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Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more — all for only $19.99...</a></em></p> <p><span class="stiki">This list represents only a tiny fraction of articles available on the New Advent website. For a more complete list, please use the <strong>search box</strong> at the top of this page.</span></p> <a href="../cathen/08329a.htm"><strong>Yahweh</strong></a> - Proper name of God in the Old Testament<br> <a href="../cathen/15732a.htm">Yakima Indians</a> - A Shahaptian tribe formerly dwelling on the banks of the Columbia, the Wenatchee, and northern branches of the Yakima Rivers, in the east of Washington<br> <a href="../cathen/15732b.htm">Yamasee Indians</a> - A Muskhogean tribe, mentioned frequently in the history of South Carolina, residing formerly near the Savannah River and in Florida<br> <a href="../cathen/15732c.htm">Yaqui Indians</a> - A Cahita tribe, formerly dwelling near the Rio Yaqui<br> <a href="../cathen/15732d.htm">Yazoo Indians</a> - A small tribe formerly living on the lower course of Yazoo River, Mississippi, in close connection with several other tribes, including the Tonica<br> <a href="../cathen/15733a.htm">Yellow Knives</a> - A sub-arctic Dene tribe, called the Copper Indians by Hearne and other early English writers, and Red Knives by Mackenzie and Franklin<br> <a href="../cathen/02054a.htm">Yom Kippur</a> - A most solemn fast, on which no food could be taken throughout the day, and servile works were forbidden<br> <a href="../cathen/15733b.htm">York, Ancient See of</a> - The seat of metropolitan jurisdiction for the northern province<br> <a href="../cathen/14316b.htm">York, Cardinal of</a> - Cardinal, Duke of York, known by the Jacobites as 'Henry IX, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland'; born at Rome, 11 March, 1725; died at Frascati, 13 July, 1807<br> <a href="../cathen/15735a.htm">York, Use of</a> - Principle in medieval canon law that while as regards judicial matters, as regards the sacraments, and also the more solemn fasts, the custom of the Roman Church was to be adhered to<br> <a href="../cathen/15736a.htm">Youghal</a> - The Wardenship of Youghal, in the Diocese of Cloyne, was founded by Thomas, Eighth Earl of Desmond<br> <a href="../cathen/15736c.htm">Youville, Marie-Marguérite d'</a> - Biography of the founder of the Gray Nuns, or Sisters of Charity. She died in 1771<br> <a href="../cathen/15736b.htm">Young Men's Institute</a> - A Catholic fraternal organization, founded on 4 March, 1883, at San Francisco, California<br> <a href="../cathen/15737a.htm">Ysambert, Nicolas</a> - French theologian (1565-1642)<br> <a href="../cathen/15737b.htm">Yucatán, Archdiocese of</a> - Located in the Republic of Mexico; Campeche and Tabasco are its suffragans<br> <a href="../cathen/15738a.htm">Yukon, Prefecture Apostolic of</a> - Occupies the extreme northwestern portion of the Dominion of Canada<br> <a href="../cathen/15738b.htm">Yun-nan</a> - The Mission of Yun-nan includes the whole province, which is situated in the southwestern corner of China<br> <a href="../cathen/15738c.htm">Yuracaré Indians</a> - A Bolivian tribe living between Santa Cruz de la Sierra and Cochabamba<br> <a href="../cathen/08256b.htm">Yves, Saint</a> - Or St. Yves. Patron saint of lawyers, d. 1303<br> <a href="../cathen/08257a.htm">Yves of Chartres, Saint</a> - Essay on the life and writings of this bishop, who died in 1116<br> <div class='catholicadnet-728x90' id='cathen-728x90-bottom' style='text-align: center; width: 100%; '></div> </div> <div id="ogdenville"><table summary="Bottom bar" width="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td class="bar_white_on_color"><center><strong>Copyright © 2023 by <a href="../utility/contactus.htm">New Advent LLC</a>. Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.</strong></center></td></tr></table><p align="center"><a href="../utility/contactus.htm">CONTACT US</a> | <a href="">ADVERTISE WITH NEW ADVENT</a></p></div><!-- Sticky Footer --> <ins class="CANBMDDisplayAD" data-bmd-ad-unit="30849120210203T1734389107AB67D35C03D4A318731A4F337F60B3E" style="display:block"></ins> <script src=""></script> <!-- /Sticky Footer --> </body> </html>