Shan George: I Have Had Two Marriages But None Has Really Worked For Me ....It Can Complicated But It Is A Wonderful Thing, Articles | THISDAY LIVE

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In her life as a screen goddess, little is known but much is imagined. Her skin, pleasantly smooth and soft; her body shapely and sexy and her attire, stylish but simple, she has to her name at least 250 movie credits. Born by a British father and Nigerian mother, Shan George has been there, done that. Adored by fans, feasted on by journalists, she&rsquo;s keeps a calm head. But one experience in her acting life stands out. She relates: &ldquo;Suddenly, a man carried me up unexpectedly and screamed, &lsquo;Shan George! Is this you? Oh my God, let me touch those sexy legs of yours I see on TV!&rsquo; But the ravishing actress is also a songstress. She shares with Oge Ezeliora&nbsp; the drama of her life, her very early marriage, failed relationships; and the song of her life, her two sweet sons, her mother, her teeming fans and her newly found love &ndash;music</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> <br/> There&rsquo;s this foreign feel to your look and name. Are you a Nigerian?<br/> My name is Shan George; I am from Idiba Local Government Area in Cross River State &ndash;my mother&rsquo;s area. My father is British. Although he is late now, I look like him. He died when I was very young, so my mother was entirely responsible for my upbringing. My mother is a Nigerian.<br/> I also write and produce music; recently, I just started releasing my native music.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> How do you combine singing with acting?<br/> I see the both professions as being under the same roof; they are from one parent, that is, entertainment.&nbsp; Singing is entertainment, same thing with acting &ndash;that is why it is very easy for me to switch. Sincerely, I didn&rsquo;t see myself diverting from one profession to another. I just believe they both work together and that is why I went into singing. Besides, the music thing is when I am very free, particularly during my leisure period. I just use that free time to visit my studio and do rehearsals. I call it catching fun while rehearsing because I don&rsquo;t club or attend parties. I sing to keep myself busy. I also use my audio studio as party ground anytime I feel like dancing. Because I dance to the beat of my music; I also do the writing and production of my songs when there are no roles for me in any movie or when I am back from shooting. I see it as catching fun instead of relaxing at home, clubbing and partying.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Have you released any album?<br/> Yes, I have one album for now. It is my latest in the market and it is titled &lsquo;DANCE.&rsquo;&nbsp; And it was released last year. Precisely, I just finished working on the third album which is called &lsquo;NKENKENE&rsquo; which I did with a musician called Tete and Jamaica last year and video is not doing badly in the market. I am currently working on the second and third songs now, by the special grace of God, before the year runs out I will be through with all the videos of the songs in the album.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Did you do any collaboration with any well-known musician in the country?<br/> Yes. I featured Sunny Neji in one of my songs called Araba. I also featured Asodo, D-Large, David Jones, Jamaica and Tete in other songs. All these people are famous musicians.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> How is the video?<br/> The video is lovely; it&rsquo;s very nice. I think people will enjoy seeing that video.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Why did you choose to sing in your mother tongue? Do you have any special message you want to pass to your people?<br/> Yes, home is home and no place like home. The truth is that many people do not believe I am a Nigerian talk less of being a Calabar woman. Everybody believes I am a foreigner and that is the major reason why I sang in my language. Let people hear me speak my language, let people watch me dance to my hometown music and also enjoy it.&nbsp; Another reason why I sang in my local language is because I have a goodwill message to pass to the people of Cross River and I want them to understand it straight away.&nbsp; I am not saying I do not have good English songs in the album. I have a couple of them listed. One of the tracks is titled &lsquo;Emmanuel.&rsquo; Another one is &lsquo;New Dawn,&rsquo; and the most popular one is called &lsquo;Dance&rsquo; and they are all in English language. I just mixed it up.&nbsp; I am proud of what I am doing and I will still do more for my people if I am given the chance.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> You always look radiant and admirable, what is the secret behind your beauty despite your age?<br/> One is clear conscience; that is my secret. I do not owe anybody. I am not even thinking of any problem at the moment. Why won&rsquo;t I look good fine? See, if you allow your problems to weigh you down you will get cardiac arrest quickly. I am not ready to die now; I am still enjoying myself as you can see. Don&rsquo;t I look sexy my sister? Just assess my beauty as you are looking at me. If I tell you my age you will be shocked followed with the children I have given birth to. When your conscience is clear there will be no hurry or worry in your life. Nothing bothers me at the moment &ndash;not even my children or my mother that is presently old. I take life the way I see it and that is why I am glowing every day.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Do you still have admirers?<br/> It is really crazy. It is not easy for me. Despite the fact that I am over 40 years, they (admirers) are still &lsquo;chasing&rsquo; me. For example, I have two grown up sons. Anytime people see me pose for shots with younger men, they conclude that as old as I am, I like young boys and that&rsquo;s not true at all.&nbsp; It is very depressing sometimes. You need the grace of God to hear things about yourself that are not true and still be strong and get going.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Tell us about your sons?<br/> My first son is an economist; he is still in the United Kingdom.&nbsp; He comes home once in a while. My second son actually is into music. He read Music Engineering and Production in London and now, he is in Nigeria trying to pursue a career in music.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Was there a time you stopped acting because of scandals?<br/> It happened many years ago when I was still a &lsquo;toddler&rsquo; in the industry. I remember driving, some years back, and I saw vendors selling a particular magazine with my photograph and a caption that read: &lsquo;Even Pastors Love My Boobs.&rsquo; That day was so sad for me. I couldn&rsquo;t even believe that I was the one they were writing about but today, I am a free person. When I see things like that in newspapers, I just smile over it and know that it&rsquo;s all publicity stunt or publishers want to sell their papers. I am no longer bothered about things like that.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> You are one of Nollywood&rsquo;s pioneer actresses but at a point you stopped acting. What happened and why have you returned to the screen?<br/> I don&rsquo;t think I have ever left the industry at any time. I just went low in acting. You know I am old in the industry; so I am not supposed to run after film makers. I have my price and if they can pay me they will call me. But if they cannot pay me I will go for a better offer. I select the movie roles I act. That is because I don&rsquo;t want any producer to take me for granted like most of our upcoming stars. I don&rsquo;t even want to bring myself to a level that my fans will be disappointed in me. So acting to me, is by choice, not my force.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> What movie brought you to limelight?<br/> I started acting in early 1996. If I can still remember the name of the movie, yes, it is called &lsquo;Thongs of Rose&rsquo;. I acted in the movie alongside Omotola Jalade-Ekehinde and other notable movie stars. I don&rsquo;t want to go into details of the movie but all I can say is that, it was wonderful working with Omotola. She is my friend and a sister; we both started together and we are still in the industry till date. That is to tell you we are good.&nbsp; I have done over 250 movies and I am still doing more.&nbsp; And as God may have it I am currently working on my own movie (as I am doing with my music). I know God will see me through.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Can you compare the movie industry then with the way it is now? What will you say has changed?<br/> I will say so many things have changed. In fact, everything has changed except the old actors and actresses like us that are still in the industry. I mean, we started then with manual camera like Matics camera, VCR, and the rest of them. Even the quality of pictures we had then was totally different from what we have now. Thanks to technology. Now our movies are being shown at the cinemas before going to the market widely. We now shoot on high quality expensive cameras. That is to tell you how far we have gone. Before now, people did not want their children to act movies.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Was your mother among these people?<br/> My mum was not happy with me when she knew I had abandoned what I studied in the university for acting. She even went as far as discouraging me then but I thank God that I was not discouraged. I followed by heart, work harder just to make sure she believed in what I was doing. Mothers will always be mothers &ndash;today, she is happy impressed by my acting. She tells people anywhere she goes, &lsquo;I am Shan George&rsquo;s mother&rsquo; (laughs). She is benefiting from me greatly as an actress and she is proud of me. Also, being an understanding mother, she gave me her full support and that is what made me a very big star in the industry. Nollywood is far better than what it used to be, and we will expand more like Hollywood by the grace of God.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> You are in your 40s and your children are grown-ups. Did you get married very early?<br/> Oh yes! (laughs). I got married when I was 16, and I don&rsquo;t count that because I was a child and I had no say in the matter. The ideal thing is that as an adult, you meet someone you like and you get married to him. I married once and my two kids are for my first husband. I read on some blogs that I had a child out of wedlock and I have been hiding it. But I wonder if I got married at the age of 16, at what age did I have that child? I was so young when I walked out of my first marriage to pursue my education. Later on, as an adult, I got married again, but we aren&rsquo;t really together anymore. Marriage can be complicated but is a wonderful thing.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Will you describe yourself as being romantic? You sounded like you are.<br/> Not really; I am just a happy person &ndash;that is me.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> How do you relate with your male fans?<br/> Generally, I don&rsquo;t scare them away &ndash;both males and females. They are my backbones; they motivate me a lot. All of them are of the same category. If they are crazy about me, I understand their reasons for doing that. I am very good.&nbsp; I am still who I am; I am a single mother and I will continue enjoying myself with my children. I also owe everything to them because of their support. Let&rsquo;s take for instance, if you are doing something and nobody is giving you any support, then you&rsquo;re not good and you will naturally be discouraged. Sincerely, my fans really encourage me a lot; they give me that vibe that I can best describe in this expression: &lsquo;They ginger my swagger.&rsquo; And, that is the reason why I am still vibrant in the industry. I am really grateful to all my fans.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> What is the craziest thing that any fan has ever done to you in public?<br/> Well, the most shocking thing one fan has ever done to me is embarrassing me at the international airport. Let me tell you the story: I was travelling out of the country so I was waiting for my flight. Suddenly, a man saw me and ran after me, then carried me up unexpectedly and screamed, &lsquo;Shan George!&nbsp; Is this you!? Oh my God, let me touch those sexy legs of yours I see on TV!&rsquo; After raising me up, he carried me to his wife on his back and said, &lsquo;Honey, this is Shan George!&rsquo; The wife too was so excited to see me.&nbsp; And I was speechless, astonished. I almost wanted to run away because I had never had such an embarrassing moment like that in my life before. It was really crazy because people were looking at me. I just went back to my seat and sat down quietly feeling extremely embarrassed.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> What are your hobbies?<br/> Swimming, singing and reading. I read everything, newspapers, magazines, posters, just name it. I love reading a lot.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> What is your best food?<br/> I enjoy eating Amala and ewedu. Believe me; I know how to prepare it very well.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> </div> <div id="page_content_Content9_oModuleContent_2_div_Info" class="info"> <p class="tags">Tags: <a href="/web/20150630022144/">Life and Stytle</a>, <a href="/web/20150630022144/">Featured</a>, <a href="/web/20150630022144/">Shan George</a></p><p class="commentscount">Comments: 0</p> <link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/web/20150630022144cs_/"/> <div id="page_content_Content9_oModuleContent_2_ctl00_pnlRating" class="rating"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/web/20150630022144js_/"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $(".stars").stars({ split: 2, cancelShow: false, callback: function(ui, type, value) { var contentID = '201160'; var avg; var stars = this; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/API/WebService.asmx/SendRating", data: "{'contentID':" + parseInt(contentID) + ", 'score':" + parseInt(value) + "}", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function(msg) { if (msg.d.Error === "") { avg = msg.d.ReturnText; 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