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(Courtesy of Dogma Pet Portraits) " title="PJ would do well with adopters who will help him build his confidence in his new forever home. (Courtesy of Dogma Pet Portraits) " subtitle="" class=" size-article_feature" sizes="(max-width: 40em) 620px,(min-width: 40em) and (max-width: 50em) 780px,(min-width: 50em) and (max-width: 65em) 1020px,(min-width: 65em) and (max-width: 80em) 1280px,(min-width: 80em) 1860px,1860px" srcset=" 620w, 780w, 1020w, 1280w, 1860w" ></a></div> </figure> </article> <div class="feature-right"> <article class="section-feature-small feature-small archive-view has-image post-10754386 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pets-animals category-things-to-do category-uncategorized tag-pet-adoption location-california location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10754386" data-timestamp="1740822786" > <figure> <a href="" title="Shepherd mix Natasha is so full of energy and fun" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Shepherd mix Natasha is so full of energy and fun"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Natasha, a German shepherd mix, loves to play with other dogs that are her same size." title="Natasha, a German shepherd mix, loves to play with other dogs that are her same size." subtitle="" class=" size-hp_small" sizes="(max-width: 40em) 300px,(min-width: 40em) and (max-width: 50em) 380px,(min-width: 50em) and (max-width: 65em) 395px,(min-width: 65em) and (max-width: 80em) 470px,(min-width: 80em) 305px,470px" srcset=" 300w, 380w, 395w, 470w, 305w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Shepherd mix Natasha is so full of energy and fun"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Shepherd mix Natasha is so full of energy and fun </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class="section-feature-small feature-small archive-view has-image post-10754349 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-community location-california location-costa-mesa location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10754349" data-timestamp="1740815116" > <figure> <a href="" title="See the stars in high definition at OCC planetarium" class=""></a> <a href="" title="See the stars in high definition at OCC planetarium"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The planetarium hosts screenings of shows exploring space and other events throughout the month, including a March 1 event." title="The planetarium hosts screenings of shows exploring space and other events throughout the month, including a March 1 event." subtitle="" class=" size-hp_small" sizes="(max-width: 40em) 300px,(min-width: 40em) and (max-width: 50em) 380px,(min-width: 50em) and (max-width: 65em) 395px,(min-width: 65em) and (max-width: 80em) 470px,(min-width: 80em) 305px,470px" srcset=" 300w, 380w, 395w, 470w, 305w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="See the stars in high definition at OCC planetarium"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> See the stars in high definition at OCC planetarium </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> </div> <div class="feature-bottom"> <div class="landing-secondary-main headline-list"> <h2 class="landing-page-list-title"><span>Latest Headlines</span></h2> <ul> <li> <article class="latest-headlines feature-small archive-view has-image post-10754326 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news category-politics category-top-stories-ocr tag-2026-elections tag-donald-trump tag-katie-porter location-california location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10754326" data-timestamp="1740813060" > <figure> <a href="" title="For Katie Porter, President Trump’s second term is a factor as she weighs a governor run" class=""></a> <a href="" title="For Katie Porter, President Trump’s second term is a factor as she weighs a governor run"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The former member of Congress says she is "seriously considering" running for California's top post. " title="The former member of Congress says she is "seriously considering" running for California's top post. " subtitle="" class=" size-hp_small" sizes="(max-width: 40em) 300px,(min-width: 40em) and (max-width: 50em) 380px,(min-width: 50em) and (max-width: 65em) 395px,(min-width: 65em) and (max-width: 80em) 470px,(min-width: 80em) 305px,470px" srcset=" 300w, 380w, 395w, 470w, 305w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="For Katie Porter, President Trump’s second term is a factor as she weighs a governor run"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> For Katie Porter, President Trump’s second term is a factor as she weighs a governor run </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li><li> <article class="latest-headlines feature-small archive-view has-image post-10753456 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-amusement-parks category-disneyland category-restaurants-food-drink category-things-to-do category-top-stories-ocr tag-disney-california-adventure location-anaheim location-california location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10753456" data-timestamp="1740765345" > <figure> <a href="" title="10 best things to eat at Disney’s 2025 Food & Wine Festival" class=""></a> <a href="" title="10 best things to eat at Disney’s 2025 Food & Wine Festival"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The Disney California Adventure Food & Wine Festival kicked off on Feb. 28 and runs through April 21." title="The Disney California Adventure Food & Wine Festival kicked off on Feb. 28 and runs through April 21." subtitle="" class=" size-hp_small" sizes="(max-width: 40em) 300px,(min-width: 40em) and (max-width: 50em) 380px,(min-width: 50em) and (max-width: 65em) 395px,(min-width: 65em) and (max-width: 80em) 470px,(min-width: 80em) 305px,470px" srcset=" 300w, 380w, 395w, 470w, 305w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="10 best things to eat at Disney’s 2025 Food & Wine Festival"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> 10 best things to eat at Disney’s 2025 Food & Wine Festival </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li><li> <article class="latest-headlines feature-small archive-view has-image post-10753414 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-education category-local-news category-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-chapman-university tag-higher-education location-california location-orange location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10753414" data-timestamp="1740764174" > <figure> <a href="" title="Chapman president highlights university’s growth in final annual address" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Chapman president highlights university’s growth in final annual address"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The address had a theme of finality for Struppa, who is stepping down in September. " title="The address had a theme of finality for Struppa, who is stepping down in September. " subtitle="" class=" size-hp_small" sizes="(max-width: 40em) 300px,(min-width: 40em) and (max-width: 50em) 380px,(min-width: 50em) and (max-width: 65em) 395px,(min-width: 65em) and (max-width: 80em) 470px,(min-width: 80em) 305px,470px" srcset=" 300w, 380w, 395w, 470w, 305w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Chapman president highlights university’s growth in final annual address"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Chapman president highlights university’s growth in final annual address </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="dfm-featured-bottom-flex-container"></div> </div> </div> <aside class="sidebar-ad-container"> <div class="dfp-ad dfp-cube1_rrail_atf" id="div-gpt-ad-cube1_rrail_atf"> <div class="htlad-cube1_rrail_atf" data-unit='' data-targeting=''></div> </div> <div class="dfm-sidebar-top-flex-container"></div> </aside> </section> <div id="Native_Top"></div> <div class="dfp-ad dfp-sponsorship_2" id="div-gpt-ad-sponsorship_2"> <div class="htlad-sponsorship_2" data-unit='' data-targeting=''></div> </div> <div class="landing-row landing-four-up"> <div class="landing-item"> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-anaheim"> Anaheim<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium feature-large archive-view has-image post-10750857 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-courts category-crime-public-safety category-news location-anaheim location-california location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10750857" data-timestamp="1740669116" > <figure> <a href="" title="Anaheim man sentenced to 2 years in prison for attempting to lure 12-year-old into his car" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Anaheim man sentenced to 2 years in prison for attempting to lure 12-year-old into his car"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The suspect asked the boy if he wanted a ride while holding a bundle of money, police said. The boy refused and called 911." title="The suspect asked the boy if he wanted a ride while holding a bundle of money, police said. The boy refused and called 911." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_three_one_alt" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 420w, 470w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Anaheim man sentenced to 2 years in prison for attempting to lure 12-year-old into his car"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Anaheim man sentenced to 2 years in prison for attempting to lure 12-year-old into his car </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The suspect asked the boy if he wanted a ride while holding a bundle of money, police said. The boy refused and called 911. </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class=" headline-only archive-view has-image post-10750325 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-amusement-parks category-disneyland category-things-to-do category-top-stories-ocr tag-disney-california-adventure location-anaheim location-california location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10750325" data-timestamp="1740655722" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Disneyland closes 3 attractions during busy festival season" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Disneyland closes 3 attractions during busy festival season"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Disneyland closes 3 attractions during busy festival season </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class=" headline-only archive-view no-image post-10749919 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized location-anaheim location-california location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10749919" data-timestamp="1740650287" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Anaheim briefs: Pound the pavement for Alzheimer’s Orange County in Walk4ALZ" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Anaheim briefs: Pound the pavement for Alzheimer’s Orange County in Walk4ALZ"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Anaheim briefs: Pound the pavement for Alzheimer’s Orange County in Walk4ALZ </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class=" headline-only archive-view has-image post-10748409 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-crime-public-safety category-news location-anaheim location-california location-garden-grove location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10748409" data-timestamp="1740588044" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="Anaheim woman charged with child abuse after toddler is hit by car" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Anaheim woman charged with child abuse after toddler is hit by car"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Anaheim woman charged with child abuse after toddler is hit by car </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> </div> <div class="landing-item"> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-brea"> Brea<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium feature-large archive-view has-image post-10752068 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-business category-housing category-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-commercial-real-estate location-aliso-viejo location-brea location-california location-irvine location-newport-beach location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10752068" data-timestamp="1740729625" > <figure> <a href="" title="Real estate news: Irvine office campus sells for $37.6M to Dana Point investors" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Real estate news: Irvine office campus sells for $37.6M to Dana Point investors"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The property on nearly 4 acres also comes with residential entitlements on its that land." title="The property on nearly 4 acres also comes with residential entitlements on its that land." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_three_one_alt" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 420w, 470w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Real estate news: Irvine office campus sells for $37.6M to Dana Point investors"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Real estate news: Irvine office campus sells for $37.6M to Dana Point investors </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The property on nearly 4 acres also comes with residential entitlements on its that land. </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class=" headline-only archive-view no-image post-10736355 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized location-brea location-california location-orange-county type-of-work-opinion-columnist" data-id="10736355" data-timestamp="1740048438" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Daxon: Look at all that is happening at Arovista Park for kids and others" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Daxon: Look at all that is happening at Arovista Park for kids and others"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Daxon: Look at all that is happening at Arovista Park for kids and others </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class=" headline-only archive-view no-image post-10710447 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized location-brea location-california location-orange-county type-of-work-opinion-columnist" data-id="10710447" data-timestamp="1738838585" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Daxon: Runners, walkers will beat a path through Brea to support high school programs" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Daxon: Runners, walkers will beat a path through Brea to support high school programs"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Daxon: Runners, walkers will beat a path through Brea to support high school programs </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class=" headline-only archive-view has-image post-10690115 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-business category-retail category-top-stories-ocr tag-small-business location-brea location-california location-costa-mesa location-irvine location-la-habra location-laguna-niguel location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10690115" data-timestamp="1737968148" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Status Update: Dutch Bros. opens its third Orange County drive-through in La Habra" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Status Update: Dutch Bros. opens its third Orange County drive-through in La Habra"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Status Update: Dutch Bros. opens its third Orange County drive-through in La Habra </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> </div> <div class="landing-item"> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-buena-park"> Buena Park<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium feature-large archive-view has-image post-10723580 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-election category-news category-politics category-top-stories-ocr tag-2026-elections location-anaheim location-artesia location-buena-park location-california location-cerritos location-cypress location-fullerton location-hawaiian-gardens location-la-palma location-los-angeles-county location-orange location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10723580" data-timestamp="1739445125" > <figure> <a href="" title="Artesia Mayor Ali Sajjad Taj running for California’s 67th Assembly District" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Artesia Mayor Ali Sajjad Taj running for California’s 67th Assembly District"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Taj, who was born and raised in Pakistan before moving to the U.S. in 1999, said affordability is a major focus of his campaign. " title="Taj, who was born and raised in Pakistan before moving to the U.S. in 1999, said affordability is a major focus of his campaign. " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_three_one_alt" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 420w, 470w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Artesia Mayor Ali Sajjad Taj running for California’s 67th Assembly District"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Artesia Mayor Ali Sajjad Taj running for California’s 67th Assembly District </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Taj, who was born and raised in Pakistan before moving to the U.S. in 1999, said affordability is a major focus of his campaign. </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class=" headline-only archive-view has-image post-10713836 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-education category-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-illegal-immigration tag-protest tag-schools tag-socal-watchdog location-buena-park location-california location-orange-county type-of-work-investigative" data-id="10713836" data-timestamp="1738953835" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Buena Park High staff member placed on leave following racially-charged social media posts" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Buena Park High staff member placed on leave following racially-charged social media posts"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Buena Park High staff member placed on leave following racially-charged social media posts </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class=" headline-only archive-view has-image post-10712683 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-amusement-parks category-knotts-berry-farm category-things-to-do tag-six-flags-magic-mountain location-buena-park location-california location-los-angeles-county location-orange-county location-santa-clarita location-valencia type-of-work-news" data-id="10712683" data-timestamp="1738922171" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Knott’s and Magic Mountain look to hire 2,000 for seasonal jobs" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Knott’s and Magic Mountain look to hire 2,000 for seasonal jobs"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Knott’s and Magic Mountain look to hire 2,000 for seasonal jobs </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class=" headline-only archive-view has-image post-10712300 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-business category-housing category-news category-top-stories-ocr location-buena-park location-california location-garden-grove location-irvine location-newport-beach location-orange-county location-santa-ana type-of-work-news" data-id="10712300" data-timestamp="1738915245" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="Real estate news: E-commerce company buys Buena Park complex for $18M" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Real estate news: E-commerce company buys Buena Park complex for $18M"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Real estate news: E-commerce company buys Buena Park complex for $18M </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> </div> <div class="landing-item"> <div class="dfp-ad dfp-cube2_rrail_mid" id="div-gpt-ad-cube2_rrail_mid"> <div class="htlad-cube2_rrail_mid" data-unit='' data-targeting=''></div> 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location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10748117" data-timestamp="1740580712" > <figure> <a href="" title="Russian national from Costa Mesa charged with biting ICE officer" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Russian national from Costa Mesa charged with biting ICE officer"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The bite broke skin, drew blood and broke the officer's finger, court papers show." title="The bite broke skin, drew blood and broke the officer's finger, court papers show." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Russian national from Costa Mesa charged with biting ICE officer"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Russian national from Costa Mesa charged with biting ICE officer </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The bite broke skin, drew blood and broke the officer's finger, court papers show. </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10747795 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-restaurants-food-drink category-things-to-do category-top-stories-ocr tag-restaurants location-california location-costa-mesa location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10747795" data-timestamp="1740573861" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="Famous Tokyo chain Ramen Nagi set to open first Orange County spot" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Famous Tokyo chain Ramen Nagi set to open first Orange County spot"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Famous Tokyo chain Ramen Nagi set to open first Orange County spot </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10745459 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-business category-retail category-top-stories-ocr location-california location-costa-mesa location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10745459" data-timestamp="1740487675" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Santa Monica Seafood shutters Costa Mesa market, cafe" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Santa Monica Seafood shutters Costa Mesa market, cafe"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Santa Monica Seafood shutters Costa Mesa market, cafe </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10735796 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-news tag-environment location-california location-costa-mesa location-orange-county" data-id="10735796" data-timestamp="1740035410" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="Bottle caps and all, Orange Coast College’s recycling center reopens" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Bottle caps and all, Orange Coast College’s recycling center reopens"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Bottle caps and all, Orange Coast College’s recycling center reopens </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <div id="Native_Middle"></div> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-cypress"> Cypress<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10716612 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-restaurants-food-drink category-things-to-do category-top-stories-ocr tag-restaurants location-california location-cypress location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10716612" data-timestamp="1739187515" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rainbow Cone, Chicago’s 98-year-old sliced ice cream shop, opens this week in Cypress" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rainbow Cone, Chicago’s 98-year-old sliced ice cream shop, opens this week in Cypress"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The ice cream stacks are created by slicing, rather than scooping, the ice cream into pieces and then layering them onto a cone." title="The ice cream stacks are created by slicing, rather than scooping, the ice cream into pieces and then layering them onto a cone." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rainbow Cone, Chicago’s 98-year-old sliced ice cream shop, opens this week in Cypress"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Rainbow Cone, Chicago’s 98-year-old sliced ice cream shop, opens this week in Cypress </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The ice cream stacks are created by slicing, rather than scooping, the ice cream into... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10690344 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-california-news category-california-politics category-news category-politics tag-orange-county-politics tag-politics location-artesia location-california location-cerritos location-cypress location-dana-point location-fountain-valley location-garden-grove location-huntington-beach location-la-palma location-laguna-beach location-los-angeles-county location-orange-county location-san-clemente location-westminster type-of-work-news" data-id="10690344" data-timestamp="1737979429" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Jimmy Pham, SD-36 candidate, 2025 special election questionnaire" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Jimmy Pham, SD-36 candidate, 2025 special election questionnaire"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Jimmy Pham, SD-36 candidate, 2025 special election questionnaire </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10690337 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-california-news category-california-politics category-election category-news category-politics tag-orange-county-politics tag-politics location-artesia location-california location-cerritos location-cypress location-dana-point location-fountain-valley location-garden-grove location-huntington-beach location-la-palma location-laguna-beach location-los-angeles-county location-orange-county location-san-clemente location-westminster type-of-work-news" data-id="10690337" data-timestamp="1737979279" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Julie Diep, SD-36 candidate, 2025 special election questionnaire" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Julie Diep, SD-36 candidate, 2025 special election questionnaire"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Julie Diep, SD-36 candidate, 2025 special election questionnaire </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10690330 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-california-politics category-election category-news category-politics tag-orange-county-politics tag-politics location-california location-cypress location-dana-point location-fountain-valley location-garden-grove location-huntington-beach location-la-palma location-laguna-beach location-los-angeles-county location-orange-county location-san-clemente location-westminster type-of-work-news" data-id="10690330" data-timestamp="1737979152" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Tony Strickland, SD-36 candidate, 2025 special election questionnaire" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Tony Strickland, SD-36 candidate, 2025 special election questionnaire"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Tony Strickland, SD-36 candidate, 2025 special election questionnaire </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-dana-point"> Dana Point<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10751941 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-environment category-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-beaches tag-ocean tag-wildlife location-california location-dana-point location-laguna-beach location-los-angeles-county location-malibu location-orange-county location-san-clemente type-of-work-news" data-id="10751941" data-timestamp="1740726003" > <figure> <a href="" title="Unusually early toxic algae bloom is sickening and killing sea lions in Southern California" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Unusually early toxic algae bloom is sickening and killing sea lions in Southern California"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The adult sea lions are being found just as rescue centers gear up for saving sea lion pups that typically are found struggling at this time of year." title="The adult sea lions are being found just as rescue centers gear up for saving sea lion pups that typically are found struggling at this time of year." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Unusually early toxic algae bloom is sickening and killing sea lions in Southern California"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Unusually early toxic algae bloom is sickening and killing sea lions in Southern California </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The adult sea lions are being found just as rescue centers gear up for saving... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10743148 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-beaches tag-community location-california location-dana-point location-orange-county location-san-clemente type-of-work-news" data-id="10743148" data-timestamp="1740389776" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="San Clemente Day celebrates pier fishing, new bike racks" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="San Clemente Day celebrates pier fishing, new bike racks"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> San Clemente Day celebrates pier fishing, new bike racks </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10739803 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-top-stories-ocr tag-dana-point-harbor location-california location-dana-point location-orange-county" data-id="10739803" data-timestamp="1740159514" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="The Whale parade is on pause, but Dana Point still plans a huge festival" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="The Whale parade is on pause, but Dana Point still plans a huge festival"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> The Whale parade is on pause, but Dana Point still plans a huge festival </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10727795 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-california-news category-california-politics category-election category-news category-politics category-top-stories-ocr tag-orange-county-politics tag-politics location-artesia location-california location-cerritos location-dana-point location-garden-grove location-huntington-beach location-laguna-beach location-los-angeles-county location-newport-beach location-orange-county location-san-clemente location-seal-beach location-westminster type-of-work-news" data-id="10727795" data-timestamp="1739601274" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Vote centers open for the 36th State Senate District special election" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Vote centers open for the 36th State Senate District special election"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Vote centers open for the 36th State Senate District special election </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-fountain-valley"> Fountain Valley<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10693316 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-community tag-diversity tag-little-saigon tag-lunar-new-year location-california location-fountain-valley location-garden-grove location-orange-county location-santa-ana location-westminster type-of-work-news" data-id="10693316" data-timestamp="1738130793" > <figure> <a href="" title="As Little Saigon celebrates Tết and a major milestone, more is known about its vitality, needs" class=""></a> <a href="" title="As Little Saigon celebrates Tết and a major milestone, more is known about its vitality, needs"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Despite the community nearing nearly five decades, little of Little Saigon's demographics and economics has been officially studied. Until now." title="Despite the community nearing nearly five decades, little of Little Saigon's demographics and economics has been officially studied. Until now." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="As Little Saigon celebrates Tết and a major milestone, more is known about its vitality, needs"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> As Little Saigon celebrates Tết and a major milestone, more is known about its vitality, needs </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Despite the community nearing nearly five decades, little of Little Saigon's demographics and economics has... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10690323 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-california-news category-california-politics category-election category-news category-politics tag-orange-county-politics tag-politics location-artesia location-california location-cerritos location-cypress location-dana-point location-fountain-valley location-garden-grove location-huntington-beach location-la-palma location-laguna-beach location-los-angeles-county location-orange-county location-san-clemente location-westminster type-of-work-news" data-id="10690323" data-timestamp="1737979022" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="John Briscoe, SD-36 candidate, 2025 special election questionnaire" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="John Briscoe, SD-36 candidate, 2025 special election questionnaire"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> John Briscoe, SD-36 candidate, 2025 special election questionnaire </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10688631 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-crime-public-safety category-news tag-police-shooting tag-top-stories-ocr location-california location-fountain-valley location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10688631" data-timestamp="1737810336" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="Fountain Valley police fatally shoot man who attacked officer, authorities say" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Fountain Valley police fatally shoot man who attacked officer, authorities say"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Fountain Valley police fatally shoot man who attacked officer, authorities say </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-fullerton"> Fullerton<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10743013 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-community location-california location-fullerton location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10743013" data-timestamp="1740385475" > <figure> <a href="" title="You’ve heard of the OC Marathon. But have you heard of this OC puzzle marathon?" class=""></a> <a href="" title="You’ve heard of the OC Marathon. But have you heard of this OC puzzle marathon?"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="For 24 hours, in a ballroom of the DoubleTree by Hilton, 13 teams of eight attempted to complete as many jigsaw puzzles as possible." title="For 24 hours, in a ballroom of the DoubleTree by Hilton, 13 teams of eight attempted to complete as many jigsaw puzzles as possible." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="You’ve heard of the OC Marathon. But have you heard of this OC puzzle marathon?"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> You’ve heard of the OC Marathon. But have you heard of this OC puzzle marathon? </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> For 24 hours, in a ballroom of the DoubleTree by Hilton, 13 teams of eight... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10738533 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-news tag-great-park location-california location-fullerton location-irvine location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10738533" data-timestamp="1740133864" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Great Park aviation museum to share histories of groundbreaking Marine Corps leaders" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Great Park aviation museum to share histories of groundbreaking Marine Corps leaders"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Great Park aviation museum to share histories of groundbreaking Marine Corps leaders </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10726516 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news tag-cal-state-fullerton tag-higher-education location-california location-fullerton location-orange-county" data-id="10726516" data-timestamp="1739534002" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="CSUF launches peer-to-peer financial wellness mentoring" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="CSUF launches peer-to-peer financial wellness mentoring"> <span class="dfm-title free"> CSUF launches peer-to-peer financial wellness mentoring </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10723415 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized location-california location-fullerton location-orange-county type-of-work-opinion-columnist" data-id="10723415" data-timestamp="1739441404" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Cooking with Judy: Tasty menus to share with the special someone in your life" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Cooking with Judy: Tasty menus to share with the special someone in your life"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Cooking with Judy: Tasty menus to share with the special someone in your life </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-garden-grove"> Garden Grove<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10748013 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-education category-local-news category-news tag-community tag-diversity location-california location-garden-grove location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10748013" data-timestamp="1740578662" > <figure> <a href="" title="OC school districts to offer to-go meal kits to students fasting in observance of Ramadan" class=""></a> <a href="" title="OC school districts to offer to-go meal kits to students fasting in observance of Ramadan"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="A Garden Grove Unified spokesperson said Tuesday several families had signed up for the meal kits, and she expected more would. " title="A Garden Grove Unified spokesperson said Tuesday several families had signed up for the meal kits, and she expected more would. " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="OC school districts to offer to-go meal kits to students fasting in observance of Ramadan"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> OC school districts to offer to-go meal kits to students fasting in observance of Ramadan </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> A Garden Grove Unified spokesperson said Tuesday several families had signed up for the meal... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10745816 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-crime-public-safety category-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-homicide tag-shooting location-california location-garden-grove location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10745816" data-timestamp="1740499364" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Man shot and killed near Garden Grove parking lot" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Man shot and killed near Garden Grove parking lot"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Man shot and killed near Garden Grove parking lot </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10701825 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-crime-public-safety category-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-immigration tag-protest tag-public-safety location-california location-garden-grove location-los-angeles location-los-angeles-county location-orange-county location-riverside location-riverside-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10701825" data-timestamp="1738502080" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Thousands protest against Trump’s deportation plans in Los Angeles, Riverside, Garden Grove; freeway lanes blocked" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Thousands protest against Trump’s deportation plans in Los Angeles, Riverside, Garden Grove; freeway lanes blocked"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Thousands protest against Trump’s deportation plans in Los Angeles, Riverside, Garden Grove; freeway lanes blocked </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10690951 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-government tag-local-government tag-orange-county-board-of-supervisors location-california location-garden-grove location-orange-county location-westminster location-yorba-linda type-of-work-news" data-id="10690951" data-timestamp="1738000355" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="Ex-OC Supervisor Andrew Do left no money for county Tet festival, successor says" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Ex-OC Supervisor Andrew Do left no money for county Tet festival, successor says"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Ex-OC Supervisor Andrew Do left no money for county Tet festival, successor says </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-huntington-beach"> Huntington Beach<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10750838 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-donald-trump tag-local-government location-california location-huntington-beach location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10750838" data-timestamp="1740668584" > <figure> <a href="" title="Chris Kluwe says he was fired from Edison High School football coaching job following MAGA protest" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Chris Kluwe says he was fired from Edison High School football coaching job following MAGA protest"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The former NFL punter garnered national attention this month for his protest against a plaque at the Huntington Beach Central Library with a MAGA reference." title="The former NFL punter garnered national attention this month for his protest against a plaque at the Huntington Beach Central Library with a MAGA reference." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Chris Kluwe says he was fired from Edison High School football coaching job following MAGA protest"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Chris Kluwe says he was fired from Edison High School football coaching job following MAGA protest </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The former NFL punter garnered national attention this month for his protest against a plaque... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10750394 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-libraries tag-local-government location-california location-huntington-beach location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10750394" data-timestamp="1740657357" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Huntington Beach teenagers sue city over children’s book review board, restricted access to books" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Huntington Beach teenagers sue city over children’s book review board, restricted access to books"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Huntington Beach teenagers sue city over children’s book review board, restricted access to books </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10748960 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-crime-public-safety category-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-crash tag-police location-california location-huntington-beach location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10748960" data-timestamp="1740611422" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="1 hospitalized after collision involving Huntington Beach police officer" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="1 hospitalized after collision involving Huntington Beach police officer"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> 1 hospitalized after collision involving Huntington Beach police officer </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10745901 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-election category-local-news category-news category-politics category-top-stories-ocr tag-2026-elections tag-local-government location-california location-huntington-beach location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10745901" data-timestamp="1740501283" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Judge signals willingness to hear arguments over Huntington Beach’s voter ID law" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Judge signals willingness to hear arguments over Huntington Beach’s voter ID law"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Judge signals willingness to hear arguments over Huntington Beach’s voter ID law </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-irvine"> Irvine<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10743075 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-business category-retail category-top-stories-ocr location-california location-irvine location-laguna-woods location-orange-county location-santa-ana location-tustin type-of-work-news" data-id="10743075" data-timestamp="1740387354" > <figure> <a href="" title="Status Update: Free medical cannabis program launches at Laguna Woods dispensary" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Status Update: Free medical cannabis program launches at Laguna Woods dispensary"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The Compassion Program expects to serve up to 100 medical patients and veterans monthly." title="The Compassion Program expects to serve up to 100 medical patients and veterans monthly." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Status Update: Free medical cannabis program launches at Laguna Woods dispensary"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Status Update: Free medical cannabis program launches at Laguna Woods dispensary </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Compassion Program expects to serve up to 100 medical patients and veterans monthly. </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10737051 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-business tag-electric-vehicles location-california location-irvine location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10737051" data-timestamp="1740065730" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Rivian records first gross profit as EV policy risks loom" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rivian records first gross profit as EV policy risks loom"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Rivian records first gross profit as EV policy risks loom </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10730683 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-news category-politics category-top-stories-ocr tag-donald-trump tag-orange-county-politics tag-politics location-california location-irvine location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10730683" data-timestamp="1739807801" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="On Presidents Day in Irvine, demonstrators rally against President Trump and Elon Musk" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="On Presidents Day in Irvine, demonstrators rally against President Trump and Elon Musk"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> On Presidents Day in Irvine, demonstrators rally against President Trump and Elon Musk </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10730604 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-crime-public-safety category-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-wildfires location-california location-irvine location-laguna-beach location-newport-beach location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10730604" data-timestamp="1739806033" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Newport Beach teen deploys AI-driven early wildfire detection system for the first time" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Newport Beach teen deploys AI-driven early wildfire detection system for the first time"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Newport Beach teen deploys AI-driven early wildfire detection system for the first time </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-la-habra"> La Habra<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10731173 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news category-politics tag-congress tag-orange-county-politics location-california location-la-habra location-los-angeles-county location-montebello location-norwalk location-orange-county location-pico-rivera location-santa-fe-springs location-walnut location-whittier type-of-work-news" data-id="10731173" data-timestamp="1739862013" > <figure> <a href="" title="OC Rep. Linda Sánchez answers questions about budget negotiations and trade policies" class=""></a> <a href="" title="OC Rep. Linda Sánchez answers questions about budget negotiations and trade policies"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="It might be time for Congress to modify or revoke outright how much authority a president has over tariffs, the longtime lawmaker says. " title="It might be time for Congress to modify or revoke outright how much authority a president has over tariffs, the longtime lawmaker says. " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="OC Rep. Linda Sánchez answers questions about budget negotiations and trade policies"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> OC Rep. Linda Sánchez answers questions about budget negotiations and trade policies </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> It might be time for Congress to modify or revoke outright how much authority a... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10682070 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-top-stories-ocr category-uncategorized tag-community tag-top-stories-ocr location-california location-la-habra location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10682070" data-timestamp="1737561111" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="La Habra community gathers to toast town’s 100th anniversary" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Habra community gathers to toast town’s 100th anniversary"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Habra community gathers to toast town’s 100th anniversary </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10639254 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-health category-news tag-choc tag-health-care tag-top-stories-ladn tag-top-stories-ocr location-california location-fullerton location-la-habra location-los-angeles location-los-angeles-county location-orange location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10639254" data-timestamp="1735891020" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="They met as teenagers in the CHOC cancer ward. Now, they are getting married." class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="They met as teenagers in the CHOC cancer ward. Now, they are getting married."> <span class="dfm-title metered"> They met as teenagers in the CHOC cancer ward. Now, they are getting married. </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-laguna-beach"> Laguna Beach<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10749359 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-environment category-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-community tag-local-government location-california location-laguna-beach location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10749359" data-timestamp="1740637837" > <figure> <a href="" title="Laguna Beach leaders ask for research on making its last 1.5 miles of coastal waters a no-take zone" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Laguna Beach leaders ask for research on making its last 1.5 miles of coastal waters a no-take zone"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The California Fish and Game Commission is deciding if the beach and ocean between Table Rock and Three Arch Bay should be designated a Marine Protected Area." title="The California Fish and Game Commission is deciding if the beach and ocean between Table Rock and Three Arch Bay should be designated a Marine Protected Area." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Laguna Beach leaders ask for research on making its last 1.5 miles of coastal waters a no-take zone"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Laguna Beach leaders ask for research on making its last 1.5 miles of coastal waters a no-take zone </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The California Fish and Game Commission is deciding if the beach and ocean between Table... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10735771 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-outdoors category-things-to-do tag-hiking tag-parks location-california location-laguna-beach location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10735771" data-timestamp="1740035230" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Laguna Beach’s Top of the World where trails meet amazing views" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Laguna Beach’s Top of the World where trails meet amazing views"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Laguna Beach’s Top of the World where trails meet amazing views </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10734569 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-surfing location-california location-laguna-beach location-newport-beach location-orange-county location-seal-beach type-of-work-news" data-id="10734569" data-timestamp="1739973711" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="Surf films ride into restored OC theaters, sharing stories and stoke" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Surf films ride into restored OC theaters, sharing stories and stoke"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Surf films ride into restored OC theaters, sharing stories and stoke </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10714304 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-things-to-do tag-free-and-cheap tag-holidays location-beverly-hills location-calabasas location-california location-canoga-park location-chatsworth location-downey location-downtown-los-angeles location-huntington-park location-laguna-beach location-los-angeles location-los-angeles-county location-north-hollywood location-orange-county location-van-nuys type-of-work-news" data-id="10714304" data-timestamp="1739004325" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="10 free things you can do to celebrate Valentine’s Day 2025" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="10 free things you can do to celebrate Valentine’s Day 2025"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> 10 free things you can do to celebrate Valentine’s Day 2025 </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-laguna-hills"> Laguna Hills<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10735131 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-top-stories-ocr tag-crime tag-doctors tag-medicine tag-socal-watchdog location-california location-laguna-hills location-newport-beach location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10735131" data-timestamp="1739990714" > <figure> <a href="" title="Former Newport Beach doctor pleads guilty to possessing child porn" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Former Newport Beach doctor pleads guilty to possessing child porn"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="In a deal with prosecutors, Mark Albert Rettenmaier admitted to downloading more than 200 images on several electronic devices." title="In a deal with prosecutors, Mark Albert Rettenmaier admitted to downloading more than 200 images on several electronic devices." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Former Newport Beach doctor pleads guilty to possessing child porn"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Former Newport Beach doctor pleads guilty to possessing child porn </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> In a deal with prosecutors, Mark Albert Rettenmaier admitted to downloading more than 200 images... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10653325 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-books category-things-to-do tag-books location-california location-costa-mesa location-irvine location-laguna-beach location-laguna-hills location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10653325" data-timestamp="1736411453" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Poet Billy Collins likes to leave his audiences ‘pleasantly disoriented’" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Poet Billy Collins likes to leave his audiences ‘pleasantly disoriented’"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Poet Billy Collins likes to leave his audiences ‘pleasantly disoriented’ </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-laguna-niguel"> Laguna Niguel<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10742767 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news tag-eaton-fire tag-palisades-fire tag-public-safety tag-wildfires location-altadena location-california location-laguna-niguel location-los-angeles location-los-angeles-county location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10742767" data-timestamp="1740379801" > <figure> <a href="" title="Coastal fire victim has some advice for those burned out in Eaton, Palisades fires" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Coastal fire victim has some advice for those burned out in Eaton, Palisades fires"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Ramin Yazid, who is rebuilding his home destroyed in 2022, knows the problems and pitfalls that victims in Altadena and Pacific Palisades can expect." title="Ramin Yazid, who is rebuilding his home destroyed in 2022, knows the problems and pitfalls that victims in Altadena and Pacific Palisades can expect." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Coastal fire victim has some advice for those burned out in Eaton, Palisades fires"> <span class="dfm-title free"> Coastal fire victim has some advice for those burned out in Eaton, Palisades fires </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Ramin Yazid, who is rebuilding his home destroyed in 2022, knows the problems and pitfalls... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10739353 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-business category-housing category-news tag-hot-homes tag-photos-and-videos location-california location-laguna-niguel location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10739353" data-timestamp="1740150566" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="Laguna Niguel estate with 2 homes and two pools seeks $30M" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Laguna Niguel estate with 2 homes and two pools seeks $30M"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Laguna Niguel estate with 2 homes and two pools seeks $30M </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10702958 post type-post 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class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Hiding in plain sight: Film shines a light on ageism"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Hiding in plain sight: Film shines a light on ageism </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> ‘Making the Invisible Visible’ reveals the toxic effects of age discrimination </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10715686 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-uncategorized tag-community location-california location-laguna-woods location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10715686" data-timestamp="1739127491" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="Pageant poses: 90 seconds for the sake of art" class=""></a> <h3 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.article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-lake-forest"> Lake Forest<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10701511 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-crime-public-safety category-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-fire tag-public-safety location-california location-lake-forest location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10701511" data-timestamp="1738448136" > <figure> <a href="" title="Person found dead after Lake Forest apartment fire" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Person found dead after Lake Forest apartment fire"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Authorities are investigating the cause of the fire." title="Authorities are investigating the cause of the fire." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Person found dead after Lake Forest apartment fire"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Person found dead after Lake Forest apartment fire </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Authorities are investigating the cause of the fire. </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10686736 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-restaurants-food-drink category-things-to-do tag-restaurants location-anaheim location-california location-corona-del-mar location-dana-point location-huntington-beach location-irvine location-laguna-beach location-lake-forest location-newport-beach location-orange-county location-san-juan-capistrano type-of-work-news" data-id="10686736" data-timestamp="1737725410" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="OC restaurants to host second daylong fundraiser for LA fire relief" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="OC restaurants to host second daylong fundraiser for LA fire relief"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> OC restaurants to host second daylong fundraiser for LA fire relief </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10670934 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-business category-housing category-news tag-commercial-real-estate 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tag-fast-food tag-free-and-cheap location-california location-corona location-lake-forest location-orange-county location-riverside location-riverside-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10640136" data-timestamp="1735910244" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="Several fast food chains offer burrito bargains for the new year" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Several fast food chains offer burrito bargains for the new year"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Several fast food chains offer burrito bargains for the new year </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-mission-viejo"> Mission Viejo<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10731165 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-california-politics category-news category-politics tag-congress tag-orange-county-politics location-california location-mission-viejo location-orange-county location-rancho-santa-margarita location-riverside-county location-san-bernardino-county location-villa-park location-yorba-linda type-of-work-news" data-id="10731165" data-timestamp="1739862006" > <figure> <a href="" title="OC Rep. Young Kim answers questions about Congress’ role as a check on executive branch, tax policy" class=""></a> <a href="" title="OC Rep. Young Kim answers questions about Congress’ role as a check on executive branch, tax policy"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Congress is meant to conduct oversight of the executive branch, the Republican lawmaker says. " title="Congress is meant to conduct oversight of the executive branch, the Republican lawmaker says. " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="OC Rep. Young Kim answers questions about Congress’ role as a check on executive branch, tax policy"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> OC Rep. Young Kim answers questions about Congress’ role as a check on executive branch, tax policy </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Congress is meant to conduct oversight of the executive branch, the Republican lawmaker says. </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10691476 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news tag-community location-california location-mission-viejo location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10691476" data-timestamp="1738047656" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Mission Viejo expands its geocaching tour, which already has people searching" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Mission Viejo expands its geocaching tour, which already has people searching"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Mission Viejo expands its geocaching tour, which already has people searching </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10677214 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news tag-community tag-top-stories-ocr location-california location-mission-viejo location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10677214" data-timestamp="1737384321" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="Skate rink pop up rolls into South Orange County mall" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Skate rink pop up rolls into South Orange County mall"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Skate rink pop up rolls into South Orange County mall </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10662298 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-crime-public-safety category-news tag-homicide tag-stabbing tag-top-stories-ocr location-california location-mission-viejo location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10662298" data-timestamp="1736715861" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="Mission Viejo woman gets 15-year sentence for fatally stabbing her boyfriend" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Mission Viejo woman gets 15-year sentence for fatally stabbing her boyfriend"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Mission Viejo woman gets 15-year sentence for fatally stabbing her boyfriend </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-newport-beach"> Newport Beach<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10747748 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-community tag-local-government tag-wildfires location-california location-newport-beach location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10747748" data-timestamp="1740416540" > <figure> <a href="" title="Newport Beach pushes to reduce fire risk at Buck Gully, educate homeowners" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Newport Beach pushes to reduce fire risk at Buck Gully, educate homeowners"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="A $4.5 million state grant will jumpstart the clearing of flammable vegetation in the canyon' the clearing of brush and vegetation could begin in early April. " title="A $4.5 million state grant will jumpstart the clearing of flammable vegetation in the canyon' the clearing of brush and vegetation could begin in early April. " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Newport Beach pushes to reduce fire risk at Buck Gully, educate homeowners"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Newport Beach pushes to reduce fire risk at Buck Gully, educate homeowners </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> A $4.5 million state grant will jumpstart the clearing of flammable vegetation in the canyon'... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10736282 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-restaurants-food-drink category-things-to-do category-top-stories-ocr tag-restaurants location-california location-newport-beach location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10736282" data-timestamp="1740047584" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="The Spaghetti Bender in Newport Beach to close after 55 years" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="The Spaghetti Bender in Newport Beach to close after 55 years"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> The Spaghetti Bender in Newport Beach to close after 55 years </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10736180 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized location-california location-newport-beach location-orange-county type-of-work-opinion-columnist" data-id="10736180" data-timestamp="1740046205" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Dunn: Base stealing all in the family; Daniel Amaral shares the story of stolen bases" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Dunn: Base stealing all in the family; Daniel Amaral shares the story of stolen bases"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Dunn: Base stealing all in the family; Daniel Amaral shares the story of stolen bases </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10727249 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-housing category-news tag-hot-homes tag-photos-and-videos location-california location-newport-beach location-orange-county" data-id="10727249" data-timestamp="1739563860" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="Newport Beach house with a rooftop pool terrace seeks $13.1 million" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Newport Beach house with a rooftop pool terrace seeks $13.1 million"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Newport Beach house with a rooftop pool terrace seeks $13.1 million </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-orange"> Orange<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10747005 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-community tag-libraries location-california location-orange location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10747005" data-timestamp="1740557307" > <figure> <a href="" title="To win a national PR competition, Chapman students are advocating for local libraries" class=""></a> <a href="" title="To win a national PR competition, Chapman students are advocating for local libraries"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="On Wednesday there is a panel discussion and a round of book-themed trivia on Thursday night at Provisions Deli & Bottle Shop." title="On Wednesday there is a panel discussion and a round of book-themed trivia on Thursday night at Provisions Deli & Bottle Shop." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="To win a national PR competition, Chapman students are advocating for local libraries"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> To win a national PR competition, Chapman students are advocating for local libraries </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> On Wednesday there is a panel discussion and a round of book-themed trivia on Thursday... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10732166 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-health category-local-news category-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-health-care location-california location-corona location-orange location-orange-county location-riverside-county" data-id="10732166" data-timestamp="1739888824" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="Young dancer thanks UCI Medical Center after removing rare pancreatic tumor" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Young dancer thanks UCI Medical Center after removing rare pancreatic tumor"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Young dancer thanks UCI Medical Center after removing rare pancreatic tumor </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10731871 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-restaurants-food-drink category-things-to-do tag-restaurants location-california location-orange location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10731871" data-timestamp="1739878597" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="Hoots Wings, the family-friendly Hooters’ spin-off concept, closes in Orange" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Hoots Wings, the family-friendly Hooters’ spin-off concept, closes in Orange"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Hoots Wings, the family-friendly Hooters’ spin-off concept, closes in Orange </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10721624 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-choc tag-community location-california location-orange location-orange-county type-of-work-news" data-id="10721624" data-timestamp="1739371296" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="CHOC staff create Valentine’s Day memory for parents of babies in NICU" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="CHOC staff create Valentine’s Day memory for parents of babies in NICU"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> CHOC staff create Valentine’s Day memory for parents of babies in NICU </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-placentia"> Placentia<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10716218 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-business category-retail category-top-stories-ocr tag-small-business location-california location-huntington-beach location-irvine location-newport-beach location-orange location-orange-county location-placentia location-stanton location-westminster type-of-work-news" data-id="10716218" data-timestamp="1739177752" > <figure> <a href="" title="Status Update: Walgreens shuttering 3 Orange County stores" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Status Update: Walgreens shuttering 3 Orange County stores"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="At least 93 people could lose their jobs as stores in Orange, Placentia and Stanton prepare to close." title="At least 93 people could lose their jobs as stores in Orange, Placentia and Stanton prepare to close." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Status Update: Walgreens shuttering 3 Orange County stores"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Status Update: Walgreens shuttering 3 Orange County stores </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> At least 93 people could lose their jobs as stores in Orange, Placentia and Stanton... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-rancho-santa-margarita"> Rancho Santa Margarita<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10705676 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-local-government location-california location-orange-county location-rancho-santa-margarita type-of-work-news" data-id="10705676" data-timestamp="1738670444" > <figure> <a href="" title="Future of Rancho Santa Margarita’s Boys and Girls Clubs in question over costs and DEI" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Future of Rancho Santa Margarita’s Boys and Girls Clubs in question over costs and DEI"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="A reading list published on, and since removed from, the club's website left the mayor with concerns about DEI initiatives." title="A reading list published on, and since removed from, the club's website left the mayor with concerns about DEI initiatives." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Future of Rancho Santa Margarita’s Boys and Girls Clubs in question over costs and DEI"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Future of Rancho Santa Margarita’s Boys and Girls Clubs in question over costs and DEI </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> A reading list published on, and since removed from, the club's website left the mayor... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10662451 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news tag-local-government tag-top-stories-ocr location-california location-orange-county location-rancho-santa-margarita type-of-work-news" data-id="10662451" data-timestamp="1736755406" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="Rancho Santa Margarita to increase street sweeping following resident concerns" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Santa Margarita to increase street sweeping following resident concerns"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Rancho Santa Margarita to increase street sweeping following resident concerns </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10650072 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news category-politics tag-politics location-california location-orange-county location-rancho-santa-margarita type-of-work-news" data-id="10650072" data-timestamp="1736333536" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="President Carter’s legacy lives on in the lives of Habitat for Humanity homeowners in Orange County" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="President Carter’s legacy lives on in the lives of Habitat for Humanity homeowners in Orange County"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> President Carter’s legacy lives on in the lives of Habitat for Humanity homeowners in Orange County </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-san-clemente"> San Clemente<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10734091 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-homeless tag-local-government location-california location-orange-county location-san-clemente type-of-work-news" data-id="10734091" data-timestamp="1739963376" > <figure> <a href="" title="San Clemente rejects proposal that would have required permits to serve food in public places" class=""></a> <a href="" title="San Clemente rejects proposal that would have required permits to serve food in public places"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Those opposed to the ordinance said it infringed on religious rights and was generally an example of government overreach." title="Those opposed to the ordinance said it infringed on religious rights and was generally an example of government overreach." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="San Clemente rejects proposal that would have required permits to serve food in public places"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> San Clemente rejects proposal that would have required permits to serve food in public places </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Those opposed to the ordinance said it infringed on religious rights and was generally an... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10717494 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news category-top-stories-ocr category-transportation tag-beaches tag-community tag-orange-county-transportation-authority-octa location-california location-orange-county location-san-clemente type-of-work-news" data-id="10717494" data-timestamp="1739207400" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="OCTA gives update for plans to protect the rail line through San Clemente" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="OCTA gives update for plans to protect the rail line through San Clemente"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> OCTA gives update for plans to protect the rail line through San Clemente </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10715310 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-beaches tag-community location-california location-orange-county location-san-clemente type-of-work-news" data-id="10715310" data-timestamp="1739091435" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="Crew of rescuers honored for saving bodyboarder’s life on Christmas Day in San Clemente" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Crew of rescuers honored for saving bodyboarder’s life on Christmas Day in San Clemente"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Crew of rescuers honored for saving bodyboarder’s life on Christmas Day in San Clemente </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10711622 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-business category-retail category-top-stories-ocr tag-beaches location-california location-costa-mesa location-laguna-beach location-newport-beach location-orange-county location-san-clemente type-of-work-news" data-id="10711622" data-timestamp="1738869627" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="More than 100 Billabong, Quiksilver, Volcom retail shops closing in US, several in Orange County" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="More than 100 Billabong, Quiksilver, Volcom retail shops closing in US, several in Orange County"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> More than 100 Billabong, Quiksilver, Volcom retail shops closing in US, several in Orange County </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-san-juan-capistrano"> San Juan Capistrano<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10741733 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-community location-california location-orange-county location-san-juan-capistrano type-of-work-news" data-id="10741733" data-timestamp="1740296861" > <figure> <a href="" title="Paws and claws strut through San Juan Capistrano’s annual pet parade" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Paws and claws strut through San Juan Capistrano’s annual pet parade"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The Pet Parade is one of many events leading up to San Juan Capistrano's Swallows Day Parade." title="The Pet Parade is one of many events leading up to San Juan Capistrano's Swallows Day Parade." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Paws and claws strut through San Juan Capistrano’s annual pet parade"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Paws and claws strut through San Juan Capistrano’s annual pet parade </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Pet Parade is one of many events leading up to San Juan Capistrano's Swallows... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10735822 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-local-government location-california location-orange-county location-san-juan-capistrano type-of-work-news" data-id="10735822" data-timestamp="1740036479" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="San Juan Capistrano considers more equestrian and event spaces for open land off 5 Freeway" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="San Juan Capistrano considers more equestrian and event spaces for open land off 5 Freeway"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> San Juan Capistrano considers more equestrian and event spaces for open land off 5 Freeway </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10731859 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-california-politics category-election category-local-news category-news category-politics category-top-stories-ocr tag-2026-elections tag-local-government tag-politics location-california location-orange-county location-san-juan-capistrano type-of-work-news" data-id="10731859" data-timestamp="1739877795" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="San Juan Capistrano Councilmember Sergio Farias launches 2026 bid for state Assembly" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="San Juan Capistrano Councilmember Sergio Farias launches 2026 bid for state Assembly"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> San Juan Capistrano Councilmember Sergio Farias launches 2026 bid for state Assembly </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10703056 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-restaurants-food-drink category-things-to-do tag-restaurants location-california location-orange-county location-san-juan-capistrano type-of-work-news" data-id="10703056" data-timestamp="1738571485" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="The Ecology Center to unveil revamped ‘Peace Portal’ with new dinner series" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="The Ecology Center to unveil revamped ‘Peace Portal’ with new dinner series"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> The Ecology Center to unveil revamped ‘Peace Portal’ with new dinner series </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-santa-ana"> Santa Ana<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium slideshow archive-view has-image post-10749256 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news tag-animals tag-wildfires location-big-bear location-big-bear-city location-big-bear-lake location-california location-long-beach location-los-angeles-county location-orange-county location-san-bernardino-county location-santa-ana type-of-work-news" data-id="10749256" data-timestamp="1740634254" > <figure> <a href="" title="How do zoos and aquariums evacuate animals in an emergency?" class="icon-slideshow"></a> <a href="" title="How do zoos and aquariums evacuate animals in an emergency?"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Fires and other disasters pose challenges in moving animals ranging from grizzly bears to sharks." title="Fires and other disasters pose challenges in moving animals ranging from grizzly bears to sharks." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="How do zoos and aquariums evacuate animals in an emergency?"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> How do zoos and aquariums evacuate animals in an emergency? </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Fires and other disasters pose challenges in moving animals ranging from grizzly bears to sharks. </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10748562 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-sports tag-high-school-wrestling tag-photos-and-videos location-california location-orange-county location-santa-ana type-of-work-news" data-id="10748562" data-timestamp="1740590710" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Coached by their parents, Santa Ana High’s Serratos sisters dominate girls wrestling" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Coached by their parents, Santa Ana High’s Serratos sisters dominate girls wrestling"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Coached by their parents, Santa Ana High’s Serratos sisters dominate girls wrestling </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10745963 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-crime-public-safety category-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-crash tag-dui location-california location-corona location-orange-county location-riverside-county location-santa-ana type-of-work-news" data-id="10745963" data-timestamp="1740505030" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="Santa Ana man faces 4 years in prison for fatal DUI crash on 91 Freeway in Corona" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Santa Ana man faces 4 years in prison for fatal DUI crash on 91 Freeway in Corona"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Santa Ana man faces 4 years in prison for fatal DUI crash on 91 Freeway in Corona </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10739740 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-crime-public-safety category-news tag-crime location-california location-orange-county location-santa-ana" data-id="10739740" data-timestamp="1740157658" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="Inmate fatally assaults another inmate in Santa Ana facility" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Inmate fatally assaults another inmate in Santa Ana facility"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Inmate fatally assaults another inmate in Santa Ana facility </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-seal-beach"> Seal Beach<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10678763 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-news tag-eaton-fire tag-palisades-fire location-california location-orange-county location-seal-beach type-of-work-news" data-id="10678763" data-timestamp="1737450680" > <figure> <a href="" title="Seal Beach restaurant will host benefit concert for victims of Los Angeles fires" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Seal Beach restaurant will host benefit concert for victims of Los Angeles fires"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The Los Angeles-based Ashe Brothers band will headline a performance on Sunday, Feb. 2 at The Beach House restaurant in Seal Beach. " title="The Los Angeles-based Ashe Brothers band will headline a performance on Sunday, Feb. 2 at The Beach House restaurant in Seal Beach. " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Seal Beach restaurant will host benefit concert for victims of Los Angeles fires"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Seal Beach restaurant will host benefit concert for victims of Los Angeles fires </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Los Angeles-based Ashe Brothers band will headline a performance on Sunday, Feb. 2 at... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10656116 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news tag-beaches tag-community tag-top-stories-lbpt tag-top-stories-ocr location-california location-orange-county location-seal-beach type-of-work-news" data-id="10656116" data-timestamp="1736497016" > <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <a href="" title="Restored Seal Beach Bay Theatre will reopen with ‘Harbour Chronicles’ film about surfboard icon" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Restored Seal Beach Bay Theatre will reopen with ‘Harbour Chronicles’ film about surfboard icon"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Restored Seal Beach Bay Theatre will reopen with ‘Harbour Chronicles’ film about surfboard icon </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-stanton"> Stanton<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10672305 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-news tag-2024-elections tag-elections tag-local-government tag-orange-county-politics tag-politics tag-top-stories-ocr location-california location-orange-county location-stanton type-of-work-news" data-id="10672305" data-timestamp="1737139260" > <figure> <a href="" title="Former Stanton councilmember accused of not living in district she represented, lying on election paperwork" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Former Stanton councilmember accused of not living in district she represented, lying on election paperwork"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Hong Alyce Van has been charged with multiple felonies, accusing her of allegedly no longer living in the district she represented and lying on her candidate paperwork." title="Hong Alyce Van has been charged with multiple felonies, accusing her of allegedly no longer living in the district she represented and lying on her candidate paperwork." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Former Stanton councilmember accused of not living in district she represented, lying on election paperwork"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Former Stanton councilmember accused of not living in district she represented, lying on election paperwork </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Hong Alyce Van has been charged with multiple felonies, accusing her of allegedly no longer... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section-highlight"> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a href="" class="category-tustin"> Tustin<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i> </a> </h2> <div class="section-highlight-content"> <div class="section-feature"> <article class="feature-medium archive-view has-image post-10745369 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-restaurants-food-drink category-things-to-do category-top-stories-ocr tag-restaurants location-california location-orange-county location-tustin type-of-work-news" data-id="10745369" data-timestamp="1740485777" > <figure> <a href="" title="The Black Marlin in Tustin to close temporarily for renovation" class=""></a> <a href="" title="The Black Marlin in Tustin to close temporarily for renovation"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt=""This transformation will include essential plumbing upgrades, a modernized kitchen, a reimagined restaurant and bar layout, and an exciting new menu."" title=""This transformation will include essential plumbing upgrades, a modernized kitchen, a reimagined restaurant and bar layout, and an exciting new menu."" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="The Black Marlin in Tustin to close temporarily for renovation"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> The Black Marlin in Tustin to close temporarily for renovation </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> "This transformation will include essential plumbing upgrades, a modernized kitchen, a reimagined restaurant and bar... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only 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money." title="Prosecutors allege Phan West referenced her council role and friendship with the police chief to a parking officer, but she is not accused of offering money." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-section_wide_one" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 620w, 780w, 605w, 525w, 415w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Westminster Councilmember Amy Phan West pleads not guilty to misdemeanor bribery charge"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Westminster Councilmember Amy Phan West pleads not guilty to misdemeanor bribery charge </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Prosecutors allege Phan West referenced her council role and friendship with the police chief to... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> 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He gives his opinion on local issues... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> </div> <ul class="headline-list"> <li> <article class="headline-only archive-view has-image post-10747740 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-crime-public-safety category-news category-top-stories-ocr tag-crash tag-crime tag-public-safety location-anaheim location-california location-orange-county location-yorba-linda type-of-work-news" data-id="10747740" data-timestamp="1740572738" > <div class="article-info"> <header> <a href="" title="3 dead in 91 Freeway crash in Orange County involving 4 cars" class=""></a> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pets and Animals | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="3 dead in 91 Freeway crash in Orange County involving 4 cars"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> 3 dead in 91 Freeway crash in Orange County involving 4 cars </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> </header> </div><!-- 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