JFST About Journal
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All JFST papers will be available for free at the website of J-STAGE (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>), which is hosted by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). Thus papers can be accessed worldwide by lead scientists and engineers. In addition, authors can express their results variedly by high-quality color drawings and pictures. </p> <p class="cmnpr"> <i>JFST</i> is an international journal published by the Fluids Engineering Division in the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME). JSME had been publishing Bulletin of the JSME (1958-1986) and JSME International Journal (1987-2006) by the continuous volume numbers. Considering the recent circumstances of the academic journals in the field of mechanical engineering, JSME reorganized the journal editorial system. Namely, JSME discontinued former International Journals and projected new publications from the divisions belonging to JSME. The Fluids Engineering Division acted quickly among all divisions and launched the premiere issue of <i>JFST</i> in January 2006. </p> <a name="ii" class="anchor"><h3 class="cmnttl">Keywords</h3></a> <p class="cmnpr"> This journal publishes articles relating to follwoing keywords. </p> <ul class="ul_2col"> <li class="li_2col">Turbulent flow</li> <li class="li_2col">Multiphase flow</li> <li class="li_2col">Mon-Newtonian fluids</li> <li class="li_2col">Functional fluids</li> <li class="li_2col">Quantum and molecular dynamics</li> <li class="li_2col">Wave</li> <li class="li_2col">Acoustics</li> <li class="li_2col">Vibration</li> <li class="li_2col">Free surface flows</li> <li class="li_2col">Cavitation</li> <li class="li_2col">Fluid machinery</li> <li class="li_2col">Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)</li> <li class="li_2col">Experimental fluid dynamics (EFD)</li> <li class="li_2col">Bio-fluid</li> </ul> <a name="iii" class="anchor"><h3 class="cmnttl">Call for Paper (Special Issue)</h3></a> <p class="cmnpr"> The Manuscript Template for special issue can be downloaded below. The authors must prepare their manuscript using the specified template and copyright-transfer statement with signature.<br> JSME template for special issue (Word) : <a href="../English-Template-specialissue.docx">Template-special-issue.docx</a>(<a href="../sample.pdf">Sample</a>)<br> LaTeX template: <a href="../"></a><br> Copyright Transfer (PDF) : <a href="../copyright_transfer_form.pdf" download>English-Copyright-Transfer-Form.pdf</a>(<a href="../copyright-sample.pdf">Sample</a>)</pr> <p class="cmnpr"> Special issues we are going to publish are as follows: </pr> <!------------------ 特集号ここから------------------------> <div style="background-color: #FFF8DC;"> <h4 class="cmnttl">ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2023</h4> <p class="cmnpr"> Vol.19, No.2 (April to June, 2024)<br> Submission starting date: July 15, 2023<br> <font color="#ff0000">Submission Deadline: October 16, 2023</font><br> Note: Please select a Section/Category "<u>Special Issue of the ASME-JSME‐KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2023(AJK2023:JFST) </u>" on Editorial Manager(<a href="". target="_blank"></a>). </p> </p> <p class="cmnpr"> The Fluid Engineering Divisions (FED) of ASME, JSME and KSME will hold joint conference in Osaka, Japan. AJK FED has been held every four years: 2011 in Japan; 2015 in Korea; 2019 in USA. The 4th conference will be face-to-face style in Osaka from July 9 to 13, 2023. In this conference, approximately 500 presentations will be expected mainly from but not limited to AJK members. At the conference, only one-page abstract will be distributed to participants. So, the organizing committee is going to encourage speakers of high quality presentations to submit their latest achievements to Journal of Fluid Science and Technology (JFST). Note that papers to be submitted to this special issue are limited to the titles presented at AJKFED2023 (minor modifications are allowed) by one of the coauthors. </p> </div> <!------------------ ここまで------------------------> <!------------------ 特集号ここから------------------------> <div style="background-color: #FFF8DC;"> <h4 class="cmnttl">Journal of Fluid Science and Technology (ICFD2023)</h4> <p class="cmnpr"> Vol.19 No.3 or 4 (July, 2024)<br> Submission starting date: November 9, 2023<br> <font color="#ff0000">Submission Deadline: <s>March 1, 2024</s> March 18, 2024</font><br> Note: Please select a Section/Category "<u>Recent Advances in Flow Dynamics 2023(JFST) </u>" on Editorial Manager(<a href="". target="_blank"></a>). </p> </p> <p class="cmnpr"> The Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2023), in the annual series hosted by the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, will be held on November 6 - 8 in 2023. The objectives of this conference are to explore new horizons in science by discussing and exchanging information related to the most advanced scientific fields and to cutting edge technologies in Flow Dynamics. The ICFD is now recognized by researchers, engineers and academicians around the world as one of the biggest and the most important international conferences in the field of Flow Dynamics. This conference is composed of 3 Plenary Lectures, 1 General Session, 24 Organized Sessions (ex: “Flow Dynamics and Combustion Technology of Hybrid Rocket Propulsion” session, “Supercritical Fluid” session and “Student Session” etc..). The number of presentations and participations are more than 400 and 500, respectively. Selected papers are to be published as the special issues of “Journal of Fluid Science and Technology”. The selection will be based on the recommendation of editorial board and around 15 excellent papers will be made a careful selection from 150 papers which are associated with Fluid Dynamics. </p> </div> <!------------------ ここまで------------------------> <a name="iv" class="anchor"><h3 class="cmnttl">Notification</h3></a> <p class="cmnpr"> To all authors<br> We announce that <i>JFST</i> adopts CC license "CC BY". Thus, the journal publishes articles submitted later than July 15th with CC BY license. Please check and recognize about "<a href="" target="_blank">CC BY</a>" before your submission. (July 1st, 2021) </p> <p class="cmnpr"> To chinese authors<br> Currently, editorial staff cannot send email to "", "" and "" address. Thus, we would like you to register the address except for them. We appreciate for your cooperation.(August 24th, 2020) </p> <a name="v" class="anchor"><h3 class="cmnttl">Documents</h3></a> <p class="cmnpr"> JSME journals (including Journal of Fluid Science and Technology) are operated based on following rules:</p> <ul class="cmnul"> <li class="cmnli"> <a href="../provisions.pdf" target="_blank">Provisions for the Bulletin of JSME</a> </li> <li class="cmnli"> <a href="../Submission-rules.pdf" target="_blank">Submission Rules</a> </li> <li class="cmnli"> <a href="../ethics-rule-en.pdf" target="_blank">Ethical Policy Regarding Submission and Review of Papers</a> </li> <li class="cmnli"> <a href="../Military-Technologies-rule.pdf" target="_blank">Guidelines of Technical Papers and Presentations related to Military Technologies</a> </li> </ul> <p class="cmnpr"> Updated: 1st September 2021 </p> </div> </div> <div id="rightcol"> <div id="rinner"> <div id="emlink"> <a href="" title="Submitting a Manuscript" target="_blank">Submitting a Manuscript<span>▸</span> </a> </div> <div id="rlinkbx"> <h3>Current Publications</h3> <a href="" target="_blank" class="jfst" title="JFST (J-STAGE)">Journal of Fluid Science and Technology</a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="mej" title="MEJ (J-STAGE)">Mechanical Engineering Journal</a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="mel" title="MEL (J-STAGE)">Mechanical Engineering Letters</a><a href="" target="_blank" class="jtst" title="JTST (J-STAGE)">Journal of Thermal Science and Technology</a> <a href="" target="_blank" title="JBSE (J-STAGE)" class="jbse">Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering</a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="jamdsm" title="JAMDSM (J-STAG)">Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="fotter"> <div class="inner clear"> <p class="fcopy">Copyright © The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, JSME, All Rights Reserved.</p> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>