CINXE.COM Race Pro: Xbox 360: Video Games
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class="bucket normal"> <h2>Product Features</h2> <div class="content"> <ul style="list-style-type: disc; margin-left: 25px;"> <li>Thrilling Driving Experience: Players will feel every bend and burst of acceleration as well as every emotion from pre-race tension in the pit lanes to exhilaration on the podium.</li> <li>Unrivalled Racing World Realism: Users will be deeply immersed into the racing world with ultra realistic car models, official championships and tracks.</li> <li>Wide Variety of Cars: Players can choose from vehicles ranging from 200 to over 1000 horse power, GT cars, WTCC extreme cars, formula and production cars.</li> <li>Real Life Tracks: Gamers can experience the thrill of sport racing with over 15 real life tracks covering all continents, of which Macau, Porto and Pau are exclusive to RACE Pro.</li> <li>Real Life Tracks: Gamers can experience the thrill of sport racing with over 15 real life tracks covering all continents, of which Macau, Porto and Pau are exclusive 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simulation experience so that nothing gets closer to the action and thrill of professional car racing. RACE Pro provides unrivalled realism and deep immersion into the racing world through ultra realistic car models and official FIA championships and tracks. RACE Pro offers a wealth of cars ranging from 200 to over 1000 horse power, as well as a host of championships including WTCC (World Touring Car Championship), Formula 3000 and Formula BMW. Gamers and racing fans alike will experience the thrill of racing these powerful cars on 13 real life tracks covering all continents, of which Macau, Porto and Pau are city tracks exclusive to RACE Pro, and US tracks Laguna Seca and Road America are brand new to SimBin fans. <br/><br/> <b>Product Description</b><br/> Race Pro recreates a breathtaking reality giving you the ultimate racing simulation experience - with precision physics and handling, you will feel every bend and burst of acceleration along with every emotion from pre-race tension in the pit lanes to the exhilaration of capturing the checker flag. Race Pro provides unrivalled realism and deep immersion into the racing world through ultra realistic car models and official FIA championships and tracks. <br><br>Race Pro offers a wealth of cars ranging from 200 to over 1000-horse power, as well as a host of championships including WTCC (World Touring Car Championship), Formula 3000 and Formula BMW. GT cars from manufacturers including Aston Martin and Saleen take their place on the grid as well as production cars such as the Audi R8 and Dodge Viper SRT10. In addition, Race Pro is exclusively bringing all the WTCC cars from manufacturers Alfa Romeo, BMW, Chevrolet and Seat to Xbox 360 for the very first time. For a blast of accessible fun, the Mini Cooper Challenge invites you to take the wheel. You along with racing fans alike will experience the thrill of racing these powerful cars on 13 real life tracks covering all continents, of which Macau, Porto and Pau are exclusive to Race Pro, and US tracks Laguna Seca and Road America. Damage Weather conditions High precision car settings Racing Immersion WTCC Formula 3000 Formula BMW Mini Cooper Challenge 13 Official FIA tracks & other non-official championships 350 models out of 48 cars from 200 to over 1000 HP World Champion '05, '06, '07 Andy Priaulx 's BMW 320 Si </div> </div> </div> <div id="content-provider-review_feature_div"> </div> <div id="center-41_feature_div"> <style type="text/css"> #cpsims div.content { margin-left: 20px; } #cpsims td.faceout { padding: 0px 10px 10px 0px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; } #cpsims td.asinDetails { padding: 0px 0px 10px 0px; text-align: left; vertical-align: middle; } #cpsims .activeAsin { color: #009900; } #cpsims .asinList { margin-top: 12px; } #cpsims .simFooter { margin-top: 5px; } #cpsims .starImage { vertical-align: middle; } #cpsims div.medialine td.asinDetails div { display: inline; } #cpsims .rating-stars { font-size: xx-small; } #cpsims .rating-stars a, #cpsims .rating-stars a:link { text-decoration: none; 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