Lumineers Dental Veneers -

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class="blog-posts single-post"> <article class="post clearfix mb-0"> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="entry-meta media no-bg no-border mt-15 pb-20"> <div class="media-body pl-15"> <div class="event-content pull-left flip"> <h4 class="entry-title text-white text-uppercase m-0"><a href="#">Lumineers Dental Veneers</a></h4> </div> </div> </div> <p class="mb-15"><strong>Dental Lumineers</strong> are a type of thin ceramic shell that we can use to make subtle changes to the shape and appearance of your teeth. They are often referred to as dental shells due to their thinness, similar to that of a contact lens. Because they do not require any preparation of the natural teeth, they are a good option for those who want a <strong>smile makeover</strong> that involves only minor changes.</p> <p class="mb-15">The best dental cement is used at the clinic to ensure a strong bond between the tooth and the Lumineer. This cement is sourced from leading global suppliers of dental products. If you are satisfied with the overall design of your smile but want to make minor adjustments or achieve a white shade, such as <strong>"Hollywood white"</strong>, Lumineers may be the best option. They are a form of cosmetic dentistry that can help you achieve the desired result.</p> <p class="mb-15">If you have teeth that are protruding, recessed, overcrowded or have gaps or damage, consider a different form of cosmetic dentistry, such as dental veneers or crowns. <strong>While Lumineers</strong> can be effective for making subtle changes to the appearance of your teeth, they may not be suitable for more significant corrections.</p> <p class="mb-15">You may wonder how a thin shell of porcelain can hold up to the wear and tear it will be subjected to. While Lumineers are thin, when bonded to and supported by your tooth, they create a strong and durable surface. Modern dentistry techniques allow for the creation of Lumineers in just a few visits, instantly providing you with a natural or Hollywood smile. Our clinic recommends using <strong>E.max漏 Lumineers</strong>, produced in-house using smile design technology.</p> <p class="mb-15">E.MAX漏 Lumineers are a type of <strong>all-ceramic veneer</strong> known for their attractive, translucent color, extra strength, and durability. Made from a single block of lithium ceramic, a high-grade material known for its toughness and durability, E.MAX漏 Lumineers have a natural, delicate appearance and are considered a good match for your teeth. As one of the strongest dental materials available, E.MAX漏 Lumineers are less likely to crack or fracture and are a long-lasting option for enhancing your smile. These lumineers are crafted from a pure ceramic block and available in shades, including Hollywood white.</p> <p class="mb-15">If you need to restore a single tooth with an E.MAX漏 Lumineer, dental technicians can apply shading to match the color of your surrounding teeth. It makes it difficult to distinguish between the lumineer and your natural teeth.</p> <p class="mb-15">E.MAX漏 Lumineers are made using <strong>CAD-CAM</strong> technology in the dental clinic. During your consultation, the technicians will use this technology to create a new smile design on the computer system. You will have the opportunity to review the design and request any changes you would like to make to the shape of your teeth or overall smile.</p> <p class="mb-15">Using this process, it is possible to achieve a seamless, natural-looking result with E.MAX漏 Lumineers.</p> <p class="mb-15">During the consultation process for <strong>E.MAX漏 Lumineers</strong>, you can bring in a reference photograph or picture of a smile you like as a guide for the design. If you are unsure of the best design for your mouth and face shape, cosmetic dentists and technicians have the expertise to create a custom design that will suit you.</p> <p class="mb-15">Once you have chosen or approved a design, the technicians will begin crafting your E.MAX漏 Lumineers. If you have any specific requests or preferences, let them know. With their experience and skill, they can help you achieve the smile you have always wanted.</p> <p class="mb-15"><strong>The VIP clinic in Marmaris</strong> has its own on-site dental ceramic studio equipped with advanced technology, including computer-aided software and a CAD-CAM machine. This allows them to create crowns in-house using E.MAX漏 porcelain blocks, saving time and money by eliminating the need for outside laboratory fees.</p> <p class="mb-15">The clinic's use of E.MAX漏 materials and technologies allows them to fabricate high-quality Lumineers in-house without needing outside assistance. If you only need a few <strong>Lumineers</strong>, our clinic can often complete the entire process in a single day. By having a dedicated studio on-site, the <strong>VIP clinic in Marmaris</strong> can offer exceptional service and results for their patients.</p> <p class="mb-15">The clinic offers E.MAX漏 Lumineers as a premium treatment option. While these high-quality brand-name lumineers may be expensive in other countries, the clinic can offer them at a more competitive price due to in-house CAD-CAM technology and the availability of <strong>E.MAX漏 porcelain blocks</strong>. Quality is never compromised, despite the lower cost.</p> <p class="mb-15">During the manufacturing process, the E.MAX漏 porcelain blocks are light purple and soft enough to be shaped using the CAD-CAM machine. Once the lumineers are cut to the desired shape, they are fired in a porcelain oven, where the purple color changes to the appropriate white shade as the material becomes dense.</p> <p class="mb-15">One of the benefits of E.MAX漏 Lumineers is that the process can often be completed in just a few dental appointments. The final design is customized to your preferences and approved by you before the lumineers are crafted. If you are considering <strong>Lumineers in Turkey</strong>, don't hesitate to contact the clinic for more information.</p> <div class="mt-30 mb-0"> <h5 class="pull-left mt-10 mr-20 text-theme-colored">Share:</h5> <ul class="styled-icons icon-circled m-0"> <li><a href="#" data-bg-color="#3A5795"><i class="fa fa-facebook text-white"></i></a></li> <li><a href="#" data-bg-color="#55ACEE"><i class="fa fa-twitter text-white"></i></a></li> <li><a href="#" data-bg-color="#A11312"><i class="fa fa-google-plus text-white"></i></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="sidebar sidebar-left mt-sm-30"> <div class="job-overview"> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt><i class="fa fa-calendar text-theme-colored mt-5 font-15"></i></dt> <dd> <h5 class="mt-0">Treatment Date</h5> <p>Contact Us</p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt><i class="fa fa-map-marker text-theme-colored mt-5 font-15"></i></dt> <dd> <h5 class="mt-0">Location:</h5> 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