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"]]" end local function track(page) require("Module:debug").track("en-headword/" .. page) return true end -- The main entry point. -- This is the only function that can be invoked from a template. function local poscat = frame.args[1] or error("Part of speech has not been specified. Please pass parameter 1 to the module invocation.") local params = { ["head"] = {list = true}, ["suff"] = {type = "boolean"}, ["sort"] = {}, } local pos_data = pos_functions[poscat] if pos_data then for key, val in pairs(pos_data.params) do params[key] = val end end local args, unknown_args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params, pos_data.return_unknown) if unknown_args and next(unknown_args) then track("unknown args") track("unknown args/POS/" .. tostring(poscat)) for parameter, value in pairs(unknown_args) do track("unknown args/param/" .. tostring(parameter)) mw.log("unknown parameter in [[Module:headword]]: |" .. tostring(parameter) .. "=" .. tostring(value)) end end local data = {lang = lang, pos_category = poscat, categories = {}, heads = args["head"], inflections = {}} if args["suff"] then data.pos_category = "suffixes" if poscat == "adjectives" or poscat == "adverbs" or poscat == "nouns" or poscat == "verbs" then table.insert(data.categories, ("%s %s-forming suffixes") :format(lang:getCanonicalName(), poscat:gsub("s$", ""))) else error("No category exists for suffixes forming " .. poscat .. ".") end end if pos_data then pos_data.func(args, data) end local extra_categories = {} if PAGENAME:find("[Qq][^Uu]") or PAGENAME:find("[Qq]$") then table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " words containing Q not followed by U") end if PAGENAME:find("([A-Za-z])%1%1") then table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " words containing three consecutive instances of the same letter") end if PAGENAME:find("([A-Za-z])%1%1%1") then table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " words containing four consecutive instances of the same letter") end if PAGENAME:find("[^c]ie") or PAGENAME:find("cei") then table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " words following the I before E except after C rule") end if PAGENAME:find("[^c]ei") or PAGENAME:find("cie") then table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " words not following the I before E except after C rule") end -- mw.ustring.toNFD performs decomposition, so letters that decompose -- to an ASCII vowel and a diacritic, such as é, are counted as vowels and -- do not need to be included in the pattern. if not mw.ustring.find(mw.ustring.lower(mw.ustring.toNFD(PAGENAME)), "[aeiouyæœø]") then table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " words without vowels") end if PAGENAME:find("yre$") then table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. ' words ending in "-yre"') end if not PAGENAME:find(" ") and PAGENAME:len() >= 25 then table.insert(extra_categories, "Long " .. lang:getCanonicalName() .. ' words') end if PAGENAME:find("^[^aeiou ]*a[^aeiou ]*e[^aeiou ]*i[^aeiou ]*o[^aeiou ]*u[^aeiou ]*$") then table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. ' words that use all vowels in alphabetical order') end data.sort_key = args.sort return require("Module:headword").full_headword(data) .. (#extra_categories > 0 and require("Module:utilities").format_categories(extra_categories, lang, args.sort) or "") end -- This function does the common work between adjectives and adverbs function make_comparatives(params, data) local comp_parts = {label = glossary_link("تقابلی"), accel = {form = "تقابلی"}} local sup_parts = {label = glossary_link("تفضیلی"), accel = {form = "تفضیلی"}} if #params == 0 then table.insert(params, {"more"}) end -- To form the stem, replace -(e)y with -i and remove a final -e. local stem = PAGENAME:gsub("([^aeiou])e?y$", "%1i"):gsub("e$", "") -- Go over each parameter given and create a comparative and superlative form for i, val in ipairs(params) do local comp = val[1] local comp_qual = val[2] local sup = val[3] local sup_qual = val[4] local comp_part, sup_part if comp == "more" and PAGENAME ~= "many" and PAGENAME ~= "much" then comp_part = "[[more]] " .. PAGENAME sup_part = "[[most]] " .. PAGENAME elseif comp == "further" and PAGENAME ~= "far" then comp_part = "[[further]] " .. PAGENAME sup_part = "[[furthest]] " .. PAGENAME elseif comp == "er" then comp_part = stem .. "er" sup_part = stem .. "est" elseif comp == "-" or sup == "-" then -- Allowing '-' makes it more flexible to not have some forms if comp ~= "-" then comp_part = comp end if sup ~= "-" then sup_part = sup end else -- If the full comparative was given, but no superlative, then -- create it by replacing the ending -er with -est. if not sup then if comp:find("er$") then sup = comp:gsub("er$", "est") else error("The superlative of \"" .. comp .. "\" cannot be generated automatically. Please provide it with the \"sup" .. (i == 1 and "" or i) .. "=\" parameter.") end end comp_part = comp sup_part = sup end if comp_part then table.insert(comp_parts, {term = comp_part, qualifiers = {comp_qual}}) end if sup_part then table.insert(sup_parts, {term = sup_part, qualifiers = {sup_qual}}) end end table.insert(data.inflections, comp_parts) table.insert(data.inflections, sup_parts) end pos_functions["صفات"] = { params = { [1] = {list = true, allow_holes = true}, ["comp_qual"] = {list = "comp=_qual", allow_holes = true}, ["sup"] = {list = true, allow_holes = true}, ["sup_qual"] = {list = "sup=_qual", allow_holes = true}, }, func = function(args, data) local shift = 0 local is_not_comparable = false local is_comparative_only = false -- If the first parameter is ?, then don't show anything, just return. if args[1][1] == "?" then return -- If the first parameter is -, then move all parameters up one position. elseif args[1][1] == "-" then shift = 1 is_not_comparable = true -- If the only argument is +, then remember this and clear parameters elseif args[1][1] == "+" and args[1].maxindex == 1 then shift = 1 is_comparative_only = true end -- Gather all the comparative and superlative parameters. local params = {} for i = 1, args[1].maxindex - shift do local comp = args[1][i + shift] local comp_qual = args["comp_qual"][i + shift] local sup = args["sup"][i] local sup_qual = args["sup_qual"][i + shift] if comp or sup then table.insert(params, {comp, comp_qual, sup, sup_qual}) end end if shift == 1 then -- If the first parameter is "-" but there are no parameters, -- then show "not comparable" only and return. -- If there are parameters, then show "not generally comparable" -- before the forms. if #params == 0 then if is_not_comparable then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "not " .. glossary_link("comparable")}) table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " uncomparable adjectives") return end if is_comparative_only then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = glossary_link("تقابلی") .. " form only"}) table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " comparative-only adjectives") return end else table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "not generally " .. glossary_link("comparable")}) end end -- Process the parameters make_comparatives(params, data) end } pos_functions["متعلق فعل"] = { params = { [1] = {list = true, allow_holes = true}, ["comp_qual"] = {list = "comp=_qual", allow_holes = true}, ["sup"] = {list = true, allow_holes = true}, ["sup_qual"] = {list = "sup=_qual", allow_holes = true}, }, func = function(args, data) local shift = 0 -- If the first parameter is ?, then don't show anything, just return. if args[1][1] == "?" then return -- If the first parameter is -, then move all parameters up one position. elseif args[1][1] == "-" then shift = 1 end -- Gather all the comparative and superlative parameters. local params = {} for i = 1, args[1].maxindex - shift do local comp = args[1][i + shift] local comp_qual = args["comp_qual"][i + shift] local sup = args["sup"][i] local sup_qual = args["sup_qual"][i + shift] if comp or sup then table.insert(params, {comp, comp_qual, sup, sup_qual}) end end if shift == 1 then -- If the first parameter is "-" but there are no parameters, -- then show "not comparable" only and return. If there are parameters, -- then show "not generally comparable" before the forms. if #params == 0 then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "not " .. glossary_link("comparable")}) table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " uncomparable adverbs") return else table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "not generally " .. glossary_link("comparable")}) end end -- Process the parameters make_comparatives(params, data) end } pos_functions["conjunctions"] = { params = { [1] = { alias_of = "head" }, }, return_unknown = true, func = function (args, data) end, } pos_functions["interjections"] = { params = { [1] = { alias_of = "head" }, }, return_unknown = true, func = function (args, data) end, } local function default_plural(noun) local new_pl if noun:find("[sxz]$") or noun:find("[cs]h$") then new_pl = noun .. "es" elseif noun:find("[^aeiou]y$") then new_pl = noun:gsub("y$", "i") .. "es" else new_pl = noun .. "s" end return new_pl end local function canonicalize_plural(pl, stem) if pl == "s" then return stem .. "s" elseif pl == "es" then return stem .. "es" elseif pl == "+" then return default_plural(PAGENAME) else return nil end end pos_functions["اسما"] = { params = { [1] = {list = true, allow_holes = true}, ["pl=qual"] = { list = true, allow_holes = true }, }, func = function(args, data) -- Gather all the plural parameters from the numbered parameters. local plurals = {} for i = 1, args[1].maxindex do local pl = args[1][i] if pl then local qual = args["plqual"][i] if qual then table.insert(plurals, {term = pl, qualifiers = {qual}}) else table.insert(plurals, pl) end end end -- Decide what to do next... local mode = nil if plurals[1] == "?" or plurals[1] == "!" or plurals[1] == "-" or plurals[1] == "~" then mode = plurals[1] table.remove(plurals, 1) -- Remove the mode parameter end -- Plural is unknown if mode == "?" then table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " nouns with unknown or uncertain plurals") return -- Plural is not attested elseif mode == "!" then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "plural not attested"}) table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " nouns with unattested plurals") return -- Uncountable noun; may occasionally have a plural elseif mode == "-" then table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " ناقابل شمار اسما") -- If plural forms were given explicitly, then show "عام طور پر" if #plurals > 0 then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "عام طور پر " .. glossary_link("ناقابل شمار")}) table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " ناقابل شمار اسما") else table.insert(data.inflections, {label = glossary_link("ناقابل شمار")}) end -- Mixed countable/uncountable noun, always has a plural elseif mode == "~" then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = glossary_link("قابل شمار") .. " and " .. glossary_link("ناقابل شمار")}) table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " ناقابل شمار اسما") table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " قابل شمار اسما") -- If no plural was given, add a default one now if #plurals == 0 then plurals = {default_plural(PAGENAME)} end -- The default, always has a plural else table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " قابل شمار اسما") -- If no plural was given, add a default one now if #plurals == 0 then plurals = {default_plural(PAGENAME)} end end -- If there are no plurals to show, return now if #plurals == 0 then return end -- There are plural forms to show, so show them local pl_parts = {label = "جمع", accel = {form = "p"}} local function check_ies(pl, stem) local newplural, nummatches = stem:gsub("([^aeiou])y$","%1ies") return nummatches > 0 and pl == newplural end local stem = PAGENAME local irregular = false for i, pl in ipairs(plurals) do local canon_pl = canonicalize_plural(pl, stem) if canon_pl then table.insert(pl_parts, canon_pl) elseif type(pl) == "table" then canon_pl = canonicalize_plural(pl.term, stem) if canon_pl then table.insert(pl_parts, {term=canon_pl, qualifiers=pl.qualifiers}) end end if not canon_pl then table.insert(pl_parts, pl) if type(pl) == "table" then pl = pl.term end if not stem:find(" ") and not (pl == stem .. "s" or pl == stem .. "es" or check_ies(pl, stem)) then irregular = true if pl == stem then table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " indeclinable nouns") end end end end if irregular then table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " nouns with irregular plurals") end table.insert(data.inflections, pl_parts) end } pos_functions["اسمائے معرفہ"] = { params = { [1] = {list = true}, }, func = function(args, data) local plurals = args[1] -- Decide what to do next... local mode = nil if plurals[1] == "?" or plurals[1] == "!" or plurals[1] == "-" or plurals[1] == "~" then mode = plurals[1] table.remove(plurals, 1) -- Remove the mode parameter end -- Plural is unknown if mode == "?" then table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " proper nouns with unknown or uncertain plurals") return -- Plural is not attested elseif mode == "!" then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "plural not attested"}) table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " proper nouns with unattested plurals") return -- Uncountable noun; may occasionally have a plural elseif mode == "-" then -- If plural forms were given explicitly, then show "عام طور پر" if #plurals > 0 then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "عام طور پر " .. glossary_link("ناقابل شمار")}) table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " countable proper nouns") else table.insert(data.inflections, {label = glossary_link("ناقابل شمار")}) end -- Mixed countable/uncountable noun, always has a plural elseif mode == "~" then table.insert(data.inflections, {label = glossary_link("قابل شمار") .. " and " .. glossary_link("uncountable")}) table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " countable proper nouns") -- If no plural was given, add a default one now if #plurals == 0 then plurals = {"s"} end elseif #plurals > 0 then table.insert(data.categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " countable proper nouns") end -- If there are no plurals to show, return now if #plurals == 0 then return end -- There are plural forms to show, so show them local pl_parts = {label = "plural", accel = {form = "p"}} local stem = PAGENAME for i, pl in ipairs(plurals) do if pl == "s" then table.insert(pl_parts, stem .. "s") elseif pl == "es" then table.insert(pl_parts, stem .. "es") else table.insert(pl_parts, pl) end end table.insert(data.inflections, pl_parts) end } local function base_default_verb_forms(verb) local s_form = default_plural(verb) local ing_form, ed_form local vowel = "aeiouáéíóúàèìòùâêîôûäëïöüæœø" local ulvowel = vowel .. "AEIOUÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÂÊÎÔÛÄËÏÖÜÆŒØ" -- (1) Check for C*VC verbs. -- -- flip -> flipping/flipped, strum -> strumming/strummed, nag -> nagging/nagged, etc. -- Do not include words with final -y, e.g. 'stay' (staying/stayed), 'toy' (toying/toyed), -- or with final -w, e.g. 'flow' (flowing/flowed), or with final -h, e.g. 'ah' (ahing/ahed), -- or with final -x, e.g. 'box' (boxing/boxed), or ending in an uppercase consonant, -- e.g. 'XOR' (XORing/XORed), 'OK' (OKing/OKed). Check specially for initial y- as a consonant, -- e.g. 'yip' (yipping/yipped), otherwise treat y as a vowel, so we don't trigger on 'hyphen' -- but do trigger on 'gyp'. local last_cons = mw.ustring.match(verb, "^[Yy][" .. vowel .. "y]([^A-Z" .. vowel .. "ywxh])$") if not last_cons then last_cons = mw.ustring.match(verb, "^[^" .. ulvowel .. "yY]*[" .. ulvowel .. "yY]([^A-Z" .. vowel .. "ywxh])$") end if last_cons then ing_form = verb .. last_cons .. "ing" ed_form = verb .. last_cons .. "ed" else -- (2) Generate -ing form. -- (2a) lie -> lying, untie -> untying, etc. local stem = verb:match("^(.*)ie$") if stem then ing_form = stem .. "ying" else -- (2b) argue -> arguing, sprue -> spruing, dialogue -> dialoguing, etc. stem = verb:match("^(.*)ue$") if stem then ing_form = stem .. "uing" else stem = mw.ustring.match(verb, "^(.*[" .. ulvowel .. "yY][^" .. vowel .. "y]+)e$") if stem then -- (2c) baptize -> baptizing, rake -> raking, type -> typing, parse -> parsing, etc. -- (ending in vowel + consonant(s) + -e); but not referee -> refereeing, -- backhoe -> backhoeing, redye -> redyeing (ending in some other vowel + -e or in -ye); -- and not be -> being (no vowel before the consonant preceding the -e) ing_form = stem .. "ing" else -- (2d) regular verbs ing_form = verb .. "ing" end end end -- (3) Generate -ed form. if verb:find("e$") then -- (3a) baptize -> baptized, rake -> raked, parse -> parsed, free -> freed, hoe -> hoed ed_form = verb .. "d" else stem = mw.ustring.match(verb, "^(.*[^" .. ulvowel .. "yY])y$") if stem then -- (3b) marry -> married, levy -> levied, try -> tried, etc.; but not toy -> toyed ed_form = stem .. "ied" else -- (3c) regular verbs ed_form = verb .. "ed" end end end return s_form, ing_form, ed_form end local function default_verb_forms(verb) local full_s_form, full_ing_form, full_ed_form = base_default_verb_forms(verb) if verb:find(" ") then local first, rest = verb:match("^(.-)( .*)$") local first_s_form, first_ing_form, first_ed_form = base_default_verb_forms(first) return full_s_form, full_ing_form, full_ed_form, first_s_form .. rest, first_ing_form .. rest, first_ed_form .. rest else return full_s_form, full_ing_form, full_ed_form, nil, nil, nil end end pos_functions["افعال"] = { params = { [1] = {list = "pres_3sg", allow_holes = true}, ["pres_3sg_qual"] = {list = "pres_3sg=_qual", allow_holes = true}, [2] = {list = "pres_ptc", allow_holes = true}, ["pres_ptc_qual"] = {list = "pres_ptc=_qual", allow_holes = true}, [3] = {list = "past", allow_holes = true}, ["past_qual"] = {list = "past=_qual", allow_holes = true}, [4] = {list = "past_ptc", allow_holes = true}, ["past_ptc_qual"] = {list = "past_ptc=_qual", allow_holes = true}, ["pagename"] = {}, -- for testing }, func = function(args, data) -- Get parameters local par1 = args[1][1] local par2 = args[2][1] local par3 = args[3][1] local par4 = args[4][1] local pres_3sgs, pres_ptcs, pasts, past_ptcs local pagename = args.pagename or PAGENAME ------------------------------------------- UTILITY FUNCTIONS #1 ------------------------------------------ -- These functions are used directly in the <> format as well as in the utility functions #2 below. local function compute_double_last_cons_stem(verb) local last_cons = verb:match("([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzBCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ])$") if not last_cons then error("Verb stem '" .. verb .. "' must end in a consonant to use ++") end return verb .. last_cons end local function compute_plusplus_s_form(verb, default_s_form) if verb:find("[sz]$") then -- regas -> regasses, derez -> derezzes return compute_double_last_cons_stem(verb) .. "es" else return default_s_form end end ------------------------------------------- UTILITY FUNCTIONS #2 ------------------------------------------ -- These functions are used in both in the separate-parameter format and in the override params such as past_ptc2=. local new_default_s, new_default_ing, new_default_ed, split_default_s, split_default_ing, split_default_ed = default_verb_forms(pagename) local function compute_double_last_cons_stem_of_split_verb(verb, ending) local first, rest = verb:match("^(.-)( .*)$") if not first then error("Verb '" .. verb .. "' must have a space in it to use ++*") end local last_cons = first:match("([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzBCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ])$") if not last_cons then error("First word '" .. first .. "' must end in a consonant to use ++*") end return first .. last_cons .. ending .. rest end local function check_non_nil_star_form(form) if form == nil then error("Verb '" .. pagename .. "' must have a space in it to use * or ++*") end return form end local function sub_tilde(form) if not form then return nil end local retval = form:gsub("~", pagename) -- discard second return value return retval end local function canonicalize_s_form(form) if form == "+" then return new_default_s elseif form == "*" then return check_non_nil_star_form(split_default_s) elseif form == "++" then return compute_plusplus_s_form(pagename, new_default_s) elseif form == "++*" then if pagename:find("^[^ ]*[sz] ") then return compute_double_last_cons_stem_of_split_verb(pagename, "es") else return check_non_nil_star_form(split_default_s) end else return sub_tilde(form) end end local function canonicalize_ing_form(form) if form == "+" then return new_default_ing elseif form == "*" then return check_non_nil_star_form(split_default_ing) elseif form == "++" then return compute_double_last_cons_stem(pagename) .. "ing" elseif form == "++*" then return compute_double_last_cons_stem_of_split_verb(pagename, "ing") else return sub_tilde(form) end end local function canonicalize_ed_form(form) if form == "+" then return new_default_ed elseif form == "*" then return check_non_nil_star_form(split_default_ed) elseif form == "++" then return compute_double_last_cons_stem(pagename) .. "ed" elseif form == "++*" then return compute_double_last_cons_stem_of_split_verb(pagename, "ed") else return sub_tilde(form) end end --------------------------------- MAIN PARSING/CONJUGATING CODE -------------------------------- local past_ptcs_given if par1 and par1:find("<") then -------------------------- ANGLE-BRACKET FORMAT -------------------------- if par2 or par3 or par4 then error("Can't specify 2=, 3= or 4= when 1= contains angle brackets: " .. par1) end -- In the angle bracket format, we always copy the full past tense specs to the past participle -- specs if none of the latter are given, so act as if the past participle is always given. -- There is a separate check to see if the past tense and past participle are identical, in any case. past_ptcs_given = true local iut = require("Module:inflection utilities") -- (1) Parse the indicator specs inside of angle brackets. local function parse_indicator_spec(angle_bracket_spec) local inside = angle_bracket_spec:match("^<(.*)>$") assert(inside) local segments = iut.parse_balanced_segment_run(inside, "[", "]") local comma_separated_groups = iut.split_alternating_runs(segments, ",") if #comma_separated_groups > 4 then error("Too many comma-separated parts in indicator spec: " .. angle_bracket_spec) end local function fetch_qualifiers(separated_group) local qualifiers for j = 2, #separated_group - 1, 2 do if separated_group[j + 1] ~= "" then error("Extraneous text after bracketed qualifiers: '" .. table.concat(separated_group) .. "'") end if not qualifiers then qualifiers = {} end table.insert(qualifiers, separated_group[j]) end return qualifiers end local function fetch_specs(comma_separated_group) if not comma_separated_group then return {{}} end local specs = {} local colon_separated_groups = iut.split_alternating_runs(comma_separated_group, ":") for _, colon_separated_group in ipairs(colon_separated_groups) do local form = colon_separated_group[1] if form == "*" or form == "++*" then error("* and ++* not allowed inside of indicator specs: " .. angle_bracket_spec) end if form == "" then form = nil end table.insert(specs, {form = form, qualifiers = fetch_qualifiers(colon_separated_group)}) end return specs end local s_specs = fetch_specs(comma_separated_groups[1]) local ing_specs = fetch_specs(comma_separated_groups[2]) local ed_specs = fetch_specs(comma_separated_groups[3]) local en_specs = fetch_specs(comma_separated_groups[4]) for _, spec in ipairs(s_specs) do if spec.form == "++" and #ing_specs == 1 and not ing_specs[1].form and not ing_specs[1].qualifiers and #ed_specs == 1 and not ed_specs[1].form and not ed_specs[1].qualifiers then ing_specs[1].form = "++" ed_specs[1].form = "++" break end end return { forms = {}, s_specs = s_specs, ing_specs = ing_specs, ed_specs = ed_specs, en_specs = en_specs, } end local parse_props = { parse_indicator_spec = parse_indicator_spec, } local alternant_multiword_spec = iut.parse_inflected_text(par1, parse_props) -- (2) Remove any links from the lemma, but remember the original form -- so we can use it below in the 'lemma_linked' form. iut.map_word_specs(alternant_multiword_spec, function(base) if base.lemma == "" then base.lemma = pagename end base.orig_lemma = base.lemma base.lemma = require("Module:links").remove_links(base.lemma) end) -- (3) Conjugate the verbs according to the indicator specs parsed above. local all_verb_slots = { lemma = "infinitive", lemma_linked = "infinitive", s_form = "3|s|pres", ing_form = "pres|ptcp", ed_form = "past", en_form = "past|ptcp", } local function conjugate_verb(base) local def_s_form, def_ing_form, def_ed_form = base_default_verb_forms(base.lemma) local function process_specs(slot, specs, default_form, canonicalize_plusplus) for _, spec in ipairs(specs) do local form = spec.form if not form or form == "+" then form = default_form elseif form == "++" then form = canonicalize_plusplus() end -- If there's a ~ in the form, substitute it with the lemma, -- but make sure to first replace % in the lemma with %% so that -- it doesn't get interpreted as a capture replace expression. if form:find("~") then -- Assign to a var because gsub returns multiple values. local subbed_lemma = base.lemma:gsub("%%", "%%%%") form = form:gsub("~", subbed_lemma) end -- If the form is -, don't insert any forms, which will result -- in there being no overall forms (in fact it will be nil). -- We check for that down below and substitute a single "-" as -- the form, which in turn gets turned into special labels like -- "no present participle". if form ~= "-" then iut.insert_form(base.forms, slot, {form = form, footnotes = spec.qualifiers}) end end end process_specs("s_form", base.s_specs, def_s_form, function() return compute_plusplus_s_form(base.lemma, def_s_form) end) process_specs("ing_form", base.ing_specs, def_ing_form, function() return compute_double_last_cons_stem(base.lemma) .. "ing" end) process_specs("ed_form", base.ed_specs, def_ed_form, function() return compute_double_last_cons_stem(base.lemma) .. "ed" end) -- If the -en spec is completely missing, substitute the -ed spec in its entirely. -- Otherwise, if individual -en forms are missing or use +, we will substitute the -- default -ed form, as with the -ed spec. local en_specs = base.en_specs if #en_specs == 1 and not en_specs[1].form and not en_specs[1].qualifiers then en_specs = base.ed_specs end process_specs("en_form", en_specs, def_ed_form, function() return compute_double_last_cons_stem(base.lemma) .. "ed" end) iut.insert_form(base.forms, "lemma", {form = base.lemma}) -- Add linked version of lemma for use in head=. We write this in a general fashion in case -- there are multiple lemma forms (which isn't possible currently at this level, although it's -- possible overall using the ((...,...)) notation). iut.insert_forms(base.forms, "lemma_linked", iut.map_forms(base.forms.lemma, function(form) if form == base.lemma and base.orig_lemma:find("%[%[") then return base.orig_lemma else return form end end)) end local inflect_props = { slot_table = all_verb_slots, inflect_word_spec = conjugate_verb, } iut.inflect_multiword_or_alternant_multiword_spec(alternant_multiword_spec, inflect_props) -- (4) Fetch the forms and put the conjugated lemmas in data.heads if not explicitly given. local function fetch_forms(slot) local forms = alternant_multiword_spec.forms[slot] -- See above. This should only occur if the user explicitly used - -- for a spec. if not forms or #forms == 0 then forms = {{form = "-"}} end return forms end pres_3sgs = fetch_forms("s_form") pres_ptcs = fetch_forms("ing_form") pasts = fetch_forms("ed_form") past_ptcs = fetch_forms("en_form") -- Use the "linked" form of the lemma as the head if no head= explicitly given. -- If no links in this form and it has multiple words, autolink the individual words. -- The user can override this using head=. if #data.heads == 0 then for _, lemma_obj in ipairs(alternant_multiword_spec.forms.lemma_linked) do local lemma = lemma_obj.form if not lemma:find("%[%[") then local m_headword = require("Module:headword") if m_headword.head_is_multiword(lemma) then lemma = m_headword.add_multiword_links(lemma) end end table.insert(data.heads, lemma) end end else -------------------------- SEPARATE-PARAM FORMAT -------------------------- local pres_3sg, pres_ptc, past if par1 and not par2 and not par3 then -- Use of a single parameter other than "++", "*" or "++*" is now the "legacy" format, -- and no longer supported. if par1 == "es" or par1 == "ies" or par1 == "d" then error("Legacy parameter 1=es/ies/d no longer supported, just use 'en-verb' without params") elseif par1 == "++" or par1 == "*" or par1 == "++*" then pres_3sg = canonicalize_s_form(par1) pres_ptc = canonicalize_ing_form(par1) past = canonicalize_ed_form(par1) else error("Legacy parameter 1=STEM no longer supported, just use 'en-verb' without params") end else if par3 then track("xxx3") elseif par2 then track("xxx2") end end if not pres_3sg or not pres_ptc or not past then -- Either all three should be set above, or none of them. assert(not pres_3sg and not pres_ptc and not past) if par1 then pres_3sg = canonicalize_s_form(par1) else pres_3sg = new_default_s end if par2 then pres_ptc = canonicalize_ing_form(par2) else pres_ptc = new_default_ing end if par3 then past = canonicalize_ed_form(par3) else past = new_default_ed end end if par4 then past_ptcs_given = true past_ptc = canonicalize_ed_form(par4) else past_ptc = past end pres_3sgs = {{form = pres_3sg}} pres_ptcs = {{form = pres_ptc}} pasts = {{form = past}} past_ptcs = {{form = past_ptc}} end ------------------------------------------- HANDLE OVERRIDES ------------------------------------------ local pres_3sg_infls, pres_ptc_infls, past_infls, past_ptc_infls local function strip_brackets(qualifiers) if not qualifiers then return nil end local stripped_qualifiers = {} for _, qualifier in ipairs(qualifiers) do local stripped_qualifier = qualifier:match("^%[(.*)%]$") if not stripped_qualifier then error("Internal error: Qualifier should be surrounded by brackets at this stage: " .. qualifier) end table.insert(stripped_qualifiers, stripped_qualifier) end return stripped_qualifiers end local function collect_forms(label, accel_form, defaults, overrides, override_qualifiers, canonicalize) if defaults[1].form == "-" then return {label = "no " .. label} else local into_table = {label = label, accel = {form = accel_form}} local maxindex = math.max(#defaults, overrides.maxindex) local qualifiers = override_qualifiers[1] and {override_qualifiers[1]} or strip_brackets(defaults[1].footnotes) table.insert(into_table, {term = defaults[1].form, qualifiers = qualifiers}) -- Present 3rd singular for i = 2, maxindex do local override_form = canonicalize(overrides[i]) if override_form then -- If there is an override such as past_ptc2=..., only use the qualifier specified -- using an override (past_ptc2_qual=...), if any; it doesn't make sense to combine -- an override form with a qualifier specified inside of angle brackets. table.insert(into_table, {term = override_form, qualifiers = {override_qualifiers[i]}}) elseif defaults[i] then -- If the form comes from inside angle brackets, allow any override qualifier -- (past_ptc2_qual=...) to override any qualifier specified inside of angle brackets. -- FIXME: Maybe we should throw an error here if both exist. local qualifiers = override_qualifiers[i] and {override_qualifiers[i]} or strip_brackets(defaults[i].footnotes) table.insert(into_table, {term = defaults[i].form, qualifiers = qualifiers}) end end return into_table end end local pres_3sg_infls = collect_forms("third-person singular simple present", "3|s|pres", pres_3sgs, args[1], args.pres_3sg_qual, canonicalize_s_form) local pres_ptc_infls = collect_forms("present participle", "pres|ptcp", pres_ptcs, args[2], args.pres_ptc_qual, canonicalize_ing_form) local past_infls = collect_forms("simple past", "past", pasts, args[3], args.past_qual, canonicalize_ed_form) local past_ptc_infls = collect_forms("past participle", "past|ptcp", past_ptcs, args[4], args.past_ptc_qual, canonicalize_ed_form) -- Are the past forms identical to the past participle forms? If so, we use a single -- combined "simple past and past participle" label on the past tense forms. -- We check for two conditions: Either no past participle forms were given at all, or -- they were given but are identical in every way (all forms and qualifiers) to the past -- tense forms. The former "no explicit past participle forms" check is important in the -- "separate-parameter" format; if past tense overrides are given and no past participle -- forms given, the past tense overrides should apply to the past participle as well. -- In the angle-bracket format, it's expected that all forms and qualifiers are specified -- using that format, and we explicitly copy past tense forms and qualifiers to past -- participle ones if the latter are omitted, so we disable to "no explicit past participle -- forms" check. if args[4].maxindex > 0 or args.past_ptc_qual.maxindex > 0 then past_ptcs_given = true end local identical = true -- For the past and past participle to be identical, there must be -- the same number of inflections, and each inflection must match -- in term and qualifiers. if #past_infls ~= #past_ptc_infls then identical = false else for key, val in ipairs(past_infls) do if past_ptc_infls[key].term ~= val.term then identical = false break else local quals1 = past_ptc_infls[key].qualifiers local quals2 = val.qualifiers if (not not quals1) ~= (not not quals2) then -- one is nil, the other is not identical = false elseif quals1 and quals2 then -- qualifiers present in both; each qualifier must match if #quals1 ~= #quals2 then identical = false else for k, v in ipairs(quals1) do if v ~= quals2[k] then identical = false break end end end end if not identical then break end end end end -- Insert the forms table.insert(data.inflections, pres_3sg_infls) table.insert(data.inflections, pres_ptc_infls) if not past_ptcs_given or identical then if past_ptcs[1].form == "-" then past_infls.label = "no simple past or past participle" else past_infls.label = "simple past and past participle" past_infls.accel = {form = "past|and|past|ptcp"} end table.insert(data.inflections, past_infls) else table.insert(data.inflections, past_infls) table.insert(data.inflections, past_ptc_infls) end end } return export </textarea><div id="mw-scribunto-console"></div><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p>اِس صفحہ پر مستعمل سانچہ حسب ذیل ہے: </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/w/index.php?title=%D9%85%D8%A7%DA%88%DB%8C%D9%88%D9%84:en-headword/%D8%AF%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%A7%D9%88%DB%8C%D8%B2&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="ماڈیول:en-headword/دستاویز (صفحہ موجود نہیں)">ماڈیول:en-headword/دستاویز</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=%D9%85%D8%A7%DA%88%DB%8C%D9%88%D9%84:en-headword/%D8%AF%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%A7%D9%88%DB%8C%D8%B2&action=edit" class="new" title="ماڈیول:en-headword/دستاویز (صفحہ موجود نہیں)">ترمیم</a>) </li></ul></div><p id="mw-returnto">واپس <a href="/wiki/%D9%85%D8%A7%DA%88%DB%8C%D9%88%D9%84:en-headword" title="ماڈیول:en-headword">ماڈیول:en-headword</a> پر جائیں</p> <!--esi <esi:include src="/esitest-fa8a495983347898/content" /> --><noscript><img src="" alt="" width="1" height="1" style="border: none; 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