Privacy Policy – Hugging Face

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> <strong>🗓 Effective Date: March 28, 2023</strong> </p> <p>We have implemented this Privacy Policy because your privacy is important to us. This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) describes the type of information that Hugging Face, Inc. (the “Company”) gathers from users of the Hugging Face services (the “Services”), and how the Company uses that information.</p> <p>The Policy is part of the Company Terms of Use. The Policy applies to all users of the Services (“Users”).</p> <p>The Company occasionally collects Personal Information from Users. “Personal Information” means any information that can, alone or associated with other information, be used to identify an individual, for instance by reference of a name, a username, an email address, an IP address, a photograph or others.</p> <p>By using the Services, you consent to the terms of the Policy and to our processing of Personal Information in the manner and for the purposes set forth herein. If you do not agree with the Policy, please do not use the Services.</p> <p>The Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change the Policy at any time, which change will be effective 10 days following posting the revision to the Policy on the Hugging Face website (the “Website”). Your continued use of the Services 10 days following such posting means you accept those changes.</p> <h3 id="1-information-we-collect">1. INFORMATION WE COLLECT</h3> <p>The Company collects the following information, some of which might be Personal Information.</p> <h4 id="a-information-you-provide-directly">A. Information you provide directly</h4> <p>The Company collects information directly provided by Users as part of using the Services, such as:</p> <ul> <li>information provided as part of setting up an account on the Website: email address, password, username, full name, and other optional information such as an avatar, your interests, or usernames to your third-party social networks,</li> <li>payment information provided, if you decide to upgrade your user or organization account: credit card information,</li> <li>other information and materials that you decide to post on the Website (e.g., the discussion forum, or other),</li> <li>communications between you and the Company, as part of using the Services.</li> </ul> <p>At any time during your use of the Services, you may decide to share some information or content publicly or privately.</p> <p>If you decide to share your information or content publicly, and if you decide to include Personal Information, you understand that anyone may view this information.</p> <p>If you decide to keep your information private and control the access to it, you understand that only the users that you authorize will view this information. The Company also reserves the right to access this information with your consent, or without your consent only for the purposes of pursuing legitimate interests such as maintaining security on its Services or complying with any legal or regulatory obligations.</p> <h4 id="b-information-we-collect-from-third-parties">B. Information we collect from third parties</h4> <p>We may collect Information from third parties that help us deliver the Services or process information.</p> <h4 id="c-information-we-automatically-collect-from-your-use-of-the-services">C. Information we automatically collect from your use of the Services</h4> <p>The Company automatically records information from your use of the Services such as:</p> <ul> <li>information about your Use of the Services, your session (date, location), your IP address,</li> <li>information from cookies, especially your login information, your preferences,</li> <li>information about your device: type, model, version, operating system, browser</li> </ul> <h4 id="d-cookies">D. Cookies</h4> <p>We use cookies only for the purposes of delivering, updating, monitoring, improving the Services, and maintaining security on our Services by detecting, preventing and responding to any type of threats or incidents.</p> <p>We may collect Information through those cookies. If you do not wish to accept these cookies and you decide to disable them, you will not be able to access and use the Services.</p> <h4 id="e-do-not-track">E. “Do Not Track”</h4> <p>On September 27, 2013, California enacted A.B. 370, amending the California Online Privacy Protection Act to require website operators to disclose how they respond to &quot;Do Not Track Signals&quot;; and whether third parties collect personally identifiable information about users when they use online services.</p> <p>The Company honors &quot;do not track&quot; signals and does not track, use cookies, or use advertising when a “do not track” mechanism is in place.</p> <p>The Company does not authorize the collection of personally identifiable information from our users for third party use through advertising technologies without separate member consent.</p> <p>California Civil Code Section 1798.83 also permits customers who are California residents to request certain information regarding Our disclosure of Personal Information to third parties for direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please send an email to <a href="mailto:&#112;&#x72;&#x69;&#x76;&#x61;&#99;&#121;&#x40;&#x68;&#x75;&#103;&#103;&#105;&#x6e;&#103;&#102;&#97;&#99;&#101;&#x2e;&#99;&#x6f;">&#112;&#x72;&#x69;&#x76;&#x61;&#99;&#121;&#x40;&#x68;&#x75;&#103;&#103;&#105;&#x6e;&#103;&#102;&#97;&#99;&#101;&#x2e;&#99;&#x6f;</a>. Please note that the Company is only required to respond to one request per customer each year.</p> <h3 id="2-use-of-information">2. USE OF INFORMATION</h3> <h4 id="purposes-of-the-use-of-information">Purposes of the use of Information</h4> <p>The Company may use information from Users for the following purposes:</p> <ul> <li>to deliver the Services, which may include the creation of Your account, the display of Your profile or Your content, or if applicable the upgrading of Your account to a paid account,</li> <li>to operate and improve the Services by providing you with more effective customer service, making the Services easier to use by eliminating the need for you to enter the same information repeatedly; performing research and analysis aimed at improving the Services, or other products and technologies of the Company; automatically updating the Services; diagnosing or fixing problems with the Services,</li> <li>to conduct analysis or research on the Services or any topics related to it, for business operations or scientific purposes,</li> <li>to communicate with you, especially through the sending of welcome emails, information on technical service issues, security announcements, information of new services available, legal notices, response to your requests, or any other information that we think might interest or be relevant to you,</li> <li>to ensure and maintain security on our Services or Website, which may include detecting, preventing, investigating or otherwise addressing fraud or security issues,</li> <li>to protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of the Company, our Users, yourself or the public,</li> <li>to enforce any applicable terms of service or agreement, including investigations of potential violations thereof,</li> <li>to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental requests.</li> </ul> <h4 id="b-grounds-for-the-use-of-information">B. Grounds for the use of Information</h4> <p>Pursuant to applicable data protection laws, and especially the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the “GDPR”), Hugging Face remains under an obligation to notify the Users about the legal basis on which their Personal Information is processed.</p> <p><strong>Consent</strong></p> <p>By creating an account on the Website and by using the Services, you consent to disclose information, some of which might be personal, and to our processing of such Personal Information in the manner and for the purposes set forth in this Policy.</p> <p><strong>Agreement</strong></p> <p>If you or your organization enter into an agreement with Hugging Face, either by simply using the Services and abiding by the terms and conditions available on the Website, or by executing another separate agreement, you also consent to our processing of your Personal Information as pursuant the obligations of such an agreement.</p> <p><strong>Legitimate Interests</strong></p> <p>Apart from the above cases, Hugging Face will use the information collected from you to pursue legitimate interests such as legal or regulatory compliance, security control, business operations, scientific research, or any other interest reasonably held as legitimate.</p> <h3 id="3-sharing-of-information">3. SHARING OF INFORMATION</h3> <p>The Company will not sell, rent or lease your Personal Information except as provided for by this Policy. The Company may also share other information as provided by this Policy.</p> <h4 id="a-affiliates">A. Affiliates</h4> <p>The Company may share User Information and Personal information collected by the Services with businesses that are legally part of the same group as the Company, or that become part of that group in the event of a change of control, merger, acquisition or sale (“Affiliates”).</p> <h4 id="b-third-party-service-providers">B. Third Party Service Providers</h4> <p>The Company may occasionally hire other companies to provide limited services on its behalf, such as providing customer support, hosting websites, processing transactions, or performing statistical analysis of its Services. Those companies will be permitted to obtain only the Personal Information they need to deliver the relevant service. They will be required to maintain the confidentiality of the information and are prohibited from using it for any other purpose. Please refer to the list of Third Party Service Providers below.</p> <h4 id="c-with-your-consent">C. With your consent</h4> <p>At any time during your use of the Services, or upon explicit request from us, you may consent to the disclosure of your information.</p> <h4 id="d-for-security-and-safety-purposes">D. For security and safety purposes</h4> <p>In the event of any fraud, security threats or incidents, we reserve the right to disclose your information without your consent for the purposes of ensuring and maintaining security on our Website and for all of our Users, and detecting, preventing, investigating or otherwise addressing fraud or security issues.</p> <p>Similarly, we reserve the right to disclose your information without your consent for the purpose of protecting against harm to the rights, property or safety of the Company, our Users, yourself or the public.</p> <h4 id="e-for-legal-or-regulatory-purposes">E. For legal or regulatory purposes</h4> <p>We also reserve the right to disclose your information without your consent to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental requests.</p> <h4 id="g-anonymous-information">G. Anonymous Information</h4> <p>The Company may use Anonymous Information (as defined below) or disclose it to third party service providers, to provide and improve the Services and other products or technologies of the Company. The Company may disclose Anonymous Information (with or without compensation) to third parties, including advertisers and partners, for purposes including, but not limited to, targeting advertisements. &quot;Anonymous Information&quot; means information which does not enable identification of an individual User, such as aggregated information about use of the Services.</p> <h3 id="4-your-rights">4. YOUR RIGHTS</h3> <h4 id="a-access-your-information">A. Access your Information</h4> <p>You may be entitled under data protection laws to access and review Personal Information the Company holds related to you.</p> <p>You may access, modify or delete the Information we collected by editing your profile or controlling the content that you share at any time.</p> <p>If you have any other request, all such communications regarding access to Personal Information should be addressed to: <a href="mailto:&#112;&#x72;&#105;&#x76;&#x61;&#99;&#121;&#x40;&#x68;&#x75;&#x67;&#x67;&#x69;&#x6e;&#103;&#x66;&#97;&#x63;&#x65;&#46;&#x63;&#x6f;">&#112;&#x72;&#105;&#x76;&#x61;&#99;&#121;&#x40;&#x68;&#x75;&#x67;&#x67;&#x69;&#x6e;&#103;&#x66;&#97;&#x63;&#x65;&#46;&#x63;&#x6f;</a>. Such inquiries should be clearly marked as data protection queries and you should indicate if the request is time sensitive.</p> <h4 id="b-data-retention">B. Data retention</h4> <p>We retain your Information for as long as necessary to deliver the Services, to comply with any applicable legal requirements, to maintain security and prevent incidents and, in general, to pursue our legitimate interests.</p> <p>You may decide to cancel your account and your content at any time by editing your profile. If you wish to request the erasure of all of your Personal Information that we process, you may do so by sending a written request to <a href="mailto:&#x70;&#x72;&#105;&#x76;&#97;&#x63;&#x79;&#x40;&#104;&#x75;&#x67;&#103;&#105;&#x6e;&#103;&#102;&#97;&#x63;&#x65;&#46;&#x63;&#111;">&#x70;&#x72;&#105;&#x76;&#97;&#x63;&#x79;&#x40;&#104;&#x75;&#x67;&#103;&#105;&#x6e;&#103;&#102;&#97;&#x63;&#x65;&#46;&#x63;&#111;</a>.</p> <h3 id="5-data-security">5. DATA SECURITY</h3> <p>The security of your Personal Information is important to us. The Company follows generally accepted industry standards, including the use of appropriate administrative, physical and technical safeguards, to protect Personal Information. However, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is fully secure. Therefore, while the Company strives to use commercially acceptable means to protect Personal Information, the Company cannot guarantee its absolute security or confidentiality. If you have any questions about security, you can contact the Company at <a href="mailto:&#x70;&#x72;&#x69;&#118;&#x61;&#99;&#x79;&#64;&#x68;&#x75;&#103;&#103;&#x69;&#x6e;&#x67;&#102;&#97;&#99;&#101;&#x2e;&#99;&#x6f;">&#x70;&#x72;&#x69;&#118;&#x61;&#99;&#x79;&#64;&#x68;&#x75;&#103;&#103;&#x69;&#x6e;&#x67;&#102;&#97;&#99;&#101;&#x2e;&#99;&#x6f;</a>.</p> <p>In the event of an incident affecting your Personal Information, we will act promptly acceptable means to identify and address the incident, and to notify you.</p> <p>Please be aware that certain Personal Information and other information provided by you in connection with your use of the Services may be stored on your device (even if that Information is not collected by the Company). You are solely responsible for maintaining the security of your device from unauthorized access. Similarly, you also remain responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password or any other information that should reasonably be held confidential.</p> <h3 id="6-location-of-processing-and-data-transfers">6. LOCATION OF PROCESSING AND DATA TRANSFERS</h3> <p>The Company and its servers are located in the United States.</p> <p>Personal Information collected by the Services may be stored and processed in the United States or any other country in which the Company or its affiliates, subsidiaries or agents maintain facilities. By using the Services, you consent to any such transfer of information outside of your country. The Company may transfer your Personal Information to affiliated companies for the purpose of storing or processing such information on its behalf. Such information may be transferred to other countries around the world. The Company requires that these parties agree to process such information in compliance with the Policy.</p> <p>In particular, if you provide Personal Information, it may be transferred to and processed on computers in the U.S. and other countries. We strive to take appropriate safeguards to ensure that your Personal Information will remain protected in a manner consistent with standard applicable data protection laws.</p> <p>If you have any other question, please contact the Company at: <a href="mailto:&#112;&#114;&#x69;&#118;&#x61;&#99;&#x79;&#x40;&#x68;&#117;&#x67;&#x67;&#105;&#110;&#x67;&#x66;&#97;&#99;&#x65;&#x2e;&#99;&#x6f;">&#112;&#114;&#x69;&#118;&#x61;&#99;&#x79;&#x40;&#x68;&#117;&#x67;&#x67;&#105;&#110;&#x67;&#x66;&#97;&#99;&#x65;&#x2e;&#99;&#x6f;</a>.</p> <h3 id="7-childrens-privacy">7. CHILDREN’S PRIVACY</h3> <p>The Services are neither directed to nor structured to attract children under the age of 13 years. Accordingly, the Company does not intend to collect Personal Information from anyone it knows to be under 13 years of age. The Company will direct potential users under 13 years of age not to use the Services.</p> <p>If the Company learns that Personal Information of persons less than 13 years of age has been collected without verifiable parental consent, the Company will take the appropriate steps to delete this information.</p> <p>To make such a request, please contact the Company at: <a href="mailto:&#112;&#114;&#105;&#118;&#97;&#99;&#121;&#64;&#x68;&#x75;&#103;&#x67;&#105;&#x6e;&#103;&#102;&#97;&#x63;&#101;&#x2e;&#99;&#111;">&#112;&#114;&#105;&#118;&#97;&#99;&#121;&#64;&#x68;&#x75;&#103;&#x67;&#105;&#x6e;&#103;&#102;&#97;&#x63;&#101;&#x2e;&#99;&#111;</a>.</p> <h3 id="8-communications-and-can-spam-act">8. COMMUNICATIONS AND CAN-SPAM ACT</h3> <p>The Company may collect your email address in order to send information and respond to inquiries and/or other requests or questions.</p> <p>The Company does not use false or misleading subjects or email addresses. The Company reasonably identifies advertisements and includes in its communications the physical address of its business location. The Company honors opt-out/unsubscribe requests. Users may follow the instructions at the bottom of an email from the Company in order to unsubscribe from correspondence.</p> <h3 id="9-contact-us">9. CONTACT US</h3> <p>If you have questions about this Policy, please contact <a href="mailto:&#112;&#x72;&#x69;&#118;&#97;&#99;&#x79;&#64;&#x68;&#x75;&#103;&#x67;&#105;&#x6e;&#x67;&#102;&#97;&#x63;&#x65;&#x2e;&#99;&#x6f;">&#112;&#x72;&#x69;&#118;&#97;&#99;&#x79;&#64;&#x68;&#x75;&#103;&#x67;&#105;&#x6e;&#x67;&#102;&#97;&#x63;&#x65;&#x2e;&#99;&#x6f;</a>.</p> <p>The main establishment in the European Union is Hugging Face, SAS, a French société par actions simplifiée à associé unique registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under the number 822 168 043, and whose headquarters are located on 9 rue des Colonnes, 75002 Paris, France. The designation of this main establishment in the European Union gives full authority to the French Data Protection Agency, la Commission Nationale de l&#39;Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) per the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).</p> <h3 id="10-list-of-third-party-service-providers">10. LIST OF THIRD-PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS</h3> <p>We may share your information with Third-Party Service Providers, and when we do, we ensure that they access your information in compliance with applicable data protection laws. The following list respects the format <code>Subprocessor | Description of Subprocessing | Location of Subprocessing</code>.</p> <ul> <li>Discourse | Forum | United States</li> <li>AWS SES | Emails | United States</li> <li>Amazon Web Services, Inc. | Hosting/Infrastructure | United States</li> <li>Stripe | Payment | United States</li> <li>MongoDB Atlas | Hosting/Infrastructure | United States</li> <li>Google Cloud Platform | Hosting/Infrastructure | United States/EMEA</li> <li>GitHub | Hosting code | United States</li> <li>OVHCloud | Hosting/Infrastructure | France</li> <li>Slack Technologies | Communication | United States</li> <li>Hugging Face SAS | All of the above | France</li> </ul> <!-- HTML_TAG_END --></div></div></main> <footer class="b-12 mb-2 flex border-t border-gray-100 md:h-14"><nav class="container flex flex-col justify-between space-y-2 py-6 text-gray-500 md:flex-row md:items-center md:space-y-0 md:py-0 md:text-sm"><div class="font-semibold text-black md:hidden">Company</div> <div class="order-last pt-6 text-gray-400 md:order-none md:pt-0" href="Terms">© Hugging Face</div> <a class="hover:underline" href="/terms-of-service">TOS</a> <a class="hover:underline" href="/privacy">Privacy</a> <a class="hover:underline" href="/huggingface">About</a> <a class="hover:underline" href="">Jobs</a> <a href="/" class="group order-first flex-none pb-6 md:order-none md:pb-0"><svg class="h-7 w-7 transition-transform group-hover:-translate-y-px" viewBox="0 0 95 88" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M47.2119 76.5C66.4037 76.5 81.9619 60.9419 81.9619 41.75C81.9619 22.5581 66.4037 7 47.2119 7C28.02 7 12.4619 22.5581 12.4619 41.75C12.4619 60.9419 28.02 76.5 47.2119 76.5Z" fill="#FFD21E"></path><path d="M81.9619 41.75C81.9619 22.5581 66.4037 7 47.2119 7C28.02 7 12.4619 22.5581 12.4619 41.75C12.4619 60.9419 28.02 76.5 47.2119 76.5C66.4037 76.5 81.9619 60.9419 81.9619 41.75ZM8.46185 41.75C8.46185 20.349 25.8108 3 47.2119 3C68.6129 3 85.9619 20.349 85.9619 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70.328C20.7518 70.328 20.8328 70.295 20.8768 70.225C21.6178 69.029 21.2118 68.194 15.9888 65.033C10.7658 61.871 7.0998 59.969 9.1848 57.699C9.4248 57.437 9.7648 57.321 10.1778 57.321C13.3488 57.322 20.8408 64.14 20.8408 64.14C20.8408 64.14 22.8628 66.243 24.0858 66.243C24.3668 66.243 24.6058 66.132 24.7678 65.858C25.6348 64.396 16.7148 57.636 16.2118 54.847C15.8708 52.957 16.4508 52 17.5238 52Z" fill="#FF9D0B"></path><path class="origin-bottom-right transition-transform group-hover:-rotate-6" d="M38.5967 76.6898C41.3487 72.6538 41.1537 69.6248 37.3777 65.8508C33.6017 62.0778 31.4037 56.5578 31.4037 56.5578C31.4037 56.5578 30.5827 53.3518 28.7127 53.6468C26.8427 53.9418 25.4697 58.7328 29.3867 61.6638C33.3037 64.5938 28.6067 66.5848 27.0997 63.8328C25.5927 61.0808 21.4777 54.0058 19.3437 52.6528C17.2107 51.2998 15.7087 52.0578 16.2117 54.8468C16.7147 57.6358 25.6357 64.3958 24.7677 65.8588C23.8997 67.3208 20.8407 64.1398 20.8407 64.1398C20.8407 64.1398 11.2687 55.4288 9.18465 57.6988C7.10065 59.9688 10.7657 61.8708 15.9887 65.0328C21.2127 68.1938 21.6177 69.0288 20.8767 70.2248C20.1347 71.4208 8.60465 61.6998 7.52165 65.8208C6.43965 69.9418 19.2887 71.1378 18.4957 73.9828C17.7027 76.8288 9.44465 68.5978 7.75565 71.8048C6.06565 75.0128 19.4087 78.7818 19.5167 78.8098C23.8267 79.9278 34.7727 82.2968 38.5967 76.6898Z" fill="#FFD21E"></path><path class="origin-bottom-left transition-transform group-hover:rotate-6" d="M77.3999 48C79.0189 48 80.4659 48.665 81.4749 49.871C82.0989 50.618 82.7509 51.822 82.8039 53.625C83.4829 53.43 84.1359 53.321 84.7459 53.321C86.2959 53.321 87.6959 53.915 88.6859 54.994C89.9579 56.379 90.5229 58.081 90.2769 59.784C90.1599 60.595 89.8889 61.322 89.4839 61.995C90.3379 62.686 90.9669 63.648 91.2709 64.805C91.5089 65.712 91.7529 67.601 90.4789 69.547C90.5599 69.674 90.6359 69.806 90.7069 69.941C91.4729 71.395 91.5219 73.038 90.8459 74.568C89.8209 76.887 87.2739 78.714 82.3279 80.675C79.2509 81.895 76.4359 82.675 76.4109 82.682C72.3429 83.737 68.6639 84.273 65.4789 84.273C59.6249 84.273 55.4339 82.48 53.0219 78.944C49.1399 73.25 49.6949 68.042 54.7179 63.022C57.4979 60.244 59.3459 56.148 59.7309 55.249C60.5069 52.587 62.5589 49.628 65.9699 49.628H65.9709C66.2579 49.628 66.5479 49.651 66.8339 49.696C68.3279 49.931 69.6339 50.791 70.5669 52.085C71.5739 50.833 72.5519 49.837 73.4369 49.275C74.7709 48.429 76.1039 48 77.3999 48ZM77.3999 52C76.8899 52 76.2669 52.217 75.5799 52.653C73.4469 54.006 69.3309 61.081 67.8239 63.833C67.3189 64.755 66.4559 65.145 65.6789 65.145C64.1369 65.145 62.9329 63.612 65.5379 61.664C69.4549 58.733 68.0809 53.942 66.2109 53.647C66.1289 53.634 66.0479 53.628 65.9699 53.628C64.2699 53.628 63.5199 56.558 63.5199 56.558C63.5199 56.558 61.3219 62.078 57.5459 65.851C53.7699 69.625 53.5749 72.654 56.3269 76.69C58.2039 79.442 61.7969 80.273 65.4789 80.273C69.2979 80.273 73.2129 79.379 75.4069 78.81C75.5149 78.782 88.8579 75.013 87.1679 71.805C86.8839 71.266 86.4159 71.05 85.8269 71.05C83.4469 71.05 79.1179 74.592 77.2569 74.592C76.8409 74.592 76.5479 74.415 76.4279 73.983C75.6349 71.138 88.4849 69.942 87.4019 65.821C87.2109 65.092 86.6929 64.796 85.9649 64.797C82.8199 64.797 75.7639 70.328 74.2849 70.328C74.1719 70.328 74.0909 70.295 74.0469 70.225C73.3059 69.029 73.7119 68.194 78.9349 65.033C84.1579 61.871 87.8239 59.969 85.7389 57.699C85.4989 57.437 85.1589 57.321 84.7459 57.321C81.5749 57.322 74.0829 64.14 74.0829 64.14C74.0829 64.14 72.0609 66.243 70.8379 66.243C70.5569 66.243 70.3179 66.132 70.1559 65.858C69.2889 64.396 78.2089 57.636 78.7119 54.847C79.0529 52.957 78.4729 52 77.3999 52Z" fill="#FF9D0B"></path><path class="origin-bottom-left transition-transform group-hover:rotate-6" d="M56.3271 76.6898C53.5751 72.6538 53.7701 69.6248 57.5461 65.8508C61.3221 62.0778 63.5201 56.5578 63.5201 56.5578C63.5201 56.5578 64.3411 53.3518 66.2111 53.6468C68.0811 53.9418 69.4541 58.7328 65.5371 61.6638C61.6201 64.5938 66.3171 66.5848 67.8241 63.8328C69.3311 61.0808 73.4461 54.0058 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