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Darauf ist die Paywahl mit der Aufschrift „40.000 mal Danke“ zu lesen." loading="lazy" title="Auf einem Laptop ist die Webseite geöffnet. Darauf ist die Paywahl mit der Aufschrift „40.000 mal Danke“ zu lesen." height="996" type="image/png"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt="Auf einem Laptop ist die Webseite geöffnet. Darauf ist die Paywahl mit der Aufschrift „40.000 mal Danke“ zu lesen."></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Von-den-Anfaengen-bis-heute/!vn6057761/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Von den Anfängen bis heute </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 14.2.2025 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> 40.000 zahlen für </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Das freiwillige Bezahlmodell taz zahl ich erreicht einen wichtigen Meilenstein. Aline Lüllmann, taz-Geschäftsführerin, blickt zurück auf die Anfänge. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(2), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `„Die Menschen haben den Austausch gesucht“`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Von-Syrien-ins-schwaebische-Rathaus/!vn6065858/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="959" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Von-Syrien-ins-schwaebische-Rathaus/!vn6065858/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Von Syrien ins schwäbische Rathaus </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 11.2.2025 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> „Die Menschen haben den Austausch gesucht“ </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Ryyan Alshebl schildert seine Ankunft aus Syrien in Ostelsheim, den Weg ins Bürgermeisteramt und Gedanken zum Sturz von Assad. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(3), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Für immer Punk`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/taz-lab-Kolumne-weiter/machen-3/!vn6065862/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" alt="Zu sehen ist eine kaputte Jeans mit Loch am Knie, die punkige Person hält eine Hand mit Ringen auf ihr Bein." loading="lazy" title="Zu sehen ist eine kaputte Jeans mit Loch am Knie, die punkige Person hält eine Hand mit Ringen auf ihr Bein." height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt="Zu sehen ist eine kaputte Jeans mit Loch am Knie, die punkige Person hält eine Hand mit Ringen auf ihr Bein."></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/taz-lab-Kolumne-weiter/machen-3/!vn6065862/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> taz-lab-Kolumne weiter/machen #3 </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 10.2.2025 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Für immer Punk </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Politisches Engagement von der ersten Demo bis zum Job als taz lab- Redakteurin: Unsere Autorin erzählt, wie sie aktiv wurde. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(4), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Ein universelles Problem`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/taz-lab-Kolumne-weiter/machen-2/!vn6061754/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" alt="Berliner U-Bahn bei Nacht" loading="lazy" title="Berliner U-Bahn bei Nacht" height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt="Berliner U-Bahn bei Nacht"></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/taz-lab-Kolumne-weiter/machen-2/!vn6061754/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> taz-lab-Kolumne weiter/machen #2 </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 30.1.2025 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Ein universelles Problem </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Nach einem Auslandssemester in Südafrika bemerkt unsere Autorin zurück in Berlin, dass geschlechterspezifische Gewalt auch hier ein Thema ist. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(5), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Produktion, Organisation – wird schon!`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Work-in-Progress-am-taz-Kongress-2025-2/!vn6065817/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" alt="Die taz lab Bühne 2023, mit Blumensträußen und Sesseln" loading="lazy" title="Die taz lab Bühne 2023, mit Blumensträußen und Sesseln" height="995" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt="Die taz lab Bühne 2023, mit Blumensträußen und Sesseln"></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Work-in-Progress-am-taz-Kongress-2025-2/!vn6065817/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Work in Progress am taz-Kongress 2025 (2) </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 28.1.2025 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Produktion, Organisation – wird schon! </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Wir haben mehr Orga-Chaos, ihr dafür jetzt die Möglichkeit, Tickets zu kaufen. Zudem verraten wir auch weitere Gäste, die zugesagt haben. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(6), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Auf ins Getümmel`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Work-in-Progress-am-taz-Kongress-2025-1/!vn6065824/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" alt="Das taz lab 2023 von oben. Neben Bäumen des Besselparks sitzen viele Menschen und schauen auf eine Leinwand." loading="lazy" title="Das taz lab 2023 von oben. Neben Bäumen des Besselparks sitzen viele Menschen und schauen auf eine Leinwand." height="998" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt="Das taz lab 2023 von oben. Neben Bäumen des Besselparks sitzen viele Menschen und schauen auf eine Leinwand."></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Work-in-Progress-am-taz-Kongress-2025-1/!vn6065824/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Work in Progress am taz-Kongress 2025 (1) </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 17.1.2025 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Auf ins Getümmel </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Loslegen, „weitermachen“ und im Angesicht des Chaos lachen. Der Programmchef des taz lab 2025 meldet sich zu Wort – und hat eine Bitte an Sie. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(7), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Moderation ist Handarbeit`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Kommentare-bei-der-taz/!vn6059622/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="989" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Kommentare-bei-der-taz/!vn6059622/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Kommentare bei der taz </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 20.1.2025 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Moderation ist Handarbeit </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Plattformen wie X oder Facebook werden Gruselkabinette. Die taz steuert dagegen. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(8), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Den Bücherfrühling diskutieren wir`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/taz-Talks-auf-der-Buchmesse-Leipzig-2025/!vn5992370/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/png"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/png"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/png"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="997" type="image/png"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/taz-Talks-auf-der-Buchmesse-Leipzig-2025/!vn5992370/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> taz Talks auf der Buchmesse Leipzig 2025 </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 24.1.2025 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Den Bücherfrühling diskutieren wir </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Entdecken Sie unser Programm mit Autor*innen und ihren neu veröffentlichten Büchern vom taz Studio Leipzig 2025. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(9), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Widerständen trotzen`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/taz-lab-Kolumne-weiter/machen-1/!vn6059497/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" alt="Bitte auf dem WEg bleiben" loading="lazy" title="Bitte auf dem WEg bleiben" height="998" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt="Bitte auf dem WEg bleiben"></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/taz-lab-Kolumne-weiter/machen-1/!vn6059497/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> taz-lab-Kolumne weiter/machen #1 </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 21.1.2025 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Widerständen trotzen </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Weitermachen kann anstrengend sein. Warum es sich trotzdem lohnt dran zu bleiben. Teil Eins der neuen taz-lab-Kolumne weiter/machen. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(10), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Keine Zeit für keine Zeitung`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Jahresgruss-der-taz-Chefinnen/!vn6052761/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Jahresgruss-der-taz-Chefinnen/!vn6052761/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Jahresgruß der taz-Chef:innen </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 19.12.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Keine Zeit für keine Zeitung </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Seitenwende bei der taz: Die taz-Geschäftsführung über Veränderungen in der Medienlandschaft und die Zukunft der Tageszeitung. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(11), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Direkt ins Ohr`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Stimmen-hoeren-am-taz-lab/!vn6059496/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" alt="Zu sehen ist ein Mikrofon vor neutralem Hintergrund." loading="lazy" title="Zu sehen ist ein Mikrofon vor neutralem Hintergrund." height="996" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt="Zu sehen ist ein Mikrofon vor neutralem Hintergrund."></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Stimmen-hoeren-am-taz-lab/!vn6059496/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Stimmen hören am taz lab </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 20.1.2025 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Direkt ins Ohr </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Es gibt kaum ein Thema, das noch nicht seinen Weg in die Podcastlandschaft gefunden hat: auch auf dem taz lab. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(12), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `„Rudi hat Vorfahrt“`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Interview-mit-Gretchen-Dutschke-Klotz/!vn6054572/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" alt="Eine ältere Frau, Gretchen Dutschke Klotz, steht draußen im Sonnenlicht und lächelt in die Kamera, im Hintergrund schimmert Herbstlaut in goldgelben Farben." loading="lazy" title="Eine ältere Frau, Gretchen Dutschke Klotz, steht draußen im Sonnenlicht und lächelt in die Kamera, im Hintergrund schimmert Herbstlaut in goldgelben Farben." height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt="Eine ältere Frau, Gretchen Dutschke Klotz, steht draußen im Sonnenlicht und lächelt in die Kamera, im Hintergrund schimmert Herbstlaut in goldgelben Farben."></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Interview-mit-Gretchen-Dutschke-Klotz/!vn6054572/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Interview mit Gretchen Dutschke-Klotz </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 9.12.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> „Rudi hat Vorfahrt“ </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Gretchen Dutschke-Klotz im Gespräch mit der taz Genossenschaft über Rudi Dutschke und das nach ihm benannte Haus der taz in Berlin-Kreuzberg. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(13), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Trotz Alledem`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Zukunft-passiert-nicht-von-alleine/!vn6059493/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" alt="Das Team des taz labs 2025 posiert auf einer Bühne im Panaramaraum des taz-Hauses" loading="lazy" title="Das Team des taz labs 2025 posiert auf einer Bühne im Panaramaraum des taz-Hauses" height="996" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt="Das Team des taz labs 2025 posiert auf einer Bühne im Panaramaraum des taz-Hauses"></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Zukunft-passiert-nicht-von-alleine/!vn6059493/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Zukunft passiert nicht von alleine </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 16.1.2025 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Trotz Alledem </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Mit dem Motto des diesjährigen taz lab fordern wir unsere Leser*innen auf, jenseits der Empörung weiter zu machen. Zukunft passiert jetzt. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(14), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Der feine Zauber eines neuen Anfangs`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Arbeit-am-taz-lab-2025-beginnt/!vn6058295/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" alt="Zahlreicher Kinder spielen auf der autofreien Friedrichstraße in Kreuzberg, die für den taz-Kongress in eine Spielstrasse umgewandelt wurde" loading="lazy" title="Zahlreicher Kinder spielen auf der autofreien Friedrichstraße in Kreuzberg, die für den taz-Kongress in eine Spielstrasse umgewandelt wurde" height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt="Zahlreicher Kinder spielen auf der autofreien Friedrichstraße in Kreuzberg, die für den taz-Kongress in eine Spielstrasse umgewandelt wurde"></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Arbeit-am-taz-lab-2025-beginnt/!vn6058295/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Arbeit am taz lab 2025 beginnt </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 10.1.2025 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Der feine Zauber eines neuen Anfangs </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Der taz-Kongress 2025 geht am 26. April 2025 über die Bühne. Aber bis es soweit ist, muss noch viel Arbeit getan werden. Und die beginnt: Jetzt! </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(15), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Ein großer Schritt in die Zukunft`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/taz-Chefinnenredaktion-sagt-Danke/!vn6052974/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="998" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/taz-Chefinnenredaktion-sagt-Danke/!vn6052974/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> taz-Chefinnenredaktion sagt „Danke“ </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 30.12.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Ein großer Schritt in die Zukunft </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Der Medienmarkt wandelt sich, ebenso die politische Landschaft. Die taz-Chefinnenredaktion blickt zurück auf das vergangene Jahr und voraus auf das nächste. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(16), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Die Schönheit der Veränderung`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Bilanz-zum-neuen-Glanz-auf-tazde/!vn6053981/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" alt="Ein Tablet steht auf einem Tisch, es zeigt die Startseite von, daneben steht eine Tasse mit dem Motiv des tazpresso." loading="lazy" title="Ein Tablet steht auf einem Tisch, es zeigt die Startseite von, daneben steht eine Tasse mit dem Motiv des tazpresso." height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt="Ein Tablet steht auf einem Tisch, es zeigt die Startseite von, daneben steht eine Tasse mit dem Motiv des tazpresso."></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Bilanz-zum-neuen-Glanz-auf-tazde/!vn6053981/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Bilanz zum neuen Glanz auf </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 18.12.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Die Schönheit der Veränderung </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Seit Oktober 2024 erscheint die taz auf in neuem Design und überzeugt seither noch mehr Le­se­r*in­nen als zuvor. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(17), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Werden Sie Untermieter:in bei der taz in Hamburg`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Freie-Bueroraeume-im-Hamburger-Schanzenviertel/!vn6057615/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Freie-Bueroraeume-im-Hamburger-Schanzenviertel/!vn6057615/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Freie Büroräume im Hamburger Schanzenviertel </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 17.12.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Werden Sie Untermieter:in bei der taz in Hamburg </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Die taz sitzt nur in Berlin? Falsch gedacht. Wir haben auch eine Redaktion in Hamburg und suchen taz-affine Untermieter:innen für helle Büroräume in der Schanze. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(18), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Der taz Panter FC alias Team Sisyphos`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Das-Beste-der-taz/!vn6053982/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="998" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Das-Beste-der-taz/!vn6053982/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Das Beste der taz </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 17.12.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Der taz Panter FC alias Team Sisyphos </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Die Medienliga-Saison 2024 ist vorbei. Der taz Panter FC Spirit lebt. Was bisher geschah. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(19), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Konstruktiven Klimajournalismus fördern`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/taz-Panter-Stiftung-unterstuetzt-MENA-Journalistinnen/!vn6053986/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" alt="Ein Saatgutverkäufer in Kuwait sitzt bei sonnigem Wetter unter einem Sonnenschirm am Straßenrand" loading="lazy" title="Ein Saatgutverkäufer in Kuwait sitzt bei sonnigem Wetter unter einem Sonnenschirm am Straßenrand" height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt="Ein Saatgutverkäufer in Kuwait sitzt bei sonnigem Wetter unter einem Sonnenschirm am Straßenrand"></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/taz-Panter-Stiftung-unterstuetzt-MENA-Journalistinnen/!vn6053986/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> taz Panter Stiftung unterstützt MENA-Journalistinnen </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 12.12.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Konstruktiven Klimajournalismus fördern </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Länder wie Iran, Kuwait oder Oman sind besonders von der Klimakrise betroffen. Die taz Panter Stiftung startete nun einen Workshop mit Journalistinnen vor Ort. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(20), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `„Links lesen, rechts bekämpfen!“`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Doppelte-Kraft-erfolgreich/!vn6049654/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" alt="Eine schwarz-weiß Illustration eines Smartphones, auf deim die taz-Webseite mit der Schlagzeile „Rettet die Wahlen“ zu lesen ist, und eines Overheadprojektors, auf dem „Polylux“ steht, springen in die Luft und schlagen die Hände zum High Five ein." loading="lazy" title="Eine schwarz-weiß Illustration eines Smartphones, auf deim die taz-Webseite mit der Schlagzeile „Rettet die Wahlen“ zu lesen ist, und eines Overheadprojektors, auf dem „Polylux“ steht, springen in die Luft und schlagen die Hände zum High Five ein." height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt="Eine schwarz-weiß Illustration eines Smartphones, auf deim die taz-Webseite mit der Schlagzeile „Rettet die Wahlen“ zu lesen ist, und eines Overheadprojektors, auf dem „Polylux“ steht, springen in die Luft und schlagen die Hände zum High Five ein."></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Doppelte-Kraft-erfolgreich/!vn6049654/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Doppelte Kraft erfolgreich </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 30.11.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> „Links lesen, rechts bekämpfen!“ </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Bis Ende Oktober kooperierte die taz mit dem Netzwerk Polylux. Die Initiative unterstützt antifaschistische Arbeit im Osten der Republik. Eine Bilanz. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(21), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Der Coffeinexpress der taz`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/tazpressomobil-wieder-unterwegs/!vn5877115/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="999" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/tazpressomobil-wieder-unterwegs/!vn5877115/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> tazpressomobil wieder unterwegs </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 25.8.2022 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Der Coffeinexpress der taz </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Es ist soweit! Wir haben ein neues und besseres knallrotes tazpressomobil im Einsatz. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(22), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Jürgen Baldiga und die linke Zeitung`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Spurensuche-im-taz-Archiv/!vn6048084/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Spurensuche-im-taz-Archiv/!vn6048084/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Spurensuche im taz-Archiv </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 3.12.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Jürgen Baldiga und die linke Zeitung </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Der legendäre Fotograf Jürgen Baldiga hinterließ auch im jungen linken Tageszeitungsprojekt taz seine Spuren, wie eine kleine Suche im alten taz-Archiv beweist. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(23), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Köstliche Kantinen Kritiken`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Schmackotaz-auf-Instagram/!vn6049659/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="1002" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Schmackotaz-auf-Instagram/!vn6049659/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Schmackotaz auf Instagram </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 2.12.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Köstliche Kantinen Kritiken </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Liebevoll, aber ehrlich: Kaum ein Gericht unserer taz Kantine ist sicher vor Daria Schmacos Gourmet-Rezensionen. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(24), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Der Seitendirigent mit Verve`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Personenfuehrung-210-Nathan-Pulver/!vn6049655/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" alt="Porträt von Nathan Pulver auf der Dachterasse des taz-Gebäudes" loading="lazy" title="Porträt von Nathan Pulver auf der Dachterasse des taz-Gebäudes" height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt="Porträt von Nathan Pulver auf der Dachterasse des taz-Gebäudes"></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Personenfuehrung-210-Nathan-Pulver/!vn6049655/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Personenführung #210: Nathan Pulver </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 2.12.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Der Seitendirigent mit Verve </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Nach seinem Praktikum in der MKK bereichert uns Nathan Pulver nun als Verlagsredakteur und Sitemanager. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(25), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Einmal mit linker Zeitung, bitte!`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/20-Jahre-tazpresso/!vn6042993/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/20-Jahre-tazpresso/!vn6042993/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> 20 Jahre tazpresso </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 28.10.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Einmal mit linker Zeitung, bitte! </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Zum 20-jährigen Jubiläum unseres tazpresso steigen wir von einem Verbrenner auf ein Elektromobil um. Die Heldin der Geschichte heißt aber Simone. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(26), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Perfect Match`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Personenfuehrung-207-Matthias-Kalle/!vn6038237/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Personenfuehrung-207-Matthias-Kalle/!vn6038237/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Personenführung #207: Matthias Kalle </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 8.10.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Perfect Match </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Matthias Kalle leitet mit Luise Strothmann die wochentaz. Woher er kommt, wie er arbeitet und wieso er so gut zur taz passt. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(27), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Darf’s ein bisschen solidarischer sein?`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Zukunft-des-Onlinejournalismus/!vn6042404/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Zukunft-des-Onlinejournalismus/!vn6042404/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Zukunft des Onlinejournalismus </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 17.10.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Darf’s ein bisschen solidarischer sein? </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Warum unser freiwilliges Bezahlmodell ohne Paywall wichtig für die Demokratie war, ist – und bleibt. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(28), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `„Kein Mensch kannte das Web“`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Interview-mit-taz-EDV-Ikone-Ralf-Klever/!vn6042366/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" alt="Ein Mann, Ralf Klever, sitzt in einem Bürostuhl vor einem Schreibtisch, auf dem Schreibtisch steht ein Monitor, der Seiten des taz-ePapers zeigt" loading="lazy" title="Ein Mann, Ralf Klever, sitzt in einem Bürostuhl vor einem Schreibtisch, auf dem Schreibtisch steht ein Monitor, der Seiten des taz-ePapers zeigt" height="996" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt="Ein Mann, Ralf Klever, sitzt in einem Bürostuhl vor einem Schreibtisch, auf dem Schreibtisch steht ein Monitor, der Seiten des taz-ePapers zeigt"></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Interview-mit-taz-EDV-Ikone-Ralf-Klever/!vn6042366/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Interview mit taz-EDV-Ikone Ralf Klever </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 17.10.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> „Kein Mensch kannte das Web“ </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Er brachte das linke Tageszeitungsprojekt taz bereits 1995 ins Netz. Von Pionierarbeit, Satelliten und der digitalen Ignoranz der taz-Redaktion. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(29), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Für das Recht auf Information`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Neuer-Whistleblower-Preis/!vn6043262/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="998" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Neuer-Whistleblower-Preis/!vn6043262/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Neuer Whistleblower-Preis </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 17.10.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Für das Recht auf Information </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Die taz Panter Stiftung vergibt mit anderen Organisationen zum ersten Mal den Ellsberg Whistleblower Award – an den US-Amerikaner Daniel E. Hale. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(30), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Gemeinsam durch den Wandel`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/taz-auf-der-Buchmesse-Frankfurt-2024/!vn6039562/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="996" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/taz-auf-der-Buchmesse-Frankfurt-2024/!vn6039562/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> taz auf der Buchmesse Frankfurt 2024 </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 10.10.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Gemeinsam durch den Wandel </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Wie entsteht der Auftritt der taz auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse und was passiert? </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(31), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `100 Mal Zukunft`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/100-Ausgabe-der-wochentaz/!vn6038236/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="1000" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/100-Ausgabe-der-wochentaz/!vn6038236/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> 100. Ausgabe der wochentaz </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 7.10.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> 100 Mal Zukunft </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Die wochentaz hat ihr 100. Jubiläum. Und mit ihr ein neuer Zeitungsteil – die Zukunft. Wie geht utopischer Journalismus? </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(32), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Die Engagierten stärken`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/taz-zahl-ich-kooperiert-mit-Polylux/!vn6030748/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/taz-zahl-ich-kooperiert-mit-Polylux/!vn6030748/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> taz zahl ich kooperiert mit Polylux </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 18.9.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Die Engagierten stärken </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Die taz unterstützt das Netzwerk Polylux, um antifaschistische Initiativen in Ostdeutschland zu stärken. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(33), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Schulnote: richtig gut!`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Ergebnisse-der-wochentaz-Umfrage/!vn6038241/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="996" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Ergebnisse-der-wochentaz-Umfrage/!vn6038241/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Ergebnisse der wochentaz-Umfrage </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 8.10.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Schulnote: richtig gut! </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Wir wollten wissen, wie Sie die wochentaz zwei Jahre nach ihrem Start bewerten. Eine Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(34), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Traumjob Produktentwicklerin`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Personenfuehrung-208-Ellen-Patzschke/!vn6039563/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Personenfuehrung-208-Ellen-Patzschke/!vn6039563/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Personenführung #208: Ellen Patzschke </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 10.10.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Traumjob Produktentwicklerin </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Ellen Patzschke ist die Triebfeder des Relaunches von Ein Glück! </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(35), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `„Ohne taz wär dieses Land echt arm“`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Befragung-der-taz-Leserinnen/!vn6036575/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Befragung-der-taz-Leserinnen/!vn6036575/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Befragung der taz-Leser:innen </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 1.10.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> „Ohne taz wär dieses Land echt arm“ </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Forschende klären auf: Warum und wie lesen Menschen die taz? Was möchten unsere Leser:innen? </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(36), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `taz bleibt taz`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/taz-Chefredaktion-zur-Seitenwende/!vn6037500/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/taz-Chefredaktion-zur-Seitenwende/!vn6037500/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> taz-Chefredaktion zur Seitenwende </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 23.9.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> taz bleibt taz </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Warum wir kein Papier brauchen, um die wichtigste linke Tageszeitung zu bleiben. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(37), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `„Field Trip“ in den USA`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Neue-Kolumne-von-Luisa-Neubauer/!vn6038731/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="998" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Neue-Kolumne-von-Luisa-Neubauer/!vn6038731/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Neue Kolumne von Luisa Neubauer </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 23.9.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> „Field Trip“ in den USA </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Luisa Neubauer schreibt ab jetzt wöchentlich für die taz von ihrem aktuellen Trip in den USA. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(38), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Zurück zur Utopie der taz`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Zukuenfte-des-linken-Medienhauses/!vn6033801/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="998" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Zukuenfte-des-linken-Medienhauses/!vn6033801/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Zukünfte des linken Medienhauses </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 13.9.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Zurück zur Utopie der taz </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Hätte die taz Angst vor dem, was morgen kommt, sie wäre längst Geschichte. Das gilt auch fürs Digitale. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(39), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Mehr taz, weniger Holz`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Digitale-Werktagstaz-fuer-mehr-Journalismus/!vn6037237/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" alt="Zu sehen ist eine gedruckte taz im Briefkasten." loading="lazy" title="Zu sehen ist eine gedruckte taz im Briefkasten." height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt="Zu sehen ist eine gedruckte taz im Briefkasten."></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Digitale-Werktagstaz-fuer-mehr-Journalismus/!vn6037237/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Digitale Werktagstaz für mehr Journalismus </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 17.9.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Mehr taz, weniger Holz </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Zeitung der Zukunft: die taz erscheint ab Oktober 2025 werktags rein digital. Die gedruckte wochentaz bleibt. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(40), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Auch die anderen im Blick haben`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Genossinnen-tagen-zur-Lage-der-taz/!vn6035076/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Genossinnen-tagen-zur-Lage-der-taz/!vn6035076/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Genoss*innen tagen zur Lage der taz </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 15.9.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Auch die anderen im Blick haben </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Stabile Zahlen, schwierige Flugreisen und eine neue Aufsichtsrätin – die taz-Genoversammlung 2024. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(41), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Ein Blatt wendet sich`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Seitenwende-auf-der-Genoversammlung/!vn6035075/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Seitenwende-auf-der-Genoversammlung/!vn6035075/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> „Seitenwende“ auf der Genoversammlung </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 15.9.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Ein Blatt wendet sich </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Eine Genoversammlung schreibt taz-Geschichte. Genoss:innen stimmen Ende des täglichen Druckens der taz zu. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(42), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Mehr Nachwuchs, weniger Rechtsruck!`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Diskussionen-auf-der-Genoversammlung/!vn6035073/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Diskussionen-auf-der-Genoversammlung/!vn6035073/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Diskussionen auf der Genoversammlung </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 15.9.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Mehr Nachwuchs, weniger Rechtsruck! </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Auf der Genoversammlung ging es auch um große Themen: Demokratie in der Krise, rechte Jugend – und Pimmel. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(43), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Nimm 2 gegen Rechts`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Hausblog: taz zahl ich-Aktion </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 2.9.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Nimm 2 gegen Rechts </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Ihr taz-Beitrag unterstützt ab sofort nicht nur die taz, er leistet auch Support für die Zivilgesellschaft im Osten. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(44), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Zauber und Zweifel in Chemnitz`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Rueckblick-taz-Panter-Forum/!vn6030752/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="996" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Rueckblick-taz-Panter-Forum/!vn6030752/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Rückblick taz Panter Forum </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 2.9.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Zauber und Zweifel in Chemnitz </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Die taz gastierte mit dem Panter Forum in Chemnitz und lud zur Vernetzung im Schatten der AfD-Bedrohung ein. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(45), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Mehr Solidarität, mehr Wirkung`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Entwicklung-im-August-2024/!vn6036282/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/png"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/png"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/png"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="997" type="image/png"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Entwicklung-im-August-2024/!vn6036282/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Entwicklung im August 2024 </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 11.9.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Mehr Solidarität, mehr Wirkung </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Im August haben sich 382 Menschen für die Unterstützung der taz entschieden. Seit September kooperiert die taz mit dem Netzwerk Polylux. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(46), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Ostblogs ohne Beton`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Neue-Perspektiven-im-taz-Blog/!vn6028005/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="999" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Neue-Perspektiven-im-taz-Blog/!vn6028005/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Neue Perspektiven im taz Blog </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 19.8.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Ostblogs ohne Beton </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Neues Blogressort „Osten“. Warum es jetzt entstehen musste und worüber gebloggt wird. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ teaserIndex: parseInt(47), teaserPerPage: typeof teaserPerPage !== 'undefined' ? teaserPerPage : 1, debugHeadline: `Das verflixte Fliegen`, isFirstTeaserOnPage: function () { return Boolean((this.teaserIndex - 1 ) % this.teaserPerPage == 0) }, isVisiblePagination: function () { if (typeof selectednum === 'undefined') return true; return Boolean(this.teaserIndex > selectednum * this.teaserPerPage - this.teaserPerPage && this.teaserIndex <= selectednum * this.teaserPerPage) } }" x-show=" isVisiblePagination() " class="submodule-wrapper mobile-order-1" :class="{'is-first-teaser-in-pagination-view': isFirstTeaserOnPage() }"> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mobile-order-1"> <a class="teaser-link " href="/Debatte-zu-taz-Reisen/!vn6028004/"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; "> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width: 550px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy" height="997" type="image/jpeg"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="column is-6-desktop dotted is-6-tablet item mgt-0-mobile mobile-order-2"> <a href="/Debatte-zu-taz-Reisen/!vn6028004/" class="mgt-medium-mobile teaser-link"> <div class=" headline is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class=" typo-topline mgr-small"> Debatte zu taz Reisen </p> <p class="mgl-auto typo-meta-data typo-link-grey-onpage"> 19.8.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-medium "> Das verflixte Fliegen </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Keine Fernreisen mehr mit der taz? Es bleibt eine Grundsatzfrage von Klima, Klasse und Eigenverantwortung. </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <nav class="column is-12 pagination is-flex-direction-row is-justify-content-center mobile-order-1" role="navigation" aria-label="pagination" @click=" $nextTick(() => { sessionStorage.setItem('newsHubLastPaginationNum', selectednum) sessionStorage.setItem('newsHubselectedHubListId', $refs.contentNav.querySelector('.selected').getAttribute('data-id')) })"> <a :class="selectednum != 1 ? 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