{"title":"Hybrid Model Based on Artificial Immune System and Cellular Automata","authors":"Ramin Javadzadeh, Zahra Afsahi, MohammadReza Meybodi","volume":59,"journal":"International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering","pagesStart":1239,"pagesEnd":1243,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/14386","abstract":"The hybridization of artificial immune system with\r\ncellular automata (CA-AIS) is a novel method. In this hybrid model,\r\nthe cellular automaton within each cell deploys the artificial immune\r\nsystem algorithm under optimization context in order to increase its\r\nfitness by using its neighbor-s efforts. The hybrid model CA-AIS is\r\nintroduced to fix the standard artificial immune system-s weaknesses.\r\nThe credibility of the proposed approach is evaluated by simulations\r\nand it shows that the proposed approach achieves better results\r\ncompared to standard artificial immune system.","references":"[1] L.N. DeCastro and F.J. VonZuben, \"Learning and Optimization Using\r\nthe Clonal Selection Principle\".2002 IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary\r\nComputation, vol. 6, pp. 239-251\r\n[2] L.N. DeCastroand and F.J. VonZuben, \"An Artificial Immune Network\r\nfor Data Analysis\".2001, In Data Mining. A Heuristic Approach\r\n[3] S. Bachmayer,\"Artificial Immune Systems: soft computing\", 2006, vol.\r\n7, pp. 69-86\r\n[4] J. Timmis, \"An Introduction to Artificial Immune Systems\" 2004,\r\nICARIS, vol. 7\r\n[5] F. Fredkin \"Digital machine A informational process based on reversible\r\ncellular automata\". 2009, Physica D 45, 254-270 (1990)\r\n[6] N.H. Packard and S, Wolfram,\"Two-dimensional cellular automata\".\r\n1985, Stat. Phys. 38, 901-946.\r\n[7] M Mitchell, \"Computation in cellular automata: A selected review\":,\r\nTechnical Report, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 1996,\r\nSeptember\r\n[8] J, Kari, \"Reversability of 2D cellular automata is undecidable\". 1990,\r\nPhysica D 45, 379-385\r\n[9] H, Beigy and M..R. Meybodi, \"Cellular learning automata based\r\ndynamic channel assignment algorithms\". International Journal of\r\nComputational Intelligence and Applications, 2009, Vol. 8, No. 3 87-\r\n314, Imperial College Press\r\n[10] S. Wolfram, \"Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata\": 1986,\r\nAdvanced Series on Complex Systems, Singapore: World Scientific\r\nPublication\r\n[11] Cellular Automata\r\nLlinks,http:\/\/\/research\/simsoc\/","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 59, 2011"}