Mediapolis, inc.
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We have acquired a lot of experience over the years and we have always been a company that has, in practice, functioned more like an “in house” department for our clients than contractors.</p> <p>These days we are taking on projects that we think have potential and we often contribute much of our work towards equity in the resulting companies. We bring our extensive knowledge and our experience in building hundreds of web businesses to younger ventures for a significant ownership stake.</p> <hr /> <p>Here are <a href="/our-sites/">some of the things we have been working on</a> lately.</p> </section> </article> <nav class="pagination" role="navigation"> <span class="page-number">Page 1 of 1</span> </nav> </main> </div> <footer class="site-footer clearfix"> <section class="copyright"><a href="">Mediapolis, inc.</a> © 2025</section> <section class="poweredby">Proudly published with <a href="">Ghost</a></section> </footer> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!-- You can safely delete this line if your theme does not require jQuery --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script> (function ($) { $.belowthefold = function(element, settings) { var fold = $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop(); return fold <= $(element).offset().top - settings.threshold; }; $.abovethetop = function(element, settings) { var top = $(window).scrollTop(); return top >= $(element).offset().top + $(element).height() - settings.threshold; }; $.rightofscreen = function(element, settings) { var fold = $(window).width() + $(window).scrollLeft(); return fold <= $(element).offset().left - settings.threshold; }; $.leftofscreen = function(element, settings) { var left = $(window).scrollLeft(); return left >= $(element).offset().left + $(element).width() - settings.threshold; }; $.inviewport = function(element, settings) { return !$.rightofscreen(element, settings) && !$.leftofscreen(element, settings) && !$.belowthefold(element, settings) && !$.abovethetop(element, settings); }; $.extend($.expr[':'], { "below-the-fold": function(a, i, m) { return $.belowthefold(a, {threshold : 0}); }, "above-the-top": function(a, i, m) { return $.abovethetop(a, {threshold : 0}); }, "left-of-screen": function(a, i, m) { return $.leftofscreen(a, {threshold : 0}); }, "right-of-screen": function(a, i, m) { return $.rightofscreen(a, {threshold : 0}); }, "in-viewport": function(a, i, m) { return $.inviewport(a, {threshold : 0}); } }); var options = { 'coverResize': false, 'hijax': { 'enabled': false, 'disableScrollAnimation': true } }; $(document).ready( function() { $('body').digitopiaController(options); function imgFactory(elem) { this.element = $(elem); var self = this; self.options = { src:'src'), width:'width'), height:'height'), float:'float') } self.start = function() { self.element.width(self.options.width); self.element.height(self.options.height);'align','top,center'); if(self.options.float) { self.element.addClass('float-' + self.options.float); } var img = $('<img data-lazy-src="'+self.options.src+'">'); self.element.append(img); self.element.addClass('digitopiaViewport').digitopiaViewport(); img.digitopiaLazyImg(); } self.stop = function() { } } $.fn.imgFactory = GetJQueryPlugin('imgFactory',imgFactory); }); })(jQuery); </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/js/jquery.fitvids.js?v=74a022b75c"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/js/index.js?v=74a022b75c"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/js/digitopia.js?v=74a022b75c"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/js/prism.js?v=74a022b75c"></script> </body> </html>