Learn More About the Features at Ex Ordo

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Or catch up on-demand.</div> </a> </li> <li class='hn-dropdown-item video'> <a class='js-track-header-video' href='/demo-video'> <div class='hn-dropdown-item--title'>Demo Video</div> <div class='hn-dropdown-item--description'>Find out how Ex Ordo can take the chaos out of organising your next conference.</div> </a> </li> <li class='hn-dropdown-item ebook'> <a class='js-track-header-amsbook' href='/ams-guide'> <div class='hn-dropdown-item--title'>Abstract Management eBook</div> <div class='hn-dropdown-item--description'>Download our everything you need to know guide to Abstract Management Software.</div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class='header-nav-dropdown-trigger'> Company <div class='header-nav-dropdown'> <ul class='without-special-item'> <li class='hn-dropdown-item news'> <a class='js-track-header-news' href='/newsroom'> <div class='hn-dropdown-item--title'>News</div> <div class='hn-dropdown-item--description'>Take a peek at Ex Ordo's latest company news and browse our favourite stories.</div> </a> </li> <li class='hn-dropdown-item about'> <a class='js-track-header-about' href='/about-us'> <div class='hn-dropdown-item--title'>About</div> <div class='hn-dropdown-item--description'>Read more about our mission and meet our lovely team.</div> </a> </li> <li class='hn-dropdown-item career'> <a class='js-track-header-career' href='/careers'> <div class='hn-dropdown-item--title'>Career</div> <div class='hn-dropdown-item--description'>We're always on the lookout for great people. 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Customise your submissions form to collect papers or abstracts, and anything else you need. Authors get a submission receipt and can edit right up to the deadline.</p> </div> </div> <div class='features-block remove_border last'> <div class='feature-info'> <h4>Allocate</h4> <p>Tailor your peer review process till it's the perfect fit. Specify how many reviews each submission needs. Keep reviewers happy by limiting how many submissions each one gets. And watch as our powerful allocation engine matches submissions to the best-qualified reviewers.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class='grid-33'> <div class='features-block'> <div class='features-info'> <h4>Oversee</h4> <p>Start allocating submissions to reviewers as soon as you want. Then follow their progress and send targeted reminders to those who fall behind. And when you need to, you can re-assign submissions, or close or disable reviews. So you never miss another deadline.</p> </div> </div> <div class='features-block remove_border last'> <div class='features-info'> <h4>Reviewer Workspace</h4> <p>Build a clear marking scheme that’s got everything reviewers need. Reviewers can grade with scores or comments, and they can work online or download their submissions. And we'll give prompts to guide them through outstanding tasks.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class='grid-33'> <div class='features-block remove_border last'> <div class='features-info'> <h4>Notify</h4> <p>Browse completed reviews by score or inspect them individually. Add chair comments and when you’re ready, use a dropdown to accept or reject them. Then send letters of acceptance, right from your dashboard.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='grid-row'> <div class='features-title-block'> <div class='features-title'> <div class='icon register'></div> <a class="title" href="/product/conference-registration">Register</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class='feature-section'> <div class='grid-row'> <div class='grid-33'> <div class='features-block'> <h4>Configure</h4> <p>Choose your currency and payment methods, structure your fees and add all the usual options like workshops and events. Get extra info from delegates by asking them customised questions. And limit ticket sales for fees, workshops or events.</p> </div> <div class='features-block last remove_border'> <div class='feature-bordered-block'> <div class='feature-icon-left exports'></div> <div class='feature-text'> <h4>Track</h4> <p>Boost attendance by sending reminders or discount codes to people who haven’t yet registered. We’ll give you live stats on delegate numbers and payments so you can keep on top of things. And we’ll show you which presenters have paid (and which haven’t).</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='grid-33'> <div class='features-block'> <h4>Self Service</h4> <p>Delegates get automated receipts and can come back and edit their registration, so you don’t have to. And they only need one account on our conference management software to submit, register and pay for your conference. Easy.</p> </div> <div class='features-block last remove_border'> <h4>Bank Transfers</h4> <p>Give delegates the freedom to pay by purchase order and bank transfer. Track which delegates haven’t paid and send reminders when you need to. And we’ll let you record when your invoices are paid - so you don’t wind up with bad debts when it’s all over.</p> </div> </div> <div class='grid-33'> <div class='features-block'> <div class='feature-bordered-block'> <div class='feature-icon-left card'></div> <div class='feature-text'> <h4>Card Payments</h4> <p>Get set up in minutes to take secure Visa, MasterCard and AMEX payments through payment platform Stripe. We're fully encrypted and PCI compliant, and with Stripe you get built-in fraud detection. Delegates get a seamless checkout experience and you get paid in less than a week.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class='features-block last remove_border'> <h4>Enjoy 100% Security</h4> <p>Keep your data safe and secure. Our system is fully encrypted and PCI compliant.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='grid-row'> <div class='features-title-block'> <div class='features-title'> <div class='icon timetable'></div> <a class="title" href="/product/virtual-conference-platform">Virtual</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class='feature-section with-subsections'> <div class='grid-row'> <a class="features-subsection--title" href="/product/virtual-conference-platform">Virtual</a> </div> <div class='grid-row'> <div class='grid-33'> <div class='features-block reduce-space remove_border last'> <div class='feature-icon-top'> <div class='icon timetable'></div> </div> <div class='feature-bordered-block'> <div class='feature-text no_icon'> <h4>Stream Live</h4> <p>Live stream sessions using the video conferencing platform of your choice (Webex, Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Restream, etc.) and deliver bingeable, on-demand video content from our integrated events hub.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='grid-33'> <div class='features-block'> <h4>Host On-Demand</h4> <p>Publish content that attendees can consume when it best suits. Collect everything from videos, to poster PDFs and spreadsheets of raw data. Gradually reveal this content as your event progresses, or publish it in advance so attendees show up with burning questions on the day.</p> </div> <div class='features-block remove_border last'> <h4>Stay in Control</h4> <p>Make sure everyone's set up before the big day, then keep tabs throughout your event. Appoint stage managers to run your live sessions. Hold private rehearsals for star speakers. Get your community up to speed by scheduling public rehearsals. Then, on the day, keep tabs on upcoming live sessions and step in if someone needs help.</p> </div> </div> <div class='grid-33'> <div class='features-block remove_border last'> <h4>Build Visually</h4> <p>Complex technical programmes are at the heart of our platform’s design. Populate your sessions with the presentations you’ve already collected. Use visuals to manage multiple streams, parallel sessions and thousands of presentations. Our conflict checker helps you ensure presenters are never scheduled in two places at once.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='feature-section with-subsections'> <div class='grid-row'> <a class="features-subsection--title" href="/product/book-of-proceedings">Book of Proceedings</a> </div> <div class='grid-row'> <div class='grid-33'> <div class='features-block reduce-space remove_border'> <h4>Print-Ready Book</h4> <p>We can create a full print-ready PDF book for your conference. All you need to do is send it to your printer or upload it to your website.</p> </div> </div> <div class='grid-33'> <div class='features-block remove_border reduce-space'> <h4>Book Contents</h4> <p>Your book includes a cover, foreword, sponsors’ content, table of contents, full list of submissions, images, and an author index.</p> </div> </div> <div class='grid-33'> <div class='features-block remove_border reduce-space'> <h4>Order by Format or Date</h4> <p>Order your abstracts or papers by format (e.g. oral, poster), or by presentation slots.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='feature-section'> <div class='grid-row'> <a class="features-subsection--title" href="/product/mobile-conference-app">Mobile</a> </div> <div class='grid-row'> <div class='grid-33'> <div class='features-block reduce-space remove_border last'> <div class='feature-icon-top'> <div class='icon supercharge'></div> </div> <div class='feature-bordered-block'> <div class='feature-text no_icon'> <h4>Supercharge Networking</h4> <p>Let delegates make connections before your conference even begins. Delegates can send each other private messages and create public posts.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='grid-33'> <div class='features-block reduce-space'> <h4>Create an Interactive Map</h4> <p>Help delegates navigate your space with an interactive map of the conference venue.</p> </div> <div class='features-block remove_border last'> <h4>Gain Sponsor Usage Stats</h4> <p>Give sponsors in-app ad banners and promoted posts. Then send them meaningful metrics with proven ROI.</p> </div> </div> <div class='grid-33'> <div class='features-block remove_border last'> <div class='feature-bordered-block'> <div class='feature-icon-left risk_free'></div> <div class='feature-text'> <h4>Send Instant Notifications</h4> <p>Keep everyone in the loop when there's a change of plan by sending instant notifications to delegates’ phones.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='grid-row'> <div class='features-title-block'> <div class='features-title'> <div class='icon support'></div> <a class="title" href="/product/conference-management">Manage</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class='feature-section support'> <div class='grid-row'> <div class='grid-33'> <div class='features-block remove_border last'> <h4>Conference Branding</h4> <p>Upload your conference logo and cover image to create your own elegantly branded conference dashboard. No generic portals here.</p> </div> </div> <div class='grid-33'> <div class='features-block remove_border last'> <h4>One Central Hub for Communicating</h4> <p>We've built you a place where you can message everyone connected to your conference. Select a group of contacts, write your message, test it and send. No CC'ing, no send limits. It’s that easy.</p> </div> </div> <div class='grid-33'> <div class='features-block remove_border last'> <h4>One Single Login</h4> <p>Whether you're chairing, submitting, reviewing or registering, you only ever need to log in to one account. 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