FSFE Newsletter - February 2018 - FSFE
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Become a proud supporter of the FSFE and <a href="/donate/donate.html>">join us in defending software freedom from monopoly control!</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div></div></div> <div id="notifications"> <div class="alert warning yellow"> <a class="close" data-dismiss="alert" href="#" aria-hidden="true"> × </a><p> This page has not been translated yet. <a href="/contribute/translators/">Please help us to translate</a> this and other pages on, so people can read our message in their native language. </p> </div> <div id="infobox"></div> </div> <main><div id="content" lang="en" class="h-entry"> <p id="category"><a href="/news/">Newsletter</a></p> <h1 id="fsfe-newsletter-february-2018">FSFE Newsletter February 2018</h1> <div id="article-metadata"> <span class="written-by">Written by </span><a class="author p-author h-card" rel="author" href="/about/people/albers/"><img alt="" src="/about/people/avatars/albers.jpg">Erik Albers</a> <span class="published-on">on </span><time class="dt-published">2018-02</time> </div> <h2 id="barcelona-is-the-first-city-council-to-join-the-fsfe-s-public-money-public-code-campaign">Barcelona is the first city council to join the FSFE's "Public Money? Public Code!" campaign</h2> <p>"Funds that come from the citizens have to be invested in systems that can be reused and open to a local ecosystem" says Francesca Bria, Commissioner of Digital Technology and Innovation of Barcelona. She is the driving force behind the City's Digital Transformation Plan, which - among other things - aims to establish the use of Free Software and open data in the city's administration.</p> <p>Step by step, all key applications shall be replaced with Free Software solutions until the city finally replaces its currently running Windows-system with a suitable GNU/Linux-system. Therewith, Barcelona is heading to achieve and guarantee <a href="">"complete technological sovereignty"</a> for the municipality. By spring of 2019, when its municipal term of office ends, the City Council has planned to spend 70 percent of its software budget on open-source software.</p> <p>With this in mind, Barcelona has been the first city council to sign the <a href="">Open Letter</a> of our "Public Money? Public Code!" campaign. The FSFE is very pleased to see one of European's biggest metropolitan areas moving to Free Software, and we wish Barcelona much success!</p> <h2 id="i-love-free-software-day">I love Free Software Day</h2> <p> Every year, our community celebrates "I Love Free Software Day" on February 14. Our report from this year's celebration is coming soon but we like to say thank you for hundreds of love declarations via social media channels, pictures of people celebrating their favourite Free Software projects like <a href="">Developers Italia</a>, beautiful artworks <a href="">like the one from Grise Bouille</a> as well as multiple blog posts informing about the benefits of Free Software. We even found people <a href="">opening issues on project's development platforms</a>, just to say "Thank You!" on "I love Free Software Day". </p> <p>Thank you for celebrating with us and stay tuned for the detailed report coming soon.</p> <div class="captioned" style="width:80%; margin: 1.5em auto;"> <a href="/activities/ilovefs/"><img src=""></a> <footer><p>People celebrating <a href="/activities/ilovefs/">#IloveFS</a> 2018</p></footer> </div> <hr> <p><a href="">Join our community of freedom fighters.</a></p> <hr> <h2 id="what-else-have-we-done-inside-and-outside-the-fsfe">What else have we done? Inside and Outside the FSFE</h2> <ul> <li>The day before FOSDEM, the FSFE once again partnered up with OpenForum Europe for <a href="/news/2018/news-20180215-01">the third edition of European Free Software Policy Meeting</a> to discuss the most important current policy issues on European level regarding Free Software. </li> <li>The FSFE country team Italy is running an <a href="/news/2018/news-20180219-01">"Ask your candidates" campaign</a> and sent a set of questions about the use and promotion of Free Software to the participating parties of the Italian national elections, happening on March 4.</li> <li>The "besondere elektronische Anwaltspostfach (beA)" is publicly financed software aiming to establish a secure communication between lawyers in Germany from January 2018. Its usage, however, is currently being withheld for multiple security issues. The FSFE <a href="/activities/publiccode/bea">published an open letter</a> to demand the full publication of beA under a Free Software license.</li> <li>At the 34th Chaos Communication Congress the FSFE, together with EDRi, set up a cluster called “Rights & Freedoms” with its own freedom related track. Erik Albers <a href="">wrote a report about it on his blog</a>.</li> <li>Daniel Pocock, the FSFE community representative, writes about Everything you didn't know about FSFE in a picture in which he analyses overlapping relationships between staffers, Council, community and the General Assembly. </li> <li>Vanitasvitae <a href="">reports</a> about his trip to XSF-summit, FOSDEM and the importance of XMPP libraries</li> <li>Daniel Pocock distributed an email to the FSFE community in that he reflected the GA membership process, the FSFE's identity process and his personal travels.</li> <li>Sebastian Schauenburg shares his insides on sharing <a href="">local OsmAnd and Geo URL's</a> </li> <li>Polina Malaja, the FSFE's policy analyst, writes about our <a href="">response to the PSI Directive public consultation</a> that in short asks to include source code into the list of re-usable public sector information.</li> </ul> <h2 id="do-not-miss-it-upcoming-events-with-the-fsfe">Do not miss it! Upcoming events with the FSFE</h2> <p>We are happy to see a first local FSFE meet-up happening in Madrid, Spain, on <a href="">February 22</a> and on <a href="">March 3</a>. We wish all participants to spend their time at the meet-up in a positive and fruitful manner. If you are from the area, do not miss it. </p> <p>By the way: If you miss a local FSFE group in your area but you like to start one, get in contact with our community coordinator <a href="/about/people/albers/albers">Erik Albers</a> who is happy to help you with the first steps. </p> <h2 id="get-active">Get Active</h2> <p>Have you found an interesting Free Software story online that you would like to share? Maybe you have a question that you like to discuss with other Free Software activists? Or you like to announce your upcoming Free Software event or report about a recent one? Then post it on one of our public mailing lists and share it with the community! We currently have active public mailing lists in <a href="">English</a>, <a href="">German</a>, <a href="">Spanish</a>, and <a href="">Greek</a>.</p> <p>If you live in Italy, contact your local candidates during their current election-campaigns, point them towards our "Public Money? Public Code!" campaign and ask them <a href="/news/2018/news-20180219-01">the questions that we have also sent to the participating parties</a> or similar ones. </p> <h2 id="contribute-to-our-newsletter">Contribute to our newsletter</h2> <p>If you would like to share any thoughts, pictures, or news, send them to us. As always, the address is We're looking forward to hearing from you!</p> <p>Thanks to our community, all the <a href="/contribute/contribute">volunteers</a>, <a href="">supporters</a> and <a href="/donate/thankgnus">donors</a> who make our work possible. And thanks to <a href="/contribute/translators/translators">our translators</a>, who enable you to read this newsletter in your mother tongue.</p> <p>Your editor, <br> Erik Albers</p> <hr> <p><a href="">Join our community of freedom fighters.</a></p> <hr> <footer id="tags"><h2>Tags</h2> <ul class="tags"> <li><a href="/tags/">newsletter</a></li> <li><a href="/tags/">Barcelona</a></li> <li><a href="/tags/">I love Free Software</a></li> <li><a href="/tags/">Ask your Candidates</a></li> <li><a href="/tags/">Public code</a></li> </ul></footer> </div> <aside id="sidebar"><h3>Subscribe to FSFE's monthly newsletter</h3> <form class="form-inline" id="formnl" name="formnl" method="POST" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="language" value="en"><input type="input" style="display: none !important" name="password" tabindex="-1" autocomplete="off"><input id="yourname" name="name" type="text" required="required" placeholder="Your Name"><input id="email" name="email1" type="email" required="required" placeholder="Email Address"><fsfe-cd-referrer-input></fsfe-cd-referrer-input><input type="hidden" name="wants_info" value="yes"><input type="hidden" name="wants_newsletter_info" value="yes"><input type="hidden" name="category" value="i"><input id="submit" type="submit" value="Subscribe"> </form> <ul> <li><a href="/news/">Newsletters</a></li> <li><a href="/news/">Latest News</a></li> <li><a href="/events/">Upcoming Events</a></li> <li><a href="">Planet Blogs</a></li> <li><a href="/about/">Free Software Discussions</a></li> </ul> <a href="" class="small-donate">Become a supporter</a><h3 class="promo">About the FSFE</h3> <p> Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to control technology. </p> <p> Software is deeply involved in all aspects of our lives. 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