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DomainSite, Inc.; Name104, Inc.; Name105, Inc.; Name106, Inc.; Name107, Inc.; Name108, Inc.; Name109, Inc.; Name110, Inc.; Name111, Inc.; Name112, Inc.; Name113, Inc.; Name114, Inc.; Name115, Inc.; Name116, Inc.; Name117; Name118, Inc.; Name119, Inc.; Name120, Inc.; and Domain Protection Services, Inc.</p> <p class="margintop10">Generally speaking, we receive and store any information you enter on our website or give us in any other way. We use the information that you provide for such purposes as responding to your requests, providing our services (e.g., domain name registration, DNS hosting, privacy services, etc, together “Services”), and communicating with you.</p> <p class="margintop10">We collect information so that we may provide you with those Services you have requested from us. Although a large portion of the data we collect from you may be considered to be Personal Data (data that is capable, in some manner, of identifying you), we work to ensure that we do not collect more data than is necessary to provide our Services to you, or that could help in ensuring we provide the best possible Service to you. This Privacy Policy provides you with the details on how we handle your data and describes the ways you can manage your data with us. </p> <p>This Privacy Policy is separated into the following parts:</p> <ul class="proximanovabold"> <li><a href="#jump1">Website Users</a></li> <li><a href="#jump2"> Service Users (Domain Name Registrations etc.)</a></li> <li><a href="#jump3">General Privacy Conditions – All Users</a></li> <li><a href="#jump4">Information for California Residents</a></li> </ul> <p class="margintop10">Each section details important information regarding the use and disclosure of your data in conjunction with the Service you have chosen to use.</p> <h2 class="proximanovabold font25 center" id="jump1">WEBSITE USERS</h2> <p class="proximanovabold font18 margintop10">INFORMATION WE COLLECT</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">USER PROVIDED INFORMATION:</p> <p> We collect information you provide when choosing to participate in various activities on the website, or in obtaining a Service. Such information may include Personal Information. Personal Information includes data such as: your name, address, telephone number, email address, and other data collected that could directly or indirectly identify you.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">COOKIES INFORMATION:</p> <p>When you visit our website, we may send one or more cookies – a small text file containing a string of alphanumeric characters – to your computer that uniquely identifies your browser. may use session cookies. A session cookie is temporary and disappears after you close your browser or mobile device. you can reset your web browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. may use persistent cookies also. These are cookies placed on your computer or mobile device for a pre-determined length of time when you visit this site. This site only places cookies that are specific to this site. has a legitimate interest in using such cookies, as some features of the Website may not function properly if the ability to accept cookies is disabled. Please note that this information applies to the use of cookies by and does not cover the use of cookies or other tracking technology by any third parties. (Some of our business partners (e.g., advertisers) may use cookies on our website; however, we have no access to or control over these cookies) </p> <p class="margintop10"> For a list of all the cookies we use, and their uses, please see this <a href="/policies/cookie-list" target="_blank">cookie list</a>. To manage your cookie preferences and settings, go to <a class="ot-sdk-show-settings" href="#">Cookies Settings</a>. </p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">LOG FILE INFORMATION:</p> <p>When you use our website, our servers automatically record certain information that your web browser sends whenever you visit any website. These server logs may include information such as your web request, Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, browser type, browser language, referring/exit pages and URLs, platform type, number of clicks, domain names, landing pages, pages viewed and the order of those pages, the amount of time spent on particular pages, the date and time of your request, and one or more cookies that may uniquely identify your browser. </p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">THIRD PARTY LINKS:</p> <p>The website may contain links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. It is your personal responsibility to be aware when you leave our website to read the privacy statements of every website that collects your personally identifiable information. This Privacy Policy applies only to information collected by our website(s).</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">ANALYTICS:</p> <p>We may share non-personally-identifiable information (such as anonymous user usage data, referring/exit pages and URLs, platform types, number of clicks, etc.) with interested third parties to assist us in understanding the usage patterns for certain content, services, advertisements, promotions, and/or functionality on the website.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font18 margintop30">THE WAY WE USE INFORMATION</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">WEBSITE USERS INFORMATION</p> <p>If you submit personally identifiable information to us through the website, then we may use such information to operate, maintain, and provide to you the features and functionality of the website, including, when applicable, sending you information. </p> <p class="margintop10">Any personal information or other content that you voluntarily disclose online (on discussion boards, in messages and chat areas, etc.) becomes publicly available and can be collected and used by others, including, without any additional permission. We may use your email address or other personally identifiable information to send commercial, marketing, or other messages without additional consent. We may share non-personally-identifiable information (such as anonymous user usage data, referring/exit pages and URLs, platform types, number of clicks, etc.) with third parties to assist us in understanding the usage patterns for certain content, services, advertisements, promotions, and/or functionality on the website. We may disclose Personal Information and/or non-personally-identifiable information if required to do so by law, or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with state and federal laws or respond to a court order, subpoena, or search warrant. reserves the right to disclose Personal Information and/or non-personally-identifiable information that believes, in good faith, is appropriate or necessary to take precautions against liability, to investigate and defend itself against any third party claims or allegations, to assist government enforcement agencies, to protect the security or integrity of our website, and to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of, our users or others, and to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of, our users or others.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">COOKES/LOG FILES</p> <p>We may use both your personally identifiable information and certain non-personally-identifiable information (such as anonymous user usage data, cookies, IP addresses, browser type, click stream data, etc.) to improve the quality and design of the website and to create new features, promotions, functionality, and services by storing, tracking, and analyzing user preferences and trends. </p> <p class="margintop10">We may use cookies and log file information to: (a) monitor the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns; and (b) monitor aggregate metrics such as total number of visitors, and pages viewed, etc.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">CHANGES AND UPDATES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY</p> <p>Your continued use of the website constitutes your agreement to this Privacy Policy and any future revisions.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">MANAGING COOKIES</p> <p>Within your browser you can choose whether you wish to accept cookies or not. Different browsers make different controls available to you and so we provide links below to popular manufacturers' instructions on how you can do this. Generally, your browser will offer you the choice to accept, refuse or delete cookies at all times, or those from providers that website owners use ("third party cookies"), or those from specific websites.</p> <p class="margintop10"> <a href="" target="_blank">Google Chrome</a><br> <a href="" target="_blank">Internet Explorer</a><br> <a href="" target="_blank">Firefox</a><br> <a href="" target="_blank">Safari</a><br> <a href="" target="_blank">Safari Mobile</a><br> <a href="http:/" target="_blank">Opera</a> </p> <p class="proximanovabold font20 margintop30 center" id="jump2">NAME.COM SERVICES USERS (DOMAIN NAME REGISTRATIONS ETC)</p> <p class="margintop10">Before purchasing a service or product, you must familiarize yourself with this policy and we request that you raise any queries with us prior to proceeding with your registration(s) or purchase.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font18 margintop30">INFORMATION NAME.COM HOLDS</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">GENERAL ACCOUNT INFORMATION</p> <p> ordinarily requires you to provide us with that information that is required for the proper maintenance and administration of your user account with us.</p> <p class="margintop10 marginleft30"><strong>Administrative Information</strong></p> <p class="marginleft30">Information necessary for ensuring the proper administration of your account. (including contact details such as email and telephone number, for ease of contacting you in relation to your account and services)</p> <p class="margintop10 marginleft30"><strong>Billing information / Payment Details</strong> </p> <p class="marginleft30">Information necessary for collecting payment for the services and products that you have purchased or obtained from us.</p> <p class="margintop10 marginleft30"><strong>Data necessary for the specific Product/service obtained by you</strong></p> <p class="marginleft30">Depending on the product or service you obtain, we may need additional information, or to use your data in another manner specific and necessary to that product or service. (See individual product/service sections below).</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">DO WE SHARE THE INFORMATION WE RECEIVE?</p> <p>Yes, we do share information we receive as described in this Privacy Policy. </p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">DOMAIN NAME REGISTRATIONS</p> <p>Before registering a domain name you must familiarize yourself with this Privacy Policy and we request you to raise any queries with us prior to proceeding with your registration(s). </p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">DOMAIN REGISTRATION DATA</p> <p> is required to collect data relating to the registration of domain names (“Registration Data”) and then share such data with the relevant registry operator (depending on the top-level domain (“TLD") you wish to register). The sharing and use of this data is required by our Registrar Accreditation Agreement with ICANN and is a requirement of each TLD’s Registry Agreement with ICANN, to effect the proper registration of your domain name. </p> <p class="margintop10">In order to provide you with domain name registration services, we typically require the following registrant data:</p> <ol> <li class="alpha">Domain Name (your choice of domain e.g. “” )</li> <li class="alpha">Nameservers (your choice of hosting provider or equivalent)</li> <li class="alpha">Registration Data (Data required to enter the domain into our registry) <ul> <li>Registrant Name</li> <li>Registrant Organization (where applicable)</li> <li>Registrant Address</li> <li>Registrant Email</li> <li>Registrant Fax (where applicable)</li> <li>Registrant Phone number </li> <li>Administrative Contact </li> <li>Administrative Contact Organization (where applicable) </li> <li>Administrative Contact Address </li> <li>Administrative Contact Email</li> <li>Administrative Contact Fax (where applicable)</li> <li>Administrative Contact Telephone Number </li> <li>Technical Contact </li> <li>Technical Contact Organization (where applicable) </li> <li>Technical Contact Address </li> <li>Technical Contact Email</li> <li>Technical Contact Fax (where applicable) /li> <li>Technical Contact Telephone Number </li> <li>Billing Contact </li> <li>Billing Contact Organization (where applicable) </li> <li>Billing Contact Address </li> <li>Billing Contact Email</li> <li>Billing Contact Fax (where applicable) </li> <li>Billing Contact Telephone Number</li> </ul> </li> </ol> <p class="margintop10">NOTE: Specific data collections may vary based on the TLD’s specific requirements as promulgated by its registry operator. </p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">PURPOSE / LEGAL BASIS FOR PROCESSING</p> <p>We use your registration data for the following purposes:</p> <ol> <li class="i">to register the domain name;</li> <li class="i">to provide the applicable registry with authoritative data to ensure the ongoing continuity, stability and resiliency of the DNS; </li> <li class="i">mitigation of DNS abuse, including but not limited to the investigation and mitigation of reported instances of abuse considers to be contrary to the terms of its Acceptable Use Policy;</li> <li class="i">maintained integrity of the current dual failsafe system at the registrar and registry levels;</li> <li class="i">verification of registrant eligibility, where applicable; and</li> <li class="i">to update and improve our Services, systems and ability to provide you with a secure and stable Service experience.</li> </ol> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">OTHER WAYS WE USE YOUR INFORMATION</p> <p>First and foremost, uses your Registration Data to arrange your registration and supported functionality of your domain(s) with the registry operator. Additionally, may use Registrant Data to (i) improve our Services, promotions and functionality, (ii) develop and collect aggregate statistics (ensuring appropriate anonymization) regarding our systems and Services,; and (iii) communicate with you regarding your registration or related Services.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">DATA CONTROLLER ROLES</p> <p>We collect and process your Registrant Data to carry out the registration of your domain, to ensure that your registration functions as expected, and that registrations do not affect the security of our registrar. In order to enter your chosen domain name into our system, we are required to process your data in a manner obligated in our contracts with Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (“ICANN”). In this respect, it is our understanding under applicable law that we act as a joint data controller of your Registrant Data, working in conjunction with the TLD registry and ICANN, as herein described. </p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">REGISTRAR</p> <p>With specific reference to the registration of a domain name, as Registrar, we are responsible for the following:</p> <ol> <li>collection of registration data;</li> <li>providing you notice and an opportunity to review both our Privacy Policy and the privacy policy of the relevant registry; </li> <li>providing you with adequate information and a means by which you may exercise your individual privacy rights, such as data access, deletion, and rectification; and</li> <li>this Privacy Policy sets out, in detail, both the purposes and the legal basis for our data processing. </li> </ol> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">REGISTRY OPERATOR</p> <p>A registry operator, retains the responsibility for the processing of data necessary for the registration and maintenance of domains within one of their TLDs.</p> <p class="margintop10"><span class="underline">CHOICE OF REGISTRY</span>: You should only choose a TLD with whom you feel comfortable sharing your information. It is important that you familiarize yourself with and understand the individual and specific privacy policy of the registry who is responsible for the TLD of your choice. See the list of specific privacy policies, that relate to each TLD <a href="/policies/additional-registry-requirements">here</a>. If you do not understand such policies, or you have questions regarding any of their policies, you should discuss this with the registry operator of your chosen domain, prior to registering via our service.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">ICANN</p> <p>ICANN is the private-sector body responsible for coordinating the global Internet's systems of unique identifiers. The mission of ICANN is to coordinate the stable operation of the Internet's unique identifier systems. More information about ICANN can be found here: <a href=""></a>. ICANN is responsible for identifying and requiring, by contract, both registry operators and registrars to provide to them registration data. Registrant Data we collect and process is data which ICANN deems necessary to ensure the ongoing security and stability of the DNS. </p> <p class="proximanovabold font18 margintop30">NAME.COM HOSTING SERVICE</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">DATA PROCESSOR</p> <p>When you choose as your hosting provider, please note that any video, image, or other content posted, uploaded or otherwise made available by you, at your discretion as user (data controller), onto your website, whether published content or not, is not considered personally identifiable information, therefore is not subject to our Privacy Policy.</p> <p class="margintop10">In all hosting agreements, merely processes such data on your behalf, subject to the terms of the <a href="/policies/webhosting-agreement">Web Hosting Services Agreement</a> you are expected to have due regard to applicable legal requirements regarding your own use of data on hosting.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">DISCLOSURE OF REGISTRANT AND HOSTING DATA</p> <p>There are instances where may have to disclose your personal data. At all times however, such disclosure shall be limited and subject to the required safeguards. </p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">WHOIS/RDAP</p> <p>Depending on applicable law, where necessary, Registration Data shall be made available to the public via an interactive webpage (<a href="/whois-lookup" target="_blank"></a>) and via a "port 43" WHOIS service or RDAP (Registration Data Access Protocol). It is important that you review your registry operators’ individual WHOIS/RDAP publication policy also prior to entering into a registration agreement. </p> <p class="margintop10">In the event you elect to utilize a <a href="/whois-privacy" target="_blank">privacy service</a>, the information of that service, rather than your personal WHOIS/RDAP Information, will be made available to the public. Please note that we are not able to control how members of the public may use the WHOIS/RDAP Information.</p> <p class="margintop10">Where the disclosure of personal data, such as is envisaged by WHOIS/RDAP, is considered to be incompatible with applicable law, will, to the best of its ability and wholly dependent on the accuracy of the data provided by you, ensure that such personal data is not unnecessarily disclosed. </p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">LIMITED DISCLOSURE WHERE NECESSARY</p> <p> may continue to disclose elements of this data, but will only do so in a manner as outlined under the Exceptions To Disclosure section below. It is important that you also review your registry operators’ individual WHOIS/RDAP publication policy also prior to entering into a registration agreement to ensure you are aware of the extent to which your personal data may be subject to disclosure.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">THIRD PARTIES PROCESSING DATA ON OUR BEHALF</p> <p>We ordinarily require that third parties receiving data agree, by way of a written agreement, to process such information in compliance with this Privacy Policy. will use reasonable efforts to limit any third party’s use of such information in compliance with applicable data privacy laws.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">DATA ESCROW (DOMAIN NAME REGISTRATIONS ONLY)</p> <p>, as Registrar, is required by ICANN to provide a copy of all registration data (including PI and non PI) to a secure third party who shall hold the data securely in Escrow (“Escrow Provider”). utilizes the services of ‘Iron Mountain Inc.’, a US Corporation, with servers in the United States, as its Escrow Provider. Data held by the Escrow Provider can be used to restore a registrar in the event of a catastrophic event, or a failure of the registrar’s systems. In this case, the data may be securely transferred to another registry to ensure the ongoing security and stability of the DNS and to prevent any interruption to the proper functioning of registered domains.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">EMAIL PROVIDER/CLOUD STORAGE</p> <p> uses the third party services of Google Inc.’s G-Suite for both email and associated cloud services. Your data may be stored on Google’s servers, subject to industry standard encryption and security protections.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">CLIENT RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM</p> <p> uses third party services to ensure the proper management of our client and customer service queries. Your data may be stored on each of our vendor’s servers; subject to industry standard encryption and security protections and in accordance with applicable legislation.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">ABUSE MANAGEMENT</p> <p> uses third party services to track reports, and actions relating to abusive use of our domains or the detection and mitigation of fraudulent activity on our platforms. Your data may be stored on each of these vendor’s servers, subject to industry standard encryption and security protections and in accordance with applicable legislation.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">ADVERTISERS</p> <p>We may share aggregated demographic information with our partners and advertisers. This is not linked to any personal information that can identify any individual person.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">PARTNERS</p> <p>We partner with other parties to provide specific services. When the user signs up for these services, we will share names, or other contact information that is necessary for the third party to provide these services. When you sign up for such a service, it is your personal responsibility to familiarize yourself with the privacy policy of that provider, and should you have any queries, please contact the relevant service provider, or, so that we may answer any queries you may have. </p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">SERVICE PROVIDERS</p> <p>We may engage other companies and individuals to perform enhanced services on our behalf. In addition, certain of our enhanced services require that we contact Internet directories and various search engines on your behalf. Many of our service providers have access to personal information needed to perform their services. These parties are not allowed to use personally identifiable information except for the purpose of providing these services in accordance with applicable legislation.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">AGENTS</p> <p>We may engage other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf. Examples include processing credit card payments, providing marketing assistance, providing customer services, sending postal mail and email to you, removing repetitive information from customer lists, and analyzing data. These persons have access to personal information needed to perform their functions. These companies do not retain, share, store or use personally identifiable information that you provide to us for any secondary purposes.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">BUSINESS TRANSFER</p> <p>As we continue to develop our business, we might sell or buy businesses or their assets. In such transactions, customer information generally is one of the transferred business assets in accordance with data legislation. Also, if we or all or substantially all of our assets were ever to be acquired, customer information will of course be one of the transferred assets in accordance with data legislation.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">EXCEPTIONS TO DISCLOSURE LIMITATIONS</p> <p> will not disclose your personal information except as pursuant to the terms of this Privacy Policy. There are however times where we may have to disclose information. Such instances are limited to disclosures:</p> <ul> <li>necessary to fulfill a transaction or provide information you have requested;</li> <li>in your vital interests or in the vital interests of another person, including events of an emergency that pose a threat to your safety; </li> <li>required by ICANN;</li> <li>required by law or necessary to respond to legal process; </li> <li>in circumstances in which believes that its registrar system, websites, domain names, or Services are being used in the commission of a crime or any illegal act;</li> <li>necessary to enforce our Acceptable Use Policy, and to protect the security or integrity of the DNS or our Website;</li> <li>as necessary to establish, assert, defend, or protect our rights or property; or </li> <li>as necessary to meet the requirements of requests, lawfully made by public authorities, including requests to meet national security or law enforcement requirements. </li> </ul> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">SHARING WITHIN IDENTITY DIGITAL FAMILY OF COMPANIES</p> <p>As part of the Identity Digital Inc. Family of Companies we may share information we have about you within the “Family of Companies”. Such sharing however shall be strictly limited in use. We will only share information about you to such members of the Family of Companies to facilitate, support and integrate their activities in a manner that is consistent with, and related to, the original stated use of the information, as explained to you upon collection, and to improve the provision of our services to you.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10"> AFFILIATES: </p> <p>The Family of Companies includes the following companies: Identity Digital Inc.; Dozen Donuts, LLC; Rightside Group, ltd; Nametrust, LLC;, Rightside Operating Co.; Domain Protection Services, Inc., Inc.;, Inc.; Name104, Inc.; Name105, Inc.; Name106, Inc.; Name107, Inc.; Name108, Inc.; Name109, Inc.; Name110, Inc.; Name111, Inc.; Name112, Inc.; Name113, Inc.; Name114, Inc.; Name115, Inc.; Name116, Inc.; Name117; Name118, Inc.; Name119, Inc.; Name120, Inc.; Name121, Inc.; Binky Moon, LLC; Corn Lake, LLC; Dog Beach, LLC; John Island, LLC; Pixie North, LLC; Blink Global LLC.</p> <p class="margintop10">The Family of Companies also includes the following non-U.S. based companies: Donuts (HK) Limited; Capable Network Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.; Rightside Domains Europe Limited; Canada Corp; Hot Media Inc, Acquire This Name, Inc.; Rightside Canada, Inc.; Rightside Canada Inc.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font20 margintop30 center" id="jump3">GENERAL PRIVACY CONDITIONS - ALL USERS</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">NOTE REGARDING SENSITIVE PERSONAL INFORMATION</p> <p>“Sensitive Personal Information” refers to personal information specifying medical or health conditions, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership or information specifying sex life of the individual.</p> <p class="margintop10">We do not ordinarily or knowingly require or collect Sensitive Personal information, nor do we use or disclose such information with third parties without your explicit consent.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">NOTE REGARDING CHILDREN (under 18 years of age)</p> <p>Please note that we do not knowingly permit or solicit information from individuals under eighteen (18) years of age. In addition we do not knowingly market our products or services to individuals under eighteen (18) years of age. You may use our services only with involvement and permission of a parent or guardian where it applies.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font18 margintop40">INFORMATION SECURITY</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">HOW SECURE IS INFORMATION ABOUT ME?</p> <p>We work to protect the security of your information during transmission by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts information you input and the information we may send to our agents.</p> <p class="margintop10">We have gone to great lengths to ensure your information is securely obtained and held in compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. For example, we encrypt your credit card number before it is stored in our database. This helps ensure that no one may access your credit card from our system.</p> <p class="margintop10">It is important for you to protect against unauthorized access to your password and to your computer. Be sure to sign off when finished using a shared computer.</p> <p class="margintop10">We have physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to help safeguard, prevent unauthorized access, maintain data security, and correctly use your information. To that extent, employs security measures that are deemed commensurate to the quality of data held, with due regard to the state of the art and cost of the available security measures, and the risk to the privacy rights of you, as data subject. We do not, nor can we, guarantee security. Neither people nor security systems are foolproof, including encryption systems.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">DATA BREACHES</p> <p>Where a breach occurs, shall, upon discovering such a breach, ensure that our obligations under applicable data privacy requirements, and with specific acknowledgement of Articles 33 and 34 of the GDPR, are complied with where applicable. </p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">RETENTION OF DATA</p> <p> does not retain any Personal Information for longer than is necessary.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">REGISTRANT DATA – REPORTS OF DNS ABUSE </p> <p>Where has specifically investigated or has taken action relating to a specific domain or domains, which have been flagged or confirmed as engaged in abusive behaviors (as per our acceptable use) we will ordinarily retain such data until such a time that such data is no longer necessary to defend against current or possible future suit(s). This period depends on limitation periods applicable, however should ordinarily be no longer than six (6) years. </p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">WHAT INFORMATION CAN I ACCESS?</p> <p>To access, update or delete your personal information, will provide you with access to certain information about you for the limited purpose of viewing and, in certain cases, updating that information. To view or change this information, log in to your account. When you update information, we usually keep a copy of the prior version for our records. </p> <p class="proximanovabold font18 margintop30">FOR EUROPEAN UNION CITIZENS, SWISS CITIZENS OR UNITED KINGDOM CITIZENS</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">ACCESS TO PERSONAL DATA </p> <p>Where applicable, you have the right to obtain from a confirmation as to whether or not your personal data is being processed. In addition, where such processing is confirmed, and you request it, we shall arrange access to the personal data and the following information;</p> <ol> <li class="alpha">the categories of personal data concerned;</li> <li class="alpha">the recipients or categories of recipient to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed;</li> <li class="alpha">where possible, the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored, or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period;</li> <li class="alpha">the existence of the right to request from the registrar, rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing of personal data concerning the data subject or to object to such processing;</li> <li class="alpha">the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;</li> <li class="alpha">where the personal data was not collected from the you by, any available information as to its source (e.g. referral program etc.); and</li> <li class="alpha">the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, referred to in Article 22(1) and (4) of the GDPR and, at least in those cases, meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of such processing for the data subject. </li> </ol> <p class="margintop10">Where your personal data is transferred to a third country you also have the right to be informed of the appropriate safeguards we have put in place pursuant to Article 46 of the GDPR relating to the transfer.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10"> COPIES OF THE DATA: </p> <p>, shall be happy to provide, where requested, a copy of that data, relating to you, which are being processed. Subject to the restrictions as noted in Article 23 of the GDPR.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">RECTIFICATION</p> <p>All personal information held by is that information which you have provided to us. To view, change or rectify this information, you should log in to your account. When you update information, we usually keep a copy of the prior version for our records. If this is deemed insufficient, or you are experiencing any difficulties in making the required updates, please contact us to effect any required rectifications. </p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">DELETION/ERASURE</p> <p>Where you as, the data subject, wish to erase personal data concerning you, will fulfill this request should one of the following grounds apply:</p> <ul> <li>the personal information is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed, e.g. the provision of our Services;</li> <li>where processing is based solely upon your required consent, and you withdraw this consent on which the processing is based;</li> <li>where you object to the processing, and where there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing; </li> <li>where you can demonstrate that the Personal Information has been unlawfully processed;</li> <li>where you provide notice that the Personal Information must be erased for compliance with a legal obligation as contained in a stated Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject; or</li> <li>where we are unable to demonstrate proper reliance on an exception under 17 (3) of the GDPR. </li> </ul> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">RIGHT TO ERASE DATA</p> <p>Where has publicly disclosed your data and where you have made a valid request to erase your personal data, we will, taking into account the available technology and the cost of implementation, take reasonable steps, including technical measures, to inform any controllers which are processing that personal data, of your request for erasure.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font18 margintop30">DATA PORTABILITY</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">REGISTRATION DATA</p> <p>For clarity, Registration Data are in the format as specified by ICANN (compatible with the relevant technical standards as stated in the IETFs RFCs). This ensures that all Registration Data, in the our system is held in a form that is easily transferable from one registrar to another (following stated transfer processes dictated by ICANN).</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">HOSTING</p> <p>You are responsible for the upload of all data to servers and as such, and as noted, any such uploads are not considered to be personal data for the purposes of this Privacy Policy. As per the <a href="/policies/webhosting-agreement">Web Hosting Services Agreement</a>, you are able to download and make copies or back-ups of all your uploaded data for onward use. </p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">DATA PRIVACY FRAMEWORKS</p> <p class="margintop10">, as part of Identity Digital Inc., complies with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF) as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce. We have certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that we adhere to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles (EU-U.S. DPF Principles) with regard to the processing of personal data received from the European Union in reliance on the EU-U.S. DPF. If there is any conflict between the terms in this privacy policy and the EU-U.S. DPF Principles, the Principles shall govern. To learn more about the Data Privacy Framework (DPF) program, and to view our certification, please visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> <p class="margintop10">Note that you have the right to access, correct, erase and limit the use and disclosure of your personal data processed by us. For assistance with accessing, correcting, or erasing your personal data, please contact us at <a href=""></a>. Please be aware that erasing your personal data may result in termination of the services you receive through us.</p> <p class="margintop10">As part of Donuts,’s accountability for the personal data that it receives under the Data Privacy Framework, and subsequently transfers to a third party, is described in the Data Privacy Framework Principles. In particular, we remain responsible and liable under the Data Privacy Framework Principles if third-party agents that it engages to process the personal data on its behalf do so in a manner inconsistent with the Principles, unless Donuts proves that it is not responsible for the event giving rise to the damage.</p> <p class="margintop10">In compliance with the Data Privacy Framework Principles, we commit to resolve complaints about your privacy and our collection or use of your personal information. European Union or Swiss individuals, or those persons resident in the United Kingdom, with inquiries or complaints regarding this Policy should first contact our Legal Department at <a href=""></a>, or by certified mail (return receipt requested) at: Identity Digital Inc., Attn: Privacy Section, Legal Department, 10500 NE 8th Street, Suite 750, Bellevue, WA 98004.</p> <p class="margintop10">We have further committed to refer unresolved privacy complaints under the Data Privacy Framework Principles to an independent dispute resolution mechanism, the BBB EU PRIVACY SHIELD, operated by the Council of Better Business Bureaus. If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your complaint, or if your complaint is not satisfactorily addressed, please visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a> for more information and to file a complaint. This service is provided free of charge to you. </p> <p class="margintop10">If your Data Privacy Framework complaint cannot be resolved through the above channels, under certain conditions, you may invoke binding arbitration for some residual claims not resolved by other redress mechanisms.</p> <p class="margintop10">Note that the US Federal Trade Commission has enforcement authority over our compliance with this Policy.</p> <p class="margintop10">If your Privacy Shield complaint cannot be resolved through the above channels, under certain conditions, you may invoke binding arbitration for some residual claims not resolved by other redress mechanisms. See Privacy Shield Annex 1 at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> <p class="margintop10">Note that the US Federal Trade Commission has enforcement authority over our compliance with this Policy.</p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">CHANGES AND UPDATES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY</p> <p>This Privacy Policy may be revised periodically and this will be reflected by the date below. Please revisit this page to stay aware of any changes. </p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop10">CONTACT US</p> <p>If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about our Privacy Policy and how it relates to our products and services, you may contact us by email at <a href=""></a> or by mail to one of the following address: </p> <p class="margintop10"> Identity Digital Inc.<br> 10500 NE 8th Avenue<br> Suite 750<br> Bellevue, WA 98004 <br> USA<br> </p> <p class="margintop10">If you are a resident of the EEA and believe we maintain your personal data subject to the General Data Protection Regulation, you may direct questions or complaints to our lead supervisory authority, the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner, as noted below:</p> <p class="margintop10"> Office of the Data Protection Commissioner.<br> Canal House, Station Road, Portarlington, Co. Laois, R32 AP23, Ireland.<br> Phone +353 (0761) 104 800 | LoCall 1890 25 22 31 | Fax +353 57 868 4757 <br> Email<br> </p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-11 margincentered marginbottom100 margintop30"> <h2 class="proximanovabold uppercase colorblack margintop30 font20 center" id="jump4">INFORMATION FOR CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS</h2> <p class="margintop20"> <strong>Scope.</strong> This section applies only to California residents. It describes how we collect, use and share Personal Information of California residents when we act as a “business” as defined under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”), and their rights with respect to their Personal Information. For purposes of this section, “Personal Information” has the meaning given in the CCPA but does not include information exempted from the scope of the CCPA. Additionally, this section does not apply to information we collect from you in the course of communicating with you in your capacity as an employee, controlling owner, director, officer or contractor of an organization (i.e., company, partnership, sole proprietorship, non-profit or government agency) in the context of performing due diligence on, or providing or receiving products or services to or from, that organization. In some cases we may provide a different privacy notice to certain categories of California residents, such as job applicants, in which case that notice will apply instead of this section. </p> <p class="margintop20"> <strong>Your California privacy rights.</strong> As a California resident, you have the rights listed below. However, these rights are not absolute, and in certain cases we may decline your request as permitted by law. </p> <p class="margintop10"> <ul> <li class="margintop5"> <strong>Information.</strong> You can request the following information about how we have collected and used your Personal Information during the past 12 months from the date of the request: <ul class="circle"> <li class="margintop5">The categories of Personal Information that we have collected.</li> <li class="margintop5">The categories of sources from which we collected the Personal Information.</li> <li class="margintop5">The categories of third parties with whom we share the Personal Information.</li> <li class="margintop5">Where applicable, the categories of Personal Information that we sold or disclosed for a business purpose.</li> <li class="margintop5">Where applicable, the categories of third parties to whom the Personal Information was sold or disclosed for a business purpose.</li> <li class="margintop5">Where applicable, the business or commercial purpose for collecting and/or selling Personal Information.</li> </ul> </li> <li class="margintop10"><strong>Access.</strong> You can request a copy of the Personal Information that we have collected about you during the past 12 months which will be provided in a portable user format. </li> <li class="margintop10"><strong>Deletion.</strong> You can ask us to delete the Personal Information that we have collected from you which will be acted on with regard to the CCPA. </li> <li class="margintop10"><strong>Non-discrimination.</strong> You are entitled to exercise the rights described above free from discrimination as prohibited by the CCPA. </li> </ul> </p> <a id="optout"></a> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop20">HOW TO EXERCISE YOUR RIGHTS</p> <p>You may submit requests to exercise your California privacy rights described above as follows:</p> <p class="margin10"> <ul> <li> <strong>Request to Know - Right to information, access and deletion.</strong> You may submit requests to exercise your right to information, access, or deletion by:</a> <ul class="circle"> <li class="margintop5">Visiting the <a href="" target="_blank">CCPA Request Form</a></li> <li class="margintop5">Emailing us at <a href=""></a> or <a href=""></a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </p> <p class="proximanovabold font16 margintop20">PERSONAL INFORMATION THAT WE COLLECT, USE AND DISCLOSE</p> <p>For each category of data described above, the following list describes the corresponding statutory categories of Personal Information specified by the CCPA in California Civil Code § 1798.140(o), the sources of that Personal Information (as further described in WEBSITE USERS, NAME.COM SERVICES, NAME.COM HOSTING SERVICE), the business/commercial purposes for collecting that Personal Information (as further described in WEBSITE USERS, NAME.COM SERVICES, NAME.COM HOSTING SERVICE), and the categories of third parties to whom we disclose your Personal Information (as further described in WEBSITE USERS, NAME.COM SERVICES, NAME.COM HOSTING SERVICE). Information you voluntarily provide to us, such as in free-form webforms, may contain other categories of personal information not described below. </p> <p class="margintop20"> <ul> <li class="margintop5"> <strong>User provided information / website users information</strong> (such as your name, address, telephone number, email address, and other data collected that could directly or indirectly identify you): <ul class="circle"> <li class="margintop5">CCPA category: identifiers.</li> <li class="margintop5">Sources: website users.</li> <li class="margintop5">Purposes: operate, maintain, and provide features and functionality of the website; send commercial, marketing, or other messages; compliance and protection; understand the usage patterns for certain content, services, advertisements, promotions, and/or functionality on the website.</li> <li class="margintop5">Categories of third parties to whom we may disclose: Identity Digital Inc. “Family of Companies”; business transferees and authorities.</li> </ul> </li> <li class="margintop10"> <strong>Cookies information / Log File Information / Analytics</strong> (such as from session cookies, persistent cookies, and information such as web requests, Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, browser type, browser language, referring/exit pages and URLs, platform type, number of clicks, domain names, landing pages, pages viewed and the order of those pages, the amount of time spent on particular pages, the date and time of those requests, user usage data, referring/exit pages, URLs, platform types, number of clicks): <ul class="circle"> <li class="margintop5">CCPA category: online identifiers; internet or network information.</li> <li class="margintop5">Sources: automatic collection (subject to browser settings).</li> <li class="margintop5">Purposes: operate, maintain, and provide to you the features and functionality of the website; send commercial, marketing, or other messages; compliance and protection; improve the quality and design of the website and create new features, promotions, functionality, and services by storing, tracking, and analyzing user preferences and trends; monitor the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns; monitor aggregate metrics such as total number of visitors, and pages viewed.</li> <li class="margintop5">Categories of third parties to whom we may disclose: partners; advertisers; business transferees; Identity Digital Inc. “Family of Companies” and authorities.</li> <li class="margintop5">For a list of all the cookies we use, and their uses, please see this cookie list (<a href=""></a>). To manage your cookie preferences and settings, go to <a class="ot-sdk-show-settings" href="#">Cookies Settings</a>.</li> </ul> </li> <li class="margintop10"> <strong>Administrative information</strong> (e.g. contact details such as email and telephone number): <ul class="circle"> <li class="margintop5">CCPA category: identifiers.</li> <li class="margintop5">Sources: customers / website users.</li> <li class="margintop5">Purposes: ensuring the proper administration of a customer account.</li> <li class="margintop5">Categories of third parties to whom we disclose: business transferees; Identity Digital Inc. “Family of Companies” and, authorities.</li> </ul> </li> <li class="margintop10"> <strong>Billing information / Payment details</strong> (such as information necessary for collecting payment for the services and products that a customer has purchased): <ul class="circle"> <li class="margintop5">CCPA category: identifiers; commercial information; financial information.</li> <li class="margintop5">Sources: customers.</li> <li class="margintop5">Purposes: collect payment for the services and products that you have purchased or obtained from us.</li> <li class="margintop5">Categories of third parties to whom we disclose: registry operator; Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers; business transferees; Identity Digital Inc. “Family of Companies” and, authorities.</li> </ul> </li> <li class="margintop10"> <strong>Domain registration data</strong> (such as contact information for the registrant, administrative contact, technical contact, and billing contact): <ul class="circle"> <li class="margintop5">CCPA category: identifiers.</li> <li class="margintop5">Sources: customers.</li> <li class="margintop5">Purposes: register domain and provide for related functionality; improve our Services, promotions and functionality; develop and collect aggregate statistics; communicate with customers/clients.</li> <li class="margintop5">Categories of third parties to whom we disclose: registry operator; WHOIS service; privacy service; escrow provider; partners; advertisers; business transferees; Identity Digital Inc. “Family of Companies” and authorities. </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </p> <p class="margintop20">We may draw inferences about user preferences and behavior from the information described above when analyzing it and use them to deliver and improve the Services. We may also use and share the information described above as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy. 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