LearnWorlds VS SamCart
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18.9445 20.9445C18.4288 21.4603 17.7293 21.75 17 21.75H7C6.27065 21.75 5.57118 21.4603 5.05546 20.9445C4.53973 20.4288 4.25 19.7293 4.25 19V7C4.25 6.27065 4.53973 5.57118 5.05546 5.05546C5.57118 4.53973 6.27065 4.25 7 4.25H8.35352ZM8.35352 5.75H7C6.66848 5.75 6.35054 5.8817 6.11612 6.11612C5.8817 6.35054 5.75 6.66848 5.75 7V19C5.75 19.3315 5.8817 19.6495 6.11612 19.8839C6.35054 20.1183 6.66848 20.25 7 20.25H17C17.3315 20.25 17.6495 20.1183 17.8839 19.8839C18.1183 19.6495 18.25 19.3315 18.25 19V7C18.25 6.66848 18.1183 6.35054 17.8839 6.11612C17.6495 5.8817 17.3315 5.75 17 5.75H15.6465C15.32 6.90425 14.2588 7.75 13 7.75H11C9.74122 7.75 8.67998 6.90425 8.35352 5.75ZM8.25 12C8.25 11.5858 8.58579 11.25 9 11.25H9.01C9.42421 11.25 9.76 11.5858 9.76 12C9.76 12.4142 9.42421 12.75 9.01 12.75H9C8.58579 12.75 8.25 12.4142 8.25 12ZM12.25 12C12.25 11.5858 12.5858 11.25 13 11.25H15C15.4142 11.25 15.75 11.5858 15.75 12C15.75 12.4142 15.4142 12.75 15 12.75H13C12.5858 12.75 12.25 12.4142 12.25 12ZM8.25 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In the following article, we’re comparing two popular platforms for course creators - LearnWorlds and SamCart - to help you choose the right platform for you.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l mb-0">Ready to scale your school's success?</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l"><span class="extra-bold">Get started with LearnWorlds, free for 30 days.</span></div> <div class="flex-wrapper flex-wrap va-c a-i-c"> <button class="lw-btn mr-5 mr-0-below-480 w-full-below-480 lw-btn-rounded lw-btn-solid-accent2 mb-1rem lw-btn-m nowrap js-toggle-form-popup"> <span>Start a free trial</span> </button> <a href="/watch-demo" target="_blank" class="lw-btn lw-btn-rounded w-full-below-480 lw-btn-outline-darkblue mb-1rem lw-btn-m nowrap js-t-cta-link" data-t-type="Watch a demo link" data-context="LearnWorlds vs SamCart - hero" > <span>Watch a demo</span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-0 span_6_of_12 flex-item hide-below-768"> <img src="" alt="LearnWorlds VS SamCart"/> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="lw-sect pt-2rem pb-5rem pb-0-below-768 lw-align-l"> <div class="lw-sect-content wide-ebook"> <div class="flex-wrapper row-to-col-below-620 mb-3rem-below-480"> <div class="lw-light-bg fbasis48perc rounded-15 mb-2rem"> <div class="lw-cols lw-light-bg rounded-15 p-0-2rem no-gutter mb-0 stretch"> <div class="col p-2_5rem-0 mb-0 span_2_of_12 flex-item va-fs pos-rel"> <img src="" class="w-60 absolute-top-center"alt="LearnWorlds logo"/> </div> <div class="col p-2_5rem-0 mb-0 span_10_of_12 flex-item"> <div class="faux-h3">What does LearnWorlds do?</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-0">LearnWorlds is an integrated online training platform that enables you to create engaging courses, custom websites and mobile apps, and scale your school with built-in tools for marketing and selling your content.</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex-item fg-1 va-c a-i-c mb-2rem"> <svg width="54" height="33" viewBox="0 0 54 33" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M26.2686 0.90625L15.5498 27.4688H15.3936L4.5498 0.90625H0.831055L13.8311 32H17.1123L29.9873 0.90625H26.2686ZM42.3423 32.3125C44.0611 32.3125 45.6236 32.0938 46.9986 31.625C48.3736 31.1875 49.4673 30.5625 50.3423 29.7812C51.2173 29 51.8736 28.0938 52.3423 27.0938C52.7798 26.0938 53.0298 25 53.0298 23.8438C53.0298 22.7188 52.8736 21.7188 52.5611 20.8125C51.9361 19.1875 50.5298 17.8125 48.4048 16.7188C47.4986 16.2812 45.3736 15.4688 42.0611 14.2812C41.9673 14.2812 41.8423 14.2188 41.7173 14.1562C41.0298 13.9375 40.5298 13.75 40.2173 13.625C39.8736 13.5 39.4361 13.3438 38.8736 13.0938C38.3111 12.8438 37.9048 12.6562 37.6236 12.4688C37.3423 12.2812 37.0298 12.0625 36.6548 11.75C36.2798 11.4688 36.0298 11.1875 35.8423 10.875C35.6548 10.5938 35.5298 10.25 35.4048 9.84375C35.2798 9.46875 35.2173 9.03125 35.2173 8.5625C35.2173 7.59375 35.4986 6.75 36.0611 6C36.6236 5.25 37.3423 4.71875 38.2486 4.34375C39.1236 3.96875 40.1236 3.78125 41.1861 3.78125C44.5298 3.78125 47.4673 4.875 49.9673 7.0625L51.8423 4.40625C48.8736 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<h1>LearnWorlds VS SamCart</h1> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-n mb-2rem">Choosing the right platform to build and grow your business in the creator economy is not an easy task to perform on your own. In the following article, we’re comparing two popular platforms for course creators - LearnWorlds and SamCart - to help you choose the right platform for you.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-n">Ready to scale your school's success? <span class="extra-bold">Get started with LearnWorlds, free for 30 days.</span></div> <button class="lw-btn lw-btn-rounded lw-btn-solid-accent2 lw-btn-m nowrap w-220 w-full-below-620 mr-1rem mr-0-below-620 js-toggle-form-popup"> <span>Get started free</span> </button> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-0 mt-2rem mr-3rem-neg mr-0-below-960 pl-3rem pl-0-below-768 span_6_of_12 flex-item hide-below-768"> <img src="" alt="LearnWorlds VS SamCart"/> </div> </div> <div class="lw-cols stretch mb-3rem-below-480"> <div class="col span_4_of_12 pr-3rem pr-0-below-768 flex-item span_6-below-960 span_12-below-620 mb-2rem-below-620"> <div class="mt-5-below-768 mb-2rem mb-0-below-768"> <span> <div class="small mb-0 faux-h3">What does LearnWorlds do?</div> <svg class="mb-1rem" width="255" height="8" viewBox="0 0 221 5" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_33_3279)"> <path d="M28.1002 1.8076V1.81934H28.1406L28.1002 1.8076Z" fill="#FFD24D"/> <path d="M220.986 1.25579L221 1.30273V1.291L220.986 1.25579Z" fill="#FFD24D"/> <path d="M3.32158e-06 1.70154C-0.0411794 1.67807 0.178478 1.63112 0.274571 1.63112L5.50477 1.64286C6.52061 1.64286 7.24817 1.66633 6.98735 1.7837H6.89124H6.94617C7.37172 1.76023 8.07181 1.80718 8.27772 1.73676C7.94826 1.73676 7.39916 1.74849 7.65998 1.70154C8.00317 1.64286 8.64838 1.58417 9.43085 1.66633H9.47203V1.70154H9.44457C9.54066 1.72502 9.62303 1.76023 9.97995 1.72502C10.076 1.71328 9.89757 1.67807 9.84266 1.66633H9.87012C9.7603 1.60765 10.0898 1.60765 10.4879 1.61938C11.3527 1.6546 10.584 1.71328 10.6251 1.76023C11.1468 1.71328 11.9567 1.84239 12.3823 1.73676L12.5333 1.72502L12.4509 1.68981H12.4784L12.7392 1.63112L12.9451 1.60765C15.2102 1.54896 17.0359 1.66633 18.8891 1.74849C19.5481 1.7837 19.5755 1.73676 19.8501 1.72502C20.7835 1.60765 21.717 1.50201 23.3231 1.6546C23.7761 1.70154 24.3527 1.67807 24.8332 1.64286H24.8057L26.7138 1.7837H26.6727L26.9472 1.81892L27.0708 1.7837L28.1278 1.81892C27.8944 2.05366 29.8437 1.93629 30.3791 1.91281C31.4224 1.85413 31.5048 1.91281 31.793 1.9715C32.9873 1.8776 31.5322 1.86586 31.2714 1.81892C34.1404 1.74849 37.0095 1.68981 39.8923 1.61938C41.3337 1.58417 42.6515 1.63112 43.8321 1.71328H43.8596C44.2165 1.79544 45.2323 1.71328 45.6991 1.77197H46.1246C46.5227 1.72502 46.4129 1.52549 47.6209 1.72502C48.1288 1.80718 48.7603 1.76023 49.1172 1.72502C51.6705 1.51375 53.51 1.70154 55.5005 1.80718L55.528 1.81892H55.5417C55.5417 1.77197 56.0496 1.72502 56.2967 1.74849C57.6008 1.88934 58.9736 1.77197 60.3189 1.77197H60.2915L60.6896 1.80718H61.472H61.4446L62.5565 1.79544C62.735 1.76023 62.4604 1.73676 62.1721 1.72502C62.6801 1.70154 63.2292 1.60765 63.6822 1.72502H63.6273H63.6684L64.2999 1.66633C66.1531 1.67807 67.7043 1.81892 69.6811 1.76023H69.6399H70.0655H70.0243C70.3675 1.76023 70.8479 1.90108 71.0813 1.73676C71.2735 1.59591 72.4266 1.58417 73.6484 1.63112H73.6209C74.7878 1.64286 76.5586 1.47854 76.9155 1.72502L79.359 1.68981H79.3316L80.4161 1.76023L81.7064 1.57244H81.6653C83.5459 1.5607 84.9736 1.6546 86.4287 1.73676H86.3875L87.5681 1.81892H87.5544H87.9662H87.9525C89.037 1.73676 90.3136 1.90107 91.3707 1.79544C91.453 1.76023 91.5491 1.73676 91.0275 1.73676C92.3453 1.59591 93.5121 1.57244 94.3495 1.77197C94.5143 1.76023 94.8025 1.72502 94.8163 1.72502C97.3421 1.90108 98.8796 1.57244 101.145 1.59591C101.721 1.60765 102.366 1.5607 102.463 1.6546H102.394H102.421C106.347 1.50201 110.26 1.53723 114.172 1.61938C114.968 1.63112 114.392 1.71328 114.708 1.74849L114.872 1.76023C114.955 1.74849 115.051 1.74849 115.147 1.74849H115.188H115.531H115.943H115.888C116.904 1.76023 116.423 1.71328 116.286 1.67807C118.949 1.52549 121.709 1.64286 124.413 1.61938H124.399H124.921C125.525 1.57244 126.115 1.52549 126.719 1.60765L126.925 1.68981L126.376 1.67807H126.321H126.39L126.898 1.68981C128.023 1.67807 127.323 1.64286 127.117 1.60765C128.723 1.6546 130.275 1.54896 131.867 1.57244C132.251 1.57244 132.732 1.60765 132.787 1.53723C133.734 1.51375 134.612 1.51375 135.422 1.5607C138.717 1.47854 142.039 1.44333 145.375 1.4668H145.402C151.209 1.41985 156.988 1.38464 162.836 1.33769C166.79 1.32596 170.908 1.23206 174.958 1.17338C179.707 1.11469 184.608 1.09122 189.18 0.973845C193.655 0.856474 198.102 0.75084 202.55 0.633469C207.355 0.480887 212.173 0.375253 216.868 0.034878C217.884 -0.0472817 217.747 0.0348779 217.884 0.0818263C219.01 0.457413 218.913 0.973845 219.339 1.41985C219.408 1.47854 219.476 1.53723 219.682 1.57244C219.792 1.58417 219.929 1.59591 220.149 1.57244C220.259 1.57244 220.369 1.5607 220.533 1.52549C220.671 1.49028 220.918 1.41985 221 1.30248C220.876 1.49028 220.478 1.58417 220.3 1.64286C220.08 1.70154 219.874 1.74849 219.682 1.7837C219.312 1.84239 219.01 1.90108 218.79 1.94802C218.392 2.03018 218.405 2.11234 219.27 2.10061C219.627 2.10061 219.71 2.13582 219.174 2.24145H219.202C218.186 2.32361 217.829 2.41751 218.309 2.41751C219.394 2.39403 218.419 2.57009 218.405 2.65225C218.351 3.05131 215.893 3.333 212.53 3.45037C203.648 3.76727 194.973 4.13112 186.159 4.27197C175.219 4.43629 164.278 4.54192 153.337 4.62408C145.279 4.68276 137.166 4.74145 129.163 4.70624C121.297 4.67103 113.486 4.72971 105.675 4.80014C94.9261 4.89403 84.1911 4.85882 73.4562 4.8823C69.0634 4.87056 64.4921 4.87056 60.0993 4.85882C53.0433 4.85882 45.9324 4.82361 38.8215 4.8823C34.6621 4.89403 30.3105 4.91751 26.1373 4.92924C20.7286 4.96445 15.2788 4.80014 9.9113 4.97619C8.84055 5.0114 7.52271 4.94098 7.05597 4.83535C5.71067 4.51845 4.88702 4.16633 5.36748 3.84943C5.77931 3.56774 4.76347 3.32126 4.83211 3.06305C4.88702 2.85178 2.51216 2.87525 1.83951 2.72267C0.356936 2.39403 0.672654 2.04192 3.32158e-06 1.70154ZM135.079 1.57244L135.354 1.5607H135.326L135.079 1.57244ZM94.6378 1.85413H94.7064H94.6378ZM80.5396 1.77197L81.9398 1.7837C81.9673 1.7837 82.0084 1.77197 82.0359 1.76023L80.5396 1.77197ZM72.5913 1.72502L73.717 1.76023H73.7582H73.7033C73.8955 1.72502 74.0053 1.67807 73.6072 1.6546C73.113 1.6546 72.66 1.66633 72.5913 1.72502ZM62.6114 1.80718C62.735 1.83065 62.8585 1.85413 62.9958 1.8776C62.9958 1.8776 63.1742 1.86586 63.2703 1.86586L62.6114 1.80718ZM43.0908 1.80718L43.2556 1.83065L43.5164 1.79544L43.0908 1.80718ZM31.7656 1.95976H32.0539H31.7656ZM20.3031 1.73676H19.9736L20.1795 1.74849C20.207 1.74849 20.2619 1.73676 20.3031 1.73676Z" fill="#FFD24D"/> <path d="M116.288 1.67773H116.328L116.315 1.666L116.288 1.67773Z" fill="#FFD24D"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_33_3279"> <rect width="221" height="5" fill="white" transform="translate(221 5) rotate(-180)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m">LearnWorlds is an integrated online training platform that enables you to create engaging courses, custom websites and mobile apps, and scale your school with built-in tools for marketing and selling your content.</div> </span> </div> </div> <div class="col span_4_of_12 mb-0 pr-3rem pr-0-below-768 flex-item span_6-below-960 span_12-below-620"> <div class="mt-5-below-768 mb-2rem mb-0-below-768"> <span> <div class="small mb-0 faux-h3">What does SamCart do?</div> <svg class="mb-1rem" width="190" height="8" viewBox="0 0 182 6" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_33_3267)"> <path d="M122.533 0.358398L122.55 0.373942L122.533 0.358398Z" fill="#FFD24D"/> <path d="M161.951 0.233317H161.968V0.217773L161.951 0.233317Z" fill="#FFD24D"/> <path d="M182 1.61694C182.016 1.69466 181.904 1.74129 181.492 1.77238C180.858 1.80346 180.937 1.86564 181.032 1.94336C181.365 2.17652 181.508 2.40968 181.381 2.64284C181.333 2.72056 180.984 2.72056 180.731 2.72056L177.796 2.75165C176.892 2.7672 175.956 2.73611 175.671 2.93818C175.544 3.0159 174.703 3.03144 174.069 3.0159C173.307 2.98481 172.578 2.96927 172.276 3.12471C172.181 3.17134 171.8 3.1558 171.531 3.17134C169.691 3.23352 167.819 3.21797 165.963 3.18688L165.281 3.17134C163.6 3.18688 163.568 3.17134 163.187 3.43559C163.06 3.52885 162.854 3.5444 162.267 3.5444C159.904 3.52885 157.556 3.51331 155.177 3.49777C153.575 3.49777 151.941 3.48222 150.323 3.48222C148.753 3.45113 147.151 3.43559 145.612 3.45113C143.693 3.45113 141.79 3.46668 139.87 3.46668C137.634 3.49777 135.429 3.45113 133.208 3.45113C132.161 3.45113 130.988 3.52885 130.083 3.38896C129.481 3.51331 128.624 3.43559 127.895 3.45113C127.371 3.46668 127.022 3.43559 126.626 3.4045C126.752 3.37341 126.99 3.37341 127.197 3.35787C127.308 3.35787 127.53 3.34232 127.482 3.34232C127.292 3.32678 127.07 3.31124 126.848 3.31124C126.451 3.29569 126.166 3.32678 125.928 3.35787C125.912 3.35787 126.181 3.4045 126.308 3.43559C125.706 3.46668 125.087 3.46668 124.452 3.46668C123.977 3.46668 123.881 3.42005 123.77 3.37341C123.247 3.65321 121.946 3.73093 120.138 3.71538L109.812 3.73093L109.415 3.71538C108.115 3.7931 106.766 3.74647 105.45 3.76201C102.674 3.77756 99.9299 3.77756 97.1699 3.7931C94.6003 3.82419 92.0782 3.85528 89.5403 3.90191C88.2238 3.91745 86.939 3.91745 85.6542 3.933C85.1148 3.933 84.7342 3.933 84.8928 4.04181C85.0673 4.16616 84.6707 4.21279 83.8142 4.22833C82.8307 4.22833 81.8473 4.24388 80.8797 4.24388C77.168 4.24388 73.4405 4.24388 69.7446 4.25942C67.6508 4.29051 65.4936 4.30606 63.3681 4.33714C60.8937 4.35269 58.4033 4.36823 55.9289 4.38378C52.8041 4.43041 49.6793 4.47704 46.5545 4.52367L35.5304 4.75683C33.9283 4.78792 32.2946 4.81901 30.6766 4.8501C29.2332 4.89673 27.8056 4.94336 26.378 5.00554C21.6829 5.17652 16.9878 5.37859 12.3402 5.68948L9.32646 5.93818C8.10509 6.04699 8.02577 6.0159 7.74026 5.84492C7.64509 5.7672 7.70854 5.6273 6.70923 5.68948C5.96372 5.75165 5.85269 5.64284 5.78924 5.59621C5.66234 5.47186 5.21821 5.4874 4.50442 5.54958C2.91823 5.72056 2.91823 5.73611 2.79133 5.50295C2.72788 5.39414 2.56926 5.28533 1.83961 5.36305C1.68099 5.37859 1.52238 5.39414 1.49065 5.37859C1.31617 5.30087 1.01479 5.25424 0.808588 5.2387C0.602382 5.19207 0.427901 5.28533 0.443763 5.03662C0.475487 4.88118 0.538935 4.66357 0.158248 4.83455C0.0154903 4.98999 -0.0320956 4.94336 -0.000371689 4.7102C0.0313522 4.60139 0.269282 4.41486 0.523073 4.30606C0.776864 4.19725 1.04652 4.11953 1.36376 4.04181C2.42651 3.7931 3.44167 3.62212 4.52028 3.59103C4.96442 3.57549 5.63062 3.49777 6.12234 3.4045H6.10648C6.66165 3.38896 7.18509 3.31124 7.74026 3.28015C8.3906 3.23352 8.5175 3.14025 8.73956 3.06253C9.1837 2.89155 9.48507 2.84492 10.4527 2.84492C11.3726 2.84492 12.1975 2.84492 12.9588 2.65839C13.2126 2.59621 13.6726 2.61175 14.0375 2.58067L17.0195 2.42523C17.876 2.37859 18.2885 2.30087 18.1774 2.17652C18.0981 2.06771 18.2409 1.95891 18.336 1.8501C18.4471 1.72574 19.0181 1.64802 19.6843 1.69466C19.9857 1.7102 20.2712 1.72574 20.5567 1.69466C20.9374 1.64802 20.4298 1.63248 20.4457 1.58585C20.4774 1.49258 21.1277 1.39932 21.7622 1.36823C22.8567 1.3216 23.6815 1.41486 24.665 1.41486C25.6643 1.24388 26.7746 1.19725 27.996 1.24388C28.107 1.21279 28.2498 1.15062 28.3291 1.15062C28.9794 1.15062 29.6298 1.16616 30.2484 1.08844C31.3428 1.19725 32.4373 1.07289 33.5159 1.01072C33.5794 1.02626 33.7063 1.04181 33.8173 1.02626C33.9283 1.01072 33.8173 0.995175 33.6904 0.979631C34.1345 0.917455 34.5628 0.932999 34.9752 0.964087C35.3718 0.995175 35.7525 1.02626 36.2442 1.01072C36.1966 1.04181 36.1966 1.08844 36.4028 1.10398L36.4821 1.01072C36.9897 0.964087 37.4814 0.979631 37.9731 0.979631C38.3538 0.979631 38.7345 0.995175 39.02 0.932999C39.258 0.886367 39.5276 0.886366 39.7655 0.90191C40.4793 0.964087 41.1614 0.917455 41.8752 0.870822C43.4455 0.777558 43.6834 0.793102 44.429 0.995175C44.5876 0.886366 44.7621 0.808646 45.7931 0.808646C46.4751 0.793102 47.2524 0.793102 47.9979 0.777558C48.2041 0.777558 48.5055 0.74647 48.5531 0.793102C48.6006 0.839734 48.2675 0.855278 48.0772 0.886366C48.8068 0.90191 48.9496 0.901911 48.9655 0.793102C48.9972 0.66875 49.9489 0.66875 49.9965 0.575486C50.2027 0.575486 50.631 0.559942 50.5199 0.606574C50.2027 0.730926 50.6151 0.699838 51.091 0.66875C51.6303 0.653206 52.1696 0.622118 52.693 0.606574C52.7565 0.606574 52.233 0.559942 52.6613 0.544398C52.8199 0.528854 53.0261 0.544398 53.2006 0.544398C53.4385 0.559942 53.4703 0.575486 53.5178 0.622118C53.6606 0.762014 53.7082 0.762014 54.4854 0.637662C55.0723 0.59103 55.6433 0.575486 56.3095 0.575486C57.5309 0.59103 58.7523 0.622118 60.0212 0.528854C60.6557 0.482221 61.3695 0.482221 62.1467 0.497766C62.924 0.51331 63.8281 0.497766 64.5895 0.559942C64.9226 0.622118 65.335 0.606574 65.5253 0.544398C65.684 0.482221 66.0012 0.466677 66.255 0.420045C66.6198 0.373413 67.0798 0.311237 67.4764 0.420045C67.635 0.466677 67.9839 0.497766 68.2536 0.528854H68.2377C68.4281 0.59103 68.6184 0.575486 68.8246 0.528854C68.8563 0.528854 68.9039 0.51331 68.9357 0.51331C69.2212 0.451133 68.8246 0.342325 69.6494 0.311237C70.3791 0.280149 70.6329 0.342325 70.8549 0.420045C70.9818 0.466677 71.3308 0.466677 71.5846 0.451133C72.1081 0.435589 71.5687 0.388957 71.6322 0.357869C71.7115 0.295693 71.9018 0.280149 72.2032 0.295693L73.4246 0.311237C74.6301 0.233517 75.8991 0.233517 77.1046 0.249061C78.9445 0.280149 80.7528 0.249061 82.5928 0.217973C83.0211 0.217973 83.4018 0.217973 83.7507 0.249061C85.7017 0.171341 87.6369 0.217973 89.5721 0.217973C91.3327 0.217973 93.0775 0.264605 94.8541 0.233517C95.0761 0.233517 95.3617 0.217973 95.552 0.233517C98.0106 0.404501 100.628 0.295693 103.197 0.295693C103.293 0.295693 103.388 0.295693 103.467 0.295693C105.783 0.420045 108.194 0.326781 110.557 0.342325C111.208 0.342325 111.684 0.451133 112.445 0.404501C112.461 0.404501 112.286 0.451133 112.191 0.482221C113.143 0.466677 114.079 0.528854 115.046 0.482221C115.173 0.482221 115.364 0.497766 115.443 0.482221C116.855 0.342325 118.028 0.404501 119.123 0.559942C119.361 0.59103 119.789 0.575486 119.884 0.544398C120.313 0.451133 121.233 0.451133 121.597 0.342325C121.851 0.264605 122.184 0.295693 122.517 0.311237C122.549 0.373413 122.486 0.420045 121.946 0.420045C121.756 0.420045 121.55 0.420045 121.55 0.451133C121.55 0.482221 121.851 0.497766 121.946 0.497766C123.31 0.451133 124.706 0.528854 126.07 0.466677C126.705 0.435589 126.419 0.388957 126.181 0.342325H126.213C127.07 0.0936205 128.751 0.140253 130.131 0.0936205C130.75 0.0625324 129.83 0.202429 130.401 0.217973C130.147 0.233517 129.893 0.249061 129.608 0.233517C129.449 0.233517 129.259 0.202429 129.148 0.233517C129.052 0.264605 129.227 0.280149 129.37 0.295693L130.924 0.466677C131.21 0.404501 131.575 0.342325 130.813 0.295693C130.718 0.295693 130.702 0.264605 130.655 0.233517C131.416 0.140253 132.479 0.155797 133.177 0.0469883C133.319 0.0159003 133.589 0.0469884 133.779 0.0780764L133.843 0.124709C134.398 0.140253 134.937 0.155797 134.477 0.264605C134.35 0.295693 134.636 0.326781 134.604 0.357869C134.509 0.435589 134.382 0.497766 135.048 0.404501C135.112 0.388957 135.254 0.404501 135.381 0.404501C135.223 0.373413 134.826 0.373413 134.921 0.326781C135.001 0.280149 135.286 0.295693 135.492 0.311237C135.588 0.311237 135.699 0.326781 135.762 0.311237C136.682 0.233517 137.38 0.357869 138.173 0.373413C138.348 0.373413 138.554 0.497766 138.617 0.357869C138.649 0.280149 138.601 0.186885 139.426 0.264605C139.585 0.357869 139.886 0.326781 140.092 0.311237L140.584 0.280149C141.361 0.217973 141.98 0.357869 142.678 0.326781C143.296 0.295693 143.741 0.186885 144.581 0.233517C144.962 0.249061 145.581 0.295693 145.866 0.186885C146.659 0.124709 147.357 0.202429 147.992 0.249061C148.959 0.311237 149.594 0.249061 150.165 0.171341C150.482 0.124709 150.752 0.0780764 151.196 0.0936205C151.402 0.0936205 151.703 0.0625324 151.798 0.124709C151.862 0.155797 151.561 0.155797 151.45 0.171341C151.116 0.217973 151.37 0.280149 151.323 0.326781C152.084 0.311237 152.718 0.217973 153.512 0.217973C153.591 0.217973 153.718 0.202429 153.75 0.202429C154.4 -0.0307319 155.716 0.0625324 156.779 0.0625324C157.461 0.0625324 158.175 0.0469884 158.841 0.0936205C158.968 0.109165 159.158 0.109165 159.174 0.124709C159.222 0.155797 158.984 0.155797 158.825 0.171341C158.651 0.186885 158.476 0.186885 158.318 0.202429C158.159 0.217973 158.032 0.264605 158.286 0.264605C159.46 0.280149 160.634 0.388957 161.839 0.280149C161.903 0.280149 161.934 0.264605 161.966 0.249061C162.156 0.249061 162.347 0.249061 162.41 0.217973C162.759 0.0625324 163.06 0.140253 163.378 0.217973C163.727 0.249061 163.822 0.202429 164.028 0.171341C164.361 0.140253 164.647 0.0159003 165.17 0.140253C165.265 0.171341 165.487 0.140253 165.646 0.124709C166.661 0.000356225 167.867 0.0314443 169.04 0.0314443C169.976 0.0314443 170.896 0.109165 171.864 0.0314443C172.245 0.000356229 172.705 0.0314443 172.879 0.109165C173.022 0.171341 173.196 0.233517 173.291 0.295693C173.45 0.388957 173.847 0.451133 174.449 0.466677C176.115 0.497766 177.749 0.622118 179.478 0.497766C180.191 0.451133 180.509 0.59103 180.572 0.637662C181.048 0.932999 181.936 1.25942 182 1.61694ZM24.887 1.43041C24.8394 1.43041 24.7601 1.43041 24.6967 1.43041C24.7443 1.43041 24.7919 1.44595 24.8553 1.44595C24.9505 1.44595 24.9822 1.43041 24.887 1.43041ZM47.5855 0.917455L48.0613 0.90191C47.9186 0.886366 47.7758 0.870822 47.5855 0.886366C47.5062 0.90191 47.5062 0.932999 47.5855 0.917455ZM54.533 0.653206C54.5965 0.699838 54.5171 0.74647 54.7551 0.777558C55.0406 0.715382 55.342 0.653206 54.533 0.653206ZM55.8654 4.35269L55.913 4.38378C55.9606 4.36823 56.024 4.35269 55.8654 4.35269ZM57.642 0.74647C57.6261 0.699838 57.3723 0.715382 57.2137 0.730926L54.7709 0.777558C55.5482 0.932999 56.484 0.793102 57.3406 0.777558C57.4516 0.777558 57.642 0.74647 57.642 0.74647ZM73.4246 0.342325C73.3453 0.357869 73.2025 0.388957 73.2818 0.404501C73.2977 0.404501 73.377 0.404501 73.4087 0.404501C73.6149 0.388957 73.5039 0.373413 73.4246 0.342325ZM83.7507 0.280149C83.6714 0.280149 83.5921 0.280149 83.5445 0.280149C83.4652 0.295693 83.5287 0.311237 83.6397 0.295693C83.6873 0.311237 83.719 0.295693 83.7507 0.280149ZM109.288 3.68429L109.384 3.69984C109.399 3.69984 109.431 3.68429 109.288 3.68429ZM112.159 0.51331C112.096 0.51331 112.033 0.51331 111.985 0.51331C111.906 0.51331 111.922 0.528854 112.017 0.528854C112.064 0.544398 112.112 0.528854 112.159 0.51331ZM124.405 3.2646H124.389C124.119 3.28015 123.961 3.31124 123.802 3.32678C124.088 3.32678 124.484 3.34232 124.405 3.2646ZM133.288 0.217973C133.272 0.217973 133.303 0.233517 133.335 0.233517C133.589 0.249061 133.668 0.217973 133.795 0.202429C133.621 0.202429 133.414 0.171341 133.288 0.217973ZM135.778 0.482221H135.461C135.524 0.497766 135.603 0.51331 135.746 0.497766C135.778 0.51331 135.778 0.497766 135.778 0.482221ZM151.212 0.311237C151.259 0.295693 151.212 0.311237 151.212 0.311237V0.311237ZM163.124 0.202429L163.33 0.186885C163.235 0.186885 163.14 0.186885 163.124 0.202429Z" fill="#FFD24D"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_33_3267"> <rect width="182" height="6" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m">SamCart is an eCommerce platform for selling physical and digital products, designed to help digital marketers easily create shopping carts and checkout pages.</div> </span> </div> </div> <div class="col span_4_of_12 mt-1_5rem-neg pr-5rem flex-item hide-below-960"> <div> <h2 class="small m-0-auto w-70pc-below-768">Let's compare LearnWorlds and SamCart capabilities in these areas</h2> <svg class="hide-below-768 block ml-auto mt-neg3rem" xmlns="" width="53" height="86" viewBox="0 0 53 86" fill="none"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_291_6440)"> <path d="M4.8 66.13C4.97 66.12 5.18 66.33 5.16 66.55C5.13 66.82 5.22 67.1 5.11 67.36C5.09 67.42 5.04 67.54 5.17 67.48C5.46 67.33 5.46 67.62 5.62 67.67C5.89 67.75 5.7 67.91 5.68 68.04C5.66 68.15 5.6 68.29 5.7 68.41C5.76 68.49 5.76 68.58 5.71 68.64C5.45 68.93 5.74 69.13 5.85 69.36C5.93 69.52 5.97 69.65 5.92 69.82C5.75 70.48 5.76 71.16 5.65 71.81C5.58 72.27 5.59 72.73 5.49 73.19C5.46 73.36 5.29 73.45 5.29 73.6L5.26 73.73C5.36 73.99 5.51 74.25 5.2 74.47C5.34 74.75 4.92 74.96 5.09 75.24C5.12 75.28 5.12 75.35 5.1 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78.42 16.44 78.43 16.92 78.77C16.99 78.82 17.04 78.88 17.04 78.99C17.07 79.02 17.1 79.05 17.12 79.09C17.29 79.45 17.27 79.51 16.96 79.61C16.9 79.63 16.79 79.6 16.81 79.7C16.83 79.81 16.91 79.7 16.97 79.69C17.11 79.68 17.21 79.8 17.32 79.85C17.54 79.95 17.79 79.94 18 80.06C18.1 80.12 18.22 80.17 18.19 80.35C18.16 80.55 18.09 80.73 17.9 80.73C17.73 80.74 17.56 80.83 17.41 80.66C17.39 80.64 17.34 80.67 17.3 80.68C17.13 80.8 16.93 80.68 16.76 80.84C16.68 80.91 16.62 80.92 16.61 81.08C16.6 81.38 16.48 81.51 16.24 81.53C15.53 81.56 14.82 81.63 14.11 81.7C13.83 81.72 13.56 81.72 13.27 81.67C13.11 81.64 12.95 81.79 12.79 81.82C11.91 82.01 11.01 82.04 10.14 82.25C9.35 82.45 8.57 82.66 7.81 82.92C7.37 83.08 6.95 83.31 6.52 83.48L6.28 83.58C6.19 83.62 5.93 83.72 5.79 83.8C5.46 83.96 5.11 84.21 4.77 84.41C4.08 84.86 3.43 85.15 2.63 85.9C2.48 85.76 2.33 85.61 2.19 85.45C1.94 85.19 1.79 85.26 1.69 85.14C1.61 85.05 1.52 84.97 1.43 84.9C1.38 84.87 1.33 84.86 1.28 84.85C1.24 84.84 1.2 84.82 1.16 84.81C1.19 84.79 1.13 84.7 1.05 84.56C0.97 84.44 0.89 84.33 0.8 84.23C0.64 84.05 0.48 83.88 0.34 83.68C0.3 83.62 0.26 83.58 0.2 83.51L0 83.3C0.14 82.84 0.27 82.37 0.41 81.91C0.6 81.36 0.68 80.99 0.89 80.53C1.03 80.2 1.02 79.82 1.1 79.45C1.16 79.19 1.11 79.09 1.11 78.96C1.12 78.84 1.17 78.73 1.36 78.66C1.27 78.5 1.39 78.36 1.35 78.22C1.29 77.97 1.49 77.78 1.46 77.54C1.44 77.41 1.63 77.46 1.7 77.41C1.76 77.37 1.97 77.34 1.7 77.21C1.46 77.1 1.51 76.86 1.76 76.73C1.87 76.68 1.88 76.62 1.8 76.55C1.65 76.43 1.63 76.33 1.79 76.23C1.84 76.2 1.88 76.14 1.83 76.1C1.5 75.85 1.86 75.63 1.8 75.39C1.79 75.33 1.85 75.3 1.92 75.3C2.11 75.32 2.11 75.24 2.02 75.15C1.84 74.97 1.89 74.78 1.94 74.61C2.12 74.06 2.09 73.49 2.23 72.94C2.43 72.19 2.41 71.43 2.53 70.68C2.58 70.27 2.54 69.82 2.49 69.4C2.46 69.09 2.48 68.79 2.64 68.49C2.8 68.17 2.7 67.82 2.69 67.48C2.67 67.37 2.66 67.26 2.77 67.16C2.86 67.08 3 66.99 3.17 67C3.34 67.01 3.52 67.07 3.55 67.22C3.6 67.49 3.71 67.72 3.87 67.97C4 68.2 3.93 68.51 3.92 68.79L3.89 69.5C3.89 69.54 3.88 69.58 3.89 69.61C3.92 69.67 3.98 69.73 4.06 69.73C4.15 69.72 4.12 69.65 4.12 69.6C4.07 69 4.24 68.4 4.27 67.79C4.3 67.44 4.33 67.08 4.33 66.72C4.33 66.65 4.34 66.58 4.36 66.52C4.4 66.31 4.52 66.15 4.8 66.13ZM17.26 80.67C17.27 80.68 17.29 80.68 17.31 80.68C17.3 80.66 17.29 80.63 17.28 80.63C17.25 80.62 17.24 80.65 17.26 80.67ZM17.06 79.03V79.01V79.03ZM15.4 78.5C15.41 78.49 15.41 78.5 15.4 78.5V78.5Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M12.85 45.8201C12.87 45.8301 12.86 45.8201 12.85 45.8201V45.8201Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M1.94001 82.62C1.90001 82.41 2.48001 81.5 3.08001 80.87C3.87001 80.05 4.61001 79.12 5.40001 78.34C5.57001 78.17 5.96001 77.78 5.72001 77.87C5.16001 78.08 5.99001 77.1 6.04001 76.79C6.12001 76.26 6.65001 75.93 7.05001 75.48C7.38001 75.11 7.79001 74.7 8.05001 74.22C8.23001 73.9 8.49001 73.56 8.70001 73.38C9.68001 72.54 10.05 71.58 10.56 70.72C10.93 70.09 11.26 69.61 11.75 69C13.63 66.64 15.46 64.09 17 61.56C18.09 59.76 19.03 57.85 19.94 55.94C20.27 55.24 20.61 54.86 20.87 54.18L21.12 53.61C21.43 52.5 21.66 51.38 22.28 50.35C22.5 49.15 23.2 48.12 23.31 46.89C23.32 46.7 23.38 46.41 23.44 46.2C24.06 44.12 24.38 41.95 24.47 39.81C24.49 39.41 24.53 38.98 24.63 38.71C24.67 36.85 24.32 35.06 24 33.31C23.8 32.15 23.27 31.05 22.62 30.1C22.02 29.23 21.36 28.42 20.53 27.78C20.02 27.35 19.42 27.01 18.83 26.65C17.57 25.99 16.08 25.55 14.97 25.2C13.82 24.89 12.89 24.75 11.8 25.11C11.72 25.12 11.28 25.25 11.07 25.2C10.84 25.15 10.45 25.21 10.17 25.35C9.38001 25.67 8.58001 26.08 7.81001 26.51C7.05001 26.96 6.35001 27.5 5.82001 28.09C5.66001 28.29 5.49001 28.49 5.32001 28.68C5.19001 28.86 4.97001 29.12 4.94001 29.18C4.76001 29.57 4.45001 30.06 4.25001 30.5C3.81001 31.41 3.47001 32.35 3.31001 33.34C3.12001 34.7 3.17001 36.09 3.48001 37.43C3.94001 39.49 5.24001 41.32 6.97001 42.64C8.32001 43.67 9.89001 44.66 11.58 45.29C12.02 45.44 12.48 45.62 12.83 45.8C12.82 45.8 12.82 45.8 12.82 45.8C12.83 45.8 12.84 45.8 12.84 45.8L12.92 45.84C13.3 45.91 13.7 45.94 14.06 46.01C17.23 46.77 20.54 46.28 23.58 45.38C23.79 45.32 23.97 45.24 24.15 45.16C24.37 45.06 24.59 44.95 24.81 44.85C24.88 44.81 24.97 44.81 25.05 44.78L25.28 44.73L25.57 44.66C25.77 44.61 25.97 44.57 26.18 44.53C29.68 43.93 33.16 42.93 36.14 41.14C36.55 40.92 36.97 40.67 37.39 40.42C37.81 40.18 38.25 39.97 38.67 39.78C38.8 39.71 38.92 39.69 39.02 39.56C39.37 39.09 39.87 38.71 40.37 38.28C40.85 37.84 41.41 37.45 41.85 36.98C45.26 33.59 47.49 29.1 48.44 24.35C48.96 21.76 49.21 19.09 49.24 16.42C49.27 15.67 49.28 14.88 49.34 14.12C49.39 12.74 49.38 12.72 49.76 13.35L49.77 13.38C49.59 10.98 49.37 8.67997 49.34 6.46997C49.34 6.11997 49.35 5.89997 49.45 5.86997C49.46 5.73997 49.46 5.58997 49.48 5.48997C49.68 4.62997 49.75 4.68997 50.13 6.12997C50.19 6.39997 50.25 6.91997 50.33 6.81997C50.42 6.70997 50.25 6.31997 50.2 6.05997C50.06 5.40997 50.1 4.90997 50.03 4.34997C49.91 3.25997 49.59 2.11997 49.41 1.05997C49.31 0.549969 49.17 -0.0500307 49.37 -0.0300307C49.58 -3.06871e-05 49.85 0.199969 50.14 1.14997C50.38 1.99997 50.69 2.81997 50.7 3.64997C50.7 3.74997 50.79 3.98997 50.84 4.16997V4.17997C51.13 4.98997 51.21 6.02997 51.5 6.88997C51.65 7.29997 51.69 7.59997 51.86 7.60997C52.16 7.63997 52.39 8.23997 52.53 9.51997C52.95 13.26 53 17.06 52.54 20.84C52.37 22.31 52.06 23.76 51.65 25.18C51.38 26 51.29 26.91 51 27.8C49.61 32.45 46.85 36.75 43.19 40.03C39.86 43.09 35.74 45.11 31.52 46.39C30.91 46.6 30.27 46.72 29.65 46.9C29.02 47.06 28.4 47.25 27.76 47.35L25.86 47.71L25.74 47.73C25.71 47.74 25.64 47.75 25.68 47.74C25.71 47.73 25.68 47.74 25.68 47.74C25.78 47.7 25.51 47.81 25.38 47.87C25.06 47.99 24.75 48.14 24.43 48.24C19.61 49.92 14.2 49.78 9.53001 47.68C8.22001 47.08 6.80001 46.4 5.61001 45.44C4.66001 44.69 3.78001 43.81 3.03001 42.82C2.27001 41.84 1.62001 40.76 1.14001 39.59C0.480011 38.03 0.170011 36.28 0.240011 34.58C0.300011 32.88 0.730011 31.24 1.35001 29.75C1.63001 29.04 1.97001 28.42 2.33001 27.73C2.42001 27.49 2.71001 27.2 2.79001 27.09C2.92001 26.94 3.04001 26.78 3.17001 26.64C3.44001 26.37 3.69001 26.07 3.98001 25.82C5.09001 24.78 6.35001 23.91 7.75001 23.27C9.75001 22.37 12.02 21.82 14.28 22C15 22.07 15.7 22.15 16.36 22.36C17.04 22.52 17.66 22.78 18.29 23.07C18.78 23.26 19.27 23.54 19.79 23.77C20.32 24 20.81 24.29 21.28 24.59C22.4 25.21 23.8 26.17 24.3 27.34C24.91 27.88 25.4 28.76 25.8 29.41C26.56 30.57 26.83 31.86 27.19 33.07C27.38 33.74 27.18 33.67 27.18 34.01C27.18 34.31 27.03 34.68 27.38 35.06C27.69 35.4 27.81 36.74 27.6 37.66C27.52 38.04 27.5 38.36 27.59 38.63C27.76 39.14 27.76 39.65 27.58 40.28C27.53 40.48 27.47 40.82 27.5 40.98C27.77 42.08 27.25 43.48 27.12 44.67C27.1 44.95 26.99 45.18 26.92 45.18C26.72 45.2 26.65 45.56 26.67 45.99C26.7 46.81 26.42 47.82 26.15 48.68C25.26 51.48 24.34 54.29 23.08 56.91C22.23 58.69 21.35 60.45 20.37 62.18C19.42 63.91 18.3 65.6 17.17 67.16C15.92 68.93 14.62 70.78 13.35 72.6C12.39 73.93 11.41 75.17 10.31 76.3C9.12001 77.52 8.00001 79.03 6.84001 80.43C6.42001 80.93 6.03001 81.39 5.62001 81.69C5.22001 81.98 4.90001 82.12 4.90001 81.87C4.90001 81.6 5.07001 81.14 5.58001 80.54C6.47001 79.47 7.15001 78.45 7.86001 77.36C8.50001 76.36 9.51001 75.25 10.34 74.17L12.5 71.38C12.61 71.23 12.74 71.08 12.83 70.94C12.99 70.68 13.12 70.41 13.03 70.38C12.95 70.35 12.75 70.67 12.62 70.84C10.89 73.24 9.01001 75.41 7.12001 77.61C6.03001 78.88 4.93001 80.11 3.80001 81.33C3.59001 81.58 3.37001 81.81 3.16001 82C2.52001 82.61 2.01001 82.96 1.94001 82.62ZM50.89 4.45997C50.89 4.39997 50.86 4.29997 50.84 4.19997C50.83 4.25997 50.82 4.30997 50.83 4.37997C50.85 4.51997 50.89 4.56997 50.89 4.45997ZM49.49 5.87997L49.47 5.89997L49.5 5.90997C49.5 5.89997 49.49 5.87997 49.49 5.87997ZM49.75 13.47C49.74 13.43 49.74 13.45 49.75 13.47V13.47Z" fill="#333333"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_291_6440"> <rect width="52.86" height="85.91" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </div> </div> </div> </div> <svg preserveAspectRatio="none" height="159" viewBox="0 0 1258 159" fill="none" xmlns="" class="svg-shape bottom h-35-below-768"> <path d="M0 19.1236C0 19.1236 262.5 179 817 39.0003C1107.29 -34.2915 1258 19.1236 1258 19.1236V158.257H0V19.1236Z" fill="white"></path> </svg> </section>--> <section class="lw-sect lw-size-n pt-0 pb-10rem-below-768"> <div class="lw-sect-content wide-ebook"> <div class="lw-cols stretch js-elevator"> <div class="col span_9_of_12 pr-5rem pr-0-below-768 flex-item span_12-below-768"> <div class="of-hide mb-5rem" data-floor-id="sec1"> <div id="sec1" class="mb-6rem hide-below-480"></div> <div class="flex-wrapper va-c mb-3rem"> <svg class="fbasis-50 mr-2rem fsh-0" width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M11.318 21.1955H18.9271C19.6275 21.1955 20.1953 20.6277 20.1953 19.9273V18.6592L23.2389 20.9419C23.6237 21.2304 24.1379 21.2762 24.567 21.0617C24.9966 20.8468 25.268 20.4077 25.268 19.9273V12.3182C25.268 11.8379 24.9966 11.3988 24.567 11.1839C24.1374 10.9691 23.6231 11.0155 23.2389 11.3037L20.1953 13.5864V12.3182C20.1953 11.6179 19.6275 11.0501 18.9271 11.0501H11.318C10.6176 11.0501 10.0498 11.6179 10.0498 12.3182V19.9273C10.0498 20.6277 10.6176 21.1955 11.318 21.1955ZM22.7316 14.8546V17.391L21.0407 16.1228L22.7316 14.8546ZM12.5862 13.5864H17.6589V18.6592H12.5862V13.5864Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M7.51361 28.6797V32.6092C7.51361 33.1222 7.82262 33.5845 8.2965 33.7809C8.77038 33.9772 9.31586 33.8686 9.67857 33.506L14.3799 28.8038H17.7874C17.7027 29.2204 17.6591 29.6452 17.6591 30.0729V35.1456C17.6591 38.642 20.5036 41.4865 24 41.4865H33.614L38.3141 46.2649C38.6769 46.6338 39.2245 46.7434 39.6987 46.5493C40.1751 46.3542 40.4864 45.8905 40.4864 45.3756V41.3603C43.4338 40.7684 45.6437 38.1735 45.6437 35.1456V30.0729C45.6437 26.5678 42.724 23.7319 39.2182 23.7319H32.7497C32.8332 23.3221 32.8773 22.898 32.8773 22.4638V9.69737C32.8773 6.20098 30.0328 3.35645 26.5364 3.35645H8.78179C5.2767 3.35645 2.35632 6.1916 2.35632 9.69737V22.4638C2.35632 25.5776 4.64734 28.1072 7.51361 28.6797ZM39.2182 26.2683C41.3264 26.2683 43.1073 28.0105 43.1073 30.0729V35.1456C43.1073 37.2316 41.3483 38.9501 39.2182 38.9501C38.5178 38.9501 37.95 39.518 37.95 40.2183V42.2778L35.0496 39.329C34.8112 39.0867 34.4854 38.9501 34.1455 38.9501H24C21.9022 38.9501 20.1954 37.2434 20.1954 35.1456V30.0729C20.1954 29.6386 20.2707 29.2097 20.4135 28.8047H26.5364C28.6064 28.8047 30.4476 27.8074 31.6056 26.2683H39.2182ZM4.89269 9.69737C4.89269 7.63505 6.67365 5.89281 8.78179 5.89281H26.5364C28.6342 5.89281 30.3409 7.59954 30.3409 9.69737V22.4638C30.3409 24.5616 28.6342 26.2683 26.5364 26.2683H13.8545C13.5182 26.2683 13.1957 26.4019 12.9578 26.6397L10.05 29.5476V27.5365C10.05 26.8361 9.48217 26.2683 8.78179 26.2683C6.67365 26.2683 4.89269 24.5261 4.89269 22.4638V9.69737Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M26.5363 33.8774C27.2366 33.8774 27.8044 33.3096 27.8044 32.6092C27.8044 31.9088 27.2366 31.3411 26.5363 31.3411C25.8359 31.3411 25.2681 31.9088 25.2681 32.6092C25.2681 33.3096 25.8359 33.8774 26.5363 33.8774Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M31.609 33.8774C32.3094 33.8774 32.8772 33.3096 32.8772 32.6092C32.8772 31.9088 32.3094 31.3411 31.609 31.3411C30.9086 31.3411 30.3408 31.9088 30.3408 32.6092C30.3408 33.3096 30.9086 33.8774 31.609 33.8774Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M36.6818 33.8774C37.3822 33.8774 37.9499 33.3096 37.9499 32.6092C37.9499 31.9088 37.3822 31.3411 36.6818 31.3411C35.9814 31.3411 35.4136 31.9088 35.4136 32.6092C35.4136 33.3096 35.9814 33.8774 36.6818 33.8774Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> <h2 class="mb-0">Create Interactive Courses</h2> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">LearnWorlds is built from the ground up as an online training platform that enables you to create and sell courses and digital products of any type. Suppose you try to create a course with LearnWorlds. In that case, you will easily understand that everything, from editing your content to using assessment tools, is strongly focused on the learning experience you provide to your users.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">On the other hand, course creation is something new to SamCart, since they started offering this functionality to their users a few months ago. SamCart allows you to create courses with multiple types of content like text, video, audio, and downloadables, but editing and customizing your content is limited.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">LearnWorlds offers the most complete course builder with limitless capabilities for editing and personalizing your content so that your courses are engaging. For example, you can upload a video and then edit it right on the platform and add text, images, questions, offers, or even subtitles. In other words, LearnWorlds not only allows you to create your course content within the platform from scratch, but also offers you a flexible built-in content editor where you simply upload your videos or eBooks and then customize them to appeal to your audience.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m">SamCart, on the other hand, won't allow you to edit your content right on the platform. If you’re using videos for your courses, you will need extra time and effort for post-production. Another downside is that SamCart does not host your videos, so you will need to first upload them to Youtube, Wistia, or Vimeo and then embed them into your SamCart courses.</div> <table class="lw-table minimal-style lw-txt-s w-full mb-2rem"> <tr > <th><div class="lw-txt lw-txt-s bold mb-0">Course creation</div></th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m bold mb-0"><span class="hide-below-480">LearnWorlds</span><span class="hide-above-481">Learn Worlds</span></div> </th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m bold mb-0">SamCart</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Unlimited Courses</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Unlimited Sites & Pages</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Live Classes with Zoom</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Interactive Videos & eBooks</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Automatic Video Transcription</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">SCORM & HTML5</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Private Courses</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Copyright Protection</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> </table> <table class="lw-table minimal-style lw-txt-s w-full"> <tr> <th><div class="lw-txt lw-txt-s bold mb-0">Assessment</div></th> <th></th> <th></th> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Quizzes</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Certificates</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Gradebooks</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Questionbanks</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Text / File Assignments</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> </table> <div class="lw-acc2-light-bg rounded-15 p-3_5rem-0-3_5rem-3_5rem mt-5rem p-3rem-below-768"> <div class="lw-cols small-gutters multiple-rows valign-center mb-0"> <div class="col span_7_of_12 flex-item span_12-769_960 span_12-below-768 mb-0 pr-3rem-above-769-below-960"> <div class="mb-1rem faux-h3">Key takeaway:</div> <p class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-2_5rem"> While SamCart allows you to sell ready-made courses from a single page, LearnWorlds offers you the most advanced authoring tools so you can create engaging courses right on the platform.This means that if you want to offer a new course to your users, you won’t have to look for another tool for course production, as you’ll have everything you need - and even more - in one place. </p> <button class="lw-btn lw-btn-rounded lw-btn-solid-accent2 lw-btn-m nowrap w-full-below-620 js-toggle-form-popup"> <span>Start a free trial</span> </button> </div> <div class="col talign-c span_5_of_12 flex-item span_12-769_960 mt-5rem-769_960 hide-below-768 mb-0"> <img src="" class="w-full"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="of-hide mb-5rem" data-floor-id="sec2"> <div id="sec2" class="mb-6rem hide-below-768"></div> <div class="flex-wrapper va-c mb-3rem"> <svg class="fbasis-50 mr-2rem fsh-0" width="48" height="49" viewBox="0 0 48 49" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.52513 8.30369C6.1815 7.64731 7.07174 7.27856 8 7.27856H34C34.9283 7.27856 35.8185 7.64731 36.4749 8.30369C37.1313 8.96007 37.5 9.85031 37.5 10.7786V15.2786H40C41.933 15.2786 43.5 16.8456 43.5 18.7786V38.7786C43.5 40.7116 41.933 42.2786 40 42.2786H28C26.067 42.2786 24.5 40.7116 24.5 38.7786V38.2786H8C7.07175 38.2786 6.18151 37.9098 5.52513 37.2534C4.86875 36.5971 4.5 35.7068 4.5 34.7786V10.7786C4.5 9.85031 4.86875 8.96007 5.52513 8.30369ZM27.5 38.7786C27.5 39.0547 27.7239 39.2786 28 39.2786H40C40.2761 39.2786 40.5 39.0547 40.5 38.7786V18.7786C40.5 18.5024 40.2761 18.2786 40 18.2786H37.4146C37.4699 18.435 37.5 18.6032 37.5 18.7786C37.5 19.607 36.8284 20.2786 36 20.2786H32C31.1716 20.2786 30.5 19.607 30.5 18.7786C30.5 18.6032 30.5301 18.435 30.5854 18.2786H28C27.7239 18.2786 27.5 18.5024 27.5 18.7786V38.7786ZM34.5 15.2786H28C26.067 15.2786 24.5 16.8456 24.5 18.7786V35.2786H8C7.86739 35.2786 7.74021 35.2259 7.64645 35.1321C7.55268 35.0384 7.5 34.9112 7.5 34.7786V10.7786C7.5 10.646 7.55268 10.5188 7.64645 10.425C7.74022 10.3312 7.86739 10.2786 8 10.2786H34C34.1326 10.2786 34.2598 10.3312 34.3536 10.425C34.4473 10.5188 34.5 10.646 34.5 10.7786V15.2786Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> <h2 class="mb-0">Build professional websites</h2> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">LearnWorlds comes with a complete website builder with which you can create multiple pages like a homepage, blog, sales, and checkout pages with ready-made templates. Your website can have a custom domain and your own branding. You can also add interactive elements and widgets with drag-and-drop, like a professional developer would do - without the extra cost and the coding skills.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">With SamCart, you can only create a page where a user can go and purchase your product. This means that if your page visitors are not ready to purchase your course and need some more information about your offering before making a final decision, then they might drop.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">Instead, with LearnWorlds, visitors can go to your homepage, read testimonials, visit your blog, and engage with you before they decide to buy your course or digital product.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">Also, to capture your visitors' attention, you can create powerful forms and pop-ups to get their email addresses or promote an offer. For advanced interaction with your users, LearnWorlds enables you to create communities that look like a built-in social network.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m">With LearnWorlds, all these functionalities are available right in your school’s environment, without any external integration.</div> <table class="lw-table minimal-style lw-txt-s w-full"> <tr > <th><div class="small mb-0"></div></th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m bold mb-0"><span class="hide-below-480">LearnWorlds</span><span class="hide-above-481">Learn Worlds</span></div> </th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m bold mb-0">SamCart</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">White-labelling</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Page templates & widgets</td> <td width="25%"> <div class="flex-wrapper a-i-c flex-wrap-below-620"> <img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs mr-5"/> <span class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-xs mb-0">400+</span> </div> </td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%"> <div class="mb-0p8rem">Device Authoring</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xs lw-text-color-fadeout35">Adjust how your school looks based on user's device</div> </td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%"> <div class="mb-0p8rem">Student Info Sections</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xs lw-text-color-fadeout35">Allows your students to see core metrics about their interaction with your school.</div> </td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">User Roles</td> <td width="25%"> <div class="flex-wrapper a-i-c flex-wrap-below-620"> <img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs mr-5"/> <span class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-xs mb-0">Advanced</span> </div> </td> <td width="25%"> <div class="flex-wrapper a-i-c flex-wrap-below-620"> <img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs mr-5"/> <span class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-xs mb-0">Basic</span> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Custom code editor</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%"> <div class="mb-0p8rem">Site Flavors</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xs lw-text-color-fadeout35">Create an alternative version of your school's site in just a few clicks.</div> </td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Communities</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Testimonials & Quotes</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> </table> <div class="lw-acc2-light-bg rounded-15 p-3_5rem mt-5rem"> <div class="lw-cols small-gutters multiple-rows valign-center mb-0"> <div class="col span_7_of_12 flex-item span_12-769_960 span_12-below-768 mb-0"> <div class="mb-1rem faux-h3">Key takeaway:</div> <p class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-2_5rem"> SamCart allows you to simply create checkout pages where you can highlight and sell your course. LearnWorlds, on the other hand, comes packed with a drag-and-drop website builder, which enables you to build an entire online academy with zero coding skills and customize it according to your needs. </p> <button class="lw-btn lw-btn-rounded lw-btn-solid-accent2 lw-btn-m nowrap w-full-below-620 js-toggle-form-popup"> <span>Start Free trial</span> </button> </div> <div class="col talign-c span_5_of_12 flex-item span_12-769_960 mt-5rem-769_960 hide-below-768 mb-0"> <img src="" class="js-video-popup-open cursor-pointer w-full" data-video-id="xyinbhmt03" data-video-provider="wistia"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="of-hide mb-5rem" data-floor-id="sec3"> <div id="sec3" class="mb-6rem hide-below-768"></div> <div class="flex-wrapper va-c mb-3rem"> <svg class="fbasis-50 mr-2rem fsh-0" width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M32 9.5C31.7239 9.5 31.5 9.72386 31.5 10V38C31.5 38.2761 31.7239 38.5 32 38.5H40C40.2761 38.5 40.5 38.2761 40.5 38V10C40.5 9.72386 40.2761 9.5 40 9.5H32ZM40 41.5C41.933 41.5 43.5 39.933 43.5 38V10C43.5 8.067 41.933 6.5 40 6.5H32C30.067 6.5 28.5 8.067 28.5 10V14.5354C28.3367 14.5121 28.1698 14.5 28 14.5H20C18.067 14.5 16.5 16.067 16.5 18V22.5354C16.3367 22.5121 16.1698 22.5 16 22.5H8C6.067 22.5 4.5 24.067 4.5 26V38C4.5 39.933 6.067 41.5 8 41.5H40ZM28 38.5C28.2761 38.5 28.5 38.2761 28.5 38V18C28.5 17.7239 28.2761 17.5 28 17.5H20C19.7239 17.5 19.5 17.7239 19.5 18V38C19.5 38.2761 19.7239 38.5 20 38.5H28ZM8 38.5H16C16.2761 38.5 16.5 38.2761 16.5 38V26C16.5 25.7239 16.2761 25.5 16 25.5H8C7.72386 25.5 7.5 25.7239 7.5 26V38C7.5 38.2761 7.72386 38.5 8 38.5Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> <h2 class="mb-0">Measure Success & Optimize</h2> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">If you are running an online course business instead of simply selling a course, then you might be looking for ways to optimize your business performance and scale.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">LearnWorlds empowers you to keep your learners engaged and sell more courses with complete <span class="bold">user progress reports and deep course insights</span> right on your dashboard with its advanced built-in analytics tools. For a quick overview, you can access state-of-the-art visualizations and graphs that will help you transform your courses and take your school to the next level.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">As an example, you can see your most engaging courses, the performance of your learning activities, and key metrics about your students’ interaction with your school. All these pieces of information are presented in a structured manner and can be easily exported, so you can share them with your team or use them in your own systems.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m">SamCart does not have a built-in analytics tool, though you can track basic information about your users, like their progress within a course or quiz completions.</div> <table class="lw-table minimal-style lw-txt-s w-full mb-5rem"> <tr> <th><div class="faux-h3 small mb-0"> </div></th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m bold mb-0"><span class="hide-below-480">LearnWorlds</span><span class="hide-above-481">Learn Worlds</span></div> </th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m bold mb-0">SamCart</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">User Engagement</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Course Insights</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Video Analytics</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">User Progress</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Assessments & Grades</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Sales Analytics</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Automated Reports</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> </table> <div class="lw-light-bg p-3rem pos-rel mt-7rem"> <svg class="absolute-top-center" style="left: auto; right: 20px;" width="81" height="80" viewBox="0 0 81 80" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect x="0.550781" width="80" height="80" rx="40" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M41.3298 36.1481C41.3298 30.467 45.935 25.8618 51.6169 25.8618C57.2989 25.8618 61.4228 30.3083 61.904 35.9695C62.6388 44.6072 56.0762 51.8397 48.1082 54.1397C50.8241 52.4978 52.7184 49.6421 53.0343 46.321C52.5692 46.387 52.0988 46.434 51.6163 46.434C45.9348 46.434 41.3295 41.8292 41.3295 36.1477L41.3298 36.1481Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M19.5984 36.1481C19.5984 30.467 24.2035 25.8618 29.8859 25.8618C35.5674 25.8618 39.6918 30.3083 40.1734 35.9695C40.9082 44.6072 34.3456 51.8397 26.3776 54.1397C29.0935 52.4978 30.9874 49.6421 31.3037 46.321C30.8386 46.387 30.3673 46.434 29.8857 46.434C24.2037 46.434 19.5986 41.8292 19.5986 36.1477L19.5984 36.1481Z" fill="white"/> </svg> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-vl mt-3rem mb-1_5rem">"The data we can pull from our courses is above and beyond. Learnworlds has given us everything we need to create innovative, engaging online courses that people LOVE taking."</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-s mb-0">Alicia S.</div> </div> <div class="lw-acc2-light-bg rounded-15 p-3_5rem-0-3_5rem-3_5rem mt-5rem p-3rem-below-768"> <div class="lw-cols small-gutters multiple-rows valign-center mb-0"> <div class="col span_7_of_12 flex-item span_12-769_960 span_12-below-768 mb-0 pr-3rem-above-769-below-960"> <div class="mb-1rem faux-h3">Key takeaway:</div> <p class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-2_5rem"> LearnWorlds Analytics provides you with reports on your learner's behavior and school performance right on your dashboard, so you can keep growing your business and offer educational excellence to your audience. SamCart doesn't include a built-in analytics tool, so getting insights about your users requires a third-party app. </p> <button class="lw-btn lw-btn-rounded lw-btn-solid-accent2 lw-btn-m nowrap w-full-below-620 js-toggle-form-popup"> <span>Start Free trial</span> </button> </div> <div class="col talign-c mt-5rem-below-768 span_5_of_12 talign-c flex-item span_12-769_960 mt-5rem-769_960 hide-below-768 mb-0"> <img class="w-full" src=""> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="of-hide mb-5rem" data-floor-id="sec4"> <div id="sec4" class="mb-6rem hide-below-768"></div> <div class="flex-wrapper va-c mb-3rem"> <svg class="fbasis-50 mr-2rem fsh-0" width="48" height="49" viewBox="0 0 48 49" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.7726 6.35687C12.8243 5.28455 14.2572 4.67651 15.7575 4.67651H32.2425C33.7427 4.67651 35.1756 5.28455 36.2274 6.35687C37.2783 7.4284 37.8636 8.87556 37.8636 10.3786V39.7927C37.8636 41.2957 37.2783 42.7428 36.2274 43.8143C35.1756 44.8867 33.7427 45.4947 32.2425 45.4947H15.7575C14.2572 45.4947 12.8243 44.8867 11.7726 43.8143C10.7216 42.7428 10.1364 41.2957 10.1364 39.7927V10.3786C10.1364 8.87556 10.7216 7.4284 11.7726 6.35687ZM11.7726 6.35687L12.8435 7.4072L11.7726 6.35687ZM15.7575 7.67651C15.0719 7.67651 14.4082 7.95401 13.9144 8.45753L13.9144 8.45754C13.4194 8.96215 13.1364 9.6526 13.1364 10.3786V39.7927C13.1364 40.5186 13.4194 41.2091 13.9144 41.7137L12.8435 42.764L13.9144 41.7137C14.4082 42.2172 15.0719 42.4947 15.7575 42.4947H32.2425C32.9281 42.4947 33.5917 42.2172 34.0856 41.7137C34.5805 41.2091 34.8636 40.5186 34.8636 39.7927V10.3786C34.8636 9.6526 34.5805 8.96215 34.0856 8.45754L35.1523 7.41133L34.0856 8.45753C33.5917 7.95401 32.9281 7.67651 32.2425 7.67651H15.7575ZM22.5 37.6917C22.5 36.8633 23.1716 36.1917 24 36.1917H24.0206C24.8491 36.1917 25.5206 36.8633 25.5206 37.6917C25.5206 38.5201 24.8491 39.1917 24.0206 39.1917H24C23.1716 39.1917 22.5 38.5201 22.5 37.6917Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> <h2 class="mb-0">Build a Mobile App</h2> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">Instead of creating a school that is simply responsive to mobile devices like most platforms out there, LearnWorlds enables you to skyrocket your school's success with a native mobile app. This will help you offer the added value that your learners are seeking and add another powerful channel to your marketing toolbox.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">With the LearnWorlds Mobile App Builder, you can <span class="bold">create your own white-labeled app</span> for both iOS and Android at an extra fee, and take your business mobile.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">Setting up your app is quite easy, as you can leverage the click-and-edit visual builder functionality to bring your brand to life without a line of code needed. Also, you can keep your course curriculum consistent without feeling overwhelmed. <span class="bold">Your school's content is automatically synchronized</span> with your school's web and mobile versions at once.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">The Mobile App Builder comes packed with awesome features to boost your business and enhance your students' engagement. You can harness the power of <span class="bold">push notifications</span> to keep your users engaged and prompt them to take action. But also, you can provide learners with a quick and easy way to purchase your online courses via <span class="bold">in-app purchases</span> and supercharge your school's growth.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m">Currently, SamCart does not offer a mobile app, but their courses are mobile responsive, so anyone can access them on a mobile device. However, given the fact that a native mobile app is quite different from a mobile-responsive course, if you genuinely want to stand out and leverage the power of mobile learning, then LearnWorlds is the best solution for you.</div> <table class="lw-table minimal-style lw-txt-s w-full mb-5rem"> <tr> <th><div class="faux-h3 small mb-0"> </div></th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m bold mb-0"><span class="hide-below-480">LearnWorlds</span><span class="hide-above-481">Learn Worlds</span></div> </th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m bold mb-0">SamCart</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">White-labeled app</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Push notifications</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">In-app purchases</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Customization</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> </table> <div class="lw-acc2-light-bg rounded-15 p-3_5rem-0-3_5rem-3_5rem mt-5rem p-3rem-below-768"> <div class="lw-cols small-gutters multiple-rows valign-center mb-0"> <div class="col span_7_of_12 flex-item span_12-769_960 span_12-below-768 mb-0 pr-3rem-above-769-below-960"> <div class="mb-1rem faux-h3">Key takeaway:</div> <p class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-2_5rem"> LearnWorlds enables you to own a fully-branded native mobile app and have full control over it without any coding skills. With SamCart, all your courses are simply mobile responsive, but you won't offer a 'learning-on-the-go' experience to your users. </p> <button class="lw-btn lw-btn-rounded lw-btn-solid-accent2 lw-btn-m nowrap w-full-below-620 js-toggle-form-popup"> <span>Start Free trial</span> </button> </div> <div class="col talign-c span_5_of_12 flex-item span_12-769_960 mt-5rem-769_960 hide-below-768 mb-0"> <img class="w-full" src=""> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="of-hide mb-5rem" data-floor-id="sec5"> <div id="sec5" class="mb-6rem hide-below-768"></div> <div class="flex-wrapper va-c mb-3rem"> <svg class="fbasis-50 mr-2rem fsh-0" width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M41.2766 37.2797C40.4267 37.2797 39.6285 37.5026 38.9354 37.8918L33.5057 32.4619C35.2472 30.3152 36.2924 27.582 36.2924 24.6088C36.2924 21.6357 35.2471 18.9024 33.5057 16.7558L36.5211 13.7402C37.4895 14.3672 38.642 14.7331 39.8791 14.7331C43.2957 14.7331 46.0753 11.9535 46.0753 8.53689C46.0753 5.1203 43.2957 2.34069 39.8791 2.34069C36.4625 2.34069 33.6829 5.1203 33.6829 8.53689C33.6829 9.77399 34.0487 10.9266 34.6759 11.8949L31.6605 14.9105C29.5138 13.1689 26.7804 12.1235 23.8072 12.1235C20.8339 12.1235 18.1005 13.1689 15.9538 14.9105L10.5241 9.48068C10.9133 8.78758 11.1363 7.98924 11.1363 7.13931C11.1363 4.4934 8.98364 2.34069 6.33764 2.34069C3.69164 2.34069 1.53894 4.4934 1.53894 7.13939C1.53894 9.78539 3.69164 11.938 6.33764 11.938C7.1874 11.938 7.98575 11.7151 8.67876 11.3259L14.1085 16.7558C12.367 18.9025 11.3218 21.6357 11.3218 24.6088C11.3218 27.582 12.367 30.3152 14.1085 32.4619L11.093 35.4775C10.1247 34.8504 8.97216 34.4845 7.73506 34.4845C4.31855 34.4845 1.53894 37.2641 1.53894 40.6808C1.53894 44.0975 4.31855 46.877 7.73514 46.877C11.1517 46.877 13.9313 44.0974 13.9313 40.6808C13.9313 39.4436 13.5655 38.291 12.9383 37.3227L15.9537 34.3072C18.1004 36.0488 20.8338 37.0942 23.8071 37.0942C26.7804 37.0942 29.5137 36.0488 31.6605 34.3072L37.0901 39.737C36.701 40.4301 36.4779 41.2285 36.4779 42.0784C36.4779 44.7244 38.6306 46.8771 41.2766 46.8771C43.9226 46.8771 46.0753 44.7243 46.0753 42.0783C46.0753 39.4323 43.9226 37.2797 41.2766 37.2797ZM23.8071 26.0993C22.2147 26.0993 20.9192 24.8037 20.9192 23.2113C20.9192 21.619 22.2148 20.3234 23.8071 20.3234C25.3994 20.3234 26.695 21.619 26.695 23.2113C26.695 24.8037 25.3995 26.0993 23.8071 26.0993ZM23.8085 28.7088C27.3643 28.7088 28.8934 31.5162 29.2711 32.8311C27.7052 33.8751 25.8261 34.4845 23.8072 34.4845C21.7883 34.4845 19.9091 33.875 18.3433 32.8311C18.724 31.5055 20.2651 28.7088 23.8085 28.7088ZM39.8791 4.95024C41.8567 4.95024 43.4657 6.5592 43.4657 8.53689C43.4657 10.5146 41.8567 12.1235 39.8791 12.1235C37.9014 12.1235 36.2924 10.5146 36.2924 8.53689C36.2924 6.5592 37.9013 4.95024 39.8791 4.95024ZM4.14849 7.13939C4.14849 5.9323 5.13055 4.95024 6.33764 4.95024C7.54473 4.95024 8.52671 5.9323 8.52671 7.13939C8.52671 8.34648 7.54473 9.32846 6.33764 9.32846C5.13055 9.32846 4.14849 8.34648 4.14849 7.13939ZM23.8071 14.7332C29.2526 14.7332 33.6828 19.1634 33.6828 24.6088C33.6828 27.029 32.8072 29.2481 31.3569 30.9675C30.9996 30.1806 30.0031 28.2978 27.7153 27.073C28.6971 26.0794 29.3046 24.7152 29.3046 23.2113C29.3046 20.18 26.8384 17.7139 23.8071 17.7139C20.7758 17.7139 18.3096 20.1801 18.3096 23.2113C18.3096 24.7151 18.9171 26.0793 19.8988 27.0729C17.6116 28.2976 16.615 30.1796 16.2573 30.9675C14.807 29.2482 13.9314 27.029 13.9314 24.6088C13.9314 19.1633 18.3616 14.7332 23.8071 14.7332ZM7.73514 44.2675C5.75745 44.2675 4.14849 42.6585 4.14849 40.6808C4.14849 38.7031 5.75745 37.0942 7.73514 37.0942C9.71283 37.0942 11.3218 38.7031 11.3218 40.6808C11.3218 42.6585 9.71292 44.2675 7.73514 44.2675ZM41.2766 44.2675C40.0695 44.2675 39.0875 43.2854 39.0875 42.0783C39.0875 40.8712 40.0695 39.8892 41.2766 39.8892C42.4836 39.8892 43.4657 40.8712 43.4657 42.0783C43.4657 43.2854 42.4836 44.2675 41.2766 44.2675Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> <h2 class="mb-0">Market & Sell your expertise</h2> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">LearnWorlds' marketing stack includes built-in tools to help you market and sell your content, even if marketing is not your cup of tea. You can easily create landing pages to highlight your courses, use pop-ups to promote offers, build powerful forms to capture email addresses or gather feedback and send email notifications to your customers.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">SamCart is on the shortlist of most eCommerce professionals that look for a shopping cart option. With features that help you trigger up-sells and cross-sells, bump offers, and decrease cart abandonment, SamCart has lots of options in place for revenue generation. This means that if your goal is solely conversion rate optimization, then SamCart might be a good alternative for your business.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">LearnWorlds, on the other hand, enables you to scale your online training business with advanced marketing tools designed to optimize conversions across your whole website, not just your checkout pages. With LearnWorlds, you can easily create memberships, use forms for email capturing and lead generation, collect feedback through surveys, and promote your products and offers with pop-ups.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m">As for payment flexibility, LearnWords supports Stripe, Paypal, Shopify, and more than 6 local payment gateways that are popular in large markets across the world. For example, PagSeguro is widely used in South America, and Giropay, iDeal, and Sofort are favored in European countries. You're definitely getting an edge over your competitors if the above are included in your target markets. SamCart supports only Stripe and Paypal, the two major payment processors in the world.</div> <table class="lw-table minimal-style lw-txt-s w-full"> <tr> <th> <div class="small mb-0"></div> </th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m bold mb-0"><span class="hide-below-480">LearnWorlds</span><span class="hide-above-481">Learn Worlds</span></div> </th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m bold mb-0">SamCart</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">SEO-friendly pages</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Offers & Coupons</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Memberships & bundles</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Pop-ups</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Funnels</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Global Payment Gateways</td> <td width="25%"> <span class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-xs mb-0"> Stripe<br> PayPal<br> Shopify<br> PagSeguro </span> </td> <td width="25%"> <span class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-xs mb-0"> Stripe<br> PayPal </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Local Payment Gateways</td> <td width="25%"> <span class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-xs mb-0"> iDeal (Netherlands)<br> Bancontact (Belgium)<br> Giropay (Germany)<br> Przelewy24 (Poland)<br> Sofort (6 EU countries) </span> </td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Email marketing</td> <td width="25%"> <div class="flex-wrapper a-i-c flex-wrap-below-620"> <img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs mr-5"/> <span class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-xs mb-0">All notification types</span> </div> </td> <td width="25%"> <div class="flex-wrapper a-i-c flex-wrap-below-620"> <img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs mr-5"/> <span class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-xs mb-0">Only transactional emails</span> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <div class="lw-acc2-light-bg rounded-15 p-3_5rem-0-3_5rem-3_5rem mt-5rem p-3rem-below-768"> <div class="lw-cols small-gutters multiple-rows valign-center mb-0"> <div class="col span_7_of_12 flex-item span_12-769_960 span_12-below-768 mb-0 pr-3rem-above-769-below-960"> <div class="mb-1rem faux-h3">Key takeaway:</div> <p class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-2_5rem"> When it comes to marketing and selling your courses, SamCart helps you optimize your conversions with up-sells, offers, and cart abandonment campaigns. On the other hand, LearnWorlds provides you with a bunch of advanced built-in tools, integrated with your online training academy, allowing you to build up your brand and expand your audience. </p> <button class="lw-btn lw-btn-rounded lw-btn-solid-accent2 lw-btn-m nowrap w-full-below-620 js-toggle-form-popup"> <span>Start Free trial</span> </button> </div> <div class="col talign-c span_5_of_12 flex-item span_12-769_960 mt-5rem-769_960 hide-below-768 mb-0"> <img class="w-full" src=""> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="of-hide mb-5rem" data-floor-id="sec6"> <div id="sec6" class="mb-6rem hide-below-768"></div> <div class="flex-wrapper va-c mb-3rem"> <svg class="fbasis-50 mr-2rem fsh-0" width="48" height="49" viewBox="0 0 48 49" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M24 8.27832C14.8873 8.27832 7.5 15.6656 7.5 24.7783C7.5 33.891 14.8873 41.2783 24 41.2783C33.1127 41.2783 40.5 33.891 40.5 24.7783C40.5 15.6656 33.1127 8.27832 24 8.27832ZM4.5 24.7783C4.5 14.0088 13.2304 5.27832 24 5.27832C34.7696 5.27832 43.5 14.0088 43.5 24.7783C43.5 35.5479 34.7696 44.2783 24 44.2783C13.2304 44.2783 4.5 35.5479 4.5 24.7783ZM24 11.2783C24.8284 11.2783 25.5 11.9499 25.5 12.7783V15.2783H25.9768C26.9644 15.2499 27.9416 15.4881 28.8056 15.9681C29.6776 16.4525 30.4014 17.165 30.8995 18.0291C31.3133 18.7468 31.0669 19.6641 30.3492 20.0778C29.6314 20.4915 28.7142 20.2451 28.3005 19.5274C28.074 19.1346 27.745 18.8108 27.3487 18.5906C26.9524 18.3704 26.5036 18.2622 26.0505 18.2774C26.0337 18.278 26.0168 18.2783 26 18.2783H24.0128C24.0085 18.2783 24.0043 18.2783 24 18.2783C23.9957 18.2783 23.9915 18.2783 23.9872 18.2783H22C21.337 18.2783 20.7011 18.5417 20.2322 19.0105C19.7634 19.4793 19.5 20.1152 19.5 20.7783C19.5 21.4413 19.7634 22.0772 20.2322 22.546C20.7011 23.0149 21.337 23.2783 22 23.2783H26C27.4587 23.2783 28.8576 23.8577 29.8891 24.8892C30.9205 25.9206 31.5 27.3196 31.5 28.7783C31.5 30.237 30.9205 31.6359 29.8891 32.6674C28.8576 33.6988 27.4587 34.2783 26 34.2783H25.5V36.7783C25.5 37.6067 24.8284 38.2783 24 38.2783C23.1716 38.2783 22.5 37.6067 22.5 36.7783V34.2783H22.0233C21.0356 34.3066 20.0584 34.0684 19.1944 33.5884C18.3224 33.104 17.5986 32.3916 17.1005 31.5274C16.6867 30.8097 16.9331 29.8925 17.6508 29.4787C18.3686 29.065 19.2858 29.3114 19.6995 30.0291C19.926 30.4219 20.255 30.7457 20.6513 30.9659C21.0476 31.1861 21.4964 31.2944 21.9495 31.2791C21.9663 31.2785 21.9832 31.2783 22 31.2783H26C26.663 31.2783 27.2989 31.0149 27.7678 30.546C28.2366 30.0772 28.5 29.4413 28.5 28.7783C28.5 28.1152 28.2366 27.4793 27.7678 27.0105C27.2989 26.5417 26.663 26.2783 26 26.2783H22C20.5413 26.2783 19.1424 25.6988 18.1109 24.6674C17.0795 23.6359 16.5 22.237 16.5 20.7783C16.5 19.3196 17.0795 17.9206 18.1109 16.8892C19.1424 15.8577 20.5413 15.2783 22 15.2783H22.5V12.7783C22.5 11.9499 23.1716 11.2783 24 11.2783Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> <h2 class="mb-0">Compare pricing</h2> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m">Now that you have seen the main differences between LearnWorlds vs. SamCart let's compare the pricing, to give you a better understanding of where it's worth investing your money.</div> <div class="lw-cols small-gutters mb-4rem hide-below-620"> <div class="col span_2_of_12 p-2rem-0 flex-item mb-0"> <div style="visibility: hidden;"> <div class="lw-txt extra-bold lw-txt-vl mb-0">xxx</div> <div class="lw-txt-xs tag-acc3">XXXXX XXXX</div> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xs semi-bold p-1_5rem-0 bt-1px-darkGray mb-0" style="height: 78px;">Low Plan</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xs semi-bold p-1_5rem-0 bt-1px-darkGray mb-0" style="height: 78px;">Middle Plan</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xs semi-bold p-1_5rem-0 bt-1px-darkGray mb-0" style="height: 78px;">High Plan</div> </div> <div class="col span_5_of_12 flex-item mb-0 p-2rem-1rem with-shadow rounded-10 lw-align-c pos-rel" style="left: 3rem;"> <div> <div class="lw-txt extra-bold lw-txt-vl mb-0">LearnWorlds</div> <div class="lw-txt-xs tag-acc3">Save up to 20% with annual plans</div> </div> <div class="p-0-5rem lw-align-l"> <div class="p-1rem-0 bt-1px-darkGray"> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-vl mb-0">$29/mo</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xs lw-text-color-fadeout50 mb-0">Starter</div> </div> <div class="p-1rem-0 bt-1px-darkGray"> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-vl mb-0">$99/mo</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xs lw-text-color-fadeout50 mb-0">Pro Trainer</div> </div> <div class="p-1rem-0 bt-1px-darkGray"> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-vl mb-0">$299/mo</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xs lw-text-color-fadeout50 mb-0">Learning Center</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col span_5_of_12 flex-item mb-0 p-2rem-1rem lw-align-c"> <div> <div class="lw-txt extra-bold lw-txt-vl mb-0">SamCart</div> <div class="lw-txt-xs tag-acc3" style="visibility: hidden;">Save up to 20% with annual plans</div> </div> <div class="p-0-5rem lw-align-l"> <div class="p-1rem-0 bt-1px-darkGray"> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-vl mb-0">$49/mo</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xs lw-text-color-fadeout50 mb-0">Basic</div> </div> <div class="p-1rem-0 bt-1px-darkGray"> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-vl mb-0">$99/mo</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xs lw-text-color-fadeout50 mb-0">Growth</div> </div> <div class="p-1rem-0 bt-1px-darkGray"> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-vl mb-0">$199/mo</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xs lw-text-color-fadeout50 mb-0">Pro</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="hide-above-621"> <div class="lw-txt bold lw-txt-xl mb-1rem">LearnWorlds<br><span class="lw-txt-m tag-acc3 bold rounded-light">Save up to 20% with annual plans</span></div> <ul class="pl-2rem mb-3rem"> <li class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-0">Low plan (Starter): <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-l v-middle mb-0 bold">$29/mo</span></li> <li class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-0">Middle plan (Pro Trainer): <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-l v-middle mb-0 bold">$99/mo</span></li> <li class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-0">High plan (Learning Center): <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-l v-middle mb-0 bold">$299/mo</span></li> </ul> <div class="with-border-bottom mb-3rem"></div> <div class="lw-txt bold lw-txt-xl mb-1rem">SamCart</div> <ul class="pl-2rem mb-3rem"> <li class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-0">Low plan (Basic): <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-l v-middle mb-0 bold">$49/mo</span></li> <li class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-0">Middle plan (Growth): <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-l v-middle mb-0 bold">$99/mo</span></li> <li class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-0">High plan (Pro): <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-l v-middle mb-0 bold">$199/mo</span></li> </ul> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">Both platforms offer three different plans and a free trial; 14 days for SamCart and 30 days for LearnWorlds. This will allow you to test the waters of each platform, build your courses and school, and finally make a decision.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">When you want to build an entire school rather than just checkout pages for your courses, LearnWorlds has all the tools you need in one integrated platform. From creating a website to producing courses and promoting your school, the process is as easy as ABC. The platform is designed to enable you to scale without the need to hire developers and designers. This way, you can keep your costs low, while having full control over your school.</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">Although SamCart offers some functionality for course creators, theplatform focuses mostly on conversion rate optimization. Creating shopping carts and launching cart abandonment campaigns is right up SamCart’s street, which makes it an ideal solution for digital marketers. If you aspire to build your own online academy with advanced authoring tools, then LearnWorlds is a no-brainer solution for you.</div> <div class="lw-txt bold lw-txt-m mb-1_5rem">Here's what LearnWorlds makes possible for online course creators like you:</div> <ul class="pl-2rem lw-txt-m mb-2rem"> <li class="m-1rem-0"> Create unlimited courses and landing pages </li> <li class="m-1rem-0"> Build professional websites, blogs and communities </li> <li class="m-1rem-0"> Make your videos and eBooks interactive and engaging </li> <li class="m-1rem-0"> Strengthen your brand with full white-labeling </li> <li class="m-1rem-0"> Own a fully-blown mobile app </li> <li class="m-1rem-0"> Enhance collaboration with your team </li> <li class="m-1rem-0"> Optimize your school's performance with deep insights into your courses and users </li> </ul> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m bold mb-1rem">All these come with:</div> <ul class="pl-2rem lw-txt-m"> <li class="m-1rem-0"> Premium, top-class support, and customer onboarding </li> <li class="m-1rem-0"> Integrations with 40+ premium software platforms </li> <li class="m-1rem-0"> A stable and secure platform that will support your goals on the road to success </li> </ul> </div> <div class="of-hide"> <div class="mb-3rem"></div> <h2>Are you a hands-on person when it comes to choosing your next business tool?</h2> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m">Just try it! LearnWorlds offers a 30-day free trial, giving you the chance to see firsthand and real-time how you can scale your own online business.</div> <button class="lw-btn lw-btn-rounded lw-btn-solid-accent2 lw-btn-m nowrap w-full-below-620 js-toggle-form-popup"> <span>Start a free trial</span> </button> </div> </div> <div class="col span_3_of_12 flex-item hide-below-768"> <div class="article-toc js-elevator-panel"> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m bold mb-2_5rem">Table of Contents:</div> <div class="article-toc-items mb-3rem"> <a href="#sec1" class="flex-item row-start article-toc-item article-toc-active"> <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-s mb-0">Course creation</span> </a> <a href="#sec2" class="flex-item row-start article-toc-item"> <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-s mb-0">Website builder</span> </a> <a href="#sec3" class="flex-item row-start article-toc-item"> <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-s mb-0">Reporting & Analytics</span> </a> <a href="#sec4" class="flex-item row-start article-toc-item"> <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-s mb-0">Mobile apps</span> </a> <a href="#sec5" class="flex-item row-start article-toc-item"> <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-s mb-0">Sales & Marketing</span> </a> <a href="#sec6" class="flex-item row-start article-toc-item"> <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-s mb-0">Pricing</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="lw-sect lw-size-m lw-light-bg lw-align-c"> <div class="lw-sect-content wide"> <h2 class="small">Compare LearnWorlds</h2> <ul class="-quick-navigation lw-cols mb-0 small-gutters multiple-rows mt-5rem list-style-type-none j-c-c row-gap-1rem col-gap-2rem"> <li class="-vs-thinkific quick-navigation-item col span_4_of_12 flex-item span_6-below-768 span_12-below-480 nav-menu-item megamenu-list-item rounded-normal lw-white-bg mb-0"> <a href="/learnworlds-vs-thinkific-comparison/?lw_nav=internal" class="block text-dec-none p-15"> <div class="mb-0 faux-h3 lw-txt">vs Thinkific</div> </a> </li> <li class="-vs-kajabi quick-navigation-item col 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span_4_of_12 flex-item span_6-below-768 span_12-below-480 nav-menu-item megamenu-list-item rounded-normal lw-white-bg mb-0"> <a href="/learnworlds-vs-thrivecart-comparison/?lw_nav=internal" class="block text-dec-none p-15"> <div class="mb-0 faux-h3 lw-txt">vs ThriveCart</div> </a> </li> <li class="-vs-woocommerce quick-navigation-item col span_4_of_12 flex-item span_6-below-768 span_12-below-480 nav-menu-item megamenu-list-item rounded-normal lw-white-bg mb-0"> <a href="/learnworlds-vs-woocommerce-comparison/?lw_nav=internal" class="block text-dec-none p-15"> <div class="mb-0 faux-h3 lw-txt">vs WooCommerce</div> </a> </li> <li class="-vs-learnupon quick-navigation-item col span_4_of_12 flex-item span_6-below-768 span_12-below-480 nav-menu-item megamenu-list-item rounded-normal lw-white-bg mb-0"> <a href="/learnworlds-vs-learnupon-comparison/?lw_nav=internal" class="block text-dec-none p-15"> <div class="mb-0 faux-h3 lw-txt">vs LearnUpon</div> </a> </li> <li class="-vs-freshlearn 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46.0264H22.8083C22.1511 46.0264 21.6816 46.4958 21.6816 47.153C21.6816 47.8102 22.1511 48.2796 22.8083 48.2796Z" fill="#333333"></path> <path d="M52.4743 24.2454H69.8429C70.5001 24.2454 70.9695 23.776 70.9695 23.1188C70.9695 22.4616 70.5001 21.9922 69.8429 21.9922H52.4743C51.8171 21.9922 51.3477 22.4616 51.3477 23.1188C51.3477 23.776 51.8171 24.2454 52.4743 24.2454Z" fill="#333333"></path> <path d="M52.4743 32.2258H69.8429C70.5001 32.2258 70.9695 31.7563 70.9695 31.0991C70.9695 30.4419 70.5001 30.0664 69.8429 30.0664H52.4743C51.8171 30.0664 51.3477 30.5358 51.3477 31.193C51.3477 31.8502 51.8171 32.2258 52.4743 32.2258Z" fill="#333333"></path> <path d="M69.8429 38.1406H63.3649C62.7077 38.1406 62.2383 38.61 62.2383 39.2672C62.2383 39.9244 62.7077 40.3939 63.3649 40.3939H69.8429C70.5001 40.3939 70.9695 39.9244 70.9695 39.2672C70.9695 38.5162 70.4062 38.1406 69.8429 38.1406Z" fill="#333333"></path> <path d="M69.8442 46.1211H66.5583C65.9011 46.1211 65.4316 46.5905 65.4316 47.2477C65.4316 47.9049 65.9011 48.3743 66.5583 48.3743H69.8442C70.5014 48.3743 70.9708 47.9049 70.9708 47.2477C70.9708 46.5905 70.4075 46.1211 69.8442 46.1211Z" fill="#333333"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M43.2738 55.3214L41.6777 53.7254V45.088L43.2738 44.3369L52.7561 49.0311V49.7822L43.2738 55.3214Z" fill="#FFD24D"></path> <path d="M11.2822 4.94223C9.25692 4.59001 7.67192 3.00502 7.3197 1.06782C7.3197 0.363384 6.61526 -0.0768927 5.99888 0.0111654C5.47055 0.0992201 5.11833 0.539494 5.03028 0.979767C4.59 3.00502 3.09308 4.59001 1.06782 4.94223C0.36338 5.03028 -0.0768899 5.73472 0.0111648 6.3511C0.0992159 6.87943 0.539489 7.23165 0.979763 7.3197C3.00502 7.67192 4.59 9.2569 4.94222 11.1941C5.03028 11.8985 5.73472 12.3388 6.3511 12.1627C6.87943 12.0746 7.23165 11.6344 7.3197 11.1941C7.67192 9.16884 9.25692 7.58387 11.2822 7.3197C11.9866 7.23165 12.4269 6.52721 12.2508 5.91083C12.2508 5.47055 11.8105 5.03028 11.2822 4.94223Z" fill="#333333"></path> <path d="M94.9348 61.2969C92.9096 60.9447 91.3246 59.3597 90.9724 57.4225C90.8843 56.718 90.1799 56.2778 89.5635 56.4539C89.0352 56.5419 88.6829 56.9822 88.5949 57.4225C88.2427 59.4477 86.6577 61.0327 84.6324 61.2969C83.928 61.3849 83.4877 62.0894 83.6638 62.7058C83.7519 63.2341 84.1922 63.5863 84.6324 63.6744C86.6577 64.0266 88.2427 65.6116 88.5949 67.5488C88.6829 68.2532 89.3874 68.6935 90.0038 68.5174C90.5321 68.4293 90.8843 67.989 90.9724 67.5488C91.3246 65.5235 92.9096 63.9385 94.9348 63.6744C95.6393 63.5863 96.0795 62.8819 95.9034 62.2655C95.9034 61.8252 95.4632 61.3849 94.9348 61.2969Z" fill="#02CFC0"></path> </svg> <h2 class="mb-0">Create engaging courses</h2> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-n"> LearnWorlds is built from the ground up as an online training platform that enables you to create and sell courses and digital products of any type. Suppose you try to create a course with LearnWorlds. In that case, you will easily understand that everything, from editing your content to using assessment tools, is strongly focused on the learning experience you provide to your users.<br><br> On the other hand, course creation is something new to SamCart, since they started offering this functionality to their users a few months ago. SamCart allows you to create courses with multiple types of content like text, video, audio, and downloadables, but editing and customizing your content is limited.<br><br> LearnWorlds offers the most complete course builder with limitless capabilities for editing and personalizing your content so that your courses are engaging. For example, you can upload a video and then edit it right on the platform and add text, images, questions, offers, or even subtitles. In other words, LearnWorlds not only allows you to create your course content within the platform from scratch, but also offers you a flexible built-in content editor where you simply upload your videos or eBooks and then customize them to appeal to your audience.<br><br> SamCart, on the other hand, won't allow you to edit your content right on the platform. If you’re using videos for your courses, you will need extra time and effort for post-production. Another downside is that SamCart does not host your videos, so you will need to first upload them to Youtube, Wistia, or Vimeo and then embed them into your SamCart courses. </div> <table class="lw-table minimal-style lw-txt-m w-full"> <tr > <th><h3 class="small mb-0">Course creation</h3></th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-s mb-0"><span class="hide-below-480">LearnWorlds</span><span class="hide-above-481">Learn Worlds</span></div> </th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-s mb-0">SamCart</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Unlimited Courses</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Unlimited Sites & Pages</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Live Classes with Zoom</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Interactive Videos & eBooks</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Automatic Video Transcription</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">SCORM & HTML5</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Private Courses</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Copyright Protection</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <th><h3 class="small mb-0">Assessment</h3></th> <th></th> <th></th> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Quizzes</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Certificates</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Gradebooks</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Questionbanks</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Text/File Assignments</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> </table> <div class="lw-acc1-light-bg pos-rel stars-glyph p-3_5rem mt-5rem"> <div class="lw-cols multiple-rows mb-0"> <div class="col span_8_of_12 flex-item span_12-769_960 pr-5rem pr-0-below-768 span_12-below-768 mb-0"> <p class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-2_5rem"> <span class="underline-yellow extra-bold">Bottom line:</span> While SamCart allows you to sell ready-made courses from a single page, LearnWorlds offers you the most advanced authoring tools so you can create engaging courses right on the platform.This means that if you want to offer a new course to your users, you won’t have to look for another tool for course production, as you’ll have everything you need - and even more - in one place. </p> <button class="lw-btn lw-btn-rounded lw-btn-solid-accent2 lw-btn-m nowrap w-full-below-620 js-toggle-form-popup"> <span>Start Free trial</span> </button> </div> <div class="col talign-c pl-3rem span_4_of_12 flex-item span_12-769_960 mt-5rem-769_960 hide-below-768 mb-0"> <img src="" class="w-full mw-300 shadow-black-light"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="of-hide mb-5rem" data-floor-id="sec2"> <div id="sec2" class="mb-3rem"></div> <div class="flex-wrapper row-to-col-below-768 va-c mb-3rem"> <svg class="fbasis-90 mr-2rem mr-0-below-768" width="96" height="66" viewBox="0 0 96 66" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M16.959 43.3516H79.5243V47.8594C79.5243 49.5163 78.1812 50.8594 76.5243 50.8594H19.959C18.3021 50.8594 16.959 49.5163 16.959 47.8594V43.3516Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M77.8613 1.49111H19.4577C17.4909 1.49111 15.891 3.09108 15.891 5.05777V48.3248C15.891 50.2916 17.4909 51.8915 19.4577 51.8915H41.9795C41.3076 54.0186 40.385 56.0268 39.2263 57.8833H37.3573C34.6085 57.8833 32.3725 60.1193 32.3725 62.8681C32.3725 64.149 33.4144 65.191 34.6954 65.191H62.6234C63.9044 65.191 64.9464 64.1491 64.9464 62.8681C64.9464 60.1193 62.7105 57.8833 59.9617 57.8833H58.0926C56.9339 56.0266 56.0112 54.0183 55.3395 51.8915H77.8613C79.828 51.8915 81.4279 50.2916 81.4279 48.3248V5.05777C81.4279 3.09109 79.828 1.49111 77.8613 1.49111ZM19.4577 3.70235H77.8613C78.6086 3.70235 79.2166 4.31048 79.2166 5.05777V42.581H18.1023V5.05777C18.1023 4.31061 18.7104 3.70235 19.4577 3.70235ZM62.735 62.8682C62.735 62.9296 62.6848 62.9799 62.6233 62.9799H34.6954C34.634 62.9799 34.5837 62.9296 34.5837 62.8682C34.5837 61.339 35.8281 60.0946 37.3573 60.0946H59.9616C61.4907 60.0946 62.735 61.339 62.735 62.8682ZM53.029 51.8916C53.6401 53.9983 54.476 56.0046 55.5251 57.8834H41.7938C42.8428 56.0047 43.6787 53.9985 44.2899 51.8916H53.029ZM77.8613 49.6804H19.4577C18.7104 49.6804 18.1023 49.0722 18.1023 48.325V44.7924H79.2166V48.325C79.2166 49.0721 78.6085 49.6804 77.8613 49.6804Z" fill="#333333" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="0.3"/> <path d="M11.9343 43.8251C9.79202 43.477 8.11542 41.9104 7.74284 39.9957C7.6497 39.2995 6.90455 38.8643 6.25254 39.0384C5.69367 39.1254 5.32109 39.5606 5.22795 39.9957C4.85537 41.9974 3.17877 43.564 1.03646 43.8251C0.384446 43.9121 -0.0812761 44.6084 0.0118682 45.2176C0.105012 45.7398 0.570734 46.0879 1.03646 46.1749C3.17877 46.523 4.85537 48.0896 5.22795 50.0043C5.32109 50.7005 6.06625 51.1357 6.71826 50.9616C7.27712 50.8746 7.6497 50.4394 7.74284 50.0043C8.11542 48.0026 9.79202 46.436 11.9343 46.1749C12.6795 46.0879 13.1452 45.3916 12.9589 44.7824C12.9589 44.3473 12.4932 43.9121 11.9343 43.8251Z" fill="#FFD24D"/> <path d="M95.0185 4.82508C93.0454 4.47696 91.5013 2.9104 91.1581 0.995723C91.0723 0.299476 90.386 -0.13568 89.7855 0.0383815C89.2708 0.125412 88.9277 0.560569 88.8419 0.995723C88.4987 2.99743 86.9546 4.56399 84.9815 4.82508C84.2952 4.91211 83.8663 5.60836 84.0378 6.21758C84.1236 6.73976 84.5526 7.08788 84.9815 7.17492C86.9546 7.52304 88.4987 9.08959 88.8419 11.0043C88.9277 11.7005 89.614 12.1357 90.2145 11.9616C90.7292 11.8746 91.0723 11.4394 91.1581 11.0043C91.5013 9.00256 93.0454 7.43601 95.0185 7.17492C95.7048 7.08788 96.1337 6.39164 95.9622 5.78242C95.9622 5.34727 95.5332 4.91211 95.0185 4.82508Z" fill="#333333"/> <rect x="24.523" y="9.20518" width="36.8246" height="24.497" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2.8" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <rect x="28.9254" y="24.1744" width="18.3331" height="5.12492" fill="#02CFC0" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2.8" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <rect x="24.523" y="9.20518" width="36.8246" height="5.12492" fill="#FFD24D" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2.8" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M68.3172 36.6771L65.204 39.7903L62.0908 36.6771L59.9115 38.8564L56.7983 28.2715L67.3832 31.3847L65.204 33.5639L68.3172 36.6771Z" fill="white" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <h2 class="mb-0">Build your online academy</h2> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-n"> LearnWorlds comes with a complete website builder with which you can create multiple pages like a homepage, blog, sales, and checkout pages with ready-made templates. Your website can have a custom domain and your own branding. You can also add interactive elements and widgets with drag-and-drop, like a professional developer would do - without the extra cost and the coding skills.<br><br> With SamCart, you can only create a page where a user can go and purchase your product. This means that if your page visitors are not ready to purchase your course and need some more information about your offering before making a final decision, then they might drop.<br><br> Instead, with LearnWorlds, visitors can go to your homepage, read testimonials, visit your blog, and engage with you before they decide to buy your course or digital product.<br><br> Also, to capture your visitors' attention, you can create powerful forms and pop-ups to get their email addresses or promote an offer. For advanced interaction with your users, LearnWorlds enables you to create communities that look like a built-in social network.<br><br> With LearnWorlds, all these functionalities are available right in your school’s environment, without any external integration. </div> <table class="lw-table minimal-style lw-txt-m w-full"> <tr > <th><div class="faux-h3 small mb-0"> </div></th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-s mb-0"><span class="hide-below-480">LearnWorlds</span><span class="hide-above-481">Learn Worlds</span></div> </th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-s mb-0">SamCart</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">White-label</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Page templates & widgets</td> <td width="25%"> <div class="flex-wrapper a-i-c"> <img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/> <span class="ml-5 lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-xs mb-0">400+</span> </div> </td> <td width="25%"> <img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%"> <div class="mb-0p8rem">Advanced Device Authoring</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xs lw-text-color-fadeout35 mb-0">Adjust how your school looks based on user's device</div> </td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%"> <div class="mb-0p8rem">Student Profiles</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xs lw-text-color-fadeout35 mb-0">Allows your students to see core metrics about their interaction with your school</div> </td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">User Roles</td> <td width="25%"> <div class="flex-wrapper a-i-c"> <img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/> <span class="ml-5 lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-xs mb-0">Advanced</span> </div> </td> <td width="25%"> <div class="flex-wrapper a-i-c"> <img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/> <span class="ml-5 lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-xs mb-0">Basic</span> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Custom code editor</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%"> <div class="mb-0p8rem">Site Flavors</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xs lw-text-color-fadeout35 mb-0">Create an alternative version of your school’s site in just a few clicks</div> </td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Communities</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Testimonials & Quotes</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"> <img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/> </td> </tr> </table> <div class="lw-acc1-light-bg pos-rel stars-glyph p-3_5rem mt-5rem"> <div class="lw-cols multiple-rows mb-0"> <div class="col span_7_of_12 flex-item span_12-769_960 span_12-below-768 mb-0"> <p class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-2_5rem"> <span class="underline-yellow extra-bold">Bottom line:</span> SamCart allows you to simply create checkout pages where you can highlight and sell your course. LearnWorlds, on the other hand, comes packed with a drag-and-drop website builder, which enables you to build an entire online academy with zero coding skills and customize it according to your needs. </p> <button class="lw-btn lw-btn-rounded lw-btn-solid-accent2 lw-btn-m nowrap w-full-below-620 js-toggle-form-popup"> <span>Start Free trial</span> </button> </div> <div class="col talign-c span_5_of_12 flex-item span_12-769_960 mt-5rem-769_960 hide-below-768 mb-0"> <div class="m-0-auto w-full mw-300"> <div class="lw-AR-16-9 shadow-black-light"> <iframe src="" title="pb8 Video" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen msallowfullscreen width="100%" height="100%"></iframe> <button class="video-play-btn small yellow js-video-popup-open" data-video-id="xyinbhmt03" data-video-provider="wistia"></button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="of-hide mb-5rem" data-floor-id="sec3"> <div id="sec3" class="mb-3rem"></div> <div class="flex-wrapper row-to-col-below-768 va-c mb-3rem"> <svg class="fbasis-90 mr-2rem mr-0-below-768" width="77" height="70" viewBox="0 0 77 70" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect x="9.68555" y="47.5493" width="8.80547" height="17.6109" fill="#FFD24D"/> <rect x="23.7754" y="38.7441" width="8.80547" height="26.4164" fill="#FFD24D"/> <rect x="36.9824" y="32.5801" width="8.80547" height="32.5802" fill="#FFD24D"/> <rect x="50.1914" y="23.7749" width="8.80547" height="41.3857" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M68.984 65.3111C68.8725 64.8653 68.4267 64.6424 67.981 64.6424H60.0684V61.1876C60.0684 60.519 59.6227 60.0732 58.954 60.0732C58.2853 60.0732 57.8395 60.519 57.8395 61.1876V64.6424H51.2643V24.5225H57.8395V49.7089C57.8395 50.3775 58.2853 50.8233 58.954 50.8233C59.6227 50.8233 60.0684 50.3775 60.0684 49.7089V24.6339C60.0684 23.2966 59.0654 22.2936 57.7281 22.2936H51.3758C50.0384 22.2936 49.0354 23.2966 49.0354 24.6339V64.6424H46.6951V41.9078C46.6951 41.2391 46.2493 40.7933 45.5807 40.7933C44.912 40.7933 44.4662 41.2391 44.4662 41.9078V64.6424H37.891V33.438H44.4662V37.0042C44.4662 37.6729 44.912 38.1187 45.5807 38.1187C46.2493 38.1187 46.6951 37.6729 46.6951 37.0042V33.5495C46.6951 32.2121 45.6921 31.2091 44.3548 31.2091H38.0025C36.6651 31.2091 35.6621 32.2121 35.6621 33.5495V64.6424H33.3218V40.2361C33.3218 38.8988 32.3188 37.8958 30.9815 37.8958H24.6292C23.2918 37.8958 22.2888 38.8988 22.2888 40.2361V56.8413C22.2888 57.51 22.7346 57.9557 23.4033 57.9557C24.0719 57.9557 24.5177 57.51 24.5177 56.8413V40.1247H31.0929V64.6424H24.5177V61.6334C24.5177 60.9647 24.0719 60.519 23.4033 60.519C22.7346 60.519 22.2888 60.9647 22.2888 61.6334V64.6424H19.9485V49.1516C19.9485 47.8143 18.9455 46.8113 17.6082 46.8113H11.2559C9.91853 46.8113 8.91554 47.8143 8.91554 49.1516C8.91554 49.8203 9.36131 50.2661 10.03 50.2661C10.6986 50.2661 11.2559 49.7089 11.1444 49.0402H17.7196V64.6424H11.1444V53.8323C11.1444 53.1636 10.6986 52.7179 10.03 52.7179C9.36131 52.7179 8.91554 53.1636 8.91554 53.8323V64.6424H4.45777V12.4865C4.45777 11.8178 4.01199 11.3721 3.34333 11.3721C2.67466 11.3721 2.22888 11.8178 2.22888 12.4865V64.6424H1.11444C0.445777 64.6424 0 65.0882 0 65.7568C0 66.4255 0.445777 66.8713 1.11444 66.8713H2.22888V67.9857C2.22888 68.6544 2.67466 69.1002 3.34333 69.1002C4.01199 69.1002 4.45777 68.6544 4.45777 67.9857V66.8713H65.3063C65.3063 66.8713 64.0804 67.6514 64.972 68.7658C65.4177 69.3231 66.3093 68.9887 66.5322 68.7658L68.7611 66.5369C69.0954 66.2026 69.2068 65.7568 68.984 65.3111Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M2.22888 3.79362V7.80561C2.22888 8.47428 2.67466 8.92005 3.34333 8.92005C4.01199 8.92005 4.45777 8.47428 4.45777 7.80561V1.11896C4.45777 0.673181 4.23488 0.227404 3.7891 0.11596C3.34333 -0.106929 2.89755 0.00451547 2.56322 0.338848L0.334333 2.56773C-0.111444 3.01351 -0.111444 3.68218 0.334333 4.12795C1.33733 5.01951 2.22888 3.79362 2.22888 3.79362Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M58.9543 53.3862C58.2856 53.3862 57.8398 53.832 57.8398 54.5007V56.841C57.8398 57.5097 58.2856 57.9554 58.9543 57.9554C59.623 57.9554 60.0687 57.5097 60.0687 56.841V54.5007C60.0687 53.832 59.623 53.3862 58.9543 53.3862Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M10.0305 35.6667H14.2653C14.7111 35.6667 15.1569 35.4438 15.3798 35.2209L23.0694 27.5313C23.5152 27.0855 23.5152 26.4168 23.0694 25.9711C22.6237 25.5253 21.955 25.5253 21.5092 25.9711L14.0425 33.4378H10.0305C9.36179 33.4378 8.91602 33.8836 8.91602 34.5523C8.91602 35.2209 9.36179 35.6667 10.0305 35.6667Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M26.4121 24.1881L28.3067 22.2936H40.7884C41.3457 22.2936 41.9029 22.0707 42.3486 21.6249L53.6045 10.3691C53.716 10.8148 54.1617 11.1492 54.6075 11.1492C55.2762 11.1492 55.722 10.7034 55.722 10.0347V7.80585C55.6105 6.80285 54.719 6.69141 54.6075 6.69141H52.3786C51.71 6.69141 51.2642 7.13718 51.2642 7.80585C51.2642 8.25163 51.5985 8.6974 52.0443 8.80885L40.7884 20.0647H28.1952C27.7495 20.0647 27.1922 20.2876 26.8579 20.6219L24.8519 22.6279C24.4061 23.0737 24.4061 23.7424 24.8519 24.1881C25.2977 24.6339 26.1892 24.411 26.4121 24.1881Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M75.5615 31.3587C73.5362 31.0065 71.9512 29.4215 71.599 27.4843C71.599 26.7799 70.8946 26.3396 70.2782 26.4277C69.7499 26.5157 69.3976 26.956 69.3096 27.3963C68.8693 29.4215 67.3724 31.0065 65.3471 31.3587C64.6427 31.4468 64.2024 32.1512 64.2905 32.7676C64.3785 33.296 64.8188 33.6482 65.2591 33.7362C67.2843 34.0884 68.8693 35.6734 69.2215 37.6106C69.3096 38.3151 70.014 38.7553 70.6304 38.5792C71.1587 38.4912 71.5109 38.0509 71.599 37.6106C71.9512 35.5854 73.5362 34.0004 75.5615 33.7362C76.2659 33.6482 76.7062 32.9437 76.5301 32.3273C76.5301 31.8871 76.0898 31.4468 75.5615 31.3587Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M20.9677 9.34506C18.9425 8.99284 17.3575 7.40786 17.0052 5.47065C17.0052 4.76622 16.3008 4.32594 15.6844 4.414C15.1561 4.50205 14.8039 4.94233 14.7158 5.3826C14.2756 7.40786 12.7786 8.99284 10.7534 9.34506C10.0489 9.43312 9.60866 10.1376 9.69671 10.7539C9.78477 11.2823 10.225 11.6345 10.6653 11.7225C12.6906 12.0748 14.2756 13.6597 14.6278 15.5969C14.7158 16.3014 15.4203 16.7417 16.0366 16.5655C16.565 16.4775 16.9172 16.0372 17.0052 15.5969C17.3575 13.5717 18.9425 11.9867 20.9677 11.7225C21.6721 11.6345 22.1124 10.93 21.9363 10.3137C21.9363 9.87339 21.496 9.43312 20.9677 9.34506Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> <h2 class="mb-0">Measure Success & Optimize</h2> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-n"> If you are running an online course business instead of simply selling a course, then you might be looking for ways to optimize your business performance and scale.<br><br> LearnWorlds empowers you to keep your learners engaged and sell more courses with complete <span class="bold">user progress reports and deep course insights</span> right on your dashboard with its advanced built-in analytics tools. For a quick overview, you can access state-of-the-art visualizations and graphs that will help you transform your courses and take your school to the next level.<br><br> As an example, you can see your most engaging courses, the performance of your learning activities, and key metrics about your students’ interaction with your school. All these pieces of information are presented in a structured manner and can be easily exported, so you can share them with your team or use them in your own systems.<br><br> SamCart does not have a built-in analytics tool, though you can track basic information about your users, like their progress within a course or quiz completions. </div> <table class="lw-table minimal-style lw-txt-m w-full mb-4rem"> <tr> <th> <div class="small mb-0"></div> </th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-s mb-0"><span class="hide-below-480">LearnWorlds</span><span class="hide-above-481">Learn Worlds</span></div> </th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-s mb-0">SamCart</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">User Engagement</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Course Insights</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Video Analytics</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">User Progress</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Assessments & Grades</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Sales Reports</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Automated School Reports</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> </table> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-n">As a LearnWorlds customer says:</div> <div class="bl-acc2 pl-3rem pr-5rem pr-0-below-768"> <div class="flex-item row-start mb-2rem"> <svg class="mr-1rem" xmlns="" width="53" height="52" viewBox="0 0 53 52" fill="none"> <ellipse cx="26.2126" cy="26" rx="26.1716" ry="26" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M25.3269 25.0226C25.3269 20.7928 21.9375 17.364 17.7555 17.364C13.5735 17.364 10.5382 20.6746 10.184 24.8896C9.64319 31.3208 14.4733 36.7057 20.3379 38.4182C18.339 37.1957 16.9448 35.0695 16.7123 32.5968C17.0546 32.646 17.4008 32.6809 17.7559 32.6809C21.9376 32.6809 25.3272 29.2525 25.3272 25.0223L25.3269 25.0226Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M41.3217 25.0226C41.3217 20.7928 37.9322 17.364 33.7499 17.364C29.5682 17.364 26.5326 20.6746 26.1781 24.8896C25.6373 31.3208 30.4675 36.7057 36.3321 38.4182C34.3331 37.1957 32.9392 35.0695 32.7064 32.5968C33.0487 32.646 33.3956 32.6809 33.7501 32.6809C37.9321 32.6809 41.3216 29.2525 41.3216 25.0223L41.3217 25.0226Z" fill="black"/> </svg> <div class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-m mb-0">Alicia S.</div> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l bold">'The data we can pull from our courses is above and beyond. LearnWorlds has given us everything we need to create innovative, engaging online courses that people LOVE taking.'</div> <img src="" class=""/> </div> <div class="lw-acc1-light-bg pos-rel stars-glyph p-3_5rem mt-5rem"> <div class="lw-cols multiple-rows mb-0"> <div class="col span_7_of_12 flex-item span_12-769_960 span_12-below-768 mb-0"> <p class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-2_5rem"> <span class="underline-yellow extra-bold">Bottom line:</span> LearnWorlds Analytics provides you with reports on your learner's behavior and school performance right on your dashboard, so you can keep growing your business and offer educational excellence to your audience. SamCart doesn't include a built-in analytics tool, so getting insights about your users requires a third-party app. </p> <button class="lw-btn lw-btn-rounded lw-btn-solid-accent2 lw-btn-m nowrap w-full-below-620 js-toggle-form-popup"> <span>Start Free trial</span> </button> </div> <div class="col talign-c mt-5rem-below-768 span_5_of_12 talign-c flex-item span_12-769_960 mt-5rem-769_960 hide-below-768 mb-0"> <img class="w-full mw-300" src=""> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="of-hide mb-5rem" data-floor-id="sec4"> <div id="sec4" class="mb-3rem"></div> <div class="flex-wrapper row-to-col-below-768 va-c mb-3rem"> <svg class="fbasis-90 mr-2rem mr-0-below-768" width="78" height="71" viewBox="0 0 78 71" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M56.3722 67.9477C57.4128 66.6355 57.9981 64.8564 58 63.0006V56H21V63.0006C21.0019 64.8564 21.5873 66.6355 22.6278 67.9477C23.6683 69.2599 25.079 69.9979 26.5504 70H52.4496C53.921 69.9979 55.3317 69.2599 56.3722 67.9477Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M14.0163 55.8251C12.0388 55.477 10.4912 53.9104 10.1472 51.9957C10.0613 51.2995 9.37343 50.8643 8.77157 51.0384C8.25569 51.1254 7.91178 51.5606 7.8258 51.9957C7.48188 53.9974 5.93425 55.564 3.95673 55.8251C3.35487 55.9121 2.92498 56.6084 3.01096 57.2176C3.09693 57.7398 3.52683 58.0879 3.95673 58.1749C5.93425 58.523 7.48188 60.0896 7.8258 62.0043C7.91178 62.7005 8.59961 63.1357 9.20147 62.9616C9.71734 62.8746 10.0613 62.4394 10.1472 62.0043C10.4912 60.0026 12.0388 58.436 14.0163 58.1749C14.7041 58.0879 15.134 57.3916 14.9621 56.7824C14.9621 56.3473 14.5322 55.9121 14.0163 55.8251Z" fill="#FFD24D"/> <path d="M76.9343 24.2272C74.792 23.85 73.1154 22.1529 72.7428 20.0787C72.6497 19.3244 71.9045 18.853 71.2525 19.0416C70.6937 19.1359 70.3211 19.6073 70.2279 20.0787C69.8554 22.2472 68.1788 23.9443 66.0365 24.2272C65.3844 24.3215 64.9187 25.0757 65.0119 25.7357C65.105 26.3014 65.5707 26.6785 66.0365 26.7728C68.1788 27.15 69.8554 28.8471 70.2279 30.9213C70.3211 31.6756 71.0662 32.147 71.7183 31.9584C72.2771 31.8641 72.6497 31.3927 72.7428 30.9213C73.1154 28.7528 74.792 27.0557 76.9343 26.7728C77.6795 26.6785 78.1452 25.9243 77.9589 25.2643C77.9589 24.7929 77.4932 24.3215 76.9343 24.2272Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M11.9367 4.82508C9.79921 4.47696 8.12637 2.9104 7.75463 0.995723C7.6617 0.299476 6.91821 -0.13568 6.26766 0.0383815C5.71005 0.125412 5.3383 0.560569 5.24537 0.995723C4.87363 2.99743 3.20079 4.56399 1.06327 4.82508C0.319791 4.91211 -0.144885 5.60836 0.0409857 6.21758C0.133921 6.73976 0.598597 7.08788 1.06327 7.17492C3.20079 7.52304 4.87363 9.08959 5.24537 11.0043C5.3383 11.7005 6.08179 12.1357 6.73234 11.9616C7.28995 11.8746 7.6617 11.4394 7.75463 11.0043C8.12637 9.00256 9.79921 7.43601 11.9367 7.17492C12.6802 7.08788 13.1449 6.39164 12.959 5.78242C12.959 5.34727 12.4943 4.91211 11.9367 4.82508Z" fill="#333333"/> <rect x="21.25" y="5.25" width="36.5" height="64.5" rx="6.75" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2.5"/> <line x1="35" y1="10.7" x2="44" y2="10.7" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2.6"/> <circle cx="40.5" cy="62.5" r="3.5" fill="#333333"/> <circle cx="49.5" cy="11.5" r="1.5" fill="#333333"/> <line x1="21" y1="55.75" x2="58" y2="55.75" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2.5"/> <rect x="28.25" y="21.25" width="8.5" height="9.5" rx="1.75" fill="#02CFC0" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2.5"/> <rect x="28.25" y="35.25" width="8.5" height="9.5" rx="1.75" fill="#FFD24D" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2.5"/> <rect x="43.25" y="21.25" width="8.5" height="9.5" rx="1.75" fill="#FFD24D" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2.5"/> <rect x="43.25" y="35.25" width="8.5" height="9.5" rx="1.75" fill="#FFD24D" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="2.5"/> </svg> <h2 class="mb-0">Build a Mobile App</h2> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-n"> Instead of creating a school that is simply responsive to mobile devices like most platforms out there, LearnWorlds enables you to skyrocket your school's success with a native mobile app. This will help you offer the added value that your learners are seeking and add another powerful channel to your marketing toolbox.<br><br> With the LearnWorlds Mobile App Builder, you can <span class="bold">create your own white-labeled app</span> for both iOS and Android at an extra fee, and take your business mobile.<br><br> Setting up your app is quite easy, as you can leverage the click-and-edit visual builder functionality to bring your brand to life without a line of code needed. Also, you can keep your course curriculum consistent without feeling overwhelmed. <span class="bold">Your school's content is automatically synchronized</span> with your school's web and mobile versions at once.<br><br> The Mobile App Builder comes packed with awesome features to boost your business and enhance your students' engagement. You can harness the power of <span class="bold">push notifications</span> to keep your users engaged and prompt them to take action. But also, you can provide learners with a quick and easy way to purchase your online courses via <span class="bold">in-app purchases</span> and supercharge your school's growth.<br><br> Currently, SamCart does not offer a mobile app, but their courses are mobile responsive, so anyone can access them on a mobile device. However, given the fact that a native mobile app is quite different from a mobile-responsive course, if you genuinely want to stand out and leverage the power of mobile learning, then LearnWorlds is the best solution for you. </div> <table class="lw-table minimal-style lw-txt-m w-full"> <tr> <th> <div class="small mb-0"></div> </th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-s mb-0"><span class="hide-below-480">LearnWorlds</span><span class="hide-above-481">Learn Worlds</span></div> </th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-s mb-0">SamCart</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">White-labeled app</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Push notifications</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">In-app purchases</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Customization</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> </table> <div class="lw-acc1-light-bg pos-rel stars-glyph p-3_5rem mt-5rem"> <div class="lw-cols multiple-rows mb-0"> <div class="col span_7_of_12 flex-item span_12-769_960 span_12-below-768 mb-0"> <p class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-2_5rem"> <span class="underline-yellow extra-bold">Bottom line:</span> LearnWorlds enables you to own a fully-branded native mobile app and have full control over it without any coding skills. With SamCart, all your courses are simply mobile responsive, but you won't offer a 'learning-on-the-go' experience to your users. </p> <button class="lw-btn lw-btn-rounded lw-btn-solid-accent2 lw-btn-m nowrap w-full-below-620 js-toggle-form-popup"> <span>Start Free trial</span> </button> </div> <div class="col talign-c span_5_of_12 flex-item span_12-769_960 mt-5rem-769_960 hide-below-768 mb-0"> <img class="w-full mw-300" src=""> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="of-hide mb-5rem" data-floor-id="sec7"> <div id="sec7" class="mb-3rem"></div> <div class="flex-wrapper row-to-col-below-768 va-c mb-3rem"> <svg class="fbasis-90 mr-2rem mr-0-below-768" xmlns="" width="100" height="83" viewBox="0 0 100 83" fill="none"> <path d="M26.8441 5.5441C24.5441 5.1441 22.7441 3.3441 22.3441 1.1441C22.2441 0.344103 21.4441 -0.155899 20.7441 0.044101C20.1441 0.144101 19.7441 0.644103 19.6441 1.1441C19.2441 3.4441 17.4441 5.2441 15.1441 5.5441C14.3441 5.6441 13.8441 6.4441 14.0441 7.1441C14.1441 7.7441 14.6441 8.1441 15.1441 8.2441C17.4441 8.6441 19.2441 10.4441 19.6441 12.6441C19.7441 13.4441 20.5441 13.9441 21.2441 13.7441C21.8441 13.6441 22.2441 13.1441 22.3441 12.6441C22.7441 10.3441 24.5441 8.5441 26.8441 8.2441C27.6441 8.1441 28.1441 7.3441 27.9441 6.6441C27.9441 6.1441 27.4441 5.6441 26.8441 5.5441Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M98.8441 47.5441C96.5441 47.1441 94.7441 45.3441 94.3441 43.1441C94.2441 42.3441 93.4441 41.8441 92.7441 42.0441C92.1441 42.1441 91.7441 42.6441 91.6441 43.1441C91.2441 45.4441 89.4441 47.2441 87.1441 47.5441C86.3441 47.6441 85.8441 48.4441 86.0441 49.1441C86.1441 49.7441 86.6441 50.1441 87.1441 50.2441C89.4441 50.6441 91.2441 52.4441 91.6441 54.6441C91.7441 55.4441 92.5441 55.9441 93.2441 55.7441C93.8441 55.6441 94.2441 55.1441 94.3441 54.6441C94.7441 52.3441 96.5441 50.5441 98.8441 50.2441C99.6441 50.1441 100.144 49.3441 99.9441 48.6441C99.9441 48.1441 99.4441 47.6441 98.8441 47.5441Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M12.8441 37.5441C10.5441 37.1441 8.7441 35.3441 8.3441 33.1441C8.2441 32.3441 7.4441 31.8441 6.7441 32.0441C6.1441 32.1441 5.7441 32.6441 5.6441 33.1441C5.2441 35.4441 3.4441 37.2441 1.1441 37.5441C0.3441 37.6441 -0.155899 38.4441 0.0441013 39.1441C0.144101 39.7441 0.6441 40.1441 1.1441 40.2441C3.4441 40.6441 5.2441 42.4441 5.6441 44.6441C5.7441 45.4441 6.5441 45.9441 7.2441 45.7441C7.8441 45.6441 8.2441 45.1441 8.3441 44.6441C8.7441 42.3441 10.5441 40.5441 12.8441 40.2441C13.6441 40.1441 14.1441 39.3441 13.9441 38.6441C13.9441 38.1441 13.4441 37.6441 12.8441 37.5441Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M41.5 50.5L31 56L27 50.5L7 81.5H87L67 50.5L62.5 56L52 50.5L47 53L41.5 50.5Z" fill="#FFD24D"/> <path d="M59.5 20.5H49.5V4.5H61.5L65 5.5L66 13H80L76 21.5L80 28.5V31.5H63C61 31.5 59.8333 29.5 59.5 28.5V20.5Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M87.5716 79.0701L68.8244 50.9492C68.3545 50.2445 67.5682 49.8236 66.7212 49.8236C65.874 49.8236 65.0877 50.2445 64.6179 50.9492L62.1662 54.6267L50.8527 37.6566V21.9752H59.0635C59.0635 21.9752 59.0651 28.8603 59.0678 28.9186C59.1645 30.9764 60.8886 32.5883 62.9929 32.5883H79.2047C80.1162 32.5883 80.9334 32.1177 81.391 31.3293C81.8486 30.541 81.8518 29.5977 81.3995 28.8063L77.6033 22.1629C77.5814 22.1246 77.5814 22.077 77.6033 22.0386L81.3995 15.3953C81.8518 14.604 81.8486 13.6607 81.391 12.8724C80.9334 12.0839 80.1162 11.6134 79.2047 11.6134H66.7724V7.50763C66.7724 5.3822 65.0434 3.65331 62.9181 3.65331H50.8529V3.52791C50.8527 2.13391 49.7188 1 48.325 1H45.6718C44.278 1 43.1439 2.13391 43.1439 3.52775V8.00956C43.1439 8.67309 43.6817 9.21073 44.3451 9.21073C45.0085 9.21073 45.5463 8.67309 45.5463 8.00956V3.52775C45.5463 3.45856 45.6027 3.40234 45.6718 3.40234H48.325C48.3942 3.40234 48.4504 3.45872 48.4504 3.52775V34.3621C48.0314 34.0679 47.5268 33.9039 46.9984 33.9039C46.4701 33.9039 45.9653 34.0678 45.5463 34.3621V12.8144C45.5463 12.1509 45.0085 11.6132 44.3451 11.6132C43.6817 11.6132 43.1439 12.1509 43.1439 12.8144V37.6566L31.8305 54.6267L29.3788 50.9492C28.9089 50.2444 28.1227 49.8236 27.2757 49.8236C26.4286 49.8236 25.6424 50.2444 25.1725 50.9492L6.42524 79.0701C5.90713 79.8473 5.85909 80.8416 6.29968 81.6649C6.74043 82.4885 7.59438 83 8.52841 83H23.3699C24.0333 83 24.5711 82.4624 24.5711 81.7988C24.5711 81.1353 24.0333 80.5977 23.3699 80.5977H17.4038L34.5548 54.8711L41.565 51.3661L46.2777 54.9006C46.7049 55.2209 47.2921 55.2211 47.7191 54.9006L52.4317 51.3663L59.4422 54.8714L76.5931 80.5977H28.2201C27.5567 80.5977 27.0189 81.1353 27.0189 81.7988C27.0189 82.4624 27.5567 83 28.2201 83H85.4684C86.4025 83 87.2563 82.4885 87.697 81.6649C88.1378 80.8414 88.0897 79.8473 87.5716 79.0701ZM62.918 21.9752C63.7186 21.9752 64.3699 22.6265 64.3699 23.4272C64.3699 24.2278 63.7186 24.8791 62.918 24.8791C62.417 24.8791 61.9237 24.9796 61.4658 25.1661V21.9752H62.918ZM79.2047 14.0154C79.2263 14.0154 79.277 14.0154 79.3133 14.078C79.3497 14.1407 79.3244 14.1845 79.3138 14.2033L75.5176 20.8464C75.0754 21.62 75.0754 22.5812 75.5176 23.3546L79.3138 29.9979C79.3244 30.0166 79.3497 30.0607 79.3133 30.1231C79.277 30.1858 79.2263 30.1858 79.2047 30.1858H62.9929C62.1876 30.1858 61.5033 29.5666 61.4676 28.8055C61.4487 28.4029 61.5906 28.0214 61.8672 27.7317C62.1439 27.4415 62.5172 27.2815 62.918 27.2815C65.0434 27.2815 66.7723 25.5524 66.7723 23.4272V14.0154H79.2047ZM62.918 6.05549C63.7186 6.05549 64.3699 6.70685 64.3699 7.50747V19.8576C63.9215 19.6745 63.4314 19.5727 62.918 19.5727H50.8527V6.05549H62.918ZM8.52841 80.5977C8.50407 80.5977 8.4533 80.5977 8.41774 80.5315C8.38235 80.4652 8.41053 80.4229 8.42399 80.4026L27.1712 52.2817C27.1813 52.2665 27.2084 52.2258 27.2757 52.2258C27.3428 52.2258 27.3698 52.2665 27.3801 52.2817L30.387 56.792L14.5167 80.5977H8.52841ZM52.842 48.8854C52.4351 48.6817 51.948 48.7259 51.584 48.9988L46.9984 52.4382L42.4127 48.9988C42.0488 48.7261 41.5618 48.6819 41.1548 48.8854L37.2407 50.8425L46.8942 36.3623C46.9044 36.347 46.9315 36.3063 46.9984 36.3063C47.0654 36.3063 47.0924 36.347 47.1027 36.3623L56.7561 50.8425L52.842 48.8854ZM85.5791 80.5315C85.5435 80.5977 85.4929 80.5977 85.4686 80.5977H79.4803L63.61 56.7922L66.6169 52.2817C66.6272 52.2663 66.6541 52.2258 66.7213 52.2258C66.7885 52.2258 66.8155 52.2663 66.8256 52.2817L85.5729 80.4026C85.5863 80.4229 85.6143 80.4652 85.5791 80.5315Z" fill="#333333"/> </svg> <h2 class="mb-0">Market and Sell your expertise</h2> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-n"> LearnWorlds' marketing stack includes built-in tools to help you market and sell your content, even if marketing is not your cup of tea. You can easily create landing pages to highlight your courses, use pop-ups to promote offers, build powerful forms to capture email addresses or gather feedback and send email notifications to your customers.<br><br> SamCart is on the shortlist of most eCommerce professionals that look for a shopping cart option. With features that help you trigger up-sells and cross-sells, bump offers, and decrease cart abandonment, SamCart has lots of options in place for revenue generation. This means that if your goal is solely conversion rate optimization, then SamCart might be a good alternative for your business.<br><br> LearnWorlds, on the other hand, enables you to scale your online training business with advanced marketing tools designed to optimize conversions across your whole website, not just your checkout pages. With LearnWorlds, you can easily create memberships, use forms for email capturing and lead generation, collect feedback through surveys, and promote your products and offers with pop-ups.<br><br> As for payment flexibility, LearnWords supports Stripe, Paypal, Shopify, and more than 6 local payment gateways that are popular in large markets across the world. For example, PagSeguro is widely used in South America, and Giropay, iDeal, and Sofort are favored in European countries. You're definitely getting an edge over your competitors if the above are included in your target markets. SamCart supports only Stripe and Paypal, the two major payment processors in the world.<br><br> </div> <table class="lw-table minimal-style lw-txt-m w-full"> <tr> <th> <div class="small mb-0"></div> </th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-s mb-0"><span class="hide-below-480">LearnWorlds</span><span class="hide-above-481">Learn Worlds</span></div> </th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-s mb-0">SamCart</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">SEO-ready pages</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Offers & Coupons</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Memberships & bundles</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Pop-up messages</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Sales Funnel</td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Global Payment Gateways</td> <td width="25%"> <span class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-xs mb-0"> Stripe<br> PayPal<br> Shopify<br> PagSeguro </span> </td> <td width="25%"> <span class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-xs mb-0"> Stripe<br> PayPal </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Local Payment Gateways</td> <td width="25%"> <span class="lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-xs mb-0"> iDeal (Netherlands)<br> Bancontact (Belgium)<br> Giropay (Germany)<br> Przelewy24 (Poland)<br> Sofort (6 EU countries) </span> </td> <td width="25%"><img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Email Notifications</td> <td width="25%"> <div class="flex-wrapper a-i-c"> <img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/> <span class="ml-5 lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-xs mb-0">All notification types</span> </div> </td> <td width="25%"> <div class="flex-wrapper a-i-c"> <img src="" class="lw-icon-xxs"/> <span class="ml-5 lw-txt lw-text-color-fadeout20 lw-txt-xs mb-0">Only transactional emails</span> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <div class="lw-acc1-light-bg pos-rel stars-glyph p-3_5rem mt-5rem"> <div class="lw-cols multiple-rows mb-0"> <div class="col span_7_of_12 flex-item span_12-769_960 span_12-below-768 mb-0"> <p class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-2_5rem"> <span class="underline-yellow extra-bold">Bottom line:</span> When it comes to marketing and selling your courses, SamCart helps you optimize your conversions with up-sells, offers, and cart abandonment campaigns. On the other hand, LearnWorlds provides you with a bunch of advanced built-in tools, integrated with your online training academy, allowing you to build up your brand and expand your audience. </p> <button class="lw-btn lw-btn-rounded lw-btn-solid-accent2 lw-btn-m nowrap w-full-below-620 js-toggle-form-popup"> <span>Start Free trial</span> </button> </div> <div class="col talign-c span_5_of_12 flex-item span_12-769_960 mt-5rem-769_960 hide-below-768 mb-0"> <img class="w-full mw-300 shadow-black-light" src=""> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="of-hide mb-5rem" data-floor-id="sec8"> <div id="sec8" class="mb-3rem"></div> <div class="flex-wrapper row-to-col-below-768 va-c mb-3rem"> <svg class="fbasis-90 mr-2rem mr-0-below-768" xmlns="" width="74" height="72" viewBox="0 0 74 72" fill="none"> <circle cx="36.6475" cy="24.1963" r="15.9698" fill="#FFD24D"/> <path d="M36.6474 41.8126C46.0737 41.8126 53.716 34.1708 53.716 24.7441C53.716 15.3177 46.0737 7.67578 36.6474 7.67578C27.22 7.67578 19.5781 15.3177 19.5781 24.7441C19.5885 34.1671 27.2243 41.8029 36.6474 41.8126ZM36.6474 10.114C44.7269 10.114 51.2778 16.6642 51.2778 24.7441C51.2778 32.8245 44.7269 39.3745 36.6474 39.3745C28.5672 39.3745 22.0169 32.8245 22.0169 24.7441C22.0258 16.6679 28.5702 10.1225 36.6474 10.114Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M70.5529 48.9837C68.891 47.9263 66.8024 47.7992 65.0243 48.6464L50.9278 55.324C51.5611 53.6383 51.327 51.7505 50.3019 50.2707C49.2772 48.7906 47.592 47.9089 45.7923 47.9089H31.0454C25.5771 42.7908 17.4355 41.7737 10.8751 45.3888L10.7294 45.4704H0.0722656V47.9089H9.82597V68.6351H0.0722656V71.0733H42.9452C47.0209 71.0721 51.0238 69.9972 54.5515 67.956L70.3585 58.805C72.0969 57.7986 73.183 55.9567 73.2231 53.9491C73.2625 51.9409 72.2494 50.0577 70.5529 48.9837ZM69.1373 56.6941L53.33 65.8452C50.1739 67.6718 46.5921 68.6339 42.9452 68.6351H12.2645V47.4089C18.0116 44.3592 25.074 45.405 29.6897 49.9901C29.9189 50.2184 30.2288 50.3471 30.5519 50.3471H45.7923C47.4756 50.3471 48.8396 51.7117 48.8396 53.3953C48.8396 55.0777 47.4756 56.4429 45.7923 56.4429H30.5519C29.8789 56.4429 29.3328 56.9887 29.3328 57.662C29.3328 58.3359 29.8789 58.8817 30.5519 58.8817H48.8396C49.0208 58.8796 49.1987 58.8377 49.3616 58.7595L66.0646 50.8456C67.6658 50.0846 69.5823 50.7233 70.4068 52.2933C71.2304 53.8626 70.6684 55.8029 69.1333 56.6892L69.1373 56.6941Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M26.8952 24.7437C26.901 19.3597 31.2646 14.9964 36.6492 14.9906V12.5521C29.9184 12.5592 24.4644 18.0135 24.457 24.7437H26.8952Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M36.6484 36.9359C43.3787 36.9282 48.833 31.4739 48.8397 24.7437H46.4015C46.3957 30.1277 42.0321 34.4912 36.6484 34.4973V36.9359Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M35.4288 18.6485C33.4093 18.6485 31.7715 20.286 31.7715 22.3058C31.7715 24.3256 33.4093 25.9634 35.4288 25.9634H37.8673C38.5408 25.9634 39.0867 26.5089 39.0867 27.1825C39.0867 27.8564 38.5408 28.4016 37.8673 28.4016H32.9906V30.8401H35.4288V32.0595H37.8673V30.8401C39.8874 30.8401 41.5249 29.2026 41.5249 27.1825C41.5249 25.1627 39.8874 23.5249 37.8673 23.5249H35.4288C34.7555 23.5249 34.2097 22.979 34.2097 22.3058C34.2097 21.6325 34.7555 21.0867 35.4288 21.0867H40.3061V18.6485H37.8673V17.4291H35.4288V18.6485Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M73.0163 33.8251C71.0388 33.477 69.4912 31.9104 69.1472 29.9957C69.0613 29.2995 68.3734 28.8643 67.7716 29.0384C67.2557 29.1254 66.9118 29.5606 66.8258 29.9957C66.4819 31.9974 64.9343 33.564 62.9567 33.8251C62.3549 33.9121 61.925 34.6084 62.011 35.2176C62.0969 35.7398 62.5268 36.0879 62.9567 36.1749C64.9343 36.523 66.4819 38.0896 66.8258 40.0043C66.9118 40.7005 67.5996 41.1357 68.2015 40.9616C68.7173 40.8746 69.0613 40.4394 69.1472 40.0043C69.4912 38.0026 71.0388 36.436 73.0163 36.1749C73.7041 36.0879 74.134 35.3916 73.9621 34.7824C73.9621 34.3473 73.5322 33.9121 73.0163 33.8251Z" fill="#333333"/> <path d="M11.0185 10.8251C9.04543 10.477 7.50127 8.9104 7.15812 6.99572C7.07233 6.29948 6.38604 5.86432 5.78553 6.03838C5.27081 6.12541 4.92767 6.56057 4.84188 6.99572C4.49873 8.99743 2.95457 10.564 0.981484 10.8251C0.295191 10.9121 -0.13374 11.6084 0.037833 12.2176C0.12362 12.7398 0.552551 13.0879 0.981484 13.1749C2.95457 13.523 4.49873 15.0896 4.84188 17.0043C4.92767 17.7005 5.61396 18.1357 6.21446 17.9616C6.72918 17.8746 7.07233 17.4394 7.15812 17.0043C7.50127 15.0026 9.04543 13.436 11.0185 13.1749C11.7048 13.0879 12.1337 12.3916 11.9622 11.7824C11.9622 11.3473 11.5332 10.9121 11.0185 10.8251Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M65.0185 4.82508C63.0454 4.47696 61.5013 2.9104 61.1581 0.995723C61.0723 0.299476 60.386 -0.13568 59.7855 0.0383815C59.2708 0.125412 58.9277 0.560569 58.8419 0.995723C58.4987 2.99743 56.9546 4.56399 54.9815 4.82508C54.2952 4.91211 53.8663 5.60836 54.0378 6.21758C54.1236 6.73976 54.5526 7.08788 54.9815 7.17492C56.9546 7.52304 58.4987 9.08959 58.8419 11.0043C58.9277 11.7005 59.614 12.1357 60.2145 11.9616C60.7292 11.8746 61.0723 11.4394 61.1581 11.0043C61.5013 9.00256 63.0454 7.43601 65.0185 7.17492C65.7048 7.08788 66.1337 6.39164 65.9622 5.78242C65.9622 5.34727 65.5332 4.91211 65.0185 4.82508Z" fill="#FFD24D"/> </svg> <h2 class="mb-0">Compare pricing</h2> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-n">Now that you have seen the main differences between LearnWorlds vs. SamCart let's compare the pricing, to give you a better understanding of where it's worth investing your money.</div> <table class="lw-table-border lw-txt-n mb-4rem w-full hide-below-620"> <tr> <th></th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-0">Low Plan</div> </th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-0">Middle Plan</div> </th> <th> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m mb-0">High Plan</div> </th> </tr> <tr> <td class="valign-top"> <div class="lw-txt bold lw-txt-l mb-0">LearnWorlds</div> <div class="lw-txt"> <span class="lw-txt-m tag-acc3 bold rounded-light">Save up to 20%<br>with annual plans</span> </div> </td> <td class="valign-top"> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xl v-middle mb-0 bold">$29/mo</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m lw-text-color-fadeout20 mb-0_5rem">Starter</div> </td> <td class="valign-top"> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xl v-middle mb-0 bold">$99/mo</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m lw-text-color-fadeout20 mb-0_5rem">Pro Trainer</div> </td> <td class="valign-top"> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xl v-middle mb-0 bold">$299/mo</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m lw-text-color-fadeout20 mb-0_5rem">Learning Center</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="valign-top"> <div class="lw-txt bold lw-txt-l mb-0">SamCart</div> </td> <td class="valign-top"> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xl v-middle mb-0 bold">$49/mo</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m lw-text-color-fadeout20 mb-0_5rem">Basic</div> </td> <td class="valign-top"> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xl v-middle mb-0 bold">$99/mo</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m lw-text-color-fadeout20 mb-0_5rem">Growth</div> </td> <td class="valign-top"> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-xl v-middle mb-0 bold">$199/mo</div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-m lw-text-color-fadeout20 mb-0_5rem">Pro</div> </td> </tr> </table> <div class="hide-above-621"> <div class="lw-txt bold lw-txt-xl mb-1rem">LearnWorlds <span class="lw-txt-m tag-acc3 bold rounded-light">Save up to 20% with annual plans</span></div> <ul class="lw-bullet-list mb-3rem"> <li class="lw-txt lw-txt-m">Low plan (Starter): <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-l v-middle mb-0 bold">$29/mo</span></li> <li class="lw-txt lw-txt-m">Middle plan (Pro Trainer): <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-l v-middle mb-0 bold">$99/mo</span></li> <li class="lw-txt lw-txt-m">High plan (Learning Center): <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-l v-middle mb-0 bold">$299/mo</span></li> </ul> <div class="with-border-bottom mb-3rem"></div> <div class="lw-txt bold lw-txt-xl mb-1rem">SamCart</div> <ul class="lw-bullet-list mb-3rem"> <li class="lw-txt lw-txt-m">Low plan (Basic): <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-l v-middle mb-0 bold">$49/mo</span></li> <li class="lw-txt lw-txt-m">Middle plan (Growth): <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-l v-middle mb-0 bold">$99/mo</span></li> <li class="lw-txt lw-txt-m">High plan (Pro): <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-l v-middle mb-0 bold">$199/mo</span></li> </ul> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-n"> Both platforms offer three different plans and a free trial; 14 days for SamCart and 30 days for LearnWorlds. This will allow you to test the waters of each platform, build your courses and school, and finally make a decision.<br><br> When you want to build an entire school rather than just checkout pages for your courses, LearnWorlds has all the tools you need in one integrated platform. From creating a website to producing courses and promoting your school, the process is as easy as ABC. The platform is designed to enable you to scale without the need to hire developers and designers. This way, you can keep your costs low, while having full control over your school.<br><br> Although SamCart offers some functionality for course creators, theplatform focuses mostly on conversion rate optimization. Creating shopping carts and launching cart abandonment campaigns is right up SamCart’s street, which makes it an ideal solution for digital marketers. If you aspire to build your own online academy with advanced authoring tools, then LearnWorlds is a no-brainer solution for you. </div> <div class="lw-txt bold lw-txt-n mb-1rem">Here's what LearnWorlds makes possible for online course creators like you:</div> <ul class="lw-bullet-list no-dot p-0 lw-txt-n mb-3rem"> <li class="flex-wrapper m-1rem-0"> <svg class="fbasis-21 mr-1rem" xmlns="" width="21" height="21" viewBox="0 0 21 21" fill="none"> <circle cx="10.5" cy="10.5" r="9.5" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> <path opacity="0.8" d="M6.75586 10.5897L9.06398 12.9202L14.6035 7.92627" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> </svg> <span>Deliver a stellar learning experience with interactive courses</span> </li> <li class="flex-wrapper m-1rem-0"> <svg class="fbasis-21 mr-1rem" xmlns="" width="21" height="21" viewBox="0 0 21 21" fill="none"> <circle cx="10.5" cy="10.5" r="9.5" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> <path opacity="0.8" d="M6.75586 10.5897L9.06398 12.9202L14.6035 7.92627" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> </svg> <span>Build branded websites, blogs, and communities</span> </li> <li class="flex-wrapper m-1rem-0"> <svg class="fbasis-21 mr-1rem" xmlns="" width="21" height="21" viewBox="0 0 21 21" fill="none"> <circle cx="10.5" cy="10.5" r="9.5" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> <path opacity="0.8" d="M6.75586 10.5897L9.06398 12.9202L14.6035 7.92627" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> </svg> <span>Make your videos and eBooks interactive and engaging</span> </li> <li class="flex-wrapper m-1rem-0"> <svg class="fbasis-21 mr-1rem" xmlns="" width="21" height="21" viewBox="0 0 21 21" fill="none"> <circle cx="10.5" cy="10.5" r="9.5" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> <path opacity="0.8" d="M6.75586 10.5897L9.06398 12.9202L14.6035 7.92627" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> </svg> <span>Increase revenue with built-in marketing and sales tools</span> </li> <li class="flex-wrapper m-1rem-0"> <svg class="fbasis-21 mr-1rem" xmlns="" width="21" height="21" viewBox="0 0 21 21" fill="none"> <circle cx="10.5" cy="10.5" r="9.5" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> <path opacity="0.8" d="M6.75586 10.5897L9.06398 12.9202L14.6035 7.92627" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> </svg> <span>Own a fully-blown mobile app for your school</span> </li> <li class="flex-wrapper m-1rem-0"> <svg class="fbasis-21 mr-1rem" xmlns="" width="21" height="21" viewBox="0 0 21 21" fill="none"> <circle cx="10.5" cy="10.5" r="9.5" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> <path opacity="0.8" d="M6.75586 10.5897L9.06398 12.9202L14.6035 7.92627" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> </svg> <span>Enhance collaboration with your team</span> </li> <li class="flex-wrapper m-1rem-0"> <svg class="fbasis-21 mr-1rem" xmlns="" width="21" height="21" viewBox="0 0 21 21" fill="none"> <circle cx="10.5" cy="10.5" r="9.5" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> <path opacity="0.8" d="M6.75586 10.5897L9.06398 12.9202L14.6035 7.92627" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> </svg> <span>Optimize your school's performance with in-depth insights into your courses and users.</span> </li> </ul> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-n bold mb-1rem">All of the above benefits come with:</div> <ul class="lw-bullet-list no-dot p-0 lw-txt-n mb-3rem"> <li class="flex-wrapper m-1rem-0"> <svg class="fbasis-21 mr-1rem" xmlns="" width="21" height="21" viewBox="0 0 21 21" fill="none"> <circle cx="10.5" cy="10.5" r="9.5" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> <path opacity="0.8" d="M6.75586 10.5897L9.06398 12.9202L14.6035 7.92627" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> </svg> <span>Premium, top-class support, and customer onboarding</span> </li> <li class="flex-wrapper m-1rem-0"> <svg class="fbasis-21 mr-1rem" xmlns="" width="21" height="21" viewBox="0 0 21 21" fill="none"> <circle cx="10.5" cy="10.5" r="9.5" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> <path opacity="0.8" d="M6.75586 10.5897L9.06398 12.9202L14.6035 7.92627" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> </svg> <span>Integrations with 40+ premium apps</span> </li> <li class="flex-wrapper m-1rem-0"> <svg class="fbasis-21 mr-1rem" xmlns="" width="21" height="21" viewBox="0 0 21 21" fill="none"> <circle cx="10.5" cy="10.5" r="9.5" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> <path opacity="0.8" d="M6.75586 10.5897L9.06398 12.9202L14.6035 7.92627" stroke="#FFD24D" stroke-width="2"/> </svg> <span>A solid and secure platform that will support your goals on the road to success.</span> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="of-hide"> <div class="mb-3rem"></div> <h2>Are you a hands-on person when it comes to choosing your next business tool?</h2> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-n">Just try it! LearnWorlds offers a 30-day free trial, giving you the chance to see firsthand and real-time how you can scale your own online business.</div> <button class="lw-btn lw-btn-rounded lw-btn-solid-accent2 lw-btn-m nowrap w-full-below-620 js-toggle-form-popup"> <span>Get started free</span> </button> </div> </div> <div class="col span_4_of_12 flex-item hide-below-768"> <div class="article-toc js-elevator-panel"> <div class="article-toc-items mb-3rem"> <a href="#sec1" class="flex-item row-start article-toc-item article-toc-active"> <div class="article-toc-item-circle"></div> <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-m ml-1rem mb-0">Course creation</span> </a> <a href="#sec2" class="flex-item row-start article-toc-item"> <div class="article-toc-item-circle"></div> <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-m ml-1rem mb-0">Website and Landing Page Builder</span> </a> <a href="#sec3" class="flex-item row-start article-toc-item"> <div class="article-toc-item-circle"></div> <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-m ml-1rem mb-0">Reporting and Student Analytics</span> </a> <a href="#sec4" class="flex-item row-start article-toc-item"> <div class="article-toc-item-circle"></div> <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-m ml-1rem mb-0">Mobile Apps</span> </a> <a href="#sec7" class="flex-item row-start article-toc-item"> <div class="article-toc-item-circle"></div> <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-m ml-1rem mb-0">Sales and Marketing</span> </a> <a href="#sec8" class="flex-item row-start article-toc-item"> <div class="article-toc-item-circle"></div> <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-m ml-1rem mb-0">Pricing</span> </a> </div> <button class="lw-btn lw-btn-rounded lw-btn-solid-accent2 lw-btn-m nowrap w-full-below-620 js-toggle-form-popup"> <span>Get started free</span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> --><section class="js-demo-form-popup demo-form-popup"> <div class="lw-sect flex-item row-sb block-below-768 full-vp h-full-below-768 ov-auto-below-768"> <!-- Form Column --> <div class="relative lw-white-bg w-50pc w-100-below-768 h-full h-auto-below-768 va-stretch flex-item of-auto flex"> <div class="flex-item va-c a-i-c p-2rem m-auto" style="max-width: 100%;"> <img src="" class="block w-200 m-left-auto m-right-auto mt-2rem mb-6rem"/> <form class="-demo-form-v3 js-demo-form" id="popup-form" method="POST" name="demo_form"> <header class="mb-6rem lw-align-c demo-form-v2-header"> <div class="faux-h2 lw-txt mb-1rem">Create your free online school!</div> <span class="lw-txt lw-txt-l mb-0">30-day free trial. 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7.92915 7.12685C7.32613 7.56149 6.87514 8.17484 6.64008 8.88003C6.40502 9.58522 6.39779 10.3465 6.61943 11.056C6.84107 11.7655 7.28033 12.3873 7.875 12.8333C7.89781 12.8504 7.91943 12.8691 7.93969 12.8892C8.13866 13.0861 8.31287 13.3053 8.45926 13.5417H11.5407C11.6871 13.3053 11.8613 13.0861 12.0603 12.8892C12.0806 12.8691 12.1022 12.8504 12.125 12.8333C12.7197 12.3873 13.1589 11.7655 13.3806 11.056C13.6022 10.3465 13.595 9.58522 13.3599 8.88003C13.1249 8.17484 12.6739 7.56149 12.0708 7.12685C11.4678 6.69222 10.7433 6.45833 10 6.45833ZM12.4505 14.4919C12.4738 14.4537 12.4931 14.4129 12.5079 14.37C12.6129 14.1627 12.7492 13.9721 12.9124 13.805C13.698 13.2037 14.2785 12.3737 14.5737 11.4287C14.8736 10.4688 14.8638 9.43882 14.5458 8.48474C14.2277 7.53066 13.6176 6.70083 12.8017 6.1128C11.9859 5.52476 11.0057 5.20833 10 5.20833C8.99431 5.20833 8.01412 5.52476 7.19826 6.1128C6.38241 6.70083 5.77225 7.53066 5.45423 8.48474C5.1362 9.43882 5.12643 10.4688 5.42629 11.4287C5.72149 12.3737 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<path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">LearnWorlds is the best course sales software that provide the students with on time courses and manages the issues related to course handling. It has a demo that can make the user to feel easy in working.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Ayesha Nasee</div> <img src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='7000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">I took a long time for me to find a great platform for my online schools. LearnWorlds is a robust platform that is very easy to use and setup and it is also affordable for those that are just getting started.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- D’Andrea Bolden Ministries</div> <img src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='5000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">The TEAM behind LearnWorlds is what makes the difference and the support they offer.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Ariane G</div> <img src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='8000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">I am in love with this platform and I would never change them for another. I feel cared for by the amazing support team that know my name, my work, my problems and needs. They offered me the attention and personalized tips. All that gave a big boost to my online school.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Teya B.</div> <img src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='5000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">LearnWorlds will soon be recognised as the GLOBAL authority in online teaching... they stand out above the rest and their promises are REAL.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- AAW</div> <img src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='7000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">The confidence I’ve gained in my business is priceless. No matter what issue I might have with my platform, the LearnWorlds Support Squad has my answer. When they say “customer service is their #1 goal” they truly mean it. I’ve never been disappointed.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Missy C.</div> <img src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='5000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">I have used few others providers and wasn't satisfied until I found LearnWorlds. They have all the tools and easy to use interface to build your online school.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Jonas K.</div> <img src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='7000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">I'd like to say that the support that we've been getting from LW since I got to know the platform is, until this moment, without any doubts one of the best customer services that I've experienced.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Samir A.</div> <img src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='5000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">Extremely easy to use their in house video hosting platform, so there’s no need to get a platform like vimeo which ultimately saves you money.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Kenneth John</div> <img src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='8000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">I can recommend LearnWorlds as a great tool to manage an online course, academy, accelerator or anything similar. The platform works well and has many adjustable features. The support is super fast and always helpful! 5/5</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Alona Belinska</div> <img src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='8000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">LearnWorlds is likely the most interactive learning system I have encountered. Thanks to greatly integrated video functionalities, gamification and personal notes/library there are immense opportunities to enhance the learning experience by creating engaging content.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Epp Krusenvald</div> <img src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='8000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">Before I committed, I decided to contact every elearning platform but honestly, no one beats what they offer. They are always on top of things and all the best features are always being added. The creators are so amazing, I can tell they work so so hard!</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Corine C.</div> <img src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='5000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">Easy to use, good support from the team (very responsive) and costs less than many course platforms</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Tany Williams</div> <img src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='7000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">I was looking at maybe 5-7 different platforms before I decided to go with LearnWorlds. It is easy to use (intuitive) and there are the features that you need. I am happy I found it!</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Martin B.</div> <img src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='8000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">Definitely the best option on the market. I like to compare my options and LW was the clear winner. The amazing, friendly and well trained support team that replies within a few minutes is also extremely impressive.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Teya Bozhilova</div> <img src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex-item row-c z-1 mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <img class="w-100 ml-5 mr-5" src="" title="LearnWorlds awards" alt="LearnWorlds awards"> <img class="w-100 ml-5 mr-5" src="" title="LearnWorlds awards" alt="LearnWorlds awards"> <img class="w-100 ml-5 mr-5" src="" title="LearnWorlds awards" alt="LearnWorlds awards"> <img class="w-90 ml-5 mr-5" src=""> </div> </div> </div> </section> </main><!-- /.main --> <aside class="sidebar" role="complementary"> </aside><!-- /.sidebar --> </div><!-- /.content --> </div><!-- /.wrap --> <footer class="lw-sect lw-body-bg pt-12rem pb-15rem pt-9rem-below-768 lw-align-l"> <div class="-footer-cta lw-sect-content wide mb-12rem lw-align-c pl-3rem pr-3rem"> <div class="faux-h2">Are you ready? <span 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