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PARTNERING DIVISION. <br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Cambridge Innovation Institute Announces the Acquisition of Evaluating Biopharma</b><br />NEEDHAM, Mass., July 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Cambridge Innovation Institute (CII) announces the acquisition of Rockville, Maryland-based Evaluating Biopharma (EBP) from BioPlan Associates, Inc. The EBP acquisition includes the properties in its event portfolio as well as its media offerings.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Cambridge Innovation Institute Announces COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for Reopening Safely</b><br />NEEDHAM, MASS., AUGUST 24, 2021 (PRWEB) - With concern about the Delta and subsequent variants, the updated CDC guidance, and cases spiking, Cambridge Innovation Institute (CII) announces the mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy to ensure maximum safety of employees and in-person event participants.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Cambridge Innovation Institute Announces the Acquisition of the AI World Conference &amp; Expo and AI Trends</b><br /><i>The Leading Artificial Intelligence Conference and Publication to Join Cambridge Innovation Institute&rsquo;s Extensive Portfolio</i><br />NEEDHAM, Mass., April 18, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cambridge Innovation Institute (CII), announces the acquisition of Westborough, Massachusetts based Trends Equity, Inc., which includes the properties of the annual AI World Conference &amp; Expo and AI Trends media offerings.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Pharma and Biotech Data Science Pioneers to Share What&rsquo;s Next at Bio-IT World</b><br /><i>A Roster of Leading Data Science Practitioners Will Share Tech-Enabled Opportunities to Advance Medicine, Starting with an Update from Mark Boguski, Originator of the Term 'Precision Medicine'</i><br />BOSTON, March 29, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cambridge Healthtech Institute, a division of Cambridge Innovation Institute, is pleased to once again invite the community to join the knowledge-sharing and celebration of the annual Bio-IT World Conference &amp; Expo, May 15-17, 2018 in Boston. Headlining the 2018 keynote sessions are esteemed data scientists from across the life science industry: Liberty BioSecurity&rsquo;s Mark Boguski, TCB Analytics&rsquo; Tanya Cashorali, Alexion Pharmaceuticals&rsquo; John Reynders, Merck&rsquo;s veteran Jerald Schindler, and H3 Biomedicine&rsquo;s Lihua Yu. Together they will assess today&rsquo;s most impactful advances in visualizing, storing, processing, sharing, and moving data to enable bigger research projects and deeper discoveries. More than 4,000 international participants are expected to join the discussion at this year&rsquo;s event.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Record Attendance! Over 1,800 Clinical Ops Executives Attending SCOPE Summit in Orlando, FL</b><br /><i>An international gathering to hear solutions on various aspects of clinical trial planning and management at 18 co-located conferences</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - February 09, 2018) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI), a division of Cambridge Innovation Institute, announces agenda updates and special events planned for the Ninth Annual SCOPE: Summit for Clinical Ops Executives at the Hyatt Regency Orlando, FL, February 12-15, 2018.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Cambridge EnerTech to Acquire Battery Power</b><br /><i>Battery Power News Portfolio and Event to Join Leading Conference Producer and Publisher</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - July 26, 2017) - Cambridge EnerTech (CET), a division of Cambridge Innovation Institute, announced today the acquisition of and Battery Power from Colorado-based Webcom Communications Corp., an integrated media company serving advanced technology industries and markets worldwide.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Speaker Applications Now Being Accepted for the 25th International Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference</b><br /><i>The premier event on Molecular Medicine &amp; Diagnostics, uniting 3,700 innovative thinkers and thought leaders throughout biotech, pharma and academia, is accepting speaker proposals</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 30, 2017) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute, a division of Cambridge Innovation Institute, announces the opening of the call for speakers for the 25th International Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference, taking place February 11-16, 2018 at the Moscone South Convention Center in San Francisco, CA.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>250 Diagnostics Innovators Selected to Present at Ninth Annual Next Generation Dx Summit</b><br /><i>Faculty of Diagnostics Professionals at the Forefront of Cutting-Edge Research to Share their Most Exciting Advancements this August in Washington, DC</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 29, 2017) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute, a division of Cambridge Innovation Institute, a leading producer of life science conferences, is pleased to announce the final selection of diagnostics innovators confirmed to present their latest research and clinical advancements at the ninth annual Next Generation Dx Summit, August 15-18, 2017 in Washington, DC. Presentations will span the breadth of opportunity across diagnostics, including the coverage of novel immunotherapy biomarkers, non-invasive and point-of-care testing, companion diagnostics, clinical NGS assays, digital PCR, and diagnostics for infectious diseases, critical care, forensics, microfluidics and the microbiome. More than 1,000 biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical technology professionals participate each year.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Full Speaker and Presentation List Announced for World Preclinical Congress Europe 2017</b><br /><i>Over 50 Distinguished Speakers to Present on the Latest Preclinical Strategies and Technologies this Fall in Lisbon</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 15, 2017) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI) announced the full speaker and presentation agenda for the 2nd Annual World Preclinical Congress Europe, taking place 15-17 November 2017 at the Sheraton Lisboa Hotel &amp; Spa in Lisbon, Portugal. Building on the success of last year's inaugural event, World Preclinical Congress Europe looks forward to welcoming 200+ international drug discovery delegates from top biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and academic institutions. The event provides a unique opportunity for scientists and technology providers based in the European Union to share ideas with their global counterparts to create a strong and diverse community to transform traditional drug discovery and accelerate preclinical work.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Commercializing Novel IVDs: A Comprehensive Manual for Success</b><br /><i>Unique manual will provide an overview of the major components to IVD development, from product conception through commercialization</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 15, 2017) - Insight Pharma Reports, a division of Healthtech Publishing, offers Commercializing Novel IVDs: A Comprehensive Manual for Success, a unique manual will provide an overview of the major components to IVD development, from product conception through commercialization.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Bio-IT World Best Practices Awards Opens for Entries</b><br /><i>Celebrating Technology Innovation in the Life Sciences</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 15, 2017) - Bio-IT World, the leader in reporting the application of informatics, IT and computer science in biomedical research and drug discovery, today opened the call for entries for the 2018 Bio-IT World Best Practices Awards. Bio-IT World has held the Best Practices awards since 2003, highlighting outstanding examples of technology innovation in the life sciences, from basic R&amp;D to translational medicine. We particularly encourage vendors to nominate entries from valued academic and/or industry partners.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Insight Pharma Reports: Over 30 Market Reports Focusing on Cancer Research</b><br /><i>New data available on Cancer Vaccines, Lymphoma, Head &amp; Neck Cancer, Melanoma, Liver Cancer, and Women's Cancers</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 14, 2017) - Insight Pharma Reports, a division of Healthtech Publishing, announces a series of leading market research reports focusing on cancer and cancer research through our Affiliated Reports Collection.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Leaders in Biobanking Congress 2017: Best Strategies for Effective Use of Biospecimens Leading to the Goal of Personalized Medicine</b><br /><i>Final agenda to include experts from Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Kaiser Permanente Research Bank and more</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 14, 2017) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI), a division of Cambridge Innovation Institute, announced the speaker lineup and final agenda for the 9th International Leaders in Biobanking Congress: Advancing Personalized Medicine - One Patient Biospecimen at a Time conference, taking place October 25- 27 in Nashville, TN. Co-hosted with the Cooperative Human Tissue Network (CHTN) Western Division and Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), this meeting addresses biospecimen science, management, and applications, while bringing together biomedical and biopharmaceutical researchers, regulators, biorepository managers, and practitioners to investigate the best strategies for effective use of biospecimens within today's cutting-edge biomedical research, leading to the goal of personalized medicine.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Cancer Immunotherapy: Building on Initial Successes to Improve Clinical Outcomes</b><br /><i>An updated discussion of approved and clinical stage agents in immuno-oncology</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 13, 2017) - Insight Pharma Reports, a division of Healthtech Publishing, announces the recent release of our newest cancer immunotherapy report; Cancer Immunotherapy: Building on Initial Successes to Improve Clinical Outcomes.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Clinical Informatics News Best Practices Awards Opens for Entries</b><br /><i>Join Past Winners: CluePoints, DrugDev, Mytrus, Mass Gen, Prize4Life, Clincierge, Science 37, LA BioMed, Pfizer, ePharmaSolutions, Clinical Supplies Management, Dabo Health, Clinical Ink and Forte Research Systems Research Resonance Network</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 13, 2017) - Clinical Informatics News, the leader in reporting innovative technologies from clinical trials to medical informatics, today opened the call for entries for the 2018 Clinical Informatics News Best Practices Awards. The Fourth Annual Clinical Informatics News Best Practices Awards program seeks to recognize outstanding examples of applied strategic innovation -- partnerships, deployments, and collaborations that manifestly improve the clinical trial process.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Plenary Keynotes and Speaker Lineup Announced for Discovery on Target 2017</b><br /><i>Over 340 Distinguished Speakers to Present at the Pharmaceutical Industry's Preeminent Event on Novel Drug Targets</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 13, 2017) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute, a division of Cambridge Innovation Institute, announced the speaker agenda for the 15th Annual Discovery on Target, taking place September 25-29, 2017 at The Westin Copley Place in Boston, MA. Spanning five days, the event showcases current and emerging "hot" targets for the pharmaceutical industry. Over 1,200 attendees (from 26 countries) composed of scientists/technologists, executives, directors, and managers from biopharma, academic, and healthcare organizations are expected to participate.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Bio-IT World Announces 2017 Best Practices Awards Winners</b><br /><i>Awarding outstanding examples of technology innovation in the life sciences, from basic R&amp;D to translational medicine since 2003</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - May 25, 2017) - Bio-IT World has announced the winners of the 2017 Best Practices Awards this morning at the Bio-IT World Conference and Expo in Boston, MA. Entries from Maccabi Healthcare System, Rady Children's Institute for Genomic Medicine, Allotrope Foundation, Earlham Institute, Biomedical Imaging Research Services Section (BIRSS), and Alexion Pharmaceuticals were honored.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) and Barnett International (Barnett) Announce Training Partnership</b><br /><i>Announcing the formation of a strategic partnership to provide expanded access to high-quality education and training programs</i><br />WASHINGTON, DC and NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - April 27, 2017) - The Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) and Barnett International (Barnett) today announced the formation of a strategic partnership to provide ACRP's 13,000-plus global members with expanded access to high-quality education and training programs through Barnett.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>VA Innovators Network Lead, Andrea Ippolito, Kicks Off Medical Informatics World 2017</b><br /><i>Aligned with Medical Informatics World's aim of challenging healthcare teams to transform medicine, Ippolito will share the latest initiatives at the Department of Veterans Affairs</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - January 26, 2017) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute, a leading provider of healthcare, technology and life science conferences, and Clinical Informatics News, an online clinical management and innovation publication, are pleased to announce details for their fifth annual Medical Informatics World Conference, taking place May 22-23, 2017 at the Renaissance Waterfront Hotel in Boston, MA. The objective of the professional forum is to drive healthcare and patient outcome improvements through cross-industry collaboration and innovative technologies. An opening keynote presentation led by Andrea Ippolito, the Department of Veterans Affairs' Innovators Network Lead, will set the new standard for this effort.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a> </p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Winners of Clinical Informatics News' Best Practices Awards Announced in Miami</b><br /><i>The Third Annual Best Practices Award Winners Announced at the SCOPE Summit</i><br />MIAMI, FL--(Marketwired - January 25, 2017) - Clinical Informatics News, the leader in reporting innovative technologies from clinical trials to medical informatics, announces the winners of the Third Annual Clinical Informatics News Best Practices Awards on Wednesday at the Summit for Clinical Ops Executives, in Miami, FL. Prizes were awarded to Mytrus, CluePoints, and DrugDev.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Cambridge Healthtech Institute Announces the Acquisition of Neurotech Investing and Partnering Conferences</b><br /><i>Neurotech Conference to Join Life Science Conference Leader's Event Portfolio</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - November 02, 2016) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI), a division of Cambridge Innovation Institute (CII), announces the acquisition of the Neurotech Investing and Partnering Conference and the European Neurotech Investing and Partnering Summit, two of the industry's premier business and investment conferences for commercial neuroscience.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Dr. Dennis Lo to Deliver Keynote Presentation at CHI's Fourth Annual Advances in Prenatal Molecular Diagnostics Conference</b><br /><i>Pioneer of Cell-Free DNA Sequencing to Address Emerging Developments in Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - September 23, 2016) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI), a division of Cambridge Innovation Institute, is pleased to announce that Dr. Y.M. Dennis Lo, Chairman, Chemical Pathology and Director of the Li Shing Institute of Health Science at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, will deliver the keynote presentation at the Fourth Annual Advances in Prenatal Molecular Diagnostics conference.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Insight Pharma Reports' Gene Therapy Market Report: Moving Toward Commercialization</b><br />Focusing on Clinical-Stage Gene Therapy Programs Aimed at Commercialization<br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - September 23, 2016) - Insight Pharma Reports, a division of Healthtech Publishing, releases "Gene Therapy: Moving Toward Commercialization" an in-depth life science market report outlining the progress of the gene therapy field, a field that is a "hot" area with intense competition to develop and market breakthrough gene therapies.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>CHI's 8th Annual SCOPE: Summit for Clinical Ops Executives Returns to Miami, January 24-26, 2017</b><br /><i>1,200+ Executives to Gather for Solutions on Various Aspects of Clinical Trial Planning and Management at 13 Co-Located Conferences and 2 Symposia</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - September 22, 2016) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI), a division of Cambridge Innovation Institute, announces extended programming for its 8th Annual SCOPE: Summit for Clinical Ops Executives at the Hyatt Regency Miami, FL, January 24-26, 2017.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Marketing for Life Scientists: Marketing Best Practices Revealed in Insight Pharma Reports Study</b><br /><i>600 Life Scientists Surveyed, Insights Provided to Life Science Marketers</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - September 22, 2016) - Insight Pharma Reports, a division of Healthtech Publishing, releases the second edition of the "Marketing for Life Scientists: Best Practices Guide for Marketers." The best practices guide is an informative tool for marketers, providing data from a market survey from over 600 life scientists, which provides data for marketing professionals to use in their day-to-day activities when targeting the life sciences and healthcare communities.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Insight Pharma Reports: Market Data on the Diseases That Affect Women's Health &amp; Fertility</b><br /><i>New Data Available on HPV, Prenatal Diagnostics, Endometriosis, Gestational Diabetes, Osteoporosis and Cervical Cancer</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 09, 2016) - Insight Pharma Reports, a division of Healthtech Publishing, announces a series of leading market research reports focusing on disease that affect women's health and fertility through our Affiliated Reports Collection.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Bio-IT World Best Practices Awards Opens for Entries</b><br /><i>Celebrating 14 Years of Winners in Technology Innovation in the Life Sciences</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 08, 2016) - Bio-IT World, the leader in reporting the application of informatics, IT and computer science in biomedical research and drug discovery, today opened the call for entries for the 2017 Bio-IT World Best Practices Awards. Bio-IT World has held the Best Practices awards since 2003, highlighting outstanding examples of technology innovation in the life sciences, from basic R&amp;D to translational medicine. We particularly encourage vendors to nominate entries from valued academic and/or industry partners.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Insight Pharma Reports: Biomanufacturing Capacity Strategies: Developing a Flexible, Scalable and Lean Biomanufacturing System</b><br /><i>Overview of Single-Use Biomanufacturing Techniques and Trends, Outlining the Importance of Reactive Biomanufacturing</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 08, 2016) - Insight Pharma Reports, a division of Healthtech Publishing, provides the life science sciences community the report entitled: Biomanufacturing Capacity Strategies: Developing a Flexible, Scalable and lean Biomanufacturing system which focuses on the need for a more reactive and dynamic biomanufacturing approach than is the current industry standard.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Cancer Immunotherapy: Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors, Cancer Vaccines, and Adoptive T-Cell Therapies</b><br /><i>The Rising Potential for the Newest and Most Promising of Cancer Treatments</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 07, 2016) - Insight Pharma Reports, a division of Healthtech Publishing, provides the life science sciences community the Cancer Immunotherapy Report, a report focusing the three principal types of therapeutics that have become the major focuses of research and development in cancer immunotherapy; Checkpoint inhibitors, Therapeutic anticancer vaccines and Adoptive cellular immunotherapy.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Insight Pharma Reports: New Report Data on Prenatal Diagnostics</b><br /><i>Invasive Testing, Noninvasive Testing, and Rising Maternal Screening Methods for Preeclampsia and Preterm Labor</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 06, 2016) - Insight Pharma Reports, a division of Healthtech Publishing, provides the life science sciences community the report entitled: Prenatal Diagnostics: Invasive Testing, Noninvasive Testing, and Rising Maternal Screening Methods for Preeclampsia and Preterm Labor. This report discusses improvements in invasive procedures (karyotyping vs. cytogenetics), and the rise of noninvasive screening methods and their impact on prenatal healthcare.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Insight Pharma Reports: Over 20 Market Reports Focusing on Cancer Research</b><br /><i>New Data Available on Cancer Vaccines, Lymphoma, Head &amp; Neck Cancer, Melanoma, Liver Cancer, and Women's Cancers</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 03, 2016) - Insight Pharma Reports, a division of Healthtech Publishing, announces a series of leading market research reports focusing on cancer and cancer research through our Affiliated Reports Collection.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Keynote Speakers and Final Agenda Announced for Targeting the Microbiome 2016</b><br /><i>Experts From GlaxoSmithKline, Brigham and Women's Hospital, MIT and More Discuss Using the Microbiome as a Tool for Therapeutic Development</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 02, 2016) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI), a division of Cambridge Innovation Institute, announced the speaker lineup and final agenda for the 2nd Annual Targeting the Microbiome, taking place September 20-22, 2016 in Boston at the 14th Annual Discovery on Target Conference. This two-part meeting provides interactive sessions and panel discussions with leading researchers and thought leaders who will discuss how their work in this field has and will continue to have tremendous impact in generating personalized diagnostics and therapeutics to improve disease treatment and human health.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Keynote Speaker and Final Agenda Announced for Targeting Ocular Disorders 2016</b><br /><i>Experts From Janssen, Genzyme, EyeGate Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and More Discuss the Most Promising Emerging Therapies in Ocular Disorders</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 02, 2016) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI), a division of Cambridge Innovation Institute, announced the speaker lineup and final agenda for the 4th Annual Targeting Ocular Disorders: The Latest Targets, Pathways and Drug Delivery Methods, taking place September 20-21, 2016 in Boston as part of the 14th Annual Discovery on Target.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Liquid Biopsy: An Emerging Market for Radically Improved Cancer Management</b><br /><i>The Challenge of Commercializing and Offering Liquid Biopsy Products and Services to the Market</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 02, 2016) - Insight Pharma Reports, a division of Healthtech Publishing, provides the life science sciences community the report entitled: Liquid Biopsy: An Emerging Market for Radically Improved Cancer Management. This reports deals with recent progress and new directions in this highly dynamic emerging modality for cancer research and in vitro diagnostics.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Clinical Informatics News Best Practices Awards Opens for Entries</b><br /><i>Join Past Winners: Mass Gen, Prize4Life, Clincierge, Science 37, LA BioMed, Mytrus, Pfizer, ePharmaSolutions, Clinical Supplies Management, Dabo Health, Clinical Ink and Forte Research Systems Research Resonance Network</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA --(Marketwired - June 01, 2016) - Clinical Informatics News, the leader in reporting innovative technologies from clinical trials to medical informatics, today opened the call for entries for the 2017 Clinical Informatics News Best Practices Awards. The Fourth Annual Clinical Informatics News Best Practices Awards program seeks to recognize outstanding examples of applied strategic innovation -- partnerships, deployments, and collaborations that manifestly improve the clinical trial process.<br /><a href="" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Market Data Available on Respiratory Diseases and Infections</b><br /><i>New Data Available on COPD, Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis &amp; Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 01, 2016) - Insight Pharma Reports, a division of Healthtech Publishing, announces a series of leading market research reports focusing on respiratory diseases through our Affiliated Reports Collection.<br /><a href="" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Insight Pharma Reports: Market Data Available on Pediatric Disease Research</b><br /><i>New Data Available on Pediatric Cancer, ADHD, Juvenile Diabetes and Whooping Cough</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - May 31, 2016) - Insight Pharma Reports, a division of Healthtech Publishing, announces a series of leading market research reports focusing on pediatric related diseases, through our Affiliated Reports Collection.<br /><a href="" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Keynote Speaker and Final Agenda Announced for Leaders in Biobanking Congress 2016</b><br /><i>Experts from NIH, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and More Explore How Biobanks Facilitate Personalized Medicine</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - May 31, 2016) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI), a division of Cambridge Innovation Institute, announced the speaker lineup and final agenda for the 8th International Leaders in Biobanking Congress: Applying Biospecimen Science to Advance Biomedical Research and Patient Care, taking place September 7-9, 2016 in Baltimore, MD. Co-hosted with Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, this meeting addresses biospecimen science, management, and applications, bringing together biomedical and biopharmaceutical researchers, regulators, biorepository managers and practitioners to investigate the best strategies for effective use of biospecimens within today's cutting-edge biomedical research.<br /><a href="" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>CHI Announces the Inaugural DNA Forensics Conference, August 23-24, 2016, Washington, DC</b><br /><i>Connecting Criminalists and Forensic Scientists in a Collegial Atmosphere to Introduce New Solutions and Technologies in DNA Identification</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - May 19, 2016) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI) announces its inaugural DNA Forensics conference will take place on August 23-24, 2016 at the Hyatt Washington Hotel in Washington, DC-as part of the Next Generation Dx Summit. This conference will examine new technologies, changing policies, and trends in forensic DNA investigations for industry and government agencies.<br /><a href="" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>FDA &amp; Diagnostic Innovators Unite to Provide Update on Precision Medicine Initiative at CHI's Eighth Annual Next Generation Dx Summit</b><br /><i>A Plenary Session at the 2016 Next Generation Dx Summit in Washington, DC Will Set the Stage for Knowledge-Sharing to Enhance Patient Care Through National-Level Research and Technology Innovation</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - May 17, 2016) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute is pleased to release the plenary session details for the eighth annual Next Generation Dx Summit to be held August 23-26, 2016 at the Grand Hyatt, Washington, DC. FDA's Personalized Medicine Director, Elizabeth Mansfield, will open the session with an update on the FDA's implementation of more targeted studies involving patient's specific genetics, health history and lifestyle. In the second part of the plenary session, diagnostic innovators will join to present game-changing technologies in the industry and case studies on incorporating them into laboratory medicine.<br /><a href="" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>The Human Microbiome: Advancing New Frontiers in a Rapidly Emerging Market</b><br /><i>Insight Pharma Reports Explores Advances in Research on the Human Microbiome</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - May 17, 2016) - Insight Pharma Reports, a division of Healthtech Publishing, offers additional coverages on the human microbiome with a second report, "The Human Microbiome: Advancing New Frontiers in a Rapidly Emerging Market," which focuses on biomedical aspects of research, development, and commercial endeavors in the human microbiome space. It includes essential background information, evolution of the field, advances in basic research, events in the emerging commercial market, deal activity, interviews with experts, and trends in microbiome research and commerce.<br /><a href="" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Marketing for Life Scientists -- Best Practices Guide for Marketers</b><br /><i>600 Life Scientists Surveyed, Marketing Best Practices Revealed</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - May 13, 2016) - Insight Pharma Reports, a division of Healthtech Publishing, announces the release of the second edition of the "Marketing for Life Scientists: Best Practices Guide for Marketers." The best practices guide is an informative tool for marketers, providing data from a market survey from over 600 life scientists, which provides data for marketing professionals to use in their day-to-day activities when targeting the life sciences and healthcare communities.<br /><a href="" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Plenary Keynotes and Speaker Lineup Announced for Discovery on Target 2016</b><br /><i>Over 300 Distinguished Speakers to Present at the Pharmaceutical Industry's Preeminent Event on Novel Drug Targets</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - May 11, 2016) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI), a division of Cambridge Innovation Institute, announced the speaker agenda for the 14th Annual Discovery on Target, taking place September 19-22, 2016 in Boston, MA. Spanning four days, the event showcases current and emerging "hot" targets for the pharmaceutical industry. Over 1,100 attendees (from 26 countries) composed of scientists/technologists, executives, directors, and managers from biopharma, academic, and healthcare organizations are expected to participate.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Gene Therapy: Moving Toward Commercialization</b><br /><i>Insight Pharma Reports Outlines the Progress of the Gene Therapy Field</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - May 11, 2016) - Insight Pharma Reports, a division of Healthtech Publishing, releases "Gene Therapy: Moving Toward Commercialization" an in-depth life science market report outlining the progress of the gene therapy field, a field that is being a "hot" area with intense competition to develop and market breakthrough gene therapies.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Newest Data on the Human Microbiome and Its Growth Into the Commercial Market</b><br /><i>Insight Pharma Reports Explores the Biomedical Aspects of Research, Development &amp; Commercial Endeavors</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - May 10, 2016) - Insight Pharma Reports, a division of Healthtech Publishing, offers a series of market data on the human microbiome in the form of two life science market research reports. The first report, "The Human Microbiome: Biomedical Implications and Birth of a Market," covers the evolution of microbiome research and its growth in the commercial market. Specific areas of study include microbial ecology, systems biology, diet, diagnostics, contributions in health and disease, and infectious disease. <br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a> </p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Plenary Keynotes &amp; Speaker Lineup Announced for World Preclinical Congress 2016</b><br /><i>Anthony J. Coyle Ph.D., of Pfizer Inc. and James Wilson, M.D., Ph.D., of University of Pennsylvania to Speak on This Year's Agenda</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - April 15, 2016) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI) announced the speaker agenda for the 15th Annual World Preclinical Congress, taking place June 14-17, 2016 in Boston, MA. The leading preclinical drug discovery event, the World Preclinical Congress, features conferences, training seminars and short courses that cover the very latest in preclinical strategies and technologies, to enable better and faster decisions in drug discovery.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>2016 Bio-IT World Best Practices Awards Winners Announced in Boston at Bio-IT World Expo</b><br /><i>Honoring Excellence in Bioinformatics, Basic and Clinical Research, and IT Frameworks for Biology and Drug Discovery</i><br />BOSTON, MA--(Marketwired - April 06, 2016) - Bio-IT World announced the winners of the 2016 Best Practices Awards this morning at Cambridge Healthtech Institute's Fifteenth Annual Bio-IT World Conference and Expo. Entries from AstraZeneca, DNAnexus, Amgen, Human Longevity, and XOMA were honored.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>CHI Invites the Community to Participate in Bio-IT World Conference &amp; Expo for Free</b><br /><i>Life Science, Pharmaceutical, Healthcare and IT Professionals Are Welcomed to Join 3,000 International Colleagues for Three Days of Knowledge-Sharing and Collaboration</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - March 17, 2016) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI) and Bio-IT World are pleased to the provide the Bio-IT community with complimentary access to the fifteenth annual Bio-IT World Exhibit Hall &amp; Plenary Keynote Sessions, April 5-7, 2016 at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston. The 2016 event features keynote presentations by a cross-section of innovators in the field: Partners' Chief Laboratory Director Heidi Rehm, HudsonAlpha's Chief Medical Genomics Officer Howard Jacob, Boston Children's Molecular Genomics Core Manager Catherine Brownstein, IBM Watson's Bill Evans, and Human Longevity's CIO Yaron Turpaz. Together they will cover the breadth of opportunity in building a global network for precision medicine. <br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a> </p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Winners of Clinical Informatics News' Best Practices Awards Announced in Miami</b><br /><i>The Second Annual Best Practices Award Winners Announced at the SCOPE Summit</i><br />MIAMI, FL--(Marketwired - February 24, 2016) - The winners of the Clinical Informatics News Best Practices Awards were announced on Wednesday at the Summit for Clinical Ops Executives, SCOPE, in Miami, Fla. Prizes were awarded to Science 37 with LA BioMed, Massachusetts General Hospital and Prize4Life, and Clincierge. <br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a> </p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Free Pass to the Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference Exhibit Hall &amp; Keynote Sessions With Stephen Kingsmore and Jorge Soto</b><br />Life Science Teams Are Invited to Join 3,300 Colleagues for Three Days of Presentations and Collaboration; Event Coverage Includes the Latest Advancements for Clinical, Informatics, Diagnostics and Cancer Research<br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - February 12, 2016) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute, a leading provider of life science conferences, is pleased to offer pharma, biotech, healthcare and technology teams complimentary access to the 23rd International Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference keynote presentations and exhibit hall, March 7-9, 2016 at San Francisco's Moscone North Convention Center. The 2016 program features keynote presentations by two of the industry's most-respected innovators, Jorge Soto, Co-Founder and CTO of Miroculus; and Stephen Kingsmore, President and CEO of Rady Pediatric Genomics &amp; Systems Medicine Institute.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" title="Read More" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Free Pass to the Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference Exhibit Hall &amp; Keynote Sessions With Stephen Kingsmore and Jorge Soto</b><br /><i>Life Science Teams Are Invited to Join 3,300 Colleagues for Three Days of Presentations and Collaboration; Event Coverage Includes the Latest Advancements for Clinical, Informatics, Diagnostics and Cancer Research</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - February 12, 2016) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute, a leading provider of life science conferences, is pleased to offer pharma, biotech, healthcare and technology teams complimentary access to the 23rd International Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference keynote presentations and exhibit hall, March 7-9, 2016 at San Francisco's Moscone North Convention Center. The 2016 program features keynote presentations by two of the industry's most-respected innovators, Jorge Soto, Co-Founder and CTO of Miroculus; and Stephen Kingsmore, President and CEO of Rady Pediatric Genomics &amp; Systems Medicine Institute.<br /><a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Barnett International Announces New Global Head of Training</b><br /><i>Liz Wool to Join Barnett International's Senior Management Team</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - February 04, 2016) - Barnett International, a division of Cambridge Healthtech Institute, announced today that Liz Wool joined its senior management team. In her new role, Ms. Wool serves as Global Head of Training and is responsible for designing innovative training solutions for Barnett's clients while overseeing Barnett's curriculum and instructional design approach.<br /><a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Clinical Informatics News Best Practices Awards Finalists Announced</b><br /><i>Winners to be Announced in Miami at the SCOPE Summit</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - February 04, 2016) - Clinical Informatics News today announced ten finalists in its 2016 Best Practices Awards. Three of the finalists will be named winners at SCOPE, the Summit for Clinical Ops Executives in Miami, Florida, on February 24.<br />The Clinical Informatics News Best Practices awards recognizes outstanding examples of applied strategic innovation -- partnerships, deployments, and collaborations that manifestly improve the clinical trial process. An expert panel of judges assesses entries looking for solutions that are innovative, and needed in the industry.<br /><a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Geisinger's Chief Data Officer and Cleveland Clinic's Chief Experience Officer Lead Discussion on Improving Outcomes with IT Innovation</b><br />BOSTON, MA--(Marketwired - January 13, 2016) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute, a leading provider of healthcare, technology and life science conferences, and Clinical Informatics News, an online clinical management and innovation publication, invite the health IT community to join the discussion at the fourth annual Medical Informatics World Conference, to be held April 4-5, 2016 at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston, MA. The objective of the professional forum is to drive healthcare and patient outcome improvements through cross-industry collaboration and innovative technologies. Nicholas Marko of Geisinger Health System and Adrienne Boissy of Cleveland Clinic will open the 2016 program with lively discussion on the topic.<br /><a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Joanne Beck of Shire to Give Plenary Keynote Address at the Seventh Annual The Bioprocessing Summit</b><br /><i>A Plenary Session at The Bioprocessing Summit in Boston, MA Will Connect Bioprocess Professionals From Across the Industry to Discuss How to Innovate Product Development</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - July 09, 2015) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute is pleased to announce the theme for the plenary session at The Bioprocessing Summit to be held August 3-7, 2015 at the Westin Copley Place in Boston, MA. This year's plenary session will feature a keynote presentation by Joanne T. Beck, Ph.D., Senior Vice President, Pharmaceutical Development, Shire Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Beck will be presenting on "Meeting the Needs of Patients with Rare Diseases: Innovation in Product Development" on Wednesday, August 5 at 4:45 pm. The keynote presentation will be followed by an interactive panel discussion on how to innovate product development.<br /><a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Leading Life Science Conference Organizer Unveils New Identity</b><br /><i>Introducing Cambridge Innovation Institute</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 30, 2015) - For over 20 years, Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI) has been the preeminent life science network for leading researchers and business experts from top pharmaceutical, biotech and academic organizations. Today the organization is unveiling a new corporate identity of Cambridge Innovation Institute (CII), which includes a logo, website and tagline of Research. Collaboration. Advancement.&nbsp; <a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Cambridge EnerTech Acquires Advanced Automotive Batteries Conferences</b><br /><i>Leading Battery Industry Conference to Join Extensive Portfolio of Events</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 15, 2015) - Cambridge EnerTech, a division of Cambridge Innovation Institute, announced today the acquisition of Advanced Automotive Batteries&rsquo; bi-annual conferences, AABC US and AABC Europe.&nbsp; <a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Cambridge Innovation Institute Announces Cambridge EnerTech</b><br /><i>Uniting Leading Energy Events Into a Remarkable Single Portfolio</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - June 12, 2015) - Cambridge Innovation Institute announces today the formation of its newest division, Cambridge EnerTech (CET), which will serve as the energy entity of the organization. CET is the premier conference and exposition provider for the energy storage industry and was established by uniting five leading energy events into a remarkable single portfolio where thought leaders address novel technology as well as leading issues confronting the industry within the purview of multiple applications. <a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>2015 Bio-IT World Conference &amp; Expo Announces Award Winners<br /></b><i>Showcase of Innovations, Best Practices and Outstanding Contributions to the Advancement of Life Science Research, Workflow and Data Sharing</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - May 5, 2015) - The 14th Annual Bio-IT World Conference &amp; Expo, which brought 3,000 industry professionals from 32 countries to Boston April 21-23, today publically announced the 2015 winners of its Best of Show, Best Practices and Benjamin Franklin Open Access Awards.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><p class="tertiary-text"><b>OpenHelix Unveils New Online Training Site, Subscriber Services<br /></b><i>Provider of Online and Onsite Bioinformatics Training Releases Enhanced Website</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - Mar 26, 2015) - OpenHelix, a division of Bio-IT World, the provider of online and onsite training on some of the most popular and powerful open-access bioinformatics resources, announced the release of a new and enhanced website, as well as expanded subscriber services for both academic and commercial research institutions.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Cambridge Healthtech Institute Announces the Acquisition of OpenHelix<br /></b><i>Provider of Online and Onsite Bioinformatics Training to Join Cambridge Healthtech Institute as Division of Bio-IT World</i><br />NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - Sep 24, 2014) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI) announced the purchase of Washington-based OpenHelix, the provider of online and onsite training on some of the most popular and powerful open-access bioinformatics resources on the web. <a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Cambridge Healthtech Institute &amp; Knowledge Foundation Acquire the International Battery Seminar &amp; Exhibition</b><br /><i>Leading Battery Industry Conference and Expo to Join Extensive Portfolio of Events<br /></i> NEEDHAM, MA--(Marketwired - Sep 16, 2014) - Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI) &amp; the Knowledge Foundation today announced the acquisition of the International Battery Seminar &amp; Exhibition. The 32nd International Battery Seminar &amp; Exhibition is scheduled for March 9-12, 2015 at the Broward County Convention Center, Fort Lauderdale, FL. <a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a></p><hr /><p class="tertiary-text"><b>Cambridge Healthtech Institute Acquires the Knowledge Foundation Inc.<br /></b><i>Acquisition Diversifies CHI Beyond Life Sciences</i><br />Needham, MA (PRWEB) January 30, 2014 - Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI) announces today the acquisition of the Knowledge Foundation, Inc. The Knowledge Foundation is recognized as the primary educational and networking resource for the advanced materials technologies industry. This acquisition expands the current product portfolio of CHI expanding beyond the life sciences sector. <a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><b>Read More</b></a><br />&nbsp;</p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer> <div > <div class="sf-Long-text" ><div class="footer"><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col-sm-3 col-xs-12"><div class="footer-small"><div class="footer-small-inner"><p><img src="/images/librariesprovider14/template-images/cii-logo.png?sfvrsn=ba417423_2" alt="CHI | Cambridge Innovation Institute" class="CII-footer" /></p><p>250 First Avenue, Suite 300<br />Needham, MA 02494</p><p>P: 781.972.5400<br />F: 781.972.5425<br /><a href=";cdtRollupId=404272006.1663694140" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><img src="/images/default-source/default-album/email-icon.png?sfvrsn=38b9b67b_4" /></a></p><div class="row"><div class="col-sm-12"><div class="footer-social"><a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><img src="/images/default-source/social/twitter-gray.png?sfvrsn=bac909e7_7" class="footer-social-icons" alt="Twitter" /></a><a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><img src="/images/default-source/social/linkedin-gray.png?sfvrsn=ed70471e_4" class="footer-social-icons" alt="LinkedIn" /></a> </div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="col-sm-4 footer-border hidden-xs"><div class="row"><div class="col-sm-12"><p>Innovation Portals</p></div><div class="col-sm-6"><p><a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Batteries</a></p><p><a href="">Biological Therapeutic Products</a><a href="#" data-sf-ec-immutable=""></a></p><p><a href="">Biomarkers &amp; Diagnostics</a></p><p><a href="">Biopharma Strategy</a></p><p><a href="">Bioprocess &amp; Manufacturing</a></p><p><a href="">Chemistry</a></p><p><a href="">Clinical Trials &amp; Translational Medicine</a></p><p><a href="">Drug &amp; Device Safety</a></p></div><div class="col-sm-6"><p><a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Drug Discovery &amp; Development</a></p><p><a href="">Drug Targets</a></p><p><a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Energy</a></p><p><a href="">Healthcare</a></p><p><a href="">IT, AI, ML &amp; Informatics</a></p><p><a href="">Technology &amp; Tools For Life Science</a></p><p><a href="">Therapeutic Indications</a></p><p><a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Venture, Innovation &amp; Partnering</a></p></div></div></div><div class="col-sm-3 footer-border hidden-xs"><p>CII Divisions</p><p><a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Cambridge Healthtech Institute</a></p><p><a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Cambridge EnerTech</a></p><p><a href=";cdtRollupId=404272006.1663694140" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Conferences</a></p><p><a href=";cdtRollupId=404272006.1663694140" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Publications</a></p><p><a href=";cdtRollupId=404272006.1663694140" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Training</a></p><p><a href=";cdtRollupId=404272006.1663694140" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Business Development</a></p></div><div class="col-sm-2 footer-border hidden-xs"><p>Corporate Information</p><p><a href=";cdtRollupId=404272006.1663694140" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Cambridge Innovation<br />Institute</a></p><p><a href=";cdtRollupId=404272006.1663694140" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Executive Team</a></p><p><a href=";cdtRollupId=404272006.1663694140" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Testimonials</a></p><p><a href=";cdtRollupId=404272006.1663694140" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Mailing List</a></p><p><a href=";cdtRollupId=404272006.1663694140" title="Careers" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Careers</a></p><hr /><p><a href=";cdtRollupId=404272006.1663694140" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Request Information</a></p><p><a href=";cdtRollupId=404272006.1663694140" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Privacy Policy</a></p></div></div></div></div></div> </div> </footer> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ window.__TsmHiddenField = $get('ctl04_TSM');//]]> </script> </form><script type="application/json" id="PersonalizationTracker"> {"IsPagePersonalizationTarget":false,"IsUrlPersonalizationTarget":false,"PageId":"e1da99a5-c117-4d50-aaa2-af2c10b5d0cb"} </script><script type="text/javascript" src="/WebResource.axd?d=Oiw5o8i74rDb2VpVaCaMSouKRnJ2rn_cgRr8eXgFzWmU6yVv8fmvjGNlDReMboLSikSmK5y_KsDt9j-18b7ZqBNiz0-92AjY43-6qMcq4O__3MjW1Pd6kS68TTYuxCxnF4HnqcusO3ivgfHZzR9usujs8YAzvYku29ledrs3mezPir5ikBP0Pxh4nDmiJEk2WgW0YVPdsdMlu69MVd6jI94nvC3-40pMaRxtm9HTV2I1&amp;t=637922505260000000"> </script><script type="text/javascript" src="/bower_components/js-url/url.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/js/TrackClicks.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/js/CrossDomainClient.js"></script></body> </html>

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