Factorial - Complaints

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The information will be encrypted to ensure that it&#39;s sent with the highest standards of privacy and security. </div><div class="text-sm leading-base font-normal text-gray-500 text-left">Only the person designated by the company will be able to see it. </div><div class="text-sm leading-xs font-normal text-gray-500 text-left">You can report these types of misconduct: </div><div data-controller='expander'> <div class='h-20 overflow-hidden' data-target='expander.expanderContent'> <div class="text-sm leading-xs font-normal text-gray-500 text-left"><ul class='list-disc pl-6'> <li> Competence </li> <li> Public procurement </li> <li> Corporation tax </li> <li> Financial interests of the Union (expenses, collection of income and funds) </li> <li> Prevention of money laundering / financing of terrorist activities. </li> <li> Radiation protection and nuclear safety </li> <li> Environmental Protection </li> <li> Consumer protection </li> <li> Protection of personal data and privacy </li> <li> Public health </li> <li> Security of networks and information systems </li> <li> Food safety </li> <li> Transport safety </li> <li> Product safety </li> <li> Sexual harassment </li> <li> Workplace harassment </li> </ul> </div> </div> <button class='text-themed-550 font-medium' data-action='click-&gt;expander#toggle' data-height='h-20' data-target='expander.viewMore'> View more </button> <button class='text-themed-550 font-medium hidden' data-action='click-&gt;expander#toggle' data-height='h-20' data-target='expander.viewLess'> View less </button> </div> </div> <div class='pt-8'> <form action='/complaints' enctype='multipart/form-data' method='POST'> <input class='hidden' name='current_step' value='1'> <input class='hidden' id='blob_ids' name='blob_ids' value=''> <input class='hidden' name='username'> <div class=''> <div data-controller='personal-details'> <div class='mb-2 sm:mb-4'><h4 class="text-base sm:text-xl leading-sm sm:leading-base font-bold text-gray-500 factorial__headingFontFamily">Complaint form </h4></div> <div class="text-sm leading-xs font-normal text-gray-500 text-left">What&#39;s your relationship with the company? </div><div class='mb-6 sm:mb-6'><div class='flex flex-col w-full'> <label class='pb-2 text-base' for='relationship'> </label> <div class='relative flex'> <select class='border border-gray-150 rounded-sm py-2 px-6 appearance-none w-full' id='relationship' name='relationship'> <option value='client'>Client</option> <option value='contractor'>Contractor</option> <option value='employee'>Employee</option> <option value='ex_employee'>Ex Employee</option> <option value='provider'>Provider</option> <option value='others'>Others</option> </select> <div class='absolute right-0 m-2'> <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M15.8417 10.0049L7.84171 10.0049V10.0049C7.50835 9.96756 7.18853 10.1477 7.04771 10.4522L7.04771 10.4522C6.93226 10.767 7.03106 11.1203 7.29304 11.3295L11.017 15.0535C11.473 15.5076 12.2104 15.5076 12.6664 15.0535L16.3904 11.3295L16.3904 11.3295C16.6524 11.1203 16.7512 10.767 16.6357 10.4522V10.4522C16.4949 10.1477 16.1751 9.96756 15.8417 10.0049L15.8417 10.0049Z" fill="#A8A8B1"/> </svg> </div> </div> <div class='errors text-red-650 pt-1 hidden' data-error-field='relationship'> </div> </div> </div> <div class='mb-6 sm:mb-6'><div class='flex flex-col w-full'> <div class='flex items-center'> <div class='pr-2 pb-2 flex inputCheckbox'> <input class='border border-gray-150 rounded-sm p-3' data-action='click-&gt;personal-details#toggleForm' data-target='personal-details.checkbox' id='personal_details' name='personal_details' type='checkbox' value='true'> <label class='pb-2 text-base' for='personal_details'> I want to provide my details </label> </div> </div> <div class='errors text-red-650 pt-1 hidden' data-error-field='personal_details'> </div> </div> </div> <div class='hidden' data-target='personal-details.form'> <div class="text-sm leading-xs 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text-base' for='description'> Write with detail what happened, where it happened, when it happened and who was involved in the event </label> <input class='border border-gray-150 rounded-sm p-3' id='description' name='description' type='text' value=''> <div class='errors text-red-650 pt-1 hidden' data-error-field='description'> </div> </div> </div> <div class='mb-12'> <div class='mb-2 sm:mb-4'><h4 class="text-base sm:text-xl leading-sm sm:leading-base font-bold text-gray-500 factorial__headingFontFamily">Attachments </h4></div> <div class='pb-2'> <div class="text-sm leading-xs font-normal text-gray-500 text-left">Add any documents, photos, etc that could serve as proof for the report. </div></div> <div class='mb-6 sm:mb-6'><div class='flex flex-col w-full'> <label class='pb-2 text-base' for='attachments[]'> Upload any file </label> <div data-controller='uploader'> <input type="hidden" name="uploader_blob_names" id="uploader_blob_names" data-target="uploader.hiddenBlobNamesInput" 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15.0006 2.51991 14.8952 2.70742 14.7076L7.88208 9.53356C7.89757 9.51804 7.91596 9.50572 7.93621 9.49732C7.95646 9.48892 7.97816 9.48459 8.00008 9.48459C8.02201 9.48459 8.04371 9.48892 8.06396 9.49732C8.08421 9.50572 8.1026 9.51804 8.11808 9.53356L13.2928 14.7089C13.3856 14.8018 13.4958 14.8755 13.6172 14.9258C13.7385 14.976 13.8685 15.0019 13.9999 15.002C14.1312 15.002 14.2612 14.9762 14.3826 14.9259C14.5039 14.8757 14.6142 14.8021 14.7071 14.7092C14.8 14.6164 14.8737 14.5061 14.924 14.3848C14.9742 14.2635 15.0001 14.1335 15.0002 14.0021C15.0002 13.8708 14.9744 13.7407 14.9241 13.6194C14.8739 13.498 14.8003 13.3878 14.7074 13.2949L9.53342 8.11822C9.5179 8.10274 9.50558 8.08435 9.49718 8.0641C9.48878 8.04385 9.48445 8.02215 9.48445 8.00022C9.48445 7.9783 9.48878 7.95659 9.49718 7.93635C9.50558 7.9161 9.5179 7.89771 9.53342 7.88222L14.7088 2.70756C14.8963 2.51978 15.0015 2.26521 15.0013 1.99985C15.0011 1.73449 14.8955 1.48006 14.7078 1.29256C14.52 1.10505 14.2654 0.999813 14 1C13.7347 1.00019 13.4803 1.10578 13.2928 1.29356L8.11808 6.46689C8.1026 6.48241 8.08421 6.49473 8.06396 6.50313C8.04371 6.51153 8.02201 6.51585 8.00008 6.51585C7.97816 6.51585 7.95646 6.51153 7.93621 6.50313C7.91596 6.49473 7.89757 6.48241 7.88208 6.46689L2.70742 1.29356C2.61457 1.20067 2.50434 1.12698 2.38302 1.07669C2.26169 1.0264 2.13165 1.0005 2.00032 1.00047C1.73508 1.00041 1.48068 1.10571 1.29308 1.29322C1.10549 1.48073 1.00006 1.73508 1 2.00032C0.999938 2.26556 1.10524 2.51996 1.29275 2.70756L6.46675 7.88222C6.48227 7.89771 6.49459 7.9161 6.50299 7.93635C6.51139 7.95659 6.51572 7.9783 6.51572 8.00022C6.51572 8.02215 6.51139 8.04385 6.50299 8.0641C6.49459 8.08435 6.48227 8.10274 6.46675 8.11822L1.29275 13.2936Z" fill="#82878A"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='errors text-red-650 pt-1 hidden' data-error-field='attachments[]'> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='mb-6 sm:mb-6'><div class='flex flex-col w-full'> <div class='flex items-center'> <div class='pr-2 pb-2 flex 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