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McCaffrey</h3> <p><p>battle of, an engagement fought near Ḵᵛoy in northwestern Azerbaijan on 23 August 1514, resulting in a decisive victory for the Ottoman forces under Sultan Salīm I over the Safavids led by Shah Esmāʿīl I. No single event prompted Salīm&rsquo;s decision to wage war. It was the direct and inevitable result of the establishment of the Safavid state.</p></p> <small><em>This Article Has Images/Tables.</em></small> </li> <li > <h2><a href="/articles/calendars">CALENDARS</span></a></h2> <h3>Antonio Panaino, Reza Abdollahy, Daniel Balland</h3> <p><p><em>i. Pre-Islamic calendars. ii. In the Islamic period. iii. Afghan calendars. iv. Other modern calendars.</em> Although evidence of calendrical traditions in Iran can be traced back to the 2nd millennium B.C., before the lifetime of Zoroaster, the earliest calendar that is fully preserved dates from the Achaemenid period.&nbsp;</p></p> <small><em>This Article Has Images/Tables.</em></small> </li> <li class="odd"> <h2><a href="/articles/cali">ČĀLI</span></a></h2> <h3>Cross-Reference</h3> <p><p>See <a href="/articles/cal">ČĀL</a>.</p></p> </li> <li > <h2><a href="/articles/caliphs-and-the-caliphate-as-viewed-by-the-shiites-of-persia">CALIPHS AND THE CALIPHATE</span></a></h2> <h3>Hamid Algar</h3> <p><p>as viewed by the Shiʿites of Persia.</p></p> </li> <li class="odd"> <h2><a href="/articles/callias-peace-of-peace-made-by-xerxes-and-or-artaxerxes-i-qq">CALLIAS, PEACE OF</span></a></h2> <h3>Ernst Badian</h3> <p><p>peace made by Xerxes and/or Artaxerxes I with Athens and her confederacy in the 5th century B.C.</p></p> </li> <li > <h2><a href="/articles/calligraphy">CALLIGRAPHY</span></a></h2> <h3>Ḡolām-Ḥosayn Yūsofī</h3> <p><p>(<em>ḵaṭṭāṭī</em>, <em>ḵᵛo&scaron;nevīsī</em>), the writing system in use in Persia since early Islamic times, which grew out of the Arabic alphabet. Comparison of some of the scripts that developed on Persian ground, particularly Persian-style Kufic, with the Pahlavi and Avestan scripts reveals a number of similarities between them.</p></p> <small><em>This Article Has Images/Tables.</em></small> </li> <li class="odd"> <h2><a href="/articles/calligraphy-2">CALLIGRAPHY (continued)</span></a></h2> <h3>Ḡolām-Ḥosayn Yūsofī</h3> <p><p>In the handwriting of the various Muslim peoples, three distinct styles are recognizable: Turco-Arab, Persian, and Indo-Afghan. In the style once current in Turkey and the similar styles now prevalent in the Arab countries, most scripts are written with sharp outlines and a downward slope.</p></p> <small><em>This Article Has Images/Tables.</em></small> </li> <li > <h2><a href="/articles/callisthenes-the-name-of-a-greek-historian-of-the-period-of-alexander-the-great-q">CALLISTHENES</span></a></h2> <h3>Marie Louise Chaumont</h3> <p><p>the name of a 4th-century BCE Greek historian of the period of Alexander the Great. On Aristotle&rsquo;s recom&shy;mendation Alexander engaged Callisthenes to write the history of his planned expedition against Persia. The existing&nbsp;<em><em>History of Alexander</em></em>&nbsp;is now commonly referred to as &ldquo;Pseudo Callisthenes&rdquo; or the&nbsp;<em>Alexander Romance</em>.</p></p> <small><em>This Article Has Images/Tables.</em></small> </li> </ul> <div class="pagination"> <ul class="per-page"> <li>VIEW PER PAGE:</li> <li class="here"><a href="/articles/index/C/page:6/limit:10" rel="nofollow">10</a></li> <li ><a href="/articles/index/C/page:6/limit:20" rel="nofollow">20</a></li> <li ><a href="/articles/index/C/page:6/limit:50" rel="nofollow">50</a></li> <li ><a href="/articles/index/C/page:6/limit:1000">ALL</a></li> </ul> <ul class="pages"> <li class="less"><a href="/articles/index/C/limit:10" rel="nofollow"> </a></li> <li><span><a href="/articles/index/C/page:3/limit:10" rel="nofollow">3</a></span></li><li><span><a href="/articles/index/C/page:4/limit:10" rel="nofollow">4</a></span></li><li><span><a href="/articles/index/C/page:5/limit:10" rel="nofollow">5</a></span></li><li><span class="current">6</span></li><li><span><a href="/articles/index/C/page:7/limit:10" rel="nofollow">7</a></span></li><li><span><a href="/articles/index/C/page:8/limit:10" rel="nofollow">8</a></span></li><li><span><a href="/articles/index/C/page:9/limit:10" rel="nofollow">9</a></span></li> <li class="more"><a href="/articles/index/C/page:69/limit:10" rel="nofollow"> </a></li> </ul> SHOWING 51-60 of 686</div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div class="copy">&copy;2025 Encyclop&aelig;dia Iranica Foundation, Inc. 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