Campus Safety - Christopher Newport University

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Together, we can make it a safe one as well.</p> <p>At Christopher Newport safety is a top priority. Our campus is a community of honor bound by mutual trust and respect, and we are proud to provide students, faculty, staff and guests a safe place to learn, work and visit.</p> <p><strong>Police</strong></p> <p>Christopher Newport has a full-time, professionally trained police department, responsible for the safety and welfare of all members of the university community and their guests.</p> <p>University Police enforces all state laws and university regulations, and prevents, detects and investigates any criminal activity on campus, 24 hours a day. Officers have the same power and authority as other state and municipal police, with jurisdiction over all property owned, leased and controlled by CNU, as well as adjacent streets and sidewalks. University Police also maintains a mutual aid agreement with the Newport News Police Department.</p> <p>Officers are sworn and certified by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. All officers have completed 480 hours of law enforcement training from a state criminal justice training academy and are required to complete 40 hours of in-service training biennially.</p> <p><strong>Silent Witness</strong></p> <p>Silent Witness is an online reporting tool that allows students, faculty and staff to anonymously report crimes to University Police.</p> </section> <section class="three-3"> <!-- public/safety/_navigation --> <!-- Widget Type: navigation --> <aside class="widget"> <ul> <!-- This Velocity Macro will be deprecated. You should use a more specific Velocity macro to generate your link --> <li> <a class="hvr-underline-from-left" href="../index.html">Public Documents</a> </li> <!-- This Velocity Macro will be deprecated. 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