Zimbra Web Client Sign In

<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- set this class so CSS definitions that now use REM size, would work relative to this. 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To find out more visit"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" /> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/common,login,zhtml,skin.css?skin=harmony&v=221216111240"> <link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="/img/logo/favicon.ico"> </head> <body onload="onLoad();"> <div id="modifiedLogin" class="LoginScreen" > <div class="modernCenter" > <div class="modernContentBox"> <div class="logo"> <a href="" id="bannerLink" target="_new" title='Zimbra'><span class="ScreenReaderOnly">Zimbra</span> <span class="ImgLoginBanner"></span> </a> </div> <form id="zLoginForm" method="post" name="loginForm" action="/" accept-charset="UTF-8"> <input type="hidden" name="loginOp" value="login"/> <input type="hidden" name="login_csrf" value="230c428f-b9b2-4e2b-b462-3a53edbbc3f1"/> <div class="signIn">Sign In</div> <div class="form"> <div id="errorMessageDiv" class="errorMessage"> </div> <div class="loginSection"> <label for="username" class="zLoginFieldLabel">Username</label> <input id="username" tabindex="1" class="zLoginFieldInput" name="username" type="text" value="" size="40" maxlength="1024" autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off"/> <label for="password" class="zLoginFieldLabel">Password</label> <div class="passwordWrapper"> <input id="password" tabindex="2" autocomplete="off" class="zLoginFieldInput" name="password" type="password" value="" size="40" maxlength="1024"/> <span toggle="#password" onClick="showPassword();" id="showSpan" style="display: block;">Show</span> <span toggle="#password" onClick="showPassword();" id="hideSpan" style="display: none;">Hide</span> </div> <div class="signInAndLabel"> <div> <button id="loginButton" type="submit" tabindex="5" class="loginButton">Sign In</button> </div> <div class="rememberCheckWrapper"> <input id="remember" tabindex="6" value="1" type="checkbox" name="zrememberme" /> <label id="remember" for="remember">Stay signed in</label> </div> </div> </div> <div> <hr/> </div> <div> <div class="versionBlock"> <label for="client">Web App Version</label> <div style="position: relative;"> <select id="client" name="client" onchange="clientChange(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)"> <option value="preferred" selected > Default</option> <option value="advanced" > Classic</option> </select> <input type="button" class="alignWhatsThis" onclick="showTooltip();" id='ZLoginWhatsThisButton' /> </div> <div id="ZLoginWhatsThis"> <div class="ZLoginInfo"> <span id="dialogCloseButton" onclick="hideTooltip();">&times;</span> <p><strong>Modern</strong><br> The Modern Web App delivers a responsive experience across all your devices and integrates with many popular apps.</p><p><strong>Classic</strong><br> The Classic Web App is familiar to long-time Zimbra users. It delivers advanced collaboration and calendar features popular with power users on Desktop web browsers.</p><p><strong>Default</strong><br> This will sign you in according to your saved Preference. In the Modern Web App, set this preference in Settings > General > Zimbra Version. In Classic, set it in Preferences > General > Sign In.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </form> </div> <div class="decor1"></div> </div> <div class="Footer"> <div id="ZLoginNotice" class="legalNotice-small">Copyright 漏 2005-2022 Synacor, Inc. All rights reserved. "Zimbra" is a registered trademark of Synacor, Inc.</div> </div> <div class="decor2"></div> </div> <script> function ZmSkin(e){ this.hints=this.mergeObjects(ZmSkin.hints,e) } ZmSkin.hints={ name:"harmony",version:"1",skin:{ containers:"skin_outer"} ,banner:{ position:"static",url:""} ,userInfo:{ position:"static"} ,search:{ position:"static"} ,quota:{ position:"static"} ,presence:{ width:"40px",height:"24px"} ,appView:{ position:"static"} ,searchResultsToolbar:{ containers:["skin_tr_search_results_toolbar"]} ,newButton:{ containers:["skin_td_new_button"]} ,tree:{ minWidth:"13.5rem",maxWidth:"84rem",containers:["skin_td_tree","skin_td_tree_app_sash"],resizeContainers:["skin_td_tree","skin_container_app_new_button"]} ,topToolbar:{ containers:"skin_spacing_app_top_toolbar"} ,treeFooter:{ containers:"skin_tr_tree_footer"} ,topAd:{ containers:"skin_tr_top_ad"} ,sidebarAd:{ containers:"skin_td_sidebar_ad"} ,bottomAd:{ containers:"skin_tr_bottom_ad"} ,treeTopAd:{ containers:"skin_tr_tree_top_ad"} ,treeBottomAd:{ containers:"skin_tr_tree_bottom_ad"} ,helpButton:{ style:"link",container:"quota",url:""} ,logoutButton:{ style:"link",container:"quota"} ,appChooser:{ position:"static",direction:"LR"} ,toast:{ location:"N",transitions:[{ type:"fade-in",step:5,duration:50} ,{ type:"pause",duration:5000} ,{ type:"fade-out",step:-10,duration:500} ]} ,fullScreen:{ containers:["!skin_td_tree","!skin_td_tree_app_sash"]} ,allAds:{ containers:["skin_tr_top_ad","skin_td_sidebar_ad","skin_tr_bottom_ad","skin_tr_tree_top_ad","skin_tr_tree_bottom_ad"]} ,hideSearchInCompose:true,notificationBanner:"/skins/_base/logos/NotificationBanner_grey.gif?v=221216111240"}; window.BaseSkin=ZmSkin; ZmSkin.prototype={ show:function(t,e,l){ var a=this.hints[t]&&this.hints[t].containers; if(a){ if(typeof a=="function"){ a.apply(this,[e!=false]); skin._reflowApp(); return } if(typeof a=="string"){ a=[a] } var s=false; for(var r=0; r<a.length; r++){ var h=a[r]; var o=h.replace(/^!/,""); var n=h!=o; if(this._showEl(o,n?!e:e)){ s=true }} if(s&&!l){ skin._reflowApp() }}} ,hide:function(e,t){,false,t) } ,gotoApp:function(e,t){ appCtxt.getAppController().activateApp(e,null,t) } ,gotoPrefs:function(e){ if(appCtxt.getCurrentAppName()!=ZmApp.PREFERENCES){ var t=new AjxCallback(this,this._gotoPrefPage,[e]); this.gotoApp(ZmApp.PREFERENCES,t) }else{ this._gotoPrefPage(e) }} ,mergeObjects:function(e,o){ if(e==null){ e={} } for(var a=1; a<arguments.length; a++){ var n=arguments[a]; for(var t in n){ var s=e[t]; if(typeof s=="object"&&!(s instanceof Array)){ this.mergeObjects(e[t],n[t]); continue } if(!e[t]){ e[t]=n[t] }}} return e } ,getTreeWidth:function(){ return Dwt.getSize(this._getEl(this.hints.tree.containers[0])).x } ,setTreeWidth:function(e){ this._setContainerSizes("tree",e,null) } ,showTopAd:function(e){ if(skin._showEl("skin_tr_top_ad",e)){ skin._reflowApp() }} ,hideTopAd:function(){ skin.showTopAd(false) } ,getTopAdContainer:function(){ return skin._getEl("skin_container_top_ad") } ,showSidebarAd:function(e){ var t="skin_td_sidebar_ad"; if(e!=null){ Dwt.setSize(t,e) } if(skin._showEl(t)){ skin._reflowApp() }} ,hideSidebarAd:function(){ var e="skin_td_sidebar_ad"; if(skin._hideEl(e)){ skin._reflowApp() }} ,getSidebarAdContainer:function(){ return this._getEl("skin_container_sidebar_ad") } ,handleNotification:function(t,e){} ,_getEl:function(e){ return(typeof e=="string"?document.getElementById(e):e) } ,_showEl:function(o,i){ var t=this._getEl(o); if(!t){ return } var a; if(i==false){ a="none" }else{ var e=t.tagName; if(e=="TD"){ a="table-cell" }else{ if(e=="TR"){ a="table-row" }else{ a="block" }}} if(a!{; return true }else{ return false }} ,_hideEl:function(e){ return this._showEl(e,false) } ,_reparentEl:function(i,e){ var a=this._getEl(e); var t=a&&this._getEl(i); if(t){ a.appendChild(t) }} ,_setContainerSizes:function(n,a,e){ var o=this.hints[n].resizeContainers||this.hints[n].containers; for(var t=0; t<o.length; t++){ Dwt.setSize(o[t],a,null) }} ,_reflowApp:function(){ if(window._zimbraMail){ window._zimbraMail.getAppViewMgr().fitAll() }} ,_gotoPrefPage:function(a){ if(a==null){ return } var i=appCtxt.getApp(ZmApp.PREFERENCES); var t=i.getPrefController(); var e=t.getPrefsView(); e.selectSection(a) }}; ZmSkin(); var link = getElement("bannerLink"); if (link) { link.href = skin.hints.banner.url; } // show a message if they should be using the 'standard' client, but have chosen 'advanced' instead function clientChange(selectValue) { var div = getElement("ZLoginUnsupported"); if (div) = 'none'; } function forgotPassword() { var accountInput = getElement("username").value; var queryParams = encodeURI("account=" + accountInput); var url = "/public/PasswordRecovery.jsp?" +; if (accountInput !== '') { url += ( !== '' ? '&' : '') + encodeURI("account=" + accountInput); } window.location.href = url; } function disableEnable(txt) { var bt = getElement('verifyButton'); if (txt.value != '') { bt.disabled = false; } else { bt.disabled = true; } } function hideTooltip() { getElement('ZLoginWhatsThis').style.display='none'; } function showTooltip(){ getElement('ZLoginWhatsThis').style.display="block" } function getElement(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function showPassword() { showHidePasswordFields(getElement("password"), getElement("showSpan"), getElement("hideSpan")) } function showNewPassword() { showHidePasswordFields(getElement("newPassword"), getElement("newPasswordShowSpan"), getElement("newPasswordHideSpan")); } function showConfirmPassword() { showHidePasswordFields(getElement("confirm"), getElement("confirmShowSpan"), getElement("confirmHideSpan")); } function showHidePasswordFields(passElem, showSpanElem, hideSpanElem) { if (passElem.type === "password") { passElem.type = "text"; = "none"; = "block"; } else { passElem.type = "password"; = "block"; = "none"; } } function onLoad() { var loginForm = document.loginForm; if (loginForm.username) { if (loginForm.username.value != "") { loginForm.password.focus(); //if username set, focus on password } else { loginForm.username.focus(); } } clientChange("preferred"); if (false && loginForm.totpcode) { loginForm.totpcode.focus(); } } var oldPasswordInput = getElement("password"); var newPasswordInput = getElement("newPassword"); var confirmPasswordInput = getElement("confirm"); var loginButton = getElement("loginButton"); var errorMessageDiv = getElement("errorMessageDiv"); var allRulesMatched = false; if(newPasswordInput) { loginButton.disabled = true; } if("" === ""){ = "none"; } var enabledRules = []; var supportedRules = [ { type : "zimbraPasswordMinLength", checkImg : getElement("minLengthCheckImg"), closeImg : getElement("minLengthCloseImg") }, { type : "zimbraPasswordMinUpperCaseChars", checkImg : getElement("minUpperCaseCheckImg"), closeImg : getElement("minUpperCaseCloseImg") }, { type : "zimbraPasswordMinLowerCaseChars", checkImg : getElement("minLowerCaseCheckImg"), closeImg : getElement("minLowerCaseCloseImg") }, { type : "zimbraPasswordMinNumericChars", checkImg : getElement("minNumericCharsCheckImg"), closeImg : getElement("minNumericCharsCloseImg") }, { type : "zimbraPasswordMinPunctuationChars", checkImg : getElement("minPunctuationCharsCheckImg"), closeImg : getElement("minPunctuationCharsCloseImg") }, { type : "zimbraPasswordMinDigitsOrPuncs", checkImg : getElement("minDigitsOrPuncsCheckImg"), closeImg : getElement("minDigitsOrPuncsCloseImg") }, { type : "zimbraPasswordAllowUsername", checkImg : getElement("allowUsernameCheckImg"), closeImg : getElement("allowUsernameCloseImg") } ]; if (0){ enabledRules.push(supportedRules.find(function(rule){ return rule.type === "zimbraPasswordMinLength"})); } if (0) { enabledRules.push(supportedRules.find(function(rule){ return rule.type === "zimbraPasswordMinUpperCaseChars"})); } if (0) { enabledRules.push(supportedRules.find(function(rule){ return rule.type === "zimbraPasswordMinLowerCaseChars"})); } if (0) { enabledRules.push(supportedRules.find(function(rule){ return rule.type === "zimbraPasswordMinNumericChars"})); } if (0) { enabledRules.push(supportedRules.find(function(rule){ return rule.type === "zimbraPasswordMinPunctuationChars"})); } if (0) { enabledRules.push(supportedRules.find(function(rule){ return rule.type === "zimbraPasswordMinDigitsOrPuncs"})); } if (true) { enabledRules.push(supportedRules.find(function(rule){ return rule.type === "zimbraPasswordAllowUsername"})); } function compareConfirmPass() { if (getElement("newPassword").value === getElement("confirm").value) { = "none"; return true; } else { event.preventDefault(); = "block"; errorMessageDiv.innerHTML = ""; return false; } } function check(checkImg, closeImg) { = "none"; = "inline"; } function unCheck(checkImg, closeImg) { = "inline"; = "none"; } function resetImg(condition, checkImg, closeImg){ condition ? check(checkImg, closeImg) : unCheck(checkImg, closeImg); } function compareMatchedRules(matchedRule) { enabledRules.forEach(function(rule) { if (matchedRule.findIndex(function(mRule) { return mRule.type === rule.type}) >= 0) { check(rule.checkImg, rule.closeImg); } else { unCheck(rule.checkImg, rule.closeImg); } }) } function setloginButtonDisabled(condition) { if (condition) { loginButton.disabled = true; } else { if (oldPasswordInput.value !== "") { loginButton.disabled = false; } } } // Function to check special character function isAsciiPunc(ch) { return (ch >= 33 && ch <= 47) || // ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / (ch >= 58 && ch <= 64) || // : ; < = > ? @ (ch >= 91 && ch <= 96) || // [ \ ] ^ _ ` (ch >= 123 && ch <= 126); // { | } ~ } function parseCharsFromPassword(passwordString) { const uppers = [], lowers = [], numbers = [], punctuations = [], invalidChars = [], invalidPuncs = []; const chars = passwordString.split(''); chars.forEach(function (char) { const charCode = char.charCodeAt(0); let isInvalid = false; if ("") { try { if (!char.match(new RegExp("", 'g'))) { invalidChars.push(char); isInvalid = true; } } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } if (!isInvalid) { if (charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 90) { uppers.push(char); } else if (charCode >= 97 && charCode <= 122) { lowers.push(char); } else if (charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57) { numbers.push(char); } else if ("") { try { char.match(new RegExp("", 'g')) ? punctuations.push(char) : invalidPuncs.push(char); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } else if (isAsciiPunc(charCode)) { punctuations.push(char); } } }); return { uppers: uppers, lowers: lowers, numbers: numbers, punctuations: punctuations, invalidChars: invalidChars, invalidPuncs: invalidPuncs }; }; function handleNewPasswordChange() { var currentValue = newPasswordInput.value; var parsedChars = parseCharsFromPassword(currentValue); var matchedRule = []; if (0){ if (currentValue.length >= 0) { matchedRule.push({type : "zimbraPasswordMinLength"}); } } if (0) { if (parsedChars.uppers.length >= 0) { matchedRule.push({type : "zimbraPasswordMinUpperCaseChars"}); } } if (0) { if (parsedChars.lowers.length >= 0) { matchedRule.push({type : "zimbraPasswordMinLowerCaseChars"}); } } if (0) { if (parsedChars.numbers.length >= 0) { matchedRule.push({type : "zimbraPasswordMinNumericChars"}); } } if (0) { if (parsedChars.punctuations.length >= 0) { matchedRule.push({type : "zimbraPasswordMinPunctuationChars"}); } } if (0) { if (parsedChars.punctuations.length + parsedChars.numbers.length >= 0) { matchedRule.push({type : "zimbraPasswordMinDigitsOrPuncs"}); } } if (true) { if (!currentValue.includes("")) { matchedRule.push({type : "zimbraPasswordAllowUsername"}); } } if(matchedRule.length >= enabledRules.length){ allRulesMatched = true; } else { allRulesMatched = false; } compareMatchedRules(matchedRule); if (parsedChars.invalidChars.length > 0) { = "block"; errorMessageDiv.innerHTML = parsedChars.invalidChars.join(", ") + " "; } else { = "none"; } if(newPasswordInput.value !== "") { resetImg(confirmPasswordInput.value === newPasswordInput.value, getElement("mustMatchCheckImg"), getElement("mustMatchCloseImg")); setloginButtonDisabled(!allRulesMatched || confirmPasswordInput.value !== newPasswordInput.value); } }; function handleConfirmPasswordChange() { resetImg(confirmPasswordInput.value === newPasswordInput.value, getElement("mustMatchCheckImg"), getElement("mustMatchCloseImg")); setloginButtonDisabled(!allRulesMatched || confirmPasswordInput.value !== newPasswordInput.value); }; function handleOldPasswordChange() { setloginButtonDisabled(!allRulesMatched || newPasswordInput.value === "" || oldPasswordInput.value === "" || confirmPasswordInput.value !== newPasswordInput.value) } newPasswordInput && oldPasswordInput && oldPasswordInput.addEventListener("input", handleOldPasswordChange, null); newPasswordInput && newPasswordInput.addEventListener("input", handleNewPasswordChange, null); confirmPasswordInput && confirmPasswordInput.addEventListener("input", handleConfirmPasswordChange, null); </script> </body> </html>

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