Baban Baban Ban Vampire | Anime Characters
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He is searching for the ultimate taste, "the blood of an 18-year-old virgin," and continues to protect the virginity of the only son of the bathhouse, 15-year-old Rihito. However, when Rihito reaches puberty, he falls in love at first sight with a girl in the same class! Ranmaru's desperate plan to stop him from losing his virginity begins...! <P style="font-weight: bold;" id=wiki0-b class="point fg3" onclick="showhide('wiki0-b'); showhide('wiki0');">READ MORE</P> </DIV> <DIV id=wiki0 style="display: none;"> <br>(Source: <a rel=nofollow href="" target="_blank">Natalie.Mu</a>) </DIV><a name=top></a> <DIV itemscope itemtype=""> <DIV id=besttable> <TABLE id=bt> <TR> <TD colspan=2> <div style="width: 200px;"> <P style="text-align: left;"> <A href="editsource.php?id=111130"><IMG src="" CLASS="thumb50 noborder" TITLE="Edit" ALT="Edit"></A> <A href="mkcharacter.php?pid=111130"><IMG style="width: 22px; height: 22px;" src="" alt="Add a Character"></A></P><h3 class="fg4 bg3 bo1"><a class=fgw href="allchars.php?id=111130">View all characters</a></h3> <A href="source.php?id=111130"><IMG alt="Baban Baban Ban Vampire Image" class="thumb200" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" src=""></a> </div> </TD> <TR> <TH style="width: 180px;">Series ID</TH> <TD>111130</td> <TR> <TH>Media Type</TH> <TD><A href="sort_series.php?mt=2">Anime</A></td> <TR> <TH>Title</TH> <TD>Baban Baban Ban Vampire</td> <TR> <TH>English Title</TH> <TD>Baban Baban Ban Vampire</td> <TR> <TH>Aliases</TH> <TD>Babanbabanban Vampire</td> <TR> <TH>Romaji Title</TH> <TD itemprop="name"><A href="animeone.php?id=111130">Baban Baban Ban Banpaia</A></td> <tr> <TH>Furigana Title</TH> <TD itemprop="name" LANG=ja><A href="animeni.php?id=111130">ババンババンバンバンパイア</A></td> <TR> <TH>Japanese Title</TH> <TD itemprop="name" LANG=ja><A href="animesan.php?id=111130">ババンババンバンバンパイア</A></td> <tr> <TH>Japanese Studio Name</TH> <TD LANG=ja><A href="studios.php?studio=ガイナ" itemprop="productionCompany">ガイナ</A></td> <TR> <TH>English Studio Name</TH> <TD><A href="studios.php?romjistudio=Gaina" itemprop="productionCompany">Gaina</A></td> <TR> <TH>Companies Involved ( <A href="lazytagp.php?id=111130">Add</A> )</TH> <TD></TD> <TR> <TH>Content Rating</TH> <TD itemprop="contentRating">T - Teen</td> <TR> <TH>Genre Tags ( <A 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