Thync review: Where we just say yes to a drug-like, brain-zapping wearable
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But here's one that's completely unlike anything we've used before. Meet Thync, a wearable that zaps your brain to change your mood – like a drug that replaces chemicals with technology.</p> <ul class="gallery-preview"> <li> <a href="" class="js-gallery-preview-link"> <img src="" title="Placement of the second pad on the Energy strip" alt="Placement of the second pad on the Energy strip"/> </a> <li> <a href="" class="js-gallery-preview-link"> <img src="" title="Placement of the second pad on the Calm strip" alt="Placement of the second pad on the Calm strip"/> </a> <li> <a href="" class="js-gallery-preview-link"> <img src="" title="Strips cost US$20 for a pack of five, but we were able to re-use each one quite a few times" alt="Strips cost US$20 for a pack of five, but we were able to re-use each one quite a few times"/> </a> <li> <a href="" class="js-gallery-preview-link"> <img src="" title="The two different Thync strips: Energy (top) and Calm" alt="The two different Thync strips: Energy (top) and Calm"/> </a> </ul> <p>Before we jump in, keep in mind that, though we cover plenty of science at Gizmag, Thync is a consumer product. And that's exactly how we're reviewing it – much like we would a new iPhone or laptop. We share our experience and make our recommendations, but we aren't writing any research papers or conducting any double-blind studies on it (though the company does link to some of those <a href="" target="_blank">on its website</a>).</p> <p>After using Thync every day for the last week and a half, I'm convinced that it's one of the most exciting new tech products of 2015. Like taking a hit of Mary Jane, it can push me from an anxious, over-thinking mood to one where I'm cool, collected and laid-back like a THC-infused Rastafarian. And if I'm feeling sluggish or unmotivated, Thync can also peel that layer away, like the sun burning a morning fog off of my consciousness.</p> <p>The Thync module itself is a curved white gizmo that connects wirelessly to a smartphone via Bluetooth low-energy. You start by snapping one of two different strips to the device. Each strip has two adhesive pads on it; they each attach to different points on your head (it sounds complicated, but the Thync app has a setup video that makes all of this easy and clear).</p> <p><div class="inline-item"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt=""> </a> </div> </p> <p>After you power on the module and pair it with your mobile device, it starts a five or 10 minute session that sends low-level pulses of electricity into your head (sounds freaky, I know, but bear with us for a minute). The two pads on the strip join with your body to form a current, the strength of which you can adjust in the app.</p> <p>The electrical current activates pathways in your brain that make you feel either calm or energized. Like meditation or drugs, this enhances your mood in ways that you might have trouble getting to on your own.</p> <p>The key is the locations of the pads: Thync believes it's found the right target areas to tweak your brain's natural stress responses in one direction or the other. One strip is designed to produce a calming effect ("calm vibe") while the other strip makes you feel more alert ("energy vibe"). And each "vibe" also has three sub-categories within it, varying in intensity and length of time.</p> <p>It's like choosing a workout program, only instead of doing squats or lunges, the technology does the work for you. You just sit there and enjoy the results.</p> <p><div class="inline-item"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt=""> </a> </div> </p> <p>If this all sounds pretty far-out, like something a burned-out space junkie would be using in an 80's-era sci-fi novel, we completely understand. But for me, it works exactly as advertised, either relaxing or energizing me (or both) – not only while I'm using it, but for several hours afterwards.</p> <p>Skeptics will also be quick to question whether Thync is just an expensive placebo effect. And while this is only one person's experience and opinion – take it as you will – I don't see how there's any way that's the case with me. If this is a placebo, then all the pot, caffeine and meditation I've ever tried must be as well.</p> <p>Speaking of marijuana and meditation, those are two of our best analogies for what the calming effect feels like. Thync has no hallucinogenic effect, so it isn't quite like getting high as a kite or stoned off your keester. The "calm vibe" is more like taking just one or two hits of some mid-grade ganja. Or, if you prefer, meditating for half an hour. There's no truly altered state of consciousness here – and certainly no paranoia, forgetfulness or munchies. You're still you, you still have your bearings and you aren't impaired in any way. It's just a more chilled-out version of you.</p> <p>I've found Thync's calming mode to help me lower stress levels and boost my overall enjoyment of life – not in a way that takes my own effort out of the equation, but in a way that <em>assists me</em> in that process. It isn't a magic pill that will solve all your problems, but if you're already invested in being a happier person, it can give you a nudge in the right direction.</p> <p>Every time I use a Thync calm vibe, it ignites a calmer, easier, more balanced perspective on whatever potential stressors are lingering in my life at that moment – along with a greater enjoyment of everything else.</p> <p><div class="inline-item"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt=""> </a> <div class="caption caption--inline"> <p>Placement of the second pad on the Energy strip</p> </div> </div> </p> <p>The energy vibe feels less like the physical energy you'd get from a jolt of caffeine, and more like a stimulated mental clarity. It puts me in an eager (but still relaxed), motivated, maybe even inspired state. It may <em>indirectly</em> inspire me to get up and do something, but it feels more like a mental defogging than a hyped-up boost of physical energy.</p> <p>The calm and energy vibes may sound like mutually exclusive opposites, but when using one after the other, I find that the two moods can co-exist. After spending 10 minutes with each mode, I walk out the door feeling both calm and energized – just about the ideal state of mind for going out into the world. </p> <p>Achieving that, just by sitting there with a funny-looking gizmo on my head for 20 minutes, is a pretty remarkable innovation.</p> <p><div class="inline-item"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt=""> </a> </div> </p> <p>When Thync is stuck to your head, doing its thing, you feel a tingly sensation, like a gentle shower trickling into your noggin. If you crank it up too high, it might feel a little uncomfortable on your skin (similar to TENS units), and if you set it too low, your results might be weaker, so you'll want to play around with the app to find your ideal levels.</p> <p>After finishing, though the external stimulus (the electrical current) is no longer there, I still feel some remnant of that tingling sensation in the part of my head it was zapping. It feels like that part of my brain, which is usually dormant, has been awakened.</p> <p>So how often do you use Thync? Well, once a day is probably a good start. While reviewing it, I've been using it two or three times a day on most days, though, and haven't experienced a single negative side effect.</p> <p><div class="inline-item"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt=""> </a> </div> </p> <p>One limiting factor right now is the replaceable strips: Thync officially recommends them for only one use each, and they're fairly expensive (a pack of five rings up for US$20). But I found that the one-use recommendation was conservative; I've been able to get between seven and 12 uses out of each strip, before they start losing adhesiveness. At that point, it droops off my head and loses contact during my session. That's when it's time to change.</p> <p>It may help that I'm bald, don't wear makeup or often apply lotion to my head. If you do any of those things, or have especially oily skin, it's possible you'll only get a few uses out of each strip.</p> <p><div class="inline-item"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt=""> </a> </div> </p> <p>Going off of my averages, if you do one calm session and one energy session per day, then you'll be spending roughly $20-40 per month in replacement strips. Compared to the $240 per month you'd be spending on that same regimen if you could only use each strip once, we think that's reasonable enough. And even if you can only get four uses out of each strip, that's still down to around $60 per month for daily use of both vibes.</p> <p>The company does offer monthly subscription options on strips, which can save you between 12.5 and 30 percent off the individual prices.</p> <p>Thync tells us that, long-term, it's also working to increase those strip re-uses. "We actually lose money on the Packs because there is so much technology and quality designed into the Strips," says Thync's CEO Isy Goldwasser. "The way forward is to increase the reusability of the Strips. That is the fastest way to lower the cost per use."</p> <p>The strip refill situation isn't exactly ideal right now, but at least the company isn't following the razor blades product model, where customers get a "deal" on the upfront purchase, only to get screwed on never-ending refill costs. And if you're like me, you may already get quite a few uses out of each one (though Goldwasser tells me my number of re-uses is unusually high).</p> <p>Battery life is fine, though you will probably want to charge the Thync module (it includes a micro-USB cable) after every use: a 30 minute session usually gets its battery level down to below 50 percent.</p> <p>One potential annoyance is that Thync is iOS-only at launch. If you have an Android phone, you'll need to either wait for that app to launch later this year, or get your hands on a cheap-ish <a href="" target="_blank">iPad</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">iPod touch</a> (which needs to be running <a href="" target="_blank">iOS 8</a>) to use with Thync in the meantime.</p> <p><div class="inline-item"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt=""> </a> <div class="caption caption--inline"> <p>Placement of the second pad on the Calm strip</p> </div> </div> </p> <p>Thync is a crazy-sounding product that's going to sound too kooky for some customers. But if you can open your mind enough to try brain-zapping, you may find that it changes your life as much as any gadget you've ever bought. It's not only useful right now, but it also conjures images of a future where we use all sorts of (presumably safer) electrical drugs in place of chemical ones.</p> <p>... and that may not be too far off the mark. Thync co-founder and CSO Dr. Jamie Tyler says the calm and energy vibes in this first-generation model are "just scratching the surface." The future could be very, very interesting.</p> <p>Will your experience with Thync be as impressive as ours? Who knows. Fortunately the company is offering a 30-day money back guarantee for you to test-drive it risk-free (good luck trying that with your neighborhood weed hookup). Return policies are important for any consumer tech gadget, but they're essential for something like Thync, where you're relying entirely on subjective accounts from people like me.</p> <p>Thync retails for $299, which includes the module, 10 calm strips, 10 energy strips and charging cable. Thync is available now, but backordered: at the time of publication, new orders (which are U.S.-only for now) are scheduled to start shipping in September.</p> <p>Thync is also one of the first products available at <a href="" target="_blank">Amazon Launchpad</a>, the online retailer's new program for highlighting the work of innovative startups.</p> <p>Product page: <a href="" target="_blank">Thync</a></p> </div> <!-- Share Bar --> <div class="page-section"> <ul class="list-ui list-ui--horizontal share-bar"> <li> <div class="fb-like" data-href="" data-send="false" data-layout="box_count" data-show-faces="false" data-share="true"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> _ga.trackFacebook(); </script> </li> <li> <a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="vertical" data-via="gizmag" data-url="">Tweet</a> </li> <li> <div class="g-plusone" data-size="tall" data-href=""></div> </li> <li> <iframe style="overflow: hidden; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px;" src="" width="50" height="60" id="iframe-stmblpn-widget-1" name="iframe-stmblpn-widget-1"></iframe> </li> <li> <div class="pin-it-button" data-url="" data-image="" data-description="Most "new" products we see are really just minor evolutions of gadgets that have been around for years. But here's one that's completely unlike anything we've used before. Meet Thync, a wearable that zaps your brain to change your mood – like a drug that replaces chemicals with technology."></div> </li> <li> <script type="IN/Share" data-counter="top"></script> </li> <li class="js-share-reddit"> <script type="text/javascript"> reddit_newwindow='1' </script> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="ad "> <div class="ad-label">Advertisement</div> <script async src="//"></script> <ins class="adsbygoogle ad-article-bottom" style="" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1607124478120364" data-ad-slot="6055296962"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> </div> <!-- Outbrain --> <div class="page-section"> <div class="OUTBRAIN" data-src="" data-widget-id="AR_1" data-ob-template="Gizmag"></div> <script type="text/javascript" async="async" src=""></script> </div> <!-- Bio --> <div class="page-section media"> <p class="h2 title-standout">About the Author</p> <a class="media__right" href=""> <img src="" alt="Will Shanklin"/> </a> <p>Will Shanklin is Gizmag's Mobile Tech Editor, and has been part of the team since 2012. 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Stay tuned and we'll update you.</p> <span class="strong">AlHerd</span> </li> <li> <p>Yes but: 2 areas to question. 1) Anytime something is stimulated artificially sees natural levels that hormone, neurotransmitter, etc. decrease because something else is changing the game play. Think heroin addict or crack cocaine user. More juice to get more effect. Until it doesn't work anymore. 2) What is the long term effect? This isn't a new concept but a new application of a couple of things. The Italians developed a magnetic loop that fits as a figure 8 on one side of the head. It was created to replace ECT for depression and "seems" to have been effective. There is a Scottish Surgeon who did similar work with energizing acupuncture needles to provide electrical stimulation on the scalp behind the ear. It eventually became a pad behind the ear much like a TENS device. I'll wait until I can buy it for $29.99 on late night TV or Amazon. Better yet, get a TENS unit put the pad behind the ear and play with the intensity. OR, just stick with meditation.</p> <span class="strong">Greggamma</span> </li> <li> <p>And the writer of this review assumes that everyone has tried (or wants to try) marijuana. </p> <p>Not so, Mr. Shanklin. Not so.</p> <span class="strong">RebeccaFlores</span> </li> <li> <p>What if you simply taped over the no-longer-adhesive adhesives? Would that be a simple and cheaper fix?</p> <span class="strong">JordanKramer</span> </li> <li> <p>I don't think there is any science to back this up. The research is still ongoing and it looks pretty fishy. Would be awesome if it worked of course. Also, it raises the question what long term effects it has. Esp. since you liken it to drugs. We know from experience, that the brain doesn't really like to be moved out of its usual operating parameters (other than by training and practicing, which is slow).</p> <p>But what is amazing to me, is how you, like many people, don't understand placebo. Saying that it can't be placebo, because it works for me, makes absolutely no sense. We spend so much money and effort on trying to filter out placebo effect exactly because it produces real results, that can't be distinguished from the one caused by the things that 'do work'. At least, they can't be distinguished by examining a single person. We use statistics and control groups exactly for this reason.</p> <p>If it was this easy, we could just as well ask the persons trying the products, the medications if they really experience the effect. But the point is that they do. If it weren't so, we wouldn't need a name for the placebo. Because it would just mean the same as "doesn't work".</p> <p>Of course, you can say that even if it's placebo, it's worth for you, because you get the effect you wanted.</p> <span class="strong">atleta</span> </li> <li> <p>Like I should wish to blast my brain with microwave through Bluetooth completely unnecessarily. a Decent technology would not need, or use Bluetooth at all, and since the dangers of Microwave are well known, why has the designer used what is surely harmful technology? </p> <p>I do not use mobiles at all because I get an instant headache as soon as I do, and even a feeling of sunburn all over my face. I do not think that kind of radiation is conducive to health, happiness, enhanced mood, relaxation, or whatever.</p> <p>A simple headband could be worn just like a simple piece of clothing, with exactly the same appearance as an ordinary cloth headband, directly emitting something like Schumann waves or other programmed waves without any need for pads or Bluetooth. </p> <p>Who wants to look like a cyborg being programmed?</p> <span class="strong">Eric Blenheim</span> </li> <li> <p>It's like a cross between a droud and a tasp, from Larry Niven's known space stories. A droud plugged into an implanted socket. A tasp was wireless and could work at a distance. Both stimulated the pleasure center of the brain.</p> <span class="strong">Galane</span> </li> <li> <p>How about a pair of flying leads and the disposable self-adhesive pads from an ECG kit?</p> <span class="strong">Pat Pending</span> </li> <li> <p>Very excited to try this at CES this year, but, sadly, their prototype could not adhere to my skin, because, yes, I was wearing makeup, moisturizer. They tried to clean my face!!! They pushed my bangs back. Nope no luck. So I hope they get that straightened out. That being said, everyone around me trying it was raving about it, so I do have one on order.</p> <p>I tried several similar brainwave modulating devices over the years, and that's what you are doing. I do agree with the comment that we are putting our trust in the manufacturer as to how they program it, but how is that different to anything else we do in life. I (sort of) trust that when my car shows 65 mph, I'm doing something around that. When my tv is tuned to NBC, I trust its not secretly tuned to ABC. And when I take a pill, I (stupidly perhaps) trust that what is in the pill is what the manufacturer says.</p> <p>Keep it on too long? Well, we sell large bottles of alcohol, but that doesnt mean you drink it all in one go. There will always be abusers.</p> <p>I like it has a 30 day money back and look forward to trying it, although the sticker price of the sticky tape may make me return it.</p> <span class="strong">Larushka</span> </li> <li> <p>What about abuse? What are the effects while drinking alcohol or using some kind of medication, like Zolpidem, or an illegal substance? What if I keep it on for hours? What if I fall asleep with the pads attached? What if I use the device while driving home from work on a crowded freeway? WHAT IF.......?</p> <span class="strong">newPlus</span> </li> <li> <p>Just build them into a baseball cap or similar headwear.</p> <span class="strong">Dave Andrews</span> </li> <li> <p>Couldn't you get over reliant on something like this to the point of not being able to reach those states of mind without it. Just like taking escalators and moving sidewalks all the time could get you out of shape for walking and climbing stairs.</p> <span class="strong">VivaTerlingua</span> </li> <li> <p>I quit reading at "Thync is iOS-only at launch."</p> <span class="strong">chomper</span> </li> <li> <p>Skullcap with adjustable straps. </p> <p>Problem solved. Now Thync owes me a lot of money.</p> <p>Or, someone might want to try </p> <p>Hollister Medical Adhesive, 3.2 Oz Spray. </p> <span class="strong">IDNTBF</span> </li> <li> <p>Is it just calm or energized or can they make you feel other ways such as hostile or compliant? How do you know it's location based and not signal based? Perhaps they can alter the app to make you feel whatever way they want you to feel. I am not a paranoid psycho but this probably the first article that makes me feel the tinfoil-hatters aren't crazy just early non-adopters.</p> <span class="strong">MerlinGuy</span> </li> <li> <p>How does this compare to "<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>" tDCS machine? That one is just $129, apparently.</p> <span class="strong">Grunchy</span> </li> <li> <p>I learned to hyperventillate doing TM. Years later, I learned not to from "Better Breating .com", Now, I can meditate a little, after a glass of white zinfandel and not develop hyperventilation syndrome. This is the only thing I would be afraid of with this device.</p> <span class="strong">Douglas Rogers</span> </li> <li> <p>It gives "turning on" a whole new meaning, or more literal.</p> <span class="strong">pwndecaf</span> </li> <li> <p>Do they mention anything about possible use for treatment of manic/depressive cycles? I have a friend who forgets her meds at times and might find this handy.</p> <span class="strong">Jesse Allen</span> </li> <li> <p>@Tom Green - 20 minutes is a long time to hold something against your head. The stress it'd put on your arm and shoulder would probably easily outweigh the benefits.</p> <p>@TonyAustin - Duct tape would be too aggressive. I don't fancy pulling my hair out every day.</p> <p>I assume there are products for extending the life of the sort of adhesive the strips use - or, at least, tips for doing so. Failing that sort of thing, could we see the return of the head/sweat band so beloved of 80's tennis stars..?</p> <p>On a more serious note, I can see these being suggested/prescribed for mild depressive episodes and chronic fatigue syndrome (well, not if it's really 'chronic', perhaps). Maybe there are medically-approved versions already? If not, why not..?</p> <span class="strong">leafygreen</span> </li> <li> <p>This is the gateway for a portable lobotomy app.. Somebody was going to say it sooner or later. I'm old fashioned.</p> <span class="strong">YukonJack</span> </li> <li> <p>... Or even just hold them there if it's just for 20 minutes? </p> <span class="strong">Tom Green</span> </li> <li> <p>Couldn't you use duct tape (the Mythbusters' universal solution, if not always elegant) to extend the life of the Thync strips, or am I missing some basic point about them?</p> <span class="strong">TonyAustin</span> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- Post a Comment --> <div class="page-section"> <a name="comment-form"></a> <p class="h2 title-standout">Post a Comment</p> <div data-article="38662"> <form class="login-form form-full js-login-form" action="" method="post"> <p class="strong">Login with your Gizmag account:</p> <p class="js-login-error"></p> <input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="bQQJhloPfTRACGihlEJXp9iYagXgxjli"/> <input type="hidden" name="next" value="/thync-review/38662/"> <tr><th><label for="id_email">Email:</label></th><td><input id="id_email" maxlength="254" name="email" type="email"/></td></tr> <tr><th><label for="id_password">Password:</label></th><td><input id="id_password" name="password" type="password"/></td></tr> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg pull-right">Log In</button> <div class="pull-left"> <a class="small" href="/web/20150905063404/">Register here</a><br/> <a class="small" href="">Forgotten your password?</a> </div> </form> <p class="strong">Login with Facebook:</p> <a href="" class="facebook-login-button" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> </div> <div class="page-section"> <p class="h2 title-standout">Related Articles</p> <ul class="list-ui list-ui--vertical related-articles"> <li class="media"> <a class="media__left" href="" title="Thync mood-changing wearable officially launches – we go hands-on (again)"> <img src="" alt="Thync mood-changing wearable officially launches – we go hands-on (again)"/> </a> <a class="h3 title-link" href=""> Thync mood-changing wearable officially launches – we go hands-on (again) </a> <p class="related-article__date"> June 2, 2015 </p> </li> <li class="media"> <a class="media__left" href="" title="Putting a price tag on brainpower"> <img src="" alt="Putting a price tag on brainpower"/> </a> <a class="h3 title-link" href=""> Putting a price tag on brainpower </a> <p class="related-article__date"> August 17, 2015 </p> </li> <li class="media"> <a class="media__left" href="" title="Researchers turn gray matter transparent to shed light on the brain’s secrets"> <img src="" alt="Researchers turn gray matter transparent to shed light on the brain’s secrets"/> </a> <a class="h3 title-link" href=""> Researchers turn gray matter transparent to shed light on the brain’s secrets </a> <p class="related-article__date"> April 11, 2013 </p> </li> <li class="media"> <a class="media__left" href="" title="Scientists discover a "mini-brain" in spinal cord that helps keep us balanced"> <img src="" alt="Scientists discover a "mini-brain" in spinal cord that helps keep us balanced"/> </a> <a class="h3 title-link" href=""> Scientists discover a "mini-brain" in spinal cord that helps keep us balanced </a> <p class="related-article__date"> February 1, 2015 </p> </li> <li class="media"> <a class="media__left" href="" title="Caffeine can enhance memory, new research suggests"> <img src="" alt="Caffeine can enhance memory, new research suggests"/> </a> <a class="h3 title-link" href=""> Caffeine can enhance memory, new research suggests </a> <p class="related-article__date"> January 26, 2014 </p> </li> <li class="media"> <a class="media__left" href="" title="New research reveals the root of musical pleasure"> <img src="" alt="New research reveals the root of musical pleasure"/> </a> <a class="h3 title-link" href=""> New research reveals the root of musical pleasure </a> <p class="related-article__date"> January 24, 2011 </p> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- Google Search Box --> <div class="page-section"> <form action="" name="cse-search-box-bottom"> <p class="h2 title-standout">Looking for something? 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