowing all your documents are safe with Foxit’s end-to-end encryption and industry-accepted compliance standards.\":\"Rest easy knowing all your documents are safe with Foxit’s end-to-end encryption and industry-accepted compliance standards.\",\"Rest, .Net, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, and TypeScript\":\"Rest, .Net, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, and TypeScript\",\"Reusable PDF Templates\":\"Reusable PDF Templates\",\"Reusable Template Library\":\"Reusable Template Library\",\"Reverse the page order in a few steps\":\"Reverse the page order in a few steps\",\"Reviews\":\"Reviews\",\"Reviews Sourced by:\":\"Reviews Sourced by:\",\"Rewrite, define, and translate\":\"Rewrite, define, and translate\",\"Ribbon Customization\":\"Ribbon Customization\",\"Ruler, Guides, Grids to help positioning objects in the PDF\":\"Ruler, Guides, Grids to help positioning objects in the PDF\",\"Run spell-check on entire document and correct typos\":\"Run spell-check on entire document and correct typos\",\"SOC 2 Type 2 and 21 CFR Compliance\":\"SOC 2 Type 2 and 21 CFR Compliance\",\"SOC 2 Type 2 compliant, robust encryption, data localization and compliances like HIPAA, CCPA, ESIGN, FERPA, FINRA, UETA, EIDAS, GDPR, 21 CFR Part 10.\":\"SOC 2 Type 2 compliant, robust encryption, data localization and compliances like HIPAA, CCPA, ESIGN, FERPA, FINRA, UETA, EIDAS, GDPR, 21 CFR Part 10.\",\"SOC 2 Type 2, 21 CFR Part 11\":\"SOC 2 Type 2, 21 CFR Part 11\",\"Safari browser image\":\"Safari browser image\",\"Safe mode to control unauthorized actions and data transmissions\":\"Safe mode to control unauthorized actions and data transmissions\",\"Salesforce\":\"Salesforce\",\"Salesforce Flows\":\"Salesforce Flows\",\"Salesforce eBook\":\"Salesforce eBook\",\"Salesforce hero mobile\":\"Salesforce hero mobile\",\"Save PDF to Google Drive as gDocs, gSlides, or gSheets\":\"Save PDF to Google Drive as gDocs, gSlides, or gSheets\",\"Save more with subscription!\":\"Save more with subscription!\",\"Save resources by placing only one purchase order.\":\"Save resources by placing only one purchase order.\",\"Save time and never worry about prying eyes. Smart Redact automatically scans and permanently removes sensitive information from your documents.\":\"Save time and never worry about prying eyes. Smart Redact automatically scans and permanently removes sensitive information from your documents.\",\"Scalable eSigning\":\"Scalable eSigning\",\"Scan and OCR PDF\":\"Scan and OCR PDF\",\"Scan and OCR paper docs\":\"Scan and OCR paper docs\",\"Scan and Organize\":\"Scan and Organize\",\"Scan and convert paper documents or images to PDF. Run text recognition (OCR) to create selectable and searchable text. Make text editable and update hardcopy just like digital documents. Easily digitize your paper files and bring them to the 21st century.\":\"Scan and convert paper documents or images to PDF. Run text recognition (OCR) to create selectable and searchable text. Make text editable and update hardcopy just like digital documents. Easily digitize your paper files and bring them to the 21st century.\",\"Scan documents into editable, searchable PDFs (OCR)\":\"Scan documents into editable, searchable PDFs (OCR)\",\"Scan presets\":\"Scan presets\",\"Scan to PDF\":\"Scan to PDF\",\"Scan to PDF (OCR)\":\"Scan to PDF (OCR)\",\"Scan to Save Multiple Files\":\"Scan to Save Multiple Files\",\"Scan to create new PDF\":\"Scan to create new PDF\",\"Scan to insert into existing PDF\":\"Scan to insert into existing PDF\",\"Search and highlight the searched words\":\"Search and highlight the searched words\",\"Search and replace\":\"Search and replace\",\"Search in all opened PDFs\":\"Search in all opened PDFs\",\"Search including bookmarks and comments\":\"Search including bookmarks and comments\",\"Search only in bookmark\":\"Search only in bookmark\",\"Sec. 508 Compliance\":\"Sec. 508 Compliance\",\"Secure\":\"Secure\",\"Secure Authentication\":\"Secure Authentication\",\"Secure Cloud Storage\":\"Secure Cloud Storage\",\"Secure authentication options\":\"Secure authentication options\",\"Secure payment\":\"Secure payment\",\"Security\":\"Security\",\"Security \u0026 Compliance\":\"Security \u0026 Compliance\",\"Security and Compliance\":\"Security and Compliance\",\"See how AI is integrating with document technology\":\"See how AI is integrating with document technology\",\"See how Foxit stacks up\":\"See how Foxit stacks up\",\"See how people use Foxit\":\"See how people use Foxit\",\"Send\":\"Send\",\"Send a document or envelope to a signer's unique email address for signature. Optionally, provide the signer a code to open the document. No additional download or signup is required.\":\"Send a document or envelope to a signer's unique email address for signature. Optionally, provide the signer a code to open the document. No additional download or signup is required.\",\"Send a link to the document or envelope via email, SMS, in-app, through the website, and more. When signers click the link, they are taken directly and securely to the form to sign. No downloads or signups are needed.\":\"Send a link to the document or envelope via email, SMS, in-app, through the website, and more. When signers click the link, they are taken directly and securely to the form to sign. No downloads or signups are needed.\",\"Send documents from anywhere in seconds\":\"Send documents from anywhere in seconds\",\"Send documents within any Salesforce layout, a Foxit button placed in any Salesforce object, or automate document sending in Salesforce Flows.\":\"Send documents within any Salesforce layout, a Foxit button placed in any Salesforce object, or automate document sending in Salesforce Flows.\",\"Send from Anywhere\":\"Send from Anywhere\",\"Send me a quote\":\"Send me a quote\",\"Send message\":\"Send message\",\"Send multi-document envelopes for signing\":\"Send multi-document envelopes for signing\",\"Send notifications, reminders, updates, and even links to documents to be signed by SMS. Add additional SMS/Text quantity to your account now to ensure that there are no service interruptions.\":\"Send notifications, reminders, updates, and even links to documents to be signed by SMS. Add additional SMS/Text quantity to your account now to ensure that there are no service interruptions.\",\"Send personalized versions of the same document to a group of people simultaneously. Each document is separately tracked and maintained.\":\"Send personalized versions of the same document to a group of people simultaneously. Each document is separately tracked and maintained.\",\"Send templates and generated documents for legally binding eSignature within Salesforce.\":\"Send templates and generated documents for legally binding eSignature within Salesforce.\",\"Send the same document to multiple people in different languages to facilitate fast and easy eSigning.\":\"Send the same document to multiple people in different languages to facilitate fast and easy eSigning.\",\"Send, sign and save PDF documents using DocuSign, the industry's most widely used eSignature solution\":\"Send, sign and save PDF documents using DocuSign, the industry's most widely used eSignature solution\",\"Sending documents in envelopes allows signatures to be collected on multiple documents from one person or a group of people simultaneously with no additional cost per signature.\":\"Sending documents in envelopes allows signatures to be collected on multiple documents from one person or a group of people simultaneously with no additional cost per signature.\",\"Share and Sign\":\"Share and Sign\",\"Share and collaborate live\":\"Share and collaborate live\",\"Share document templates and collaborate with your team\":\"Share document templates and collaborate with your team\",\"Share links of PDFs for viewing, reviewing, and signing\":\"Share links of PDFs for viewing, reviewing, and signing\",\"SharePoint\":\"SharePoint\",\"Sharepoint\":\"Sharepoint\",\"Show less\":\"Show less\",\"Show more\":\"Show more\",\"Side-by-side document comparisons\":\"Side-by-side document comparisons\",\"Sign PDF\":\"Sign PDF\",\"Sign contracts and complete documents\":\"Sign contracts and complete documents\",\"Sign documents with Foxit legally-binding electronic signature service\":\"Sign documents with Foxit legally-binding electronic signature service\",\"Sign documents, request signatures, and track responses in real time\":\"Sign documents, request signatures, and track responses in real time\",\"Sign on Foxit PDF Editor\":\"Sign on Foxit PDF Editor\",\"Signable Web Forms\":\"Signable Web Forms\",\"Signable web forms\":\"Signable web forms\",\"Signed documents are immediately saved to Salesforce. Plus, information typed into document fields can automatically update Salesforce fields.\":\"Signed documents are immediately saved to Salesforce. Plus, information typed into document fields can automatically update Salesforce fields.\",\"Signed documents are instantly saved to Salesforce along with their signature certificate and complete audit trail.\":\"Signed documents are instantly saved to Salesforce along with their signature certificate and complete audit trail.\",\"Signed documents are stored and available for secure access at any time by authorized users. Plus, when a document is signed, both the requester and signer are sent digital copies.\":\"Signed documents are stored and available for secure access at any time by authorized users. Plus, when a document is signed, both the requester and signer are sent digital copies.\",\"Signer authentication made easy with options including Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), Knowledge-Based Authentication (KBA), password authentication, Qualified Electronic Signature (QES), email verification, and more.\":\"Signer authentication made easy with options including Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), Knowledge-Based Authentication (KBA), password authentication, Qualified Electronic Signature (QES), email verification, and more.\",\"Simple license management\":\"Simple license management\",\"Simplified Security\":\"Simplified Security\",\"Simplify complex documents.\":\"Simplify complex documents.\",\"Simplify licensing across your organization.\":\"Simplify licensing across your organization.\",\"Single Sign On to Foxit eSign (SSO) using the SAML protocol with Microsoft Azure AD, Google Workspace, Okta, PingIdentity, or OneLogin.\":\"Single Sign On to Foxit eSign (SSO) using the SAML protocol with Microsoft Azure AD, Google Workspace, Okta, PingIdentity, or OneLogin.\",\"Small Business Founder\":\"Small Business Founder\",\"Smart PDF Commands\":\"Smart PDF Commands\",\"Smart Redact saves time\":\"Smart Redact saves time\",\"Smart Redact to automatically remove sensitive information\":\"Smart Redact to automatically remove sensitive information\",\"Smart redact to automatically remove sensitive information\":\"Smart redact to automatically remove sensitive information\",\"Software delivery\":\"Software delivery\",\"Split PDF\":\"Split PDF\",\"Split a PDF by extracting one or multiple pages\":\"Split a PDF by extracting one or multiple pages\",\"Sr. Manager, Marina Management Systems\":\"Sr. Manager, Marina Management Systems\",\"Financial Services\":\"Financial Services\",\"Freelance Translator English\":\"Freelance Translator English\",\"Stamps\":\"Stamps\",\"Start Free Trial\":\"Start Free Trial\",\"Starting at\":\"Starting at\",\"Store completed signed documents\":\"Store completed signed documents\",\"Store, manage, and share files online with instant access to files across devices\":\"Store, manage, and share files online with instant access to files across devices\",\"Streamline IT processes\":\"Streamline IT processes\",\"Style customization for ink signatures\":\"Style customization for ink signatures\",\"Subscribe\":\"Subscribe\",\"Subtotal\":\"Subtotal\",\"Summarize Complex Documents\":\"Summarize Complex Documents\",\"Summarize long, complex documents\":\"Summarize long, complex documents\",\"Summarize in seconds\":\"Summarize in seconds\",\"Summarize the document\":\"Summarize the document\",\"Summarize the text\":\"Summarize the text\",\"Summarize the text \u0026 document\":\"Summarize the text \u0026 document\",\"Support \u0026 General\":\"Support \u0026 General\",\"Support Center\":\"Support Center\",\"Support the verification of the European Union Trusted List digital signatures\":\"Support the verification of the European Union Trusted List digital signatures\",\"Switching is easy\":\"Switching is easy\",\"TAA Compliance\":\"TAA Compliance\",\"Table of Contents\":\"Table of Contents\",\"Take a deeper look\":\"Take a deeper look\",\"Take the shortcut to launching your new eSign solution with implementation help from the eSign gurus at Foxit. \":\"Take the shortcut to launching your new eSign solution with implementation help from the eSign gurus at Foxit. \",\"Tax\":\"Tax\",\"Team training\":\"Team training\",\"Templates\":\"Templates\",\"Templates \u0026 Workflow Management\":\"Templates \u0026 Workflow Management\",\"Terms of Use\":\"Terms of Use\",\"Testimonials\":\"Testimonials\",\"Text viewer, Magnifier\":\"Text viewer, Magnifier\",\"The #1 Adobe Acrobat Alternative PDF editor as rated by G2 Crowd.\":\"The #1 \u003chighlighted\u003eAdobe Acrobat Alternative\u003c/highlighted\u003e PDF editor as rated by G2 Crowd.\",\"The #1 alternative PDF solution\":\"The #1 alternative PDF solution\",\"The AI revolution is here and it's rapidly changing how we interact with and create digital documents. Check out what's hot and what's coming.\":\"The AI revolution is here and it's rapidly changing how we interact with and create digital documents. Check out what's hot and what's coming.\",\"The Foxit Advantage\":\"The \u003chighlighted\u003eFoxit Advantage\u003c/highlighted\u003e\",\"The PDF Editor comes loaded with robust features that make working PDFs a breeze. Our features include creating, editing, sharing, collaborating, exporting, organization, accessibility, security, scanning and more.\":\"The PDF Editor comes loaded with robust features that make working PDFs a breeze. Our features include creating, editing, sharing, collaborating, exporting, organization, accessibility, security, scanning and more.\",\"The eSign Solution for Individuals\":\"The eSign Solution for Individuals\",\"The highest-rated and fastest-to-implement eSign API on G2 crowd is designed for versatility and ease of use. Create eSigning workflows within your platform and access support from the development team at Foxit eSign.\":\"The highest-rated and fastest-to-implement eSign API on G2 crowd is designed for versatility and ease of use. Create eSigning workflows within your platform and access support from the development team at Foxit eSign.\",\"The preferred PDF + AI solution for savvy professionals.\":\"The preferred PDF + AI solution for savvy professionals.\",\"The preferred PDF solution for savvy professionals.\":\"The preferred PDF solution for savvy professionals.\",\"Yearly Subscription Plans\":\"Yearly Subscription Plans\",\"Those interested in learning more about our enterprise plans and details can contact a representative at {contact button}. \":\"Those interested in learning more about our enterprise plans and details can contact a representative at {contact button}. \",\"Tickmark\":\"Tickmark\",\"Top 10 features\":\"Top 10 features\",\"Top Features\":\"Top Features\",\"Top Ranked PDF Editing Solution on G2\":\"Top Ranked PDF Editing Solution on G2\",\"Total amount\":\"Total amount\",\"Touch screen support\":\"Touch screen support\",\"Touch up reading order to add and edit tag\":\"Touch up reading order to add and edit tag\",\"Track \u0026 Manage Documents\":\"Track \u0026 Manage Documents\",\"Track activity across desktop, mobile, and web for documents sent for viewing, reviewing, and signatures\":\"Track activity across desktop, mobile, and web for documents sent for viewing, reviewing, and signatures\",\"Track and manage documents\":\"Track and manage documents\",\"Track documents sent for signature with real-time updates on document status. Set automated reminders, notifications, and more.\":\"Track documents sent for signature with real-time updates on document status. Set automated reminders, notifications, and more.\",\"Track documents that have been shared for review\":\"Track documents that have been shared for review\",\"Tracking\":\"Tracking\",\"Transform business processes using an industry-leading desktop interface to create, auto-fill, and sign forms.\":\"Transform business processes using an industry-leading desktop interface to create, auto-fill, and sign forms.\",\"Translate\":\"Translate\",\"Translate PDFs into more than 30 languages, ensuring messaging is always clear and accurate for a global audience.\":\"Translate PDFs into more than 30 languages, ensuring messaging is always clear and accurate for a global audience.\",\"Translate the text\":\"Translate the text\",\"Translate the text/document\":\"Translate the text/document\",\"Trouble Free Migration and Use\":\"Trouble Free Migration and Use\",\"Trusted Worldwide\":\"Trusted Worldwide\",\"Trusted by Professionals Worldwide\":\"Trusted by Professionals Worldwide\",\"Try Now\":\"Try Now\",\"Try free\":\"Try free\",\"Try it for free\":\"Try it for free\",\"Try it free\":\"Try it free\",\"Unlimited eSigning, Endless Possibilities\":\"Unlimited eSigning, Endless Possibilities\",\"Turn PDFs into editable Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files\":\"Turn PDFs into editable Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files\",\"Turn files into PDFs from your mobile\":\"Turn files into PDFs from your mobile\",\"Turn paper or Word docs into fillable PDF forms\":\"Turn paper or Word docs into fillable PDF forms\",\"Turn scanned documents into editable, searchable PDFs\":\"Turn scanned documents into editable, searchable PDFs\",\"Turn scanned paper documents into instantly searchable and editable PDFs with fonts that match the original\":\"Turn scanned paper documents into instantly searchable and editable PDFs with fonts that match the original\",\"Tutorials\":\"Tutorials\",\"Two-Factor Authentication\":\"Two-Factor Authentication\",\"UI enhancements\":\"UI enhancements\",\"Ultraforms\":\"Ultraforms\",\"Unleash the power of unlimited document generation and eSigning within Salesforce. Choose between our bespoke packages for document generation or a full document management suite. Both packages are purpose-built and designed to streamline your workflows, ensure compliance, and effortlessly secure your documents.\":\"Unleash the power of unlimited document generation and eSigning \u003chighlighted\u003ewithin Salesforce.\u003c/highlighted\u003e Choose between our bespoke packages for document generation or a full document management suite. Both packages are purpose-built and designed to streamline your workflows, ensure compliance, and effortlessly secure your documents.\",\"Unlimited Document Generation\":\"Unlimited Document Generation\",\"Unlimited Envelopes\":\"Unlimited Envelopes\",\"Unlimited Envelopes and Templates\":\"Unlimited Envelopes and Templates\",\"Unlimited Templates\":\"Unlimited Templates\",\"Unlimited document creation and eSigning within Salesforce plus end-to-end automation utilizing Salesforce Flows. \":\"Unlimited document creation and eSigning within Salesforce plus end-to-end automation utilizing Salesforce Flows. \",\"Unlock Bulk Sending, Bulk Signing, Online Forms, Signing Order and more.\":\"Unlock Bulk Sending, Bulk Signing, Online Forms, Signing Order and more.\",\"Unlock exciting opportunities by becoming a Foxit eSign Partner! Gain access to exclusive benefits while driving business to our innovative solution when you join our partner network. Our partners receive revenue share for every referral customer, creating a mutually beneficial partnership. Accelerate your success and maximize your profitability potential. Sign up now and start making an impact today!\":\"Unlock exciting opportunities by becoming a Foxit eSign Partner! Gain access to exclusive benefits while driving business to our innovative solution when you join our partner network. Our partners receive revenue share for every referral customer, creating a mutually beneficial partnership. Accelerate your success and maximize your profitability potential. \u003chighlighted\u003eSign up now\u003c/highlighted\u003e and start making an impact today!\",\"Unlock exciting opportunities by becoming a Foxit for Salesforce Partner! Gain access to exclusive benefits while driving business to our innovative solution when you join our partner network. Our partners receive revenue share for every referral customer, creating a mutually beneficial partnership. Accelerate your success and maximize your profitability potential. Sign up now and start making an impact today!\":\"Unlock exciting opportunities by becoming a Foxit for Salesforce Partner! Gain access to exclusive benefits while driving business to our innovative solution when you join our partner network. Our partners receive revenue share for every referral customer, creating a mutually beneficial partnership. Accelerate your success and maximize your profitability potential. \u003chighlighted\u003eSign up now\u003c/highlighted\u003e and start making an impact today!\",\"Update\":\"Update\",\"Usability\":\"Usability\",\"Use Salesforce flows to Send documents for eSignature (Send feature requires the eSign package), generate documents automatically, and Update Salesforce fields based on document statuses.\":\"Use Salesforce flows to Send documents for eSignature (Send feature requires the eSign package), generate documents automatically, and Update Salesforce fields based on document statuses.\",\"Use automation to unlock new workflows.\":\"Use automation to unlock new workflows.\",\"Use legal signatures practically anywhere\":\"Use legal signatures practically anywhere\",\"Use one-click creation of rich PDFs and other Foxit features within Microsoft 365\":\"Use one-click creation of rich PDFs and other Foxit features within Microsoft 365\",\"Use online, in app, or from integrations to create, send, and sign digital documents from anywhere, and on any device.\":\"Use online, in app, or from integrations to create, send, and sign digital documents from anywhere, and on any device.\",\"Use our mobile apps to collect a signature on documents even when there is no network coverage. Once the device is back online, the signed document will sync.\":\"Use our mobile apps to collect a signature on documents even when there is no network coverage. Once the device is back online, the signed document will sync.\",\"Use the Foxit eSign add-on for Google Workspace to enable the sending of envelopes and tracking of document statuses directly within Google apps.\":\"Use the Foxit eSign add-on for Google Workspace to enable the sending of envelopes and tracking of document statuses directly within Google apps.\",\"Use the Whiteout feature to apply redaction with one-click to simply and securely erase any content to white background\":\"Use the Whiteout feature to apply redaction with one-click to simply and securely erase any content to white background\",\"User Management\":\"User Management\",\"User Manuals\":\"User Manuals\",\"User Notification Pack (SMS/Text)\":\"User Notification Pack (SMS/Text)\",\"User SSO Capabilities\":\"User SSO Capabilities\",\"User, workflow, Foxit Pay, integration and branding setup\":\"User, workflow, Foxit Pay, integration and branding setup\",\"Utilize advanced fields such as Secured, Image, and Hyperlink, together with Accept and Decline buttons. Also access multiple validations and customize validations using RegEx. Even use conditional logic on your forms.\":\"Utilize advanced fields such as Secured, Image, and Hyperlink, together with Accept and Decline buttons. Also access multiple validations and customize validations using RegEx. Even use conditional logic on your forms.\",\"Unleash productivity and create consistently high-quality PDFs utilizing intelligent command tools.\":\"Unleash productivity and create consistently high-quality PDFs utilizing intelligent command tools.\",\"Utilize the embedded stamps feature with Foxit eSign, or upload your personal stamps, notary seals, and more as an image file directly onto your document.\":\"Utilize the embedded stamps feature with Foxit eSign, or upload your personal stamps, notary seals, and more as an image file directly onto your document.\",\"VIDEO\":\"VIDEO\",\"VIEW DETAILS\":\"VIEW DETAILS\",\"Verify identity with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) requiring signers to confirm their identity on multiple devices, Voice to send signers a robo call that provides a limited time access code, or with Authy access codes.\":\"Verify identity with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) requiring signers to confirm their identity on multiple devices, Voice to send signers a robo call that provides a limited time access code, or with Authy access codes.\",\"Verify identity with User Defined Access Codes allowing the requester to send the signer a code to enter before they sign or Knowledge Based Authentication (KBA) requiring signers to confirm personal information.\":\"Verify identity with User Defined Access Codes allowing the requester to send the signer a code to enter before they sign or Knowledge Based Authentication (KBA) requiring signers to confirm personal information.\",\"Version History\":\"Version History\",\"Videos\":\"Videos\",\"Videos \u0026 Resources\":\"Videos \u0026 Resources\",\"View All Features\":\"View All Features\",\"View All Product Tutorials\":\"View All Product Tutorials\",\"View All Tools\":\"View All Tools\",\"View Foxit Compliance\":\"View Foxit Compliance\",\"View and Print PDF\":\"View and Print PDF\",\"View and annotate PDFs\":\"View and annotate PDFs\",\"View and do more with PDF portfolios\":\"View and do more with PDF portfolios\",\"View and navigate page thumbnails, bookmarks\":\"View and navigate page thumbnails, bookmarks\",\"View documents in Horizontal or Vertical tab groups\":\"View documents in Horizontal or Vertical tab groups\",\"View enterprise features\":\"View enterprise features\",\"Enterprise feature\":\"Enterprise feature\",\"Enterprise features\":\"Enterprise features\",\"View less\":\"View less\",\"View more\":\"View more\",\"View our full list of software integrations.\":\"View our full list of software integrations.\",\"View prices\":\"View prices\",\"View, interact, and comment on PDF content from your computer or web browser\":\"View, interact, and comment on PDF content from your computer or web browser\",\"Volume Request\":\"Volume Request\",\"Volume-based templates\":\"Volume-based templates\",\"Watch Video\":\"Watch Video\",\"Watch how AI-powered Smart Redact automatically removes sensitive information.\":\"Watch how AI-powered Smart Redact automatically removes sensitive information.\",\"Watch video that explore the tips, tricks, and uses of Foxit PDF Editor. \":\"Watch video that explore the tips, tricks, and uses of Foxit PDF Editor. \",\"We have you covered. Foxit eSign is SOC 2 Type 2 compliant, with robust encryption, data localization, and more.\":\"We have you covered. Foxit eSign is SOC 2 Type 2 compliant, with robust encryption, data localization, and more.\",\"We offer up to a 30% discount for larger teams who require volume licenses. Enterprise clients have additional access to features such as Microsoft SharePoint and Teams integrations, API access, Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES), bulk sending, bulk signing, and more.\":\"We offer up to a 30% discount for larger teams who require volume licenses. Enterprise clients have additional access to features such as Microsoft SharePoint and Teams integrations, API access, Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES), bulk sending, bulk signing, and more.\",\"We offer up to a 30% discount for larger teams who require volume licenses. There are no differences in products for individuals or enterprises.\":\"We offer up to a 30% discount for larger teams who require volume licenses. There are no differences in products for individuals or enterprises.\",\"We work when you do with live 24/7 Enterprise customer support through phone, chat, email, and tickets. Plus, Enterprise account access to our development team for integration and API implementation is made available.\":\"We work when you do with live 24/7 Enterprise customer support through phone, chat, email, and tickets. Plus, Enterprise account access to our development team for integration and API implementation is made available.\",\"Webinars\":\"Webinars\",\"What is the difference between individual and enterprise subscriptions?\":\"What is the difference between individual and enterprise subscriptions?\",\"What is the significant difference between PDF Editor and PDF Editor+? \":\"What is the significant difference between PDF Editor and PDF Editor+? \",\"What's New\":\"What's New\",\"What's new\":\"What's new\",\"When you use Foxit, you get more out of your tools. Your company will have everything you need with PDF editing, eSign, collaboration, OCR, and more. Foxit is also fully customizable and scalable to the unique needs of your business. You can customize the package you buy, creating the right fit for you and your team.\":\"When you use Foxit, you get more out of your tools. Your company will have everything you need with PDF editing, eSign, collaboration, OCR, and more. Foxit is also fully customizable and scalable to the unique needs of your business. You can customize the package you buy, creating the right fit for you and your team.\",\"White Glove Deployment \u0026 Support\":\"White Glove Deployment \u0026 Support\",\"Whitepapers\":\"Whitepapers\",\"Why Be a Channel Partner\":\"Why Be a Channel Partner\",\"Why Choose Foxit?\":\"Why Choose Foxit?\",\"Why Foxit PDF Editor is the leading alternative to Adobe Acrobat\":\"Why Foxit PDF Editor is the leading \u003chighlighted\u003ealternative to Adobe Acrobat\u003c/highlighted\u003e\",\"Windows\":\"Windows\",\"Windows desktop application\":\"Windows desktop application\",\"With the eSigner Delegation feature, document recipients can delegate signature tasks to a different person when not able to sign for reasons beyond their control.\":\"With the eSigner Delegation feature, document recipients can delegate signature tasks to a different person when not able to sign for reasons beyond their control.\",\"Wondershare\":\"Wondershare\",\"Wondershare PDFelement\":\"Wondershare PDFelement\",\"Wondershare is primarily a creative software platform that focuses on video editing tools, image and audio manipulation tools, and a PDF editor. The PDF editor has standard features and limited integrations, making it a more standalone software package.\":\"Wondershare is primarily a creative software platform that focuses on video editing tools, image and audio manipulation tools, and a PDF editor. The PDF editor has standard features and limited integrations, making it a more standalone software package.\",\"Wondershare vs Foxit Comparison\":\"Wondershare vs Foxit Comparison\",\"Word to PDF\":\"Word to PDF\",\"WordPress Forms\":\"WordPress Forms\",\"Work with certificate signatures\":\"Work with certificate signatures\",\"Work your way and integrate Foxit eSign to send, sign, track, and more within some of the worlds most popular platforms.\":\"Work your way and integrate Foxit eSign to send, sign, track, and more within some of the worlds most popular platforms.\",\"Worldwide compliance options simplified. Foxit compliance options include HIPAA, CCPA, ESIGN, FERPA, FINRA, UETA, EIDAS, GDPR, 21 CFR Part 11, and more.\":\"Worldwide compliance options simplified. Foxit compliance options include HIPAA, CCPA, ESIGN, FERPA, FINRA, UETA, EIDAS, GDPR, 21 CFR Part 11, and more.\",\"Yes\":\"Yes\",\"Yes! If you work in education or are a student, register for a Foxit account with your school-provided email address and receive your education discount automatically during checkout. Learn more\":\"Yes! If you work in education or are a student, register for a Foxit account with your school-provided email address and receive your education discount automatically during checkout. \u003chighlighted\u003eLearn more\u003c/highlighted\u003e\",\"Yes! If you work in education or are a student, register for a Foxit account with your school-provided email address and receive your education discount automatically during checkout. Learn more about PDF Editor+ for Education.\":\"Yes! If you work in education or are a student, register for a Foxit account with your school-provided email address and receive your education discount automatically during checkout. Learn more about \u003chighlighted\u003ePDF Editor+ for Education\u003c/highlighted\u003e.\",\"Yes! You can find Foxit AI Assistant here. We also have integrations like Foxit for Salesforce and our popular Admin Console that are available separately. Check the Products tab in the main menu for all our products and integrations\":\"Yes! You can find Foxit AI Assistant \u003chighlighted\u003ehere\u003c/highlighted\u003e. We also have integrations like Foxit for Salesforce and our popular Admin Console that are available separately. Check the Products tab in the main menu for all our products and integrations.\",\"Yes, for PDF Suite Pro subscribers. All updates are completed automatically, so you always have our latest features, tools, and security protections. \":\"Yes, for PDF Suite Pro subscribers. All updates are completed automatically, so you always have our latest features, tools, and security protections. \",\"Yes, our PDF Editor can be used to compress an edited PDF without losing quality.\":\"Yes, our PDF Editor can be used to compress an edited PDF without losing quality.\",\"Yes, you can convert your edited PDF to Word, Excel, PPT and other formats easily with our online PDF converter.\":\"Yes, you can convert your edited \u003chighlighted\u003ePDF to Word\u003c/highlighted\u003e, Excel, PPT and other formats easily with our online PDF converter.\",\"Yes, you can merge your edited PDFs together with our easy-to-use Merge PDF service.\":\"Yes, you can merge your edited PDFs together with our easy-to-use \u003chighlighted\u003eMerge PDF\u003c/highlighted\u003e service.\",\"Yes. All products either update automatically, can manually be updated, or have a feature to turn on automatic updating to the latest version. This ensures you always have our latest features, tools, and security protections. \":\"Yes. All products either update automatically, can manually be updated, or have a feature to turn on automatic updating to the latest version. This ensures you always have our latest features, tools, and security protections. \",\"You decide how you want to contact Foxit Support: Choose between phone, chat, email, or online tickets. The built-in chat support function in Foxit PDF Editor enables you to directly address your issues without having to leave the application.\":\"You decide how you want to contact Foxit Support: Choose between phone, chat, email, or online tickets. The built-in chat support function in Foxit PDF Editor enables you to directly address your issues without having to leave the application.\",\"Your Foxit Account\":\"Your Foxit Account\",\"View Plans \u0026 Pricing\":\"View Plans \u0026 Pricing\",\"Zapier\":\"Zapier\",\"all the features\":\"all the features\",\"ALL THE FEATURES OF PDF EDITOR, PLUS:\":\"ALL THE FEATURES OF PDF EDITOR, PLUS:\",\"all-in-one tool\":\"all-in-one tool\",\"annually, per user\":\"annually, per user\",\"by Purchasing in Volume\":\"by Purchasing in Volume\",\"comparisons\":\"comparisons\",\"customers\":\"customers\",\"developers\":\"developers\",\"discover foxit ai\":\"discover foxit ai\",\"eIDAS, ESIGN, UETA, FINRA, CCPA, FERPA, GDPR\":\"eIDAS, ESIGN, UETA, FINRA, CCPA, FERPA, GDPR\",\"eSign\":\"eSign\",\"eSign Business\":\"eSign Business\",\"eSign Enterprise\":\"eSign Enterprise\",\"eSign Essentials\":\"eSign Essentials\",\"eSign PDF\":\"eSign PDF\",\"eSign Plans\":\"eSign Plans\",\"eSign Pro\":\"eSign Pro\",\"eSign Widget\":\"eSign Widget\",\"eSign in-person with a user from the Foxit eSign account administrating the signing session. The signing administrator gives control to the recipient to fill out the document and sign.\":\"eSign in-person with a user from the Foxit eSign account administrating the signing session. The signing administrator gives control to the recipient to fill out the document and sign.\",\"eSign, Smart Redact, Mobile\":\"eSign, Smart Redact, Mobile\",\"For Individuals, license not centrally manageable.\":\"For Individuals, license not centrally manageable.\",\"Without Admin Console\":\"Without Admin Console\",\"with Admin Console\":\"with Admin Console\",\"eSignature\":\"eSignature\",\"eSignature Authentication\":\"eSignature Authentication\",\"eSignature Workflow Rules\":\"eSignature Workflow Rules\",\"eSignature Workflows\":\"eSignature Workflows\",\"eSigner Delegation\":\"eSigner Delegation\",\"eSigner delegation\":\"eSigner delegation\",\"easier than ever\":\"easier than ever\",\"\":\"\",\"feature\":\"feature\",\"features\":\"features\",\"filterTitle_industry\":\"Industry\",\"filterTitle_product\":\"Product\",\"filterTitle_type\":\"Content\",\"foxit for everybody\":\"foxit for everybody\",\"get started\":\"get started\",\"get started \":\"get started \",\"happy to assist\":\"happy to assist\",\"highlighted Chat naturally, gain insight\":\"Chat naturally, \u003chighlighted\u003egain insight\u003c/highlighted\u003e\",\"highlighted Comparing Best PDF Editors\":\"Comparing Best \u003chighlighted\u003ePDF Editors\u003c/highlighted\u003e\",\"highlighted Foxit PDF Editor\":\"Foxit \u003chighlighted\u003ePDF Editor\u003c/highlighted\u003e\",\"highlighted Foxit for Salesforce®\":\"Foxit \u003chighlighted\u003efor Salesforce\u003csup\u003e®\u003c/sup\u003e\u003c/highlighted\u003e\",\"highlighted Foxit for Salesforce\":\"Foxit \u003chighlighted\u003efor Salesforce\u003c/highlighted\u003e\",\"highlighted One-click rewrites\":\"One-click \u003chighlighted\u003erewrites\u003c/highlighted\u003e\",\"highlighted Send, Sign, and Done\":\"Send, Sign, and \u003chighlighted\u003eDone\u003c/highlighted\u003e\",\"highlighted Summarize in seconds\":\"Summarize \u003chighlighted\u003ein seconds\u003c/highlighted\u003e\",\"highlighted The #1 Adobe Acrobat Alternative\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eThe #1\u003c/highlighted\u003e Adobe Acrobat Alternative\",\"highlight The #1 Adobe Acrobat Alternative\":\"The #1\u003chighlighted\u003e Adobe Acrobat\u003c/highlighted\u003e Alternative\",\"highlighted Comparing The Best PDF Editors\":\"Comparing \u003chighlighted\u003eThe Best\u003c/highlighted\u003e PDF Editors\",\"Foxit is the #1 rated PDF Editor according to G2 customer satisfaction scores.\":\"Foxit is the #1 rated PDF Editor according to G2 customer satisfaction scores.\",\"Request a Quote\":\"Request a Quote\",\"integrations\":\"integrations\",\"highlighted Foxit is faster, higher rated and 40% less expensive than Adobe Acrobat.\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eFoxit\u003c/highlighted\u003e is faster, higher rated and 44% less expensive than Adobe Acrobat.\",\"highlighted The all-in-one PDF solution built for business and optimized with AI.\":\"The \u003chighlighted\u003eall-in-one PDF solution\u003c/highlighted\u003e built for business and optimized with AI.\",\"Edit Your PDF Online for Free - Fast, Easy, and Secure!\":\"Edit PDFs Using Our Free Online PDF Editor - Fast, Easy, and Secure!\",\"Drag-and-drop a file to convert it to PDF or upload an existing PDF, then edit your PDF by adding text, comments, and more.\":\"Drag-and-drop a file to convert it to PDF or upload an existing PDF to edit text, add comments, annotate, fill \u0026 sign forms.\",\"Upload a file\":\"Upload a file\",\"Your files will be securely handled by Foxit cloud servers and saved to your personal cloud space.\":\"Your files will be securely handled by Foxit cloud servers and saved to your personal cloud space.\",\"User-uploaded documents are securely transferred via HTTPS with TLS 1.2 and encrypted using AES-256 through Amazon S3's SSE-S3 option.\":\"User-uploaded documents are securely transferred via HTTPS with TLS 1.2 and encrypted using AES-256 through Amazon S3's SSE-S3 option.\",\"By using this service, you agree Foxit's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy\":\"By using this service, you agree Foxit's \u003chighlightdTos\u003eTerms of Service\u003c/highlightdTos\u003e and \u003chighlightdPP\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/highlightdPP\u003e\",\"launch\":\"launch\",\"learn\":\"learn\",\"let’s work together\":\"let’s work together\",\"manage documents easily\":\"manage documents easily\",\"monthly\":\"monthly\",\"monthly, per user\":\"monthly, per user\",\"never been easier\":\"never been easier\",\"of pdf editor, plus:\":\"of pdf editor, plus:\",\"online tools\":\"online tools\",\"partnerships\":\"partnerships\",\"pdfEditor\":\"pdfEditor\",\"pdfEditorOneTime\":\"pdfEditorOneTime\",\"pdfEditorPlus\":\"pdfEditorPlus\",\"pdfFiller\":\"pdfFiller\",\"popular automation\":\"popular automation\",\"popular features\":\"popular features\",\"product\":\"product\",\"productivity\":\"productivity\",\"salesforce \":\"salesforce \",\"seamless solutions\":\"seamless solutions\",\"see for yourself\":\"see for yourself\",\"support\":\"support\",\"testimonial\":\"testimonial\",\"we’re constantly growing\":\"we’re constantly growing\",\"“A Top-Tier Solution for Seamless PDF Editing”\":\"“A Top-Tier Solution for Seamless PDF Editing”\",\"“A great tool to have.”\":\"“A great tool to have.”\",\"“A phenomenon in the world of digital signatures in PDFs.”\":\"“A phenomenon in the world of digital signatures in PDFs.”\",\"“Amazing Replacement for Adobe”\":\"“Amazing Replacement for Adobe”\",\"“Auto-reminder funciton is great for forgetful clients.”\":\"“Auto-reminder funciton is great for forgetful clients.”\",\"“Best Alternative for Adobe Pro”\":\"“Best Alternative for Adobe Pro”\",\"“Best PDF Editor I have used to date!”\":\"“Best PDF Editor I have used to date!”\",\"“Better and more affordable than Adobe”\":\"“Better and more affordable than Adobe”\",\"“Excellent eSignature Platform with Form Features.”\":\"“Excellent eSignature Platform with Form Features.”\",\"“Fantastic Suite of Tools from Foxit PDF Editor”\":\"“Fantastic Suite of Tools from Foxit PDF Editor”\",\"“Foxit PDF Editor is the best!”\":\"“Foxit PDF Editor is the best!”\",\"“Foxit eSign is Afforable and Flexible - One of the Best eSign Solutions.”\":\"“Foxit eSign is Afforable and Flexible - One of the Best eSign Solutions.”\",\"“Fully equipped and robust”\":\"“Fully equipped and robust”\",\"“Great app! There are so many functions!”\":\"“Great app! There are so many functions!”\",\"“Great product at a great price.”\":\"“Great product at a great price.”\",\"“It works as well as Adobe.”\":\"“It works as well as Adobe.”\",\"“The PDF editor that doesn't make you want to pull your hair out.”\":\"“The PDF editor that doesn't make you want to pull your hair out.”\",\"No thanks, proceed to billing.\":\"No thanks, proceed to billing.\",\"Recommended\":\"Recommended\",\"Foxit AI Assistant\":\"Foxit AI Assistant\",\"highlighted Foxit AI Assistant\":\"Foxit \u003chighlighted\u003eAI Assistant\u003c/highlighted\u003e\",\"Try it Free with Foxit PDF Editor, PDF Editor+, or PDF Reader\":\"Try it Free with Foxit PDF Editor, PDF Editor+, or PDF Reader\",\"Discover the fastest, smartest, most highly-rated PDF and eSign solution today!\":\"Discover the fastest, smartest, most highly-rated PDF and eSign solution today!\",\"Drive business momentum with AI. Spend more time on priority tasks with an AI Assistant that automates daily tasks, extracts key data from documents and analyzes content.\":\"Drive business momentum with AI. Spend more time on priority tasks with an AI Assistant that automates daily tasks, extracts key data from documents and analyzes content.\",\"PDF Editor Mobile\":\"PDF Editor Mobile\",\"highlighted PDF Editor Mobile\":\"PDF Editor \u003chighlighted\u003eMobile\u003c/highlighted\u003e\",\"Get Started with AI Assistant.\":\"Get Started with AI Assistant.\",\"Watch a Demo\":\"Watch a Demo\",\"Foxit saves you up to 44% over Adobe, without sacrificing any of the robust features you need. With award-winning usability, advanced integrations and the industry's first AI Assistant for PDF editing, Foxit is the easy choice for businesses that want high performance and great value.\":\"Foxit saves you up to 44% over Adobe, without sacrificing any of the robust features you need. With award-winning usability, advanced integrations and the industry's first AI Assistant for PDF editing, Foxit is the easy choice for businesses that want high performance and great value.\",\"Explore Foxit vs Adobe Acrobat\":\"Explore Foxit vs Adobe Acrobat\",\"FOXIT VS NITRO\":\"FOXIT VS NITRO\",\"Foxit vs Nitro\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eFoxit\u003c/highlighted\u003e vs Nitro\",\"Explore Foxit vs Nitro\":\"Explore Foxit vs Nitro\",\"FOXIT VS TUNGSTEN\":\"FOXIT VS TUNGSTEN\",\"Explore Foxit vs Tungsten\":\"Explore Foxit vs Tungsten\",\"FOXIT VS WONDERSHARE\":\"FOXIT VS WONDERSHARE\",\"Explore Foxit vs Wondershare\":\"Explore Foxit vs Wondershare\",\"FOXIT VS PDFFILLER\":\"FOXIT VS PDFFILLER\",\"Explore Foxit vs pdfFiller\":\"Explore Foxit vs pdfFiller\",\"FOXIT VS PDF-XCHANGE\":\"FOXIT VS PDF-XCHANGE\",\"Explore Foxit vs PDF-XChange\":\"Explore Foxit vs PDF-XChange\",\"Send, Sign, and Collect Payment\":\"\u003ccustomText\u003eSend, Sign, and Collect Payment\u003c/customText\u003e\",\"Innovation Beyond eSignatures\":\"Innovation Beyond eSignatures\",\"Foxit Pay\":\"Foxit Pay\",\"Simplified payment collection built right into your agreements and quotes.\":\"Simplified payment collection built right into your agreements and quotes.\",\"On-Demand Notary\":\"On-Demand Notary\",\"Add notary services to your document workflow and get documents notarized with our NotaryLive integration.\":\"Add notary services to your document workflow and get documents notarized with our NotaryLive integration.\",\"Explore More\":\"Explore More\",\"Learn more about the powerful Foxit eSign solution.\":\"Learn more about the powerful Foxit eSign solution.\",\"Foxit eSign Case Study | Xseed Solutions\":\"Foxit eSign Case Study | Xseed Solutions\",\"Xseed CEO Mateo Bervejillo discusses how Foxit eSign Business has revolutionized document workflows for his company.\":\"Xseed CEO Mateo Bervejillo discusses how Foxit eSign Business has revolutionized document workflows for his company.\",\"Foxit eSign | NotaryLive Overview\":\"Foxit eSign | NotaryLive Overview\",\"See how to create an on-demand notary workflow with Foxit eSign.\":\"See how to create an on-demand notary workflow with Foxit eSign.\",\"Foxit eSign and NotaryLive Webinar\":\"Foxit eSign and NotaryLive Webinar\",\"Join Charles and Nake from Foxit and Joshua from NotaryLive as they discuss all things notary.\":\"Join Charles and Nake from Foxit and Joshua from NotaryLive as they discuss all things notary.\",\"Foxit minimizes learning curves for new users. Foxit PDF Editor's interface is based on Microsoft's ribbon-style toolbar, so it's already familiar to your teams. Additionally, Foxit is more efficient than Adobe Acrobat, requiring 7% fewer clicks on average to complete similar tasks. Integrations with popular business productivity tools such as Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace provide further advantages, allowing users to continue working with the apps they know and love. With award-winning usability, it's no wonder why Foxit scored higher than Adobe Acrobat for ease of use, according to G2 user reviews.\":\"Foxit minimizes learning curves for new users. Foxit PDF Editor's interface is based on Microsoft's ribbon-style toolbar, so it's already familiar to your teams. Additionally, Foxit is more efficient than Adobe Acrobat, requiring 7% fewer clicks on average to complete similar tasks. Integrations with popular business productivity tools such as Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace provide further advantages, allowing users to continue working with the apps they know and love. With award-winning usability, it's no wonder why Foxit scored higher than Adobe Acrobat for ease of use, according to G2 user reviews.\",\"Users confirm Foxit is easier to use than Adobe Acrobat\":\"Users confirm Foxit is easier to use than Adobe Acrobat\",\"Provisioning new users is straightforward and efficient with Foxit Admin Console regardless of how big your team is. Admin Console provides a centralized portal to manage Foxit PDF Editor and eSign licenses. Review how many licenses your own, how many are assigned and the number of active users. You can add new users manually or by connecting to SSO and Active Directory. Assign and remove licenses from users individually or in batches with user groups.\":\"Provisioning new users is straightforward and efficient with Foxit Admin Console regardless of how big your team is. Admin Console provides a centralized portal to manage Foxit PDF Editor and eSign licenses. Review how many licenses your own, how many are assigned and the number of active users. You can add new users manually or by connecting to SSO and Active Directory. Assign and remove licenses from users individually or in batches with user groups.\",\"Foxit makes it easy to set up and manage users.\":\"Foxit makes it easy to set up and manage users.\",\"Foxit is committed to the safety of your sensitive business documents. Our products and services deliver enterprise-grade security, in compliance with industry best practices and regulations. Foxit holds the following distinctions and certifications:\":\"Foxit is committed to the safety of your sensitive business documents. Our products and services deliver enterprise-grade security, in compliance with industry best practices and regulations. Foxit holds the following distinctions and certifications:\",\"Foxit makes change management easy.\":\"Foxit makes change management easy.\",\"TechRadar recently named Foxit the Best PDF Editor for Security in 2024, specifically citing its redaction tools as a standout feature for data-conscious businesses. Additionally, Foxit PDF Editor integrates with Microsoft® Active Directory Rights Management Services and Azure Active Directory Rights Management, helping you securely manage user access to your business documents. With Foxit, you get enhanced security and compliance in a full-featured, intelligent PDF solution.\":\"TechRadar recently named Foxit the \u003chighlighted\u003eBest PDF Editor for Security\u003c/highlighted\u003e in 2024, specifically citing its redaction tools as a standout feature for data-conscious businesses. Additionally, Foxit PDF Editor integrates with Microsoft\u003csup\u003e®\u003c/sup\u003e Active Directory Rights Management Services and Azure Active Directory Rights Management, helping you securely manage user access to your business documents. With Foxit, you get enhanced security and compliance in a full-featured, intelligent PDF solution.\",\"Switching to Foxit PDF Editor is straightforward and efficient. Foxit Admin Console simplifies license provisioning for teams of any size. All customers have access to 24/7 onboarding support via phone, email, web, or chat, and on-demand resources, including online tutorials and knowledgebase articles. Large enterprises also have access to dedicated implementation teams. With Foxit, upgrading your PDF solution is quick, easy and hassle-free.\":\"Switching to Foxit PDF Editor is straightforward and efficient. Foxit Admin Console simplifies license provisioning for teams of any size. All customers have access to 24/7 onboarding support via phone, email, web, or chat, and on-demand resources, including online tutorials and knowledgebase articles. Large enterprises also have access to dedicated implementation teams. With Foxit, upgrading your PDF solution is quick, easy and hassle-free.\",\"Switching to Foxit PDF Editor is straightforward and efficient. Foxit Admin Console simplifies license provisioning for teams of any size. All customers have access to 24/7 onboarding support via phone, email, web, or chat, and on-demand resources, including online tutorials and knowledgebase articles. Large enterprises also have access to dedicated implementation teams. With Foxit, upgrading your PDF solution is quick, easy and hassle-free. Request a quote to start your migration discussion with a Foxit representative.\":\"Switching to Foxit PDF Editor is straightforward and efficient. Foxit Admin Console simplifies license provisioning for teams of any size. All customers have access to 24/7 onboarding support via phone, email, web, or chat, and on-demand resources, including online tutorials and knowledgebase articles. Large enterprises also have access to dedicated implementation teams. With Foxit, upgrading your PDF solution is quick, easy and hassle-free. Request a quote to start your migration discussion with a Foxit representative.\",\"Switching to Foxit PDF Editor is straightforward and efficient. Foxit Admin Console simplifies license provisioning for teams of any size. Foxit also offers onboarding support for teams of any size. All customers have access to 24/7 support via phone, email, web, or chat, and on-demand resources, including online tutorials and knowledgebase articles. Enterprises also have access to dedicated implementation teams. With Foxit, upgrading your PDF solution is quick, easy and hassle-free. Request a quote to start your migration discussion with a Foxit representative.\":\"Switching to Foxit PDF Editor is straightforward and efficient. Foxit Admin Console simplifies license provisioning for teams of any size. Foxit also offers onboarding support for teams of any size. All customers have access to 24/7 support via phone, email, web, or chat, and on-demand resources, including online tutorials and knowledgebase articles. Enterprises also have access to dedicated implementation teams. With Foxit, upgrading your PDF solution is quick, easy and hassle-free. Request a quote to start your migration discussion with a Foxit representative.\",\"Savings claim based on the single license annual price of Foxit PDF Editor+ with Admin Console vs Nitro Pro Business, as of September 2024. Actual savings may vary based on product version, number of licenses purchased, and other factors.\":\"Savings claim based on the single license annual price of Foxit PDF Editor+ with Admin Console vs Nitro Pro Business, as of September 2024. Actual savings may vary based on product version, number of licenses purchased, and other factors.\",\"Savings claim based on the single license annual price of Foxit PDF Editor+ with Admin Console vs Adobe Acrobat Pro for Teams, as of September 2024. Actual savings may vary based on product version, number of licenses purchased, and other factors.\":\"Savings claim based on the single license annual price of Foxit PDF Editor+ with Admin Console vs Adobe Acrobat Pro for Teams, as of September 2024. Actual savings may vary based on product version, number of licenses purchased, and other factors.\",\"Speed claim based on required clicks to complete comparable tasks. Confirmed by user testing for the following features: Compare two versions of a PDF to review all differences, Convert PDFs to Word, Excel or Powerpoint files with formatting accuracy, Convert PDFs to JPEG, TIFF or PNG images, Redact text, Insert, delete and organize pages, Add audio, video or interactive objects, Add Bates Numbering to legal documents, Turn paper files or Word files into fillable PDF forms, Add comments to PDFs with a suite of commenting tools (text editing, highlighter and sticky notes) and Export PDF to Word.\":\"Speed claim based on required clicks to complete comparable tasks. Confirmed by user testing for the following features: Compare two versions of a PDF to review all differences, Convert PDFs to Word, Excel or Powerpoint files with formatting accuracy, Convert PDFs to JPEG, TIFF or PNG images, Redact text, Insert, delete and organize pages, Add audio, video or interactive objects, Add Bates Numbering to legal documents, Turn paper files or Word files into fillable PDF forms, Add comments to PDFs with a suite of commenting tools (text editing, highlighter and sticky notes) and Export PDF to Word.\",\"Compare Foxit vs Adobe Acrobat\":\"Compare Foxit vs Adobe Acrobat\",\"annually\":\"annually\",\"Multi-language support\":\"Multi-language support\",\"Why Choose Foxit Over Nitro?\":\"Why Choose Foxit Over Nitro?\",\"Foxit is the #1 PDF Editor for data security.\":\"Foxit is the #1 PDF Editor for data security.\",\"Foxit vs pdfFiller\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eFoxit\u003c/highlighted\u003e vs pdfFiller\",\"Why Choose Foxit Over pdfFiller?\":\"Why Choose Foxit Over pdfFiller?\",\"Cloud application\":\"Cloud application\",\"Save up to 11% when choosing Foxit over pdfFiller.\":\"Save up to 11% when choosing Foxit over pdfFiller.\",\"Foxit is the obvious choice for businesses seeking a powerful, cost-effective PDF and eSign solution. Foxit PDF Editor+ plans are 11% less than pdfFiller Premium for Enterprise. This equates to more than $2,000 in annual savings for a team of 100 users. These cost savings combined with additional features such as a AI Assistant, solidify Foxit as the better value for your business. All Foxit plans are simple and straightforward, with no minimum license requirements. Conversely, pdfFiller Enterprise plans require a minimum purchase of 10-20 licenses. Make the savvy choice. Get a quote today to see how much you can save when you switch to Foxit.\":\"Foxit is the obvious choice for businesses seeking a powerful, cost-effective PDF and eSign solution. Foxit PDF Editor+ plans are 11% less than pdfFiller Premium for Enterprise. This equates to more than $2,000 in annual savings for a team of 100 users. These cost savings combined with additional features such as a AI Assistant, solidify Foxit as the better value for your business. All Foxit plans are simple and straightforward, with no minimum license requirements. Conversely, pdfFiller Enterprise plans require a minimum purchase of 10-20 licenses. Make the savvy choice. Get a quote today to see how much you can save when you switch to Foxit.\",\"Foxit is easy to use, easy to adopt.\":\"Foxit is easy to use, easy to adopt.\",\"Foxit minimizes learning curves for new users. Foxit PDF Editor's interface is based on Microsoft's ribbon-style toolbar, so it's already familiar to your teams. Integrations with popular business productivity tools such as Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace provide further advantages, allowing users to continue working with the apps they know and love. With award-winning usability, it's no wonder why Foxit has the highest user satisfaction score of all PDF editors.\":\"Foxit minimizes learning curves for new users. Foxit PDF Editor's interface is based on Microsoft's ribbon-style toolbar, so it's already familiar to your teams. Integrations with popular business productivity tools such as Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace provide further advantages, allowing users to continue working with the apps they know and love. With award-winning usability, it's no wonder why Foxit has the highest user satisfaction score of all PDF editors.\",\"Savings claim based on the 1st year single license annual price of Foxit PDF Editor+ vs pdfFiller Premium for Enterprise, as of September 2024. Actual savings may vary based on product version, number of licenses purchased, and other factors.\":\"Savings claim based on the 1st year single license annual price of Foxit PDF Editor+ vs pdfFiller Premium for Enterprise, as of September 2024. Actual savings may vary based on product version, number of licenses purchased, and other factors.\",\"AI-based redaction\":\"AI-based redaction\",\"Businesses save up to 11% when they chose Foxit over Nitro.\":\"Businesses save up to 11% when they chose Foxit over Nitro.\",\"Foxit is the clear choice for businesses seeking a powerful, cost-effective PDF and eSign solution. Foxit PDF Editor+ plans are 11% less than Nitro Pro for Business. The equates to over $1,900 in annual savings for a team of 100 users. These cost savings, combined with AI functionality and superior customer satisfaction ratings, solidify Foxit as the better value for your business. Get a quote today to see how much you can save when you switch to Foxit.\":\"Foxit is the clear choice for businesses seeking a powerful, cost-effective PDF and eSign solution. Foxit PDF Editor+ plans are 11% less than Nitro Pro for Business. The equates to over $1,900 in annual savings for a team of 100 users. These cost savings, combined with AI functionality and superior customer satisfaction ratings, solidify Foxit as the better value for your business. Get a quote today to see how much you can save when you switch to Foxit.\",\"Users confirm Foxit is easier to use than Nitro Pro.\":\"Users confirm Foxit is easier to use than Nitro Pro.\",\"Foxit vs PDF-XChange\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eFoxit\u003c/highlighted\u003e vs PDF-XChange\",\"Why Choose Foxit Over PDF-XChange?\":\"Why Choose Foxit Over PDF-XChange?\",\"“Excellent alternative to Adobe”\":\"“Excellent alternative to Adobe”\",\"Why Choose Foxit Over Tungsten\":\"Why Choose Foxit Over Tungsten\",\"Users confirm Foxit is easier to use than Tungsten Automation.\":\"Users confirm Foxit is easier to use than Tungsten Automation.\",\"Foxit minimizes learning curves for new users. Foxit PDF Editor's interface is based on Microsoft's ribbon-style toolbar, so it's already familiar to your teams. Integrations with popular business productivity tools such as Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace provide further advantages, allowing users to continue working with the apps they know and love. With award-winning usability, it's no wonder why Foxit scored higher than Tungsten Power PDF for ease of use, according to G2 user reviews.\":\"Foxit minimizes learning curves for new users. Foxit PDF Editor's interface is based on Microsoft's ribbon-style toolbar, so it's already familiar to your teams. Integrations with popular business productivity tools such as Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace provide further advantages, allowing users to continue working with the apps they know and love. With award-winning usability, it's no wonder why Foxit scored higher than Tungsten Power PDF for ease of use, according to G2 user reviews.\",\"Foxit vs Wondershare\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eFoxit\u003c/highlighted\u003e vs Wondershare\",\"Foxit is easy to adopt, easy to use.\":\"Foxit is easy to adopt, easy to use.\",\"Request a Free Trial\":\"Request a Free Trial\",\"See Foxit for Salesforce on the Salesforce AppExchange\":\"See Foxit for Salesforce on the Salesforce AppExchange\",\"Generate dynamic tables with organized data, grouping, and field totals seamlessly integrated with existing quotes, price books, and products.\":\"Generate dynamic tables with organized data, grouping, and field totals seamlessly integrated with existing quotes, price books, and products.\",\"Generate documents within any Salesforce layout, a Foxit button placed in any Salesforce object, or automate document generation in Salesforce Flows.\":\"Generate documents within any Salesforce layout, a Foxit button placed in any Salesforce object, or automate document generation in Salesforce Flows.\",\"Keep track of all your documents. Generated documents are automatically added to the account, opportunity, contact, or other object as a downloadable PDF file.\":\"Keep track of all your documents. Generated documents are automatically added to the account, opportunity, contact, or other object as a downloadable PDF file.\",\"Foxit for Salesforce Admin Setup Guide\":\"Foxit for Salesforce Admin Setup Guide\",\"Take a look at how simple it is to implement Foxit for Salesforce in your organization.\":\"Take a look at how simple it is to implement Foxit for Salesforce in your organization.\",\"Foxit for Salesforce 60-Second Video\":\"Foxit for Salesforce 60-Second Video\",\"Check out this partnership video on Foxit for Salesforce produced by Salesforce.\":\"Check out this partnership video on Foxit for Salesforce produced by Salesforce.\",\"Company videos\":\"Company videos\",\"Read Whitepaper\":\"Read Whitepaper\",\"PDF AI ASSISTANT\":\"PDF AI ASSISTANT\",\"Foxit empowers teams\":\"Foxit empowers teams\",\"Learn how Foxit helped Pacific Sierra Industries meet the challenges of a dispursed team and switch from paper to digital documents.\":\"Learn how Foxit helped Pacific Sierra Industries meet the challenges of a dispursed team and switch from paper to digital documents.\",\"Creating a new standard\":\"Creating a new standard\",\"Read how Foxit's tools, user-friendly interface, and flexible licensing options, supported Tru Independence's mission of helping RIAs go independent.\":\"Read how Foxit's tools, user-friendly interface, and flexible licensing options, supported Tru Independence's mission of helping RIAs go independent.\",\"Read Case Study\":\"Read Case Study\",\"EBOOKS\":\"EBOOKS\",\"Switch to Foxit\":\"Switch to Foxit\",\"Explore why Foxit is the leading alternative to Adobe Acrobat.\":\"Explore why Foxit is the leading alternative to Adobe Acrobat.\",\"TREND REPORTS\":\"TREND REPORTS\",\"How Foxit can impact ROI\":\"How Foxit can impact ROI\",\"Foxit commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ study and examine the potential return on investment enterprises may realize by switching to Foxit PDF Editor.\":\"Foxit commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ study and examine the potential return on investment enterprises may realize by switching to Foxit PDF Editor.\",\"Unlimited\":\"Unlimited\",\"Only Line Weights\":\"Only Line Weights\",\"No interleaving, swap, resize\":\"No interleaving, swap, resize\",\"Only Search\":\"Only Search\",\"No in batch\":\"No in batch\",\"Email Address\":\"Email Address\",\"Legal Name\":\"Legal Name\",\"Name of Licensee\":\"Name of Licensee\",\"Billing Address\":\"Billing Address\",\"Total\":\"Total\",\"Would you like to assign a license to this email address automatically?\":\"Would you like to assign a license to this email address automatically?\",\"Complete Order Now\":\"Complete Order Now\",\"5 License Minimum\":\"5 License Minimum\",\"VIEW ALL FEATURES\":\"VIEW ALL FEATURES\",\"Explore further\":\"Explore further\",\"Read eBook\":\"Read eBook\",\"Businesses save up to 44% when they switch from Adobe Acrobat to Foxit.\":\"Businesses save up to 44% when they switch from Adobe Acrobat to Foxit.\",\"Character Limit in a prompt\":\"Character Limit in a prompt\",\"User Feedback Portal\":\"User Feedback Portal\",\"Provide Source of the Content\":\"Provide Source of the Content\",\"Copy AI Response\":\"Copy AI Response\",\"Scanned Files Supported\":\"Scanned Files Supported\",\"Paid Feature\":\"Paid Feature\",\"Create PDF Binder and Binder Project\":\"Create PDF Binder and Binder Project\",\"“It is perfect for those who require more than the capacity to sign simple documents. Furthermore, Foxit eSign provides excellent customer service.”\":\"“It is perfect for those who require more than the capacity to sign simple documents. Furthermore, Foxit eSign provides excellent customer service.”\",\"“My default tool for editing and signing PDF. The drag and drop makes it easy to add elements to any part of a document with ease.”\":\"“My default tool for editing and signing PDF. The drag and drop makes it easy to add elements to any part of a document with ease.”\",\"Associate\":\"Associate\",\"Easy and intuitive e-signature solution with full Salesforce events tracking.\":\"“Easy and intuitive e-signature solution with full Salesforce events tracking.”\",\"I like how user-friendly it is an how it makes the e-signing process easier.\":\"“I like how user-friendly it is an how it makes the e-signing process easier.”\",\"I particularly like its intuitive and userfriendly interface.\":\"“I particularly like its intuitive and userfriendly interface.”\",\"Foxit eSign- Easier ad more Intuitive than Adobe!\":\"“Foxit eSign- Easier ad more Intuitive than Adobe!”\",\"Inclusive Housing Cohort Member\":\"Inclusive Housing Cohort Member\",\"Foxit is easy to use and does everything I need it to.\":\"Foxit is easy to use and does everything I need it to.\",\"Senior Administrative Assistant\":\"Senior Administrative Assistant\",\"I find Foxit much easier to use than Adobe or other competing software. I exclusively use Foxit and recommend it to all my co-workers when I can.\":\"I find Foxit much easier to use than Adobe or other competing software. I exclusively use Foxit and recommend it to all my co-workers when I can.\",\"Legal Assistant\":\"Legal Assistant\",\"Use of the program for everyday business needs is intuitive and the transition from using Adobe was seamless.\":\"Use of the program for everyday business needs is intuitive and the transition from using Adobe was seamless.\",\"Chief Financial Officer\":\"Chief Financial Officer\",\"I love the Text Recognition feature. It makes it very easy to upload a document and then copy and paste the contents easily. The conversion tool is also great.\":\"I love the Text Recognition feature. It makes it very easy to upload a document and then copy and paste the contents easily. The conversion tool is also great.\",\"Right of Way Coordinator\":\"Right of Way Coordinator\",\"ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS\":\"ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS\",\"AI Assistant Security \u0026 Privacy\":\"AI Assistant Security \u0026 Privacy\",\"Provides access to AI features in Foxit PDF products like AI Assistant and generative summary, for quick answers and one-click summaries.\":\"Provides access to AI features in Foxit PDF products like AI Assistant and generative summary, for quick answers and one-click summaries.\",\"AI Assistant for Foxit PDF Reader, Editor, or Editor+\":\"AI Assistant for Foxit PDF Reader, Editor, or Editor+\",\"EARLY ACCESS PRICING\":\"EARLY ACCESS PRICING\",\"highlighted 2,000 AI Assistant Credits/Month: Utilize these credits to translate documents, generate instant summaries, and get answers with citations.\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003e2,000 AI Assistant Credits/Month:\u003c/highlighted\u003e Utilize these credits to translate documents, generate instant summaries, and get answers with citations.\",\"highlighted Multi-Platform Access: Use AI Assistant seamlessly across Foxit AI, Foxit PDF Editor Cloud, iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Reader.\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eMulti-Platform Access:\u003c/highlighted\u003e Use AI Assistant seamlessly across Foxit AI, Foxit PDF Editor Cloud, iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Reader.\",\"ALL-IN-ONE TOOL\":\"ALL-IN-ONE TOOL\",\"2,000 AI Assistant Credits/Month: Utilize these credits to translate documents, generate instant summaries, and get answers with citations.\":\"2,000 AI Assistant Credits/Month: Utilize these credits to translate documents, generate instant summaries, and get answers with citations.\",\"Multi-Platform Access: Use AI Assistant seamlessly across Foxit PDF Editor Cloud, iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Reader.\":\"Multi-Platform Access: Use AI Assistant seamlessly across Foxit PDF Editor Cloud, iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Reader.\",\"PDF-XChange\":\"PDF-XChange\",\"(Includes all Essentials Features and Modules Access)\":\"(Includes all Essentials Features and Modules Access)\",\"Please enter your first name.\":\"Please enter your first name.\",\"Please enter your last name.\":\"Please enter your last name.\",\"Please select your country.\":\"Please select your country.\",\"Determines which region's data center is used to store your usage data.\":\"Determines which region's data center is used to store your usage data.\",\"Try with Foxit Account\":\"Try with Foxit Account\",\"Efficient, secure, and cost-effective eSign solutions tailored for business needs.\":\"Efficient, secure, and cost-effective eSign solutions tailored for business needs.\",\"See how the future of PDFs is more than smart; it’s Foxit.\":\"See how the future of PDFs is more than smart; it’s Foxit.\",\"*Request a quote for discounts on 10+ licenses. Buy online to purchase 1-9 licenses.\":\"*Request a quote for discounts on 10+ licenses. \u003chighlighted\u003eBuy online\u003c/highlighted\u003e to purchase 1-9 licenses.\",\"AI-Assistant\":\"AI-Assistant\",\"+ AI Smart Redact\":\"+ AI Smart Redact\",\"You're not an acrobat—you shouldn't have to juggle costs, features and add ons just to manage PDFs. Foxit delivers advanced PDF solutions with comparable functionality to Adobe Acrobat but with award-winning usability, security and the industry's first AI Assistant for PDF editing. Switching from Adobe Acrobat Pro for Teams to Foxit PDF Editor+ saves businesses over 40% in annual subscription costs. Foxit scored higher than Acrobat for ease of setup and ease of use and was voted a better partner to do business with, according to G2 user reviews. With the highest satisfaction score of all PDF Editors, it's easy to see why over 500,000 customers have chosen Foxit for their PDF management and business productivity needs.\":\"You're not an acrobat—you shouldn't have to juggle costs, features and add ons just to manage PDFs. Foxit delivers advanced PDF solutions with comparable functionality to Adobe Acrobat but with award-winning usability, security and the industry's first AI Assistant for PDF editing. Switching from Adobe Acrobat Pro for Teams to Foxit PDF Editor+ saves businesses over 40% in annual subscription costs. Foxit scored higher than Acrobat for ease of setup and ease of use and was voted a better partner to do business with, according to G2 user reviews. With the highest satisfaction score of all PDF Editors, it's easy to see why over 500,000 customers have chosen Foxit for their PDF management and business productivity needs.\",\"Adobe Acrobat is the original creator and most recognizable PDF reader and editor. Its intuitive interface helps document management, and its tools allow users to create, edit, and share digital documents.\":\"Adobe Acrobat is the original creator and most recognizable PDF reader and editor. Its intuitive interface helps document management, and its tools allow users to create, edit, and share digital documents.\",\"Automate repeat manual tasks.\":\"Automate repeat manual tasks.\",\"Billing Information\":\"Billing Information\",\"Boost productivity by effortlessly condensing information to focus on key points. Foxit’s AI assistant extracts important document details and creates concise summaries, allowing you to quickly grasp relevant concepts and identify important takeaways.\":\"Boost productivity by effortlessly condensing information to focus on key points. Foxit’s AI assistant extracts important document details and creates concise summaries, allowing you to quickly grasp relevant concepts and identify important takeaways.\",\"Company Name*\":\"Company Name*\",\"Convert PDF to Microsoft® Office, HTML and image formats\":\"Convert PDF to Microsoft® Office, HTML and image formats\",\"Cut down on manual work and quickly rewrite documents with increased precision. Foxit’s AI Assistant delivers one-click definitions, explanations, and rewording suggestions to make documents more engaging while retaining the original meaning.\":\"Cut down on manual work and quickly rewrite documents with increased precision. Foxit’s AI Assistant delivers one-click definitions, explanations, and rewording suggestions to make documents more engaging while retaining the original meaning.\",\"Edit PDF text and images with full-page paragraph reflow\":\"Edit PDF text and images with full-page paragraph reflow\",\"Email*\":\"Email*\",\"Expiration Date\":\"Expiration Date\",\"Export selected area to Microsoft® Office, RTF, XML and HTML formats\":\"Export selected area to Microsoft® Office, RTF, XML and HTML formats\",\"Fine-tune PDFs with precision.\":\"Fine-tune PDFs with precision.\",\"First Name\":\"First Name\",\"First Name*\":\"First Name*\",\"For Growing Companies and Enterprise\":\"For Growing Companies and Enterprise\",\"Foxit PDF Editor is an intelligent document solution that allows teams to create, edit, and manage documents from any device.\":\"Foxit \u003chighlighted\u003ePDF Editor\u003c/highlighted\u003e is an intelligent document solution that allows teams to create, edit, and manage documents from any device.\",\"Foxit for Salesforce offers award-winning document generation and eSign solutions, empowering organizations within the CRM. Create documents natively inside Salesforce or opt for comprehensive document management capabilities including document generation, eSigning, tracking, compliance, and security. Our versatile solution provides extensive automation options for your team's workflows.\":\"Foxit for Salesforce offers award-winning document generation and eSign solutions, empowering organizations within the CRM. Create documents natively inside Salesforce or opt for comprehensive document management capabilities including document generation, eSigning, tracking, compliance, and security. Our versatile solution provides extensive automation options for your team's workflows.\",\"Foxit is committed to complying with industry-accepted best practices, standards, and regulations. If security is a concern, Foxit's Adobe Acrobat alternative offers better protection against security vulnerabilities. Foxit’s PDF Editor+ is the only Adobe Acrobat alternative that integrates with Microsoft® Active Directory Rights Management Services and Azure Active Directory Rights Management.\":\"Foxit is committed to complying with industry-accepted best practices, standards, and regulations. If security is a concern, Foxit's Adobe Acrobat alternative offers better protection against security vulnerabilities. Foxit’s PDF Editor+ is the only Adobe Acrobat alternative that integrates with Microsoft® Active Directory Rights Management Services and Azure Active Directory Rights Management.\",\"Foxit is continuously developing new tools and features to optimize user workflows. Foxit was the first PDF editor to integrate AI fully across its solution, allowing users to spend less time completing repetitive manual tasks and instead focus on their primary tasks and beyond. Foxit’s extensive features extend to any device from desktops to mobile and the cloud. Users experience the same level of functionality, drastically cutting down on wasted time.\":\"Foxit is continuously developing new tools and features to optimize user workflows. Foxit was the first PDF editor to integrate AI fully across its solution, allowing users to spend less time completing repetitive manual tasks and instead focus on their primary tasks and beyond. Foxit’s extensive features extend to any device from desktops to mobile and the cloud. Users experience the same level of functionality, drastically cutting down on wasted time.\",\"Foxit offers the same features at a lower cost for a better value. On average, Foxit requires 7% fewer clicks to complete tasks than Adobe. That means everything from adding comments and making edits to converting files is faster with Foxit. Switching to Foxit is easy because, unlike Adobe, Foxit licenses aren’t tied to an individual, and through the admin console, provisioning licenses is fast and easy.\":\"Foxit offers the same features at a lower cost for a better value. On average, Foxit requires 7% fewer clicks to complete tasks than Adobe. That means everything from adding comments and making edits to converting files is faster with Foxit. Switching to Foxit is easy because, unlike Adobe, Foxit licenses aren’t tied to an individual, and through the admin console, provisioning licenses is fast and easy.\",\"Foxit’s PDF products are versatile enough for individual use or use at scale. Our standard PDF editors give knowledge workers and everyone else will have all the tools they need for editing, reviewing, managing, sharing, and more. Our PDF Editor Pro is great for large organizations that need advanced collaboration, editing, and security features.\":\"Foxit’s PDF products are versatile enough for individual use or use at scale. Our standard PDF editors give knowledge workers and everyone else will have all the tools they need for editing, reviewing, managing, sharing, and more. Our PDF Editor Pro is great for large organizations that need advanced collaboration, editing, and security features.\",\"Get a Quote*\":\"Get a Quote*\",\"Start Free Trial*\":\"Start Free Trial*\",\"High-perfomance PDF libraries\":\"High-perfomance PDF libraries\",\"I have read and accepted the EULA, the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service\":\"I have read and accepted the \u003ceulaLink\u003eEULA\u003c/eulaLink\u003e, the \u003cpolicyLink\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/policyLink\u003e and \u003ctermsLink\u003eTerms of Service\u003c/termsLink\u003e. \",\"Individuals and companies choose Foxit because we provide them with powerful tools but with the price and flexibility that meets their needs. Enterprise-level companies love that Foxit can seamlessly integrate with their legacy systems and scale as they grow. Smaller businesses love that they get access to the same features at a price that works for them. Foxit is intuitive and comes with easy onboarding. And implementation is a breeze. It’s no wonder some of the biggest companies in the world are using Foxit.\":\"Individuals and companies choose Foxit because we provide them with powerful tools but with the price and flexibility that meets their needs. Enterprise-level companies love that Foxit can seamlessly integrate with their legacy systems and scale as they grow. Smaller businesses love that they get access to the same features at a price that works for them. Foxit is intuitive and comes with easy onboarding. And implementation is a breeze. It’s no wonder some of the biggest companies in the world are using Foxit.\",\"Integrations (Microsoft, Google, Salesforce)\":\"Integrations (Microsoft, Google, Salesforce)\",\"Interact with PDFs like never before with Foxit AI\":\"Interact with PDFs like never before with Foxit AI\",\"Is there a free version for any of Foxit’s products?\":\"Is there a free version for any of Foxit’s products?\",\"Last Name\":\"Last Name\",\"Learn how AI can boost productivity by\":\"Learn how AI can boost productivity \u003chighlighted\u003eby {{value}}%\u003c/highlighted\u003e \",\"Get More Info\":\"Get More Info\",\"Learn why Foxit is the user-preferred PDF editor, and the impact it can make on your business.\":\"Learn why Foxit is the user-preferred PDF editor, and the impact it can make on your business.\",\"MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication), KBA (Knowledge Based Authentication), and QES (Qualfified Electronic Signature) included.\":\"MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication), KBA (Knowledge Based Authentication), and QES (Qualfified Electronic Signature) included.\",\"Nitro PDF is a well-rounded, multi-featured digital document solution for small businesses. It gives users the features most commonly needed and used across various industries. While it lacks scalability for enterprises, users favor their PDF editor due to its familiar set of tools within a recognizable interface.\":\"Nitro PDF is a well-rounded, multi-featured digital document solution for small businesses. It gives users the features most commonly needed and used across various industries. While it lacks scalability for enterprises, users favor their PDF editor due to its familiar set of tools within a recognizable interface.\",\"Nitro Pro\":\"Nitro Pro\",\"No longer alone in the feature category, Foxit’s extensive user-preferred features rival Adobe Acrobat’s. From industry-leading AI integration to OCR capabilities, Foxit PDF Editor delivers all the tools and features to transform digital document workflows. With Foxit PDF Editor, enduring long waits to open PDFs or downloading numerous updates is a thing of the past. Foxit has no bloatware and is easy to deploy without wasting valuable computing resources.\":\"No longer alone in the feature category, Foxit’s extensive user-preferred features rival Adobe Acrobat’s. From industry-leading AI integration to OCR capabilities, Foxit PDF Editor delivers all the tools and features to transform digital document workflows. With Foxit PDF Editor, enduring long waits to open PDFs or downloading numerous updates is a thing of the past. Foxit has no bloatware and is easy to deploy without wasting valuable computing resources.\",\"To simplify plan selection and maximize customer value, we've simplified our Foxit offerings into Foxit PDF Editor and the PDF Editor+ solution suite. PDF Editor+ includes all the same PDF Editor features you know and love plus other key business productivity essentials like PDF for Mobile, eSign Essentials, Smart Redaction and more.\":\"To simplify plan selection and maximize customer value, we've simplified our Foxit offerings into \u003chighlighted\u003eFoxit PDF Editor\u003c/highlighted\u003e and the \u003chighlighted\u003ePDF Editor+\u003c/highlighted\u003e solution suite. \u003chighlighted\u003ePDF Editor+\u003c/highlighted\u003e includes all the same \u003chighlighted\u003ePDF Editor\u003c/highlighted\u003e features you know and love plus other key business productivity essentials like PDF for Mobile, eSign Essentials, Smart Redaction and more.\",\"PDF Editor+\":\"PDF Editor+\",\"PDF IFilter\":\"PDF IFilter\",\"PDFs are a regular part of business, but they’re often difficult to edit and modify without the right tools. With Foxit’s PDF Editor, you can easily create and modify your PDFS wherever you are on any device. Whether you're at home or on the move, Foxit makes working with PDFs simple and intuitive.\":\"PDFs are a regular part of business, but they’re often difficult to edit and modify without the right tools. With Foxit’s PDF Editor, you can easily create and modify your PDFs wherever you are on any device. Whether you're at home or on the move, Foxit makes working with PDFs simple and intuitive.\",\"People and companies trust Foxit because it makes their lives easier. If you’re needing PDF editing software that saves you time, money, and frustration, Foxit is the answer.\":\"People and companies trust Foxit because it makes their lives easier. If you’re needing PDF editing software that saves you time, money, and frustration, Foxit is the answer.\",\"In this section you can find information for any Foxit product. These resources will provide you with detailed instructions for installation, system requirements, step-by-step guides, tutorials, webinars, videos, etc. Use the search bar or filter below to find exactly what you’re looking for.\":\"In this section you can find information for any Foxit product. These resources will provide you with detailed instructions for installation, system requirements, step-by-step guides, tutorials, webinars, videos, etc. Use the search bar or filter below to find exactly what you’re looking for.\",\"Real-time collaboration with live annotations\":\"Real-time collaboration with live annotations\",\"See what Foxit for Salesforce can do on the world‘s most popular CRM.\":\"See what Foxit for Salesforce can do on the world‘s most popular CRM.\",\"Smart Redact provides a simple, easy, efficient, and comprehensive method to assist people in dealing with sensitive information from the (PDF) documents. It helps users who need to redact sensitive information in PDF but don’t know the exact words to redact in advance. With Smart Redact, the users don’t have to read through every page to find sensitive information in each sentence. Instead, Smart Redact lists all sensitive data in PDF files in seconds with a single click. For users with a large-volume of documents to redact, the Batch Redact function allows users to redact multiple documents at the same time.\":\"Smart Redact provides a simple, easy, efficient, and comprehensive method to assist people in dealing with sensitive information from the (PDF) documents. It helps users who need to redact sensitive information in PDF but don’t know the exact words to redact in advance. With Smart Redact, the users don’t have to read through every page to find sensitive information in each sentence. Instead, Smart Redact lists all sensitive data in PDF files in seconds with a single click. For users with a large-volume of documents to redact, the Batch Redact function allows users to redact multiple documents at the same time.\",\"Speak naturally and ask questions. Foxit’s AI chat provides in-depth answers, empowering you to make more informed decisions about your documents.\":\"Speak naturally and ask questions. Foxit’s AI chat provides in-depth answers, empowering you to make more informed decisions about your documents.\",\"Spotlight document issues (with AI chat).\":\"Spotlight document issues (with AI chat).\",\"Rewrite content\":\"Rewrite content\",\"Take the shortcut to launching your new eSign solution with implementation help from the eSign gurus at Foxit. Implementation packages can include:\":\"Take the shortcut to launching your new eSign solution with implementation help from the eSign gurus at Foxit. Implementation packages can include:\",\"Paid in Full\":\"Paid in Full\",\"Billed Monthly\":\"Billed Monthly\",\"Those interested in learning more about our enterprise plans and details can contact a representative at contact.\":\"Those interested in learning more about our enterprise plans and details can contact a representative at \u003chighlighted\u003econtact\u003c/highlighted\u003e .\",\"Templates and Workflow Management\":\"Templates and Workflow Management\",\"What’s included\":\"What’s included\",\"When it comes to PDF solutions, there’s nothing Foxit can’t handle. You can edit your PDFs across any platform, download any format, and take care of any and all PDF edits with ease. With Foxit, you get more tools than any other PDF platform. You get the tools you need to get the job done.\":\"When it comes to PDF solutions, there’s nothing Foxit can’t handle. You can edit your PDFs across any platform, download any format, and take care of any and all PDF edits with ease. With Foxit, you get more tools than any other PDF platform. You get the tools you need to get the job done.\",\"When it comes to choosing Foxit, we make change management easy. Admins can quickly manage users and licenses with the admin console; Foxit also provides ongoing support and training tutorials. Foxit helps keep your tech stack consolidated by integrating with Microsoft 365 and Google ecosystems. Users and admins benefit from the simplicity of how Foxit fits into their preferred workflows. These native integrations combined with Foxit’s user-friendly ribbon-style interface make for little to no learning curve during adoption. Everyone will be a Foxit PDF pro in no time. Discover for yourself if Foxit is the right fit for your business. Call or click to request a quote.\":\"When it comes to choosing Foxit, we make change management easy. Admins can quickly manage users and licenses with the admin console; Foxit also provides ongoing support and training tutorials. Foxit helps keep your tech stack consolidated by integrating with Microsoft 365 and Google ecosystems. Users and admins benefit from the simplicity of how Foxit fits into their preferred workflows. These native integrations combined with Foxit’s user-friendly ribbon-style interface make for little to no learning curve during adoption. Everyone will be a Foxit PDF pro in no time. Discover for yourself if Foxit is the right fit for your business. Call or click to request a quote.\",\"Why Choose Foxit Over product?\":\"Why Choose Foxit Over {{product}}?\",\"Wondershare is best known for its video editing tools; it has created a basic, all-in-one PDF editor. It was built with Mac OS users in mind and is favored for its simplicity and ease of use. Its clean layout and essential tools are available on desktop, mobile, and web. The overall feature set and its OCR capability make it favorable for single users.\":\"Wondershare is best known for its video editing tools; it has created a basic, all-in-one PDF editor. It was built with Mac OS users in mind and is favored for its simplicity and ease of use. Its clean layout and essential tools are available on desktop, mobile, and web. The overall feature set and its OCR capability make it favorable for single users.\",\"Those interested in learning more about our enterprise plans and details can contact a representative at get a quote\":\"Those interested in learning more about our enterprise plans and details can contact a representative at \u003chighlighted\u003eget a quote\u003c/highlighted\u003e \",\"We do not offer custom plans. You can schedule a call with one of our customer specialists to review your document needs and they can help you choose the best package option for you.\":\"We do not offer custom plans. You can schedule a call with one of our customer specialists to review your document needs and they can help you choose the best package option for you.\",\"Your cart is empty\":\"Your cart is empty\",\"eSignEssentials\":\"eSignEssentials\",\"highlighted Foxit Resource Hub\":\"Foxit \u003chighlighted\u003eResource Hub\u003c/highlighted\u003e \",\"highlighted PandaDocvs Foxitesign Comparison\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003ePandaDoc vs Foxit esign\u003c/highlighted\u003e Comparison\",\"PandaDoc Description\":\"Foxit eSign is a feature-rich PandaDoc alternative for businesses that want premium eSignature features without the premium price tag.\",\"getPandadocOverviewData Description\":\"As a G2 Momentum Leader, Foxit eSign provides robust functionality with industry-leading compliance and security for digital signing workflows. Users looking for premium features like unlimited envelopes, 24/7 notary services, and HIPAA or 21 CFR Part 11 compliance will find that PandaDoc requires paid add-ons, while Foxit eSign offers them at no additional cost. Foxit eSign’s base plan includes seamless integration into Microsoft’s ecosystem, including Teams and SharePoint integrations, whereas PandaDoc’s integration options are sold separately. Foxit eSign meets the needs of growing businesses2, making it the smarter choice for companies focused on saving costs without sacrificing quality or functionality.\",\"highlighted Sign up for Foxit newsletter\":\"Sign up for \u003chighlighted\u003eFoxit newsletter\u003c/highlighted\u003e \",\"Foxit Newsletter\":\"Foxit Newsletter\",\"Foxit eSign’s Admin Console offers an efficient, adaptable solution for user provisioning and license management through a centralized portal. Administrators can seamlessly monitor, assign, and reassign licenses individually or in bulk, with integration options for SSO and Active Directory. While PandaDoc’s Admin Hub also supports SSO, it relies on workspace management, which can limit batch management flexibility. Foxit’s approach provides a more scalable and detailed solution, ensuring smooth administration and greater control as your business grows.\":\"Foxit eSign’s Admin Console offers an efficient, adaptable solution for user provisioning and license management through a centralized portal. Administrators can seamlessly monitor, assign, and reassign licenses individually or in bulk, with integration options for SSO and Active Directory. While PandaDoc’s Admin Hub also supports SSO, it relies on workspace management, which can limit batch management flexibility. Foxit’s approach provides a more scalable and detailed solution, ensuring smooth administration and greater control as your business grows.\",\"pdfFiller is a cloud-native PDF editor platform with enough features to handle the simple document tasks most users require. Its ability to be available anywhere for users makes it favorable for light editing across multiple industries.\":\"pdfFiller is a cloud-native PDF editor platform with enough features to handle the simple document tasks most users require. Its ability to be available anywhere for users makes it favorable for light editing across multiple industries.\",\"month\":\"month\",\"year\":\"year\",\"“2 Months into the software and it has been a workflow heaven.”\":\"“2 Months into the software and it has been a workflow heaven.”\",\"“A Modern Approach to PDF Editing”\":\"“A Modern Approach to PDF Editing”\",\"“As easy as Adobe”\":\"“As easy as Adobe”\",\"“Best PDF tool out there.”\":\"“Best PDF tool out there.”\",\"“Exellent alternative to Adobe”\":\"“Exellent alternative to Adobe”\",\"“Extensive editing, collaboration, and security tools plus AI integration make Foxit an excellent Acrobat alternative.”\":\"“Extensive editing, collaboration, and security tools plus AI integration make Foxit an excellent Acrobat alternative.”\",\"“Foxit has been my savior. Accomplished a lot with Foxit.”\":\"“Foxit has been my savior. Accomplished a lot with Foxit.”\",\"“Foxit is THE BEST PDF Software”\":\"“Foxit is THE BEST PDF Software”\",\"“Great user interface!”\":\"“Great user interface!”\",\"“Intuitive, User-friendly PDF Editor”\":\"“Intuitive, User-friendly PDF Editor”\",\"“The PDF Editor That Doesn’t Make You Want to Pull Your Hair Out”\":\"“The PDF Editor That Doesn’t Make You Want to Pull Your Hair Out”\",\"“User friendly and efficient”\":\"“User friendly and efficient”\",\"The industry’s best PDF AI Assistant. Chat with your PDF and simplify your day.\":\"The industry’s best PDF AI Assistant. Chat with your PDF and simplify your day.\",\"Experience the next generation of document management with Foxit’s AI Assistant, your personal productivity partner designed to help teams achieve more with less effort. Starting at GBP£41.58/year.\":\"Experience the next generation of document management with Foxit’s AI Assistant, your personal productivity partner designed to help teams achieve more with less effort. Starting at \u003cPriceLoader/\u003e/year.\",\"Learn More About Foxit PDF Editor\":\"Learn More About Foxit PDF Editor\",\"What you get:\":\"What you get:\",\"Compatible with:\":\"Compatible with:\",\"Try Foxit PDF Editor+\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eTry\u003c/highlighted\u003e Foxit PDF Editor+\",\"Get early access pricing, starting at value when you add AI Assistant, which includes 2000 credits per month. If you are not an existing subscriber, purchase a plan or download Foxit PDF Reader to get started. Once purchased, AI Assistant can be utilized across all Foxit platforms including Foxit AI, Foxit PDF Editor Cloud, iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Reader.\":\"Get early access pricing, starting at \u003cvalue\u003e{{value}}\u003c/value\u003e\u003cunion\u003e/\u003c/union\u003e\u003cunion\u003e{{union}}\u003c/union\u003e when you add AI Assistant, which includes 2000 credits per month. If you are not an existing subscriber, purchase a plan or download Foxit PDF Reader to get started. Once purchased, AI Assistant can be utilized across all Foxit platforms including Foxit AI, Foxit PDF Editor Cloud, iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Reader.\",\"per license\":\"per license\",\"Successfully Submitted. Thanks for your registration.\":\"Successfully Submitted. Thanks for your registration.\",\"Foxit offers superior collaboration and AI-powered productivity tools, with seamless Microsoft, Google Workspace, and Egnyte integrations. Unlike Nitro, Foxit supports Android and cloud apps, enabling teams to edit PDFs anywhere, making it ideal for businesses on the go.\":\"Foxit offers superior collaboration and AI-powered productivity tools, with seamless Microsoft, Google Workspace, and Egnyte integrations. Unlike Nitro, Foxit supports Android and cloud apps, enabling teams to edit PDFs anywhere, making it ideal for businesses on the go.\",\"Tungsten Power PDF\":\"Tungsten Power PDF\",\"Foxit PDF Editor excels over Tungsten with cross-platform support, mobile apps, and a higher G2 rating (4.6 vs 3.8). Its advanced AI-powered tools make it the top choice for businesses seeking efficient digital document management.\":\"Foxit PDF Editor excels over Tungsten with cross-platform support, mobile apps, and a higher G2 rating (4.6 vs 3.8). Its advanced AI-powered tools make it the top choice for businesses seeking efficient digital document management.\",\"Foxit PDF Editor is an end-to-end digital document solution with advanced features like cloud integration and AI tools, offering more than just editing. Wondershare PDFelement lacks these capabilities, making Foxit the ideal choice for scalable, modern workflows.\":\"Foxit PDF Editor is an end-to-end digital document solution with advanced features like cloud integration and AI tools, offering more than just editing. Wondershare PDFelement lacks these capabilities, making Foxit the ideal choice for scalable, modern workflows.\",\"Foxit PDF Editor surpasses pdfFiller in user satisfaction, business-focused integrations, and AI-powered tools. As TechRadar’s #1 PDF Editor for Security, Foxit delivers the advanced features and security businesses need to stay ahead.\":\"Foxit PDF Editor surpasses pdfFiller in user satisfaction, business-focused integrations, and AI-powered tools. As TechRadar’s #1 PDF Editor for Security, Foxit delivers the advanced features and security businesses need to stay ahead.\",\"Foxit PDF Editor outperforms PDF-XChange with cross-platform support, AI-powered tools, and seamless integrations. Its intuitive interface and advanced collaboration features make it the top choice for businesses, as confirmed by G2 user satisfaction.\":\"Foxit PDF Editor outperforms PDF-XChange with cross-platform support, AI-powered tools, and seamless integrations. Its intuitive interface and advanced collaboration features make it the top choice for businesses, as confirmed by G2 user satisfaction.\",\"Ratings claims based on figures from G2 user reviews, as of September 2024.\":\"Ratings claims based on figures from G2 user reviews, as of September 2024.\",\"Security claim based on Tech Radar's Best PDF editor of 2024.\":\"Security claim based on \u003chighlighted\u003eTech Radar's Best PDF editor of 2024\u003c/highlighted\u003e .\",\"Break away from cookie-cutter eSign solutions and empower businesses to get documents signed, collect payments, and keep workflows moving. Our solution will flex to unique needs and comes in two plan options: simple eSigning and payment collection tools for individuals with Foxit eSign Essentials, or empower team efforts with template sharing, custom branding, and user management tools with Foxit eSign Business.\":\"Break away from cookie-cutter eSign solutions and empower businesses to get documents signed, collect payments, and keep workflows moving. Our solution will flex to unique needs and comes in two plan options: simple eSigning and payment collection tools for individuals with Foxit eSign Essentials, or empower team efforts with template sharing, custom branding, and user management tools with Foxit eSign Business.\",\"Compare Plans\":\"Compare Plans\",\"Includes all Essentials Features and Modules Access\":\"Includes all Essentials Features and Modules Access\",\"Switching to Foxit PDF Editor is straightforward and efficient. Foxit Admin Console simplifies license provisioning for teams of any size. Foxit also offers onboarding support for teams of any size. All customers have access to 24/7 onboarding support via phone, email, web, or chat, and on-demand resources, including online tutorials and knowledgebase articles. Large enterprises also have access to dedicated implementation teams. With Foxit, upgrading your PDF solution is quick, easy and hassle-free. Request a quote to start your migration discussion with a Foxit representative.\":\"Switching to Foxit PDF Editor is straightforward and efficient. Foxit Admin Console simplifies license provisioning for teams of any size. Foxit also offers onboarding support for teams of any size. All customers have access to 24/7 onboarding support via phone, email, web, or chat, and on-demand resources, including online tutorials and knowledgebase articles. Large enterprises also have access to dedicated implementation teams. With Foxit, upgrading your PDF solution is quick, easy and hassle-free. Request a quote to start your migration discussion with a Foxit representative.\",\"Why Foxit is the complete digital document solution that Nitro can’t match.\":\"Why Foxit is the complete digital document solution that Nitro can’t match.\",\"Request a quote for discounts on 10+ licenses, or buy online.\":\"Request a quote for discounts on 10+ licenses, or \u003chighlighted\u003ebuy online\u003c/highlighted\u003e .\",\"AI for Productivity\":\"AI for Productivity\",\"Foxit has it, Nitro does not - and that matters.\":\"Foxit has it, Nitro does not - and that matters.\",\"Redefine productivity and security with Foxit AI. Foxit’s AI Assistant gives businesses a competitive edge by automating time-consuming PDF tasks and streamlining workflows. Unlike Nitro, Foxit offers AI-driven document processing capabilities, allowing businesses to experience productivity gains of up to 30% within the first few months of adoption. Foxit’s AI automates repetitive tasks like data extraction and document classification, dramatically reducing the time spent on manual processes.\":\"Redefine productivity and security with Foxit AI. Foxit’s AI Assistant gives businesses a competitive edge by automating time-consuming PDF tasks and streamlining workflows. Unlike Nitro, Foxit offers AI-driven document processing capabilities, allowing businesses to experience productivity gains of up to 30% within the first few months of adoption. Foxit’s AI automates repetitive tasks like data extraction and document classification, dramatically reducing the time spent on manual processes.\",\"AI productivity claims based on McKinsey \u0026 Co.\":\"AI productivity claims based on \u003clinkto\u003eMcKinsey \u0026 Co\u003c/linkto\u003e.\",\"Rating claims based on figures from G2 user reviews, as of September 2024.\":\"Rating claims based on figures from G2 user reviews, as of September 2024.\",\"linkto Security claim based on Tech Radar's Best PDF editor of 2024.\":\"Security claim based on \u003clinkto\u003eTech Radar's Best PDF editor of 2024\u003c/linkto\u003e.\",\"Other\":\"Other\",\"Accounting calculator\":\"Accounting calculator\",\"Advanced editing: Add shading object, clipping effect, convert text to path, etc.\":\"Advanced editing: Add shading object, clipping effect, convert text to path, etc.\",\"Dynamic XFA support\":\"Dynamic XFA support\",\"Foxit outshines Nitro as a more versatile and scalable solution.\":\"Foxit outshines Nitro as a more versatile and scalable solution.\",\"Foxit is built for business. It features enhanced collaboration tools for knowledge workers, including native integrations with Microsoft, Google Workspace and Egnyte. Unlike Nitro, Foxit supports Android and cloud applications, ensuring teams can edit and manage PDFs on the go from any device. Foxit’s advanced AI-powered productivity tools, seamless cloud integration, intuitive editing capabilities, and business-class security make it the smarter choice over Nitro for enterprises looking to streamline their document workflows.\":\"Foxit is built for business. It features enhanced collaboration tools for knowledge workers, including native integrations with Microsoft, Google Workspace and Egnyte. Unlike Nitro, Foxit supports Android and cloud applications, ensuring teams can edit and manage PDFs on the go from any device. Foxit’s advanced AI-powered productivity tools, seamless cloud integration, intuitive editing capabilities, and business-class security make it the smarter choice over Nitro for enterprises looking to streamline their document workflows.\",\"Foxit empowers teams to do more with PDFs.\":\"Foxit empowers teams to do more with PDFs.\",\"Enterprise integrations, advanced editing tools, and a more trusted experience.\":\"Enterprise integrations, advanced editing tools, and a more trusted experience.\",\"Foxit PDF Editor outpaces pdfFiller in the areas that matter most to businesses. With superior customer satisfaction, more business-focused integrations, and native AI-powered tools, Foxit stands as the more efficient choice. Recognized as the #1 PDF Editor for Security by TechRadar, Foxit offers enterprise-grade security and compliance features that ensure the protection of sensitive data. While PDFfiller might cover the basics, Foxit goes further, offering the productivity tools and flexibility that today’s businesses need to stay ahead.\":\"Foxit PDF Editor outpaces pdfFiller in the areas that matter most to businesses. With superior customer satisfaction, more business-focused integrations, and native AI-powered tools, Foxit stands as the more efficient choice. Recognized as the #1 PDF Editor for Security by TechRadar, Foxit offers enterprise-grade security and compliance features that ensure the protection of sensitive data. While PDFfiller might cover the basics, Foxit goes further, offering the productivity tools and flexibility that today’s businesses need to stay ahead.\",\"Enterprise Connect\":\"Enterprise Connect\",\"Worldox\":\"Worldox\",\"Foxit offers a more comprehensive and useful AI assistant.\":\"Foxit offers a more comprehensive and useful AI assistant.\",\"Foxit's AI Assistant empowers businesses with smart commands, enabling users to execute tasks quickly and efficiently across all devices. This functionality keeps teams ahead of the productivity curve. pdfFiller’s AI lacks smart commands, and its limited features on mobile devices restrict its versatility and usability. Foxit’s AI Assistant streamlines workflows and adapts to the diverse needs of modern teams, making it the smarter choice for boosting productivity across the board.\":\"Foxit's AI Assistant empowers businesses with smart commands, enabling users to execute tasks quickly and efficiently across all devices. This functionality keeps teams ahead of the productivity curve. pdfFiller’s AI lacks smart commands, and its limited features on mobile devices restrict its versatility and usability. Foxit’s AI Assistant streamlines workflows and adapts to the diverse needs of modern teams, making it the smarter choice for boosting productivity across the board.\",\"Foxit minimizes learning curves for new users. Foxit PDF Editor's interface is based on Microsoft's ribbon-style toolbar, so it's already familiar to your teams. Integrations with popular business productivity tools such as Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace provide further advantages, allowing users to continue working with the apps they know and love. With award-winning usability, it's no wonder why Foxit scored higher than Nitro Pro for user satisfaction, according to G2 reviews.\":\"Foxit minimizes learning curves for new users. Foxit PDF Editor's interface is based on Microsoft's ribbon-style toolbar, so it's already familiar to your teams. Integrations with popular business productivity tools such as Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace provide further advantages, allowing users to continue working with the apps they know and love. With award-winning usability, it's no wonder why Foxit scored higher than Nitro Pro for user satisfaction, according to G2 reviews.\",\"Foxit delivers a complete document solution with unrivaled features and flexibility.\":\"Foxit delivers a complete document solution with unrivaled features and flexibility.\",\"Foxit offers more of what teams need to do more with PDFs.\":\"Foxit offers more of what teams need to do more with PDFs.\",\"Businesses choose Foxit PDF Editor for its cross-platform and mobile support, making it perfect for teams working across various devices. Foxit delivers a smoother user experience with AI-powered productivity tools and an intuitive interface, as well as a higher customer satisfaction as highlighted by users on Advanced editing and collaboration capabilities, as well as a fully integrated eSign, make Foxit the preferred solution for the end-to-end document productivity needs of enterprises.\":\"Businesses choose Foxit PDF Editor for its cross-platform and mobile support, making it perfect for teams working across various devices. Foxit delivers a smoother user experience with AI-powered productivity tools and an intuitive interface, as well as a higher customer satisfaction as highlighted by users on \u003chighlighted\\u003c/highlighted\u003e . Advanced editing and collaboration capabilities, as well as a fully integrated eSign, make Foxit the preferred solution for the end-to-end document productivity needs of enterprises.\",\"PDF-XChange Editor\":\"PDF-XChange Editor\",\"Reduce operational costs by up to 25% with AI.\":\"Reduce operational costs by up to 25% with AI.\",\"Accelerate workflows with AI-powered tools for productivity and security. Foxit AI Assistant summarizes, translates, and rewrites complex documents instantly. Maintain document security and compliance with automatic and permanent redaction of sensitive information. PDF-XChange doesn’t offer AI capabilities, leaving teams to handle manual, time-consuming tasks on their own. Don’t lose your competitive edge, choose Foxit.\":\"Accelerate workflows with AI-powered tools for productivity and security. Foxit AI Assistant summarizes, translates, and rewrites complex documents instantly. Maintain document security and compliance with automatic and permanent redaction of sensitive information. PDF-XChange doesn’t offer AI capabilities, leaving teams to handle manual, time-consuming tasks on their own. Don’t lose your competitive edge, choose Foxit.\",\"Features and Integrations\":\"Features and Integrations\",\"The smarter choice for modern tech stacks.\":\"The smarter choice for modern tech stacks.\",\"PDF-XChange's limited platform support and lack of integrations can hinder a business’s ability to build a flexible, efficient tech stack. With no native support for Mac, iOS, or Android, PDF-XChange forces organizations to find alternative solutions for non-Windows users, creating inconsistencies and complicating device management. In stark contrast, Foxit PDF Editor offers comprehensive cross-platform compatibility and a wide range of integrations, enabling tech leaders and teams to create a seamless, unified environment that aligns with their digital transformation goals.\":\"PDF-XChange's limited platform support and lack of integrations can hinder a business’s ability to build a flexible, efficient tech stack. With no native support for Mac, iOS, or Android, PDF-XChange forces organizations to find alternative solutions for non-Windows users, creating inconsistencies and complicating device management. In stark contrast, Foxit PDF Editor offers comprehensive cross-platform compatibility and a wide range of integrations, enabling tech leaders and teams to create a seamless, unified environment that aligns with their digital transformation goals.\",\"Foxit vs Tungsten Power PDF\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eFoxit\u003c/highlighted\u003e vs Tungsten Power PDF\",\"AI-powered productivity tools, comprehensive integrations, and advanced security set Foxit apart.\":\"AI-powered productivity tools, comprehensive integrations, and advanced security set Foxit apart.\",\"Drive success with unmatched functionality and customer satisfaction.\":\"Drive success with unmatched functionality and customer satisfaction.\",\"Foxit PDF Editor offers businesses a preeminent solution for managing digital documents compared to Tungsten Power PDF. With support for both Windows and Mac desktops, as well as mobile apps for iOS and Android, Foxit ensures seamless access across all platforms—something Tungsten lacks. Foxit also boasts a significantly higher rating on, with a score of 4.6 compared to Tungsten's 3.8, reflecting stronger user satisfaction and reliability. Paired with advanced features like AI-powered tools, Foxit is the ideal choice for businesses.\":\"Foxit PDF Editor offers businesses a preeminent solution for managing digital documents compared to Tungsten Power PDF. With support for both Windows and Mac desktops, as well as mobile apps for iOS and Android, Foxit ensures seamless access across all platforms—something Tungsten lacks. Foxit also boasts a significantly higher rating on \u003chighlighted\\u003c/highlighted\u003e, with a \u003chighlightdBold\u003escore of 4.6\u003c/highlightdBold\u003e compared to Tungsten's 3.8, reflecting stronger user satisfaction and reliability. Paired with advanced features like AI-powered tools, Foxit is the ideal choice for businesses.\",\"Tungsten Power PDF Advanced\":\"Tungsten Power PDF Advanced\",\"Accelerate productivity with the industry’s first AI-powered PDF toolset. Foxit AI Assistant makes it easy to summarize, clarify, translate, rewrite and redact your documents. Instead of doing these tedious tasks yourself, Foxit AI Assistant will do them for you. What used to take hours can now be done in seconds. Tungsten Power PDF doesn't offer these AI capabilities. If your team is still doing these manual, repetitive and time-consuming tasks, Foxit is the clear choice to enhance productivity and workflow efficiency.\":\"Accelerate productivity with the industry’s first AI-powered PDF toolset. Foxit AI Assistant makes it easy to summarize, clarify, translate, rewrite and redact your documents. Instead of doing these tedious tasks yourself, Foxit AI Assistant will do them for you. What used to take hours can now be done in seconds. Tungsten Power PDF doesn't offer these AI capabilities. If your team is still doing these manual, repetitive and time-consuming tasks, Foxit is the clear choice to enhance productivity and workflow efficiency.\",\"Foxit is a Digital Document Solution and not just a PDF editor.\":\"Foxit is a \u003chighlighted\u003eDigital Document Solution\u003c/highlighted\u003e and not just a PDF editor.\",\"Superior features, seamless compatibility, and a more trusted experience.\":\"Superior features, seamless compatibility, and a more trusted experience.\",\"Foxit PDF Editor goes beyond simple PDF editing—it's an end-to-end digital document solution that empowers businesses with advanced features for every stage of the document lifecycle. From seamless collaboration and cloud integration to AI-powered productivity tools, Foxit delivers a comprehensive experience that drives innovation in modern workplaces. In contrast, Wondershare PDFelement focuses solely on PDF editing, lacking the all-in-one capabilities that Foxit offers. For those needing a scalable solution that goes far beyond basic editing, Foxit PDF Editor is the clear choice.\":\"Foxit PDF Editor goes beyond simple PDF editing—it's an end-to-end digital document solution that empowers businesses with advanced features for every stage of the document lifecycle. From seamless collaboration and cloud integration to AI-powered productivity tools, Foxit delivers a comprehensive experience that drives innovation in modern workplaces. In contrast, Wondershare PDFelement focuses solely on PDF editing, lacking the all-in-one capabilities that Foxit offers. For those needing a scalable solution that goes far beyond basic editing, Foxit PDF Editor is the clear choice.\",\"Cloud storage\":\"Cloud storage\",\"Create eSign workflows\":\"Create eSign workflows\",\"150GB\":\"150GB\",\"100GB\":\"100GB\",\"Foxit Is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner.\":\"Foxit Is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner.\",\"Foxit PDF Editor is a more connected and effective solution designed to fit effortlessly into Microsoft’s tech stack. Foxit's native integrations with popular productivity tools like Microsoft 365, Teams, and OneDrive enable smooth document collaboration and sharing across teams. In contrast, Wondershare PDFelement lacks these integrations, making it harder to align with Microsoft-powered workflows. For businesses seeking a PDF solution that enhances productivity and works in harmony with Microsoft’s ecosystem, Foxit is the superior choice.\":\"Foxit PDF Editor is a more connected and effective solution designed to fit effortlessly into Microsoft’s tech stack. Foxit's native integrations with popular productivity tools like Microsoft 365, Teams, and OneDrive enable smooth document collaboration and sharing across teams. In contrast, Wondershare PDFelement lacks these integrations, making it harder to align with Microsoft-powered workflows. For businesses seeking a PDF solution that enhances productivity and works in harmony with Microsoft’s ecosystem, Foxit is the superior choice.\",\"View PDF Editor Features\":\"View PDF Editor Features\",\"highlighted Comparing The Best eSign Software\":\"Comparing \u003chighlighted\u003eThe Best\u003c/highlighted\u003e eSign Software\",\"Comparing The Best eSign Software\":\"Comparing The Best eSign Software\",\"Foxit delivers enterprise-level digital signing solutions for a fraction of the cost.\":\"Foxit delivers enterprise-level digital signing solutions for a fraction of the cost.\",\"30 day free trial available for eSign Essentials. Request a quote for eSign for Business.\":\"30 day free trial available for eSign Essentials. Request a quote for eSign for Business.\",\"Foxit eSign ranks higher for ease of use, support, and customer satisfaction on G2 Crowd. Boasting unlimited envelopes, no extra fees for HIPPA and CFR compliance, and 37% less than DocuSign, Foxit delivers exceptional convenience, flexibility and value.\":\"Foxit eSign ranks higher for ease of use, support, and customer satisfaction on G2 Crowd. Boasting unlimited envelopes, no extra fees for HIPPA and CFR compliance, and 37% less than DocuSign, Foxit delivers exceptional convenience, flexibility and value.\",\"Explore Foxit eSign vs DocuSign\":\"Explore Foxit eSign vs DocuSign\",\"Foxit eSign outscores PandaDoc on ease of setup and API support on G2 Crowd. All Foxit eSign plans include unlimited envelopes, bulk signing, notary services, and advanced compliance at no extra cost. For 48% less than PandaDoc, Foxit eSign is the intelligent choice for businesses that want advanced features.\":\"Foxit eSign outscores PandaDoc on ease of setup and API support on G2 Crowd. All Foxit eSign plans include unlimited envelopes, bulk signing, notary services, and advanced compliance at no extra cost. For 48% less than PandaDoc, Foxit eSign is the intelligent choice for businesses that want advanced features.\",\"Explore Foxit eSign vs PandaDoc\":\"Explore Foxit eSign vs PandaDoc\",\"Explore our comprehensive resources to maximize your Foxit eSign experience\":\"Explore our comprehensive resources to maximize your Foxit eSign experience\",\"Product Overview Video\":\"Product Overview Video\",\"This video overview explains Foxit eSign Business. It explores the signing process, payment collection, notary, security, compliance, and more.\":\"This video overview explains Foxit eSign Business. It explores the signing process, payment collection, notary, security, compliance, and more.\",\"Case Study Video\":\"Case Study Video\",\"Case Study\":\"Case Study\",\"Learn how Xseed Solutions made the switch from DocuSign and Adobe to Foxit eSign business to revolutionize his company's document workflow.\":\"Learn how Xseed Solutions made the switch from DocuSign and Adobe to Foxit eSign business to revolutionize his company's document workflow.\",\"Learn more about Foxit eSign with this informative whitepaper, which covers the digital document journey with Foxit eSign Business.\":\"Learn more about Foxit eSign with this informative whitepaper, which covers the digital document journey with Foxit eSign Business.\",\"Foxit eSign Whitepaper\":\"Foxit eSign Whitepaper\",\"Foxit eSign Data Sheet\":\"Foxit eSign Data Sheet\",\"This information-packed data sheet will help you dive into the world of Foxit eSign. Learn about key features, advanced workflow solutions, customer experience, and more.\":\"This information-packed data sheet will help you dive into the world of Foxit eSign. Learn about key features, advanced workflow solutions, customer experience, and more.\",\"Read Data Sheet\":\"Read Data Sheet\",\"Savings claim based on the single license annual price of Foxit eSign Business vs DocuSign Business Pro, as of August 2024. Actual savings may vary based on product version, number of licenses purchased, and other factors.\":\"Savings claim based on the single license annual price of Foxit eSign Business vs DocuSign Business Pro, as of August 2024. Actual savings may vary based on product version, number of licenses purchased, and other factors.\",\"Ratings claims based on figures from G2 user reviews, August 2024.\":\"Ratings claims based on figures from G2 user reviews, August 2024.\",\"DocuSign vs Foxit eSign Comparison\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eDocuSign vs Foxit eSign\u003c/highlighted\u003e Comparison\",\"Foxit eSign is a feature-rich DocuSign alternative for businesses looking to right-size their eSignature investment.\":\"Foxit eSign is a feature-rich DocuSign alternative for businesses looking to right-size their eSignature investment.\",\"Why Choose Foxit eSign?\":\"Why Choose Foxit eSign?\",\"Foxit eSign Business offers a comprehensive feature set for 37% less than DocuSign.\":\"Foxit eSign Business offers a comprehensive feature set for 37% less than DocuSign.\",\"Foxit eSign Business outperforms DocuSign in several key areas according to G2 ratings. DocuSign’s per-envelope and per-template pricing can be cost prohibitive for growing businesses. Foxit eSign Business is designed to support growing businesses by providing unlimited envelopes and templates at no extra cost. Compliance standards are also included by default, with Foxit eSign Business offering out-of-the-box HIPAA and 21 CFR Part 11 compliance without requiring any enterprise upgrades or add-ons like DocuSign. For businesses needing specialized support, Foxit’s 24/7 notary services are available on demand, alongside enhanced customer branding and bulk signing capabilities – all for a lower cost than DocuSign.\":\"Foxit eSign Business outperforms DocuSign in several key areas according to G2 ratings. DocuSign’s per-envelope and per-template pricing can be cost prohibitive for growing businesses. Foxit eSign Business is designed to support growing businesses by providing unlimited envelopes and templates at no extra cost. Compliance standards are also included by default, with Foxit eSign Business offering out-of-the-box HIPAA and 21 CFR Part 11 compliance without requiring any enterprise upgrades or add-ons like DocuSign. For businesses needing specialized support, Foxit’s 24/7 notary services are available on demand, alongside enhanced customer branding and bulk signing capabilities – all for a lower cost than DocuSign.\",\"Send, Sign, and Track Documents\":\"Send, Sign, and Track Documents\",\"Legally Binding and Secure Document Workflows\":\"Legally Binding and Secure Document Workflows\",\"CFR Part 11 Compliance\":\"CFR Part 11 Compliance\",\"Business Support\":\"Business Support\",\"Payment Collection\":\"Payment Collection\",\"Easily create templates and agreements and send them for eSignature or sign them yourself. Keep tabs on the status of all documents on a tracking screen.\":\"Easily create templates and agreements and send them for eSignature or sign them yourself. Keep tabs on the status of all documents on a tracking screen.\",\"Documents signed on this platform are legally binding and stored acording to or exceeding industry standards.\":\"Documents signed on this platform are legally binding and stored acording to or exceeding industry standards.\",\"Add customized signable forms directly to apps and websites. Accepting bulk document signatures, agreements, and sign-ups has never been easier.\":\"Add customized signable forms directly to apps and websites. Accepting bulk document signatures, agreements, and sign-ups has never been easier.\",\"Compliance with eIDAS, ESIGN, UETA, FINRA, CCPA, FERPA, GDPR regulations.\":\"Compliance with eIDAS, ESIGN, UETA, FINRA, CCPA, FERPA, GDPR regulations.\",\"Customize and send out documents directly from the Foxit PDF Editor. This add-on gives you full access to Foxit eSign’s suite of features directly inside the Foxit PDF Editor.\":\"Customize and send out documents directly from the Foxit PDF Editor. This add-on gives you full access to Foxit eSign’s suite of features directly inside the Foxit PDF Editor.\",\"Send the same document to multiple people with email templates in different languages to facilitate fast and easy eSigning.\":\"Send the same document to multiple people with email templates in different languages to facilitate fast and easy eSigning.\",\"Compliance with CFR Part 11 ensures that electronic records are secure, traceable, and auditable, helping organizations meet the stringent requirements for data integrity and validation in regulated environments.\":\"Compliance with CFR Part 11 ensures that electronic records are secure, traceable, and auditable, helping organizations meet the stringent requirements for data integrity and validation in regulated environments.\",\"HIPAA compliance to ensure secure handling of healthcare information.\":\"HIPAA compliance to ensure secure handling of healthcare information.\",\"Single Sign-On to Foxit eSign (SSO) using the SAML protocol with Microsoft Azure AD, Google Workspace, Okta, PingIdentity, or OneLogin.\":\"Single Sign-On to Foxit eSign (SSO) using the SAML protocol with Microsoft Azure AD, Google Workspace, Okta, PingIdentity, or OneLogin.\",\"Get a document notarized at any time with our remote online notaries. Users can get documents notarized during the document workflow, join a notary live, or schedule a time.\":\"Get a document notarized at any time with our remote online notaries. Users can get documents notarized during the document workflow, join a notary live, or schedule a time.\",\"Create a more immersive end-user experience with White label branding, multi-branding, and customizing the application UI and emails. Send emails from your domain, use multiple logos for signature requests, and more.\":\"Create a more immersive end-user experience with White label branding, multi-branding, and customizing the application UI and emails. Send emails from your domain, use multiple logos for signature requests, and more.\",\"We work when you do with live 24/7 Enterprise customer support through phone, chat, email, and tickets. Plus, Business account access to our development team for integration and API implementation is made available.\":\"We work when you do with live 24/7 Enterprise customer support through phone, chat, email, and tickets. Plus, Business account access to our development team for integration and API implementation is made available.\",\"Seamlessly collect payments directly in your agreements. Add a payment field to any document to collect fixed amounts, recurring payments, or blank amounts (great for donation collection). Allow signers to pay by credit card or ACH bank transfer. Transaction fees apply.\":\"Seamlessly collect payments directly in your agreements. Add a payment field to any document to collect fixed amounts, recurring payments, or blank amounts (great for donation collection). Allow signers to pay by credit card or ACH bank transfer. Transaction fees apply.\",\"Businesses save 37%1 when they choose Foxit eSign over DocuSign.\":\"Businesses save 37%1 when they choose Foxit eSign over DocuSign.\",\"Foxit eSign delivers a comprehensive eSignature solution with a transparent pricing model that includes all essential features. Customers appreciate excellent value without hidden costs or the need for upgrades. Foxit eSign Business averages 37%1 less than DocuSign Business Pro—saving a team of 100 users around $18,000 annually, while including unlimited envelopes, reusable templates, and HIPAA and CFR Part 11 compliance with no additional charge. Foxit eSign is a smart investment for organizations looking to maximize quality and savings while efficiently managing their digital document workflows.\":\"Foxit eSign delivers a comprehensive eSignature solution with a transparent pricing model that includes all essential features. Customers appreciate excellent value without hidden costs or the need for upgrades. Foxit eSign Business averages 37%1 less than DocuSign Business Pro—saving a team of 100 users around $18,000 annually, while including unlimited envelopes, reusable templates, and HIPAA and CFR Part 11 compliance with no additional charge. Foxit eSign is a smart investment for organizations looking to maximize quality and savings while efficiently managing their digital document workflows.\",\"Foxit eSign makes it easy to set up and manage users.\":\"Foxit eSign makes it easy to set up and manage users.\",\"Foxit eSign Business provides a more streamlined license management system compared to DocuSign Business Pro, which enforces more rigid license structures and seat-based limitations, creating challenges for organizations trying to adjust or expand their licensing. Additionally, DocuSign Business Pro's advanced features often come with separate charges, increasing administrative complexity and costs when upgrading or expanding capabilities. Foxit Admin Console allows administrators to efficiently assign, reassign, and monitor licenses, making it easier to adapt to changes and scale as needed.\":\"Foxit eSign Business provides a more streamlined license management system compared to DocuSign Business Pro, which enforces more rigid license structures and seat-based limitations, creating challenges for organizations trying to adjust or expand their licensing. Additionally, DocuSign Business Pro's advanced features often come with separate charges, increasing administrative complexity and costs when upgrading or expanding capabilities. Foxit Admin Console allows administrators to efficiently assign, reassign, and monitor licenses, making it easier to adapt to changes and scale as needed.\",\"Enterprise-level security and advanced compliance with no hidden fees.\":\"Enterprise-level security and advanced compliance with no hidden fees.\",\"Both Foxit eSign Business and DocuSign Business Pro meet stringent security and compliance standards, but Foxit provides this level of protection with more transparent pricing. Foxit eSign Business includes full compliance with industry standards like GDPR, HIPAA, SOC 2, and 21 CFR Part 11 at no additional cost, whereas with DocuSign, some compliance features may require upgrading to higher plans or add-ons. Additionally, Foxit eSign’s advanced encryption protocols and best practices for document security ensure a secure signing experience without hidden fees. For businesses seeking comprehensive security and compliance at a straightforward price, Foxit eSign Business is the smart choice. \":\"Both Foxit eSign Business and DocuSign Business Pro meet stringent security and compliance standards, but Foxit provides this level of protection with more transparent pricing. Foxit eSign Business includes full compliance with industry standards like GDPR, HIPAA, SOC 2, and 21 CFR Part 11 at no additional cost, whereas with DocuSign, some compliance features may require upgrading to higher plans or add-ons. Additionally, Foxit eSign’s advanced encryption protocols and best practices for document security ensure a secure signing experience without hidden fees. For businesses seeking comprehensive security and compliance at a straightforward price, Foxit eSign Business is the smart choice. \",\"Foxit eSign has easy change management and free template migration.\":\"Foxit eSign has easy change management and free template migration.\",\"Switching to Foxit eSign is straightforward and efficient. Foxit's implementation packages, including a white glove setup service, deliver a frictionless migration experience. Foxit will even migrate your DocuSign templates for FREE. Additionally, Foxit Admin Console simplifes license provisioning for teams of any size. With on-demand resources like tutorials, guides, videos, and an AI-powered knowledgebase, upgrading to Foxit eSign is fast, easy, and hassle-free. Start a free trial or request a quote to start your migration discussion with Foxit representative.\":\"Switching to Foxit eSign is straightforward and efficient. Foxit's implementation packages, including a white glove setup service, deliver a frictionless migration experience. \u003chighlighted\u003eFoxit will even migrate your DocuSign templates for FREE.\u003c/highlighted\u003e Additionally, Foxit Admin Console simplifes license provisioning for teams of any size. With on-demand resources like tutorials, guides, videos, and an AI-powered knowledgebase, upgrading to Foxit eSign is fast, easy, and hassle-free. Start a free trial or request a quote to start your migration discussion with Foxit representative.\",\"Very well done software overall. Compared to the competition.\":\"Very well done software overall. Compared to the competition.\",\"May 16, 2023\":\"May 16, 2023\",\"Better than DocuSign.\":\"Better than DocuSign.\",\"Oct 12, 2023\":\"Oct 12, 2023\",\"Good tool for eSign \u0026 has way better pricing than solutions like PandaDoc or DocuSign\":\"Good tool for eSign \u0026 has way better pricing than solutions like PandaDoc or DocuSign\",\"Oct 11, 2023\":\"Oct 11, 2023\",\"Great Affordable Alternative to Other\":\"Great Affordable Alternative to Other Software\",\"Mar 21, 2023\":\"Mar 21, 2023\",\"Probably your best eSign Solution\":\"Probably your best eSign Solution\",\"Jan 03, 2022\":\"Jan 03, 2022\",\"Available at an Additional Cost\":\"Available at an Additional Cost\",\"Templates Per Month\":\"Templates Per Month\",\"Envelopes Per Month\":\"Envelopes Per Month\",\"MFA Secure Authentication\":\"MFA Secure Authentication\",\"KBA Enterprise Authentication\":\"KBA Enterprise Authentication\",\"Live phone support for customers during regular business hours and 24/7 support through the ticketing system ensures Foxit eSign users are never on their own or without solutions when they need them.\":\"Live phone support for customers during regular business hours and 24/7 support through the ticketing system ensures Foxit eSign users are never on their own or without solutions when they need them.\",\"Switching to Foxit eSign is straighforward and efficient. Foxit's implementation packages, including a white glove setup service, deliver a frictionless migration experience. Foxit Admin Console simplifes license provisioning for teams of any size. With on-demand resources like tutorials, guides, videos, and an AI-powered knowledgebase, upgrading to Foxit eSign is fast, easy, and hassle-free. Start a free trial or request a quote to start your migration discussion with Foxit representative.\":\"Switching to Foxit eSign is straighforward and efficient. Foxit's implementation packages, including a white glove setup service, deliver a frictionless migration experience. Foxit Admin Console simplifes license provisioning for teams of any size. With on-demand resources like tutorials, guides, videos, and an AI-powered knowledgebase, upgrading to Foxit eSign is fast, easy, and hassle-free. Start a free trial or request a quote to start your migration discussion with Foxit representative.\",\"Experience more features, better compliance, and transparent pricing, for 48% less than PandaDoc.\":\"Experience more features, better compliance, and transparent pricing, for 48% less than PandaDoc.\",\"Businesses save 48% when they choose Foxit eSign over PandaDoc.\":\"Businesses save 48% when they choose Foxit eSign over PandaDoc.\",\"Foxit eSign includes eSignature security compliances and enterprise-level authentication out-of-the-box. Foxit eSign Business includes full compliance with industry standards like GDPR, HIPAA, SOC 2, and 21 CFR Part 11 at no additional cost, whereas with PandaDoc, some compliance features may require upgrading to higher plans or add-ons. Additionally, Foxit eSign uses advanced encryption protocols and follows best practices for document security, ensuring a secure signing experience without hidden fees. For businesses seeking comprehensive security and compliance with transparent pricing, Foxit eSign Business is the smart choice.\":\"Foxit eSign includes eSignature security compliances and enterprise-level authentication out-of-the-box. Foxit eSign Business includes full compliance with industry standards like GDPR, HIPAA, SOC 2, and 21 CFR Part 11 at no additional cost, whereas with PandaDoc, some compliance features may require upgrading to higher plans or add-ons. Additionally, Foxit eSign uses advanced encryption protocols and follows best practices for document security, ensuring a secure signing experience without hidden fees. For businesses seeking comprehensive security and compliance with transparent pricing, Foxit eSign Business is the smart choice.\",\"Savings claim based on the single license annual price of Foxit eSign Business vs PandaDoc Business Pro, as of 8/20/2024. Actual savings may vary based on product version, number of licenses purchased, and other factors.\":\"Savings claim based on the single license annual price of Foxit eSign Business vs PandaDoc Business Pro, as of 8/20/2024. Actual savings may vary based on product version, number of licenses purchased, and other factors.\",\"PDF/E file validation\":\"PDF/E file validation\",\"Microsoft Active Directory Rights Management Services Decryption\":\"Microsoft Active Directory Rights Management Services Decryption\",\"Create PDF portfolios\":\"Create PDF portfolios\",\"PdfFiller Pro Business\":\"PdfFiller Pro Business\",\"Evernote\":\"Evernote\",\"Nitro Pro Business\":\"Nitro Pro Business\",\"FOXIT ESIGN VS DOCUSIGN\":\"FOXIT ESIGN VS DOCUSIGN\",\"FOXIT ESIGN VS PANDADOC\":\"FOXIT ESIGN VS PANDADOC\",\"Download Whitepaper\":\"Download Whitepaper\",\"Download Data Sheet\":\"Download Data Sheet\",\"PandaDoc Business\":\"PandaDoc Business\",\"Unlisted\":\"Unlisted\",\"Savings claim based on the single license annual price of Foxit PDF Editor+ with Admin Console vs Tungsten Pro Business, as of September 2024. Actual savings may vary based on product version, number of licenses purchased, and other factors.\":\"Savings claim based on the single license annual price of Foxit PDF Editor+ with Admin Console vs Tungsten Pro Business, as of September 2024. Actual savings may vary based on product version, number of licenses purchased, and other factors.\",\"Foxit eSign provides a comprehensive eSignature solution with transparent pricing, offering all essential features upfront—no hidden costs or upgrades required. PandaDoc Business charges more per user and adds fees for premium features and unlimited envelopes, while these are included with Foxit eSign Business at a competitive price. For a team of 100 users, choosing Foxit eSign Business can save up to $28,000 annually, underscoring Foxit eSign as a smart financial choice for businesses looking to optimize their eSignature investment.\":\"Foxit eSign provides a comprehensive eSignature solution with transparent pricing, offering all essential features upfront—no hidden costs or upgrades required. PandaDoc Business charges more per user and adds fees for premium features and unlimited envelopes, while these are included with Foxit eSign Business at a competitive price. For a team of 100 users, choosing Foxit eSign Business can save up to $28,000 annually, underscoring Foxit eSign as a smart financial choice for businesses looking to optimize their eSignature investment.\",\"Enterprise-level security and advanced compliance for your business.\":\"Enterprise-level security and advanced compliance for your business.\",\"Foxit eSign makes change management easy.\":\"Foxit eSign makes change management easy.\",\"Start a free eSign Essentials trial\":\"Start a free eSign Essentials trial\",\"Get an eSign for Business quote\":\"Get an eSign for Business quote\",\"Savings claim based on the single license annual price of Foxit eSign Business vs PandaDoc Business, as of August 2024. Actual savings may vary based on product version, number of licenses purchased, and other factors.\":\"Savings claim based on the single license annual price of Foxit eSign Business vs PandaDoc Business, as of August 2024. Actual savings may vary based on product version, number of licenses purchased, and other factors.\",\"Market position and ratings claims based on figures from G2 user reviews, August 2024.\":\"Market position and ratings claims based on figures from G2 user reviews, August 2024.\",\"DocuSign Business Pro\":\"DocuSign Business Pro\",\"per user, annually\":\"per user, annually\",\"No items\":\"No items\",\"Reset filter\":\"Reset filter\",\"Centralized license management and web update portal.\":\"Centralized license management and web update portal.\",\"Please don’t contact me via email\":\"Please don’t contact me via email\",\"Continue to Payment\":\"Continue to Payment\",\"Cardholder's Name\":\"Cardholder's Name\",\"Credit Card No.\":\"Credit Card No.\",\"Card Verification Value\":\"Card Verification Value\",\"*Foxit for Salesforce integration is an additional US$15.00 /month per user. Only available on Foxit eSign Business.**Additional charges apply for API access.\":\"*Foxit for Salesforce integration is an additional US$15.00 /month per user. Only available on Foxit eSign Business.\u003cbr\u003e **Additional charges apply for API access.\",\"Upgrade to 2,000 credits per month with AI Assistant, sold separately.\":\"Upgrade to 2,000 credits per month with AI Assistant, \u003chighlighted\u003esold separately\u003c/highlighted\u003e .\",\"Campus Recruiter - Financial Services\":\"Campus Recruiter - Financial Services\",\"Sr. Manager, Marina Management System\":\"Sr. Manager, Marina Management System\",\"AI Assistant (Free 20 credits)\":\"AI Assistant (Free 20 credits)\",\"\":\"\",\"\":\"\",\"per license/year\":\"per license/year\",\"NEW USERS START WITH 20 FREE AI CREDITS.UPGRADE NOW AND GET\":\"NEW USERS START WITH 20 FREE AI CREDITS.\u003cbr/\u003e UPGRADE NOW AND GET:\",\"-PCWorld\":\"-PCWorld\",\"highlighted 20 lifetime credits per new user included. Upgrade to 2,000 credits per month with AI Assistant, sold separately.\":\"20 lifetime credits per new user included. Upgrade to 2,000 credits per month with AI Assistant, \u003chighlighted\u003esold separately\u003c/highlighted\u003e . \",\"Get early access pricing, starting at $4.99/mo when you add AI Assistant, which includes 2000 credits per month. If you are not an existing subscriber, purchase a plan or download Foxit PDF Reader to get started. Once purchased, AI Assistant can be utilized across all Foxit platforms including Foxit PDF Editor \":\"Get early access pricing, starting at $4.99/mo when you add AI Assistant, which includes 2000 credits per month. If you are not an existing subscriber, purchase a plan or download Foxit PDF Reader to get started. Once purchased, AI Assistant can be utilized across all Foxit platforms including Foxit PDF Editor \",\"View All Products\":\"View All Products\",\"highlighted Try Foxit PDF Editor+\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eTry\u003c/highlighted\u003e Foxit PDF Editor+\",\"highlighted Try Foxit eSign Essentials\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eTry\u003c/highlighted\u003e Foxit eSign Essentials\",\"Although you are already signed into a Foxit Account, you need to provide additional information for your Foxit eSign Essentials trial. Please fill in the registration form and click Submit\":\"Although you are already signed into a Foxit Account, you need to provide additional information for your Foxit eSign Essentials trial. Please fill in the registration form and click Submit\",\"In the future, you can use your existing account credentials to login into Foxit eSign Essentials.\":\"In the future, you can use your existing account credentials to login into Foxit eSign Essentials.\",\"linkto You already have a Foxit Account, click here to login to Foxit eSign Essential directly.\":\"You already have a Foxit Account, click \u003cLink\u003ehere\u003c/Link\u003e to login to Foxit eSign Essential directly.\",\"Subtitle PDF Editor+ with Admin Console\":\"PDF Editor+ \u003cSubtitle\u003ewith Admin Console\u003c/Subtitle\u003e \",\"Please enter your company email.\":\"Please enter your company email.\",\"Please enter your last company.\":\"Please enter your last company.\",\"Please select your language.\":\"Please select your language.\",\"Please select your package.\":\"Please select your package.\",\"Password cannot exceed 20 characters\":\"Password cannot exceed 20 characters\",\"Sorry, the file type is not supported\":\"Sorry, the file type is not supported\",\"Marketing Consultor, Business Assurance - Real Estate\":\"Marketing Consultor, Business Assurance - Real Estate\",\"Research And Development Intern\":\"Research And Development Intern\",\"Technical Services Librarian\":\"Technical Services Librarian\",\"\\\"Foxit eSign is my first choice electronically for my PDF’s. Its easy, handy, trustworthy specially the integration with Foxit PDF Editor make much ease of implementation on all my documents.\\\"\":\"\\\"Foxit eSign is my first choice electronically for my PDF’s. Its easy, handy, trustworthy specially the integration with Foxit PDF Editor make much ease of implementation on all my documents.\\\"\",\"\\\"We have started to use Foxit eSign in my workplace and it is a great option! I appreciate the ease of use, I did not need any additional training on how to operate it, as it just made sense. Thanks!\\\"\":\"\\\"We have started to use Foxit eSign in my workplace and it is a great option! I appreciate the ease of use, I did not need any additional training on how to operate it, as it just made sense. Thanks!\\\"\",\"\\\"If you don't need all the things Acrobat provides and just want to sign and review pdf. Foxit is your best option because offers the things the market requires to.\\\"\":\"\\\"If you don't need all the things Acrobat provides and just want to sign and review pdf. Foxit is your best option because offers the things the market requires to.\\\"\",\"\\\"I love how it inserts your signature and adds a unique identifier to the signature. Makes signing of documents electronically very easy.\\\"\":\"\\\"I love how it inserts your signature and adds a unique identifier to the signature. Makes signing of documents electronically very easy.\\\"\",\"\\\"I like it because it is easy to use and it has made signing documents for my new hires so much easier. We used to have them sign manually or send a pdf but foxit is much more seamless!\\\"\":\"\\\"I like it because it is easy to use and it has made signing documents for my new hires so much easier. We used to have them sign manually or send a pdf but foxit is much more seamless!\\\"\",\"\\\"easy to use and it works We find it easy to administer as well.\\\"\":\"\\\"easy to use and it works We find it easy to administer as well.\\\"\",\"Do you offer any discounts for educational institutions and non-profit organizations?\":\"Do you offer any discounts for educational institutions and non-profit organizations?\",\"Computer Specialist\":\"Computer Specialist\",\"Executive Board Member - Banking\":\"Executive Board Member - Banking\",\"Foxit Account\":\"Foxit Account\",\"Company\":\"Company\",\"Company*\":\"Company*\",\"SUBMIT\":\"SUBMIT\",\"Quantity\":\"Quantity\",\"Enter code\":\"Enter code\",\"Apply\":\"Apply\",\"Review Order\":\"Review Order\",\"Let us know if you would like more information on implementation from Foxit eSign.\":\"\",\"20 lifetime credits with AI Assistant\":\"20 lifetime credits with AI Assistant\",\"Edit XFA forms\":\"Edit XFA forms\",\"Yes, for PDF Editor+ subscribers. All updates are completed automatically, so you always have our latest features, tools, and security protections.\":\"Yes, for PDF Editor+ subscribers. All updates are completed automatically, so you always have our latest features, tools, and security protections.\",\"All Essentials Features\":\"All Essentials Features\",\"All compliances\":\"All compliances\",\"All integrations\":\"All integrations\",\"Advanced authentication options\":\"Advanced authentication options\",\"User management\":\"User management\",\"**API access\":\"**API access\",\"This is for enabling Admin Console to deploy and manage licenses and subscriptions for your organization. Admin Console is a web portal for the admins to manage Foxit products and services from a central dashboard.\":\"This is for enabling Admin Console to deploy and manage licenses and subscriptions for your organization. Admin Console is a web portal for the admins to manage Foxit products and services from a central dashboard.\",\"Checkout\":\"Checkout\",\"Tax Number\":\"Tax Number\",\"Address (Optional)\":\"Address (Optional)\",\"Address\":\"Address\",\"By clicking “Complete Order Now”, I give my consent that Foxit sends me e-mails containing information about new products, reminders, and special offers. See our Privacy Policy for details or opt-out at any time.\":\"By clicking “Complete Order Now”, I give my consent that Foxit sends me e-mails containing information about new products, reminders, and special offers. See our \u003chighlighted\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/highlighted\u003e for details or opt-out at any time.\",\"Automatic renewal is enabled. You can disable it any time in your Foxit Account.\":\"Automatic renewal is enabled. You can disable it any time in your Foxit Account.\",\"By clicking “complete order”, I give my consent that Foxit Europe GmbH sends me e-mails containing information about new products, reminders, and special offers. See our Privacy Policy. for details or opt-out at any time.\":\"By clicking “complete order”, I give my consent that Foxit Europe GmbH sends me e-mails containing information about new products, reminders, and special offers. See our \u003chighlighted\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/highlighted\u003e. for details or opt-out at any time.\",\"City\":\"City\",\"Will be shown in the license file. It can be your personal name or name of your organization.\":\"Will be shown in the license file. It can be your personal name or name of your organization.\",\"By proceeding with this purchase you agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. We will use your payment information to process your purchase and we use your email address to respond to your request. When you receive that email you will have the ability to choose how you would like us to manage your personal data.\":\"By proceeding with this purchase you agree to the terms of our \u003cpolicyLink\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/policyLink\u003e and \u003ctermsLink\u003eTerms of Service\u003c/termsLink\u003e. We will use your payment information to process your purchase and we use your email address to respond to your request. When you receive that email you will have the ability to choose how you would like us to manage your personal data.\",\"Please type in a valid email address, such as\":\"Please type in a valid email address, such as\",\"Promotional Code (Optional)\":\"Promotional Code (Optional)\",\"Overview and key features\":\"Overview and key features\",\"Get instant insights and automatically generate impactful content from your documents\":\"Get instant insights and automatically generate impactful content from your documents\",\"Translate documents and text into multiple different languages\":\"Translate documents and text into multiple different languages\",\"Get one-click summaries on desktop and web\":\"Get one-click summaries on desktop and web\",\"Ask questions and get answers with cited sources\":\"Ask questions and get answers with cited sources\",\"Go to the Foxit AI Assistant page\":\"Go to the Foxit AI Assistant page\",\"Privacy policy\":\"Privacy policy\",\"PDF Software \u0026 Tools Tailored to Your Business | Foxit\":\"PDF Software \u0026 Tools Tailored to Your Business | Foxit\",\"Foxit Software is the reliable source for fast, affordable, \u0026 secure PDF software. From editor to eSign tools and more, we have what your business needs.\":\"Foxit Software is the reliable source for fast, affordable, \u0026 secure PDF software. From editor to eSign tools and more, we have what your business needs.\",\"Foxit Admin Console: Streamlined PDF Management | Foxit\":\"Foxit Admin Console: Streamlined PDF Management | Foxit\",\"Effortlessly manage users and PDFs with Foxit Admin Console. Simplify team collaboration, enhance security, and boost productivity today!\":\"Effortlessly manage users and PDFs with Foxit Admin Console. Simplify team collaboration, enhance security, and boost productivity today!\",\"PDF AI Assistant - Chat with your PDF documents | Foxit\":\"PDF AI Assistant - Chat with your PDF documents | Foxit\",\"Discover Foxit’s AI Assistant for PDFs. Utilize advanced AI to summarize, rewrite, and engage with your documents, enhancing productivity effortlessly.\":\"Discover Foxit’s AI Assistant for PDFs. Utilize advanced AI to summarize, rewrite, and engage with your documents, enhancing productivity effortlessly.\",\"Compare Foxit vs Competitors: Best PDF Editor Comparison | Foxit\":\"Foxit Compared: Which is the Best PDF Editor Software?\",\"Compare Foxit PDF Editor's robust features, security, and pricing with alternatives like Adobe, Nitro, and Wondershare. Learn why Foxit is the leading PDF solution at a lower cost.\":\"How does Foxit PDF Editor compare to the competitors? Which software is best? Explore key differences and advantages today.\",\"Compare Foxit vs Nitro: Best PDF Editor Comparison | Foxit\":\"Compare Foxit vs Nitro: Best PDF Editor Comparison | Foxit\",\"Compare Foxit PDF Editor and Nitro Pro for the best PDF editor solution. Discover key differences in features, price, ease of use, and AI capabilities to enhance productivity.\":\"Compare Foxit PDF Editor and Nitro Pro for the best PDF editor solution. Discover key differences in features, price, ease of use, and AI capabilities to enhance productivity.\",\"Compare Foxit vs pdfFiller: Best PDF Editor Comparison | Foxit\":\"Compare Foxit vs pdfFiller: Best PDF Editor Comparison | Foxit\",\"Compare Foxit PDF Editor and pdfFiller for the best PDF editor solution. Discover key differences in features, price, ease of use, and AI capabilities to enhance productivity.\":\"Compare Foxit PDF Editor and pdfFiller for the best PDF editor solution. Discover key differences in features, price, ease of use, and AI capabilities to enhance productivity.\",\"Compare Foxit vs PDF-XChange: Best PDF Editor Comparison | Foxit\":\"Compare Foxit vs PDF-XChange: Best PDF Editor Comparison | Foxit\",\"Compare Foxit PDF Editor and PDF-XChange for the best PDF editor solution. Discover key differences in features, price, ease of use, and AI capabilities to enhance productivity.\":\"Compare Foxit PDF Editor and PDF-XChange for the best PDF editor solution. Discover key differences in features, price, ease of use, and AI capabilities to enhance productivity.\",\"Compare Foxit vs Tungsten: Best PDF Editor Comparison | Foxit\":\"Compare Foxit vs Tungsten: Best PDF Editor Comparison | Foxit\",\"Compare Foxit PDF Editor and Tungsten Power PDF (formerly Kofax) for the best PDF editor solution. Discover key differences in features, price, ease of use, and AI capabilities to enhance productivity.\":\"Compare Foxit PDF Editor and Tungsten Power PDF (formerly Kofax) for the best PDF editor solution. Discover key differences in features, price, ease of use, and AI capabilities to enhance productivity.\",\"Compare Foxit vs Wondershare: Best PDF Editor Comparison | Foxit\":\"Compare Foxit vs Wondershare: Best PDF Editor Comparison | Foxit\",\"Compare Foxit PDF Editor and Wondershare PDFelement for the best PDF editor solution. Discover key differences in features, price, ease of use, and AI capabilities to enhance productivity.\":\"Compare Foxit PDF Editor and Wondershare PDFelement for the best PDF editor solution. Discover key differences in features, price, ease of use, and AI capabilities to enhance productivity.\",\"Foxit PDF Editor \u0026 Reader Conformance Report | Foxit\":\"Foxit PDF Editor \u0026 Reader Conformance Report | Foxit\",\"Foxit PDF Editor \u0026 Reader Conformance Report.\":\"Foxit PDF Editor \u0026 Reader Conformance Report.\",\"Compress PDF \u0026 Reduce PDF Files Size Online for Free | Foxit\":\"Compress PDF \u0026 Reduce PDF Files Size Online for Free | Foxit\",\"Compress PDF files online without losing any quality. Easily use our tool to reduce the size of your PDFs. Compress your PDF files right now for free!\":\"Compress PDF files online without losing any quality. Easily use our tool to reduce the size of your PDFs. Compress your PDF files right now for free!\",\"PDF Software Free Download | Foxit\":\"PDF Software Free Download | Foxit\",\"Foxit PDF software download and cloud service trial center. Free download PDF software for Windows, Mac, iOS, or Android to view, convert \u0026 edit PDF files.\":\"Foxit PDF software download and cloud service trial center. Free download PDF software for Windows, Mac, iOS, or Android to view, convert \u0026 edit PDF files.\",\"Enterprise Automation | Document Conversion for Enterprise | Foxit\":\"Enterprise Automation | Document Conversion for Enterprise | Foxit\",\"Industry-Leading Document Conversion Technology for Enterprise. Faster Business Processes with Large-Scale Document to PDF Conversion.\":\"Industry-Leading Document Conversion Technology for Enterprise. Faster Business Processes with Large-Scale Document to PDF Conversion.\",\"eSign PDF Documents Online for Free | Foxit eSignature Software\":\"Sign Your PDFs For Free Online: Foxit PDF Signing Software\",\"Sign PDF documents online for free with Foxit eSign. Easily send and receive secure electronic signatures. Try it now for free!\":\"Foxit eSign lets you send \u0026 receive electronic signatures easier \u0026 more securely. eSign \u0026 send PDF or Word documents, wherever you are. Try it for free!\",\"Foxit eSign API Integration | Foxit\":\"Foxit eSign API Integration | Foxit\",\"Integrate Foxit eSign API easily! Cost-effective, feature-rich. Boost dev speed, enhance customer exp. Ideal for biz.\":\"Integrate Foxit eSign API easily! Cost-effective, feature-rich. Boost dev speed, enhance customer exp. Ideal for biz.\",\"Compare Foxit eSign vs Competitors: Best eSign Solutions Comparison\":\"Compare Foxit eSign vs Competitors: Best eSign Solutions Comparison\",\"Compare Foxit eSign vs. DocuSign \u0026 PandaDoc. Save up to 48% with unlimited envelopes, advanced compliance, and seamless features. Start your 30-day free trial today!\":\"Compare Foxit eSign and competitors. Save up to 48% with unlimited envelopes, advanced compliance, and seamless features. Start your 30-day free trial today!\",\"Foxit eSign vs DocuSign: Save 37% on eSignatures\":\"Foxit eSign vs DocuSign: Save 37% on eSignatures | Foxit\",\"Compare Foxit eSign and DocuSign. Discover affordable, feature-rich eSignature solutions with unlimited templates, full compliance, and transparent pricing. Start your free trial today!\":\"Compare Foxit eSign and DocuSign. Discover affordable, feature-rich eSignature solutions with unlimited templates, full compliance, and transparent pricing. Start your free trial today!\",\"Foxit eSign vs PandaDoc: Save 48% on eSignatures\":\"Foxit eSign vs PandaDoc: Save 48% on eSignatures | Foxit\",\"Compare Foxit eSign vs. PandaDoc: Save 48% with Foxit eSign. Enjoy unlimited envelopes, top-notch compliance, and transparent pricing. Start your 30-day free trial today!\":\"Compare Foxit eSign vs. PandaDoc: Save 48% with Foxit eSign. Enjoy unlimited envelopes, top-notch compliance, and transparent pricing. Start your 30-day free trial today!\",\"Sign contracts and complete documents | Foxit\":\"Sign contracts and complete documents | Foxit\",\"Sign contracts and complete documents. Simplify the signing process.\":\"Sign contracts and complete documents. Simplify the signing process.\",\"Foxit eSign Enhance Document Security | Foxit\":\"Foxit eSign Enhance Document Security | Foxit\",\"Foxit eSign boosts document security. 2FA, KBA, auditing. Ensure safe handling of sensitive documents.\":\"Foxit eSign boosts document security. 2FA, KBA, auditing. Ensure safe handling of sensitive documents.\",\"Foxit eSign for Salesforce®| Create, send, and eSign within Salesforce®\":\"Dcoument Generation \u0026 eSigning within Salesforce® | Foxit\",\"Streamline document signing in Salesforce with Foxit eSign. Secure, efficient, and legally binding electronic signatures. Boost productivity now!\":\"Streamline document signing in Salesforce with Foxit eSign. Secure, efficient, and legally binding electronic signatures. Boost productivity now!\",\"Foxit eSign Integrations: Enhance Document Management Efficiency | Foxit\":\"Foxit eSign Integrations: Enhance Document Management Efficiency | Foxit\",\"Seamlessly integrate Foxit eSign with popular platforms like Salesforce, Google Workspace, and Microsoft Teams for efficient, compliant document signing workflows.\":\"Seamlessly integrate Foxit eSign with popular platforms like Salesforce, Google Workspace, and Microsoft Teams for efficient, compliant document signing workflows.\",\"Foxit Pay: Seamless Payment Collection with eSign Solutions\":\"Foxit Pay: Seamless Payment Collection with eSign Solutions\",\"Foxit eSign and PDF Editor Integration for Seamless Workflow | Foxit\":\"Foxit eSign and PDF Editor Integration for Seamless Workflow | Foxit\",\"Streamline PDF creation, editing, and eSigning with Foxit. Experience seamless integration, enhanced security, and improved productivity—perfect for businesses across industries. Try it free today!\":\"Streamline PDF creation, editing, and eSigning with Foxit. Experience seamless integration, enhanced security, and improved productivity—perfect for businesses across industries. Try it free today!\",\"Integrate Foxit eSign with Google Workspace Seamlessly | Foxit\":\"Integrate Foxit eSign with Google Workspace Seamlessly | Foxit\",\"Streamline document signing directly within Google Workspace with Foxit eSign, boosting productivity, security, and compliance effortlessly.\":\"Streamline document signing directly within Google Workspace with Foxit eSign, boosting productivity, security, and compliance effortlessly.\",\"Effortless eSigning in Microsoft Outlook | Foxit\":\"Effortless eSigning in Microsoft Outlook | Foxit\",\"Sign and manage documents directly within Outlook using Foxit eSign, boosting workflow efficiency with integrated eSignature tracking and real-time status updates.\":\"Sign and manage documents directly within Outlook using Foxit eSign, boosting workflow efficiency with integrated eSignature tracking and real-time status updates.\",\"Foxit eSign Integration with Microsoft SharePoint | Foxit\":\"Foxit eSign Integration with Microsoft SharePoint | Foxit\",\"Boost document management efficiency with Foxit eSign for SharePoint, enabling secure, compliant eSignatures and seamless collaboration within the SharePoint environment.\":\"Boost document management efficiency with Foxit eSign for SharePoint, enabling secure, compliant eSignatures and seamless collaboration within the SharePoint environment.\",\"Foxit eSign Integration with Microsoft Teams | Foxit\":\"Foxit eSign Integration with Microsoft Teams | Foxit\",\"Integrate Foxit eSign with Microsoft Teams to streamline document workflows, enabling secure eSignatures, tracking, and automated notifications directly within Teams.\":\"Integrate Foxit eSign with Microsoft Teams to streamline document workflows, enabling secure eSignatures, tracking, and automated notifications directly within Teams.\",\"Foxit eSign Integration with Salesforce for eSignatures | Foxit\":\"Foxit eSign Integration with Salesforce for eSignatures | Foxit\",\"Foxit's Salesforce integration offers seamless doc gen and eSign. Streamline workflows, boost efficiency, ensure compliance. Ideal for all sectors.\":\"Foxit's Salesforce integration offers seamless doc gen and eSign. Streamline workflows, boost efficiency, ensure compliance. Ideal for all sectors.\",\"Foxit eSign Integration with Zapier for Automated Workflows | Foxit\":\"Foxit eSign Integration with Zapier for Automated Workflows | Foxit\",\"Streamline eSigning by connecting Foxit eSign to thousands of apps through Zapier. Enhance productivity with seamless, automated document management and notifications across platforms.\":\"Streamline eSigning by connecting Foxit eSign to thousands of apps through Zapier. Enhance productivity with seamless, automated document management and notifications across platforms.\",\"eSign Compliance Solutions | Foxit\":\"eSign Compliance Solutions | Foxit\",\"Foxit eSign ensures compliance across industries. Meets HIPAA, CCPA, ESIGN, GDPR etc. Secure, reliable, legal e-signature tool.\":\"Foxit eSign ensures compliance across industries. Meets HIPAA, CCPA, ESIGN, GDPR etc. Secure, reliable, legal e-signature tool.\",\"Manage signed documents, workflows, and reports | Foxit\":\"Manage signed documents, workflows, and reports | Foxit\",\"Manage signed documents, workflows, and reports. Effective signed document management for teams and individuals.\":\"Manage signed documents, workflows, and reports. Effective signed document management for teams and individuals.\",\"On-Demand Notary with Foxit eSign and NotaryLive Integration\":\"On-Demand Notary with Foxit eSign and NotaryLive Integration\",\"Prepare documents for Signing | Foxit\":\"Prepare documents for Signing | Foxit\",\"Prepare, send, and sign PDFs effortlessly with Foxit eSign. Simplify your workflow and enhance document security today!\":\"Prepare, send, and sign PDFs effortlessly with Foxit eSign. Simplify your workflow and enhance document security today!\",\"Foxit Sign Comparison, Plans \u0026 Pricing | Foxit\":\"Foxit Sign Comparison, Plans \u0026 Pricing | Foxit\",\"See the difference between Foxit eSign Essentials and Foxit eSign Business, then choose an eSignature plan that works for you.\":\"See the difference between Foxit eSign Essentials and Foxit eSign Business, then choose an eSignature plan that works for you.\",\"Secure Compliance and Efficient Document Workflows | Foxit\":\"Secure Compliance and Efficient Document Workflows | Foxit\",\"Foxit eSign - Send \u0026 Sign Documents | Foxit\":\"Foxit eSign - Send \u0026 Sign Documents | Foxit\",\"Foxit eSign enables quick doc sending. Add signers, send via devices, remind, audit. Streamline signing process effectively.\":\"Foxit eSign enables quick doc sending. Add signers, send via devices, remind, audit. Streamline signing process effectively.\",\"Share Templates \u0026 Team Collaborate | Foxit\":\"Share Templates \u0026 Team Collaborate | Foxit\",\"Streamline workflows, share templates. Easy team collab. Boost productivity. Securely manage docs. Ideal for all teams.\":\"Streamline workflows, share templates. Easy team collab. Boost productivity. Securely manage docs. Ideal for all teams.\",\"Store Signed Documents | Foxit\":\"Store Signed Documents | Foxit\",\"Foxit eSign simplifies storing signed documents. Download, automate cloud storage, use labels. Organize documents efficiently.\":\"Foxit eSign simplifies storing signed documents. Download, automate cloud storage, use labels. Organize documents efficiently.\",\"Use legal signatures practically anywhere | Foxit\":\"Use legal signatures practically anywhere | Foxit\",\"Foxit eSign offers legal, court-admissible electronic signatures. Complies with laws. Streamline processes across industries.\":\"Foxit eSign offers legal, court-admissible electronic signatures. Complies with laws. Streamline processes across industries.\",\"Convert Excel to PDF Online for Free | Foxit\":\"Convert Excel to PDF Online for Free | Foxit\",\"Convert Excel to PDF online with industry-leading Excel to PDF converter. Easily convert Excel to PDF file with Foxit PDF Editor online.\":\"Convert Excel to PDF online with industry-leading Excel to PDF converter. Easily convert Excel to PDF file with Foxit PDF Editor online.\",\"Convert JPG to PDF Online for Free | Foxit\":\"Convert JPG to PDF Online for Free | Foxit\",\"Convert JPG to PDF online with industry-leading JPG to PDF converter. Easily convert images (.jpg .png .gif .bmp .tiff) to PDF file with Foxit PDF Editor online.\":\"Convert JPG to PDF online with industry-leading JPG to PDF converter. Easily convert images (.jpg .png .gif .bmp .tiff) to PDF file with Foxit PDF Editor online.\",\"Merge PDF | Combine PDF Files Online for Free | Foxit\":\"Merge PDF | Combine PDF Files Online for Free | Foxit\",\"How to Merge PDF files online? Combine multiple PDF files into one PDF, try Foxit's PDF merge tool online for free. Click now and start Merging your PDFs easily.\":\"How to Merge PDF files online? Combine multiple PDF files into one PDF, try Foxit's PDF merge tool online for free. Click now and start Merging your PDFs easily.\",\"Forgot Password | Foxit\":\"Forgot Password | Foxit\",\"Foxit infographics Resources | Foxit\":\"Foxit infographics Resources | Foxit\",\"Discover visually rich infographics showcasing PDF tools and solutions by Foxit. Simplify workflows, boost productivity, and explore Foxit’s innovative features today!\":\"Discover visually rich infographics showcasing PDF tools and solutions by Foxit. Simplify workflows, boost productivity, and explore Foxit’s innovative features today!\",\"10 cool ways to Use a PDF | Foxit\":\"10 cool ways to Use a PDF | Foxit\",\"The portable document format (you know it as PDF) has been around for years and can be used in hundreds of different ways by people in virtually any industry. Here are our favorite tips and tricks for using PDFs to your advantage.\":\"The portable document format (you know it as PDF) has been around for years and can be used in hundreds of different ways by people in virtually any industry. Here are our favorite tips and tricks for using PDFs to your advantage.\",\"9 epic reasons to use a PDF Editor | Foxit\":\"9 epic reasons to use a PDF Editor | Foxit\",\"Are you using PDF reader software? If so, you may be missing out on some great functionality that can make your life easier and make you more productive. We invite you to download Foxit PDF Editor - it’s free for 14 days.\":\"Are you using PDF reader software? If so, you may be missing out on some great functionality that can make your life easier and make you more productive. We invite you to download Foxit PDF Editor - it’s free for 14 days.\",\"Why Customers Choose Foxit | Foxit\":\"Why Customers Choose Foxit | Foxit\",\"5 Reasons Smart Businesses Choose Foxit to Make PDF Work Flow | Foxit\":\"5 Reasons Smart Businesses Choose Foxit to Make PDF Work Flow | Foxit\",\"Do you want to lower your total cost of ownership with a cost-effective, full-functioned, and easier-to-use alternative to replace your current Adobe Acrobat licenses? Learn why Foxit is the leading alternative to Adobe Acrobat.\":\"Do you want to lower your total cost of ownership with a cost-effective, full-functioned, and easier-to-use alternative to replace your current Adobe Acrobat licenses? Learn why Foxit is the leading alternative to Adobe Acrobat.\",\"5 Reasons Why your Business will Improve with Foxit PDF Compressor | Foxit\":\"5 Reasons Why your Business will Improve with Foxit PDF Compressor | Foxit\",\"Foxit Software is the reliable source for fast,affordable, \u0026 secure PDF software. From editor to eSign tools and more, we have what your business needs.\":\"Foxit Software is the reliable source for fast,affordable, \u0026 secure PDF software. From editor to eSign tools and more, we have what your business needs.\",\"8 Best ways to Secure your PDF | Foxit\":\"8 Best ways to Secure your PDF | Foxit\",\"Discover 8 top ways to secure PDFs! Encryption, redaction, digital signature etc. Safeguard data, enhance document security.\":\"Discover 8 top ways to secure PDFs! Encryption, redaction, digital signature etc. Safeguard data, enhance document security.\",\"Achieving the Paperless Campus Process by Process | Foxit\":\"Achieving the Paperless Campus Process by Process | Foxit\",\"Campus Technology set out to understand current paper-based practices and digitization plans in higher education from multiple perspectives: IT, staff and faculty. The easiest starting point — adoption of PDF Editor software — isn't getting nearly the pickup it deserves.\":\"Campus Technology set out to understand current paper-based practices and digitization plans in higher education from multiple perspectives: IT, staff and faculty. The easiest starting point — adoption of PDF Editor software — isn't getting nearly the pickup it deserves.\",\"Banking and Finance | Foxit\":\"Banking and Finance | Foxit\",\"Center For Digital Government (CDG) Survey | Foxit\":\"Center For Digital Government (CDG) Survey | Foxit\",\"Explore the CDG Survey. Foxit provides insights. Discover digital government trends and solutions.\":\"Explore the CDG Survey. Foxit provides insights. Discover digital government trends and solutions.\",\"Foxit PDF Editor is the leading PDF Editor software on G2\":\"Foxit PDF Editor is the leading PDF Editor software on G2\",\"Why Upgrade from a PDF Reader to a PDF Editor | Foxit\":\"Why Upgrade from a PDF Reader to a PDF Editor | Foxit\",\"Discover why users prefer PDF editors! Convert, edit, secure, and organize PDFs effortlessly. Unlock advanced features for seamless document management.\":\"Discover why users prefer PDF editors! Convert, edit, secure, and organize PDFs effortlessly. Unlock advanced features for seamless document management.\",\"How the use of PDF changed since the Pandemic started\":\"How the use of PDF changed since the Pandemic started\",\"How to Solve your Agencys Fermi Paradox | Foxit\":\"How to Solve your Agencys Fermi Paradox | Foxit\",\"Learn how to streamline FERMI compliance with efficient digital archiving solutions. Save time, reduce costs, and meet NARA standards effortlessly!\":\"Learn how to streamline FERMI compliance with efficient digital archiving solutions. Save time, reduce costs, and meet NARA standards effortlessly!\",\"Improve Your Document Management Process | Foxit\":\"Improve Your Document Management Process | Foxit\",\"More Valuable Than You Think\":\"More Valuable Than You Think\",\"The Total Economic Impact Of Foxit PDF Editor | Foxit\":\"The Total Economic Impact Of Foxit PDF Editor | Foxit\",\"Foxit commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic ImpactTM (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by switching their legacy PDF Editor software with Foxit PDF Editor.\":\"Foxit commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic ImpactTM (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by switching their legacy PDF Editor software with Foxit PDF Editor.\",\"Free PDF Converter Online | Foxit Software\":\"Free PDF Converter: Transform To and From PDFs | Foxit\",\"With Foxit PDF converter online tools, you can easily convert PDF to Word/Excel/PPT/JPG or convert any document to PDF online. Try the best free PDF converter now!\":\"With Foxit PDF converter online tools, you can easily convert PDF to Word/Excel/PPT/JPG or convert any document to PDF online. Try the best free PDF converter now!\",\"Free Online PDF Editor | Edit PDF Files Effortlessly with Foxit\":\"Edit PDFs with Free Online PDF Editor | Foxit\",\"Foxit's free online PDF editor enables quick PDF editing, eSigning, and redaction with AI-powered tools, offering secure and efficient document management for businesses.\":\"Edit PDFs easily using Foxit free online PDF editor. Add text, comments, highlight, annotate, fill \u0026 sign forms, insert images, and more in seconds.\",\"Foxit’s ADA Compliance | Foxit\":\"Foxit’s ADA Compliance | Foxit\",\"Foxit PDF Reader \u0026 Editor's ADA support. Ensures access for all. Meets DOJ standards, enabling seamless, inclusive doc use.\":\"Foxit PDF Reader \u0026 Editor's ADA support. Ensures access for all. Meets DOJ standards, enabling seamless, inclusive doc use.\",\"Download PDF Reader and PDF Editor Add-ons | Foxit\":\"Download PDF Reader and PDF Editor Add-ons | Foxit\",\"We provides free critical add-ons in Foxit PDF Reader and Foxit PDF Editor. Like FileOpen Plugin, Eastern Asian Language, Spell Check Language, IFilter, and more.\":\"We provides free critical add-ons in Foxit PDF Reader and Foxit PDF Editor. Like FileOpen Plugin, Eastern Asian Language, Spell Check Language, IFilter, and more.\",\"Adobe Acrobat Alternative | The Best Alternative to Adobe Acrobat\":\"The Best Alternative to Adobe Acrobat: Foxit vs Adobe | Foxit\",\"The best Adobe Acrobat Alternative, Foxit PDF Editor is the fast, affordable \u0026 secure Adobe Acrobat Alternative solution. Get the superior Adobe Acrobat Alternative today!\":\"The best Adobe Acrobat Alternative, Foxit PDF Editor is the fast, affordable \u0026 secure Adobe Acrobat Alternative solution. Get the superior Adobe Acrobat Alternative today!\",\"Advanced Editing | Foxit\":\"Advanced Editing | Foxit\",\"Advanced PDF editing capabilities for PDF documents. View Foxit PDF Editor tutorial and learn more.\":\"Advanced PDF editing capabilities for PDF documents. View Foxit PDF Editor tutorial and learn more.\",\"PDF Annotator Tool - Download for Free | Foxit\":\"PDF Annotator Tool - Download for Free | Foxit\",\"Discover how to annotate, share, and collaborate PDFs. Find out why Foxit is the top choice to read, annotate and share PDFs.\":\"Discover how to annotate, share, and collaborate PDFs. Find out why Foxit is the top choice to read, annotate and share PDFs.\",\"Powerful PDF Editor Cloud with ChatGPT | Foxit\":\"Powerful PDF Editor Cloud with ChatGPT | Foxit\",\"Foxit PDF Editor Cloud with ChatGPT is a powerful online all-in-one PDF editing and eSigning tool to make your document workflows easy and secure. Try it Now!\":\"Foxit PDF Editor Cloud with ChatGPT is a powerful online all-in-one PDF editing and eSigning tool to make your document workflows easy and secure. Try it Now!\",\"Foxit Accessibility Conformance Report | Foxit\":\"Foxit Accessibility Conformance Report | Foxit\",\"Ensure PDF accessibility compliance effortlessly with Foxit. Discover tools for accessible, user-friendly PDF creation and editing. Try now!\":\"Ensure PDF accessibility compliance effortlessly with Foxit. Discover tools for accessible, user-friendly PDF creation and editing. Try now!\",\"Compliance Information | Foxit\":\"Compliance Information | Foxit\",\"Foxit makes ongoing commitments to deliver products and services that are compliant with industry-accepted best practices, standards, and regulations.\":\"Foxit makes ongoing commitments to deliver products and services that are compliant with industry-accepted best practices, standards, and regulations.\",\"PDF Conversion Features | Foxit\":\"PDF Conversion Features | Foxit\",\"Find out why Foxit PDF Editor is the top PDF converter to convert PDFs \u0026 convert to PDFs. Convert your PDF files now!\":\"Find out why Foxit PDF Editor is the top PDF converter to convert PDFs \u0026 convert to PDFs. Convert your PDF files now!\",\"Licensed Application End User License Agreement | Foxit\":\"Licensed Application End User License Agreement | Foxit\",\"Whenever you download or use the application, this End User License Agreement (the\":\"Whenever you download or use the application, this End User License Agreement (the\",\"Organize PDF - Compare, Crop, Merge and more | Foxit\":\"Organize PDF - Compare, Crop, Merge and more | Foxit\",\"Effortlessly merge, split, and organize PDF documents with Foxit PDF Editor. Try Foxit's user-friendly PDF tools to manage pages and create polished files.\":\"Effortlessly merge, split, and organize PDF documents with Foxit PDF Editor. Try Foxit's user-friendly PDF tools to manage pages and create polished files.\",\"Best PDF Editor App for iOS \u0026 Android | Foxit PDF Editor Mobile\":\"Best PDF Editor App for iOS \u0026 Android | Foxit PDF Editor Mobile\",\"Edit PDFs seamlessly on iOS and Android with Foxit PDF Editor Mobile, the ultimate PDF editing app for smartphones and tablets.\":\"Edit PDFs seamlessly on iOS and Android with Foxit PDF Editor Mobile, the ultimate PDF editing app for smartphones and tablets.\",\"Free PDF Creator Online - Fillable Forms Download | Foxit\":\"Free PDF Creator Online - Fillable Forms Download | Foxit\",\"View Foxit PDF Editor tutorial and learn more about how to create PDF files \u0026 fillable forms. Download Foxit PDF creator for free now!\":\"View Foxit PDF Editor tutorial and learn more about how to create PDF files \u0026 fillable forms. Download Foxit PDF creator for free now!\",\"Password Protect \u0026 Sign PDF Files | Foxit\":\"Password Protect \u0026 Sign PDF Files | Foxit\",\"Foxit’s software that allows you to encrypt, redact, and sign PDFs. View our tutorials to learn how to password protect a PDF.\":\"Foxit’s software that allows you to encrypt, redact, and sign PDFs. View our tutorials to learn how to password protect a PDF.\",\"PDF Scanner, Scan to PDF with OCR | Foxit\":\"PDF Scanner, Scan to PDF with OCR | Foxit\",\"How to OCR text in PDF and image files? Foxit PDF Editor is a software that allows you to convert scanned PDF and images into editable Word, Text, Excel output formats.\":\"How to OCR text in PDF and image files? Foxit PDF Editor is a software that allows you to convert scanned PDF and images into editable Word, Text, Excel output formats.\",\"Securely eSign PDF Documents - Foxit PDF Editor\":\"Securely eSign PDF Documents - Foxit PDF Editor\",\"Foxit PDF Editors integration with Foxit eSign allows users to create Foxit eSign account, self-sign, collect signatures and manage the electronic signature workflow.\":\"Foxit PDF Editors integration with Foxit eSign allows users to create Foxit eSign account, self-sign, collect signatures and manage the electronic signature workflow.\",\"Foxit PDF Editor Version History | Foxit\":\"Foxit PDF Editor Version History | Foxit\",\"Foxit PDF Editor Version History lets you go back and see previous versions of Foxit PDF Editor. Learn about the new features, recent updates and issue fixes to Foxit PDF Editor.\":\"Foxit PDF Editor Version History lets you go back and see previous versions of Foxit PDF Editor. Learn about the new features, recent updates and issue fixes to Foxit PDF Editor.\",\"Free PDF Reader \u0026 Viewer - Online Download | Foxit\":\"Free PDF Reader: Download and View PDFs | Foxit\",\"The best free PDF reader \u0026 viewer used by over 700 million users. Download Foxit PDF Reader for Windows, Mac, Android \u0026 more today!\":\"The best free PDF reader \u0026 viewer used by over 700 million users. Download Foxit PDF Reader for Windows, Mac, Android \u0026 more today!\",\"Foxit PDF Reader OS Platform Feature Comparison | Foxit\":\"Foxit PDF Reader OS Platform Feature Comparison | Foxit\",\"View our Foxit PDF Reader OS Platform (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) Feature Comparison to help determine which Foxit PDF Reader is right for you.\":\"View our Foxit PDF Reader OS Platform (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) Feature Comparison to help determine which Foxit PDF Reader is right for you.\",\"Foxit PDF Reader for Enterprise Register | Foxit\":\"Foxit PDF Reader for Enterprise Register | Foxit\",\"Enterprise Foxit PDF Reader is developed on the basis of non-enterprise Foxit PDF Reader , but it extends the usability and performance Enterprise Foxit PDF Reader provides advanced tools equipped with proactive security features, and is fully featured with solutions such as RMS Protection, GPO Control, XML Control, and other PDF viewing needs of enterprises and governments.\":\"Enterprise Foxit PDF Reader is developed on the basis of non-enterprise Foxit PDF Reader , but it extends the usability and performance Enterprise Foxit PDF Reader provides advanced tools equipped with proactive security features, and is fully featured with solutions such as RMS Protection, GPO Control, XML Control, and other PDF viewing needs of enterprises and governments.\",\"Foxit PDF Reader Version History \u0026 Release Notes | Foxit\":\"Foxit PDF Reader Version History \u0026 Release Notes | Foxit\",\"Foxit PDF Reader Version History lets you go back and see previous versions of Foxit PDF Reader. Learn about the new features, recent updates and issue fixes to Foxit PDF Reader.\":\"Foxit PDF Reader Version History lets you go back and see previous versions of Foxit PDF Reader. Learn about the new features, recent updates and issue fixes to Foxit PDF Reader.\",\"Convert PDF to Excel Online for Free | PDF to XLS | FOXIT\":\"Convert PDF to Excel Online for Free | PDF to XLS | FOXIT\",\"Convert PDF to Excel online with industry-leading PDF to Excel converter. Easily convert PDF to Excel document (.xlsx format) with Foxit PDF Editor online.\":\"Convert PDF to Excel online with industry-leading PDF to Excel converter. Easily convert PDF to Excel document (.xlsx format) with Foxit PDF Editor online.\",\"Convert PDF to JPG Online for Free | Foxit\":\"Convert PDF to JPG Online for Free | Foxit\",\"Convert your PDF files into high quality JPG images online with industry-leading PDF to JPG converter. Easily convert PDF to JPG with Foxit PDF Editor online.\":\"Convert your PDF files into high quality JPG images online with industry-leading PDF to JPG converter. Easily convert PDF to JPG with Foxit PDF Editor online.\",\"Convert PDF to PPT Online for Free | PDF to Powerpoint | FOXIT\":\"Convert PDF to PPT Online for Free | PDF to Powerpoint | FOXIT\",\"Convert PDF to PPT online with industry-leading PDF to PPT converter. Easily convert PDF to PowerPoint file format (.ppt, .pptx) with Foxit PDF Editor online.\":\"Convert PDF to PPT online with industry-leading PDF to PPT converter. Easily convert PDF to PowerPoint file format (.ppt, .pptx) with Foxit PDF Editor online.\",\"Convert PDF to Word Online for Free | PDF to DOC | FOXIT\":\"Convert PDF to Word Online for Free | PDF to DOC | FOXIT\",\"Convert PDF to Word online with industry-leading PDF to Word converter. Easily convert PDF to editable Word document (.docx) with Foxit PDF Editor online.\":\"Convert PDF to Word online with industry-leading PDF to Word converter. Easily convert PDF to editable Word document (.docx) with Foxit PDF Editor online.\",\"Podcast | Foxit\":\"Podcast | Foxit\",\"The Podcast on All Things PDF. Interviews and discussions with PDF subject matter experts. Industry Case Studies, Document Security, User Stories, ISO Standards, PDF features.\":\"The Podcast on All Things PDF. Interviews and discussions with PDF subject matter experts. Industry Case Studies, Document Security, User Stories, ISO Standards, PDF features.\",\"Convert PPT to PDF Online for Free | Powerpoint to PDF in seconds\":\"Convert PPT to PDF Online for Free | Powerpoint to PDF in seconds\",\"Convert PPT to PDF online with industry-leading PPT to PDF converter. Easily convert your PowerPoint presentation to PDF file with Foxit PDF Editor online.\":\"Convert PPT to PDF online with industry-leading PPT to PDF converter. Easily convert your PowerPoint presentation to PDF file with Foxit PDF Editor online.\",\"All Foxit Online Products in One Place | Foxit\":\"All Foxit Online Products in One Place | Foxit\",\"Explore Foxit's complete range of online products for PDF editing, conversion, and collaboration—efficient tools to boost productivity. Find the perfect solution today.\":\"Explore Foxit's complete range of online products for PDF editing, conversion, and collaboration—efficient tools to boost productivity. Find the perfect solution today.\",\"Foxit PDF IFilter | Foxit\":\"Foxit PDF IFilter | Foxit\",\"The fastest PDF Search and Index, iFilter enables you to quickly find content, keywords, and more on any PDF platform.\":\"The fastest PDF Search and Index, iFilter enables you to quickly find content, keywords, and more on any PDF platform.\",\"Ultraforms® 2D Barcode Generator | Foxit\":\"Ultraforms® 2D Barcode Generator | Foxit\",\"Ultraforms® generates 2D barcodes for accurate data capture. Save time \u0026 money. Ideal for various industries.\":\"Ultraforms® generates 2D barcodes for accurate data capture. Save time \u0026 money. Ideal for various industries.\",\"Save More with Foxit Volume Licensing | Foxit\":\"Save More with Foxit Volume Licensing | Foxit\",\"Cut software costs with Foxit volume licenses for PDF Editor and eSign. Simplify management, ensure compliance, and achieve budget predictability. Request your quote today!\":\"Cut software costs with Foxit volume licenses for PDF Editor and eSign. Simplify management, ensure compliance, and achieve budget predictability. Request your quote today!\",\"Customer Case Study | Foxit\":\"Customer Case Study | Foxit\",\"Read our customer case studies and discover how Foxit PDF Editor and Foxit eSign products help the world's leading brands.\":\"Read our customer case studies and discover how Foxit PDF Editor and Foxit eSign products help the world's leading brands.\",\"Trusted by Global Industry Leaders | Foxit\":\"Trusted by Global Industry Leaders | Foxit\",\"Explore Foxit’s customers, from Fortune 500 firms to small businesses, leveraging Foxit’s PDF tools for innovative, secure document solutions.\":\"Explore Foxit’s customers, from Fortune 500 firms to small businesses, leveraging Foxit’s PDF tools for innovative, secure document solutions.\",\"Data Sheets | Foxit\":\"Data Sheets | Foxit\",\"View and download our data sheets and brochures to learn more about Foxit PDF and eSign Products.\":\"View and download our data sheets and brochures to learn more about Foxit PDF and eSign Products.\",\"Foxit Video Resources | Foxit\":\"Foxit Video Resources | Foxit\",\"Explore Foxit video tutorials to boost productivity with PDF tools, eSignatures, and document workflows. Enhance your document experience today!\":\"Explore Foxit video tutorials to boost productivity with PDF tools, eSignatures, and document workflows. Enhance your document experience today!\",\"Free Webinars | Foxit\":\"Free Webinars | Foxit\",\"View the Free Webinars of Foxit PDF Editor and Foxit eSign to learn valuable advanced PDF tips, tricks and best practices and save time.\":\"View the Free Webinars of Foxit PDF Editor and Foxit eSign to learn valuable advanced PDF tips, tricks and best practices and save time.\",\"White Papers | Foxit\":\"White Papers | Foxit\",\"Foxit's white papers offer diverse solutions. From security to efficiency, explore PDFs, eSign, and more for business success.\":\"Foxit's white papers offer diverse solutions. From security to efficiency, explore PDFs, eSign, and more for business success.\",\"PDF Software Online Store | Foxit\":\"PDF Software Online Store | Foxit\",\"Welcome to Foxit PDF software online store. Buy \u0026 Download the best PDF software that gives you the power to read, create, edit, secure, convert \u0026 print PDF files.\":\"Welcome to Foxit PDF software online store. Buy \u0026 Download the best PDF software that gives you the power to read, create, edit, secure, convert \u0026 print PDF files.\",\"Shopping Cart | Foxit\":\"Shopping Cart | Foxit\",\"Welcome to Foxit PDF software online store. After you've reviewed the items in your Shopping Cart, you're ready to proceed to checkout and complete your order.\":\"Welcome to Foxit PDF software online store. After you've reviewed the items in your Shopping Cart, you're ready to proceed to checkout and complete your order.\",\"PDF Accessibility Tools | Foxit\":\"PDF Accessibility Tools | Foxit\",\"Foxit offers solutions for document accessibility. Auto-tagging, compliance checks. Make document inclusive \u0026 user-friendly.\":\"Foxit offers solutions for document accessibility. Auto-tagging, compliance checks. Make document inclusive \u0026 user-friendly.\",\"PDF Tool for Banks and Financial Services | Foxit\":\"PDF Tool for Banks and Financial Services | Foxit\",\"How Foxit can help your bank succeed? Banks improve document efficiency with Foxit software. Learn more.\":\"How Foxit can help your bank succeed? Banks improve document efficiency with Foxit software. Learn more.\",\"PDF Tool for Government Documents | Foxit\":\"PDF Tool for Government Documents | Foxit\",\"From FOIA requests to permit submissions and more, Foxit Government PDF collaboration solutions ensure privacy, confidentiality and security. Learn more.\":\"From FOIA requests to permit submissions and more, Foxit Government PDF collaboration solutions ensure privacy, confidentiality and security. Learn more.\",\"PDF Tool for Healthcare Services | Foxit\":\"PDF Tool for Healthcare Services | Foxit\",\"Increase Healthcare Efficiency with Foxit. Foxit can be your solution to creating and processing medical documents faster than before. Learn more.\":\"Increase Healthcare Efficiency with Foxit. Foxit can be your solution to creating and processing medical documents faster than before. Learn more.\",\"Streamline Insurance Workflows with Foxit Solutions | Foxit\":\"Streamline Insurance Workflows with Foxit Solutions | Foxit\",\"Enhance efficiency and security in insurance processes with Foxit's tailored PDF solutions—boost productivity and customer satisfaction effortlessly!\":\"Enhance efficiency and security in insurance processes with Foxit's tailored PDF solutions—boost productivity and customer satisfaction effortlessly!\",\"Top 5 Law Firms Choose Foxit | Foxit\":\"Top 5 Law Firms Choose Foxit | Foxit\",\"Foxit PDF solutions revolutionize law firms. Elevate productivity, fortify security, streamline workflow. Embrace paperless, lead the legal tech way.\":\"Foxit PDF solutions revolutionize law firms. Elevate productivity, fortify security, streamline workflow. Embrace paperless, lead the legal tech way.\",\"Streamline Manufacturing with Foxit PDF Solutions | Foxit\":\"Streamline Manufacturing with Foxit PDF Solutions | Foxit\",\"Boost productivity and efficiency in manufacturing with Foxit's advanced PDF tools. Simplify workflows, enhance collaboration, and reduce costs today!\":\"Boost productivity and efficiency in manufacturing with Foxit's advanced PDF tools. Simplify workflows, enhance collaboration, and reduce costs today!\",\"Paperless Office Solution | Foxit\":\"Paperless Office Solution | Foxit\",\"Help your business by going paperless. learn how to integrate digital document workflows into companies of any size. Get started today.\":\"Help your business by going paperless. learn how to integrate digital document workflows into companies of any size. Get started today.\",\"Refund Policy | Foxit\":\"Refund Policy | Foxit\",\"Per the Warranty, customers have a period of 15 days to return the defective media on which the Licensed Software is distributed for a good replacement if they discover a defect in the media during the 30 day period.\":\"Per the Warranty, customers have a period of 15 days to return the defective media on which the Licensed Software is distributed for a good replacement if they discover a defect in the media during the 30 day period.\",\"How to report security vulnerabilities | Foxit\":\"How to report security vulnerabilities | Foxit\",\"When to report a security issue associated with a Foxit product or any Foxit website, including Foxit-hosted web applications, please do so at\":\"When to report a security issue associated with a Foxit product or any Foxit website, including Foxit-hosted web applications, please do so at\",\"Responsible Disclosure Policy | Foxit\":\"Responsible Disclosure Policy | Foxit\",\"Foxit takes security very seriously and aims to provide the industry’s most secure solutions and services to keep customer data and systems safe.\":\"Foxit takes security very seriously and aims to provide the industry’s most secure solutions and services to keep customer data and systems safe.\",\"Notifying Foxit of Security Issues | Foxit\":\"Notifying Foxit of Security Issues | Foxit\",\"Foxit takes security very seriously and aims to provide the industry’s most secure solutions to keep customer data and system safe.\":\"Foxit takes security very seriously and aims to provide the industry’s most secure solutions to keep customer data and system safe.\",\"Security Advisory Notice | Foxit\":\"Security Advisory Notice | Foxit\",\"To check security advisories. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions:\":\"To check security advisories. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions:\",\"Security Bulletins | Foxit\":\"Security Bulletins | Foxit\",\"A prompt response to software defects and security vulnerabilities has been, and will continue to be, a top priority for everyone here at Foxit Software.\":\"A prompt response to software defects and security vulnerabilities has been, and will continue to be, a top priority for everyone here at Foxit Software.\",\"Trade Agreements Act (TAA) Compliance | Foxit\":\"Trade Agreements Act (TAA) Compliance | Foxit\",\"Discover Foxit's TAA-compliant PDF solutions for secure and government-compliant document management. Trusted by professionals worldwide!\":\"Discover Foxit's TAA-compliant PDF solutions for secure and government-compliant document management. Trusted by professionals worldwide!\",\"Foxit PDF Editor \u0026 eSign Tutorials | Foxit\":\"Foxit PDF Editor \u0026 eSign Tutorials | Foxit\",\"Browse the latest Foxit PDF Editor and Foxit eSign video tutorials. From beginner to advanced, these tutorials provide the basics, new features, tips, and techniques.\":\"Browse the latest Foxit PDF Editor and Foxit eSign video tutorials. From beginner to advanced, these tutorials provide the basics, new features, tips, and techniques.\",\"Foxit User Manuals Download | Foxit\":\"Foxit User Manuals Download | Foxit\",\"Download Foxit product manuals in PDF. Get detailed instructions for installation, operation. Easy access, essential info!\":\"Download Foxit product manuals in PDF. Get detailed instructions for installation, operation. Easy access, essential info!\",\"Convert Word to PDF Online for Free | Foxit\":\"Convert Word to PDF Online for Free | Foxit\",\"Convert Word to PDF online with Foxit's industry-leading Word to PDF converter. Easily convert Word doc to editable PDF files with Foxit PDF Editor online.\":\"Convert Word to PDF online with Foxit's industry-leading Word to PDF converter. Easily convert Word doc to editable PDF files with Foxit PDF Editor online.\",\"Thank You for Your Susbcription Order | Foxit\":\"Thank You for Your Susbcription Order | Foxit\",\"We're thrilled to have you on board. Your subscription grants you exclusive access to the product for the duration of your plan. You can manage your subscription anytime in your account!\":\"We're thrilled to have you on board. Your subscription grants you exclusive access to the product for the duration of your plan. You can manage your subscription anytime in your account!\",\"Thank You for Your One-Time Purchase | Foxit\":\"Thank You for Your One-Time Purchase | Foxit\",\"This one-time purchase grants you lifetime access to our product. We're excited to see how you make the most of it. Share your experience with us or refer us to a friend!\":\"This one-time purchase grants you lifetime access to our product. We're excited to see how you make the most of it. Share your experience with us or refer us to a friend!\",\"Windows 10\":\"Windows 10\",\"Windows 11\":\"Windows 11\",\"Verified as Citrix Ready® with Citrix XenApp® 7.13\":\"Verified as Citrix Ready\u003csup\u003e®\u003c/sup\u003e with Citrix XenApp\u003csup\u003e®\u003c/sup\u003e 7.13\",\"macOS\":\"macOS\",\"Android\":\"Android\",\"iOS\":\"iOS\",\"Order Confirmation\":\"Order Confirmation\",\"Thank you for your order.\":\"Thank you for your order.\",\"Great news! Your order has been confirmed. You will soon receive an order confirmation email showing the details of your order. If you do not receive it, please remember to check your spam folder.\":\"Great news! Your order has been confirmed. You will soon receive an order confirmation email showing the details of your order. If you do not receive it, please remember to check your spam folder.\",\"Launch Your Apps\":\"Launch Your Apps\",\"Manage Your Subscription\":\"Manage Your Subscription\",\"Thank you for your order. To get your order info, \\nOption 1 - Shortly thereafter you will receive an order confirmation email that details your order and also contains the order number. Please check your SPAM filter if you do not receive it. \\nOption 2 - Please visit this article to learn how to find your order info, software download link, activation record and deactivate licenses through Foxit MyAccount. \\n\\nIf you don't have the latest Foxit PDF Editor installed, please download Foxit PDF Editor from here.\":\"Thank you for your order. To get your order info, \\nOption 1 - Shortly thereafter you will receive an order confirmation email that details your order and also contains the order number. Please check your SPAM filter if you do not receive it. \\nOption 2 - Please visit this article to learn how to find your order info, software download link, activation record and deactivate licenses through Foxit MyAccount. \\n\\nIf you don't have the latest Foxit PDF Editor installed, please download Foxit PDF Editor from here.\",\"Order Summary\":\"Order Summary\",\"Order Reference\":\"Order Reference\",\"Order Number\":\"Order Number\",\"Items Purchased\":\"Items Purchased\",\"Platform\":\"Platform\",\"Maintenance \u0026 Support\":\"Maintenance \u0026 Support\",\"For any questions or comments concerning your order, you can contact us at 1-866-693-6948 for assistance.\":\"For any questions or comments concerning your order, you can contact us at 1-866-693-6948 for assistance.\",\"Continue Shopping\":\"Continue Shopping\",\"Software Delivery\":\"Software Delivery\",\"All of Foxit's software is delivered electronically through download links in an email, so there will be no physical items shipped to your address. Foxit will deliver your purchased software along with a license key(s) to the email address in your order. If you do not receive this email, please contact Foxit at your earliest convenience.\":\"All of Foxit's software is delivered electronically through download links in an email, so there will be no physical items shipped to your address. Foxit will deliver your purchased software along with a license key(s) to the email address in your order. If you do not receive this email, please contact Foxit at your earliest convenience.\",\"Get Support\":\"Get Support\",\"North America \u0026 Europe\":\"North America \u0026 Europe\",\"1-866-693-6948\":\"1-866-693-6948\",\"Headquarters\":\"Headquarters\",\"39355 California Street\":\"39355 California Street\",\"Suite 302\":\"Suite 302\",\"Fremont, CA 94538\":\"Fremont, CA 94538\",\"USA\":\"USA\",\"Since you do not have an existing account, we will create one for you. You can use it to access all your Foxit products and services.\":\"Since you do not have an existing account, we will create one for you. You can use it to access all your Foxit products and services.\",\"Please enter your correct phone (Numbers Only).\":\"Please enter your correct phone (Numbers Only).\",\"Please enter your company.\":\"Please enter your company.\",\"Country/Region\":\"Country/Region\",\"Password\":\"Password\",\"Free Trial\":\"Free Trial\",\"You already have a Foxit Account, click here to login to Foxit eSign Essential directly.\":\"You already have a Foxit Account, click here to login to Foxit eSign Essential directly.\",\"Password must be at least 8 characters\":\"Password must be at least 8 characters\",\"Please type in a password that is at least 8 and at most 20 characters long.\":\"Please type in a password that is at least 8 and at most 20 characters long.\",\"Note\":\"Note\",\"To continue, click Agree \u0026 Continue to accept the Terms of Service and acknowledge the Privacy Policy.\":\"To continue, click \\\"Agree \u0026 Continue\\\" to accept the \u003ctermsLink\u003eTerms of Service\u003c/termsLink\u003e and acknowledge the \u003cprivacyLink\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/privacyLink\u003e.\",\"DECLINE\":\"DECLINE\",\"AGREE \u0026 CONTINUE\":\"AGREE \u0026 CONTINUE\",\"Lower Your Cost Per License by Purchasing in Volume\":\"Lower Your Cost Per License by Purchasing in Volume\",\"Reduce total cost of ownership with volume licenses for Foxit PDF Editor and Foxit eSign subscription.\":\"Reduce total cost of ownership with volume licenses for Foxit PDF Editor and Foxit eSign subscription.\",\"Centrally purchase, deploy, and manage multiple Foxit PDF Editor and Foxit eSign licenses.\":\"Centrally purchase, deploy, and manage multiple Foxit PDF Editor and Foxit eSign licenses.\",\"Please enter your phone number.\":\"Please enter your phone number.\",\"Please input a valid company email address.\":\"Please input a valid company email address.\",\"Please enter your company email address. Personal email addresses will not be accepted.\":\"Please enter your company email address. Personal email addresses will not be accepted.\",\"Request Quote\":\"Request Quote\",\"Please complete this form\":\"Please complete this form\",\"Business Email*\":\"Business Email*\",\"Please enter your Business email.\":\"Please enter your Business email.\",\"Select An Account\":\"Select An Account\",\"Select Your Enterprise\":\"Select Your Enterprise\",\"Personal Account\":\"Personal Account\",\"Continue\":\"Continue\",\"My Profile\":\"My Profile\",\"My Orders\":\"My Orders\",\"My Apps\":\"My Apps\",\"My License\":\"My License\",\"Support Ticket\":\"Support Ticket\",\"Switch Account\":\"Switch Account\",\"Logout\":\"Logout\",\"Account Type Set Successfully\":\"Account Type Set Successfully\",\"Email\":\"Email\",\"System Requirements\":\"System Requirements\",\"Operating Systems\":\"Operating Systems\",\"Microsoft Office® 2013 or later version (required for some PDF creation features)\":\"Microsoft Office\u003csup\u003e®\u003c/sup\u003e 2013 or later version (required for some PDF creation features)\",\"macOS 10.15, macOS 11, macOS 12, macOS 13, or macOS 14\":\"macOS 10.15, macOS 11, macOS 12, macOS 13, or macOS 14\",\"Microsoft Office® 2016 or later version (required for some PDF creation features)\":\"Microsoft Office\u003csup\u003e®\u003c/sup\u003e 2016 or later version (required for some PDF creation features)\",\"Android 4.4 or higher (For users utilizing the AIP capability, Android 6 or higher is required)\":\"Android 4.4 or higher (For users utilizing the AIP capability, Android 6 or higher is required)\",\"iOS 11 or higher\":\"iOS 11 or higher\",\"Recommended minimum hardware\":\"Recommended minimum hardware\",\"1.3 GHz or faster processor (x86 compatible) or ARM processor, Microsoft SQ1 or better\":\"1.3 GHz or faster processor (x86 compatible) or ARM processor, Microsoft SQ1 or better\",\"512 MB RAM (Recommended: 1 GB RAM or greater)\":\"512 MB RAM (Recommended: 1 GB RAM or greater)\",\"2 GB of available hard drive space\":\"2 GB of available hard drive space\",\"1024*768 screen resolution\":\"1024*768 screen resolution\",\"Supports 4K and other high-resolution displays\":\"Supports 4K and other high-resolution displays\",\"Intel Processor or Apple Silicon Processor\":\"Intel Processor or Apple Silicon Processor\",\"1GB of RAM\":\"1GB of RAM\",\"5GB of available hard disk space\":\"5GB of available hard disk space\",\"RESEND\":\"RESEND\",\"The verification code has been sent successfully, please check your Email.\":\"The verification code has been sent successfully, please check your Email.\",\"Please enter your verification code.\":\"Please enter your verification code.\",\"Please enter your password.\":\"Please enter your password.\",\"The verification code you entered is incorrect.\":\"The verification code you entered is incorrect.\",\"For Reader, Editor or Editor+\":\"For Foxit AI, Reader, Editor or Editor+\",\"2000 credits/month\":\"2000 credits/month\",\"For Reader, Editor or Editor+ 2000 credits/month\":\"For Foxit AI, Reader, Editor or Editor+ 2000 credits/month\",\"BILLING ADDRESS\":\"BILLING ADDRESS\",\"Zip\":\"Zip\",\"Please enter your state or province for billing.(Optional)\":\"Please enter your state or province for billing.(Optional)\",\"Credit Card Number\":\"Credit Card Number\",\"One-Time\":\"One-Time\",\"Foxit Maintenance \u0026 Support entitles you to first level 24-hour technical support via email/phone and also minor/security updates of the product during the year of your purchase.\":\"Foxit Maintenance \u0026 Support entitles you to first level 24-hour technical support via email/phone and also minor/security updates of the product during the year of your purchase.\",\"20% OF THE ORDER VALUE. 1-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION\":\"20% OF THE ORDER VALUE. 1-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION\",\"PER LICENSE PER YEAR. 1-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION.\":\" PER LICENSE PER YEAR. 1-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION.\",\"x 1 item\":\"x 1 item\",\"Please enter your name of Licensee.\":\"Please enter your name of Licensee.\",\"Please enter a valid zip code.\":\"Please enter a valid zip code.\",\"Please enter your company name.\":\"Please enter your company name.\",\"The manage license feature is only available for the Annual, prepaid plan.\":\"The manage license feature is only available for the \\\"Annual, prepaid\\\" plan.\",\"Confirm\":\"Confirm\",\"Are you sure you want to remove this item from your cart?\":\"Are you sure you want to remove this item from your cart?\",\"OK\":\"OK\",\"Close\":\"Close\",\"The currency of this purchase must be the default currency of the billing country.\":\"The currency of this purchase must be the default currency of the billing country.\",\"This price is not available in your region.\":\"This price is not available in your region.\",\"The price for your region is {pricing} per license for {productname}.\":\"The price for your region is \u003cpricing\u003e{{pricing}}\u003c/pricing\u003e per license for \u003cproductname\u003e{{productname}}\u003c/productname\u003e.\",\"You have an existing subscription account. To make changes, such as adding more subscriptions, please go to My Orders to manage your subscription.\":\"You have an existing subscription account. To make changes, such as adding more subscriptions, please go to My Orders to manage your subscription.\",\"You already have an {value} subscription.\":\"You already have an {{value}} subscription.\",\"Please agree with the Privacy Policy and Terms of use.\":\"Please agree with the Privacy Policy and Terms of use.\",\"Loading\":\"Loading\",\"Paying\":\"Paying\",\"After submitting your order, you will receive PayPal Instructions to continue your payment. Once your payment has been successfully completed and confirmed by PayPal, delivery of the ordered products will be completed.\":\"After submitting your order, you will receive PayPal Instructions to continue your payment. Once your payment has been successfully completed and confirmed by PayPal, delivery of the ordered products will be completed.\",\"You'll be redirected to the banking site to complete your payment.\":\"You'll be redirected to the banking site to complete your payment.\",\"This site is protected by Google reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.\":\"This site is protected by Google reCAPTCHA and the \u003cpolicyLink\u003eGoogle Privacy Policy\u003c/policyLink\u003e and \u003ctermsLink\u003eTerms of Service\u003c/termsLink\u003e apply.\",\"You already have a {value}. Please click here to manage your subscription.\":\"You already have a {{value}}. Please click \u003chighlighted\u003ehere\u003c/highlighted\u003e to manage your subscription.\",\"You have an eSign Business subscription. To make changes, such as adding more subscriptions, please go to My Orders to manage your subscription.\":\"You have an eSign Business subscription. To make changes, such as adding more subscriptions, please go to My Orders to manage your subscription.\",\"CLOSE\":\"CLOSE\",\"You already have a valid Foxit PDF Editor+ license. Please click the \\\"Continue\\\" button to purchase Foxit AI Assistant separately. If you need to purchase additional Foxit PDF Editor+ licenses, please click here to access the subscription management and add more.\":\"You already have a valid Foxit PDF Editor+ license. Please click the \\\"Continue\\\" button to purchase Foxit AI Assistant separately. If you need to purchase additional Foxit PDF Editor+ licenses, please click \u003chighlighted\u003ehere\u003c/highlighted\u003e to access the subscription management and add more.\",\"Your current subscription does not support purchasing Foxit PDF Editor+ without Admin Console. Please click the \\\"Continue\\\" button to purchase Foxit AI Assistant separately.\":\"Your current subscription does not support purchasing Foxit PDF Editor+ without Admin Console. Please click the \\\"Continue\\\" button to purchase Foxit AI Assistant separately.\",\"Verification Code\":\"Verification Code\",\"Although you are already signed into a Foxit Account, you need to provide additional information for your trial. Please fill in the registration form and submit.\":\"Although you are already signed into a Foxit Account, you need to provide additional information for your trial. Please fill in the registration form and submit.\",\"City (Optional)\":\"City (Optional)\",\"Optional\":\"(Optional)\",\"Company Name\":\"Company Name\",\"item\":\"item\",\"Total Amount:\":\"Total Amount:\",\"Tax:\":\"Tax:\",\"I agree with the Privacy Policy and Terms of use.\":\"I agree with the Privacy Policy and Terms of use.\",\"The email address is already in use. Please Log in your Foxit account.\":\"The email address is already in use. Please Log in your Foxit account.\",\"email must be a valid email\":\"email must be a valid email\",\"The domain names and are currently reserved for the use of “The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)” only. For personal subscriptions, please use a different email address.\":\"The domain names and are currently reserved for the use of “The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)” only. For personal subscriptions, please use a different email address.\",\"Please enter cardholder's name\":\"Please enter cardholder's name\",\"Your current subscription does not support purchasing this service. Please ensure that you have an active Foxit PDF Editor+ subscription.\":\"Your current subscription does not support purchasing this service. Please ensure that you have an active Foxit PDF Editor+ subscription.\",\"To proceed with managing your license, please provide your company email address. Personal email addresses will not be accepted. If you wish to continue with your current email address, please select No for the manage licenses option on the Review Order page.\":\"To proceed with managing your license, please provide your company email address. Personal email addresses will not be accepted. If you wish to continue with your current email address, please select \\\"No\\\" for the manage licenses option on the Review Order page.\",\"PDF Editor+ for Education is for education users only. Purchasers must have an education email account.\":\"PDF Editor+ for Education is for education users only. Purchasers must have an education email account.\",\"Your email address is not eligible for purchase\":\"Your email address is not eligible for purchase\",\"This coupon code is not valid for the item being purchased.\":\"This coupon code is not valid for the item being purchased.\",\"email does not exist\":\"email does not exist\",\"Please input a valid email address.\":\"Please input a valid email address.\",\"Just One More Step\":\"Just \u003chighlighted\u003eOne\u003c/highlighted\u003e More Step\",\"Sign up for a free Foxit account. No credit card needed.\":\"Sign up for a \u003chighlighted\u003efree Foxit account\u003c/highlighted\u003e. No credit card needed.\",\"Login with Foxit Account\":\"Login with Foxit Account\",\"Or\":\"Or\",\"No account?\":\"No account?\",\"your free account lets you:\":\"your free account lets you:\",\"Annotation, notes and comments\":\"Annotation, notes and comments\",\"Highlight, shapes, and drawing\":\"Highlight, shapes, and drawing\",\"1GB of cloud storage space\":\"1GB of cloud storage space\",\"The file size exceeds the upload limit of 10MB.\":\"The file size exceeds the upload limit of 10MB.\",\"Edit or convert a PDF\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eEdit or convert\u003c/highlighted\u003e a PDF\",\"Uploading 291.6 MB file...\":\"Uploading {{value}} MB file...\",\"Cancel\":\"Cancel\",\"License-Based Access (Not Ownership)\":\"License-Based Access (Not Ownership)\",\"To continue, click “Agree \u0026 Continue” to accept the EULA, the Terms of Service, and acknowledge the Privacy Policy.\":\"To continue, click “Agree \u0026 Continue” to accept the \u003ceulaLink\u003eEULA\u003c/eulaLink\u003e, the \u003ctermsLink\u003eTerms of Service\u003c/termsLink\u003e, and acknowledge the \u003cpolicyLink\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/policyLink\u003e.\",\"What you are buying is a license to access the digital good, not an unrestricted ownership interest. The license will be delivered electronically in an email, so there will be no physical items shipped to your address. If you do not receive this email, please contact Foxit at your earliest convenience. Please proceed with the purchase after confirmation.\":\"What you are buying is a license to access the digital good, not an unrestricted ownership interest. The license will be delivered electronically in an email, so there will be no physical items shipped to your address. If you do not receive this email, please contact Foxit at your earliest convenience. Please proceed with the purchase after confirmation.\",\"compare banner content\":\"compare banner content\",\"DocuSign\":\"DocuSign\",\"Foxit eSign ranks higher for ease of use, support, and customer satisfaction on G2 Crowd. Boasting unlimited envelopes, no extra fees for HIPPA and CFR compliance and plans starting at 37% less than DocuSign, Foxit delivers exceptional convenience, flexibility and value.\":\"Foxit eSign ranks higher for ease of use, support, and customer satisfaction on G2 Crowd. Boasting unlimited envelopes, no extra fees for HIPPA and CFR compliance and plans starting at 37% less than DocuSign, Foxit delivers exceptional convenience, flexibility and value.\",\"PandaDoc\":\"PandaDoc\",\"COMPANY VIDEOS\":\"COMPANY VIDEOS\",\"WHITEPAPERS\":\"WHITEPAPERS\",\"Foxit eSign White Paper\":\"Foxit eSign White Paper\",\"DATA SHEETS\":\"DATA SHEETS\",\"for quotes and details on our volume discounts.\":\"for quotes and details on our volume discounts.\",\"Foxit eSign Business outperforms DocuSign in several key areas according to G2 ratings. DocuSign’s per-envelope and per-template pricing can be cost prohibitive for growing businesses. Foxit eSign Business is designed to support growing businesses by providing unlimited envelopes and templates at no extra cost. Compliance standards are also included by default, with Foxit eSign Business offering out-of-the-box HIPAA and 21 CFR Part 11 compliance without requiring any enterprise upgrades or add-ons like DocuSign. For businesses needing specialized support, Foxit’s 24/7 notary services are available on demand, alongside enhanced customer branding and bulk signing capabilities - all for a lower cost than DocuSign.\":\"Foxit eSign Business outperforms DocuSign in several key areas according to G2 ratings. DocuSign’s per-envelope and per-template pricing can be cost prohibitive for growing businesses. Foxit eSign Business is designed to support growing businesses by providing unlimited envelopes and templates at no extra cost. Compliance standards are also included by default, with Foxit eSign Business offering out-of-the-box HIPAA and 21 CFR Part 11 compliance without requiring any enterprise upgrades or add-ons like DocuSign. For businesses needing specialized support, Foxit’s 24/7 notary services are available on demand, alongside enhanced customer branding and bulk signing capabilities - all for a lower cost than DocuSign.\",\"FEATURES\":\"FEATURES\",\"PandaDoc vs Foxit eSign Comparison\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003ePandaDoc vs Foxit eSign\u003c/highlighted\u003e Comparison\",\"Foxit eSign is a feature-rich PandaDoc alternative for businesses that want premium eSignature features without the premium price tag.\":\"Foxit eSign is a feature-rich PandaDoc alternative for businesses that want premium eSignature features without the premium price tag.\",\"As a G2 Momentum Leader, Foxit eSign provides robust functionality with industry-leading compliance and security for digital signing workflows. Users looking for premium features like unlimited envelopes, 24/7 notary services, and HIPAA or 21 CFR Part 11 compliance will find that PandaDoc requires paid add-ons, while Foxit eSign offers them at no additional cost. Foxit eSign’s base plan includes seamless integration into Microsoft’s ecosystem, including Teams and SharePoint integrations, whereas PandaDoc’s integration options are sold separately. Foxit eSign meets the needs of growing businesses, making it the smarter choice for companies focused on saving costs without sacrificing quality or functionality.\":\"As a G2 Momentum Leader, Foxit eSign provides robust functionality with industry-leading compliance and security for digital signing workflows. Users looking for premium features like unlimited envelopes, 24/7 notary services, and HIPAA or 21 CFR Part 11 compliance will find that PandaDoc requires paid add-ons, while Foxit eSign offers them at no additional cost. Foxit eSign’s base plan includes seamless integration into Microsoft’s ecosystem, including Teams and SharePoint integrations, whereas PandaDoc’s integration options are sold separately. Foxit eSign meets the needs of growing businesses, making it the smarter choice for companies focused on saving costs without sacrificing quality or functionality.\",\"Great Affordable Alternative to Other Software\":\"Great Affordable Alternative to Other Software\",\"Frequently Asked Questions\":\"Frequently Asked Questions\",\"How does Foxit PDF Editor compare to Adobe Acrobat?\":\"How does Foxit PDF Editor compare to Adobe Acrobat?\",\"Foxit PDF Editor is often chosen as a cost-effective, easy-to-use alternative to Adobe Acrobat. Users love its clean, intuitive layout and features that cover all the basics—and then some—without the Adobe price tag. Many users find Foxit’s customer support more responsive, too, which is always a plus!\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eFoxit PDF Editor\u003c/highlighted\u003e is often chosen as a cost-effective, easy-to-use alternative to Adobe Acrobat. Users love its clean, intuitive layout and features that cover all the basics—and then some—without the Adobe price tag. Many users find Foxit’s customer support more responsive, too, which is always a plus!\",\"What platforms are Foxit products available on?\":\"What platforms are Foxit products available on?\",\"Foxit’s PDF software tools are available on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android, so you can work from just about any device. We even offer a browser-based version, so all you ever need is an internet connection to access your PDFs.\":\"Foxit’s PDF software tools are available on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android, so you can work from just about any device. We even offer a browser-based version, so all you ever need is an internet connection to access your PDFs.\",\"Is Foxit secure for handling sensitive documents?\":\"Is Foxit secure for handling sensitive documents?\",\"Absolutely! Foxit is committed to keeping your documents safe. We use top-notch security measures like passwords, encryption, and secure deletion to protect your information. You can rest easy knowing your sensitive files are in good hands.\":\"Absolutely! Foxit is committed to keeping your documents safe. We use top-notch security measures like passwords, encryption, and secure deletion to protect your information. You can rest easy knowing your sensitive files are in good hands.\",\" Can I collaborate with others using Foxit PDF solutions?\":\" Can I collaborate with others using Foxit PDF solutions?\",\"Definitely! Foxit’s PDF software makes it super easy to work with your team. You can review, comment, and annotate documents in real time and even get quick digital signatures with Foxit eSign. No more juggling multiple versions or waiting around for approvals.\":\"Definitely! Foxit’s PDF software makes it super easy to work with your team. You can review, comment, and annotate documents in real time and even get quick digital signatures with Foxit eSign. No more juggling multiple versions or waiting around for approvals.\",\"What kind of licensing options does Foxit offer for organizations?\":\"What kind of licensing options does Foxit offer for organizations?\",\"Foxit offers flexible licensing options to fit your organization's specific needs. Whether you're a small team or a large enterprise, Foxit has you covered. You can choose between subscription-based plans or one-time purchases. Plus, we offer volume discounts for larger teams, making it easy to find a cost-effective solution. Explore volume licensing options.\":\"Foxit offers flexible licensing options to fit your organization's specific needs. Whether you're a small team or a large enterprise, Foxit has you covered. You can choose between subscription-based plans or one-time purchases. Plus, we offer volume discounts for larger teams, making it easy to find a cost-effective solution. Explore \u003chighlighted\u003evolume licensing options\u003c/highlighted\u003e.\",\"Can Foxit integrate with other tools or software?\":\"Can Foxit integrate with other tools or software?\",\"Yes! Foxit plays well with others, integrating smoothly with popular tools like Microsoft Office 365, Google Drive, and Salesforce. This means you can easily work with your PDFs right within your favorite apps, saving you time and hassle.\":\"Yes! Foxit plays well with others, integrating smoothly with popular tools like Microsoft Office 365, Google Drive, and Salesforce. This means you can easily work with your PDFs right within your favorite apps, saving you time and hassle.\",\"Does Foxit offer cloud-based PDF solutions?\":\"Does Foxit offer cloud-based PDF solutions?\",\"Yes, Foxit has cloud-based PDF software solutions, like Foxit PDF Editor and Foxit eSign. You can create, store, edit, and share PDFs in the cloud, plus collaborate in real time—all without needing to download extra software.\":\"Yes, Foxit has cloud-based PDF software solutions, like Foxit PDF Editor and Foxit eSign. You can create, store, edit, and share PDFs in the cloud, plus collaborate in real time—all without needing to download extra software.\",\"Does Foxit support batch processing of documents?\":\"Does Foxit support batch processing of documents?\",\"It does! With Foxit PDF Editor, you can batch-process tasks like converting, merging, or compressing multiple PDFs at once. This feature is particularly useful for businesses with lots of documents, helping to complete tasks efficiently and save time.\":\"It does! With Foxit PDF Editor, you can batch-process tasks like converting, merging, or compressing multiple PDFs at once. This feature is particularly useful for businesses with lots of documents, helping to complete tasks efficiently and save time.\",\"Does Foxit support OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology?\":\"Does Foxit support OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology?\",\"Yes, Foxit’s OCR feature lets you turn scanned images and PDFs into searchable, editable documents. It’s great for keeping digital records of paper documents, so you can find what you need with just a quick search.\":\"Yes, Foxit’s OCR feature lets you turn scanned images and PDFs into searchable, editable documents. It’s great for keeping digital records of paper documents, so you can find what you need with just a quick search.\",\"Try It Now\":\"Try It Now\",\"Upgrade your Foxit AI Experience\":\"Upgrade your Foxit AI Experience\",\"Unlock unlimited use of instant summaries, rewrites, translations, and more across all your team’s devices.\":\"Unlock unlimited use of instant summaries, rewrites, translations, and more across all your team’s devices.\",\"FOXIT AI\":\"FOXIT AI\",\"************************/esign-pdf/************************start\":\"\",\"Try eSign Essentials\":\"Try eSign Essentials\",\"Please only upload files that end in types .doc .docx .pdf .xlsx .xls .ppt .pptx .csv .txt .rtf .png .jpg .jpeg .ps Please select a new file and try again.\":\"Please only upload files that end in types .doc .docx .pdf .xlsx .xls .ppt .pptx .csv .txt .rtf .png .jpg .jpeg .ps Please select a new file and try again.\",\"The size of total files uploaded in one go should not be more than 50 MB.\":\"The size of total files uploaded in one go should not be more than 50 MB.\",\"or drop file(s) here\":\"or drop file(s) here\",\"Send and Sign Simple Agreements For Free!*\":\"Send and Sign Simple Agreements \u003citalic\u003eFor Free!*\u003c/italic\u003e\",\"*No Foxit account required to sign an agreement or request a signature with this free tool. Signatures collected using this free tool are not legally binding or compliant with eSigning standards. If you need legally binding or compliant eSignature Software, Try Foxit eSign Trial\":\"*No Foxit account required to sign an agreement or request a signature with this free tool. Signatures collected using this free tool are not legally binding or compliant with eSigning standards. If you need legally binding or compliant eSignature Software, \u003cLinkto\u003eTry Foxit eSign Trial\u003c/Linkto\u003e\",\"Upload\":\"Upload\",\"Foxit eSign Essentials and eSign Business\":\"Foxit eSign Essentials and eSign Business\",\"Send, track, sign, notarize, and collect payments.\":\"Send, track, sign, notarize, and collect payments.\",\"************************/esign-pdf/************************end\":\"\",\"******Request a Quote Modale Start******\":\"\",\"highlighted Schedule a Demo\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eSchedule\u003c/highlighted\u003e a Demo\",\"You’re one step away from experiencing the future of digital document management.\":\"You’re \u003chighlighted\u003eone step\u003c/highlighted\u003e away from experiencing the future of digital document management.\",\"Complete this form, and a Foxit representative will be in touch with you to schedule your 1:1 demo.\":\"Complete this form, and a Foxit representative will be in touch with you to schedule your 1:1 demo.\",\"DISCUSS DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT ACROSS YOUR ORGANIZATION\":\"DISCUSS DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT ACROSS YOUR ORGANIZATION\",\"Discover how Foxit’s enterprise-grade PDF tools streamline workflows and enhance productivity, reducing the burden on IT and supporting company-wide efficiency.\":\"Discover how Foxit’s enterprise-grade PDF tools streamline workflows and enhance productivity, reducing the burden on IT and supporting company-wide efficiency.\",\"ENSURE COMPLIANCE AND DATA SECURITY\":\"ENSURE COMPLIANCE AND DATA SECURITY\",\"See how our robust security features and AI-powered tools help your organization meet industry compliance standards and protect sensitive information, offering peace of mind for IT and compliance teams.\":\"See how our robust security features and AI-powered tools help your organization meet industry compliance standards and protect sensitive information, offering peace of mind for IT and compliance teams.\",\"FLEXIBLE, SCALABLE LICENSING OPTIONS\":\"FLEXIBLE, SCALABLE LICENSING OPTIONS\",\"Learn about volume licensing solutions tailored to your organization's needs, with the flexibility to grow as your business and document management requirements evolve.\":\"Learn about volume licensing solutions tailored to your organization's needs, with the flexibility to grow as your business and document management requirements evolve.\",\"Desired Demo Features\":\"Desired Demo Features\",\"Please specify what features you'd like to see in the demo.\":\"Please specify what features you'd like to see in the demo.\",\"Schedule a Demo\":\"Schedule a Demo\",\"******Request a Quote Modale End******\":\"\",\"************************/solution/legal/************************start\":\"\",\"Top 5 Law Firms Choose Foxit\":\"Top 5 Law Firms Choose Foxit\",\"Optimize Legal Document Workflows\":\"Optimize Legal Document Workflows\",\"Create Court-Ready Documents\":\"Create Court-Ready Documents\",\"Summarize, edit, and organize legal documents with Foxit PDF Editor+\":\"Summarize, edit, and organize legal documents with Foxit PDF Editor+\",\"Digitize Discovery Documents: Utilize OCR to convert discovery documents and paper records into digital files with searchable, editable text.\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eDigitize Discovery Documents:\u003c/highlighted\u003e Utilize OCR to convert discovery documents and paper records into digital files with searchable, editable text.\",\"Dynamic Editing and Bates Numbering: Edit legal documents and court-approved forms directly in the PDF, adding notes, tags, bookmarks and Bates numbering.\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eDynamic Editing and Bates Numbering:\u003c/highlighted\u003e Edit legal documents and court-approved forms directly in the PDF, adding notes, tags, bookmarks and Bates numbering.\",\"Streamlined Binder Creation: Assemble case materials, including pleadings, contracts, and exhibits into organized binders for easy reference.\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eStreamlined Binder Creation:\u003c/highlighted\u003e Assemble case materials, including pleadings, contracts, and exhibits into organized binders for easy reference.\",\"Execute Legally Binding Agreements\":\"Execute Legally Binding Agreements\",\"Close deals faster with Foxit eSign Business\":\"Close deals faster with Foxit eSign Business\",\"Accelerate Signature Collection: Speed up case work by automating signing orders, bulk sending contracts, and tracking signatures in real-time, ensuring legal agreements are executed quickly and accurately.\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eAccelerate Signature Collection:\u003c/highlighted\u003e Speed up case work by automating signing orders, bulk sending contracts, and tracking signatures in real-time, ensuring legal agreements are executed quickly and accurately.\",\"NotaryLive Simplifies Client Interactions: Improve client experiences with remote signing, signable web forms, and on-demand notary, making it easy to finalize agreements without in-person delays.\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eNotaryLive Simplifies Client Interactions:\u003c/highlighted\u003e Improve client experiences with remote signing, signable web forms, and on-demand notary, making it easy to finalize agreements without in-person delays.\",\"Ensure Compliance: Automatically meet legal standards like eIDAS, UETA, and CFR Part 11 with secure audit trails, encryption, and advanced authentication (MFA/KBA) to safeguard sensitive client documents.\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eEnsure Compliance:\u003c/highlighted\u003e Automatically meet legal standards like eIDAS, UETA, and CFR Part 11 with secure audit trails, encryption, and advanced authentication (MFA/KBA) to safeguard sensitive client documents.\",\"Secure and Compliant Document Handling\":\"Secure and Compliant Document Handling\",\"Safeguard client confidentiality while meeting legal compliance standards with Foxit PDF Editor and Foxit eSign together\":\"Safeguard client confidentiality while meeting legal compliance standards with Foxit PDF Editor and Foxit eSign together\",\"Data Protection Built for Legal Firms: Encrypt documents, apply password protection, and manage privileged access through an Admin Console.\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eData Protection Built for Legal Firms:\u003c/highlighted\u003e Encrypt documents, apply password protection, and manage privileged access through an Admin Console.\",\"Secure Document Management: Keep all legal documents organized, searchable, and securely stored with features like audit trails, secure cloud storage, and easy access controls for teams.\":\"\u003chighlighted\u003eSecure Document Management:\u003c/highlighted\u003e Keep all legal documents organized, searchable, and securely stored with features like audit trails, secure cloud storage, and easy access controls for teams.\",\"AI-Driven Smart Redaction: Protect client information with ease. 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By aligning with popular legal applications, Foxit enhances productivity without disruptive changes to operations.\":\"Foxit effortlessly connects with the tools legal firms rely on, including iManage, NetDocuments, and eDOCS. These integrations ensure teams can access, edit, and manage case files directly within existing workflows. By aligning with popular legal applications, Foxit enhances productivity without disruptive changes to operations.\",\"On-demand Notary Services\":\"On-demand Notary Services\",\"Foxit eSign Business includes 24/7 on-demand notary services, enabling legal firms to notarize documents digitally with ease and efficiency. From affidavits to settlement agreements, streamline validation, save time, and maintain compliance with court-admissible standards without the need for in person meetings.\":\"Foxit eSign Business includes 24/7 on-demand notary services, enabling legal firms to notarize documents digitally with ease and efficiency. From affidavits to settlement agreements, streamline validation, save time, and maintain compliance with court-admissible standards without the need for in person meetings.\",\"Learn More About NotaryLive\":\"Learn More About NotaryLive\",\"Manage Document Archival and Retrieval\":\"Manage Document Archival and Retrieval\",\"Prepare your firm for audits and long-term archiving needs. Foxit’s PDF/A conversion capabilities allow law firms to archive documents compliant with legal and regulatory standards. These features ensure your records are court-admissible and easily retrievable for future reference.\":\"Prepare your firm for audits and long-term archiving needs. Foxit’s PDF/A conversion capabilities allow law firms to archive documents compliant with legal and regulatory standards. These features ensure your records are court-admissible and easily retrievable for future reference.\",\"Learn More About PDF/A\":\"Learn More About PDF/A\",\"Boost Productivity with Foxit AI\":\"Boost Productivity with Foxit AI\",\"Handle legal documents faster and more efficiently with AI tools that support the legal industry. Batch summarize multiple case files or contracts at once, saving hours of manual review. Automatically protect sensitive information with Smart Redact. With capabilities like intelligent text clarification and automated translations, Foxit AI ensures teams can focus on strategic tasks while staying ahead of deadlines.\":\"Handle legal documents faster and more efficiently with AI tools that support the legal industry. Batch summarize multiple case files or contracts at once, saving hours of manual review. Automatically protect sensitive information with Smart Redact. With capabilities like intelligent text clarification and automated translations, Foxit AI ensures teams can focus on strategic tasks while staying ahead of deadlines.\",\"Security and Compliance are Built In\":\"Security and Compliance are Built In\",\"(Included with eSign Business)\":\"(Included with eSign Business)\",\"Accelerate your law firm's digital transformation and document workflows with Foxit's intelligent solutions—voted #1 for customer satisfaction by G2 reviews!\":\"Accelerate your law firm's digital transformation and document workflows with Foxit's intelligent solutions—voted #1 for customer satisfaction by G2 reviews!\",\"See how Foxit can digitally transform your law firm.\":\"See how Foxit can digitally transform your law firm.\",\"With Foxit, we can sequentially number documents using Bates numbering within subfolders. It arguably saves us two days of work per bundle.\":\"With Foxit, we can sequentially number documents using Bates numbering within subfolders. It arguably saves us two days of work per bundle.\",\"Sean B, Meredith McConnel Law Firm\":\"Sean B, Meredith McConnel Law Firm\",\"Foxit integrates seamlessly with my other systems and has been quite easy to navigate. My staff loves Foxit much better than Adobe.\":\"Foxit integrates seamlessly with my other systems and has been quite easy to navigate. My staff loves Foxit much better than Adobe.\",\"Phyllis, Attorney\":\"Phyllis, Attorney\",\"Foxit PDF Editor was cost-effective, but more importantly, it met or exceeded all of our [law firm’s] needs.\":\"Foxit PDF Editor was cost-effective, but more importantly, it met or exceeded all of our [law firm’s] needs.\",\"Samantha G, Paralegal at The Simons Firm\":\"Samantha G, Paralegal at The Simons Firm\",\"Learn More About Security and Compliance\":\"Learn More About Security and Compliance\",\"Learn More About Smart Redact\":\"Learn More About Smart Redact\",\"Top Law Firms Trust Foxit:\":\"Top Law Firms Trust Foxit:\",\"************************/solution/legal/************************end\":\"\",\"************************TryRegisterModal************************start\":\"\",\"CONTINUE\":\"CONTINUE\",\"************************TryRegisterModal************************end\":\"\",\"We are unable to authenticate your payment method. Please choose a different payment method and try again.\":\"We are unable to authenticate your payment method. Please choose a different payment method and try again.\",\"You just cancelled the payment, if you change your mind, please review the order and try again.\":\"You just cancelled the payment, if you change your mind, please review the order and try again.\",\"Danish\":\"Danish\",\"Dutch\":\"Dutch\",\"Finnish\":\"Finnish\",\"French\":\"French\",\"German\":\"German\",\"Italian\":\"Italian\",\"Norwegian\":\"Norwegian\",\"Polish\":\"Polish\",\"Portuguese(Brazil)\":\"Portuguese(Brazil)\",\"Russian\":\"Russian\",\"Spanish\":\"Spanish\",\"Swedish\":\"Swedish\",\"Multi-Language\":\"Multi-Language\"}}},\"children\":[[\"$\",\"$L1d\",null,{}],[\"$\",\"$L1e\",null,{\"isHide\":false,\"tokenStatus\":\"tourist\"}],[\"$\",\"main\",null,{\"children\":[\"$\",\"$L13\",null,{\"parallelRouterKey\":\"children\",\"segmentPath\":[\"children\",\"$14\",\"children\"],\"error\":\"$undefined\",\"errorStyles\":\"$undefined\",\"errorScripts\":\"$undefined\",\"template\":[\"$\",\"$L15\",null,{}],\"templateStyles\":\"$undefined\",\"templateScripts\":\"$undefined\",\"notFound\":\"$undefined\",\"notFoundStyles\":\"$undefined\"}]}],[\"$\",\"$L1f\",null,{\"isHide\":false}]]}]}]]}]\n"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"12:[\"$\",\"div\",null,{\"children\":[[\"$\",\"div\",null,{\"className\":\"d-flex flex-column\",\"children\":[[\"$\",\"$L20\",null,{}],[\"$\",\"div\",null,{\"id\":\"fixedAdPanel\",\"className\":\"w-full fixed bottom-0 left-0 z-50\",\"children\":[\"$\",\"$L21\",null,{\"direction\":\"up\",\"triggerOnce\":true,\"className\":\"\",\"children\":[\"$\",\"$L22\",null,{\"className\":\"md:h-[4.5rem]\",\"title\":\"Foxit eSign Essentials and eSign Business\",\"description\":\"Send, track, sign, notarize, and collect payments.\",\"buttonText\":\"Buy Now\",\"buttonHref\":\"\",\"tryButtonText\":\"Try it free\",\"tryButtonModal\":\"foxitEsignEssentials\",\"icon\":\"FoxitPdfEditor\"}]}]}]]}],[\"$\",\"$L21\",null,{\"direction\":\"up\",\"triggerOnce\":true,\"children\":[\"$\",\"$L23\",null,{\"accordionData\":[{\"id\":1,\"title\":\"Foxit eSign Essentials\",\"content\":[{\"id\":1,\"title\":\"Legally binding eSignatures\",\"content\":\"Agreements signed with Foxit eSign are legally binding, providing the peace of mind needed to work effectively.\",\"image\":\"\",\"moreBtn\":\"\",\"moreBtnLink\":\"\"},{\"id\":2,\"title\":\"Comprehensive Document Tracking\",\"content\":\"Keeping up with agreements, quotes, and offers does not need to be a chore. 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