CASIO G-SHOCK Store Locator - Singapore
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'B+'}} <span class="icon-icon_C"></span> {{else shop_rank == 'E+'}} <span class="icon-icon_C"></span> {{/if}} </div> <div class="head_title"> {{if shop_rank == 'A'}} {{if country == 'IN'}} Casio Exclusive Store {{else}} G-SHOCK STORE {{/if}} {{else shop_rank == 'A+'}} G-FACTORY {{else shop_rank == 'B-'}} CASIO WATCH PREMIUM SHOP {{else shop_rank == 'B+'}} CASIO WATCH CONCEPT SHOP {{else shop_rank == 'B'}} {{if country == 'IN'}} G-SHOCK STORE {{else}} G-SHOCK CONCEPT SHOP EDGE {{/if}} {{else shop_rank == '-P'}} POP-UP STORE {{else shop_rank == 'E+'}} CASIO WATCH RELATION SHOP {{/if}} </div> <div class="head_area">{{if shop_rank != 'B-' && shop_rank != 'B+' && shop_rank != 'E+'}}${city}{{/if}}</div> </div> {{/if}} <div class="list_box_body"> <div class="body_title"> ${shop_name} </div> <div class="body_ad"> ${address} </div> <div class="body_phone details_content_phone"> ${phone} </div> {{if latlng}} <div class="body_distance"> {{html getDistance2(latitude, longitude)}} </div> {{/if}} 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