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Click the following link to start a new session.<br><br><table id="IHoptions"><tr><td><a href="[SESSION_RESTART_URL]" class="option"><img src="/public/images/sq-positive.gif" ></a><a href="[SESSION_RESTART_URL]">Start a new session</a></td></tr></table>'; } var globalRestartOnSubmit = false; function sessionTimedOut() { // restart session automatically upon "submit" for edge-like clients if logon form is compatibile if (externalWebHost.hasWebLogonResetSession() && logonFormCompatible) { globalRestartOnSubmit = true; } else { // display session expired msg for non-compatible forms or // non-edge clients sessionTimeout.showSplashLayer("MessageDIV", SessionExpired_CustomizedScreenGet()); } } /** * Place the focus and init the form fields */ if(self != top) { top.location = self.location; } window.onerror=function(){ return function(){ return; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- var doAutoSubmit = true; var globalFormId = 'auth_form'; var globalTableId = 'credentials_table'; var globalSubmitTrId = 'submit_row'; var globalSavePasswordCheckbox = null; var logonFormCompatible = false; var softTokenInput = null; var softTokenFieldId = ""; var softTokenState = ""; var softTokenNewPIN = ""; var softTokenPINAutoPopulate = false; if( !softTokenState ) { softTokenState = "SECURID_AUTH_STATE_START";} var challengeMode = false; function getInputField(fieldId) { var form = document.getElementById( globalFormId ); if( form == null ){ return null; } if(fieldId == null || fieldId == ""){ return null; } var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName("input"); for( var i=0; i<inputs.length; i++ ){ if( inputs[i].name == fieldId){ return inputs[i]; } } return null; } function getSoftTokenInput() { return getInputField(softTokenFieldId); } function getUsernameInput() { return getInputField("username"); } function getPasswordInput() { return getInputField("password"); } function edgeClientSoftTokenSupport() { try { return externalWebHost.hasWebLogonSoftTokenSupport(); } catch(e) {} return false; } function getSoftTokenPrompt() { if ( softTokenFieldId != "" && edgeClientSoftTokenSupport()) { var div = document.getElementById("formHeaderSoftToken"); if (div) { return div.innerHTML; } } return null; } function setSoftTokenChallengeResponse(challengeResponse) { var challengeElements = document.getElementsByName('_F5_challenge'); if((challengeElements.length == 0) || (null == challengeElements[0])) { return; } var challengeElement = challengeElements[0]; if(challengeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'select') { var challengeOptions = challengeElement.options; if(null == challengeOptions){ return; } for (var i = 0, optionsLength = challengeOptions.length; i < optionsLength; i++) { if (challengeOptions[i].value == challengeResponse) { challengeElement.selectedIndex = i; break; } } }else if(challengeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'input') { challengeElement.value = challengeResponse; } } function OnSubmitEdgeRSASoftToken() { var support = edgeClientSoftTokenSupport(); if( true != support ) { return; } var form = document.getElementById( globalFormId ); if( form == null ){ return; } var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName("input"); var hiddenInput = document.createElement("input"); hiddenInput.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); hiddenInput.setAttribute("name", "softTokenError"); //append to form element that you want . form.appendChild(hiddenInput); try{ if(softTokenInput != null) { //normal mode // if the client cannot request soft-token PIN, // ask user to enter it in the logon page and pass the value to the client // Otherwise, the client already has the PIN if(!softTokenPINAutoPopulate) { externalWebHost.setWebLogonSoftTokenPIN(softTokenInput.value); } var passcode = externalWebHost.getWebLogonSoftTokenPasscode(); if( passcode ) { softTokenInput.value = passcode; } } else if( challengeMode ) { //challenge mode // If the client can provide response to the challenge, use it instead of user input if(externalWebHost.hasWeblogonSoftTokenChallengeResponse()){ var challengeResponse = externalWebHost.getWeblogonSoftTokenChallengeResponse(); if(null != challengeResponse){ setSoftTokenChallengeResponse(challengeResponse); } }else{ // Request user input by default externalWebHost.setWebLogonSoftTokenPIN(inputs[0].value); var passcode = externalWebHost.getWebLogonSoftTokenPasscode(); if( passcode ) { inputs[0].value = passcode; } } } hiddenInput.value = externalWebHost.getWebLogonSoftTokenError(); } catch(e) { } return; } // check whether logon form is compatible with the client for auto-population and auto-submission // only "username", "password" and soft token field (the name is stored in softTokenFieldId ) are supported // fields can be configured in either order, but can only be text, password or checkbox types // form is not considered compatible if it contains any additional fields not supported by the client // The form is compatible even if it contains a subset of the supported fields // In this case the client will auto-populate only those fields function getFormCompatibility() { var form = document.getElementById( globalFormId ); if( form == null ){ return false; } // check if form suites var inputs = []; var inputsTemp = form.getElementsByTagName("input"); // filter submit, reset, hidden and little green men for( var i=0; i<inputsTemp.length; i++ ){ if( inputsTemp[i].type == "text" || inputsTemp[i].type == "password"){ inputs[ inputs.length ] = inputsTemp[i]; } } var softTokenSupported = edgeClientSoftTokenSupport() && (null != softTokenInput); // Check if there are any custom fields that are not supported by Edge Client for auto-population and auto-submission for( var i=0; i<inputs.length; i++ ){ if((inputs[i].type == "text" && inputs[i].name == "username") || (inputs[i].type == "password" && inputs[i].name == "password") || (softTokenSupported && inputs[i].type == "password" && inputs[i].name =={ continue; }else { return false; } } return true; } function setOrigUriLink() { var params = parseQueryParams(; if (!params.hasOwnProperty('ORIG_URI')) { return; } if (params['ORIG_URI'].length != 8) { return; } var re = /[0-9a-fA-F]{8}/; if (!re.test(params['ORIG_URI'])) { return; } var credTable = document.getElementById('credentials_table'); if (credTable == null) { return; } var tBody = credTable.tBodies[0]; if (tBody == null) { return; } var trTag = document.createElement("TR"); tBody.insertBefore(trTag, tBody.children[tBody.children.length - 1]); var tdTag = document.createElement("TD"); tdTag.setAttribute("class", "credentials_table_unified_cell"); tdTag.setAttribute("colspan", "2"); trTag.appendChild(tdTag); var tdText = document.createElement("A"); tdText.innerHTML = "Click here if already logged in "; tdText.setAttribute("href", "/vdesk/policy_done.php3?ORIG_URI=" + params['ORIG_URI']); tdTag.appendChild(tdText); } function OnLoad() { var header = document.getElementById("credentials_table_header"); var softTokenHeaderStr = getSoftTokenPrompt(); if ( softTokenHeaderStr ) { header.innerHTML = softTokenHeaderStr; } setFormAttributeByQueryParams("auth_form", "action", "/subsession_logon_submit.php3"); setFormAttributeByQueryParams("v2_original_url", "href", "/subsession_logon_submit.php3"); // check if form suites var form = document.getElementById( globalFormId ); if( form == null ){ return; } // check if form suites var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName("input"); // filter submit, reset, hidden and little green men for( var i=0; i<inputs.length; i++ ){ if( ( inputs[i].type == "text" || inputs[i].type == "password" ) && inputs[i].value == "" ){ inputs[i].focus(); if (inputs[i].type == "password") { window.setTimeout( function(elem){ return function(){ elem.blur(); elem.focus(); } }(inputs[i]) , 266 ); } return; } } } function disableSubmit(form) { // disable! var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName( "input" ); for( var i=0; i<inputs.length; i++ ){ if( inputs[i].type == "submit" || inputs[i].type == "reset" ){ inputs[i].disabled = true; } } return true; } //This function is called from Edge Client. Update setWeblogonCallbacks call if renamed function challengeAutoSubmit() { if(!challengeMode) { return false; } var form = document.getElementById( globalFormId ); if( form == null ){ return false; } disableSubmit(form); form.onsubmit(); form.submit(); return true; } //This function is called from Edge Client. Update setWeblogonCallbacks call if renamed function weblogonAutoSubmit() { if(!logonFormCompatible){ return false; } var form = document.getElementById( globalFormId ); if( form == null ){ return false; } // autosubmit check if(externalWebHost.hasWebLogonAutoLogon() && externalWebHost.getWebLogonAutoLogon() && doAutoSubmit){ disableSubmit(form); form.onsubmit(); form.submit(); return true; }else{ return false; } } // support for autologon from Client API function checkExternalAddCheckbox() { var checkbox_txt = 'Save Password'; if( !logonFormCompatible ){ try { if (externalWebHost.hasWebLogonNotifyUser()){ externalWebHost.WebLogonNotifyUser(); } } catch(e){}; return; } // find form var form = document.getElementById( globalFormId ); if( form == null ){ return; } // find table var table = document.getElementById( globalTableId ); if( table == null ){ return; } // find tr var submitTr = document.getElementById( globalSubmitTrId ); if( submitTr == null ){ return; } try { if(externalWebHost.isAvailable()){ // push values var usernameInput = getUsernameInput(); if( null != usernameInput && externalWebHost.hasWebLogonUserName() && usernameInput.value == ""){ usernameInput.value = externalWebHost.getWebLogonUserName(); } var passwordInput = getPasswordInput(); var allowSavingPassword = ((null != passwordInput) && ( != softTokenFieldId)); //don't populate RSA SecurID token field with the cached password if(allowSavingPassword) { if( externalWebHost.hasWebLogonPassword() && (passwordInput.value == "")){ passwordInput.value = externalWebHost.getWebLogonPassword(); } }else{ doAutoSubmit = false; } // push data to cells if(allowSavingPassword && externalWebHost.isWebLogonSavePasswordAvailable()){ // right - text // create cells var newTr = table.insertRow( submitTr.rowIndex ); var leftTd = newTr.insertCell( 0 ); var rightTd = newTr.insertCell( 1 ); leftTd.className = "credentials_table_label_cell"; rightTd.className = "credentials_table_field_cell credentials_table_field_checkbox_fix"; rightTd.innerHTML = checkbox_txt; // left - checkbox globalSavePasswordCheckbox = document.createElement("input"); globalSavePasswordCheckbox.type = "checkbox"; globalSavePasswordCheckbox.className = "credentials_input_checkbox"; globalSavePasswordCheckbox.value = 1; globalSavePasswordCheckbox = leftTd.appendChild( globalSavePasswordCheckbox ); globalSavePasswordCheckbox.checked = externalWebHost.getWebLogonSavePasswordChecked(); if( globalSavePasswordCheckbox.autocomplete ) { globalSavePasswordCheckbox.autocomplete = "off"; } } // autosubmit if possible if(weblogonAutoSubmit()){ return; } } } catch (e) { } } function OnSubmit() { // find form var form = document.getElementById( globalFormId ); if( form == null ){ return; } try{ if( externalWebHost.isAvailable() ){ // pass weblogon credentials back to the client if( logonFormCompatible ){ var usernameInput = getUsernameInput(); if( null != usernameInput && externalWebHost.hasWebLogonUserName() ){ externalWebHost.setWebLogonUserName(usernameInput.value); } var passwordInput = getPasswordInput(); if( null != passwordInput && externalWebHost.hasWebLogonPassword() ){ externalWebHost.setWebLogonPassword(passwordInput.value); } // pass user decision to save the password back to the client if( externalWebHost.hasWebLogonSavePasswordChecked() ){ externalWebHost.setWebLogonSavePasswordChecked((null != globalSavePasswordCheckbox) && globalSavePasswordCheckbox.checked); } } if (softTokenFieldId != "") { OnSubmitEdgeRSASoftToken(); } } } catch(e) { } return; } function verifyNewPassword() { var form = document.getElementById( globalFormId ); if( form == null ){ return true; } var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName("input"); if( inputs.length >= 2 && inputs[0].name == "_F5_challenge" && inputs[0].type == "password" && inputs[1].name == "_F5_verify_password" && inputs[1].type == "password" ){ if( inputs[0].value != inputs[1].value ){ alert("Password and confirmation do not match."); inputs[0].focus(); return false; } else { // Not sending the second field. inputs[1].disabled = true; try{ if( externalWebHost.hasWebLogonPassword() ){ externalWebHost.setWebLogonPassword(inputs[0].value); } } catch(e) { } } } return true; } function masterSubmit(form) { if( !verifyNewPassword() /* || ... */){ return false; } OnSubmit(); // this required by edge if (globalRestartOnSubmit) { try { var usernameInput = getUsernameInput(); var passwordInput = getPasswordInput(); externalWebHost.setWebLogonAutoLogon((usernameInput != null ) && ("" != usernameInput.value) && (null != passwordInput) && ("" != passwordInput.value)); } catch (e) {} // restart session externalWebHost.webLogonResetSession(); return false; } disableSubmit(form); return true; } //--> </script> </head> <body onload="OnLoad()"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"> <meta name="viewport" id="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0"/> <meta name="robots" context="noindex,nofollow"> <script language="javascript"> //orientation toolbox function setViewport(){ document.getElementById("viewport").setAttribute('content', Math.abs(window.orientation) == 90 ? 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[ sessionLogonCustomizations[i] ] : sessionLogonCustomizations[i].trim().split(";") ); for( var j=0; j<pairs.length; j++ ){ if( pairs[j].indexOf("=>") != -1 ){ var pair = pairs[j].split("=>"); sessionLogonCustomizationPairs[i][pair[0]] = pair[1]; } } } var sessionLogonValuesets = [ "", "", "", "", "" ]; for( var i=0; i<sessionLogonValuesets.length; i++ ){ var inpx = document.getElementById("input_" + (i+1) ); if( inpx !== null && inpx.tagName.toUpperCase() == "SELECT" ){ if( sessionLogonValuesets[i].trim() != "" ){ inpx.options.length = 0; var options = sessionLogonValuesets[i].trim().split(";"); for( var j=0; j<options.length; j++ ){ inpx.options.add( new Option( options[j], options[j] ) ); } } if( sessionLogonCustomizations[i].trim() != "" ){ for( var j=0; j<inpx.options.length; j++ ){ if( typeof sessionLogonCustomizationPairs[i][ inpx.options[j].value ] != "undefined" ){ inpx.options[j].text = sessionLogonCustomizationPairs[i][ inpx.options[j].value ]; } } } // set value for( var j=0; j<inpx.options.length; j++ ){ if( inpx.options[j].value == finitvalues[i] ){ inpx.value = finitvalues[i]; break; } } }else if( document.getElementById("input_" + (i+1) + "_0" ) ){ // RADIO var initValue = finitvalues[i]; var radio = null; var name = document.getElementById("input_" + (i+1) + "_0" ).name; if( sessionLogonValuesets[i].trim() != "" ){ var parent = document.getElementById( "label_input_" + (i+1) ).parentNode; while( parent.childNodes.length > 1 ){ parent.removeChild( parent.lastChild ); } var options = sessionLogonValuesets[i].trim().split(";"); for( var j=0; j<options.length; j++ ){ var div = parent.appendChild( document.createElement( "div" ) ); var elmdef = document.all && navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE (\d+)/)[1] < 9 ? "<input type='radio'>" : "input"; var input = div.appendChild( document.createElement( elmdef ) ); if( input.type != 'radio' ){ input.type = 'radio'; } = "input_" + (i+1) + "_" + j; = "name"; input.value = options[j]; var label = div.appendChild( document.createElement( "label" ) ); label.htmlFor =; = "label_" +; label.className = "radio-label"; = "inline"; label.innerHTML = options[j]; } } if( sessionLogonCustomizations[i].trim() != "" ){ var j = 0; while( ( radio = document.getElementById("input_" + (i+1) + "_" + j++ ) ) !== null ){ // what number if( typeof sessionLogonCustomizationPairs[i][ radio.value ] != "undefined" ){ document.getElementById("label_input_" + (i+1) + "_" + (j-1) ).innerHTML = sessionLogonCustomizationPairs[i][ radio.value ]; } } } var anyChecked = false, j = 0; while( initValue != "" && ( radio = document.getElementById("input_" + (i+1) + "_" + j++ ) ) !== null ){ radio.checked = ( radio.value == initValue ); if( radio.checked ){ anyChecked = true; } } if( !anyChecked && ( radio = document.getElementById("input_" + (i+1) + "_" + 0 ) ) !== null ){ radio.checked = true; } }else if( inpx !== null && inpx.tagName.toUpperCase() == "INPUT" && inpx.type.toUpperCase() == "CHECKBOX" ){ if( inpx.disabled && finitvalues[i] != "" ){ inpx.checked = true; }else if( !inpx.disabled && inpx.value == "" ){ inpx.value = "1"; } } } --></script> </td> <td id="main_table_image_cell"><img src="/web/20210606121713im_/"></td></tr> </table> <div id="page_footer"><div>Logging in to this site implies your agreement to be bound by the provisions of Chapter 5 of the BA Agreement. 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