Editorial Snapshot - Innovation Article

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title='KEYNOTES' class='thh__catLink thh__catLink--mobile' href=''>KEYNOTES</a> <a title='EVENTS' class='thh__catLink thh__catLink--mobile' href=''>EVENTS</a> </div> </div> </div><div class='thh__fixedSpacer'></div><div class='thh__shadowCover'></div> </header> <div class='th__container rart--twopart'> <article class='contentMain'> <h1 class='rart__h1'>Editorial Snapshot</h1> <div class='rart__subtitle'>This Week's Most Innovative Trends - September 28th, 2024</div> <div class='rart__inner'> <div class='rart__authorDate'> <a href='' class='rart__author'>Colin Smith</a> <div class='rart__date'>September 28th, 2024</div> </div> <div class='rart__body'><img width=468 height=500 class='rart__mainImage' src='' />In this week’s editorial snapshot, we explore the latest AI-driven innovations that are transforming various industries. From product creation to hospitality, and from personal care to human resources, AI continues to revolutionize our world. Arcade’s AI-driven product creation platform allows users to generate personalized products, while PolyAI’s partnership with OpenTable enhances restaurant reservation support with AI-powered voice solutions. Perfect Corp.‘s AI Skincare Product Recommendation tool guides consumers to the right skincare products, and ADP’s Lyric HCM platform offers a flexible approach to HR and payroll services. Meta’s Orion AR glasses bridge the physical and virtual worlds, and the Hasselblad X2D 100C Earth Explorer Edition camera helps photographers capture stunning shots. Giestas’ vegan slippers showcase sustainable fashion, Win Win Coffee partners with Aramark for local economic impact, and NEOM Wellbeing’s new storefront in New York offers a tranquil retreat.<br /> <br /> <b>AI in Product Creation: </b> Arcade has launched an <a target="_blank" href="">AI-driven product creation</a> platform that allows users to generate personalized products across various categories. <br /> <br /> <b>AI in Hospitality: </b> PolyAI Partners with OpenTable to bring <a target="_blank" href="">AI-powered voice solutions</a> to enhance reservation support for restaurants. <br /> <br /> <b>AI in Personal Care: </b> Faced with an overwhelming array of skincare options, consumers rely on brands to guide them in the right direction, and tools like <a target="_blank" href="">Perfect Corp.'s AI Skincare Product Recommendation</a> enhances this process by recommending formulas aligned to different needs and goals.<br /> <br /> <b>AI in Human Resources: </b> ADP has launched <a target="_blank" href="">Lyric HCM,</a> a global human capital management (HCM) platform that leverages artificial intelligence to offer a more flexible and personalized approach to HR, payroll, and workforce services.<br /> <br /> <b>AI in Wearables: </b> Meta has recently introduced <a target="_blank" href="">Orion</a>, its first true augmented reality (AR) glasses, which represent a significant advancement in AR technology. Orion combines the aesthetics of regular eyewear with the immersive capabilities of augmented reality, aiming to bridge the physical and virtual worlds.<br /> <br /> <b>Photography / Tech: </b> The <a target="_blank" href="">Hasselblad X2D 100C Earth Explorer Edition camera</a> is a new limited-edition piece of photography equipment for avid shutterbugs to help them capture stunning shots like never before.<br /> <br /> <b>Eco / Fashion: </b> These vegan slippers have been baked by <a target="_blank" href="">Giestas </a>as an eco-friendly footwear style that's achieved with biodegradable materials to identify how sustainable fashion products could be manufactured. <br /> <br /> <b>Social Good: </b> <a target="_blank" href="">Win Win Coffee</a>, a woman-owned business, has partnered with food service giant Aramark to drive supply chain innovation and local economic impact. <br /> <br /> <b>Retail / Marketing: </b> <a target="_blank" href="">NEOM Wellbeing's</a> storefront in New York's West Village marks an important step in its global expansion. The store spans 481 square feet and is designed as a tranquil retreat from the bustling city.<br /> <br /> To delve deeper into these groundbreaking advancements and see how AI is transforming our world, visit Trend Hunter’s official <a target="_blank" href="">TH GPT</a> website.</div> <div class='rart__refs'>References: <a class='rart__ref' target=_blank href=''></a></div> </div> </article><aside class='tha__asideCont'> <form class='crep__eForm' action='' method='get'> <div class='crep__eFormTitle'>Get Our FREE Weekly Trend Report</div> <input type='text' class='th__textInput th__textInput--wonb' placeholder='Email' name='email' aria-label='Email' /> <button class='th__btn th__btn--wonb' type='submit'>SUBSCRIBE</button> </form> <a href='' class='crep__n1Cont'> <img src='' width='300px' height='341px' alt='#1 in Trends & Custom Trend Research' class='crep__n1' /> </a> <div class='tha__sbb2 sbb2 sbb2--odd'> <h3 class='sbb2__h3'>Pro Services</h3> <a class='sbb2__link' href=''> <div class='sbb2__img sbb2__img--custom'></div> <div class='sbb2__text'>Innovation Accelerator</div> </a> <a class='sbb2__link' href=''> <div class='sbb2__img sbb2__img--keynotes'></div> <div class='sbb2__text'>Innovation Keynotes</div> </a> <a class='sbb2__link' href=''> <div class='sbb2__img sbb2__img--reports'></div> <div class='sbb2__text'>Trend Reports</div> </a> <a class='sbb2__link' href=''> <div class='sbb2__img sbb2__img--dashboard'></div> <div class='sbb2__text'>Custom Dashboards</div> </a> <a class='sbb2__link' href=''> <div class='sbb2__img sbb2__img--ff'></div> <div class='sbb2__text'>Future Festival</div> </a> <h3 class='sbb2__h3 sbb2__h3--sec'>Free Resources</h3> <a class='sbb2__link' href=''> <div class='sbb2__img sbb2__img--books'></div> <div class='sbb2__text'>Innovation Videos &amp; Books</div> </a> <a class='sbb2__link' href=''> <div class='sbb2__img sbb2__img--assessment'></div> <div class='sbb2__text'>Innovation Assessment</div> </a> <a class='sbb2__link' href=''> <div class='sbb2__img sbb2__img--newsletter'></div> <div class='sbb2__text'>Weekly Trend Report</div> </a> <a class='sbb2__link th__freeReportBtn' href='javascript:void(0)'> <div class='sbb2__img sbb2__img--pro'></div> <div class='sbb2__text'>NEW: 2024 Trend Report</div> </a> <button type='button' class='tha__btn tha__btn--white sbb2__btn th__freeReportBtn' >Get a <span class='tha__bold'>FREE</span> Report</button> </div> </aside> </div> <footer class='thf' data-sv='Web 4 directly'> <div class='th__container'> <div class='thf__cont'> <div class='thf__links'> <a href=''>About Us &amp; Contact</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=''>Innovation Keynote Speaker</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=''>Best Innovation Conference</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=''>Custom Trend Reports</a> </div> <div class='thf__copyright'> <a href=''>Trends</a> Ⓒ 2025 <span itemprop='publisher' itemscope itemtype=''> <span itemprop='name'>TREND HUNTER Inc.</span> </span> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=''>Terms of Use, Copyright Info &amp; Privacy Policy</a> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src=""></script> <![endif]--> <!--[if (gte IE 9) | (!IE)]><!--> <script src=""></script> <!--<![endif]--> <script src=''></script> <script> var th_id = 546898; $(function(){ CPage.init(); TIC.init(); }); var TIC = { data:null, domain:'', init:function(){ var img = new Image(); img.src = ''+th_id+'&_t='+new Date().getTime(); $('body').append(img); if(!$('#icar__imageData').length){ return; } = JSON.parse($('#icar__imageData').text());['curr'] = ? 0 : 1; TIC.bind(); }, bind:function(){ $('body') .on('click','.icar__btn--next',function(){ TIC.moveGallery(1) }) .on('click','.icar__btn--prev',function(){ TIC.moveGallery(-1) }) .on('click','.icar__cell', function(){ TIC.setGallery($(this).data('cimage')); }) }, moveGallery:function(dir){ var d =; curr = d.curr, pc = parseInt(d.pc), next = curr + dir, min = ? 0 : 1; if(next < min){ next = pc; }else if(next > pc){ next = min; } TIC.setGallery(next); }, setGallery:function(next){ console.log('SEt gallery to: ',next); var d =, eid = parseInt(d.eid), doYt = false; if(next == 0 &&{ doYt = true; }['curr'] = next; if(doYt){ var html = [ "<div class='icar__ytContainer'>", "<iframe class='icar__ytFrame' wmode='transparent' width='460' height='290' src='""?wmode=opaque&enablejsapi=1&amp;showinfo=0' style='border:none;' allowfullscreen></iframe>", "</div>" ].join(""); }else{ var src = TIC.domain+"/phpthumbnails/"+Math.floor(eid/1000)+"/"+eid+"/"+eid+"_"+next+"_"+"468.jpeg?auto=webp", html = "<img width=468 height=500 class='icar__img' src='"+src+"' />"; } $('.icar__content').html(html); } }; </script> </body> </html>

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