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If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use the PRINTING United Alliance Sites or the Services. Your continued use of the PRINTING United Alliance Sites or Service following the posting of changes to these terms will mean that you accept those changes.</p> <h2>HOW WE COLLECT YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION</h2> <p>We may collect your personal information in the course of providing our services in hard copy and online (collectively, the “Services”), including but not limited to:</p> <ul> <li>The PRINTING United Alliance Sites of all types, including: <ul> <li>Online Workshop, webinar, expo, conference and other event registration sites;</li> <li>Online Awards and competition sites; and</li> <li>Online Search, directory, calendar and calculation tools.</li> <li>Publications of all type (“Publications”), including websites, newsletters, blogs, libraries and other online publications (each, an “Online Publication”).</li> <li>Our hard copy publications (“Paper Publications”).</li> <li>Our libraries, stores and other resources (“Resources”).</li> <li>Mobile applications and software on user devices (“PRINTING United Alliance Apps”).</li> <li>Pages on social media sites operated by others, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media (each a “Social Media Site”).</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p>Each person or entity who uses our Services or provides content to or for our Services is referred to as a “user” or “you” or “your”. If you subscribe to any of our Services, we will refer to you as a “Subscriber.” If you subscribe on behalf of another person, company or organization (“Company”), then you promise and warrant that you are authorized by the Company and that you have the right to bind the Company to these Terms. This Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use apply to each Company, which shall be considered a type of user.</p> <p>By using our Services you understand and agree that we are providing a platform for you to receive and post information and content, including comments and other materials (collectively, “content”) to the Services and to share content through the Services and through other means. This means that other users may see, use, or share any of your content that you make publicly available through our Services.</p> <ul> <li>Emails and Texts. We collect and may save private emails and/or text messages sent to us by users, and we may share your emails with any third parties or other users. Any public posts on the PRINTING United Alliance Services may be viewed by any user and are public to anyone who visits the Services. You may elect to disclose certain personal information and information that is not personal information (“non-personal information”). The information you submit in any public forums, including in providing content for use as part of the Services, is not confidential or private, and PRINTING United Alliance does not protect it. All information you choose to provide publicly, including information that identifies you or others, can be read, collected, or used by other users and by other third parties, and could be used to send you unsolicited messages and for other purposes.</li> <li>Third Party Data. We may supplement information you give us with information from other sources, such as information to validate or update your address, credit card or other demographic and lifestyle information. We use this information to help us maintain the accuracy of the information we collect, to target our communications so that we can inform you of products and services that may be of interest, and for internal business analysis or other business purposes.</li> <li>Social Media. In addition to media that we control, such as the PRINTING United Alliance Sites, the Publications, the PRINTING United Alliance Apps, and the Resources, you may post comments, photographs, drawings and other content on third party social media, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, each of which enforces its own terms of use and privacy policy for its service. This is also true for the PRINTING United Alliance pages on Social Media Sites. As noted in the Terms of Use, we may use and copy the content you post, which may contain personal information about you and other people in the form of names, email addresses and location information. You should be aware that a photograph or drawing of a person may be personal information to the extent the person may be recognized in and identified by the photograph or drawing. We may collect and use content and the personal information contained in the content to market our Services.</li> <li>Analytics. We use third-party analytics tools to help us measure traffic and usage trends and other non-personal information for the Services. These tools collect information sent by your device or our Services, including the web pages you visit, add-ons, and other information that assists us in improving our Services. We collect and combine this analytics information with analytics information from other users so that it cannot be used to identify any particular individual user.</li> <li>Metadata. Metadata is usually technical data that is associated with other data, including content. For example, metadata can describe how, when and by whom an item of content was collected and how that content is formatted. PRINTING United Alliance may collect and store metadata, including information about each user’s public posts on the Services.</li> <li>Links. PRINTING United Alliance may keep track of how you interact with links across our Services, including our email notifications and third-party services, by redirecting clicks or through other means. We do this to help improve our Services, to provide more relevant local data, and to be able to share aggregate click statistics, such as how many times a particular link was clicked on.</li> <li>Device Identifiers. We may access, collect, monitor, store on your device, or remotely store one or more “device identifiers.” Device identifiers are small data files or similar data structures stored on or associated with your computer, phone or other device, which uniquely identifies your device. A device identifier may be data stored in connection with the device hardware, data stored in connection with the device’s operating system or other software, or data sent to the device by PRINTING United Alliance. A device identifier may deliver information to us or to a third-party partner about how you browse and use the Services and may help us or others provide reports or personalized content and ads. Some features of the Services may not function properly if use or availability of device identifiers is impaired or disabled.</li> <li>Log Data. Our servers automatically record information (“log data”) created by your use of the Services. Log Data may include information such as your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, browser type, operating system, the referring web page, pages visited, location, your mobile carrier, device and application IDs, search terms, and cookie information. We receive log data when you interact with our Services, such as when you visit a PRINTING United Alliance Site, sign into our Services or interact with our email notifications. PRINTING United Alliance uses log data to review how we provide our Services and to measure, customize, and improve the Services.</li> <li>Other Uses. In addition to the specific uses of information described above in this Privacy Policy above, we may use personal information that we receive to: <ul> <li>help you efficiently access your information after you sign in.</li> <li>remember information so you will not have to re-enter it during your visit or the next time you visit the Services.</li> <li>provide personalized content and information to you and others, which, in the future, could include online ads or other forms of marketing.</li> <li>provide, improve, test, and monitor the effectiveness of our Services.</li> <li>develop and test new products and features.</li> <li>monitor metrics, such as total number of visitors, traffic, and demographic patterns.</li> <li>diagnose or fix technology problems.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2><strong>HOW WE USE PERSONAL INFORMATION THAT YOU PROVIDE</strong></h2> <ul> <li>Registration information. When you create or modify an account, or subscribe to any of our Services, or provide us with content, you provide personal information to us, such as your user name, password, postal address and email address. Some of this personal information, for example, your user name, may be listed publicly on our Services, including on your profile page and in search results (if applicable).</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Payment information. When you pay us using a credit card or other form of payment, we collect your personal information, such as your name, postal address and email address. We use a third-party payment processor to process your payments, so we do not store your credit card numbers or other payment information. Please note that our third-party payment processor does store and process your credit card numbers or other payment information in accordance with its privacy policy, as stated on its website, and subject to applicable law.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Profile information. We may use your contact information to send you information about our Services or to market to you. If you email us, we may keep your message, email address and contact information to respond to your request. Please note that most of our Services gather and use your personal information independently of each other, so each opt-in and opt-out of each Service is made via that Service. We do not provide a comprehensive dashboard for all of our Services at this time.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Location information. We may, from time-to-time request your location information  on our sites in the form of your address and zip code. However, when you post content or provide personal information to our website or to social media, you may provide your location information, including global positioning system (“GPS”) data or other location information embedded in or accompanying the content (<em>e.g.</em>, in tags or captions) or platform.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Communications between you and PRINTING United Alliance. We may send you emails (<em>e.g.</em>, account verification, changes/updates to features of the Services, technical and security notices), and we may collect and store these communications.</li> </ul> <h2><strong>HOW WE DISCLOSE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION</strong></h2> <p>We may disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:</p> <ul> <li>With Your Consent. We will share personal information with companies, organizations or individuals outside of PRINTING United Alliance when we have your consent to do so. All data and metadata collected during the registration for assets may be shared with the sponsors of those assets in order to contact you regarding their products and services in their normal course of business.</li> <li>Affiliates of PRINTING United Alliance. We may share your personal information with our PRINTING United Alliance affiliates (meaning entities controlled by, controlling or under common control with PRINTING United Alliance) as necessary to provide the Services.</li> <li>Third Party Advertisers. Some of our online Services use third parties to collect information through the use of cookies and web beacons. We may allow advertisers and advertising networks to collect information about you and your device (including mobile device IDs), activities, and geographic location to enable them to display targeted ads to you.</li> <li>Telephone Numbers. Users, Providers and Subscribers who supply us with their telephone numbers may receive telephone calls, texts and other communications from us with information regarding new products and services or upcoming events. If you do not want to receive such telephone communications, please let us know by sending email to us at the “Contact Us” email address or writing to us at the “Contact Us” postal address. Please provide us with your exact name, company name, address and phone number. We collect the mobile phone numbers of those who voluntarily provide them to us. Although any mobile program is complimentary and requires no purchase or fee for participation, standard messaging and data fees may apply. Check your mobile plan for more details.</li> <li>Service Providers. We employ third party companies and individuals to facilitate our Services (<em>e.g.</em>, payment processing, maintenance, analysis, audit, marketing and development). These third parties may have limited access to your personal information only to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated to PRINTING United Alliance not to disclose or use your personal information for other purposes.</li> <li>Required by Law. We may access, preserve and share your personal information in response to a legal request (like a search warrant, court order or subpoena). We may also access, preserve and share information when we have a good faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent and address fraud and other illegal activity; to protect ourselves, you and others, including as part of investigations; and to prevent death or imminent bodily harm. Information we receive about you may be accessed, processed and retained for an extended period of time when it is the subject of a legal request or obligation, governmental investigation, or investigations concerning possible violations of our terms or policies, or otherwise to prevent harm.</li> <li>Change of Control. If we sell or otherwise transfer part or the whole of PRINTING United Alliance or our assets to another organization (<em>e.g.</em>, a merger, acquisition, or reorganization), your personal information, such as user name and email address, content and any other information collected through the Services, may be among the items sold or transferred. You will continue to own your content, but each license you granted to us in the Terms of Use may be transferred to others. We will require any successor business entity to honor the terms of this Privacy Policy.</li> <li>Non-personal information. We may share aggregated information that is not personally-identifiable information (“non-personal information”) publicly and with publishers, marketers, advertisers or connected sites. For example, we may share non-personal information publicly to show trends about the general use of our Services. Non-personal information includes collective information about multiple users that does not reflect or reference an individually identifiable user.</li> <li>Mailing Opt-out. If you are a Subscriber or Provider of any content, your registration information may be shared with our advertisers when you click on their ads or any other hyperlink that takes you to their websites. If you supply us with your postal address you may receive periodic mailings from us with information about new products and services or upcoming events. If you do not want to receive such mailings, please let us know by sending an email to us or writing to us at the addresses provided in the “Contact Us” section. Please provide us with your exact name, company name and address. We will be sure your name is removed from the list we use internally, which may on a limited basis be shared with other organizations.</li> <li>Email Opt-out.  We collect the email addresses of those who voluntarily provide them to us, including users, Providers and Subscribers. You may receive relevant email offers for publications, web seminars, white papers, events, and other services. You may receive subscription, editorial and other messages and emails from any of the PRINTING United Alliance Services. If you do not want to receive these messages, you have an opportunity to opt out in the message footer.</li> <li>The email addresses we collect may also be made available to third parties who offer business-related products or services. We use an external vendor for processing these email messages, and they will not be allowed to keep your email address for their future use.  If you do not want to receive business-related third-party email offers from PRINTING United Alliance, please contact us at You may stop receiving business-related third-party email offers each time an offer is sent to you. Full instructions will appear at the bottom of each email. If you do not receive an email within ten business days of an opt-out request confirming your request you can send an email to us at</li> </ul> <h2><strong>PRIVACY SETTINGS</strong></h2> <p>Some of the privacy settings for the use of your personal information may be set at each Service. Once you have shared your personal information or your content, or otherwise made it public, that personal information and your content may be re-shared by others.</p> <h2><strong>COOKIES</strong></h2> <p>Cookies are unique identifiers that we transfer to your device to enable our systems to recognize your device and to provide features and personalized advertisements. We use cookies to make it easier to access and use our Services. Cookies may also be used to store potential purchases in your shopping cart between visits. The help feature on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether. You can also disable or delete similar data used by browser add-ons, such as flash cookies, by changing the add-on’s settings or visiting the website of its manufacturer. Because cookies allow you to take<br /> advantage of some of the Service’s essential features, we recommend that you leave them turned on. The online Services of PRINTING United Alliance use banner advertising serving software, which will place a cookie file on your computer’s hard drive in order to properly report advertising impressions to those who advertise with us on our online Services. Cookies are also used to display particular content and to set session identifiers for visitors who voluntarily join membership areas.</p> <p>By accessing and using the PRINTING United Alliance Sites, you expressly consent to the storage of cookies, other local storage technologies, beacons or other information on your computer or devices.  You also consent to the access of such cookies, local storage technologies, beacons and information by us.</p> <h2>HOW WE STORE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION</h2> <ul> <li>We provide the Services from within the United States, and we store all personal information that we currently collect and retain on servers inside the United States. In the future, we may store personal information on servers located outside the United States.</li> <li>By using our Services, or by submitting your personal Information to us, you consent to the collection, storage, processing and onward transfer of your personal Information as stated in the current version of this Privacy Policy and the current version of the Terms of Use <strong><em>[link]</em></strong>.</li> </ul> <h2>SECURITY</h2> <p>The security of your data is very important to PRINTING United Alliance. We have implemented appropriate security measures preventing your personal information from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorized way, altered or disclosed. However, you should know that no website operator or service provider, including PRINTING United Alliance, can fully eliminate security risks associated with personal information. While we have endeavored to create a secure and reliable website for users, the confidentiality of any communication or material transmitted to/from the PRINTING United Alliance Sites or via e-mail cannot be guaranteed.</p> <h2>LINKS</h2> <p>As a convenience to our Visitors and Subscribers, the PRINTING United Alliance Sites may contain links to other sites that we believe may offer useful information. As stated in more detail in the Terms of Use, the terms of usage and other conditions of use posted on those sites, and not the policies and procedures we described here, apply to those sites. You following links to any other websites is at your own risk, and you are responsible for learning about and complying with the terms of usage and other conditions posted on those websites.</p> <h2>RESPONSE TO “DO NOT TRACK” SIGNALS</h2> <p>Some Internet browsers include the ability to transmit “Do Not Track” signals.  Since uniform standards for “Do Not Track” signals have not yet been adopted, PRINTING United Alliance does not process or respond to “Do Not Track” signals.</p> <h2>CHILDREN</h2> <p>Our Services are not directed to persons under age 18. If you are the parent or guardian of a young person under 18, and you become aware that your young person has provided us with personal information or content without your express consent, please contact us at and we will remove such information or content, and we will terminate the young person’s account and any subscriptions.</p> <h2>CHANGES TO THIS PRIVACY STATEMENT</h2> <p>This Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time as we add new features and services, as laws change, and as industry privacy and security best practices evolve.  We display an effective date on the policy in the upper right corner of this Privacy Policy so that it will be easier for you to know when there has been a change. We may modify our Privacy Policy from time to time on thirty days prior notice sent to the email address we have for you. For any user who has not provided us with an email address, the revised Privacy Policy will become effective no less than thirty (30) days after posting on the PRINTING United Alliance website at <a href=""><strong>HTTP://PRINTING.ORG/PRIVACYPOLICY</strong></a>.<br /> Small changes or changes that do not significantly affect individual privacy interests may be made at any time and without prior notice.</p> <h2>UPDATING YOUR INFORMATION</h2> <p>If you wish to update the personal information that we maintain about you, please contact us at <strong><em></em></strong>.</p> <h2>CONTACT US</h2> <p>If you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us online at, or by postal mail addressed to:</p> <p>PRINTING United Alliance Attention: Privacy<br /> One Penn Center | 1617 JFK Boulevard | Suite 1750<br /> Philadelphia, PA 19103<br /> U.S.A.</p> <p>You can also reach us by telephone at (888) 385-3588.</p> </div><!--.inner-wrapper --> </div><!--.careerepage-bg --> </div> <div class="footer"> <div class="inner-wrapper"> <div class="textwidget"> <div class="left">Copyright &copy;2025 NAPCO Media LLC | All Rights Reserved | <a href="">Privacy Policy</a> | <a href="">Do Not Sell</a> <br>One Penn Center | 1617 JFK Boulevard | Suite 1750 | Philadelphia, PA 19103 USA | (215) 238-5300</div> <div class="right"><div id="scroll-brands">OUR BRANDS</div></div></div> </div> </div><!--.footer --> <div id="arrow-image" style="display:none;"> </div> <div id="footer-brand-data"> <div class="inner-brand-data inner-wrapper"> <ul class="footer-brand-listing"> <li> <a href="" class="market-brand-left">Promotional Products</a> <ul class="right-brand"> <li id="market-brand"><a href="" target="_blank">Apparel Decoration Summit</a></li><li id="market-brand"><a href="" target="_blank">Apparelist</a></li><li id="market-brand"><a href="" target="_blank">Promo Impressions</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="" class="market-brand-left">Printing &#038; 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