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I think though it would have been good to note that...</a></h3> <div class="tbname"> Jeffrey Szczepanski– 11-25-2009 12:27:35 CST<br/> in response to <a href="/web/20091202053405/" title="PV Growth Ramps, but Is Still Subsidy-Dependent">PV Growth Ramps, but Is Still Subsidy-Dependent</a> </div> </li> <li><h3><a href="/web/20091202053405/" title="Global PV Standards Roadmap Accelerates Cost-Effective PV Manufacturing">Don't we need any testing standards for Solar or PV industry (similar to...</a></h3> <div class="tbname"> Krishna Mohan– 11-24-2009 8:53:03 CST<br/> in response to <a href="/web/20091202053405/" title="Global PV Standards Roadmap Accelerates Cost-Effective PV Manufacturing">Global PV Standards Roadmap Accelerates Cost-Effective PV Manufacturing</a> </div> </li> <li><h3><a href="/web/20091202053405/" title="Solution Processing Method Enables Low-Cost CIGS-Based Solar Cells">Its good to know that UCLA group has done good work to achieve ~9% eff. for CISSe...</a></h3> <div class="tbname"> Ranga Rao– 11-18-2009 6:54:34 CST<br/> in response to <a href="/web/20091202053405/" title="Solution Processing Method Enables Low-Cost CIGS-Based Solar Cells">Solution Processing Method Enables Low-Cost CIGS-Based Solar Cells</a> </div> </li> <li><h3><a href="/web/20091202053405/" title="Yes, Installing PV Is Capital-Intensive – Other Things Are Costlier">Interesting concept, Paula. Buy now, install later. Great, if it was that...</a></h3> <div class="tbname"> ablazev– 11-19-2009 12:25:01 CST<br/> in response to <a href="/web/20091202053405/" title="Yes, Installing PV Is Capital-Intensive – Other Things Are Costlier">Yes, Installing PV Is Capital-Intensive – Other Things Are Costlier</a> </div> </li> </ul> <a href="/web/20091202053405/" title="View All Talkback Threads">VIEW ALL TALKBACK THREADS</a> </div><!-- end tabblock --> </div><!-- end tabtalkback --> </div> <!-- end tabcontent --> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- initRollTabs('tab4575-', 'tabcontent4575', tabbox, tabboximgindex,2, 1) // --> </script> </div> <!-- end tabcontents --> </div> <div class="middlebox"> <div class="middleboxtop"><div class="mostviewed">Most Popular Pages</div></div> <div class="middleboxbtm"> <ul class="imglist"> <li><h4><a href="/web/20091202053405/" title="Oerlikon Gets Order for Multiple Solaris Systems">Oerlikon Gets Order for Multiple Solaris Systems</a></h4> </li> <li><h4><a href="/web/20091202053405/" title="PV Growth Ramps, but Is Still Subsidy-Dependent">PV Growth Ramps, but Is Still Subsidy-Dependent</a></h4> </li> <li><h4><a href="/web/20091202053405/" title="Solyndra Secures Another Commercial Roofand alwitra Sign Framework Agreement">Solyndra Secures Another Commercial Roofand alwitra Sign Framework Agreement</a></h4> </li> <li><h4><a href="/web/20091202053405/" title="Organic PVs Promise Better Efficiency">Organic PVs Promise Better Efficiency</a></h4> </li> <li><h4><a href="/web/20091202053405/" title="DuPont Apollo Thin-Film Facility Opens in China">DuPont Apollo Thin-Film Facility Opens in China</a></h4> </li> </ul> </div><!-- end middleboxbtm --> </div><!-- end middlebox --><!-- Generated: middlecolumn|channel_pst_events|2 - 2009-12-01 22:03:05 --> <div class="middlebox"> <div class="middleboxtop"><h3>Events</h3></div> <div class="middleboxbtm"> <ul class="imglist" id="event_home"> <br> <li><h4><a href="/web/20091202053405/" title="Atlas Technical Conference on Accelerated Aging">Atlas Technical Conference on Accelerated Aging</a></h4> <div class="date">December 08-10, 2009</div> <div class="location"><span class="location">Location: </span>4114 North Ravenswood Avenue</div> </li> <br> <li><h4><a href="/web/20091202053405/" title="2nd Annual Concentrated Photovoltaic Summit">2nd Annual Concentrated Photovoltaic Summit</a></h4> <div class="date">February 02-03, 2010</div> <div class="location"><span class="location">Location: </span>San Diego</div> </li> <br> <li><h4><a href="/web/20091202053405/" title="ExpoSolar 2010">ExpoSolar 2010</a></h4> <div class="date">February 03-05, 2010</div> <div class="location"><span class="location">Location: </span>13F. 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