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</div> </header> <main id="main" class="id7-main-content-area"> <header> <div class="id7-horizontal-divider"> <svg xmlns="" x="0" y="0" version="1.1" width="1130" height="41" viewBox="0, 0, 1130, 41"> <path d="m 0,0.5 1030.48, 0 22.8,40 16.96,-31.4 16.96,31.4 22.8,-40 20,0" class="divider" stroke="#383838" fill="none" /> </svg> </div> <div class="id7-page-title"> <h1> WP Blogs </h1> </div> </header> <div class="id7-main-content"> <div class="layout layout-75-25"> <div class="column-1"><div class="column-1-content"> <div class="boxstyle_ box3"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><img src="blog_post_photo.jpeg?maxWidth=187&amp;maxHeight=250" alt="" border="0" /> </td> <td> <h5>8th November 2022</h5> <p><strong>Being a Community Ambassador for upReach by Chloe Goodyear</strong></p> <p>Chloe is a current student at the University of Warwick, she is in her second year studying Economics. In her blog post, Chloe reflects on her experience as a Community Ambassador for upReach. </p> <p>Read Chloe's blog post <a href="blog_draft_-_chloe_goodyear.docx" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here<i class='new-window-link' aria-hidden='true' title='Link opens in a new window'></i><span class='sr-only'>Link opens in a new window</span></a>!</p> <p>Find out more about upReach <a href=";utm_source=university+newsletter+or+email&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_campaign=Rise_Universities&amp;utm_content=Warwick_1st+year+email">here</a>.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><img src="300622wu-282.jpg?maxWidth=325&amp;maxHeight=216" alt="" border="0" /></p> <p>Pictured above are the WMG graduates who assisted in running the Year 10 STEM Summer School.</p> </td> <td> <h5>4th October 2022</h5> <p><strong>Year 10 STEM Summer School 2022 by Dr Phil Jemmett</strong></p> <p>Dr Phil Jemmett, recalls the experience, challenges and impact of the 2022 Year 10 Summer School.</p> <p>View Dr Phil's Blog post <a href="wp_blog_post.docx">here</a>!</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="sabiha_khan.jpg?maxWidth=275&amp;maxHeight=367" alt="blog imae" border="0" /></td> <td> <h5>20th September 2022</h5> <p><strong>What scared me the most about starting University by Sabiha Khan</strong></p> <p>Sabiha is a member of the WP Student Network here at the University of Warwick, in her blog post she talks of the challenges she has faced in education and her experience at University.</p> <p>View Sabiha's blog post <a href="sabiha_khan.docx" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here!<i class='new-window-link' aria-hidden='true' title='Link opens in a new window'></i><span class='sr-only'>Link opens in a new window</span></a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="picture1.jpg?maxWidth=281&amp;maxHeight=331" alt="Izabelle Apostol" border="0" /></td> <td> <h5>29th August 2022</h5> <p><strong>WP Internship - My experience by Izabelle Apostol</strong></p> <p>Having completed her second year of her History and Politics course, Izabelle took an internship with the WP team over the summer, before going into her final year. In her interview, Izabelle talks about her experience as an intern, the challenges and surprises along the way, and what she has gained from her experience.</p> <p>View Izabelle's blog post <a href="izabelle.docx" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here<i class='new-window-link' aria-hidden='true' title='Link opens in a new window'></i><span class='sr-only'>Link opens in a new window</span></a>!</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img border="0" src="image.jpeg?maxWidth=274&amp;maxHeight=425" alt="Samar Hassan" /></td> <td> <h5>22nd August 2022</h5> <p><strong>The Importance of Social Mobility by Samar Hassan</strong></p> <p>Samar is currently studying Psychology with Linguistics, in her blog post she shares her views on the importance of social mobility. Samar is an associate for the charity upReach and an Into University student mentor, she shares how her experiences in these roles highlight the importance of social mobility.</p> <p>View Samar's blog post <a href="wp_blog_-_social_mobility.docx" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here<i class='new-window-link' aria-hidden='true' title='Link opens in a new window'></i><span class='sr-only'>Link opens in a new window</span></a>!</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="katie_tipple.jpg?maxWidth=269&amp;maxHeight=318" alt="Katie Tipple" border="0" /></td> <td> <h5>15th August 2022</h5> <p><strong>School to University: The big switch by Katie Tipple.</strong></p> <p>Katie is going into her third year of studying Classical Civilisations. With two years of university behind her, in her blog post she identifies some of the differences between further education and higher education.</p> <p>View Katie's blog post <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here!<i class='new-window-link' aria-hidden='true' title='Link opens in a new window'></i><span class='sr-only'>Link opens in a new window</span></a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="priya_ganatara.jpeg" alt="Priya Ganatara" border="0" /></td> <td> <h5>8th August 2022</h5> <p><strong>Academic Support Mentoring: My Experience by Priya Ganatara.</strong></p> <p>As a team, we run lots of exciting programmes and events for WP students, we often recruit Warwick student ambassadors to help us! Priya had the role of an Academic Support Mentor, going into schools and working with groups of year 10 students to help them with their GCSE Spanish! In her blog post Priya shares how she found her experience as a mentor.</p> <p>View Priya's blog post <a href="priya_ganatara.docx" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here!<i class='new-window-link' aria-hidden='true' title='Link opens in a new window'></i><span class='sr-only'>Link opens in a new window</span></a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img border="0" src="keira_evans.jpg?maxWidth=255&amp;maxHeight=340" alt="Keira Evans" /></td> <td> <h5>1st August 2022</h5> <p><strong>Things to look out for on open days by Keira Evans.</strong></p> <p>Knowing what to look out for at open days can sometimes be challenging and it's easy to feel overwhelmed when visiting multiple universities. Keira has just finished her History degree and has some advice on key things to look for when attending an open day!</p> <p>View Keira's blog post <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here.<i class='new-window-link' aria-hidden='true' title='Link opens in a new window'></i><span class='sr-only'>Link opens in a new window</span></a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="emily_alger.png?maxWidth=259&amp;maxHeight=264" alt="Emily Alger" border="0" /></td> <td> <h5>25th July 2022</h5> <p><strong>Answering questions I wish I had asked as a fresher by Emily Alger.</strong></p> <p>Most individuals who are thinking about going to University, or have recently began their journey, often have a long list of questions. Emily, a recent Maths and Statistics graduate here at the University of Warwick, is a member of the WP Student Network - and is here to help answer some of those questions in her blog post!</p> <p>View Emily's blog post <a href="emily_alger.docx" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here<i class='new-window-link' aria-hidden='true' title='Link opens in a new window'></i><span class='sr-only'>Link opens in a new window</span></a>.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="somo7.jpg?maxWidth=273&amp;maxHeight=182" alt="" border="0" /></td> <td> <h5>19 November 2021</h5> <p>We hope that regular readers will have got a taste of the work we do here in the Widening Participation and Outreach team and none of that could happen without the support of Student Ambassadors.</p> <p>Today’s piece is a call out to our current students, from every faculty, from all backgrounds, and levels of study &ndash; please consider joining Warwick Welcome Service. Find out more<a href="wws_blog.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> here.<i class='new-window-link' aria-hidden='true' title='Link opens in a new window'></i><span class='sr-only'>Link opens in a new window</span></a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="face_blog.jpg?maxWidth=&amp;maxHeight=" rel="lightbox[all]"><img src="face_blog.jpg?maxWidth=163&amp;maxHeight=290" alt="" border="0" /></a></td> <td> <h5>17 July 2021</h5> <p>This past year and a half has led to many of us changing the way we work, but what has that meant for Widening Participation?</p> <p>One of our team members, Katie, has shared her reflections on what we have done, what worked and what the future may look like. You can read the blog <a href="">here</a>.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="hanna_blog_2.jpg?maxWidth=&amp;maxHeight=" rel="lightbox[all]" title="student in front of coventry building "><img src="hanna_blog_2.jpg?maxWidth=321&amp;maxHeight=428" alt="student in front of coventry building " align="left" border="0" /></a></td> <td> <h5>18 June 2021</h5> <p>We are thrilled to share this piece by Sanctuary Scholar and WBS student, Hanna.</p> <p>Hanna helps us celebrate the Coventry City of Culture 2021 Resonate Festival, and this month's theme of Sanctuary.</p> <p>Hannah shares her reflections on her time in Coventry so far and how she's been inspired through her volunteering at local schools. Read Hanna's blog <a href="city_of_culture_and_sanctuary_blog_hanna_amanuel.pdf">here</a>.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="fatou.jpg?maxWidth=281&amp;maxHeight=379" alt="Student Fatou" border="0" /></td> <td> <h5>23 April 2021</h5> <p>Today we hear from Realising Opportunities Mentor and current student, Fatou. about</p> <p>Fatou shares her experiences of choosing a University course and her top tips for anyone thinking of going to University.</p> <p>You can read more <a href="ro_blog_.pdf">here.</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="picc.jpg?maxWidth=340&amp;maxHeight=191" alt="Hannah Amanuel" border="0" /></td> <td> <h5>1 April 2021</h5> <p>We are thrilled to share this blog from current Warwick Business School student, Hanna. Hanna first came to the country as a child refugee with her family from Eritrea. Since then, she excelled at school and gained her A levels. She first joined Warwick via our WBS foundation year, after not quite making her grades on results day. We are so happy that Hanna has shared her inspiring story and we look forward to hearing more from her throughout her student journey. Read her blog <a href="hanna_blog.docx">here</a>.</p> <p>Hanna is a paid student blogger.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="naw_blog.png?maxWidth=342&amp;maxHeight=342" rel="lightbox[all]"><img src="naw_blog.png?maxWidth=342" alt="" border="0" /></a></td> <td> <h5>12 February 2021</h5> <p>To round off a great National Apprenticeship Week, we hear from Fiona, in our Degree Apprenticeship team and Sabrina, an apprentice and blogger here at Warwick.</p> <p>They signpost to some excellent resources and information, as well as leaving details for how to find out more and where to send your questions.</p> <p>Read their blog <a href="wp_blog_1.pdf">here.</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><img src="blog_images.png?maxWidth=340" alt="" border="0" /></p> <p><img src="web_pages.png?maxWidth=340" alt="" border="0" /></p> </td> <td> <h5>18 December 2020</h5> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>It is safe to say that this has been a very long and very strange year, and a very trying first term for schools and universities.</p> <p>We would like to say a huge thank you to all of the teachers, schools, academics and staff who have continued to work so hard to provide the best provision to young people that we can and we are very proud of what we have achieved in this time.</p> <p>Wallis is signing off for Christmas now but here are a few of his highlights on the left, please check out our accounts and webpages for lots of informative and interactive resources.</p> <p>We hope you have a restful, happy Christmas and here’s to a brighter New Year.</p> <p>Best wishes</p> <p>Wallis and The Widening Participation Team</p> <p>Our <a href="">Instagram</a> page</p> <p>Our twitter <a href="">account</a></p> <p>Our digital resources <a href="">pages</a>, including videos, interactive content and school activities for all age groups</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img border="0" src="carers_blog.png?maxWidth=340&amp;maxHeight=322" alt="" /></td> <td> <h5>20 November 2020</h5> <p>On Carers Rights Day, Widening Participation Officer Emily, shares with us her insights on the unique challenges faced by young and young-adult carers, and the enormous contribution they make to society through their unpaid work.</p> <p>Read Emily's blog <a href="carers_rights_day_blog_post.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here<i class='new-window-link' aria-hidden='true' title='Link opens in a new window'></i><span class='sr-only'>Link opens in a new window</span></a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="nick_blog.png?maxWidth=340" alt="" border="0" /></td> <td> <h5>13 November 2020</h5> <p>Nick Barker currently works for the University of Warwick and is based in a primary school in Worcester, which has been identified as an 'area of severe social deprivation'. Here, Nick gives his insights and experiences of working with the children there, reflecting on the impact of Covid and school closures and the long-term impact of this for their education, progression to Higher Education and future careers. Read Nick's blog <a href="blog_primary_wp_-_nick_barker.pdf">here.</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="olu_blog.png?maxWidth=340" alt="" border="0" /></td> <td> <h5>30 October 2020</h5> <p>Warwick Post-Graduate Olugbemi Moronfolu shares with us her insights on recent research she undertook on the history of Black music.</p> <p>Olugbemi has studied both undergraduate and post-graduate Psychology at the University of Warwick, as well as working as a mentor for young people in the local community supporting our Widening Participation programmes. Olugbemi was paid for her time for this piece, for which we are very grateful. Read Olu's blog <a href="black_music_listening_1.pdf">here</a>.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <h5><img src="blog.png?maxWidth=340" alt="writing a personal statement" border="0" /></h5> </td> <td> <h5>23 October 2020</h5> <p>Hear from our recruitment officer Esther as she bust some myths around personal statements and shares her top tips as you write your own! <a href="where_do_we_go_from_here_tips_for_writing_your_personal_statement.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click here to read!<i class='new-window-link' aria-hidden='true' title='Link opens in a new window'></i><span class='sr-only'>Link opens in a new window</span></a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="global_youth_programme.png?maxWidth=340" alt="" border="0" /></td> <td> <h5>9th October 2020</h5> <div>Warwick Sutton Scholar - Omonigho attended a week long online version of the AMP Global Youth Programme</div> <div> <p class="x_MsoNormal">The AMP Global Youth Programme pursues, designs, and demands our shared future by amplifying youth to make change louder around urgent global challenges. The AMP Global Youth Programme has engaged over <span class="x_turquoise-text"><b>100,000</b></span> youth in dialogue, training and actions around global issues since 2002.</p> <p>We are all <strong>connected</strong>, locally and globally. And together we can build a more <strong>just</strong> and <strong>sustainable</strong> world. We have an obligation to <strong>speak out</strong> and <strong>take action</strong> around global issues that impact our generation.</p> <p><a href="global_scholar_blog_omonigho.pdf">Click here to read Omonigho's blog!</a></p> <p> #GlobalScholar @AMPGlobalYouth</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="learning_styles_wp_blog_2.png?maxWidth=340" alt="" border="0" /></td> <td> <h5>21st September 2020</h5> <p>We have all learned a lot about ourselves in lockdown and had to learn in ways we probably haven’t done before. Have you ever wondered what your learning style is or how to make the best of your strengths to help you learn and keep you engaged?</p> <p>Today’s blog comes from Outreach Project Officer Dr Phil Jemmett of WMG, with his own insights &ndash; read more <a href="wp_blog_-_tinkering_and_hands-on_learning.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here<i class='new-window-link' aria-hidden='true' title='Link opens in a new window'></i><span class='sr-only'>Link opens in a new window</span></a>.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="_university_choices.png?maxWidth=340" alt="" border="0" /></td> <td> <h5>11th August 2020</h5> <p>If you’ve just finished year 12 (in the strangest circumstances ever!) you’re probably starting to think about what you want to do after year 13. Now’s the time to start narrowing down those options by doing your research. In this blog post we focus on the university route &ndash; how to choose where and what to study. <a href="uni_choices_blog.pdf">Click here</a> to read more!</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="stss_blog_post.png?maxWidth=340" alt="" border="0" /></td> <td> <h5>4th August 2020</h5> <p>Each year, the WP and Outreach Team runs a summer school for 120 Year 12 students from under-represented groups. This year however, was a little bit different - due to lockdown and social distancing we made the big decision to make our Summer School completely online. <strong><a href="inside_the_first_ever_warwick_sutton_trust_online_summer_school.pdf" rel="noopener">Read our blog</a></strong> to see what challenges we faced and how the team and our students adjusted to a completely new experience!</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="the_power_of_volunteering.png?maxWidth=340" alt="" border="0" /></td> <td> <h5>17th July 2020</h5> <p>Why volunteer? For some people, volunteering is the perfect opportunity to give back to the community, and to make a difference to people's lives. For others, it allows them to develop skills and experience in an area they are passionate about. Volunteering is also a great way to get out and about and socialise with like-minded people. Vicki, Widening Participation Officer and Experience Warwick lead, is a pro when it comes to volunteering, and over lockdown she has been busy putting her skills to good use! <strong><a href="the_power_of_volunteering.pdf" rel="noopener">Have a read</a> </strong>to see what she's been up to and whether volunteering is something that you might want to get involved with!</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="post_16_choices_1.png?maxWidth=340" alt="" border="0" /></td> <td> <h5>9th July 2020</h5> <p><i class="fal fa-file-pdf" title="PDF document" aria-label="PDF document"></i>Important choices can be really difficult to make, especially in challenging times. If you’re in Year 10, you might be making important decisions soon about what you want to do after you finish Year 11. If you’re unsure about what your options are then don’t panic! This blog post will give you a few ideas, click <strong><a href="post-16_choices9768.pdf" rel="noopener">here</a></strong> to read.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="30_days_wild.png?maxWidth=340" alt="30 Days Wild Blog" border="0" /></td> <td> <h5>3rd July 2020</h5> <p>Did you know that June was quite a special month for your local wildlife trust? Despite the pandemic, The Wildlife Trusts celebrated ‘30 Days Wild’ with daily ‘random acts of wildness’. Read more about it <a href="30_days_wild.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>here</strong><i class='new-window-link' aria-hidden='true' title='Link opens in a new window'></i><span class='sr-only'>Link opens in a new window</span></a>.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div><hr /> </div></div> <div class="column-2"><div class="column-2-content"> <div class="boxstyle_ box1"> <h2>Visit <a href=""><strong>OurWarwick</strong>&nbsp;</a>to read student blogs on a variety of topics</h2> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="id7-page-footer id7-footer-coloured"> <div class="id7-site-footer"> <div class="id7-site-footer-content"> <section class="widening-participation-footer"> <div class="brand-text pull-right"><a href="" title="Widening Participation at Warwick on Twitter"><em class="fa fa-fw fa-twitter fa-3x"></em><span class="sr-only">University of Warwick on Twitter</span></a></div> <p class="contact">Widening Participation Team, University House,<br />University of Warwick, Kirby Corner Road,<br />CV4 8UW</p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="id7-app-footer"> <div class="id7-logo-bleed"></div> <div class="id7-app-footer-content"> <div id="page-footer-elements" class="nofollow clearfix page-footer-elements"> Page contact: <a id="email-owner-link" href="/sitebuilder2/api/ajax/emailOwner.htm?page=%2Fstudy%2Foutreach%2Fdigitalactivity%2Fwpblogs" class="no-print-expand" aria-controls="email-page-owner" title="Send an email to Widening Participation Team" rel="nofollow">Widening Participation Team</a> <br> Last revised: Tue 8 Nov 2022 </div> <div id="email-page-owner" class="hidden"> </div> <div class="id7-footer-utility"> <ul> <li id="powered-by-link"> Powered by <a href="" title="More information about SiteBuilder">Sitebuilder</a> </li> <li id="accessibility-link"><a href="" title="Accessibility information [0]" accesskey="0">Accessibility</a></li> <li id="cookies-link"><a href="" title="Information about cookies">Cookies</a></li> <li id="copyright-link"><a href="" title="Copyright Statement">&copy; MMXXIV</a></li> <li id="modern-slavery-link"><a href="">Modern Slavery Statement</a></li> <li id="privacy-link"><a href="" title="Privacy notice">Privacy</a></li> <li id="terms-link"><a href="" title="Terms of use">Terms</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- Hide vacancies link on custom domains and nonbranded sites --> <div id="university-vacancies-link"> <a class="btn btn-info" href="">Work with us</a> </div> </div> </footer> </div> <div class="id7-right-border"></div> <aside id="cookie-banner"> <div class="container"> <h2>Let us know you agree to cookies</h2> <form id="cookiePreferenceForm" action="/sitebuilder2/user/cookiepreference?returnTo=%2Fstudy%2Foutreach%2Fdigitalactivity%2Fwpblogs%2F" method="POST"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4"> <p class="cookie-description">We use cookies to give you the best online experience. 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