AIRC 2025 | Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Control

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Artificial Intelligence</h3> <table width="1200" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="400">* Advanced machine learning paradigms <br> * AI architectures and applications <br> * AI-Generated content moderation and verification<br> * AI-specific hardware <br> * Brain-computer interface <br> * Composable AI systems <br> * Computer vision <br> * Deep/continual/adversarial learning</td> <td width="400">* Deepfake technology and detection<br> * Ethical and responsible AI<br> * Generative adversarial networks<br> * Generative AI for Image and vdeo synthesis<br> * Generative AI tools and applications<br> * Genetic algorithms <br> * Large language models<br> * Meta/transfer/federated learning<br></td> <td width="400">* Natural language generation<br> * Natural language processing (NLP) <br> * Novel AI applications<br> * Particles swarm optimization <br> * Quantum AI<br> * Robust/explainable decisions <br> * Variational autoencoders<br> <br></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h3 align="justify">Track II: Intelligent Robotics</h3> <table width="1200" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="400">* AI in robots <br> * Autonomous land/underwater/aerial robots <br> * Bio-inspired robots <br> * Coexisting-cooperative-cognitive robots <br> * Distributed and cloud robots <br> * Humanoid robots <br> * Human-robot interaction <br></td> <td width="400">* Human-robot-environment interaction <br> * Localization and navigation<br> * Medical robots (surgery, rehabilitation) <br> * Micro/nano systems <br> * Multi-finger manipulators <br> * Multimodal interface <br> * Multi-robot systems/Swarm robot/Collaborative robots <br></td> <td width="400">* Multi-sensor data fusion <br> * Robot design <br> * Robot kinematics/dynamics/control <br> * Robot perception/vision <br> * Sensor/actuator networks <br> * Service robots <br> * Soft robotics and liquid metal robots </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h3 align="justify">Track III: Control Engineering </h3> <table width="1200" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="400">* Adaptive and robust control <br> * Computational intelligence in automation<br> * Control of biological systems <br> * Cooperative control <br> * Cyber-physical systems<br> * Data/Event-driven modeling and control <br> * Discrete event systems <br> * Embedded system and wireless sensor network <br></td> <td width="400">* Factory modeling and simulation <br> * Fault diagnosis <br> * Hybrid systems <br> * Intelligent manufacturing <br> * Intelligent transportation systems <br> * Man-machine interactions <br> * Multi-agent systems <br> * Nano-scale automation and assembly <br></td> <td width="400">* Networked control systems<br> * Nonlinear systems and control <br> * Optimal control <br> * Power system control <br> * Process control <br> * Production planning, scheduling, and control <br> * System identification <br> * System integration </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p align="justify"></p> <h3 align="justify">Track IV: Cybersecurity </h3> <table width="1200" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="400">* Advanced persistent threats<br> * AI for anomaly detection<br> * AI for identity and access management<br> * AI for incident response and recovery<br> * AI in cybersecurity<br> * AI-based malware detection and analysis<br> * AI-driven intrusion detection systems<br> * AI-driven security operations centers<br> * Biometric authentication<br></td> <td width="400">* Blockchain and distributed ledger technology<br> * Cyber threat intelligence and analysis<br> * Deception technologies and honeypots<br> * Explainable AI in cybersecurity<br> * Homomorphic encryption<br> * Insider threat detection and mitigation<br> * IoT and cyber-physical system security<br> * Post-quantum cryptography<br> * Privacy-preserving AI <br></td> <td width="400">* Quantum secure communication protocols<br> * Ransomware detection and defense<br> * Robust AI systems in security<br> * Secure AI architectures and machine learning<br> * Secure cloud-edge systems<br> * Secure multi-party computation<br> * Security as a service (SECaaS)<br> * Smart contracts &amp; applications<br> * Zero trust security architecture</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p align="justify">&nbsp;</p> <p align="justify">&nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="row"></div> <!-- end of row --> <div class="clear"></div> <!-- end of row --> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="row"></div> <!-- end of row --> </div> </section> <!-- end of templatemo_committee --> <div class="container"></div><!-- solid line --> <section id="templatemo_keynote"> <div class="container"> </section> <!-- end of templatemo_keynote --><!-- solid line --> <section id="templatemo_participants"> <!-- end of templatemo_participants --><!-- solid line --><!-- end of templatemo_program --> <div class="container"></div><!-- solid line --><!-- end of templatemo_history --> <div class="container"></div><!-- solid line --><!-- end of templatemo_venue --> <div class="container"></div><!-- solid line --><!-- end of templatemo_services --> <!-- 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