Sports Stars Photos, Sports Celebrity Photos at Indiatimes Photogallery
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Qualifier 1"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="IPL 2014: Qualifier 1" title="IPL 2014: Qualifier 1"></span><p>IPL 2014: Qualifier 1</p></a></div><div data-msid="30263956" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2014/ipl-2014-qualifier-1-postponed-due-to-rain" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="IPL 2014: Qualifier 1 postponed due to rain" href="" data-title="IPL 2014: Qualifier 1 postponed due to rain"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="IPL 2014: Qualifier 1 postponed due to rain" title="IPL 2014: Qualifier 1 postponed due to rain"></span><p>IPL 2014: Qualifier 1 postponed due to rain</p></a></div><div data-msid="30263956" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2014/ipl-2014-mi-vs-rr" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="IPL 2014: MI vs RR" href="" data-title="IPL 2014: MI vs RR"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="IPL 2014: MI vs RR" title="IPL 2014: MI vs RR"></span><p>IPL 2014: MI vs RR</p></a></div><div data-msid="30263956" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2014/ipl-2014-kxip-vs-dd" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="IPL 2014: KXIP vs DD" href="" data-title="IPL 2014: KXIP vs DD"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="IPL 2014: KXIP vs DD" title="IPL 2014: KXIP vs DD"></span><p>IPL 2014: KXIP vs DD</p></a></div><div data-msid="18318240" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2013/bcci-terminates-sahara-pune-warriors-from-ipl" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="BCCI terminates Sahara Pune Warriors from IPL" href="" data-title="BCCI terminates Sahara Pune Warriors from IPL"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="BCCI terminates Sahara Pune Warriors from IPL" title="BCCI terminates Sahara Pune Warriors from IPL"></span><p>BCCI terminates Sahara Pune Warriors from IPL</p></a></div><div data-msid="18318240" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2013/sachin-tendulkar-retires-from-ipl" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="Sachin Tendulkar retires from IPL" href="" data-title="Sachin Tendulkar retires from IPL"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="Sachin Tendulkar retires from IPL" title="Sachin Tendulkar retires from IPL"></span><p>Sachin Tendulkar retires from IPL</p></a></div><div data-msid="18318240" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2013/mumbai-indians-win-maiden-ipl-title" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="Mumbai Indians win maiden IPL title" href="" data-title="Mumbai Indians win maiden IPL title"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="Mumbai Indians win maiden IPL title" title="Mumbai Indians win maiden IPL title"></span><p>Mumbai Indians win maiden IPL title</p></a></div><div data-msid="18318240" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2013/dravid-to-retire-post-clt20" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="Dravid to retire post CLT20" href="" data-title="Dravid to retire post CLT20"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="Dravid to retire post CLT20" title="Dravid to retire post CLT20"></span><p>Dravid to retire post CLT20</p></a></div><div data-msid="18318240" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2013/ipl-6-eliminator-rr-vs-mi" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="IPL 6: Eliminator: RR vs MI" href="" data-title="IPL 6: Eliminator: RR vs MI"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="IPL 6: Eliminator: RR vs MI" title="IPL 6: Eliminator: RR vs MI"></span><p>IPL 6: Eliminator: RR vs MI</p></a></div><div data-msid="18318240" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2013/ipl-6-eliminator-rr-vs-sh" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="IPL 6: Eliminator: RR vs SH" href="" data-title="IPL 6: Eliminator: RR vs SH"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="IPL 6: Eliminator: RR vs SH" title="IPL 6: Eliminator: RR vs SH"></span><p>IPL 6: Eliminator: RR vs SH</p></a></div><div data-msid="18318240" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2013/ipl-6-qualifier-1-mi-vs-csk" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="IPL 6: Qualifier 1: MI vs CSK" href="" data-title="IPL 6: Qualifier 1: MI vs CSK"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="IPL 6: Qualifier 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beat RCB</p></a></div><div data-msid="17978391" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2012/listless-punjab-slump-to-8-wicket-loss" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="Listless Punjab slump to 8-wicket loss " href="" data-title="Listless Punjab slump to 8-wicket loss "><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="Listless Punjab slump to 8-wicket loss " title="Listless Punjab slump to 8-wicket loss "></span><p>Listless Punjab slump to 8-wicket loss </p></a></div><div data-msid="17978451" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2011/chennai-super-kings-win-ipl-4" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="Chennai Super Kings win IPL 4" href="" data-title="Chennai Super Kings win IPL 4"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="Chennai Super Kings win IPL 4" title="Chennai Super Kings win IPL 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data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2011/preity-bats-at-ipl/mallya-plays-against-srk" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="Mallya plays against SRK!" href="" data-title="Mallya plays against SRK!"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="Mallya plays against SRK!" title="Mallya plays against SRK!"></span><p>Mallya plays against SRK!</p></a></div><div data-msid="17978451" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2011/ipl-11-delhi" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="IPL '11: Delhi" href="" data-title="IPL '11: Delhi"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="IPL '11: Delhi" title="IPL '11: Delhi"></span><p>IPL '11: Delhi</p></a></div><div data-msid="17978451" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2011/ipl-after-match-party/ipl-11-delhi" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="IPL '11: Delhi" href="" data-title="IPL '11: Delhi"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="IPL '11: Delhi" title="IPL '11: Delhi"></span><p>IPL '11: Delhi</p></a></div><div data-msid="17978451" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2011/ipl-11-kochi" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="IPL '11: Kochi" href="" data-title="IPL '11: Kochi"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="IPL '11: Kochi" title="IPL '11: Kochi"></span><p>IPL '11: Kochi</p></a></div><div data-msid="17978451" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2011/celebs-ipl-2011" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="Celebs @ IPL 2011" href="" data-title="Celebs @ IPL 2011"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="Celebs @ IPL 2011" title="Celebs @ IPL 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data-label="IPL 3: DC reach IPL Semis" href="" data-title="IPL 3: DC reach IPL Semis"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="IPL 3: DC reach IPL Semis" title="IPL 3: DC reach IPL Semis"></span><p>IPL 3: DC reach IPL Semis</p></a></div><div data-msid="20457590" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2010/ipl-10-chennai" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="IPL '10: Chennai" href="" data-title="IPL '10: Chennai"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="IPL '10: Chennai" title="IPL '10: Chennai"></span><p>IPL '10: Chennai</p></a></div><div data-msid="20457590" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2010/ipl-10-dharamshala" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="IPL '10: Dharamshala" href="" data-title="IPL '10: Dharamshala"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="IPL '10: Dharamshala" title="IPL '10: Dharamshala"></span><p>IPL '10: Dharamshala</p></a></div><div data-msid="20457590" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2010/ipl-10-hyderabad" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="IPL '10: Hyderabad" href="" data-title="IPL '10: Hyderabad"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="IPL '10: Hyderabad" title="IPL '10: Hyderabad"></span><p>IPL '10: Hyderabad</p></a></div><div data-msid="20457608" data-seo="sports/ipl/ipl-2009/punjab-beat-delhi" class="subnav_listing_box"><a data-action="Navigation_NewsItem" data-ga="true" data-label="Punjab beat Delhi" href="" data-title="Punjab beat Delhi"><span class="pos_rel"><img class="header-lazy" src=",width-166,height-124.cms" data-src="" alt="Punjab beat Delhi" title="Punjab beat Delhi"></span><p>Punjab beat Delhi</p></a></div><div data-msid="20457608" 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Captivating photos of the Russian car racer will make your heart skip a beat" src=""></a><a target="_parent" href="/sports/f1/inessa-tushkanova-is-a-head-turner-captivating-photos-of-the-russian-car-racer-will-make-your-heart-skip-a-beat/articleshow/90723015.cms">Inessa Tushkanova is a head turner! Captivating photos of the Russian car racer will make your heart skip a beat</a></p><div class="clear"></div></div><!--/mostviewedn.cms?msid=2048907&days=31&displaytype=0&displaytype2=0&pagenumber=1&recordcount=10potime:1--></div><div style="display:none" class="hideall" id="alltime_data"><span style="display:none;">10 - 10 - 10 {1}</span><div style="height:322px" class="flexcroll"><p><a target="_parent" href="/sports/events/2024-super-bowl-halftime-show-usher-alicia-keys-and-other-guest-stars-enthrall-the-audience-see-pictures/articleshow/107627969.cms"><img border="0" width="100" height="75" title="2024 Super Bowl halftime show: Usher, Alicia Keys and other guest stars enthrall the audience, see pictures " src=""></a><a target="_parent" href="/sports/events/2024-super-bowl-halftime-show-usher-alicia-keys-and-other-guest-stars-enthrall-the-audience-see-pictures/articleshow/107627969.cms">2024 Super Bowl halftime show: Usher, Alicia Keys and other guest stars enthrall the audience, see 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Sreejesh leads India as flag-bearer after nation's record-medal haul in Hangzhou, see pictures</a></p><div class="clear"></div><p><a target="_parent" href="/sports/other-sports/zsuzsanna-jakabos-alluring-pictures-of-the-blue-eyed-olympic-swimmer-that-will-make-your-jaw-drop/articleshow/91906281.cms"><img border="0" width="100" height="75" title="Zsuzsanna Jakabos: Alluring pictures of the blue-eyed Olympic swimmer that will make your jaw drop!" src=""></a><a target="_parent" href="/sports/other-sports/zsuzsanna-jakabos-alluring-pictures-of-the-blue-eyed-olympic-swimmer-that-will-make-your-jaw-drop/articleshow/91906281.cms">Zsuzsanna Jakabos: Alluring pictures of the blue-eyed Olympic swimmer that will make your jaw drop!</a></p><div class="clear"></div><p><a target="_parent" href="/sports/football/chloe-kelly-meet-the-england-footballer-who-turns-heads-with-her-stunning-pictures/articleshow/93725368.cms"><img border="0" width="100" height="75" title="Chloe Kelly, meet the England 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