Information-Theoretic Cryptography Conference
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The conference will be held as a hybrid online/in-person conference. We look forward to seeing you in Cambridge, MA in July! <br><br> <b>Venue:</b> The conference program is <a href="2022prog.html">here</a>. All talks will be held at the Patil/Kiva Conference room (G-449) at the Stata Center at MIT. The address is <a href="">32 Vassar Street, Cambridge, MA 02139</a>. See below for the map, access info and the zoom link. <br><br> <center> <img width=90% src="StataCenter.png"> </center> <br><br> <b>Access Information:</b> Enter the Stata Center through the Gates entrance near the intersection of Vassar Street and Main Street (shown above on the map). Once you enter, follow the posted ITC 2022 signs to the Gates elevator. Patil/Kiva is on the fourth floor. <br><br> You need MIT's Tim ticket to enter the building and to use the elevators. Use the QR code below or go to the <a href="">TIM tickets website for ITC</a>; click on the MIT beaver, wait for a few seconds (the website is slow) and follow the instructions. We will have someone at the Gates entrance on Tuesday morning in case you have difficulties. <center> <img width=30% src="ITC-QRcode.png"> </center> <br> <b>Conference Zoom Link:</b> The zoom link is <a href="" width="30%">here</a>. <br> <br> <b>Registration Link:</b> The registration link is <a href="" width="30%">here</a>. <br><br> We thank the generous sponsorship from our platinum sponsors Algorand, NTT Research and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and our silver sponsor Microsoft Research. <br><br> <b>ITC 2022 Platinum Sponsors:</b><br> <img width=40% src="NTTResearch_Symbol.png"> <img width=40% src="algorand.png"> <br> <center><img width=40% src="Wisc.jpg"> </center> <br> <b>ITC 2022 Silver Sponsor:</b><br> <img width=30% src="microsoft.png"> <!-- The conference hotel is Boston Marriott Cambridge hotel at 50 Broadway, Cambridge MA 02142. We have a limited number of rooms at a reduced rate. </p> <a href="" width="30%"><img src="../hotel-booking-itc.jpg" width="30%"></a> <br><br> --> </p><br /> <p style="margin:0 0 8px"> <h4 style=="margin:0 0 6px"><b>Important Dates</b></h4> <ul> <li />Paper submission (**Extended**): <del>Jan 10, 2022</del> Feb 8, 2022 (11:59pm UTC) <li />Spotlight track nomination deadline: February 28, 2022 <li />Paper acceptance notification: <del>April 5, 2022</del> April 11, 2022 <li />Camera ready version: <del>April 26, 2022</del> May 2, 2022 <li />Conference: July 5-7, 2022 </ul> </p><br /> <p style="margin:0 0 8px"> <h4 style=="margin:0 0 6px"><b>Conference Organization</b></h4> <b><i>General Chairs:</i></b> Yael Kalai (MIT and Microsoft Research, New England), Vinod Vaikuntanathan (MIT) <br /> <br /> <b><i>Program Chair:</i></b> Dana Dachman-Soled (University of Maryland) <a href=""></a><br /> <br /> <b><i>Program Committee:</i></b> <ul> <li />Gorjan Alagic (University of Maryland and NIST) <li />Gilad Asharov (Bar-Ilan University) <li />Marshall Ball (New York University) <li />Jeremiah Blocki (Purdue University) <li />Anne Broadbent (University of Ottawa) <li />Eshan Chattopadhyay (Cornell University) <li />Kai-Min Chung (Academia Sinica) <li />Ivan Damgård (Aarhus University) <li />Mohammad Hajiabadi (University of Waterloo) <li />Bhavana Kanakurthi (IISc Bangalore) <li />Ilan Komargodski (Hebrew University of Jerusalem and NTT Research) <li />Mukul Kulkarni (Technology Innovation Institute (TII Abu Dhabi)) <li />Feng-Hao Liu (Florida Atlantic University) <li />Julian Loss (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security) <li />Mohammad Mahmoody (University of Virginia) <li />Hemanta Maji (Purdue University) <li />Krzysztof Pietrzak (IST Austria) <li />Aishwarya Thiruvengadam (IIT Madras) <li />Mor Weiss (Bar-Ilan University) </ul> </p><br /> <!-- <p style="margin:0 0 8px"><a name="sponsors"></a><h4 style=="margin:0 0 6px"><b>Sponsors</b></h4> We are deeply grateful to NTT Research and to the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science for sponsoring ITC 2022.</p> <br /> <p><a href=""><img src="ntt_small.png" style="padding:15px;height:85px;"></a> <a href=""><img src="Allen-School-purple-RGB-lg.png" style="padding:15px;height:85px;line-height:0px;font-size:0px;border:0px;"></a></p> --> </div> </div> </body> </html>