SweepWidget Features
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We have 20+ email CRM API聽integrations.</p> </div> </div> <div class="bg-element bg-analytics"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-w-id="514eb2bb-29f6-4113-b3d6-67803933b668" class="content-section"> <div class="container-3"> <div class="bg-container"> <div class="w-layout-grid content-grid-02"> <div id="w-node-_514eb2bb-29f6-4113-b3d6-67803933b66c-675a43d4" class="content-text-wrapper-2"> <h1 class="content-h1-2"><strong class="bold-text-7">30+ API Integrations</strong><br></h1> <p class="paragraph-6">Connect your live contest to 30+ API integrations from across the web. Or, use SweepWidget's built in native API for truly custom integrations.</p> </div> <div class="customer-wrap"><img src="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 69vw, (max-width: 767px) 25vw, (max-width: 991px) 30vw, 480px" srcset="images/Untitled-design-p-500.png 500w, images/Untitled-design-p-800.png 800w, images/Untitled-design.png 1000w" alt="" class="content-image"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="content-section"> <div class="container-3"> <div class="bg-container-analytics"> <div class="w-layout-grid content-grid-01"> <div id="w-node-_46372d3c-be07-294c-dd92-88ad722b4376-675a43d4" class="content-image-wrapper-2"><img src="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 72vw, (max-width: 767px) 68vw, (max-width: 991px) 69vw, (max-width: 1439px) 72vw, 848px" srcset="images/Custom-Theming--Styling-p-500.png 500w, images/Custom-Theming--Styling-p-800.png 800w, images/Custom-Theming--Styling.png 1000w" alt="" class="content-image"></div> <div id="w-node-_46372d3c-be07-294c-dd92-88ad722b4378-675a43d4" class="content-text-wrapper-2"> <h1 class="content-h1-2"><strong class="bold-text-5">Custom Theming & Styling</strong></h1> <p class="paragraph-6">Create a stunning design that captures your brand's look and feel. Use our easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor. Or, write your own custom CSS code.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="works-section"> <div class="container-3"> <div class="step-wrapper"> <div class="step"> <div class="w-layout-grid grid-works"> <div class="content-wrap"> <h2 class="content-h1-2">Offer Instant Coupons & Rewards</h2> <p class="paragraph-6">Create maximum incentives with instant coupons and rewards. Reward users in real-time when they reach certain milestones.</p> </div> <div id="w-node-b980aa9f-eb32-3326-b54a-d7487f0690b8-675a43d4" class="counter-wrap"> <div class="stop-counter"> <div class="div-block-39"></div> </div> </div> <div id="w-node-b980aa9f-eb32-3326-b54a-d7487f0690bc-675a43d4" class="works-image-wrap"><img src="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 70vw, (max-width: 991px) 81vw, (max-width: 1439px) 85vw, 927px" srcset="images/Offer-Instant-Coupons--Rewards-p-500.png 500w, images/Offer-Instant-Coupons--Rewards-p-800.png 800w, images/Offer-Instant-Coupons--Rewards.png 1080w" alt="" class="image-36"></div> </div> <div class="bg-step"></div> </div> <div class="step"> <div class="w-layout-grid grid-works"> <div id="w-node-b980aa9f-eb32-3326-b54a-d7487f0690c1-675a43d4" class="works-image-wrap"><img src="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 63vw, (max-width: 991px) 72vw, (max-width: 1439px) 75vw, 824px" srcset="images/Viral-Share--Refer-A-Friend-p-500.png 500w, images/Viral-Share--Refer-A-Friend-p-800.png 800w, images/Viral-Share--Refer-A-Friend.png 1080w" alt="" class="image-35"></div> <div id="w-node-b980aa9f-eb32-3326-b54a-d7487f0690c3-675a43d4" class="counter-wrap"> <div class="stop-counter purple-step"></div> </div> <div class="content-wrap"> <h2 class="content-h1-2">Viral Share / <br>Refer-A-Friend</h2> <p class="paragraph-6">Create buzz and get organic signups by rewarding participants for sharing with friends.</p> </div> </div> <div class="bg-step bg-step-02"></div> </div> <div class="step"> <div class="w-layout-grid grid-works"> <div class="content-wrap"> <h2 class="content-h1-2">Add a leaderboard</h2> <p class="paragraph-6">Create maximum excitement with a leaderboard competition. Reward prizes to users who the most points, referrals, or actions.</p> </div> <div id="w-node-b980aa9f-eb32-3326-b54a-d7487f0690d4-675a43d4" class="counter-wrap"> <div class="stop-counter blue-step"> <div></div> </div> </div> <div id="w-node-b980aa9f-eb32-3326-b54a-d7487f0690d8-675a43d4" class="works-image-wrap"><img src="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 70vw, (max-width: 991px) 81vw, (max-width: 1439px) 85vw, 927px" srcset="images/Add-a-leaderboard-p-500.png 500w, images/Add-a-leaderboard-p-800.png 800w, images/Add-a-leaderboard.png 1080w" alt="" class="image-37"></div> </div> <div class="bg-step bg-step-03"></div> </div> <div class="line"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-w-id="28718dd4-b1ef-3d0a-1026-2679f056cc93" class="content-section"> <div class="container-3"> <div class="bg-container bg-top"> <div class="value-title-wrapper"> <h2 class="heading-27">+ More Features</h2> </div> <div class="w-layout-grid features-grid features"> <div class="feature-card"><img src="" alt="" class="value-icon"> <p class="paragraph-large paragraph-bold">Choose from 20+ email API integrations</p> <p>Automatically add entry name / emails to your newsletter list on 20 different CRM's.</p> </div> <div class="feature-card"><img src="" alt="" class="value-icon"> <p class="paragraph-large paragraph-bold">Native SweepWidget API with endpoints</p> <p>Create truly custom workflows with SweepWidget's powerful native API.</p> </div> <div class="feature-card"><img src="" alt="" class="value-icon"> <p class="paragraph-large paragraph-bold">Support for 103 languages</p> <p>Run your contest in any language. Select a default language template, or edit it yourself.</p> </div> </div> <div class="bg-element bg-feature"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cta-section"> <div class="container-3"> <div class="cta-banner"> <div class="cta-container"> <h2 class="cta-h2"><span class="text-span-2">Ready to dive in?<br></span>Start your free trial today.</h2> <div class="cta-button-wrap"> <a href="" class="button-start w-button">Get Started</a> <a href="" aria-current="page" class="button-white w-button w--current">Learn More</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fixed-background"></div> </div> <!-- Hidden loading icon --> <div id="loading_giveaway_text" style="width:250px; padding:20px 0 20px 0; position:fixed; top:100px; left:50%; margin-left:-125px; text-align:center; display:none; z-index:999999999;"> <img src="" /> </div> </div><div class="footer"> <div id="footer" class="footer-4"> <div class="footer-container"> <div class="footer-col"> <h5 class="footer-title">Third-party Plugins</h5> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="footer-link-2">Wordpress</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="footer-link-2">Shopify</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="footer-link-2">Zapier</a> </div> <div class="footer-col"> <h5 class="footer-title"><strong>Resources</strong></h5> <a href="" class="footer-link-2">Docs</a> <a href="" class="footer-link-2">Blog</a> <a href="" class="footer-link-2">Privacy Policy</a> <a href="" class="footer-link-2">Terms of Use</a> <a href="" class="footer-link-2">Affiliate Program</a> <a href="" class="footer-link-2">Multi-Language Support</a> </div> <div class="footer-col"> <h5 class="footer-title">Social Media</h5> <div class="social-links"> <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank" class="social-link w-inline-block"><img src="" alt=""></a> <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank" class="social-link w-inline-block"><img src="" alt=""></a> <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank" class="social-link w-inline-block"><img src="" alt="" class="image-17"></a> </div> </div> <div class="footer-col"> <h5 class="footer-title">Reviews</h5> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href=""> <img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-29"> </a> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href=""> <img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-28"> </a> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href=""> <img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-27"> </a> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href=""> <img src="" loading="lazy" sizes="100vw" srcset=" 500w, images/crozdesk-quality-choice-badge-2020-1.png 522w" alt="" class="image-30"> </a> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href=""> <img src="" loading="lazy" sizes="100vw" srcset=" 500w, images/crozdesk-happiest-users-badge-2020.png 522w" alt="" class="image-31"> </a> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href=""> <img src="" loading="lazy" sizes="100vw" srcset=" 500w, images/crozdesk-trusted-vendor-badge-2020.png 522w" alt="" class="image-32"> </a> </div> </div> <div></div> </div> <div class="div-block-38"> <div class="footer-container fb-footer"><img src="" loading="lazy" sizes="100vw" height="40" alt="" srcset=" 500w, images/Logo-SweepWidget-new-white-p-800.png 800w, images/Logo-SweepWidget-new-white.png 1289w"> <div class="fb-footer-wrapper"> <div class="footer-text"> <div class="text-block-4">漏聽2022 SweepWidget</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- WEBFLOW --> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <!--[if lte IE 9]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> <!-- JS --> <script type="text/javascript"> $('#menu_btn').click(function() { $('nav ul').slideToggle('slow', function() { $(this).css('display') == 'none' ? $(this).removeClass('showNav').addClass('hideNav').removeAttr('style') : $(this).removeClass('hideNav').addClass('showNav').removeAttr('style'); 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planId = 'enterprise-monthly'; planPrice = '249'; string = 'The <span style="color: #4a3aff;">' + planName + '</span> plan for $' + planPrice + ' per month is required for this feature.'; string2 = 'This feature is included in the <span style="color: #4a3aff;">' + planName + '</span> plan.'; $('.pricing_4').css('border', '3px solid #4a3aff'); $('.pricing_1').css('border', 'none'); $('.pricing_2').css('border', 'none'); $('.pricing_3').css('border', 'none'); $('#pricing_payment_feature_wrapper').show().html(string2 + proratedDifference); payment_plan_popup(); } } else { planName = ''; planId = ''; planPrice = ''; string = 'An upgraded plan is required for this feature.'; string2 = 'This feature is included in an upgraded plan.'; $('#pricing_payment_feature_wrapper').show().html(string2 + proratedDifference); payment_plan_popup(); } // Add click event listener for "View all plans?" link $(document).on('click', '#viewAllPlans', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); Swal.close(); // Close the Swal popup // Trigger the popup showing the payment form payment_plan_popup(); 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} // Switch else { window.location = "" + site_id + ''; } }); // Function to apply coupon code from promo up top function apply_coupon_code(coupon_code) { $('.plan_coupon_holder').slideDown(); $('#plan_coupon_btn').hide(); $('#coupon_code').val(coupon_code); $('#coupon_code_apply_btn').click(); } // On click of promo coupon code while logged in $('.user_message_coupon_code').click(function() { var coupon_code = $(this).attr('data-coupon-code'); apply_coupon_code(coupon_code); }); function setCookie(name, value, days) { var expires = ""; if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); expires = "; expires=" + date.toUTCString(); } document.cookie = name + "=" + (value || "") + expires + "; path=/"; } function getCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length); } return null; } /* function close_promo_top(hide_coupon_banner) { if(hide_coupon_banner == 1) { $('.home_slogan_caption_holder').css('margin-top', '58px'); $('.pricing_body_wrapper').css('margin-top', '68px'); $('#sidebar_left').css('margin-top', '0px'); $('#body_main_right').css('padding-top', '58px'); $('.home_slogan_caption_holder2').css('margin-top', '54px'); $('#content_home_holder_inner').css('margin-top', '90px'); $('#blog_wrapper').css('margin-top', '80px'); } else { $('.home_slogan_caption_holder').css('margin-top', '112px'); $('.pricing_body_wrapper').css('margin-top', '122px'); $('#sidebar_left').css('margin-top', '56px'); $('#body_main_right').css('padding-top', '112px'); $('.home_slogan_caption_holder2').css('margin-top', '108px'); $('#content_home_holder_inner').css('margin-top', '154px'); $('#blog_wrapper').css('margin-top', '134px'); } } var hide_coupon_banner_cookie = getCookie('hide_coupon_banner'); close_promo_top(hide_coupon_banner_cookie); $('.coupon_nav_banner_exit').click(function() { $('.coupon_nav_banner_wrapper').slideUp(300); setCookie('hide_coupon_banner','1', 180); close_promo_top(1); }); function body_right_no_padding() { $('#body_main_right').css('padding-top', '0px'); } if($(window).width() <= 800) { body_right_no_padding(); } $(window).resize(function(){ if($(window).width() <= 800) { body_right_no_padding(); } else { close_promo_top(hide_coupon_banner_cookie); } }); */ // .new_photo_contest click $(document).on('click', '.new_photo_contest', function(e) { if ($(this).attr('href') == '#') { e.preventDefault();{ icon: 'info', title: 'Upgrade to Pro Plan', text: 'Photo contests are available on the Pro plan. You will get photo contests, video contests, voting contests, verified social actions, and much more!', showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonText: 'Upgrade Now', cancelButtonText: 'Not Now' }).then((result) => { if (result.isConfirmed) { payment_plan_popup(); } }); } }); // .new_shopify_contest click $(document).on('click', '.new_shopify_contest', function(e) { if ($(this).attr('href') == '#') { e.preventDefault();{ icon: 'info', title: 'Upgrade to Pro Plan', html: 'Shopify contests are available on the Pro plan. You will be able to reward users entries for every $1 spent in your store which can boost your sales! You\'ll also get verified social actions and much more! <a target="_blank" href="">Learn more</a>.', showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonText: 'Upgrade Now', cancelButtonText: 'Not Now' }).then((result) => { if (result.isConfirmed) { payment_plan_popup(); } }); } }); // Install contest onto Shopify page $(document.body).on('click', '.shopify_page_url_title_submit, .shopify_delete_giveaway_submit', function() { var type = $(this).attr('data-type'); var competition_id = $(this).attr('data-id'); var shopify_page_url_title = $('#shopify_page_url_title_' + competition_id).val(); var user_id = ''; var shopify_access_token = ''; var shopify_shop_url = ''; var if_widget_popup = 0; var widget_popup_delay = $('input[name=widget_popup_delay]').val(); if ($('input[name=if_widget_popup]').is(':checked')) { if_widget_popup = 1; } console.log('OK'); $('#loading_giveaway_text').show(); $.ajax({ url: "", data: { type: type, user_id: user_id, shopify_access_token: shopify_access_token, shopify_shop_url: shopify_shop_url, competition_id: competition_id, shopify_page_url_title: shopify_page_url_title, if_widget_popup: if_widget_popup, widget_popup_delay: widget_popup_delay }, type: 'POST', xhrFields: true, dataType: 'text', success: function(response) { console.log(response); $('#loading_giveaway_text').hide(); var res = jQuery.parseJSON(response); var success = res.success; var shopify_page_url_title_response = res.shopify_page_url_title; // Success if (success == 1) { // Add / edit if (type == 'add_edit') {{ icon: 'success', title: 'Success', text: 'Your giveaway has been added to your Shopify store and can be seen here: https:///pages/' + shopify_page_url_title_response + '.', showCancelButton: false, confirmButtonText: 'OK' }); $('#shopify_page_url_result_' + competition_id).fadeIn().html('<div id="success_holder_3" style="width:90%; margin:20px 0 0 0; padding:15px 5%;"><span class="sub_header_l"> <i class="fas fa-check-circle"></i></span><span class="sub_header_r">Your giveaway has been added to your Shopify store <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https:///pages/' + shopify_page_url_title_response + '">https:///pages/' + shopify_page_url_title_response + '</a>.</span></div>'); $('.shopify_delete_giveaway_submit').show(); // Delete } else if (type == 'delete') {{ icon: 'success', title: 'Success', text: 'Your giveaway has been removed from your Shopify store.', showCancelButton: false, confirmButtonText: 'OK' }); $('#shopify_page_url_result_' + competition_id).fadeIn().html('<div id="success_holder_3" style="width:90%; margin:20px 0 0 0; padding:15px 5%;"><span class="sub_header_l"> <i class="fas fa-check-circle"></i></span><span class="sub_header_r">Your giveaway has been removed from your Shopify store.</span></div>'); $('.shopify_delete_giveaway_submit').hide(); } // Error } else {{ icon: 'error', title: 'Error', text: 'There was an error with your request.', showCancelButton: false, confirmButtonText: 'OK' }); } } }); }); // Check if user signed up and wants a payment plan // Get "p" parameter from URL. const urlParamsInit = new URLSearchParams(; const sign_up_plan = urlParamsInit.has('p') ? 1 : 0; // Check if 'p' parameter exists if (sign_up_plan) { payment_plan_popup(); } // Re-initialize materialize select $("select").formSelect(); // On click of crypto payment link $('.payment_crypto_link').on('click', function() { // Data data-plan_level var plan_level = $(this).data('plan_level');{ title: 'How to pay with Bitcoin?', html: 'Contact SweepWidget support and request a Bitcoin invoice for the <strong><u>' + plan_level + ' annual plan</u></strong>. Thank you!', icon: 'question', showCloseButton: true, showCancelButton: false, confirmButtonText: '<i class="fas fa-envelope"></i> <span style="color: inherit; text-decoration: none;">Contact Support Here</span>', allowOutsideClick: false, allowEscapeKey: false, allowEnterKey: false, customClass: { popup: 'swal-popup', title: 'swal-title', htmlContainer: 'swal-html-container', closeButton: 'swal-close-button', confirmButton: 'swal-confirm-button' } }).then((result) => { if (result.isConfirmed) { // Open the link in a new tab on button click'', '_blank'); } }); }); </script> <!-- Payment platform --> <input type="hidden" id="payment_platform" value="" /> <script id="ze-snippet" src=""> </script> <script> $('#show_zendesk_widget, #show_zendesk_widget2').click(function() { zE('webWidget', 'show'); zE('webWidget', 'open'); }); </script> </body> </html>