LKML: David Lang: Re: Kernel SCM saga..
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I've given you enough<br />>>> clues to do it for "git" in probably five lines of perl.<br />>> <br />>> Efficient database replication is achieved by copying the transaction<br />>> logs and then replaying them. Most mid to high end databases support<br />>> this. You only need to copy the parts of the logs that you don't<br />>> already have.<br />>> <br />> Databases supporting replication are called high end. You forgot the cats <br />> dance<br />> around the network this issue involves.<br /><br />And Postgres (which is Free in all senses of the word) is high end by this <br />definition.<br /><br />I'm not saying that it's an efficiant thing to use for this task, but <br />don't be fooled into thinking you need something on the price of Oracle to <br />do this job.<br /><br />David Lang<br /><br />-- <br />There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.<br /> -- C.A.R. 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