Kanzi the Bonobo, Who Learned Language and Made Stone Tools, Dies at Age 44 | Scientific American
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class="article_date_and_read_time-yLEUt"><p class="article_pub_date-EsKM-">March 20, 2025</p><p class="article_read_time-zEJJG">3<!-- --> min read</p></div><h1 class="article_hed-9vUZD"><p>Kanzi the Bonobo, Who Learned Language and Made Stone Tools, Dies at Age 44</p></h1><div class="article_dek-bmjfm"><p>What we learned about ape and human cognition from Kanzi the bonobo, who died this week</p></div><p class="article_authors-s5nSV">By <a class="article_authors__link--mMFB" href="/author/kate-wong/">Kate Wong</a> <span class="article_editors__links-V04HR">edited by <a class="article_authors__link--mMFB" href="/author/jeanna-bryner/">Jeanna Bryner</a></span></p><figure class="lead_image-fsyNn"><img src="" alt="Kanzi the bonobo gazes into the camera" srcSet=" 600w, 900w, 1000w, 1200w, 1350w" sizes="(min-width: 900px) 900px, (min-resolution: 2dppx) 75vw, (min-resolution: 2.1dppx) 50vw, 100vw" class="lead_image__img-a95Fr" style="--w:2250;--h:3000" fetchpriority="high"/><figcaption class="lead_image__figcaption-SotM9"><div class="lead_image__caption-0inkv"><p>Kanzi the bonobo died on March 18, 2025, at the age of 44.</p></div> <div class="lead_image__credit-ztR8W"><p>Ape Initiative</p></div></figcaption></figure><div class="article_eyebrows-BqeOV"><div class="eyebrows_container-QeE5W"></div></div></div><div class="body-n28ll prose-Yw0x0 prose-v4bYC article__body-ivA3W"><p class="" data-block="sciam/paragraph">Kanzi the <a href="">bonobo</a>, who learned how to communicate with humans using symbols, has died at the age of 44. Raised and kept in captivity, Kanzi was the subject of many studies aimed at illuminating <a href="">ape cognition</a> and the origins of human language and <a href="">tool use</a>.</p><h2 id="why-it-matters" class="" data-block="sciam/heading"><b>Why It Matters</b></h2><p class="" data-block="sciam/paragraph">Kanzi was not the first great ape to learn how to <a href="">communicate with humans</a> using symbols. Koko the gorilla and Washoe the chimpanzee learned signs that were adapted from American Sign Language. But unlike his predecessors, who acquired their skills through direct training from researchers, Kanzi developed an interest in such symbols on his own when his adoptive mother, Matata, was receiving lessons on how to use keyboard lexigrams to communicate. Kanzi went on to learn hundreds of symbols that represented various objects and activities, as well as some more abstract concepts. Sometimes he combined these symbols to create new meaning.</p><hr/><h2>On supporting science journalism</h2><p>If you're enjoying this article, consider supporting our award-winning journalism by<!-- --> <a href="/getsciam/">subscribing</a>. By purchasing a subscription you are helping to ensure the future of impactful stories about the discoveries and ideas shaping our world today.</p><hr/><p class="" data-block="sciam/paragraph">Kanzi was also something of a technologist. Archaeologists Nicholas Toth and Kathy Schick, both at Indiana University, began working with Kanzi in 1990 to teach him and his sister Panbanisha how to make stone tools by using one rock as a hammerstone to remove sharp flakes from another rock called a core. “Kanzi slowly got more adept at flaking stone through time,” Toth recalls. Early in Kanzi’s training, he invented his own technique for <a href="">making stone tools</a>, throwing a flint cobble against a hard tile floor to remove larger flakes. He would then use the flakes to cut a cord to open a box with a food treat inside. After developing this technique, Toth says, Kanzi “seemed to realize that the force of impact was important in getting larger usable flakes” and applied this newfound knowledge when he resumed using the hammerstone-and-core technique to make tools.</p><figure style="--w:1537;--h:2049" data-original-class="cms-image" class="" data-block="sciam/image"><a aria-label="Open image in new tab" href="" target="_blank"><picture> <source media="(min-width: 0px)" sizes="(min-width: 900px) 900px, (min-resolution: 3dppx) 50vw, (min-resolution: 2dppx) 75vw, 100vw" srcset=" 600w, 750w, 900w, 1000w, 1200w, 1350w"/> <img alt="Portrait of Kanzi the bonobo from chest up" decoding="async" height="2049" loading="lazy" src="" width="1537"/> </picture></a> <figcaption> <div class="caption"><p>Kanzi the bonobo learned hundreds of symbols to represent objects, activities and abstract concepts over his lifetime.</p></div> <div class="credits"><p>Ape Initiative</p></div> </figcaption></figure><p class="" data-block="sciam/paragraph">Kanzi’s toolmaking skills fell short of those of modern-day humans and our ancestors, however. When Toth and Schick compared Kanzi and Panbanisha’s handiwork with their own and that of human ancestors who lived 2.6 million years ago, they found that the bonobos had many more failed attempts at removing flakes from the cores—and that the flakes the bonobos did produce were smaller than the ones made by humans. “We feel that their limitations in flaking were both biomechanical and cognitive,” Toth says. “You have to recognize acute angles on core edges and strike in the right place and at the right angle with your stone hammer to successfully remove flakes.”</p><h2 id="what-the-experts-say" class="" data-block="sciam/heading"><b>What the Experts Say</b></h2><p class="" data-block="sciam/paragraph">Primatologist Jill Pruetz of Texas State University, who studies wild chimpanzees in Senegal, <a href="">shared her memories of Kanzi</a> on Facebook: “I was lucky enough to meet Kanzi a few times & even got to hold a conversation with him via his symbol board and got to play chase with him too,” she wrote. “He had a hard time understanding my spoken words only if it was a word that had a soft ‘a’ sound in it, which I blame on my Texas accent.”</p><p class="" data-block="sciam/paragraph">One of Pruetz’s favorite pieces of Kanzi lore, she added, was a story about him using two of his symbols to describe a frightening beaver he discovered in his new outdoor habitat in Iowa. “He combined the symbols for ‘water’ and ‘gorilla,’ the latter referred to something scary in his world, and I always think of beavers ... as water gorillas now,” she wrote.</p><h2 id="more-about-kanzi" class="" data-block="sciam/heading"><b>More about Kanzi</b></h2><p class="" data-block="sciam/paragraph">Kanzi was born in 1980 at what is now the Emory National Primate Research Center Field Station. He and Panbanisha were moved to the Language Research Center at Georgia State University in 1985. From there the siblings were sent to the Great Ape Trust in Des Moines, Iowa. That research facility eventually closed amid accusations of <a href="">animal neglect</a>, among other troubles, shortly after Panbanisha died there in 2012. The Ape Conservation and Cognition Initiative (ACCI) took over the facility in 2013. On March 19, 2025, <a href="">the ACCI announced</a> that Kanzi had died on March 18. According to the ACCI, Kanzi hadn’t shown any signs of illness that day and had spent the morning foraging for breakfast, chasing his nephew Teco and enjoying enrichment surprises before settling in for a grooming session and becoming unresponsive. Kanzi’s cause of death is unknown; necropsy results are pending. He was being treated for heart disease.</p></div><footer class="footer-u1I4n"><div class="divide-L7a-x"><div class="rights-Y0o9k"><a target="_blank" href="">Rights & Permissions</a></div></div><div class="divide-L7a-x"></div><div class="divide-L7a-x"><div class="subdivide-5Zp4J"><div class="bio-LnT3Q"><p><b><a class="bioLink-kqdDv" href="/author/kate-wong/">Kate Wong</a></b> is an award-winning science writer and senior editor at <i>Scientific American</i> focused on evolution, ecology, anthropology, archaeology, paleontology and animal behavior. She is fascinated by human origins, which she has covered for more than 25 years. Recently she has become obsessed with birds. 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44. Raised and kept in captivity, Kanzi was the subject of many studies aimed at illuminating ape cognition and the origins of human language and tool use.</p>","why_box":"","content":[{"tag":"p","type":"paragraph","attributes":{},"content":"Kanzi the <a href=\\"\\">bonobo</a>, who learned how to communicate with humans using symbols, has died at the age of 44. Raised and kept in captivity, Kanzi was the subject of many studies aimed at illuminating <a href=\\"\\">ape cognition</a> and the origins of human language and <a href=\\"\\">tool use</a>."},{"tag":"h2","type":"heading","attributes":{},"content":"<b>Why It Matters</b>"},{"tag":"p","type":"paragraph","attributes":{},"content":"Kanzi was not the first great ape to learn how to <a href=\\"\\">communicate with humans</a> using symbols. Koko the gorilla and Washoe the chimpanzee learned signs that were adapted from American Sign Language. But unlike his predecessors, who acquired their skills through direct training from researchers, Kanzi developed an interest in such symbols on his own when his adoptive mother, Matata, was receiving lessons on how to use keyboard lexigrams to communicate. Kanzi went on to learn hundreds of symbols that represented various objects and activities, as well as some more abstract concepts. Sometimes he combined these symbols to create new meaning."},{"tag":"p","type":"paragraph","attributes":{},"content":"Kanzi was also something of a technologist. Archaeologists Nicholas Toth and Kathy Schick, both at Indiana University, began working with Kanzi in 1990 to teach him and his sister Panbanisha how to make stone tools by using one rock as a hammerstone to remove sharp flakes from another rock called a core. “Kanzi slowly got more adept at flaking stone through time,” Toth recalls. Early in Kanzi’s training, he invented his own technique for <a href=\\"\\">making stone tools</a>, throwing a flint cobble against a hard tile floor to remove larger flakes. He would then use the flakes to cut a cord to open a box with a food treat inside. After developing this technique, Toth says, Kanzi “seemed to realize that the force of impact was important in getting larger usable flakes” and applied this newfound knowledge when he resumed using the hammerstone-and-core technique to make tools."},{"tag":"figure","type":"image","attributes":{"class":"cms-image","style":"--w: 1537; --h: 2049; "},"content":"<a aria-label=\\"Open image in new tab\\" href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\"><picture>\\n<source media=\\"(min-width: 0px)\\" sizes=\\"(min-width: 900px) 900px, (min-resolution: 3dppx) 50vw, (min-resolution: 2dppx) 75vw, 100vw\\" srcset=\\" 600w, 750w, 900w, 1000w, 1200w, 1350w\\"/>\\n<img alt=\\"Portrait of Kanzi the bonobo from chest up\\" decoding=\\"async\\" height=\\"2049\\" loading=\\"lazy\\" src=\\"\\" width=\\"1537\\"/>\\n</picture></a>\\n<figcaption>\\n<div class=\\"caption\\"><p>Kanzi the bonobo learned hundreds of symbols to represent objects, activities and abstract concepts over his lifetime.</p></div>\\n<div class=\\"credits\\"><p>Ape Initiative</p></div>\\n</figcaption>"},{"tag":"p","type":"paragraph","attributes":{},"content":"Kanzi’s toolmaking skills fell short of those of modern-day humans and our ancestors, however. When Toth and Schick compared Kanzi and Panbanisha’s handiwork with their own and that of human ancestors who lived 2.6 million years ago, they found that the bonobos had many more failed attempts at removing flakes from the cores—and that the flakes the bonobos did produce were smaller than the ones made by humans. “We feel that their limitations in flaking were both biomechanical and cognitive,” Toth says. “You have to recognize acute angles on core edges and strike in the right place and at the right angle with your stone hammer to successfully remove flakes.”"},{"tag":"h2","type":"heading","attributes":{},"content":"<b>What the Experts Say</b>"},{"tag":"p","type":"paragraph","attributes":{},"content":"Primatologist Jill Pruetz of Texas State University, who studies wild chimpanzees in Senegal, <a href=\\"\\">shared her memories of Kanzi</a> on Facebook: “I was lucky enough to meet Kanzi a few times & even got to hold a conversation with him via his symbol board and got to play chase with him too,” she wrote. “He had a hard time understanding my spoken words only if it was a word that had a soft ‘a’ sound in it, which I blame on my Texas accent.”"},{"tag":"p","type":"paragraph","attributes":{},"content":"One of Pruetz’s favorite pieces of Kanzi lore, she added, was a story about him using two of his symbols to describe a frightening beaver he discovered in his new outdoor habitat in Iowa. “He combined the symbols for ‘water’ and ‘gorilla,’ the latter referred to something scary in his world, and I always think of beavers ... as water gorillas now,” she wrote."},{"tag":"h2","type":"heading","attributes":{},"content":"<b>More about Kanzi</b>"},{"tag":"p","type":"paragraph","attributes":{},"content":"Kanzi was born in 1980 at what is now the Emory National Primate Research Center Field Station. He and Panbanisha were moved to the Language Research Center at Georgia State University in 1985. From there the siblings were sent to the Great Ape Trust in Des Moines, Iowa. That research facility eventually closed amid accusations of <a href=\\"\\">animal neglect</a>, among other troubles, shortly after Panbanisha died there in 2012. The Ape Conservation and Cognition Initiative (ACCI) took over the facility in 2013. On March 19, 2025, <a href=\\"\\">the ACCI announced</a> that Kanzi had died on March 18. According to the ACCI, Kanzi hadn’t shown any signs of illness that day and had spent the morning foraging for breakfast, chasing his nephew Teco and enjoying enrichment surprises before settling in for a grooming session and becoming unresponsive. Kanzi’s cause of death is unknown; necropsy results are pending. He was being treated for heart disease."}],"authors":[{"mura_id":"B86446B8-62C1-43FE-97FEDA849BE9AC9C","url":"/author/kate-wong/","contentful_id":"yFCZVJF1IeLZ9q5CFd2IB","name":"Kate Wong","slug":"kate-wong","biography":"<p><b>Kate Wong</b> is an award-winning science writer and senior editor at <i>Scientific American</i> focused on evolution, ecology, anthropology, archaeology, paleontology and animal behavior. She is fascinated by human origins, which she has covered for more than 25 years. Recently she has become obsessed with birds. Her reporting has taken her to caves in France and Croatia that Neandertals once called home, to the shores of Kenya's Lake Turkana in search of the oldest stone tools in the world, to Madagascar on an expedition to unearth ancient mammals and dinosaurs, to the icy waters of Antarctica, where humpback whales feast on krill, and on a \\"Big Day\\" race around the state of Connecticut to find as many bird species as possible in 24 hours. Kate is co-author, with Donald Johanson, of <i>Lucy's Legacy: The Quest for Human Origins</i>. She holds a bachelor of science degree in biological anthropology and zoology from the University of Michigan. Follow Wong on X (formerly Twitter) <a href=\\"\\">@katewong</a></p>","picture_file":null,"category":"Staff","contacts":[]}],"editors":[{"mura_id":"48C13A35-EA38-4553-8AEAA29E458F5B26","url":"/author/jeanna-bryner/","contentful_id":"21Tslq9zqoxJCZf8dy9vKw","name":"Jeanna Bryner","slug":"jeanna-bryner","biography":"<p><b>Jeanna Bryner</b> is interim editor in chief of <i>Scientific American</i>. Previously she was editor in chief of Live Science and, prior to that, an editor at Scholastic's <i>Science World</i> magazine. Bryner has an English degree from Salisbury University, a master's degree in biogeochemistry and environmental sciences from the University of Maryland and a graduate science journalism degree from New York University. She has worked as a biologist in Florida, where she monitored wetlands and did field surveys for endangered species, including the gorgeous Florida Scrub Jay. She also received an ocean sciences journalism fellowship from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 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