Sumit Antil, Paralympics 2024 Highlights: Sumit defends his gold medal in men’s javelin throw F64 with new Paralympic Games record of 70.59m in Paris - Sportstar

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This was <em><strong><a href= target="_blank">Nihit Sachdeva</a></strong></em>taking you through the action as it unfolds.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script><div id="content-body-68597541" id="ControlPara"><div class="col-xl-9 col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-12 articleevents" itemprop="articleBody"><div id="liveentryListskeyevent"><div id="cue-live-keyevents-update"><h5 class="red-font">Key Updates</h5><ul class="key-updates-list" id="key-updates-list"><li data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T23:41:56.000+0530" data-event-uri="" ><a href="#164504" > India’s medallists at Paris Paralympics </a></li><li data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T23:20:51.000+0530" data-event-uri="" ><a href="#164500" > Final Round - Sumit Antil defends his gold medal </a></li><li data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T23:13:38.000+0530" data-event-uri="" ><a href="#164496" > Fifth Round - Sumit continues to lead </a></li><li data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T23:06:19.000+0530" data-event-uri="" ><a href="#164494" > Fourth Round - Sumit commits a foul but stays on top </a></li><li data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T22:51:37.000+0530" data-event-uri="" ><a href="#164487" > 3rd round - Sumit stays on top </a></li><li data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T22:42:16.000+0530" data-event-uri="" ><a href="#164480" > 2nd round - With 70.59m, Sumit breaks Paralympic Record again </a></li><li data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T22:31:33.000+0530" data-event-uri="" ><a href="#164473" > 1st round - Sumit Antil breaks Paralympic Record with 69.11m throw </a></li></ul></div></div><div id="pinEvent"></div><div class="article-live-blocker"><ul class="timeline" id="entryList"><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-09-03T00:06:48.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="164509" id="164509" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-09-03T00:06:48+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-09T06:33:27+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-09-03T00:06:48.000+0530">September 03, 2024 00:06<span class="icn clv-nothing"></span></div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Follow our detailed coverage for today here! </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><div ><div ><a href= ><div class="relative cuelive"><img src=""/></div></a></div><div ><h3>Paris Paralympics 2024 HIGHLIGHTS Day 5: Sumit Antil wins India’s third gold with paralympic record; Sheetal-Rakesh duo bags bronze</h3><p>Paris 2024 Paralympics, Live Updates: Follow live scores and updates from the Indian events during Day 5 of the Paris 2024 Paralympics on Monday, September 2.</p></div></div><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-09-03T00:06:07.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="164508" id="164508" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-09-03T00:06:07+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-09T06:33:27+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-09-03T00:06:07.000+0530">September 03, 2024 00:06<span class="icn clv-nothing"></span></div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> While’s Sumit Antil’s event is over, there is still a little bit of action left for the day as far as Indians are concerned </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Para Badminton - Women’s Singles SH6 Bronze Medal Match - Nithya Sre Sumathy Sivan vs Rina Marlina (INA)</p><p>Para Athletics - Women’s Discus Throw - F53 Final - Kanchan Lakhani</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T23:52:04.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="164505" id="164505" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-09-02T23:52:04+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-09T06:33:27+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-09-02T23:52:04.000+0530">September 02, 2024 23:52<span class="icn clv-nothing"></span></div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Another Indian record-breaker. Ladies and gentleman, welcome Sheetal Devi! </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><div class="embed-wrapper" ><blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en" ><a href= ></a></blockquote><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script></div><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T23:41:56.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="164504" id="164504" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-09-02T23:41:56+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-09T06:33:27+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-09-02T23:41:56.000+0530">September 02, 2024 23:41<span class="icn clv-nothing"></span></div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> India’s medallists at Paris Paralympics </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Gold - Avani Lekhara - R2 Women’s 10m Air Rifle Standing SH1 (Para Shooting)</p><p>Gold - Nitesh Kumar - Men’s Singles SL3 (Para Badminton)</p><p>Gold - Sumit Antil - Men’s Javelin Throw F64 (Para Athletics)</p><p>Silver - Manish Narwal - P1 Men’s 10m Air Pistol SH1 (Para Shooting)</p><p>Silver - Nishad Kumar - Men’s High Jump T47 (Para Athletics)</p><p>Silver - Yogesh Kathuniya - Men’s Discus Throw F56 (Para Athletics)</p><p>Silver - Thulasimathi Murugesan - Women’s Singles SU5 (Para Badminton)</p><p>Silver - Suhas Yathiraj - Men’s Singles SL4 (Para Badminton)</p><p>Bronze - Mona Agarwal - R2 Women’s 10m Air Rifle Standing SH1 (Para Shooting)</p><p>Bronze - Preethi Pal - Women’s 100m T35 (Para Athletics)</p><p>Bronze - Preethi Pal - Women’s 200m T35 (Para Athletics)</p><p>Bronze - Rubina Francis - P2 Women’s 10m Air Pistol SH1 (Para Shooting)</p><p>Bronze - Manisha Ramadass - Women’s Singles SU5 (Para Badminton)</p><p>Bronze - Sheetal Devi and Rakesh Kumar - Mixed Team Compound Open (Para Archery)</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T23:20:51.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="164500" id="164500" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-09-02T23:20:51+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-09T06:33:27+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-09-02T23:20:51.000+0530">September 02, 2024 23:20<span class="icn clv-nothing"></span></div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Final Round - Sumit Antil defends his gold medal </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Foul for Roberto Floriani of Brazil and he will finish 8th.</p><p>Sandip Sanjay Sargar produces a throw of 56.30m. His third-round effort of 58.03m remains his best and he finishes in seventh position.</p><p>Ez Zouhri’s last throw and it is 54.63m. He remains sixth.</p><p>Ukraine’s Roman Novak last throw is 58.53m and he finishes fifth.</p><p>Sandeep’s last throw is 62.55m, marginally short of his best attempt of 62.80m from today. That means, the three medallists are confirmed.</p><p>Australia’s Michal Burian comes up with 60.80m and will finish with a bronze medal. His best attempt was 64.89m which came in second round.</p><p>Sri Lanka’s Dulan Kodithuwakku’s last throw is 64.38. He takes silver with his fifth-round effort of 67.03m. Gold confirmed for defending champion Sumit Antil.</p><p><strong>Sumit finishes with 66.57m. His second-round throw of 70.59m is enough for him to defend his gold medal from Tokyo and that too, with a new Paralympic Record!</strong></p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T23:13:38.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="164496" id="164496" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-09-02T23:13:38+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-09T06:33:27+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-09-02T23:13:38.000+0530">September 02, 2024 23:13<span class="icn clv-nothing"></span></div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Fifth Round - Sumit continues to lead </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>For Roberto Floriani, it is 54.39m throw in the fifth round and he stays eight. </p><p>Sandip Sanjay Sargar - 57.96m. Ez Zouhri - 55.61m.</p><p>A 58.85m throw for Roman Novak and he is still fifth.</p><p>Foul for Sandeep.</p><p><strong>Kodithuwakku breaks the World Record in F44 category with a throw of 67.03m which takes him to second position.</strong></p><p>62.39m for Burian and he cannot reclaim the second spot. </p><p>Sumit’s fifth-round throw is 69.04m and he comfortably stays on top.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T23:06:19.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="164494" id="164494" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-09-02T23:06:19+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-09T06:33:27+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-09-02T23:06:19.000+0530">September 02, 2024 23:06<span class="icn clv-nothing"></span></div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Fourth Round - Sumit commits a foul but stays on top </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Ukraine’s Roman Novak begins with 61.04m, his best throw of the day and a new European Record, which takes him to fifth place!</p><p>Foul for Roberto Floriani. Sandip Sanjay Sargar comes up with 55.45m. </p><p>Morocco’s Ez Zouhri’s 4th-round throw is 57.40m.</p><p>Sandeep - 60.34m. Stays fourth.</p><p>Kodithuwakku - 63.73m, his best throw so far but not enough to move to second spot. For Burian, it is 60.34m, much below his best of 64.89m today but he stays second.</p><p>Sumit goes past the 65m mark but he is not happy with his attempt and intentionally, commits a foul.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T22:51:37.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="164487" id="164487" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-09-02T22:51:37+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-09T06:33:27+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-09-02T22:51:37.000+0530">September 02, 2024 22:51<span class="icn clv-nothing"></span></div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> 3rd round - Sumit stays on top </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Brazil’s Roberto Floriani starts this round with 55.99m.</p><p>Sandip Sanjay Sargar - 58.03m, best effort so far.</p><p>Burian - 58.89m, his worst throw so far.</p><p>Kodithuwakku - 55.01m.</p><p><strong>Sumit Antil - 66.66m, his worst attempt so far and it is still better than the guy in silver medal position by almost 2m.</strong></p><p>Ez Zouhri - 57.86m. Novak - 55.02m. For Ken Kahu, it is 50.04m.</p><p>Sandeep’s third-round attempt is 62.80m, his best so far but he stays fourth behind Kodithuwakku (63.61m).</p><p>Loccident needed a throw bigger than Novak’s 55.02m to avoid elimination but he can only produce 44.97m. The American and Ken Kahu are out of the competition while the remaining eight athletes will get three more attempts in the order of their best throws so far. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T22:42:16.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="164480" id="164480" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-09-02T22:42:16+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-09T06:33:27+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-09-02T22:42:16.000+0530">September 02, 2024 22:42<span class="icn clv-nothing"></span></div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> 2nd round - With 70.59m, Sumit breaks Paralympic Record again </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Roberto Floriani’s 2nd round throw is 55.74m, which is not better than his opening-round effort.</p><p>Sandip Sanjay Sargar improves with 57.04m throw in this round.</p><p>Australia’s Burian also betters his 1st round throw and comes up with 64.89m to stay second.</p><p>Sri Lanka’s Kodithuwakku marginally improves - 63.61m.</p><p><strong>Sumit’s second-round throw is 70.59m and he breaks the Paralympic Record again!</strong></p><p>Foul for Ez Zouhri. Foul for Novak. Kahu moves up to ninth with 52.01m.</p><p>Sandeep’s 2nd-round throw is 59.30m, not better than the 1st round.</p><p>Loccident comes up with 46.33m</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T22:31:33.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="164473" id="164473" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-09-02T22:31:33+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-09T06:33:27+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-09-02T22:31:33.000+0530">September 02, 2024 22:31<span class="icn clv-nothing"></span></div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> 1st round - Sumit Antil breaks Paralympic Record with 69.11m throw </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Brazil’s Roberto Floriani begins with a throw of 57.99m.</p><p>For India’s Sandip Sanjay Sargar, it is 54.86m. </p><p>Australia’s Michal Burian sets the tone with his first throw of 63.68m, a new Season’s Best for him.</p><p>Sri Lanka’s Dulan Kodithuwakku begins with 63.14m.</p><p><strong>An impressive first throw from Sumit Antil, the defending champion, as he begins with a throw of 69.11m, breaking his own Paralympic Record of 68.55m from Tokyo.</strong></p><p>Morocco’s Zakariae Ez Zouhri begins with 58.58m while for Ukraine’s Roman Novak, it is 52.61. Vanuatu’s Ken Kahu starts with a foul.</p><p>Sandeep, third Indian in the fray, starts with 60.00m and jumps to fourth.</p><p>USA’s Derek Loccident, last thrower, records 47.58m attempt in first round.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T22:29:50.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="164471" id="164471" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-09-02T22:29:50+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-09T06:33:27+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-09-02T22:29:50.000+0530">September 02, 2024 22:29<span class="icn clv-nothing"></span></div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Live visuals </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>The participants enter the arena one by one. It is expected to be one of the most exciting finals in this edition of the Paralympic Games with the possibility of a new World Record being set.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T22:23:33.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="164470" id="164470" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-09-02T22:23:33+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-09T06:33:27+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-09-02T22:23:33.000+0530">September 02, 2024 22:23<span class="icn clv-nothing"></span></div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Medal Alert: Suhas Yathiraj wins silver in para badminton </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Suhas Yathiraj wins a silver medal for the second straight Paralympics. He loses 9-21, 13-21 to Frenchman Lucas Mazur in the final. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T22:05:09.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="164464" id="164464" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-09-02T22:05:09+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-09T06:33:27+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-09-02T22:05:09.000+0530">September 02, 2024 22:05<span class="icn clv-nothing"></span></div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Here’s the complete list of participant for the men’s javelin throw F64 final </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Edenilson Roberto Floriani (Brazil)</p><p>Sandip Sanjay Sargar (India)</p><p>Michal Burian (Australia)</p><p>Dulan Kodithuwakku (Sri Lanka)</p><p>Sumit Antil (India)</p><p>Zakariae Ez Zouhri (Morocco)</p><p>Roman Novak (Ukraine)</p><p>Ken Kahu (Vanuatu)</p><p>Sandeep (India)</p><p>Derek Loccident (USA)</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T21:46:16.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="164457" id="164457" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-09-02T21:46:16+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-09T06:33:28+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-09-02T21:46:16.000+0530">September 02, 2024 21:46<span class="icn clv-nothing"></span></div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> India’s medallists at Paris Paralympics so far </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Gold - Avani Lekhara - R2 Women’s 10m Air Rifle Standing SH1 (Para Shooting)</p><p>Gold - Nitesh Kumar - Men’s Singles SL3 (Para Badminton)</p><p>Silver - Manish Narwal - P1 Men’s 10m Air Pistol SH1 (Para Shooting)</p><p>Silver - Nishad Kumar - Men’s High Jump T47 (Para Athletics)</p><p>Silver - Yogesh Kathuniya - Men’s Discus Throw F56 (Para Athletics)</p><p>Silver - Thulasimathi Murugesan - Women’s Singles SU5 (Para Badminton)</p><p>Bronze - Mona Agarwal - R2 Women’s 10m Air Rifle Standing SH1 (Para Shooting)</p><p>Bronze - Preethi Pal - Women’s 100m T35 (Para Athletics)</p><p>Bronze - Preethi Pal - Women’s 200m T35 (Para Athletics)</p><p>Bronze - Rubina Francis - P2 Women’s 10m Air Pistol SH1 (Para Shooting)</p><p>Bronze - Manisha Ramadass - Women’s Singles SU5 (Para Badminton)</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T21:35:43.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="164453" id="164453" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-09-02T21:35:43+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-09T06:33:28+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-09-02T21:35:43.000+0530">September 02, 2024 21:35<span class="icn clv-nothing"></span></div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Sumit Antil, the world record-holder in men’s javelin throw F64, will be in action tonight! </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Sumit Antil, one of the biggest gold medal prospects for India at Paris Paralympics, will be in action tonight at the Stade de France from 10:30PM IST where he will look to defend his gold medal from Tokyo. </p><p>Along with Sumit, Sandeep and Sandip Sanjay Sargar will be the other Indians in the fray.</p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } }); return html; } createTables() </script></div></div></li><li class="time-list" data-event-publish-date="2024-09-02T21:30:14.000+0530" data-event-uri="" data-event-id="164446" id="164446" itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype=""><div class="story"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-09-02T21:30:14+05:30"/><meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-09T06:33:28+05:30"><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><div class="time" data-publish-date="2024-09-02T21:30:14.000+0530">September 02, 2024 21:30<span class="icn clv-nothing"></span></div><div class="title" itemprop="headline"> Where to watch Paris Paralympics 2024 in India? </div><div class="sub-text" itemprop="articleBody"><p>The events of Paris Paralympics 2024 will be available for streaming on the Paralympic Games <em>Youtube </em>channel. Select events will also be available to stream on the <em>Jio Cinema</em> app and <em>Doordarshan Sports</em> TV Channel. </p><script> var html = ""; // To be kept global to track html addition function createTables() { const table_data = [] table_data.forEach(el => { const existingElement = document.getElementById(; const element = constructTable(; document.getElementById( = existingElement + element; html = "" }) } function constructTable(elements) { elements.forEach((element) => { var tablecontent = element?.relation?.content.href; //console.log("tableSContednt", tablecontent) if(element){ if (element.type == "text" && element.text.trim() !== "") { html += element.text; } else if (element.children) { if(element.type ==="a"){ if (typeof(element.href) != "undefined") html += `<${element.type} href="${element.href}">`; else html += `<${element.type} href="${tablecontent}">`; } else { html += `<${element.type}>`; } constructTable(element.children); html += "</" + element.type + ">"; } } 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